Is Megamind The Best Superhero Movie?

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hello everybody welcome to big brain yeah it's large cranium yep my brain is so big my head is just gonna pop so i i'm gonna be honest i don't know why you guys recommended this movie i like this movie a lot yeah i do too it's such a good movie i have a feeling it's because there's a lot of memes that have come out of this movie the fart one i've seen that about a hundred and seven thousand times there's so many good jokes that came out of this movie it's such a good movie well before we get into this video make sure that if you like it you lick it don't forget to hit that super sized brain button man that means subscribe but first the youtuber was too stunned to speak january adsense had hit rock bottom no uploads in over two weeks career in shambles i couldn't even afford the royalty-free stock footage of the streets i was left on vine boom sound effect but before the bank had a chance to repossess my sponsor shades i spun the wheel of sponsors for one last chance to continue making 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dream animations wait that's not the sun now it is my end starts at the beginning the very beginning you might be wondering how'd i get in this position yeah that's me that's me right there it all started back in middle school well i think everything wrong with me started in middle school literally broken oh the panic oh my god is this planet getting like gassed or glassed is like it's gonna be turned into glass actually it's gonna be a giant marble and actually it's gonna go into a black hole so this is a lot like man of steel but a lot better but sure is saying something here is your minion oh i love minion if we say minions we're going to get despicable me in our recommendations for the next year you could pay me 10 billion and i wouldn't review that hey sponsors uh raid 10k and we'll watch minions for you why is he not seat belted in no not at all that is me as a baby i swear i'm gonna be honest with you you are metro man a true man yeah you are metro man well that's unfortunate because metro man sucks you're right nate he doesn't suck every single time metro man speaks until like the end of the movie i want to like punch him in the face okay then he he's metro man like later post beard era but i had something far far greater my amazing intellect lost baby i will no turn off this movie i'm gonna be honest i hated boss baby oh it was so bad who liked boss baby how is that like a hot take that you're having i know people who like boss baby trust me i watched that movie and every joke was like whoa it's a baby who's smart what oh my god it's just a mid movie like it's not bad to the point where i'm like i want to shut this off it's more of like why it's just toy story with babies and it's not funny don't ask us to do that i was given an opportunity to better myself through learning at a strange place called jewel just a school right next to like a maximum security prison a little gifted school for a little gifted kid yeah that's my rapper name was a little gifted bran hit us with some bars uh i don't have any in here fresh out of bars so i like how because he crashed in prison they just decided to put him under custody even though that's really expensive for the prison he also just has no records why don't we put it for adoption or find something no prison how does he get parole and what are his charges he doesn't and yes he's charged for existing me too while they were learning the itsy bitsy spider i learned how to dehydrate animate objects and rehydrate them at will i studied the blade this is this plot exposition thing in every movie where it's like while others were doing one thing i was doing something slightly different in the corner they'll see i'll teach them i'll be able to fight just as well as them when it's convenient for the plot destined to be rivals why are you taking the school he's like you know what you're going to prison i'm going to steal this school i'm going to hold a bunch of children hostage in this red building he's going to put them in low orbit wow okay the stuff they make you read on air that's unfreaking believable it's crazy i wrote that piece myself how i hate this guy everyone does oh yeah he's the villain that's the whole point i mean yeah but i'll give them this they didn't do that movie city thing where there's like four identical skyscrapers in the background it's a pretty well made city it does kind of look like gta 5 on the ps3 though no i'll tell you what it looks like it's liberty city yeah i do look like liberty city a lot is that watch a transformer yes no yeah it's scandam and then transformed kind of genius though nice work sending me the watch minion so do the cameras outside prisons and movies not notice when stuff like this happens nope not at all they always do this thing with the invisible car or the transformers watch immediately after someone like turns their back and walks away two inches they revert back to being like normal all right put your hands in the air i don't have this much confidence you wouldn't be metro man i would just make my name man who are we gonna call i'm being robbed a man it's just a dude in like jeans that can fly for no reason who would i be without you still metro man feel like metro man is gonna sell me a course on how to be like an alpha man you she just knows all of his tropes by now i genuinely really like this they're just exploring how stupid the mustache twirling villain is it's true there's a point where you've done everything you're gonna do oh god it's this vape cloud thick cloud bro it's all the 5g that's what 5g actually looks like guys it's that dark cloud if you put on your 3d glasses you can see it don't believe me go hold an umbrella in the rain wow mega mine i have to talk in here to mega mine i love mega mine puts on like a concert every single time he appears it's like a wwe fight honestly we're at the abandoned observatory you didn't think you were in the real observatory why is it so close to the actual observatory is my question like it's right there i have an even better question for you how come the outside of that is made of wood and like clapped together boards but the inside is metal he just threw it together over a weekend that was a really big home depot hall he had ready the death ray minion you just own a satellite yep how many regulations are you elon musk this is what elon musk is going to turn into in like 30 years him and jeff bezos are going to show down in the city this dome is obviously lined with copper copper brains my powers wouldn't like everything around you drain you then he like walks past like a computer and just dies man is built for the stone age apparently like oh my god oh my god i forgot that that was the thing is that he like kills metro man and that's how it sets up the movie and then he becomes like the president for some reason he's like wow i killed someone now i'm the president yeah i own this city now that the person who lives in this city is dead apparently the united states in this universe is like trial by combat it's like black panther you have to kill whoever is in charge you did it sir i did it you did it jude i did it you did it did i yep did it it happened you did it wow what did i do okay the most horrible evil thing you can possibly think of and multiply it by six oh my god what is the most evil horrifying thing you can think of um he he's gonna uh he's uh he's gonna like and then he's gonna oh god i hate it when that happens look at the intricate move seal of the city and hold on what did that say seal of the city and the county of metro city the county is named metro city it's metro city county this entire place is like on a weird island in the middle of nowhere it's a gta map that's what we've been saying it's just like a little highland hidden under the a in atlantic what state is this in it's an island in the middle of nowhere since it's got a county what state is this i don't think it's the united states i feel like it's the united states well yeah that's because every movie ever is the united states everything i want i love the soundtrack in this that we can't talk about in the video we can talk about it we just can't play it it's all dad rock that's what it is i know i love the soundtrack and why is there a car upright in that is that the ark of the covenant bro i've been looking for that for a little while so i'm glad he has it it was just in the city somewhere yeah this is the promised land actually i have just one question for megamind are you happy now no now what i am curious about is why he allows freedom of press and all this stuff he's not really evil if you didn't notice yet he's just kind of there he just wanted to fight metro man wrap that up and give it to a child on christmas maybe don't can't wait to get him news broadcast under the tree yeah a really sad one too i hope i got an xbox and it's just we're a city without a hero your favorite superhero just got killed and we're living under a dictator so many evil plans in the works the illiteracy beam the what like fire it at someone and they're like hold on let me write a youtube comment if only the world had a reset button does it's called nuclear holocaust i'm banking on it sell your stocks today guys get my uh my survival kit my apocalypse survival kit link in the description it's got like a box cutter and some duct tape a single block of mild cheddar cheese it's in a camo bag it's so the nukes can't see you must find a suitable subject not that ringtone no the verizon ringtone that's what my ringtone is on my phone my ringtone when i was like eight was the whistling verizon ring tone which was the and i would just get calls in public and have the most embarrassed i wanna die energy because a man's whistling in my pocket it was the worst why didn't you just change it i forgot to on this specific memory i'm speaking of it's time we stood up to megamind and show him he can't push us around oh did she not see on the news that that building like exploded wouldn't that be a big deal no she is the news so she missed it wait so since she is the news wouldn't somebody report that no she's the only source of news oh no one else pays attention she's the only source of things happening awesome how did you find his hideout this is the only building in metro city with a fake observatory on the roof did he not tear that down after he was done nope also why does he need a hideout if he's in charge of everything also why is there just a crushed car you know he has a thing for just breaking cars and it's amazing that's fair roxanne oh no not again did you not watch her walk through that wall he was looking at his camera monitor so he must have missed it yeah it doesn't show up on the camera monitor stupid things don't show up on cameras oh what do you mean oh no oh this is this villain origin story heck yeah hal which is the worst name for anyone ever is his name actually hal yeah hal who names the kid like ew this sounds like what you name a computer potter couldn't ask for finer clay like i was just upside down in the wall i guess yeah those beds don't just spring up into the wall like that i'm gonna do another one of these bits as a kid i was scared of the idea of beds like that because i thought they would spring back into the wall and trap me in there i thought i would just get stuck in this wall death by fold out that was bed a funny story hold on that sign behind them read words kids thanks i will no not books words stuff the words yeah don't read the book just read the words inside of the book it stretches it's for you what's the t stand for it uh t stands for three just the number three no it's um you know the movie ocean's eleven that's like the name of the main character in ocean's eleven his name is ocean's not eleven no his name is ocean's 11 and this is the prequel to that ocean's 11 men that's no no his name is ocean's 11 and this is just before that who watch churros please show him eating the churro i want to know how he eats that churro movie don't pan away i want to see it's not going to show you i wanted to see how you freaking true you don't get to see it i wanted to know okay okay i just have to take a step back literally steps back so funny it's not funny when you point it out it's supposed to be just like a little yeah i know i want to make fun of this movie from having little details because what else am i making fun of yeah this movie has really good comedy and it plays attention to the little details and everything stupid there's like a dynamic story where people have different motives oh my god i don't whoa i i hate this god give me back for every other movie we've ever covered like bulk oh god your very own heroic guardian of pure awesome what's your name just kidding i know everything about you okay so this is the dude that's gonna sell the alpha male course yep this has like that i'm a true gentleman vibe about it like everything about him you haven't been treated real ladies wait is he the alpha male or is he the um in cell he's an incel that happened to get muscles and that's the worst thing that can happen to an end cell he's outgrown his fedora who are you really couldn't tell by the really ugly face and hair and voice i'm surprised you didn't hear the jonah hill voice oh my god are you jonah hill to be fair she was being thrown around a skyscraper by a much taller much buffer man than hell so that's true to bernard for being the only normal thing in my upside down world it's funny because he's not normal he's like an alien with blue skin and she's gonna find that out say i wasn't so normal say i wasn't normal say i was a little bit like the joker from the movie joker oh my god as a non-specific example say that's what i was like would you still love me everyone is awful roxanne people are awful the world is angry the world's as angry as it gets roxanne roxanne i've killed people so many people now hold on you he's not who she thought he was oh it's sad so it's gonna rain yeah it's raining because the sky called for it to be emotional right now even though it was like perfectly clear tricking me what could you possibly hope to gain 12 tp what could you possibly hope to gain [Music] oh bad break that was perfect the fade out the black yep that's what we do now also i need to pee well you better pee i'm gonna pee so hard one of these days i'm gonna record on either a toilet or a bike and neither of you will have any idea do it at the same time a toilet bike [Music] to build a mech suit yes he did except he looks like mr electric in it what are you doing stopping my endless fun coaster and infiltrating my lair mr electric should be the next avengers villain i would watch that [Music] he's just sitting there this is me whenever i think we're gonna record and then we don't end up recording every time we're just sitting there for like two hours like all right okay you wanna make weird noises into our go xlrs for two hours yeah let's go and that's like how we get ready for a call this is me in the hulk video game when i would pick up a street light and smack people with it walk sideways that's how you avoid linear projectiles no this is like indiana jones apparently where they have no idea how to do that it's a ball rolling towards them it's instantly going to kill you no matter what no he wouldn't want to walk out into traffic that's why he didn't don't get hit by a car instead of a big copper ball titan's turret he'll destroy the whole city what is he doing out there he's punching something really hard man's got like all the grand theft auto cheats turned on and he's like blowing everything up like the explosive punches in like the fast running and the super jumps so he's just running around blowing everything up they modded gta so hard and then added the cinematic camera plug-in after all these years my old shoe house why this is is this how the uh the dad's house from willy wonka got moved like willy wonka's dad is actually just metro man oh really old yeah he retired and became a dentist and he settled down and had a son and then he just moved his house again stupid i hate it you're right did you know okay now that version of metro man might be me it all started back at the observatory i like how he's like it all started exactly where you thought it did metro man was finally dead if there's bad good will rise up against it that's the moral of the story is that megamind isn't actually a really bad guy so he needs to learn to be a good guy to stop a worse guy or something i wonder if there's ever been a neutral person in the history of film no no you don't know me you never took the time to know me to be fair dude the entire time she was trying to be your friend you're like hey do you want to marry me yeah a little weird it's because he's such an alpha can you be a bravo male bravo alpha bravo charlie delta can i be a fox trot male i want to be a gamma man i'll be waiting at metro tower and just so you don't get cold feet how did he like broadcast that to television to be fair he was a television broadcaster so i guess how did the television broadcaster broadcast to television by broadcasting the television oh my god amazing revelations me when i'm broadcasting to television hey metro losers this is metro tower hey metro losers what's up guys it's your boy titan taking over the city yo thanks for the super chat what does that say oh destroy metro tower sick bro i'll do it for fifty dollars yeah dumbest thing ever there is no easter bunny there is no tooth fairy and there is no queen of england guys you heard it from megamind as well i told you in the last video british people aren't real yeah it's true and that includes the queen of england yeah it's to influence you how that's his name kinda i said how it was close enough you're the punk i've heard about every time having it be the normal sound was really weird when i re-watched it yeah going somewhere so um how's he got all these powers i'm sure mega mine can figure out a way to fly wait um okay okay okay but if he could do this earlier why didn't he just become him earlier and just fight him i think it's because he doesn't actually have any powers more about to see that he doesn't fight titan at all he just kind of tells him to screw off but there's only one person i know who calls this town atrocity you it's a lot like batman versus superman from the movie batman versus superman game save martha such good writing ow but those spikes hurt no she doesn't care she fell off a canopy onto concrete so you know all right put your hands in the air he takes over the city but like good yeah i i don't have an issue with this no i have no problems with this movie at all i have no major like this is my problem with the plot or whatever like it was good it's genuinely a good movie i know jude said this earlier but it was a weird movie for you to have guys to have us cover yeah cause it was so good that we're just like yeah i'm curious to see how this turns out ten minutes yeah there was almost nothing to make fun of because they made fun of themselves whenever something was stupid and people will be like cover the lego movie which is the most self-aware movie i've ever seen it really is i will say the writing's pretty good because they were able to make a really self-aware movie without doing the stupid fourth wall break thing yeah absolutely i'm really curious why dreamworks didn't capitalize on this but then made nine madagascar movies or whatever like this is objectively better i'm sorry yeah it really is are you apologizing to because i know someone in the comments is going to be like when i talked about madagascar honestly though well guys if you like this video make sure you lick it rehydrate it with your tongue you can also go to our link tree to find all of our twitter accounts our discord and all whole bunch of other fun stuff there our merch store is even on there you can buy clothes you can buy a brand shirt or my shirt which you can't really tell because my hair was in the way you can buy my shirt but you can't buy my prize 2009 chevy impala exactly it's mine have a day
Channel: Microwave Society
Views: 2,088,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, commentary, funny, reaction, MWS, Microwave Society, metroman, metro man, movie, review, react, roxanna, minion, clip, meme, fart, titan, dreamworks, disney, pixar, Will Ferrell, Megamind, mega mind, Jonah Hill, Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, J.K. Simmons, megamind j.k. simmons, scene
Id: POV2c-a6H9k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 08 2022
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