People Share Their CRAZY EX Stories (r/Askreddit)

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a slash has credit what are your crazy ex-girlfriend / boyfriend stories I posted this before but it fits this question pretty well I think I was around 18 years old we'd been dating for about eight months and I broke up with him because my parents were treating me differently and I didn't like it it put too much strain on both my bf and I and my parents and Di's relationship and I couldn't take it broke up with in one night and about a week later he showed up at my parents house wanting to talk to me my mom answered the door I didn't want any part of it so she told him to go away he got belligerent and eventually left so she called the police he was pulled over and given a warning then they let him be dad was at work mom took sister somewhere and I was playing Mario Party 8 on my way at home there was a knock at the back door and I looked through the glass from the couch and he was there looking in trying to talk to me again I didn't want any part of it so I ignored him he got mad and shouldered the door the frame cracked he did it again and the door bursts open I said what the [ __ ] are you doing and he grabbed me and put me over his shoulder and carried me outside I figured he was just going to put me in the front seat and leave with me but then he popped the trunk of his car with the remote and I realized what was going to happen I twisted a little which surprised him and he dropped me but then he put me in a headlock where I couldn't breathe and I stopped struggling he tossed me in the trunk and shut it and drove off at this point I was doing everything I could to get out of the trunk it was a boot LeSabre the model which of course doesn't have a way to open the trunk from the inside so I started kicking the back of the seats to get out I eventually got one open enough to stick my head through to get some air it was in August and the temperatures outside were riding 95 degrees so inside the trunk was about 110 I got my head out and could finally breathe he had calmed down a bit and I knew he just wanted to talk to me so he didn't really freak when I was able to climb into the backseat when he was putting me in the trunk the neighbor kids were outside and they saw what was happening and ran inside to tell their parents parents called the police police called my mom and my mom was doing 95 down the highway to get home xbf drove me an hour and a half away to an old camp he used to go to and we talked for a while the event took me to Pizza Hut cause I said I was hungry I remember wondering why no one was concerned that I was waiting for a pizza without shoes or socks on because no one said anything I figured my parents hadn't realized what had happened yet little did I know an Amber Alert had already been issued anyways he decided he didn't want to go to jail so he was going back to his workplace slash place of residence to get his shotgun when he got there the cops were waiting for him and tried to taser him they missed and he jumped back in his car and did a backwards u-turn he started driving through the city at speeds of 60 to 85 miles per hour if you've never been in a high-speed police pursuit let me tell you it's Sirach sOooo much adrenaline anyways he was going to get on the highway that the police had it blocked off with spike strips so he turned onto a back road that dead ended he ended up crashing into a tree I was in the front seat by this time the cops swarmed the car pulled us both out and since they didn't realize who we were cuffed us both and put us in separate cop cars once everything was situated the uncut me and put me in a police serve and transported me back to the police station in my city parents and sister were there freaked out found out I was okay the whole ordeal lasted around 10 hours ex got four years and is now out of jail in a halfway house my little brother picked up a real winner a couple years ago he was 16 and it was his first so I don't blame him for his ignorance story hash won I was twenty at the time and away at college a couple states away so I only got to go home a couple times a year I go home for Christmas one year and take my brother out snowboarding we had a blast except he was acting all weird and kept checking his phone every few minutes apparently he was supposed to hang out with us new gf that morning because he didn't know I was coming into town a day early he told her that I got into town early and he was gonna go hang out with me she was pissed apparently your only brother coming into town for Christmas wasn't a good enough excuse to ditch her she continued to send harassing slash threatening texts all day till I finally took his phone away and pulled the battery she didn't like this when we got home that night she was in our house downstairs with the lights off waiting for us she pretty much drugged him off into his room in one of her little [ __ ] fits I could hear her yelling over the TV I went in and pulled him out of there and told her to go home she came out a little later and sat down next to him while we watched TV my parents had already passed out so when he went upstairs to get some ice cream it was just me and her this is my first time really meeting her in person so I thought I break the awkwardness with a simple anything you wanna watch after a minute of just staring into space she turned to me and said I make your brother happier than you ever will story hash to I kick her out and she threatens that if my brother doesn't come with she's gonna leave him I tell him go and I'll see him tomorrow long story short he misses out on the big family get-together for Christmas because she wants to spend the time lost with him story hash three I'm away at college but heard this one later threw my brother inland her are driving back to her place separately she's in a Prius him right behind in his big redneck truck she doesn't have a license and doesn't really even know how to drive apparently cuz she slides off the gravel road around a corner and rolls her grandma's Prius she doesn't have a license doesn't have insurance and doesn't want to take the blame for anything so guess who she convinces to say he was driving they park his truck at her house walk back to the scene and he will forever have high insurance rates because of this story hash for probably my favorite one yet it's one year later I'm back for Christmas earlier that winter my brother finally broke up with her yet she continued to text him / stalk him every day if he was at a party she'd conveniently show up and try to get back together one night at a party my brother jokingly told her you know if you keep showing up like this I'm gonna have to get a restraining order on you she didn't take it as a joke the next day she was in the police station bullying her eyes out to her dad's buddy about how my brother was the one harrassing and stalking her she got a restraining order on him he got the notice in the mail and texted her a simple WTF the cops came and arrested him two days before Christmas he couldn't get a bail hearing until the following Monday so he missed Christmas again because of her he ended up in the in dryer at my apartment complex in the middle of the night naked and crying yes you read that correctly and no I'm not making this up I wish I was I found this guy on a cupid and he really was a nice guy if a little strange good-looking too we dated for about several months during which time he slowly revealed that he was hearing things that he couldn't possibly be hearing his upstairs neighbors or my rumored were talking [ __ ] about him even though I couldn't hear a thing and he started to get paranoid this all came to a climax one night when we were at a comedy club with some of my friends he had been acting strange all night and thought my friends hated him and were talking [ __ ] about him from a couple of feet away they weren't I was sitting between them they had even told me previously that they liked him he left before the show started and I didn't see him again until eight months later my rumored was getting ready for work one morning she gets up around 5:30 a.m. she heard strange noise is coming from the laundry room which shared a wall with the hallway of our apartment she thought the loud wailing sounds were from our neighbors crazy friend and that she'd have to deal with her when she went in the laundry room to get her bike but when she went in there she couldn't see anyone and wasn't sure where the sound was coming from she searched around and was looking under the table across from the washer and dryer when she heard the dryer door being pulled shut I know horror movie [ __ ] right there she was about to open the door brave lady that she is but thought better of it and went to wake up sleeping me I work in mental health for help I got up and could hear the crying so I went out to the laundry room and opened the door at this point the person who had previously occupied the dryer was lying face down and make it on the linee land floor I asked if they were okay not knowing who it was at that point and there was no response I told my roommate to call the police and while she was on the phone this person gets up he was actually wearing their odd aviator sunglasses and walks past us and into our apartment he sat on one of our chairs and proceeded to give me a death stare while my roommate was outside speaking with the cops and her work explaining what was happening he was in our apartment over the course of an hour while the police and later the paramedics checked him out and he did not say one word the most he did was make a guttural growling noise while he gave whoever was speaking that hate-filled stare finally the paramedics took him to the hospital and I never saw him again some notes the car we figured out was his was parked outside for about five days and one day disappeared all he had in his pockets his clothes were on the floor of the laundry room so I brought them into the apartment was a boarding pass from around the time he disappeared his family was from another state and car keys and we could see that in the car were only a bunch of energy drinks and fast-food wrappers that implied he had driven up from said other state about 1 to 2 days drive and taken up residence in our dryer my neighbors and I tried to get in touch with his family but they were unlisted and the hospital couldn't tell us any information I wish him well and hope he's doing better now my former roommate and neighbors are already ters and can verify this story if necessary I dated a girl for about two years and after the first six months the crazy really started to show through she got suspicious of my every move and overly attached if I didn't answer my phone she would start calling my friends and eventually started calling my work that was huge brawl because well [ __ ] it's my work [ __ ] off with that nonsense numbers started mysteriously missing out of my contacts list after we dated and it appeared to the only female names this came to my attention when my sister texted me and the number wasn't saved she would go through my phone at night while I was sleeping only to find nothing because I wasn't screwing around behind her back I woke up and caught her twice and her deffence was the tried-and-true method of crying and freaking out until I apologized for some dumb reason the last straw was went after weeks of arguing about the type of birth control we were gonna use yes we actually had to fight about this [ __ ] I found out she was lying to me about using it she got the NuvaRing and we were having a little afternoon delight and something didn't seem right I knew before when she had it I could feel it from time to time but not today and I was really hoping my dick hadn't shrunk I played it off mainly because at that time my priority was finishing what I had started I walk into the bathroom after and asked about her Newbury and she assured me she was using it I opened the top drawer and there it was unopened and unfuckin inserted into her vagina where it was supposed to be deal-breaker she also tried to tell me she had cancer so I wouldn't break up with her but strangely none of her family knew anything about it then of course she would tell me she was going to kill herself over and over again anytime we fought oh and the typical [ __ ] like waking the up old fest because she had a dream I was cheating on her the majority of the relationship was a horrible mess and I pity any man that falls into that pit of despair had it not been for the caps we had I would say the whole relationship was a waste sit yourself down I have quite the tale had a girlfriend who was a problem drinker and when I say problem drinker I mean every time she drank it was a [ __ ] problem for some reason she thought she had the liver of a god and would chug liquor when I heard my back turned it would lead to her being black up drunk in about 20-30 minutes of going out and I would usually have to have a friend help me carry her home on top of that she would just act childish during the whole ordeal one time I laid her down when to get her a cup of water and when I left the room she got out ran out the back door ran down the street to some random house opened their front door and passed out in their hallway I went looking for her and then somebody shouted out a window to me hey are you middle kid I had a very [ __ ] drunk crazy [ __ ] up here she's passed out and keeps saying your name I then had to enter their home pick her up off the couch and carry her home most people would just break up with the girl at this point but I thought if I could keep her off the booze things might work out well you know when people tell you don't go into a relationship expecting to change people heed that advice please heed that advice whenever I wasn't there she took that opportunity to get [ __ ] she would then do things like call me and break up with me but then not remember it because she was blackout drunk I would remind her she would apologize and then ask for me back and like a [ __ ] idiot I would always take her back I eventually got fed up with it and didn't take her back one time this led to a full-blown temper tantrum when I went to her apartment to pick up my stuff and she guarded her door not letting me leave eventually I tricked her into getting out of the way by saying that I would consider staying with her once I got out of her door I told her that was a lie that I just said to get her out of the way and that I was leaving now she then grabbed me by the leg you know that thing that five-year-olds do I asked her to remove herself from me or I would just continue walking keep in mind this was all unfolding in the hallway of Manhattan apartment building I gave her a few more warnings to remove herself from my body and she did not so I continued walking dragging her across the ground with my foot as she hung on to it eventually she let go and I made it out the next day I get a call from one of her other guy friends saying that he's going to come kick my ass I asked him why and he goes on about how she told him about how I took her and hit her and threw her on the floor and she has the scrapes on her knees to prove it I told him that if he comes anywhere near my property I will call the police he never did which doesn't surprise me because he was well-known to be one of those kids with a big mouth but no balls finally I go a few days of my life without hearing from this girl I thought everything was finally over and it was like being reborn I go out to a party meet some girl and end up sleeping with her a few days after that I get a call from crazy ex screaming and crying about how he can't believe that I cheated on her cheated it's cheating after you break up with me and I don't get back together with you oh lordy she then tells her family about this who start sending me emails and texts about how they can't believe what I've done and I'm such scum and that's when I found out that I can add phone numbers to a block list on my Vera's own account finally the call stopped the text stopped all contact was broken off at one point she had one of her friends contact me asking me to call and I told her friend to pass the message along that if she continues to try and involve herself in my life I'm going to apply for a restraining order and that was the end of that I have to first one was a girl I'd been seeing for a few months I was 21 she was 24 and had a boy about two years old she was basically normal had a good job took care of the kid okay she was kind of a dim bulb though not very bright I was boarded the relationship had really didn't want to become stepdad to the kid so I ended it no prob run into her a month or so later at a bar and we end up going back to her place for a night of ex sex next morning she makes coffee and breakfast I go to school she goes to work I get incredibly sick on the way to school throw up multiple times make it to school still puking find the nurse slash medical office and vaguely recall being loaded into an ambulance come to in the hospital a doctor 'ls me I'll Don an enormous amount of meth and had about five minutes left to live before they figured it out oh by the way there are some federal agents here to talk to you turns out she had planned this whole thing and decided that if she couldn't have me no one could she went to jail but got a reduced sentence for turning on the family member that was making and distributing the meth second one not as bad dated casually for a few weeks decided she wasn't for me so I called it off get a call a week of so later saying I gave her gonorrhea WTF go to the dock get tested with a thing down Mr P whole battle results come back I'm clean it then comes back to me that it was just revenge for breaking up with her she was going to tell me she was pregnant and make me pay for the abortion but was talked out of that by her best friend I would have rather paid the money I went out of town for my best friend's wedding in which I was a bridesmaid I didn't take my boyfriend at the time as per request of the bride it is her day and considering my bf and I were on the outs at the time I was not opposed to this he's an advocate and didn't get his meds refilled before I left town for four days this is his meltdown started off okay we would text back and forth but I wouldn't be able to reply as fast because then I'm helping with a wedding he overdosed on valium and told me he was wandering around outside then doesn't answer his phone for six hours in which I'm panicking cause I'm a six hour drive away from my home and idk if he's wandered off in his [ __ ] up State or not I break down my best friend stepid-- an ex-cop sits with me and lets me know some options on what I can do from far away eventually I sent my apartment manager over to see if he had left her house or not apparently he had fallen asleep cause he took so many drugs the actual day of the ceremony he flips out again because I don't have time to talk to him at all tensions are high for the wedding party as we are pushing to get this ceremony on its way I leave my phone in my bag while I help the bride and groom come back to no less than ten voice of males and thirty plus texts half of it incoherent what fishy edge of style typing this continues the whole weekend I stopped responding come home to find my blinds torn DVD player smashed cooking oil spilled all over my kitchen floor that he made me clean up because apparently it was my fault he knocked it over while I wasn't even in town and my entire mail polish collection over 50 colors destroyed I am still finding cracked bottles it's amazing how I haven't died from all those fumes red colored kool-aid splashed everywhere even inside kitchen drawers I don't even know how that happened he didn't apologize for any of it his only words were you made me do it if you hadn't ignored me this would have never happened we are no longer together of course but this is just one episode of many this man will be 30 next month I pity his next girlfriend edit the incident happened last year so this is a 29 year old man throwing temper tantrums I remember this in hindsight at 21 I was dating with and living with a 20 year old who had two parents who were involved in health care we worked in health care it was her ultimate goal to be a knob slash gym she studied the vagina birth and women's health even before she was done with her bachelors she had been diagnosed with irregular periods ages before we started dating she was also on birth control that didn't stop her from taking a home pregnancy test every time her period was one or two days off I once not sir jokingly told her that if we had Native American name sirs would be pees on sticks she was obsessed with the idea that her BC wasn't working and I had knocked her up she was obsessed with taking a home pregnancy test at least once every month to two months warning this part is NSFW /ns FL then one month she had a really horrible period where she passed a bunch of lining and bled a ton any girl who has really bad periods knows that when they pass a bunch of uterine lining during their period it's pretty nasty she insisted that she had just miscarried our unborn child refused to take a pregnancy test to confirm refused to acknowledge the fact that she had her period last month and if she had miscarried the zygote would be so tiny she would never notice mind you her parents were both rn's and she read and watched everything about pregnancy and childbirth she could get her hands on refused to go to the doctor to get a blood test most times when you miscarry there is enough HCG and the blood or urine that a pregnancy test ends up positive still so this girl who was absolutely obsessed with taking the home pee tests to the point we could have had stock inept refused to take a home pregnancy test at all nope she insisted she had miscarried so she started mourning told her parents she had miscarried told all our mutual friends she had miscarried and then made me feel bad because I didn't grieve she even named her period lining a male name because she knew it would have been a boy and bought a special miscarriage remembrance necklace from some vendor online so she could always wear it and never forget her poor miscarried uterine lining my crazy ex-boyfriend told me one day while we were still dating that I loved my ten week old kitten more than him he asked me that night if he could take him home with him to keep him awake during the drive I said no but he took him anyways the next morning he called to tell me that he woke up late jumped out of bed and accidentally crushed him with both feet in his exact words he was all kinds of crazy and this may even be the least terrible thing he did in our short time together I really hate that guy edit for those of you who are asking here is a response I made to someone with more of the story okay see I have some concerns that he may also be a redditor but I've already put the story out there so if he sees this than I guess he sees this I won't go into much detail at all because it is still really hard for me but let's just say he was also a sexual predator and I don't believe I was the only victim during the time of our relationship and the short time after her I believe the other was a child I had no solid proof but I did finally get the courage to report him unfortunately it was too long after it had occurred nothing was done in my case and he was not charged in the other I was able to break off contact shortly thereafter so I'm not really sure what happened but he had confronted my brother about it and tried to contact my mother who managed to scare him away from me only after I got a threatening phone call from an unidentified person the detective I was working with stopped contacting me and the whole thing just kind of drops I never got any real closure on the situation and the whole thing still haunts me and for those of you who have taken to criticizing me for not seeing the red flags all I can say to you is this you are welcome to go back and take a walk in my 18 year old shoes and see how you deal with a charming sociopath slash psychopath who has everyone you know on his side it was a very bad time in my life I only hope that you never encounter someone like that and if you do maybe you can do it better than I did I will say that I learned a lot from my experience and will never ignore my gut instincts ever again I hope that this story will help others learn that too it's incredibly important and even if you feel silly or mean listen to what your gut tells you and don't look back edit to thank you guys for all of the supportive comments they really mean a lot to me and thanks to whoever gave me the gold I wish it could have been for something more positive that either way it right and my day final edit for those concerned about my well-being thank you this will happen a very long time ago and I have since married a wonderful man and have a lovely little family of healthy happy safe pets thanks for listening to my story and I hope that maybe it will help at least one person out there thank you so much for watching the whole video please leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 33,070
Rating: 4.8435054 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: 8MUFrlSddcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 33sec (1653 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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