Rocket League World Record Speedrun (Unranked to Grand Champ)

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yo guys something very dear to my heart is the speed running community super mario 64 being my favorite now rocket league is a tough game to speedrun but i think i figured out the best way to do it i'm going to race from unranked to grand champion and set the new world record this is kind of like road to grand champ except it's more like highway to grand champ now i'm already gc so i'll be making a new account and since i have to do this as fast as possible i'll be doing this my super sonic legend friend dirto hey the timer will start when we queue into our first rent game and by the end of the video we will have created the world record for fastest grand champions in 2v2 oh and one last thing a few weeks back i made a video where i poured condiments on my controllers and 1v1 people i think thrustmaster saw that video and saw that i might need a new controller so i'm happy to tell you that today's video is sponsored by thrustmaster the new e-swap x pro controller is so high quality even i could never defile it with condiments i've used an xbox controller for a while and after using the new eswap x pro controller i literally can never go back the biggest complaint i have with normal controllers is a joystick not working properly and the button's getting stuck this e-swap controller's analog sticks are custom built to be more resilient and long-lasting so you don't ever have to worry about that on top of that it's almost completely customizable so you can choose the look and making those changes takes seconds if you're interested in stepping your game up and having a trustworthy controller the e swap x pro is now available in best buy for 159.99 so use the link in the description to check it out the price is worth it guys there's a reason that a lot of freestylers trust this controller now let's go see if we can create a world record 2v2 doubles fastest grand champions from unranked all the way to grand champion you ready dirt though i'm ready three two one go and so begins our world record attempt our first objective is to get through these ten placement matches as fast as possible and see where we get placed we're hoping for at least diamond what if we lose the first game bro uh then um this never happened okay true yeah there are a couple things we have to keep in mind number one our main priority is to get a forfeit as this will give us giant time saves but yeah the play is to make them forfeit as fast as possible i'm to score like four maybe five and if they don't forfeit then we just have to like run time done a few moments later yeah dude good start all right first match split winner by forfeit come on in these placement matches winning games wasn't the hard part so we really had to get scientific to get these forfeits early on they may not so we have to wait till 3 minutes and 30 seconds that's the forfeit time yeah so maybe we like start slow rolling a little bit you know with our second match concluding at 9 minutes 53 seconds i did a little math and with an average game time of 5 minutes with an additional 20 seconds of re-cue and menu time plus 20 seconds worth of kickoffs and goals times 8 the amount of placement matches left we are looking at another 45 minutes of placement matches and with the 10 minutes already gone by that'll be 55 minutes this big brain time we ended up getting about seven minutes ahead of schedule with six out of ten teams forfeiting in the place of matches let's see what rank we get all right placement match is over what'd you get find them three division three yes okay so now we know boys anybody wondering you win all your first ten placement matches with no history on a new account you get platinum three division three feeling like we were already on a good pace dirt wanted to keep the train going and showed no mercy perfect nice shot on that one this series this video is literally just me watching hit double taps and i'm leaving this comment by dirto in the video to piss off some of you platinums out there i'm sorry but i had to on the fish right now that guy saved the ball what a beast and then this happened literally seven seconds after that comment was made oh i didn't demo him i just got diced on at 56 minutes and 28 seconds we hit diamond that goal of four hours is looking possible at this point while going up against these diamonds i was starting to feel bad about how badly we were beating these people on our way to the world record okay they're not happy they're not happy i feel really bad which is good which is good it is good but i feel bad dude i gotta feel a little bit bad like not okay boys this is not a video to promote smurfing this is a video to promote uh guinness world record holders okay you got them again yeah it's it's over look you can't blame us because sometimes during speed runs the innocent get hurt in order to save time yeah that's a forfeit that's a good job no no that's that's perfect timing dude yeah yeah well done well done dude all right we are diamond or diamond two division four so we're halfway more than halfway through diamond okay so one hour 20 minutes in and we're already moving through diamond pretty fast and then the next game was over super quickly as well which moved us to diamond three just like that at this point we're feeling great unfortunately things were getting tougher we think that they're coming like it's hard to know like what the players are capable of every game they literally change like every second there's gonna be a big big jump though once we hit like like champ i don't go we bounced back in diamond though and that game ended in a forfeit and then the next one did and the next one and the next one did two but it was at 53 seconds which is still a time save and before we knew it we made it to champ at 1 hour 43 minutes and 13 seconds not bad then something really bad happened at 1 hour 44 minutes my super sonic legend carry i mean co-worker gets into a rule one this could ruin the speed run if i can't score this i'm in rule one this guy just missed so oh good on the wall too that was like that's a classy real one and then i had a sad realization in the next game i'm like the guy who's like sitting on the bench like who's just like i don't know the substitute catcher on a baseball team who wins a world series ring oh man that is great dude you're a freeloader man that's the definition it's a freeloader i mean yeah i literally get the i get a world record tag on my name and we could definitely start to tell the difference in gameplay what a touch he didn't i didn't i was not gonna let that happen and it happened while champ one at the one hour 51 minute mark we made well i made a big mistake on the sidewall and for the first time in almost two hours we were trailing to the other team get caught on the sidewall i thought i was gonna at least touch this like but this shot is why i brought dirt with me because it doesn't really matter if i make a mistake here and there i should have again all right insane here's a quick update on our rank at the two hour mark i know when it's red yo champ one division four we just jumped we jumped like two divisions yeah we're good it's just that was very cinematic on their end i kind of want to watch that again they both went up like two fighter jets trying to meet in the middle or something oh check this out at two hours and nine minutes i wanted to prove to dirto that i was worthy of the world record with him let's go slight two cans yup why did my jump goes so far i had a musty out of dude every time you run is not bad i know bro we're on a good we're on good pace right now champion division two literally halfway through champ ranks at two hours and eighteen minutes i started to mentally shift for the worse i took a boost no i'm i don't know why i'm like i'm finding such a bad i'm like i'm slumping on my rotation all right so at two hours and 33 minutes we reached champion three and we are on the final stretch to grand champion at this point it's important that we don't make too many mistakes because we could easily lose some of these games oh my god i tried to go kill him to realize that what was happening on the triangulation and that's triangulation it it is really that easy so now that we are closing in on grand champion these games are getting way closer and this happened 10 seconds i passed the ball out to the other team dirto is back and makes a really good save and then like a dummy i push out and do nothing at all but dirt though is back again to make another save and then we had to sit up in our chairs because this might not be the easiest finish so we are champ three division two and dirto possibly jinxes us possibly two or three games away what happens next is something i wanted to wait until the release of this video to show dirto that my bump was not intentional oh nice bump can i get there good stuff good stuff i was wack for a second you guys ever get a sick fake but it's so good you fake yourself oh what a fake i can't get so much that i couldn't even get it back oh must beat him oh my we get a forfeit which is huge at this point but unfortunately we don't division up oh chance we still no change unchanged i'm going to just straight up tell you that this game was cursed from the beginning that's a good shot i didn't know if you had much uh and i don't know if i did too ooh overtime we have a chance to win still going yeah just waiting 18. [Music] that's the most tragic thing you might ever see oh no dude oh i can't believe that that just happened so we took our first loss at about three hours not what you want to see but we persisted we bounce back with a strong forfeit at the one minute mark on the next game dertho's competitive side comes out and he styles on the orange team this game with the final goal before the forfeit all right perfect we love it love to see it all right champ three division four this could be the game this game ended super close in overtime and we might get the world record here all right let's see if that was it we got world record time gg that was crazy three hours 20 minutes oh not yet not yet all right manfield stormy what a map what a man finish on the stretches didn't work and we lost that one [Music] this is the face of someone who throws a game but guess what we get a forfeit next game and now we're truly on our final match i love that that's great yeah that is just heaven on earth right there and then the next game was going well but i was still upset about something even though we just scored that was the luckiest thing he literally jumped at a goal like an hour before that ball was there and like he pre-jumped it 10 hours okay now he's asking what bro you just missed how lucky your shot was oh god oh did we just get well dude what did it happen over there oh we got it oh and our misery dude we are world record holders all right you know the drill thumbs up the video and subscribe to the channel [Music] hey i got grandchild for three hours is that good [Music] you
Channel: CBell
Views: 1,590,350
Rating: 4.9182563 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League World Record, Rocket League Speedrun, Rocket League World Record Speedrun, Rocket League Fastest Grand Champ, Rocket League, Rocket League CBell, CBell, Rocket League Grand Champion, Rocket League Unranked to Grand Champ, Rocket League Bronze to Grand Champ, Rocket League Road to Grand Champ, Rocket League how to get to grand champ, Rocket League new speedrun, rocket league fastest time to grand champion, rocket league high level gameplay
Id: Tf_1pzsVoho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 26 2020
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