I went undercover as a Rocket League bot. Can I fool my opponents?

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hey gamer if you don't know bots and rocket leagues suck and if you've ever played unranked there's a good chance you've played against a bot before because whenever a player an unranked leaves the match or doesn't join in an AI will take the place of a play so today I thought it would be cool to go undercover and try to become a rocket League bot and see if people will notice we could blend in perfectly as a bot or people could instantly call us out and to see if we can get some fun reactions like halfway through the game or whenever I find a good chance I'll all of a sudden to start playing insanely well and see if people will get confused so to successfully go undercover as a rock League bot we have to come up with a plan first I had to do some market research so it's been a few hours analyzing how about moves how will they play and the mechanics of bot is capable of and next it was time to choose the but I wanted to go undercover at so out of the 54 bots I could have chosen I chose Khan you want to know why I chose Khan because Sun was calm that's the guy we're trying to be to a million subscribers he's currently ahead of me right now but we're closing the gap and you guys can easily help me out by turning your phone sideways and subscribing to the channel right now because most of you watching right now aren't currently subscribed and it's completely free to do so every time you see Khan in this video it's just another reminder to help me out so we can overtake sunless Khan okay so once we have the con mobile built with all the right items I changed my profile picture to the a I picture and a Q for some on rain and BOTS are always supposed to be in two V two and three E 3 but I also keep some ones because if you watch once again you'll see not everyone actually knows that and it's super easy to get a reaction if it's just one person all right game number one and the only possible way they're gonna see that it's not the real con is because I'm gonna have like 50 ping and all BOTS have zero pick what I'm also gonna do is turning off cross-platform play so that way it'll only be Steam players I'm playing with so they're gonna see the profile picture plus they're gonna be able to talk to me in-game and obviously I'm just gonna quickly Eve to match if I'm not on the blue team because I have a blue profile picture and if I'm on the orange team that'd be a dead giveaway bots and rocket League have their own banner so this is a closest thing I could find to it but I doubt anyone's gonna notice them and if I score okay so first half of the game I'm just gonna be about second half the game riding on the clock it's 2:30 I'm just gonna try hard they're playing around my gold or platinum level right now that's my guess so it's gonna be doing like very very basic stuff just really just playing act pretty bad that's what we're gonna be trying to do basically acting like a rock League but so yeah I'm not gonna I'm not gonna miss the ball every time I'm still gonna touch the ball sometimes it's gonna power side in that I know a lot of us do this they're missing so many shots though okay they score the first goal okay boy banders aqui popping off dude then it's actually papi okay bandit I see you bro so far I'm blending in very well it's gonna circle around and they're like all boxy okay he's bumping me okay I officially have a teammate on my team we're almost a half time guys we're almost a half time bye I'm pretty sure BOTS go for kicking up all right seven seconds seven seconds okay now we pop off now we pop off let's see let's even get any reaction [Music] let's go okay I'm doing pretty good I wonder if they're gonna say anything they're gonna be so confused okay they're both that's given the replay that might mean they're typing or something they've gotta be a little bit confused okay there we go con with the pre flip okay there we go there we go con is popping off right now these so far they're not saying anything there we go we're trying with the aerial to get the fourth go that's nice yes okay so Game one Oh No me I gotta do my research to see if they they thought I was about or not at first when I started killing you is when I noticed okay so it's kind of working I guess let's go ahead and get into the next game with a new Lobby bro dang it dudes a dead giveaway I have to be on blue of course I get to blue every time I'm on orange again that's like literally at eight times in a row if this one's orange I'm just gonna change you an orange profile picture brah okay here we go bro now we're on the blue team you gotta be kidding me like this luck is so bad yes this is the perfect lobby dude and this guy streaming I could get his reaction maybe he's gonna act like a butt for as long as I can it's all my views I know bossy this in time go and do this you already know what we're doing okay gun clicking gun clicking gun hey the whole sky the whole sky but down the chicken I'm a chicken I got a score now I got a score dude this pot I tricked em dude I tricked him let's go dude I honestly though not a real lot like well I thought it was I think my fat work bro I think my fat where I gotta see if this my shot acne were high oh my god let's go I'm playing you're banging that's what we like to see I'm really hoping they had a good reaction I'll definitely put it in the video but for now let's get into the next game and we are on the right team we are on the right team that's perfect the most about like kick off every I'm getting better and better at acting I get by that's a thing that's a good shot from teammate for this game I'm just gonna act like a bot in the entire game and then I'm gonna say something at the end of the shot cuz BOTS obviously can't talk and check while we're doing they're like obviously we're getting scored on but it makes it look like we're about even more which is good see if we can successfully stay undercover for this entire game that's what BOTS sued so about to go bro oh my god Khan your teammates trash I don't know if that means he knows I'm not a an AI or not oh no my teammate left let's see if it'll say they thought I was about as if they if they thought I was a but I successfully went undercover but if they didn't then I I didn't do too good ok it's good ok so he successfully went undercover I take that as a way and then let's get to the next game I don't know if watts can actually being one be ones but I'm just gonna act like a but I wonder if he'll like try hard knowing that I'm about know ok so far you know he's trying pretty hard what exactly will happen I wonder for like misko for freestyles or what let's see what people do when it when they think I'm about in a one door let's see what he does let's see what he does oh I saved it I saved it oh I think he's obviously very confused he wants an actual defender to play against okay he definitely thinks I'm abut okay yeah it's practicing screen sounds nice let's go down go let's go ahead now and go bots duo and go sometimes so like we're still undercover boys we're still undercover I think are we are you a but I'm not gonna answer cuz I have a but I'm thinking about I'm debating whether I should straight up say yeah he's definitely he's definitely questioning it when it hits halftime though I can actually try hard okay we're doing we're doing the wall hump again and our goal is for him to like try to move us off the wall or something and then we can just get a free goal in confused [Music] there's got to be super good for you we gotta get to go here let's go we got a we got him bro oh my god I love it dude let's see if you thought it was a but if you did that's good okay perfect we're actually really good at being undercover man so even get him with a messy flame let's go whoo we got him with him I see turtle flick are you it's me bro it's money I did a messy flick that's what he giving it away let's get in the next game let's get in the next game so far this videos going pretty well done okay perfect perfect I'm a bob why are you telling me good luck have fun okay so far we're doing some pretty BOTS like some BOTS like things okay scores sickle I'll let him score like one or two more goals dang it dude okay so apparently wait so I think I can see my MMR because he has Bacchus mud on maybe ah we couldn't stay undercover and that one boys cuz you can see the MMR on the scoreboard and he saw that I had a memoir so he knew I was an actual player alright one thing one mash yes I'm on the I team I'm on the right team perfect hopefully hopefully he thinks I'm a but at south remember not to flip that's like the big thing unless I get like towards the ball like that that's perfect that's birthday okay yeah yeah he definitely thinks him about he's he's not trying are they trying to do Bob bought like movements and I whatever he goes I'm stealing I have to stop and then turn around yeah he was one of the original set up okay he's working on his mechanics I'll um go right here cuz if I could definitely do that boss is definitely do that I pretty much guarantee you he thinks I'm about right now go to the wall and then I got like this cuz I can't go up on the wall and then turn around [Music] okay but like touches this is good that's good all right and anything same things I'm gonna give it to him and I'm just gonna blaze pass oh my god let's go dude oh my god okay no I'm gonna act like everything is oh I'm acting everything is not wrong okay that's fine now I'm gonna go back he's analyzing if imma but my emotions have to be perfect he's gotta be so confused and think that was kind of odd like good shot gosh I've gotta respect it okay I'm gonna let him get one more freestyle and then I'm gonna I'm gonna save it and then and then win the game hey we got we got a two goals to score we got to get to come back he's gonna panic of that let's go let's go let's go he's gotta be so confused they're gonna get that way and let's go okay and then I'm gonna try to clip on them I'm gonna try to click on them for the final goal I beat him let's go alright we got the win we got the way and they really have a chance to get a super good clip never been so confused under oculi aria our undercover operation to work perfectly that time that's what we like the CD so I'm gonna end the video there and we have lots of funny reactions and it convinced most of the people that we were indeed a bot so if you guys enjoyed don't forget to smash like for the YouTube algorithm and subscribe to the channel if you're new and if you dislike the video tell me why and I'll see you guys in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 6,344,586
Rating: 4.9145913 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League, I went undercover as a Rocket League bot. Can I fool my opponents?, I went undercover as a Rocket League bot., going undercover as a rocket league bot, pretending to be a rocket league bot, rocket league bot, undercover rocket league, rocket league undercover, I went undercover as a Rocket League bot. Can i trick my opponents?, rocket league AI, undercover bot rocket league
Id: eKFRSr8uo2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 51sec (771 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 21 2020
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