People Share The Worst Plot Twists They've Witnessed In Life (r/AskReddit | Reddit Stories)

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what's the biggest plot twist you've seen in real life in primary school we had a world war one memorial lesson and we were asked if anyone had any relatives who fought at the time my friend brought in a picture of his great-great-grandfather with his wife a girl also brought in a picture of her great-great-grandfather with his wife the teacher said they looked similar she put them side by side and looked shocked we gathered around and it was the same man who had kept his two wives a secret both had been married privately they were cousins and didn't know my sister's boyfriend decided that he wanted to do more with his architecture skills so he gave his two weeks notice and moved to haiti to help rebuild after the earthquake they stayed together he had bad phone service so they mostly kept in touch through emails he would send her long emails with photos and stories of what they were doing this went on for a couple of months one offhanded tip from a co-worker and a week of sleuthing later and it turns out he never went to haiti he moved to seattle to be with his fiance and partner of nine years told this before in another thread but it's still hilarious to me guy i knew in high school english class was talking one winter day about how he was late to school because someone hit his mailbox his folks made him fix it up before he went to school he missed his ride and had to walk instead but the school staff was cool about it and didn't punish him a few minutes later another girl comes into class and she's talking about how her morning sucked she lost control going down a hill and hit someone's mailbox she freaked out and drove off before anyone witnessed it and described a few details of the house mailbox guy put two and two together and blurts out you hit my mailbox he wasn't super mad about it and she turned beat red it was hilarious at the time the way they both reacted we are living in florida at the time and my dad goes to the eye doctor because he is seeing double in all other respects he's healthy he explains his symptoms to the doctor this was the early 2000s the doctor picks up a medical book on eye problems he finds the kind symptoms my dad is describing the doctor shows him the book in the book there is a whole medical page explaining what he is experiencing and a picture of a kid from the 1960s my dad looks at the picture and says doc that's me the doctor says yes those are the symptoms you are showing my dad says no really that's me in the picture it turns out my dad had this eye problem when he was a kid and it was so rare that they took his picture in 1960s ohio snd slapped him in a book of rare eye problems he doesn't remember much about taking the picture but he did manage to get a copy of it to take home little town i grew up and had these two car dealerships on opposite sides of town one chevy one ford they were bitter rivals attack ads sht talking salesmen billboard wars you name it when the owner of the chevy dealership died it came out he'd also owned the ford dealership by way of a shell company no one saw that coming including a lot of the higher-ups who worked at the dealerships that sounds like the ultimate board rich guy buy two car dealerships my aesthetician was giving a brazilian wax to a new client new client goes on and on about this new guy she is dating and how he's a bartender as is esthetician's boyfriend was the bartender always fun to find out you are needy waxing the pss where the woman you are being cheated on with true test of professionalism right there do i tear this pssy up now no he'll do it later edit no freaking way you all popped my gold cherry and i will now be known for pss white airing i can live with this studying abroad in england i planned a weekend trip to barcelona with this girl this is pre cell phones i overslept got to the airport like three hours late as soon as i arrive there's the girl the exact same time we both say i am so sorry wait what are you sorry for turns out she overslept two british airways changed our tickets for us no charge and we got to barcelona a few hours late i think the real plot twist is the fact that the airline didn't charge for switching the flights after searching for years for my birth father he offered me three zero zero zero to get lost as he was running for a political office and didn't want the embarrassment of an illegitimate child was at a big art show with my wife and kid three or four at the time we were walking up to a doorway and i noticed a couple of huge nude statues i mean like no big deal to me but i was worried about what the kid was going to say because he is a bit of a loud mouth at the best of times and i didn't need him yelling about private parts in the middle of a crowded art gallery i realized the worst thing to do was make any kind of a scene about it no covering eyes or anything just subtly angling the stroller away from the statues and making a big deal about things on the opposite side of the aisle then the inevitable happens i remember it happening in slow motion kids head turns towards the naked statues eyes widen arm raises and finger points mouth slowly opens dad look at those statues they aren't wearing any socks a friend of mine apparently he was sneaking out for a trip outside the city with his friends since his parents didn't let him go they were on motorbikes already on their way outside of the city suddenly he got into an accident with another bike it was his dad he crashed into i used to work with a guy in his early 20s that at the time of the story was getting ready to go with his family for his first out of the country he was pretty damn excited and we were getting the play by play of all the things where they were staying what they were going to do he was preparing specifically he would need to get a passport but his birth certificate had been lost when the replacement one arrived mom's name isn't the woman he's called mom his whole life it's his sister turns out his sister had him super young his grandparents basically took him on and raised them as their son and no one ever told him the truth so sister was actually mom and mom and dad was actually grandpa and grandma real dad is unknown he took a few days off work to sort himself out still went on the trip still apparently had a blast i was a starbucks barista before the whole names on cups thing was big or at least it wasn't really practiced in my tiny store there was this very cute guy who came in maybe 4-6 x a week a little often but nothing out of the ordinary he flirted like mad he flirted back it was all great then he comes in with his fiancee i was betrayed and treated him coldly from the non a month later two of him coming together and i find out that he uh they are twins and i'd shot down any chance i had with the single one friend's parents were always so nice and welcoming house was clean and boring pretty normal quite life and then they were caught making a large amount of meth and are still in prison now i knew a woman who was going through divorce proceedings with her husband he was always argumentative and borderline abusive towards her certainly always shouting and demeaning then just as the divorce was entering its final stages he very suddenly died his autopsy showed that he had a massive undiagnosed brain tumor which had been physically altering his personality his wife felt all kinds of guilty afterwards and took it out on everyone she talked to and lost a lot of friends in the process i got laid off from a company i had worked for for over 20 years i went in for my exit interview and the hr lady said wayne from a site three states away wants to hire you i said i'm not moving that far she said you can just work from home now where i was working was a 130 mile round trip commute i got laid off and ended up with a commute that was from my bedroom to my den kept doing it for over four more years my grandfather's funeral he was always a fairly reserved and distant father as far as i understood would fit the stereotype of a northern dock worker who comes home expecting dinner to be in the table and then goes to the pub all evening via the bookies anyway unsurprising heart attack later we're all gathered for his funeral we're a big but close family so we know everyone including his friends however one guy turns up about the same age as my dad and his siblings who nobody knows long story short turns out it was my grandfather's son from another family from another marriage that went on for as long as his marriage to my grandmother my grandfather had maintained two marriages over 40 years having seven children with my grandmother and just the one with this other woman they knew about our family and kept away and apparently my grandmother knew about them but kept quiet turns out he wasn't going to the pub every night this is my go-to answer for a lot of questions like this andre did but it still blows my mind to this day i was adopted from south america to the us when i was a toddler and have no memory of my birth parents i had an older friend mentor i met in college i knew him as mike when i learned that my birth mother passed away i got a few of her belongings including some pictures who was in these pictures mike he was my birth father i work at a prison and a lady flew all the way from nigeria to visit her brother who was supposed to be incarcerated at my unit she speaks little english but we tried to explain to her that the inmate was not in the system anymore he must have been released we call a supervisor and it turns out he was released over five months before she walks away confused and come back in with her husband who speaks english much better we tell him the scenario and he asks well where did he go he doesn't have any friends or family in the u.s we told him we don't know where he went he was released he could be anywhere the guy obviously confused says well he couldn't have gone anywhere because he doesn't have any legs a few years ago i got invited to a friend's engagement party they were throwing a huge bash because they were planning on a very small destination wedding later in the evening my friend's fiancee takes the mick and starts thanking everyone for being there sorry jen will be out to thank you guys in a minute she's just having a wardrobe malfunction he goes on to tell the story about how they met how they were best friends and decided to get engaged and finished along the lines of we wish you could all be there and that we could get married right now so we're going to out walks jen in her wedding dress tl dr engagement party turned into a surprise wedding i used to call my tutor emma fortunately her name was mister i was getting late to catch a flight and hadn't checked in discovered when i reached the airport that i actually came to the wrong airport had to travel about 30 minutes to reach the other airport went to check in about 20 minutes before my flight they didn't have any seats so updated me to business class best flight of my life so far my mom and a gal pal went to mexico for break during college they had a great time while boarding the return flight her friend says sorry i'm staying and runs off my mom hears from her a few weeks later after not being able to contact her at all this was the 70s big long distance calls and phones were scarce turns out her friend been sneaking off nights and f king the hotel gardener she loves him and stayed in mexico that's all my mom knows hopefully they lived happily ever after update i found out the woman's name and believe i have found the correct one on social media she got married in 1979 which lines up with the story but she lives in green bay wi now this girl in my high school class got into a top university for political sciences super smart friendly daughter of one of the most powerful politicians in my country her mom was investigated for some illegal money stuff and turns out her tuition money was coming from that she had to drop off because they lost most of their money did it i am from a south american country i know the girl did not deserve it but she was also too proud to apply for student loans i once had a job interview it was very early in my career and i was trying to move 500 miles to a new place i built prototypes and brought samples of my work it was a nine hour drive but everyone seemed so enthusiastic that i figured it was a lock i did not get the job i found another job in the area and took it six months later they called and asked me to interview for the job above the one i had applied for i was given an offer on the spot and worked there almost a decade in the first few months the people there told me the guy whose job i had who would have been my boss if he hired me initially had actually said the samples and work i did was beyond him and he didn't want an employee who knew more than him well i guess he doesn't have that problem since they fired him and replaced him with me what an idiot if you find a competent interviewee you should snap him or her up and then steal their work for decades to get credit with the higher-ups after my dad passed away my brother did our ancestry line for fun come to find out we have a half brother that my father didn't acknowledge he was married before my mom which we also didn't know we started a relationship with him and his family and all was well for a while now we realize he is a complete tool who constantly borrows money cusses everyone out when things don't go his way threatens suicide just to fck with our heads and just makes our life miserable in general truly wish i had never met him my mother's friend was married to a man for many years they struggled to have kids because he had fertility issues and then later on she developed ovarian cancer and had a hysterectomy years later he cheats and leaves her blaming it on them having no children because of the hysterectomy he and the woman he leaves her for proceed to conceive twins via ivf as those twins are born his mistress finds out he doesn't have as much money as she thought so she leaves him and the twins so i mean at least he got those kids he wanted so badly my buddy and his girlfriend took a train to london to see a band play it was a long journey almost an hour with a few stops and once they were one stop away from london they realized they didn't have the concert tickets they got off the train check their bags searched every pocket checked their bags again and decided to go back home to look there they got back and found the tickets on the table in the hall of their house and headed back out again when they were arriving at the station for a second time they had to wait because there was a potential bomb threat it turned out there was an unattended bag which was being checked over by the bomb squad whose bag my buddy's girlfriend bag she left it at the station after looking for the tickets this girl i know was embarrassed of her home so whenever her boyfriend would go pick her up she'd run to a subdivision like five minutes away from her house and waiting at the end of the driveway for her boyfriend and when he will drop her off she'd just walk into the backyard of the house and say that she goes in through the back door her excuse was that her roommates were nosy so she didn't want him to come in she did this for almost a year until he knocked on the door of that house unannounced once and an old lady was confused as fck one of my high school friends has a very strange brother who likes to pretend he's a girl on online games to get free stuff from people or something like that after i graduated i moved to boston for college they live in texas and last winter i went back to visit my friend and i was hanging out in her house when i saw her brother's laptop in the game room open with pictures of this girl on the desktop he said there were random pictures he found of some girl who posted on reddit they were sfw picks but her account was inactive for years now so he was using those pics to prove to someone he was a girl in the game he was playing it blew my mind because that girl went to my school and was in my econ class met a guy online he was cool found out he lived less than two hours from where i live we meet up first time seeing each other's actual faces f king doppelgangers turns out his father is my bio father's older brother both our bio dads bailed before we were born we both were surely abused as kids by teachers him at 15. me at 13. both us have soy allergies and listen uric protein intolerance it's genetic and both us joined the army and failed out during bct due to undiagnosed mental health issues our lives had run parallel to each other he's only a year older than me when i was a sophomore in high school we had a rash of thefts occurring during classes it was a small school and we had no hall monitor or cameras in the halls it went on for months until the gym teacher happened to catch the kid in the act of stealing from someone's backpack there was a ruckus out in the halls and my class ran out to see what was going on the thief was the principal's son the gym teacher was holding him by his wrist and was telling everyone he just caught him stealing the kid then pretended to pass out and he just fell to the floor while everyone rolled their eyes and went back to class he was known for trying to get attention however he could so cringy double plot twist he pretended to be the thief you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 416,011
Rating: 4.9264021 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, top posts, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, askreddit new, askreddit stories, reddit story, askreddit funny, reddit best, funny posts, funny askreddit, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, toadfilms, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, animated, animated stories, plot twist, worst plot twist, bad twist
Id: J-EQOliJ_2A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 56sec (1196 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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