What Is Your Online Dating Horror Story? (r/AskReddit)

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online dating what are some of your horror stories met a guy for a walk and talk through my favorite park we had a nice vibe online and I had hopes we'd at least have a good time even if we weren't attracted he was completely bizarre spent a lot of time trying to get me to believe that he was some sort of psychic or wizard with magic powers asks for a write to the bus station from the park I had no idea he hadn't driven himself there and suddenly had to pee during the five minutes drive wet his pants just before getting out of the car he didn't need to pee he was marking his territory on OKCupid summer 2006 I met a girl in West Hollywood and we went to dinner which she turned out to be way bigger than her pictures insanely rich with Ozzy Osbourne's cardiologists daughter or some crap like that and had a nasty coke habit the whole date she was doing C in the bathroom and barely ate her food and then afterwards we went back to her place where she visibly spiked my drink with a Mickey and then asked me to tie her up and then refusing to allow me to drive my car out of her garage leaving me to wait in my car all night until the morning when I followed someone out she called three days later to say that I caused her miscarriage did not know she was pregnant what the Frick he told me my dad was Ref the reason my dad had colon cancer and early people that like getting pounded in the blood get colon cancer he did not get a second date smooth operator he's a smooth operator seeing your sister on the recommended person list long you two probably have a lot in common like your games I met up with a girl from a cupid whose photo was nothing like her in real life in a bad way on the date she spent about an hour telling me how she falls out with her friends all the time and generally being self-obsessed and uninteresting I felt no connection spark and was polite but said that I didn't want to see her again and made my excuses and left two minutes after leaving she texted me saying that she had never met anyone like me and thought we had something special I politely reply and let her know I didn't want to see her again and she keeps texting which I ignore as she isn't getting the message a couple of weeks later she sends me a string of abusive messages why are all guys the same you should put on your CV that your [ __ ] e.t.c etc all after one brief date there are a few stories I'd love to tell that unfortunately involve redditors but here's one that doesn't went on a date with a Navy boy he seemed smart and sweet online he picks me up in this incredibly ostentatious yellow Camaro which I have the sneaking suspicion he borrowed as it was a stick and dude was having a helluva time driving it we decide to go walk on the boardwalk for a while so he pulls into a parking garage in his attempt to park the car he completely sideswiped the car next to us leaving yellow paint all across their car he didn't even act like anything happened so I say um I think you may have hit the car next to us he gets out looks at it then climbs back in and goes I guess we should park somewhere else and peels out before I could even say anything fast-forward the date is going poorly as a hit and run is never a good start and it's miserably hot out so we decide to see a movie it happened to be Shrek the final chapter a kids movie he has his feet on the seats in front of us which is no big deal until the dad holding his toddler daughter comes in and the only seats still open are the ones in front of us the dad goes to sit down Navy boy doesn't move his feet in fact he even moves his feet forward a bit so that he hits the dad in the head but the dad looks back at us and then Navy boy sighs heavily takes his feet down looks at me and goes my feet were there first after the movie he asked if I wanted to go to dinner I said no he drops me off I'm surprised he didn't drop the transmission as well and asks when he can see me again he had a great time married five years now just kidding I took mental note of his license plates and called the parking garage did not see again there are a few stories I'd love to tell that unfortunately involved redditors so let's Aaron met a woman for a date wasn't a lot of chemistry did she worked two interesting jobs and there was no real warning signs for a second date she invites me to this picnic campout thing was she didn't know the people very well we talked about how most of her friends are guys and most of mine are girls she says she is bringing crew along the crew turns out to be another guy in two dogs I engage the guy he is super friendly nice spends his time fetching things for her playing with children we know some of the same people after about five hours that I'm sitting alone with her and asked how long have you known Tim oh I meet him through a cupid three months ago he is going through a divorce and he's not sure if he is going to have his kids or not and I don't want to date anyone with children well that PS went better than expected best wishes my friend this is not a type of thread I should be reading after finally getting a date with a girl for the first time in over a year gonna be self conscious now a friend of mine set up an account for a presentation on the successes of modern technology on the dating scene his final report included a great story he met up with a girl who was using her daughter's photos for herself saying she was 25 online but was really 55 and said she had no ethical problems lying online as long as she told the truth while in person to top it off she was on her third marriage and had multiple Facebook accounts multiple Facebook accounts what a monster there was a guy I never even actually met because I got a super creepy vibe from him but he would send out mass texts regularly asking if I wanted to do anything that night I could tell it was a mass text because it showed the numbers of everybody else he was texting on my iPhone conversation after many ignored texts as follows him hey want to do anything tonight me can you please remove me from this mass text list I've never even met you him this isn't a mass text law me screenshot where it lists everybody else he's texting him hello you caught me random stranger yeah we can all read this me yep I went on one date he would not stop talking about his gorgeous ex-wife also mentioned being a lawyer his huge house and what a man-whore he'd been since his divorce about a million times was very self-absorbed and clearly just looking for hookups texted me the next day him the fun committee is meeting at my house tonight me the fun committee him yeah you and me are the only members me meeting adjourned met a guy on Craigslist after talking to him on the phone for a few weeks decided to meet up at his place for our first date turns out the second bedroom in his apartment is a shrine to his dead grandparents I figure since they raised him it must be his way of remembering them so I'll let it go we date a few months and it just so happens he demands we take showers and sleep nude every night so as not to contaminate the bed sheets I got out of bed for a glass of water once and ended up getting yelled for 30 minutes about how I brought germs from the living room into the bedroom the whole relationship was like something out of The Twilight Zone we broke up shortly after Heber manded my mother signed a letter saying she will respect his wishes not to meet her and have it notarized the scariest thing about this that he's an NYPD officer not exactly who I want out there protecting the streets please don't let me see one of my dates described here I have nothing to add here either except all mine seem to be fatter than their pictures women stop setting both of us up for disappointment well I wouldn't call this a horror story but it was pretty ridiculous so I had been talking to this guy Kay over a cupid he seemed pretty lovely and kind of cute despite being a massive massive hipster clear giant glasses and all he lived about two hours from me and decided to take a trip to meet me I wasn't opposed to it when he got here he looked nothing like his photos he was 5 feet 3 stroked for his profile said he was five feet seven he was pudgy his profile said he was thin he had super crooked teeth he was just rather unattractive either way I was still willing to give him a chance I'm not that shallow he brought a bottle of wine I don't really drink much we went out to lunch which was nice enough and then went to hang out at my apartment I had maybe a half a glass of wine he finished the entire rest of the bottle this was well before 4 p.m. next thing I know he is begging me to make out with him I gave it a go for a minute before becoming really turned off and stopping I just wasn't feeling it he then started complaining that he was tired and drunken that he wanted to sleep I told him that he was welcome to crash on my couch for the evening he asked if he could sleep in my bed I said that that'd be OK and that I'd sleep on the couch then I guess he just really wanted to sleep with me because next thing I know he is yelling throwing a total hissy fit and storming out of my apartment to drive back to where he came from while totally drunk apparently he got home safe I didn't really talk to him again though after that incident TLDR guy came from two hours away to visit got drunk when I didn't drink tried to make out with me wanted to sleep in my bed threw a hissy fit when I didn't let him and drove drunk back to where he came from , I guess he just really wanted to sleep with me because next thing I know he is yelling throwing a total hissy fit and storming out of my apartment to drive backed away came from while totally drunk if I had to start dating again this would be my strategy to six months using online dating sites zero dates and maybe two messages no messages returned confidence is totally flagging I think I'm worth dating but clearly nobody else does to me that's a horror story till that a lot of people who use dating sites have one or two horrible experiences and then me their spouse after reading this I have decided to apply for rock Cupid these experiences seem rad at location equals accepted I went out with a girl from a cake Cupid who got out of a lesbian relationship and was ready to get back on the pogo stick things were fun we got along pretty good until the second night when I was getting a bj and finished in her mouth she must have forgot how bad it is because she didn't want to see me again and changed her looking for status back to women only not the worst but the most entertaining I created a profile on OkCupid some random girl messaged me she was pretty pretty strange and pretty open about being pretty strange most people on their first few dates show the best side of themselves not her fun stories included gems such as how she lost her virginity at 15 to a hobo who would hop trains in her town and how said hobo was smuggled into her basement to live there off and on until her father finally found out apparently her dad wasn't around much ordered and used the basement the other stories were also weird I didn't really feel like what she was sharing was any of my business but I didn't want to be impolite at the end of the day she wanted to hook up but I needed to know we couldn't be exclusive the conversation ran itself I'd never suggested we sleep together asked to be exclusive or indicated I was interested in having sex with her to being with really she just wasn't my type I wanted to end it with a hug when I said something like hey it was great to get to know you but I don't I want to have sex with you she started talking about how that was okay but she was only doing oral if I reciprocated so then I clarified I only won a hug and I'm definitely a hog reciprocate her getting her to understand in gentle terms that I wasn't interested in anything sexual with her took a good ten minutes I said we weren't a good match wished her the best in the dating world moved on next week I had a ten hour hike I had to take for my field biology class I'd put off until literally the last weekend of the semester we were supposed to be taking one-hour walks a week for ten weeks and keeping detailed journal notes instead I took one really look hike for my ten entries got rained on and by the end of that Taif L tired as Frick I called up my lab partner hey what's up sorry I didn't call sooner was on this ridiculous hike then I talked for about five minutes about the details of what I'd seen etc our connection was kinda crappy at some point she asks what do you want Doug to talk with you why else would I be calling this conversation went on for about ten minutes before I realized I'd dialed the wrong Amanda that I was talking with last week's date rather than my lab buddy it was said a walk but I can't really put it into words when I finally realized what my tired wet dumb butt had done I asked her a few questions played it off wished her the best again and hung up and deleted her number from my phone well at least both of your told crappy stories that the other didn't care about hey I may not be the most suave mother sucker but God dang compared to these idiots I'm like Leonardo DiCaprio I have far too many I think the best would be when a guy drove by to pick me up and then texted me I can't go out with you I'm too superficial after seeing me standing outside this was at least six years and fifty pounds ago so I went back inside feeling really down about it I get another text okay we can have sex but no dating or relationship stuff unbelievable what a champ I am 57 was married 29 years till I lost my wife to cancer spent 18 months two years dating after a period of grief everyone I met was negative critical and dissatisfied I won't bore you with each tedious failed date but I do love what my sister-in-law told me when I was relating my latest Fiasco dating in midlife is like trying to find a parking place at the mall around Christmas there are only a few and they are all handicapped I have not dated for a couple years now and I'm much happier alone signed up on a dating site did the whole personality test and got matched up with a female 99% match it said so I started I am I her and we trade phone numbers and then when we are going on a date it turns out she has given me the wrong phone number one number off so I can't reach her and I have no real idea how she looks a photo was ooh old so I just start asking random girls there if she is the one I'm supposed to meet no luck then when I get back to my apartment I wait a few hours and when she logs on she's not happy with me standing her up but then I explained to her that she gave me the wrong phone number and that she could have called me but apparently she had also noted down my number wrong next date is scheduled and right phone numbers are given when I get on the tram to go meet her for the first time my phone battery dies oh crap I rush back home and plug in the charger and phone her she hadn't left yet and agreed that we were now even because she screwed up the first time we then meet 30 minutes later at an Italian place and eat pizza we've been together over three years now and she's given me a son this was back in the days of MySpace style top down bathroom photos I saw this girl who was cute in her pictures and connected online and decided to meet up I waited for her at a designated spot in a mall then got a call she said I think I can see you is that you in front of the store meanwhile I was trying to look all over for her but there was a whale of a girl in my way so I say I can't see you are you behind that huge lady silence then it hits me that the whale was her but to defend my shallowness this girl was close to 300 she had misleading photos he needless to say it was an awkward date she ate a lot about four years ago reeling from a nasty breakup I decided to give match.com the try a couple weeks after signing up I received a message from a guy named Justin he was cute and just my type and we set up a date we got along really well in person and ended up going on a couple more dates it seemed like everything was going well Justin lived in Fullerton and it was my turn to drive to him for a date we headed over to Dave & Buster's and had a great time playing air hockey and dance dance revelution then we decided to head back to his place to watch a movie we've kissed a couple times and Justin was an excellent kisser I was looking forward to cuddling and more kissing but first we decided to make a stop at 7 - 11 for some munchies we gathered up a couple sodas and some candy and took them up to the register six dollars and 66 cents said the cashier as I pulled out my wallet to pay justin gasp loudly we can't possibly leave the total at six dollars and 66 cents he exclaimed that's the mark of the devil I just laughed Justin got a very serious look on his face if we leave the total like that were gonna get in a car accident on the way home and die at this point I felt he was being ridiculous fine grab something else if it bothers you that much he threw a york peppermint pattie on the counter and was satisfied when the total became seven dollars and 42 cents and we headed back to his place after picking out a movie we grabbed our bag of snacks and plopped down on his bed I proceeded to take off my shoes and get comfortable but Justin gasped again oh my god he said are those the socks with separate toes those really freaked me out I look down at my striped toe socks how could anyone be freaked out by something so goofy seriously he said I can't handle those socks they really really bother me I just looked at him and leaned back on the bed I was already over it little did I know Justin was just getting started oh my god he exclaimed I could see that a light had just gone off inside his head I get it now your which it all makes sense come again I asked it all makes sense your black hat your love of bats your strippy which socks and you weren't even bothered by the $6 and 66 cents are you a witch get real I said I'm not a freaking witch but I could see the guy was serious [ __ ] well I think your witch he said and can you please take off your socks they're really bothering me I'm not taking off my dang socks I replied you're being silly I can't help it those socks really freak me out I'll do anything for you to take them off I'll pay you to take them off any amount you'll pay me I asked yes came his reply fine pay me six dollars and 66 cents he glared at me as I packed up my stuff and left and that was the last I ever saw of Justin TL DR guy I was dating seriously thought I was a witch edit formatting he should have weighed you against a dark some people may heard this before but oh well so I'm new to the gay dating scene and tried out OkCupid this one guy messaged me asking me very probing questions about the state of my teeth and specifically how I take care of them he said he was a dental student but stuff like how many cavities do you have and please specify the location of each cavity I answered him because I was bored with nothing else to do he then asked to talk to me on the phone instead since he hates texting and typing he said he likes to call daily and talk for at least an hour so far this guy has a bad vibe about him his profile had no picture or age but I was very oblivious to the worse outcome if I agreed to meet up with him he was very persistent on meeting up and I agreed since I give in easily to peer pressure so we went to get pizza in the city when I walked out of my car this fat old ugly man greeted me he had to be in his 40s wore baggy clothes and was bald with a baseball cap my intention on OkCupid was just to make friends since I'm new to it all and wanted to go slow he was talking about how we'll have a great time in bed and how wild he was he said we'd do it daily multiple times a day I asked him why he wore a hat and when he removed it there was a huge lump on top of his head but he said it was a cyst and he was too scared to get it removed but it looked like a horn while eating he would not stop talking about what he was going to do to me and it creeped me out so much after dinner he had to drive me back to my car since I didn't know where to park he wanted to inspect my teeth before I left I said no thanks but he firmly insisted in a way I couldn't refuse he put on some purple gloves a headband lamp and took out a belt of tools out of his glove box I thought this is where I was going to die haha he used all the tools and took pictures of my teeth so he could use them as an example in class oh ho before I left for real he asked if we could make out I made up the fact that I had a bf but he said our relationship would be much better since he's experienced I just ran to my car and dashed away as fast as I could he was full of himself and was 42 while I was a timid twenty-year-old guy from now on I demand a face pic before talking and I'm cautious the worst is when I met someone on here from r4r and they ended up smelling so bad I had to suggest in the nicest way possible them to take a shower it still haunts me I have met a few people from ridet after the last time never again he just got drunk and confessed his feelings for me at the end of the night and told me how at the beginning of the night all of his friends were warning him that I would break his heart they'd only known me for 10 minutes but they were right I guess met a woman all she wanted to do was have sex about month into found out she was on probation for possession of illegal prescription drugs and DUI and was in rehab and had to breath in a breathalyzer just to get her car to start and I also found out she was still married when I was 16 a girl I knew told me to add her guy friend on MySpace he and I would stay up all night talking on a I am and eventually decided to try a long-distance relationship he kept planning to visit and whatnot but it never happened I soon wised up and realized the girl had made him up she proceeded to do the same thing to another friend who refused to believe me when I told her he didn't exist Oh teenagers met a very attractive executive-type woman we had a great time at a very nice restaurant and a little nookie back at her house next date we decided to take a trip to an island that's close top where I lived at the time later that night we were going at it and I pulled her panties often stuck my dong in her right at this point she looked at me psychotically and said who are you over and over I don't know you who the Frick are you and then she got off my lap and I had to take her back that night but the ferry didn't come until 5 in the morning and so we waited at the ferry terminal overnight TLDR inserts penis causing woman to suffer amnesia signed up to puff recently get a msg saying hey sexy wanna hang out it was my best friend sister's husband who apparently didn't recognize me his wife is 3 months pregnant at the moment I thought the title said online gaming at first I have much less to contribute than I thought I would when I clicked sounds like an interesting thread maybe you should make it met a girl or knock Cupid and had some nice conversations online with her and she seemed really nice and cool we scheduled a night to meet at a bar when I show up I see a girl who looks kind of like the girl who I saw in the profile pictures only her hair was blonde instead of brown and she was pretty overweight I tried to make eye contact if she was with 4 other people at a table and she ignored me I assumed she was somebody else and continued waiting while I sapped on a bear she finally comes over and introduces herself with a huge slur she is totally wasted and gets really angry at me for not approaching her to say hello even though I didn't know it was her because she doesn't look like her profile pics I am like whatever I just want a beer so we have a couple beers and she is getting really too more so than could have been caused by the beer she drank and I found out she was sippin 151 in the bathroom with two of her girlfriends both of her friends were succubi as well and verbally explained how they thought I wasn't a real man points for not only using the word succubi but also for using the proper latin ending for the plural well done her profile picture was like 50 pounds old cameras take 10 pounds off internet take 110 pounds off I only had one negative experience through online dating I was typically an OkCupid user due to the casual feeling of their website but I once checked out another website web Bert to see what other dating sites were like I was quickly contacted by a young blonde who seemed to be right up my alley sent a few messages back and forth and finally said something up meeting for coffee followed by a movie her idea it's a big first date no no at a local mall I was working at after my shift I hadn't even noticed her walking right up to me that's how not like her photo she looked she was much shorter chubby and had a ton of eye makeup caked on her nose looked like it may have been broken and poorly set really I just had zero attraction to her she immediately gave me an overly familiar hug and said holy crap you are hot I basically spent the entire time at the coffee shop attempting to conceal my disappointment but I've been on some lackluster dates before just put your head down get through it and move on so we move on to the movie and it's bad so she starts with the wandering hand routine and I am giving her no positive signs whatsoever she just keeps trying she eventually starts moving her hand from my knee to my inner thigh and I finally rebuked her so the movie ends and she asks for us to go to dinner I claimed to be short on cash to get out of it but she says she'll pay since I've paid for everything thus far I'm tired from a long shift peddling clothes to teams and trying to stay awake through American haunting so I can't come up with anything else we grab a burger and have small talk mostly about her cat which she has been talking about all night check comes and she grabs it takes a glance and slides it back to me at this point I just want to wrap this up and go so I pay the check and drive her back to her car I pull in and give her the awkward hug and well see you later and she says hold on I was going to ask if he wanted to come back to my place I don't think that's a good idea was all I said and boom waterworks she basically sits in my passenger seat balls her eyes out and sobs in broken incoherent sentences for the next half hour about how into me she is about how no guy ever wants her about everything I end up convincing her that I will totally call her pinkie swear and she gets out I take off and never speak to her again not mine but my mother's story my sister and I were in our tweens teens and we had to chop her own a first blind date between my divorced mom and this guy one of her co-workers from her office the biology department of the local college set her up so we watch the movie ET the extra-terrestrial yes first time in theaters I'm that old sue me mr. dork was visibly frustrated a couple of times as he tried to follow the action and occasionally lets out a why'd he do that to my mum as if she had seen it before each time there was a new trick the alien learned he'd asked how can he do that or what in the heck in the same voice just a little louder in the highest tension moments of the film the alien is dying the g-men take over the whole house and they finally dial up some analysis and start yelling to each other he's got DNA he's got DNA mr. dork has finally lost it he stands up in the theatre and yells what inva heck is DNA okay it was the eighties and not everyone works in the biology department good man it was not obscure stuff even for kids who didn't grow up with biology textbooks everywhere as we leave the theater my twin sister explains what DNA is and I explained what it stands for and why that would be an important thing to know about aliens we never heard from mr. dork again I dated a guy from OKC that was pretty nice funny however he didn't tell me he had a son until date number four I think which was fine I like kids and then randomly after four months he dumped me two days later he was though with another girl I later found out that he'd been dating the second girl all along but she went to study abroad I was there to fill in the space thumbs up she grabbed my junk and then told me it was bigger than her husband's date over I only go crazy when it's not married guy took me back to his place for sexy times told me to be quiet cause his wife kid was sleeping upstairs and didn't know he was bisexual WTF I made a no Kasey account and almost immediately regretted it it was interesting good too time consuming ha ha ah credit and frankly most of the people were surprisingly off I met a few people actually went on some awesome dates but my big thing was that I was genuinely looking for long-term potential no hookups so this usually led to a hug and an awkward goodbye when my date realized he wasn't getting any anyhow this one guy messaged me and seemed incredibly awesome he was only 24 who had been an Air Force mechanic had traveled the world and was now driving a truck so that he could afford more travel although this may already have been a warning sign for most I found it intriguing we talked every night for quite a while he would give me pretty sound advice on shop Talk et Cie I was apprentice in an auto shop at a time would make me laugh etc but then one day he said something that made the neck on my hair stand up it was a slip of the tongue and he didn't even realize he had done it but he knew my ex's mother's name a detail I had never shared I didn't have the class to let it slide so I called him out on it it turned out that he had so thoroughly stoked me that he knew each of my previous residences jobs social network accounts etc and had even narrowed my current residence to within six city blocks I freaked out I changed my phone number changed my OKC account deleted and remade my profiles etc nothing ever came of it but I was thoroughly terrified at the time especially when months later I received a new message to my new phone that said we could have traveled together you said you had nothing tying you down I thought you were perfect at the time I thought Oh God never again but then I met my current so after he promised me a magic carpet ride stop it that's not what he meant oh wow that sounds so scary by the way I like what you've done with your hair not really a dating horror story as such but I guess it is the same I heard about this today actually a friend of Mines who will call Shawn sister who will call Sally met some guy at Rome's or something like that and they were talking for around a year before they actually met up to the sister is a single mother with two kids the man let's call him Sam has no kids but was in a relationship for some years with another woman who was a single mother of a 14 stroke fifteen-year-old girl fast-forward around a year they've been meeting up for around a year now and have finally decided to move in together by pure chance he gets mentioned in conversation to one of her brother's friends and they recognize the name they confirm that it's him and it turns out he was convicted of having sex with his previous girlfriend's daughter and he was placed on the sex offenders list for six years he freely admits this to his current girlfriend but says that he met her in a nightclub and she told him she was 18 to Sally this story didn't seem to put her mind at ease sally has a cousin who is a state officer Sally got the cousin to look into this for her and the cousin informed a social worker of the current situation the social worker visit Sally and tells are the full story that he didn't pick a girl up in a nightclub but it was the daughter of his ex-girlfriend that he slept with so he knew her exact age beforehand apparently she's kicked him out of the house but I'm not really sure exactly what has happened since that date Horror Story no dating horror story fo shizzle my nizzle one word Holder thought that the clutter surrounding him in his pick was something easily cleaned oh no could barely close the door to the bathroom that was practically in the middle of his studio apartment because of the amount of debris on the floor informed him that while he was a lovely int he was not my cup of tea like everybody else I've had a fatter than her 10-year old photo experience but met one of my best GF sever that way to anyone putting up photos of themselves as a 10 year old on a dating site has issues oh man okay I met this guy on Puffin we got along really well seemed to share the same interests the same sense of humor etc I was hesitant to met up but finally after a month he convinced me to go out for coffee so I go to pick him up because he didn't have a car of course and lived with his parents keep in mind he was 28 and I was 26 and when I got to his neighborhood and pulled up to his house it looked like something from hoarders there was trash everywhere furnitures true about the yard just a mess I was willing to overlook that because it was his parents house and not necessarily a tray he inherited anyway he comes out in a really sweet South Pole jacket with a fur-lined collar and gets into car we hug and I distinctly smell the scent of pet urine and stale cigarettes all over him I tried my best not to gag he smiled and I noticed his teeth were all yellow and he clearly hadn't bothered to even brush them so we go to a coffee place and he tries to hold my hand when we get out of the car and I pull away we talked for a few minutes and then I tell him that I have to call work because I'm on call blablabla I decide to ditch say I have work and drive him home when I drop him off he doesn't get out of the car right away and asks me to come in for a minute but I can't come in the front door because he lives in the basement so I have to climb down the storm cellar in the back heck no must go he still isn't getting out of the car so I repeat that I really need to go and I can tell if I look at him he's going to try to kiss me by the way he's made his way practically onto my lap he then begins rubbing my arm and telling me how pretty I am I avoid eye-contact and tell him straight up to get out of the car he Huff's and slams the door making his way back into his basement he called me a lot afterward but I never responded not my story so don't upvote me just thought that I would spread some laughs about an online-dating horror story that I read on here a while back the op meets a girl on an online dating website he sees her picture and she looks amazing they chat online for a while and she mentions that she is unbeatable at Scrabble so he goes over to meet her and she lives in a trailer she is much heavier than in her picture when he gets inside there isn't anywhere for him to sit and she doesn't have anything for him to drink he proceeds to kick her butt at Scrabble twice at which point he gets up to leave as he is leaving she starts crying and begging him to have sex with her in his own words I did not my friend met a guy on OkCupid who claimed he was a five through 10 bodybuilder as well as bearded and recently garnered a position with the law he turned out to be a four feet 11 neo-nazi with an austere - that said white power and rune on his head but his position with the law was a joke about how he had just finished 18 months in prison for armed robbery meanwhile I met my current boyfriend or knock Cupid studly scientist who brews and skis and we've been together for almost two years you win some you lose some if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music]
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 103,565
Rating: 4.860033 out of 5
Keywords: dating, dating stories, dating horror story, dating horror stories reddit, dating horror story animated, online dating, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: zerdAYEotX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 15sec (2295 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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