Ratatouille explained by an idiot

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welcome to Ratatouille Ratatouille it's a rat that cooks patooting before I start I must complain first about you when I asked you on Twitter to make a meme out of this picture for The Iron Giant video I expected more you all I got was low ever POV bull granted I can't do any better but I expected more like only two people actually tried to do something decent also on my patreon for the same movie how did this not win the meme pole it's in my opinions man but maybe even worse this won The Amazing Spider-Man pole instead of any of these because of course you choose a spin-off meme your predictable Basics diversify Your Meme taste do better or else I'm not gonna make a video about cats and I know you want me to just kidding by the way I probably would have chose the same one this is just an excuse for me to plug my patreon where you can give me your money and appear in the credits of my videos and vote for these shitty memes provided to me by my twit cards on Twitter with polls that are actually not rigged unlike most selections now on to the movie starting off with one of my favorite countries of dog gone specifically France where there's this five-star restaurant called Gusto's named after an old fat Chef who's really good at cooking and made a cookbook that stated that anyone could cook and then they heal himself when a really mean food couldn't give him a bad review that lost his restaurant also in France is Remington the rat who read this book and is gifted how do I say this very intuitive foodie skills my brain that knows what food goes with what what ingredients the food is made of what food smells good what food smells like poison which comes in very handy when he's dead the leader of their rat colony appoints him poison checker for all their shitty food that they collect want his nose burn out from all that smelling like people get used to smelling of the three sniffs or something like that right he is a rat though I don't know much about red and enemy rattatomy just saying could be exhausting moving on he hates eating trash and wants to cook and eats good food so he keeps sticking into this old woman's house to do so then one day he tries to cook a mushroom on the chimney of her house with his [ __ ] brother which gets them struck by lightning and they survive that whatever then Remy decides that they need one more ingredient that would make this that mushroom perfect and that ingredient lies in the kitchen of old lady so they go inside [ __ ] fell asleep watching TV Emil is clicking in his boots while REM is looking for the spices and then he says on TV that Chef Gusto has died because of that bad review and he keeps getting closer to the TV to listen and watch which a lot late to see him when she woke up why the did you have to get close you [ __ ] rodent you were hearing fine doesn't matter probably pulls out the wine mistake and starts shooting holes in her own house trying to kill them not only is this ancient French [ __ ] using the most ineffective weapon to kill these rats but that shotgun has 11 shots before getting empty that [ __ ] doesn't exist could be wrong though maybe it's pack a punch I don't know his brain brother runs up to the Colony leading her there just a brain old lady who's a better shot than most movie villains shoots down her ceiling revealing the whole colony which makes them all panic and evacuate while she gets the mustard gas and idiot Remy is like oh no Gusto's book and he goes back for the book leave it you [ __ ] you can get another one you can't get another life whatever the colony makes a thrift that they built to escape in the storm drain sewer tunnel thing but Remy gets separated from them tries to make it back to them using the book as a raft but he can't make it because he's a [ __ ] then he gets lost inside the tunnels almost drowns and some time later [ __ ] calms down he's stuck there waits for something gets bored starts reading the book no way in [ __ ] is that [ __ ] readable bro after being used as a life raft that thing is either super easily rippable paper mache or stuck together and impossible to open without ruining it anyway when he starts loosening Gusto probably because of the shrooms yeah and ghost tells him to stop being a [ __ ] and go up and look around for sure and he does that goes and leaves behind the book he fought so hard to keep so what the point of that finds the party with some food about to eat and take a bite but Gusto comes up like a thief takes a cook makes keep looking so he continues on looking for food to cook or whatever at least take a bite to hallucination and you don't have to listen to work work need energy man don't be dumb anyway he passes by typical should a mouse trap some more typical friendship and to the rooftop of some building and finds that he is in Paris right next to Gusto's restaurant oh no no no no so Remington goes up to the kitchen Scarlet to observe this kitchen excited AF and you see this guy he's the chef now after Gusto's passing he's a short ass with an Napoleon complex and you see this guy or this kid has a mom and his mom used to be friends with gusto and she died and wrote Gusto letter and hopes that he could get her son linguine this guy a job at his restaurant this letter also contains a little extra information for later but for now Lincoln gets a job as a garbage boy and Remy's their tripping balls on the Skylight he tells Gusto that he's a useless plunger that can't cook well that's not stopping him look what what what's he doing he's ruining that stop someone has to stop him you have to stop him this explosion chamber and have his penis exploded immediately dude is losing his [ __ ] over linguine accidentally knocking over the soup and ruining it further in an attempt to fix it except he wasn't looking gosto was but Gusto is a figment of his imagination so does that mean that he was looking but imagining this in a third person point of view inside his brain or am I overthinking this way too much anyway rat drops down because he was freaking out over the soup too much and he falls down into a sink with a new Mission survival ends up running around almost gets stepped on almost gets burnt alive by this oven thing then ends up escaping from some food he probably gave rat AIDS almost a squeezed to death and before escaping smells a Shetty soup and decides to fix it for he leaves in a flurry of food throwing and flipping around and [ __ ] and first off I don't care that Remy washed his hands with a drop of water Midway through fixing the soup Remy is still a wrap that was just skinny dipping with the finest French tours literally a few hours ago coming anywhere near any of this food and serving it to any people will probably restart the [ __ ] plague and second how's he standing on a blistering a hot pot full of boiling soup don't matter then when he finds him freestyling the soup and traps him in Napoleon finds linguine with the ladle and goes you have been cooking and he's raging on him all the cook take some soup out to a custom summer which Napoleon doesn't order some time to stop so he goes back to Rippling queenie's dick off and staple it to his forehead and call him Olympic unicorn but then the customer that got the suit that happened to be a food critic as for the chefs on the plane goes out and finds out that they thought the soup was very yum yum in the tummy so he can't fire the GUI now especially when this edgy [ __ ] stuck up for him and Napoleon is like perhaps I was a bit ashy responsible for linguine now continues yelling at factionals due till he sees Remy Escape gives him a concussion snow straps him in a jar and Napoleon asked him to go get rid of it far away from here because they don't want anybody to know there's a rat in the kitchen because that's a health school violation and they will get shut down a chip the dudes obliges and goes to throw Remy into a river but he can bring himself to do it because of his huge puppy dog eyes then goes crazy talking to himself because Napoleon wants him to repeat the soup which he can't do like you're the one that was getting Fancy with the spices and he notices that Remy understands him freaks out a little bit but then composes himself and he comes to an agreement that he will let Remy live if Remy helps him cook and surprisingly the rat agrees so he takes him to his crappy little one-room apartment to stay in the next morning Remy makes them breakfast so she doesn't get to eat himself because they're late for work and wheezing inconsiderate prick and they arrive at work ready for war with Remy and linguine sure trying to help him to cook properly but obviously a system of biting and slapping is not the best of strategies so they go and convene and brainstorm ideas in the [ __ ] uh I don't know there's like a closet full of food and he gives him some food because he knows he's a prick and then they almost get caught by Napoleon but he shoved Remy inside his hat real quick and by pure accidents they find out that Remy can control linguine by pulling on his hairs how did you do that whoa that's strangely involuntary no it is not that isn't a thing and it makes absolutely no sense and don't think for a second that I'm playing along I'm pretending that it is is gonna stop me from questioning the mechanics of this [ __ ] like how is Raising Arms different from shrugging your shoulders they're the same hair pulling motion how do you splay or control individual fingers by isolating groups of hairs or something pulling different hairs how do you control the angles of elbows wrists or any other joints for that matter what have been more realistic if he taught Morse code and they communicate with that or another tapping on the scalp system but I've Linger on this long enough so anyway as you might have seen they went home and started practicing Remy controlling linguine like a puppet while he's blindfolded until they got good at cooking he repeats the super next day and collect I found out her name I would not find nothing though because I am stupid and Lady color shows them that she's really edgy because nice then Napoleon tells this advertisement dude that he wants to sell out and horow Gusto's name with dignity like that's a thing that he reads the queenie's mom's letter and finds out she [ __ ] Gusto and Linguini is the spawn of them Gusto's son so he immediately goes get my lawyer you didn't even dial anything and I'm pretty sure you don't even have an assistant to take this order either you [ __ ] French lit anyway it doesn't matter here's the deal in the will it states that if no heir to Gusto shows up in two years time the restaurant and I'm guessing lots of other [ __ ] goes to Napoleon and that deadline expires in less than a month so the lawyers like keep him here and keep an eye on him while I go do some tests stop panicking it's fine the guy's panicking because he thinks Linguini knows something and he's here to play some lion games with him but in reality linguine doesn't know [ __ ] which is insane like you think his mom would have left him a letter himself telling him that his dad is Gusto or let him read this letter but whatever collect them very aggressively teaches linguine and Remy cooking and kitchen etiquette lots of really important rules a red tutorial gossips about co-workers and other tips and tricks obviously they're gonna [ __ ] if you can't deal with it then one day some customers ask for something new so Napoleon decides to give Linguini one of Gusto's old failed recipes to trip him up and make him look bad and while him and Colette are making this failed dish that'll obviously gonna suck Raymond goes the [ __ ] ass we're going off the books I'm gonna need this I'm gonna need that I'm gonna need this what else what else what else oh this way no no no no no yes move that's the one he improvising he changes the recipe last second Against All Odds and all orders and the customers love it everyone starts asking for the linguine special at the end of the day the kitchen is celebrating Mr Winnie and nippy sees a rat and Uni's hat and after Winnie takes Remy outside to give him a break and some food nippy tries to catch him off guard and take the Hat away and prove that there's a round there and prove that he's not paranoid but obviously comes out empty-handed then he takes him into his office gets him drunk and tries to get him into saying anything about the rats but Guinea keeps his lips sealed tighter than a nun's ass then nippy the dick he forces him to stay behind and clean up the kitchen overnight meanwhile Remy was chillax and eating some good food when he hears a noise and stumbles upon his bro and goes to get him some good food instead of the [ __ ] he's munching from the food swords yeah that's what it's called against the advice of his conscience in the form of ghost hole currently he gets him a plate of food look at it count the contents of it you got it okay now he gives him some of the food to imagine and really think about the flavor and stuff but he's too dense to appreciate the food he's just a [ __ ] eating food for the sake of eating food now notice how the plate is empty when he gave him the food and he started Imagining the flavors it still had some [ __ ] on it and it didn't seem like Remy interview because he was talking throughout the whole bit but an even bigger complaint is why the smelly coochie [ __ ] did he even steal food from inside the kitchen he got cheese and a sweet grapey thing while he already had the exact same [ __ ] outside it read me the [ __ ] over here whatever his brother takes him to see his family slash Colony his dad's all happy he's home celebrations and Jazzy [ __ ] all about but Remy's like yeah this was fun and everything but I'm not staying I got this really cool thing going on with a human with a what how dare you then is that takes him to see that rats in a shop where they sell that rats no no no no they don't sell that right but they sell dry poison rat traps and [ __ ] to show them how bad humans are but he's like screw you the future is now old man and I'll take my chances and leaves night turns into the guest rummy spent tonight out in the streets or some [ __ ] he turns out to the restaurant finds linguine sleeping on the job then here's Colette roll up on her bike so he quickly takes control of linguine with some sunglasses on and pretends that he's awake in front of Colette although there is no reason for him to do so just leave him as his dumbass what's the worst that's gonna happen they're gonna find out that his boss overworked him through the night and feel bad for him send him home cover for him well there's no risk here anyway Colette Loki mad at him because she thinks that he's abandoning her after she gave him all this advice and he's becoming a big shot and [ __ ] she slaps him awake dude's like what the [ __ ] is happening and he tries to explain to her that he has a little red secret but Remy wants to keep that secret so he accidentally becomes the best wingman ever and forces linguine to face attack Cola with his mouth and she likes it if and made them [ __ ] kill himself or gave him a heart attack whatever and I'm convinced his inspiration for groom to think about it grew as him just water and with a longer nose anyway he gets news that Gusto's is popular gun he's like reviewed them into the ground powerful clicks a thing like actually who could have cares some [ __ ] has an opinion about food whoopty [ __ ] do people have different tastes this means nothing how are they making money I feel like the only reason they're ever relevant is because of the same people that worship celebrities in a funny how celebrity worship sounds like son of a [ __ ] I'm making too many connections here my train of thought is zigzagging so hard right now it's about to take a detour to the force the [ __ ] up thoughts and trust me you don't want me to go there let's get back on track or confirms that linguine is Gusto's son and tells winnipi to fire him in three days when the deadline's over so I can keep an eye on him but then Remy finds Gusto's will folder while looking for the key to the now locked foot swords to feed his greedy brother and his friends mind if I not at all schizophrenic home you're for real as his own hallucination for permission to Snoop around what the hell is wrong with this guy so he finds out about linguine is the ninja and Napoleon catches him so he runs away with the papers and we get a funny Chase where rats fly and nippy gets really wet and ends up empty-handed in every single way because I only gets larger than linguine and he gets the restaurant now they burn all the sellout advertisement [ __ ] and turn stuff around for themselves he gets a new apartment life is good bro gets more rest to feed life sucks linguine and collect the kind of thing life good then one day while linguine is doing a photo shoot in his restaurant because business is booming one where may get discovered underneath the hat because the Flash and the light and [ __ ] similar to how Napoleon saw him into the hat I don't know it doesn't matter Remy is kind of maddling Winnie because he's getting too cocky and dickish then Anton igort walks in announcing that he'll eat here tomorrow and Josh's food like you have been playing with no opponent that is against the rules he has a British accent in this movie I know I'm doing a French one so linguine calls him anorexic and the dude leaves and Linguini is being an ass and gets mad at Remy fights with him a little bit kicks him out of his hat which Napoleon sees because he was spying on them from the rooftops Remy gets mad at linguine for treating him like [ __ ] so he decides to feed the whole Colony tonight and invites them into the food storage but gets interrupted by linguine who has realized his mistake and how bad he was being to remain that he needs him only for fat ass Emil to interrupt him because he turned himself into a great Minigun a grenade launcher if you will he finds a whole rat infestation and feels betrayed by Remy and kicks him out for good time which makes for me to press espresso and greeny stressier as [ __ ] for tomorrow's big day with ego then ramy's bro who is so thick in the head not just body walks into a trap which Remy has to say to him from in fact the Trap was meant for Remy because it was set there by Napoleon who takes him into the trunk of his car and tells him that he's gonna make a new restaurant he's gonna cook for everything for him make him super rich like Jesse Pinkman in the final seasons of Breaking Bad traps him in there and goes inside to the restaurant to order the same thing that Eagle's gonna order and apparently iGo wants to eat some fresh perspective [ __ ] snobby dick at speaking in cryptic Moon just say that you want their best [ __ ] it's as easy as that you [ __ ] he does do that eventually but not before a bit more snobbery and in the kitchen and guinea is absolutely losing his mind and then I don't know where Remy shows up because his family decided to help him out and break him free from the trunk by dropping gargles on and they're super lucky that these things weigh just enough to Dent the trunk open without crushing slash killing Remy anyway the whole staff wants to kill Remy but linguine stands between them and protects Remy then tells them the truth that he was little cook controlling him from his head with a little speech which makes literally everyone leave even Colette she technically fell in love with a rat I mean not really but you get it right moving on she rides off without a helmet through the streets of Paris which is illegal and unsafe ruin but then gets inspired to go back because books say anyone can cook and when she comes back she finds a bunch of rats cooking because Remy's dad came over did the whole classic I was wrong about you son I should have listened to you how can I help stick they tied up the health inspector that Napoleon call on them cleaned all the rats up in a way that is what's the word here disputable I guess I don't know if this would actually work well for either party rat or human but whatever Roman gets the rats cooking linguine against the waiting tables on Rollerblades and Remy decides to serve ego Ratatouille a peasant dish that is so [ __ ] small I cannot believe it and I better cost like 200 Euros or some crazy ass [ __ ] like that doesn't matter iGo Got Served the Rapture it takes a bite and immediately nuts himself in wonderment of the deliciousness so hard it reminds him of his old peasant days when he was a child Napoleon also begrudgingly loves the food busts into the kitchen outrage demanding to know who to cook this [ __ ] then gets arrested by rats as well an eagle wants to send his regards to the chef personally and thank him but linguine is like I'm not you sure today and cause Colette has more balls than him she tells him that if he wants to meet the chef he has to wait till all the other customers leave so the madman waits till everybody leaves and they show him Remy and at first he's like is this some kind of joke but they keep explaining and proving that this is true he believes them thanks to him for the meal then goes back and writes a [ __ ] in good review about it only to have his credibility destroyed when they eventually release Napoleon and the health inspector which they had to for obvious reasons then the restaurant gets shut down also obviously but Remy says ego is doing very well as a small business investor in his and linguine's new very own joint venture restaurant thing where he's still cooking really good food for rats and humans so do the humans know that there is a rat Chef inside there I mean the name of the place is ratatouille with the rat sign on it so do they you know what [ __ ] it whatever this movie gets one black plague out of two pink plagues [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: High Boi
Views: 2,533,865
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high boi, ratatouille, high boi explains, ratatouille recap, movie recap, funny movie recap, haha, lol
Id: rs0rNoLWT6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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