The time I challenged Squishy to a 1v1 & made him rage quit

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no it's not him there's no way it's musty playing too perfect it could be justin dude there's no i don't understand like what brett no how are you doing stop smiling stop smiling like it's kind of annoying hey gamer today's video starts off on a wednesday afternoon when i reach up to my favorite twitch streamer squishy muffins excited to use my free prime subscription on my fav stream less than three yeah thank you for three months man i appreciate you i hope you've been doing well we all know him rocket league world champion and one of the best pro players in the entire world some information you should probably know when squishy was streaming he just got hosted by rocket league so he had around 20 000 people watching him and for the past few days he'd been grinding 1v1s against the best players out there and was top 10 in the world in 1v1 and i think as a joke he asked if i wanted to play against him musty i don't know if myself wonder it'd be fun though let me let me ask i'll just ask you know obviously i'd get destroyed he probably asked me to have some funny content for his twitch stream but i told him give me 10 minutes and i'm down keep in mind he asked me to play against him so in total he wanted to play three 1v1 games first let me tell you about squishy and i's history the first time he even acknowledged of my existence was in one of his videos back in july when he ran into me and ranked once and completely outclassed me it was obvious i couldn't even keep up with him but that was six months ago and ever since then we haven't won the ones until now but between then and now i've really improved my mechanics i've been playing with pros so i've improved substantially many would even say i'm built differently so jumping back to the present squishy was ready for an easy win just like he destroyed me six months ago but let's just say that didn't exactly happen i'm here to explain this whole situation from my point of view but what happened in these three 1v1 games was so confusing to squishy that he genuinely did not know if it was me playing and he even made a video about it on his channel and on the topic of making videos today's video is sponsored by wondershare from laura every time i stream or give you guys a chance to ask me questions the number one question i get is how do i become a youtuber and obviously there's a lot behind it but most of it comes down to knowing how to edit a video and that's where femora comes in so if you're interested in making any sort of content femora 10 is going to be your best bet especially if you're a beginner it's a fairly simple editing software that makes creating videos a whole lot easier and i use it when i first started making youtube videos so i definitely recommend it especially if you don't want to spend a few hundred dollars on a professional editing software and you think with a cheaper price it'll be like a bad editing software or something but i can tell you firsthand it can do more than just the basics the more 10 out of keyframing where you can customize your zoom ins and zoom outs and they add a motion tracking where you can keep effects on a moving object plus there are transitions and effects already built into the software and all this is for the price of 39.99 for a yearly license and it only took me around 15 minutes to get the hang of there's gonna be a watermark on your videos when you use the free trial version but i'm doing an editing challenge so download a few my rockley clips from the description edit them however you want with memes or music and post it to twitter using the hashtag mustyfemora and we'll be giving some of you guys free licenses so make sure to [Music] anybody today download like mile jury's all all these like top ones players and then i'm about to lose some lusty bro i could decide consensus so the game started off pretty normal and i got some good shots off but i was playing against the world champion here so i was definitely the underdog coming into this squishy jumped off the wall air dribbled it and bumped me to get his first goal of the game as the game continued squishy continuously kept possession but i found myself playing really good defense and going for smart challenges and i managed to get a good enough 50 50 to get my first goal of the match not too long after i got a decent shot with a low boost but squishy saved it you dribbled towards my net and i pre-jumped him perfectly to get the save why do i feel like he got someone to play in his account what i feel like i'm playing let the mirror right now it feels exactly like let the mirror what i think i think this is left bro at this point i knew i was playing pretty good but remember i didn't have squishy stream open as i was playing so i didn't know how he was reacting to me this is left i i'm confident i literally consider confidence that this is not an ambassador it looks like nothing really happened here but i think the reason squishy complimented this play was because i purposely didn't shoot it on net because i knew he would cut it off in time that way i was able to keep possession yeah there's just no way there's no way let me see if left is on no he is on this isn't left plays identical this reminds me exactly how left of me used to play it's so weird that's so weird to me what though i had zero boost here so i faked the shot and squishy went flying back but i still had a low boost so i ended up getting a pretty weak shot which squishy say then he got a really dangerous setup in the air and i was forced to jump early and i somehow read it and saved it off my own crossbar which resulted in a attack and me tying up the game but the next play squishy did manage to get a really powerful hook shot so he got the lead back after school she got a good kick off he went for one of his classic ceiling shot setups which i somehow once again read perfectly then i got control got a perfect flick which really made him work for the next save the ball was rolling to the wall so i faked the pinch then played it slow and that forced him to stay back so i quickly got control then timed my air dribble bump perfectly and scored a goal once again i found myself on defense and he got possession with a good attack set up and i predicted he would get a perfect shot and with a little bit of luck i made my best save of the entire game no it's not musty it's not musty i know for fact that's not musty i i do not believe for a second that mossy just said that no no no no it's not him at this point i don't really know what it was but i was having an extremely good game but this save is what really sealed the deal i am so confident to somebody else bro this arsenal bro remember i didn't know how squishy was reacting so i was just kind of confused but squishy believed it was a pro playing on my account because of how many pranks i've done in the pack there's no shot there's no shot i'm being trolled bro there's no way it doesn't feel like him it doesn't feel like no there's no way dude this is somebody i finally had another chance to attack and decided to get a zigzag bounce dribble but squishy positioned well and saved it and since i was down a goal i tried to sneak in my first early challenge of the game which unfortunately backfired if there's anybody that's a pro it does not feel like him i just can't tell and as expected i ended up losing the game but i still ended it off with a perfect save no there's no way there's no way i don't know i don't know i'm lost squishy wanted to rematch and because he thought i was a pro player i had to live up to the expectation and came into game two with even more confidence and i don't really know what it was but i was doing all the little meticulous 1v1 mechanics correctly and was playing extremely consistent it's not musty i i'm so confident this is not him it can't be it literally just it can't be i'm not bro maybe i'm going crazy yeah squishy i think you were going crazy man there's no way he changed how he played this much in like a month i don't believe it there's no no no no no here i threw in a fake challenge to force him to shoot early but he got a perfect shot and after i landed weirdly in that i got one of my best saves ever no it's not him it's not him the first save was pretty easy but the reason i got the second save is because i know squishy always places his shots really well so i just kept predicting him to shoot perfect shots and throughout both of these games that strategy actually helped me on defense so in a way squishy being one of the best players in the world helped me read what he was going to do there's no way it's him if it's him someone signed this dude after that save i think i really threw squishy off his game and after i dodged his irrigable bump i had an open net scored it and drove away as i was living in squishy's head rin free there's no way this is a once player bro i'm so confident this is not musty i'm so confident this is not musty it could be justin it's justin it's justin he was offline five minutes ago there's no wait it's gotta be it's it's not it's not musty there's no way it's musty playing too perfect there's no way i'm so confident it's not musty there's no wait there's no way it's musty i can't i can't do this despite squishy literally scoring a double flip reset on me he was too focused on trying to figure out who he was playing against that he didn't even seem to notice he scored at this point i even had his entire twitch chat confused he has a different car there's no way it's musty i am genuinely so lost if this is musty bro props to him this dude improved crazy there's no way this is musty squishy scored a few goals on me but i kept the game pretty close with the kickoff goal i just can't i no part of me believes this is him tell me how i played astral yesterday and it was easier than this it's not it's not it's not right now no part no nothing nothing you guys and chad can say will make me believe this is him and after one of my attacks he got possession so i picked up some small pads and continued playing perfect defense saves everything no i honestly don't know how i was playing so well because sometimes i do play like this but during a high pressure situation against my favorite rocket league player with 20 000 people watching i thought i would crack under the pressure and although i was playing well i think squishy was giving me a bit too much credit because he thought this was some prank video and he still ended up beating me in game two and after the game he saved the replay to watch it back from my point of view to try to figure out who he was playing against that's not i know that's not musty for a fact it can't be it can't be it's too big of a playstyle change for such a little time this is forky this is porky it is forky this is on musky's account brothers 100 is a fork and they're friends he plays like him no way this is not 4k i want to watch a little bit more just to see i'm pretty sure he plays so much so much like 4k though yeah i don't know dude there's no way there's no way this has got to be 4k bro 100 it's me dude musty i just this i don't believe this is you dude i'm sorry if this is you you that was luck law you're you're a liar you're leslie i love you bro but you're lying i i could tell i could tell immediately i'm not saying that you're bad i'm just saying it was not this there's no way if you got this much better in that short amount of time you should go pro 100 if this was you bro you've gotten a lot better but i just don't think this is you i never for a second thought this was you then squishy wanted a call to see if it was me and he told me to share my screen dude i'm not gonna lie to you i'm confused because i genuinely don't think this is you i'm not even trying to be rude i just don't know here but it's like a conflict you're smiling bro i've seen the videos i've seen the videos i know what's happening here rexxar you haven't seen the recent videos i've gotten how can i prove it stream right now on discord on discord yeah stream your game on discord right now all right yeah yeah yeah and what happened to a lobby then he challenged me to another 1v1 so he could watch from my point of view as he was playing and here's where the video gets pretty crazy sounds like you're playing top ones players all of yesterday and today and it felt like i was playing like four and i'm not gonna i haven't played 1v1 in uh a few weeks too dude i'm lost i'm actually i've never felt this like my head is everywhere what i need to take some shots and see if the same stuff his last game is going on i mean i was getting some pretty good saves last game dude i can't i can't no no no i can't tell if you're trolling this is so annoying dude i'm so confused you can't really trust me after all i i can't trust you because i know who is on i have all the people you have added all my friends i can see who's on who's available to do this dude there's no i don't understand like what brett no you're not how are you doing this your car is facing down on the wall okay hold on i can wait you have no this is cause generally dude i'm sorry i'm literally just peeking i'm not lying like you're not next minute i'll play like a champion it feels like you're not making like any mistake i don't know like it feels so different are you actually trying to get on a team now uh oh no nrg sub maybe question mark what was your routine bro give me the routine like i don't know it's like this is like you doubled you need some tips you need something yeah give me the better give me the tips you like doubled in skill in like a month how is it possible i i think i'm also just more skeptical of you just because of i don't know if i could trust you dude i don't know i'm so i'm so skeptical still nah bro i don't get this i don't get this what i don't understand arsenal i beat arsenal 1v1 you can ask him he probably won't admit it i literally beat arsenal in 1v1 i think that got my confidence up if you get good ones you could just turn it into threes though if you like yeah you gotta you actually gotta you should do that for another video maybe you touched me that video bro you don't need coaching anymore you're good you're good to go you feel like very similar to like all the people i've been playing it's weird i thought when you used to stream right now i thought you were i mean like live on twitch i was like what the heck oh no no that's too much to ask hey i'm fake man i can't i'm not gonna lose are you if i win this so i'm posting to twitter and tagging you so please be careful of that all right nah there's i don't know i don't know if i believe this still i don't know if i'm like i'm like kind of like annoyed because i don't know if i believe you and i'm like missing because of that so i was just like nice oh okay that's that's that's you know [Applause] hold on i gotta focus man let's go oh you're going on twitter i did i can't tell if that's you still why can't i tell if this is you still and you're talking stop smiling stop smiling all sneaky like it's kind of annoying that's right after narrowly avoiding his air dribble bump at the end i actually ended up beating squishy in a 1v1 and to this day he still doesn't know it was me playing so squishy if you're watching this gg and thanks for the free video no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] you
Channel: amustycow
Views: 6,363,952
Rating: 4.9448166 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, squishy vs musty, musty vs squishy, musty vs squishy 1v1, rocket league musty vs squishy, rocket league squishy vs musty, squishy muffinz, squishy rocket league, The time I challenged Squishy to a 1v1 & made him rage quit, I got TROLLED by Musty??? (I think) | PRO Rocket League 1v1, rocket league 1v1, rocket league rage, rocket league ragequit, squishy
Id: ZdtrriQh48Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 39sec (879 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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