I Think My FAMILY FRIEND is a PSYCHOPATH (r/LetsNotMeet)

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ah / let's not meet woman Harris is a family of four out of pettiness turns out it's not the first time why I don't babysit for people outside my family pre warning this will be a short story just because I have some details left out to ensure its left anonymous also I haven't posted a lot and I'm on mobile sorry for any errors when I was around 15 I had started babysitting a family with three kids two boys one girl their mum knew me as the eldest was friends with my little brother and had asked my mum if I could help out just because she had started taking on more shifts and her husband was doing the same they lived right next to my high school and paid well so I agreed despite not really having that much experience pretty quickly I realized that it was going to be difficult the kids were great that I was nervous around them the oldest was fine just played on his box most of the time or done homework but the two youngest were a different story the middle child daughter was completely obsessed with horror movies and on more than one occasion I had to hide the knives from her since she wanted to reenact them and the youngest son tried to set fire to the Christmas tree I know what kids can be like since I have a lot of younger and older cousins but these ones drove me insane and I would constantly worried about them hurting themselves or each other if they played up I would threaten to call their mum which normally would work it was after a few months that I realized if I had mentioned the dad that's when they would really just behave and do what I had asked so that's what I started doing now I never really ever met the dad I just knew that the guy was really tall and big built but was always described to me as still being really nice so I never thought about it on this occasion I had said to the youngest boy that I would call his dad if he didn't stop behaving which resulted in a huge tantrum so I ended up calling him and explaining luckily for me the dad was getting off work early so he said that would get home as quick as he could and apologies for the kids behavior when I had explained this the kid was sobbing and ended up locking himself in his room that day the dad got home and they weren't joking when they said he was tall I'm only five feet three and was fifteen when I saw him having to crouch a little to get through the door because of his size I remember thinking oh [ __ ] no wonder the kids won't misbehave when he's there I said hi and apologized for the work call which he just brushed off and said that it needed to be done and not to worry we were both sat on the couch I can't really remember why but I think we were talking about what days they needed me for now at this stage the two youngest has went outside to play while I was in with the oldest as I had just been tidying a little from dinner I was pretty weirded out because his oldest started to get pretty antsy when asked to go to the shop kept making excuses to his dad so I had just offered to go I could see the dad visibly frustrated and just wanted to defuse the situation now I would like to point out that everything seemed normal at this point but I remember feeling really intimidated by the dad I had only met him this one time and spoke for no more than twenty minutes it turns out that the oldest has said to his mom that he didn't want me left alone with his dad as he had apparently been watching me a little too closely during our short encounter the parents had asked me to babysit later on in that week which I had agreed to however in the space of a few days that quickly changed I got a text from mum apologizing for the last minut arrangements but saying I couldn't babysit I was a little agitated since I had changed plans but wasn't too bothered and just said it was fine and just let me know when she needs me she had asked me to come round to get my pay for the last two weeks and I decided to just nip round before going home as soon as I was in the house I could tell something was off but not wanting to pry I just went in say hi talked about books for a little bit and left it wasn't until the next week I think a week after that where everything kicked off I came home to my mom being upset and angry pacing the living room while my stepdad was trying to calm her down I immediately went to her asking what was wrong feeling a little worried instantly she just threw her arms around me and started crying and holding me I had meant to be babysitting but again got canceled on so I was home earlier than what I had said originally pulling away confused I asked her what was wrong again turns out my mom had been trying to get a hold of me but my phone had died I had went to babysit and nobody was home so I just decided to head back on the bus but wasn't able to let my mum know she sits me down and starts trying to ask me questions about the dad in my time babysitting confused I had mentioned that I had only met him once and only really spoke to him on the phone a handful of times when the kids were acting up nodding my mum start pressing on and asked if anything else had happened and kept questioning me saying I could tell her anything I just looked at her confused and told that nothing had happened and asked what this was all about I always remember her taking a deep breath and saying oh thank god before letting me know what happened now as I said the details of egg because this was on the news turns out the guy had killed someone while working and been taken in by the police during interrogation it turns out that he admitted to beating his wife and there was speculations of assaults there was also mentioned that one of his types were petite girls that had dark hair pale which happened to match my description at the time and my mom was terrified in case something had happened I'm turning 23 year this year and it still gives me shivers I remember feeling like I was going to throw up and had a sinking feeling in my stomach my mum held me close crying because she had worried sick all day and scared in case something had happened needless to say I stopped babysitting for the family right there and there I had Phelps waffle for the wife as she was honestly one of the nicest women I had ever met about a week later I got a text from her as it turns out I had left some books so I had said I would go get them after phone when I saw her my heart sank she had obviously not slept and was putting on a brave face for the kids who weren't sure what was going on we ended up sitting in the kitchen and I gave her a hug just trying to comfort her I had mentioned that if she needed help with the kids since he was gone I would try and help but she immediately refuses as it turned out people had started attacking the house she gave me my staff paid for the wages with a little more added I had completely forgot and said she appreciated it but it would be better off if I just took a step back from the family as she didn't want me getting hurt for being associated with them to this day I still think about them and it still scares me after thinking about what could have happened I still talk to the younger kids who are a lot older and even helped tilter a younger girl I helped the eldest when he started high school because I noticed the kids bullying him for what his dad had done which was awful considering it wasn't the fault of the family but yeah let's not meet you psychopath my best friend tried to manipulate me into thinking my fiance was abusive this is more of a let's not meet ever again I'm sorry if it's long for reference I'm a girl and I've known this friend since middle school and I was about two years older than her we had spent a lot of our friendship coming up with stories and rowler playing with each other happy to spend time with each other and express our creativity since I'm an artist and she was a writer after a while I started going over to her house to hang out with her and her family we all fight really well and really got along I considered and family fast forward to about two years ago 2017 or so I did not want to live at home with my parents and wanted to live on my own since I was halfway through college and I would have to find a place afterwards so I asked around and my friend talks to her mother about me moving in I spoke with her about a situation my fiancee was in and agreed to let him live there with me and also agreed to let him stay there after I went back to school we had agreed on a price which me and my fiancee would split which he would faithful when I left we got our own room in the Attic of the apartment and we paid for our own groceries about 3/4 of the summer went without issue me and my fiancee worked paid the bills and were friendly with everyone in the house one day my friend calls me to her room and tells me that she believes my fiancee is being mentally and verbally abusive to me I told her that there was no reason to believe this since has always helped and supported me loved me and has sacrificed things for me in which I would do the same we didn't talk much after that after a few weeks I got to work and checked my phone in the bathroom I worked with kids and it was the only escape I had I got a notification on my phone that I was tagged in something from her I open it and start reading she had called me out for being such a submissive person that I allow my fiance to treat me and in quoting this almost word-for-word like a dog on a leash pulled by her master after reading everything she had to say I had an absolute breakdown I would not believe that not only said these thing about me but also that she posted it publicly I told my supervisor that I had to leave because of an emergency I got home grabbed a few things and took a bus to another friend's place in another town to talk with her about what happened I was distraught after a few days I realized that my friend was no longer staying in the house because she didn't feel safe around my fiance even though he had done literally nothing wrong then her mother turned on me the day before I had to move back to college I got a text from her mom saying that my fiance had 10 days to find another place to live because they already found another tenant at age / aru that was the last straw for me there were more things they accused us of like stealing accusing their son of stealing even though they told us that if anything went missing because he had a history it would be because of him and being disrespectful to people in the house I told her that wasn't part of the deal and that she needed to give him more time to find a place I may have said it a little too aggressive though and she and her boyfriend came upstairs yelling and screaming at me that we needed to leave right that minute because of the disrespect and so I yelled back adrenaline pumping that I was going to leave and never come back that they would never have hear from me again a little dramatic I know but it was in the moment my fiance who is completely confused finally understood what was going on and helped me pack our stuff we moved all of our stuff to my mom's house I've never seen or talked to them since they betrayed my trust they lied to me tried to ruin my relationship and tried to spread lies about me and my fiance I'm not so mad anymore because they can kiss my ass but it makes a great story so I hope to never see her [ __ ] face again this story happened quite some time ago when I was a kid my parents had been Wed for less than 10 years and they were living in an apartment with my sister and I who were very young children our babysitter who happened to be our mother's best friend at the time was living in the same building though a few floors below every morning mom and dad would wake up at 6:00 had breakfast and prepare for work they had a car each so my dad usually left first then my mother would take us to our babysitter's before going she would be the one to take us to school and pick us up afterwards at least that's how it was supposed to be at some point my mom was on sick leave for a time thus we could stay home with her and didn't need the babysitter to look after us I can't remember how long it lasted but when it ended we returned to our habits wake up at 6:00 Preparation dad leaves kids go to the babysitter's mom leaves things weren't quite usual though they became a bit weird from the moment my mother returned to work someone started to harass us every day at 5:00 a.m. someone would ring at our door yet there was never any one when we'd open every single day except for weekends this was really annoying especially for a family of four with two young children less than seven years old but we didn't really think it was bad it was just some prankster to us we thought it would end quickly it did not then one morning as my mother leaves for work she finds her tires completely flat calls her boss to say she'll be late then she finds a neighbor who happens to be on the parking lot and requires his assistance the guy takes a look at the tires and he turns to her with a concerned look they are not used and the cuts are clean they must have been slashed with a blade well if the bell ringing every morning didn't scare us that much this wondered my mother managed to get to work thanks to the neighbor who drove her then she called my father to tell him and they decided this could not go on next morning my dad wakes up at 4:00 and parks his car on the parking lot they only had space for one car in the garage so his was inside most of the time while my mother stayed outside then he waits around 5:00 another car comes in and parks a woman comes out with two little boys and my dad recognizes her instantly she's the mother of the two other kids our babysitter's looking after she's not living in the building though and starts work quite early she goes in and returns to the parking lot a few minutes later she cannot see my dad because it's dark and he's hiding in his car at this moment while she should return to hers and drive away the woman does something strange she walks up to the other side of the parking lot far away from where her car is and starts to bend above my mother's checking it out after a minute she goes back to her vehicle and my dad runs to her pointing his finger at her and yelling I know what you did she turns pale and leaves as fast as possible my parents went to the police with the element they had then we didn't hear much of the case for the next few days we told the babysitter and she admitted they had a fight while my mother was on sick leave because a woman wanted her to come and keep an eye on her boys at her place she was apparently tired of driving them to the babysitters every morning it wasn't possible though because my mother's sick leave was about to end and her best friend had to look after us too that was why she wouldn't go to other people's home so this woman was so angry she decided to make a detour by our floor and wring it out or at 5:00 a.m. every day then she apparently came with a knife to slash my mother's tires how did she know it was her car though I have no idea all of this because the babysitter couldn't come to her house instead several days after we went to the police my dad met her husband while they were both going to pick the kids up he told him the whole story the man was so unimpressed as it turned out it wasn't the first time she was behaving this way he just said he talked to her then a police officer came by to tell my father he was wrong to approach the guy that they had lost the element of surprise and we never heard of that case again she obviously stopped harassing us thankfully and we moved out then found another babysitter so crazy woman who carries a knife to exert vengeance on a family with young children who didn't even know they were troubling your daily life let's not meet father threatened to ahem disconnect a family friend turned creep from life hope you like my tie call could for some reason not post while using the K word I was maybe eight or nine at this point I'm from one of those towns that at the time were very small and the three words to describe this town with sports especially soccer religion and families specifically of the kind with young children everyone was nice a lot of Carens now my family was of course a part of this pattern don't you dare think my mother was a Karen with a slight variation my three siblings were seven to eleven I know years older than me meaning I would walk across town from school alone I also had to leave my neighborhood and walk for a solid few blocks before I came to any of my friends houses but this town being the town that it is my mother would let me walk alone especially because I knew the route so well due to my friends house being along my walk home from school my mother befriended a very Christian couple who sought her became my suitor grandparents because all of mine were either dead demented or disowned we weren't particularly Christian but we went to a lot of meetings they would have on Sunday Thanksgiving gifts would be exchanged on birthdays my brother and I would sleep over etc now enter the second couple the wife was the total sweetheart no idea what country she was from we could barely communicate a lot of sitting on her lap and getting treats barely taller than me I adored that woman I didn't pay much attention to her husband and frankly I don't remember much of him from that time he was just some guy that turned out to live just up the street from us and a block over a block I had to pass to get to my friend's house this is where it gets a little complicated I had a friend that lived right behind the second couples house I had to walk through their driveway and walk behind their house to get to her house the first time I had an encounter with him I was a little weirded out but I didn't think much of it he saw that I had rung the doorbell of my friend's house and he said they were at the cabin but they'd be back later that afternoon I was welcome to come inside and wait with him until they arrived and that he was my friend's grandfather there was just something about him that seemed off my eight-year-old angsty senses were picking up on something me being the mild-mannered and cautious little girl I was raised to be just smiled and said it was fine and I'd go to another friend's home and so I did problem is I should have gone straight home this friend lives even further away from my home and this meant that I would have to pass his house on my way back as well however at the time I didn't see him as a threat it wasn't until he would be standing outside his house waiting for me everyday when I walked home from school that I caught that something was very very wrong I would run past his house and whisper to myself please don't come out please don't come out but lo and behold he'd come running after me every time I would have to find a new excuse for why I couldn't come inside with him a lot of the times he would smell like booze every time he'd complain about having new friends and I was so nice and he just wanted us to be friends this is so long ago that I could be wrong but it was no longer than a month this was during the fall and it rained pretty heavily and my father was home from work for whatever reason so he picked me up from school a couple of times so that I wouldn't come home soaked and most likely catch a cold me wearing a jacket funny I never told my parents about this because I was scared of how they'd react I never saw his wife around when he'd do this and I don't think she was ever aware until that phone call another fall afternoon another friend I was walking home from another encounter I remember this very vividly because I can't remember ever having been so scared of anything that I had to run home I had one of those funds you could only text call and play three games with pre 2010 pre smartphones ideal phone for a nine-year-old that was never home I was so anxious now when I had to walk past that house I think I even held my breath because I was afraid he'd hear me I might have been stupid but I wasn't an idiot I knew even at that age what could happen to little girls I nearly passed his house I exhale and then I hear him coming down the stairs I keep walking he comes up to me and although I really did not want to I stopped he said he'd missed me and how he had waited for me but I never came again he asked if I'd come inside my excuse was that my mom had made dinner and she had spent so long making it and she'd be so sad if I didn't come home and it had be wasted if it was one thing I was good at at that age it was lying to get out of situations I did not want to be in then he called me a good girl for not wanting to let my mother down and hugged me tightly to this day I remember how he leaned down and whispered in my ear yes go home and eat but you'll come right back here afterward aren't you for whatever reason something told me that I should say yes just so that he'd be more inclined to let me go by the time I got home I had already decided to spill the beans I told my parents all of it as far as my nine-year-old brain could muster and they were having none of it they called the wife and asked to speak to him and my mother told him that I had told them everything and to leave me alone or they'd contact the police he apparently just made some grunting sound and hung up I don't remember how much later this was but it was warm enough for us to sit outside and the Sun was high on the sky might have been the summer after this incident my father had a friend who had two children who were older than me who lived with their mom and two very small children with his new wife he also knew the sky but didn't know about what had happened until that day when my father told him the guy didn't know my parents and I were there and at this point my parents didn't let me stay behind in the neighborhood with my friends if they as much as went to get groceries all I remember was seeing him approaching the house and according to my father's friend he was here to borrow some tools he and my father closed the gate behind them on their way out into the driveway we were on the patio and couldn't see what happened over the seven feet tall fence I heard some bangs on some angry whispering it wasn't until years later I learned that my father had threatened to kill him if he ever came close to me or any of my siblings ever again last time I saw him was my 18th birthday when my sister's took me to bah legal drinking age here and life has clearly not been good to him so moral of the very long story is do not force your children to be nice if they are uncomfortable allow them to say no a lot of creepers prey on children sympathy help me look for my lost puppy I need help Ted Bundy anyone it is very difficult to learn stranger danger whilst also learning to remain respectful and nice this wasn't even stranger danger this was a man I knew who was and who my parents initially liked in most abduction and assault cases it is by a person close to the family or in the victims extended circle I'm about to become a knob for the first time and my father is about to become a grandfather so family friend turned creep for your sake let's not meet again thank you for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe
Channel: Slime King
Views: 12,162
Rating: 4.75 out of 5
Keywords: high school, reddit stories, askreddit funny, askreddit scary, reddit top posts, askreddit comedy, comment awards, askreddit, top posts, dankify reddit, brainydude reddit, tz reddit, r/, askreddit creepy stories, toadfilms, reddit and chill, middle school, middle school cringe, teacher, pupil, parrents, tantrum, askreddit friends, askreddit secrets, askreddit parents, family secrets, askreddit kids
Id: iDrQR84OHlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 01 2020
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