Crazy Ex Wanted Me Back After Break Up - askreddit dating story

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ass credit how did you respond after your ex wanted you back after leaving you she broke up with me because I got glasses and wasn't attractive in a for her few years later and I'm wearing contacts and had grown into myself a little better and suddenly she's texting me again ironic thing as she was recently single because she gained weight and her boyfriend didn't find her attractive anymore I just laughed heard the situation and told her to stop contacting me ran into her at a bar after six months of no contact while she was out with some other dude almost ran away from her had that flight response for sure she grabbed my arm and said please talk to me chatted with her for five minutes left her and went to another bar and then got home where she called me and we talked till 4:00 a.m. next afternoon agreed to hang out with her and she was all over me and I was holding back dropped her off at her place and by some miracle didn't bang her as she got completely naked and kissing me all over she was a smoking-hot blonde with a lot of crazy went home to ice the boys down next morning I get a collect call from the County Jail it was her asking for a ride after I left she got into a fight with her mom and assaulted her picked her up and told her that I can't ever hang out with you like that ever again she nodded and I dropped her off kept in touch with her since I think I was the only guy who cared for her but didn't want it out of her for the next six months she told me she was going to move to the west coast one day and I agreed to hang out with her the night before she left she ended up crying all over me as I was dropping her off saying how much she loved me and messed up and how she didn't ever want to lose me in her life I promised her that I'd always be there for her while she was on the west coast we ended up talking on the phone on a daily basis quite frequently she was a great friend one morning on the way to work I realized I didn't hear from her the night before I called her firm and it was disconnected and I'd find it odd but didn't think too much of it get home from work and I get a phone call from a friend who was friends with her mutual friends on fast because I never friended her on Facebook after our breakup saying dude she died she had too much booze and bills he didn't realize that I was still talking to her on a daily basis it really flogged me I thought back to that night at that bar and how I would have missed out on the last year of her life if I had ran out instead of actually talking to her and just being there for her sometimes no matter how or why they left you it's not a bad thing to just be there for someone I wish I cold been there more somehow maybe she would still be here my ex only wanted me back when I told him I was going to go on a date with someone else this was after he had 12 Affairs in the span of our eight-year relationship then left me seemingly at random he cried and said he and himself I was very calm and gentle with him and told him I would like us to keep being friends as we had been in the last six months since he dumped me he kept telling me I was the best person on the planet and that no one but him would have make me happy or treat me right ah ha ha then he punched my bed frame I said I wasn't going to compromise my happiness for his which I had done for many years and he blatantly asked me to just pretend and said I'd never wind about my happiness before and he couldn't believe that I was so selfish and I was half the person he thought I was he cried some more for the first time in my life I stuck to my guts then he called me a witch joke's on him went out with the other guy fell madly in love and now deliriously happy ex's next girlfriend cheated on him Tim I don't even remember why we broke up me I believe you dumped me because a girl fell asleep on you and you dumped me to ask her out and she said no Tim oh yeah me yeah anyway nice talking but by Edit since a lot of people have touched on this yes I think it was a decent thing for him to do to break up with me first however he really wasn't that much of a noble guy I did hear conflicting stories about what happened at that party he could have or could have not screwed around with her it was a long time ago so it hardly matters and but from what I know and what made the most sense it seems like they screwed around he assumed he had her in the bag and then dumped me so he can be serious with her until she said no and he figured he'd come back to me she broke up with me sort of out of the blue and I wasn't really prepared for it never quite got over her but time passed and I was living with a girlfriend several years later my ex had kept in touch with me and we were still friendly she went through a breakup and I suppose she was emotionally vulnerable started talking to me a lot out of the blue and began to tell me all sorts of things about how she regretted breaking up with me and it was just immature insecurities that had led her to it and how jealous she was that she couldn't have me as flattering as it was to hear all of that I was still spoken for so I kindly deflected the issue until she got her head on straight and mellowed out got her life together that sort of thing we are still friends seven years after that and presumably she's moved on at least I hope she has since she's looking at buying a house with her fiance I ran into my ex a couple months after she broke it off with me for someone else we ran into each other at a bar she approached me while I was buying drinks and made some comment about the girl I was there with she then said something like if it doesn't work out or you get bored with her hit me up I laughed and said okay she asked if I was being sarcastic I was and walked away after that to get looking your comment because of the similar story I broke up with her because I found out she was cheating after a few months and after I got a new girlfriend I found help to get my 90 gallons aquarium out of her place at this point she was about 3 to 4 months pregnant with the other guy she asked me something along the line of if it doesn't work out with her do you think we could give it another try while her boyfriend was inside the apartment I answered I'll think about it and drove away into the sunset it was a Friday night when she asked to meet up at the local mall I ended up picking up a game castlevania Mile while we were there we ended up going back to house and watching movies she ended up asking if I would be willing to be her boyfriend again I said yes despite my instincts telling me not to that night I ended up going tobogganing with a group of friends I ended up smashing through a fence and don't remember much of the night ended up with a concussion long hospital visit blah blah anyways she calls me the next day and the biggest crap on the world took over my body before she could even speak I was yelling into the phone well long time no talk what have you been up to she was chit-chatting and asked about my day I told her I got a new game and a concussion the night before and that's all I remember she cried on the phone and insisted we spent the day together but I insisted how crazy and unlike me that was you'll hear a lot of people tell you it's a mistake to say yes those people are not wrong but they are not right either I met this girl in high school at a conference for overachievers in math we hung out at the conference did other things teenagers do when parental supervision is limited at the conference and then went back to our homes about four hours drive apart we kept in touch long distance was expensive but ICQ and M I'd worked really well she went away to a math camp for the summer I went off to work but we both made plans to get together in the fall and just hang out didn't work like that of course leaving aside all the teenaged hormone driven stuff I really liked being around her and while I can't speak for certain she really liked being around me so when I visited her and she visited me well things just seemed to fall into place such as it was the distance was daunting but we said we'd give it a go it lasted about a month before she wanted out I didn't blame her and it wasn't acrimonious or anything she just had problems dealing with the distance we still enjoyed being around one another so we kept in touch and over Christmas break we made arrangements to spend some time with one another again you can guess what happened that run made it until July or August can't remember I was away working again she was getting ready to go off to university she was going out of province while I was going to be stuck doing first-year transfer work at my local college she decided she wanted out before the distance became real that one made me angry she dropped it on me while I was away working it made things difficult for me to deal with on the other hand being away probably helped to since I could throw myself into what I was doing and just push it out of my head for a time I flirted with some of the girls there half-heartedly perhaps but I was trying I came home and went on a few dates but nothing she tried to but found like me that it just didn't feel the same we kept in touch and we found oddly enough or perhaps not oddly at all that we were jealous when we talked about trying to move on in our relationship when she came home at Thanksgiving I went to visit her and we fell right back into our old habits so we had a serious talk about it and we realized that like it or not we were in a relationship a complicated one but it was a relationship if we wanted to move on from it we would have to cut ourselves off from one another or we could just deal with the distance dealing with the distance seemed like a better choice than cutting a close friend out of our lives so we dealt with it I'm not saying we did it well but we did it we made lots of time for one another I went up to visit her when the school year ended she made arrangements to come visit me during her short visits home we both altered our plans so that we could cut down the distance the next year I changed universities she changed co-op locations and now eighteen year after we first met we are seven years married and have a wonderful daughter because I said yes to my ex she initially called me from another college to tell me she thought we should see other people a month later she called me to say she hadn't found anyone better so we were a couple again I politely told her I was seeing someone that was a day that I learned that we should see other people meant I should see other people while you wait around for me to maybe come back she also used all sorts of descriptors for the girl I was then seeing and told me it wouldn't last because rebound relationships never do she didn't know that this girl and I had been trying not to fall in love because I already had a girlfriend and my ex inadvertently gave us the opportunity that rebound relationship started almost exactly 20 years ago and we've been married for over seventeen and a half years we dated for three years in high school I was 19 at the time we broke up we were broken up for six months I took her back for about two weeks when my dad noticed she was coming around again he gave me the best advice I have ever gotten my dad told me don't sleep with her until you are 100% sure she is clean and not pregnant for once I listen to my dad's advice turns out she was a little over a month pregnant not showing at all and was planning on pinning it on me I'll never forget her crying I thought you loved me enough for this not to matter as I kicked her out of my house it hurt terribly I did love her but Jesus I was only 19 and in college no thanks I'll find another plus in those six months we were apart I met the best group of friends a guy could ask for which really made it that much easier now that I knew there was life beyond that one girl the first girl I fell in love with dumped me the day she left for university we were both young so in hindsight I can see why she wouldn't want to be with me despite consistently reassuring each other we would do the whole long-distance thing I was devastated it took me months before I started to see other people the time passed and she began to get depressed or claimed to be while she was away and would look to me for support I gave her minimal because it hurt me too much because of how blindly in love I used to be with her I met this gorgeous girl at a party at one of the universities my friend was going to she was stunning and we hit it off really well ended up going on a couple dates and talking constantly my ex ended up coming home permanently because she didn't like where she was and long story short we got back together and I had to break it off with the girl I had been seeing it was the biggest mistake I've ever made the following year was awful with her she was absolutely manipulative a liar and took advantage of me my judgment was clouded and I suffered greatly because of it found out she was sleeping with loads of people when she was away got double-teamed etcetera lied about all of it I ended things with her and over the next year and a bit I tried to patch things up with the girl I was seeing before but it was no use she was with someone already i apologized profusely she admitted to really liking me and was extremely hurt when I blew her off we would talk here and there and I couldn't get her off of my mind this will probably be buried I've written more than I've intended but I'm now with that girl the timing was never right she ended up studying abroad and we did long-distance together after patching it up she's back now and we've been together almost 7 months I couldn't be happy as she is the most trustworthy gorgeous and genuine girl I've ever met I can finally admit that I'm in love again and it's mind-blowing and juicier than ever it couldn't be better we were together 13 years since she was 18 and I was 21 married for the last seven I wanted to split up she most certainly did not at the time I felt like something was wrong with me I figured I was having a midlife crisis the last time I ever saw her she told me that when we first met I had saved her she was going through a dark period in her life and she thought of me as her hero six or seven months later I woke up and it was like a switch had been flicked in my head and I regretted the hell out of splitting up understandably she had moved on with her life I was subsequently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and learned that it can affect your behavior there is a condition called manuscript personality wherein a sufferer as loved ones describe their behavior as psychopathic completely devoid of empathy either I was the world's biggest doubt your bag or my immune system chewing holes in my brain played a part either way it doesn't matter the outcome is the same it's been seven years and I know I will never love anyone else fifteen years in and I'd find texts on her phone completely blindsided no clue she had it in her to cheat told me it was just texting beg for forgiveness I caved a month later check the phone bill to find that it never stopped confronted her again cue more begging and more denial on my part that she would let the life we had built go down in flames this went on for a few months so many promises one night I caught her on the phone when she thought I had left suddenly it's not just texts sometimes it was phone calls to just a friend she could talk to that she let things go too far with promise to break all contact swore it was never physical then I found a male's she detailed things that made me sick to read but also included descriptions of his house she broke finally but swore it was all just in the line of duty that's how she met you see visiting nurse service and this guy was a client promised she was done loved me you see no chance she was going to let 15 years go like that I wasn't buying it anymore though she announced she was going out one night with a work friend promise they were only going to the bar then she'd be home maybe late but not too late she had taken over her own phone account by then that wasn't bright enough to understand that Google Latitude was still showing me where she was and I wasn't about to show my hand she kissed me goodbye and beelined write for his house and was there until the wee hours of the morning once I knew where she had headed I called her dad and my best friend to keep me from doing anything dumb I will love them both forever for keeping me calm while my world went insane all around me my father-in-law offered to stay with the kids and wait for her to get home around 3 a.m. while couchsurfing my buddy's place she sent me a nasty text asking where the hell I thought I was I texted her a screenshot of a little GPS dot at her boyfriend's and let her know I'd be sending her some to work soon [Music]
Channel: ASK GURU
Views: 311,560
Rating: 4.9081941 out of 5
Keywords: askreddit, r/askreddit, askreddit stories, askreddit women, askwomen, askreddit girls, reddit girls, reddit women, askreddit dating, askreddit wedding, askreddit break up, askreddit ex, askreddit crazy ex, crazy ex want me back, crazy ex story, reddit break up, reddit ex story, nasty break up story
Id: lkCZiTyACVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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