Early AIRSHIP Aggression! | Part 1 | Campaign | From The Depths 2021

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greetings sir ansarettes and welcome back to from the depths with me alathrix and of course welcome to a brand new campaign season now that is 2021 it's time to play on the new map with all of the new stuff and hopefully we're gonna have a really good time with it since apparently the ii has been improved again so it does count you a little bit better along with loads of other things so i am really looking forward to it i've already designed my starter vehicle which we're going to be spawning in as soon as possible and i am going to make two promises straight away first of all i am gonna be focusing heavily on creating new designs as the campaign continues because that's what i want to do this time really focusing on testing new things but also i am going to be very aggressive we are going to get through the deepwater guard very quickly and then instantly go after one of the harder factions because we've all seen the deepwater guard way too many times so new campaign it's okay we'll go to the campaign quest for nita so once again this is a brand new map we're going to use custom settings to make it nice and difficult for ourselves so maximum enemy growth factor we have resources from destroying enemies down 21 rather than 10 which would be lovely and then combat is set to a maximum when set to low the io will build vehicles you can handle quite easily at high values the ii will try to build vehicles that will really challenge you so with that let's get going [Music] so here we are and we are still starting off in the bottom left of the map okay this is really quick but future laflix here just recording this after recording this video and editing it down also recording some of the next video um it turns out that the difficulty presets here actually dictate where you start on the map and who you fight to begin with for instance with medium you're going against the flight gods aka the white flyers with very hard you are against everyone but it gives you a way more resources so in the zone you have all of these abundant resources so you're expected to be building end game design straight away and you'll be fighting everyone i honestly don't like the sound of that but if anyone has very strong opinions on these then feel free to tell me for instance with this one we have to fight the twin guards and the steel striders this one is the white flyers this one is everyone but as it gets harder you're also expected to just have the end game designs already so you're not really going through that process of building bigger and bigger you're instantly building the biggest personally i prefer this zone anyway so i think i would have chose it with the highest difficulty but feel free to tell me if you think otherwise so back to the game if i do restart i'll i will of course simply skip this first bit with extra stammering so as you can see already in the bottom right we do have commodities now this is a brand new system at least for me and i do need to explain it really briefly before we make anything so before the commodity system we had fuel we had ammo and we had material split into three separate things now material is everything but you need ammo barrels and storage tanks so fuel storage tanks in order to feed that material into the corresponding items ammo barrels for weapons fuel storage tanks for anything which uses fuel so there's no point in the refineries except for commodities and what commodities are is essentially a way of teleporting resources anywhere on the map inefficiently you are turning resources into commodities but it's not one-for-one commodities can be turned back into resources and you're essentially losing some of the resource in the process but you can teleport it absolutely anywhere and we have 30 000 already in stock so i'm going to give all of that to my craft here so we can build our starter vehicle as soon as possible which costs just over 40 000 we also need a little we need a tiny little vehicle which is going to be our satellite so a quick non-permanent way of just seeing our surroundings because again things have changed in the new map which apparently is a lot better than the old one at least according to the people i've spoke to i have actually managed to stay very very spoiler free here so really pleased with that goodbye okay so as that gets higher up we'll eventually get to see more and more of course eventually we want something actually in space which means we can see why more so we have the onyx watch up there to the north and we have the deepwater guard over here yeah so already this landmass is a bit further back is it oh it's definitely a different shape though yep there's no gap in the middle okay no resource zones though so we're gonna have to move quite far away i'll just keep on gathering resources and um cannibalizing this structure until we can build our first vehicle the envoy this takes a long time to build it looks big but it really isn't it's just over 40 000 resources making it a bit more expensive than a marauder so not really much at all it has light to medium armor pretty much everywhere it's decently quick about 40 meters per second so not actually that quick really it has weapons in the form of some anti-air at the front and the sides two sets of these simple advanced cannons and then a set of thumper missiles now thumper missiles are a type of missile i don't normally use but i've absolutely fallen in love with they are essentially the kinetic missiles and they all go after the exact same spot on the enemy since they have remote guidance so the idea is the first one breaks open the armor then the rest go inside and cause extreme damage if they were a bit bigger i probably would also give them some fragments because hitting everything is fun on top of that it has some fairly efficient engines on the inside it has three separate engines just for a little bit of a redundancy and they don't really burn all that much fuel so it's cheap it has some speed to it and that is pretty much it now we could actually add and i'm thinking about it we could add an antenna to it um yeah we probably should since we're gonna be moving forwards excuse me larry you don't mind doing it if i just pop this down here so i've decided after recording this episode i really do need to explain the envoy a little bit better considering this is going to be the main vehicle for the episode and probably is going to be here for quite some time honestly it is the epitome of mediocre but mediocre which i really really like this thing has a little bit of everything and it does everything in an okay manner which hopefully this video will showcase the idea of it is it's meant to be several vehicles meshed together the top the middle here like the top section of another boat and then a smaller boat on the bottom it has some simple weapons in the form of the advanced cannons it has a couple of anti-air two on the front and then two on the side and then its main weapon are a series of very cheap thumper missiles these things deal kinetic damage and they all hit the same location since they're using remote guidance rather than the more traditional guidances so it's aiming exactly where the mainframe is aiming the idea of this is that every time one of the missiles hits it causes a breach in the enemy's hull the next one then hits if there's any more armor that gets damaged and so on and so forth and it goes straight through the targets despite the fact they're not really doing all that much damage each in fact after this video i do go about making them a little bit better but this is the version which is in the video itself i still have a lot to learn about them so naturally there are some mistakes on the side here these are actually mostly for looks they are roll and pitch however there is roll and pitch on the inside of the craft and also a little bit on the outside like here so if all of these were removed it still flies absolutely fine i have learned my lesson from having all these external things like this just being knocked out the sky so often on the back we have spinning thrusters i don't know why there's also too many of them so i only run them at about eighty percent the large thruster runs every twenty percent this thing could go way faster if we add more engines which is kind of the theme of this craft it could do why more if we have more money for it but this is a starter craft it is about 44 000 resources or 45 000 resources and is about 4 000 volume so just a quick test the weapons here we are the anti-air weapons are able to fire i've just spawned in the jacob's folly something which isn't really suited to fight us but about the same cast and a good and punching bag here there goes the advanced cannons dealing okay damage you can see lots of blocks being thrown around but here come the missiles they fly up they have a five second white time which allows them to aim at the target even if it's nice and close to us and then they'll go after the same spot there we are and it's carved all the way through and got all the way to that point so all of that then was removed they're not the strongest thing in the world but they're cheap and if you get lucky with them i have seen them one shot things like the jacob's folly all depends on what block the missiles aiming at since they do tend to go right through am i saying these are better than frag or explosive probably not but they are really fun to watch pretty bad place to hit there but still there we go the jack of soldiers removed so it's a cheap anti-cheap vehicle it has medium-ish armor in most places um only under here really is lightly armored and that doesn't really have anything too important i like it it was fun it's a really fun build in fact a few days ago future builds i will showcase a bit more of the building process okay enough waffle back to the campaign larry doesn't mind at all and if he did we wouldn't care sorry larry sure that's that's fine oh that looks weird with that on top to be fair it's a weird design anyway the idea i was going with is the idea of three separate vehicles merged into one and uh i think i actually did that pretty well i'm actually quite happy with this craft but yeah whoa we can see everything okay so we have the deepwater guard over here the first resource zone with quite a bit in reserve actually but the growth is incredibly slow yeah it's slower than what we have currently okay well what i would like is all of these zones to be ours in fact you know what no we're gonna be aggressive we're gonna go straight after the deep water guard from the get-go as per usual we go to war with our friends to the east friends we're gonna fire missiles out but friends nonetheless i've decided just go straight after the sinners outpost let's grab that in this very first episode so we have two resource zones straight away we can start mass producing units so a lot with this map is going to be the same as i've seen before especially in the first area but then things around the other factions for instance is going to be a fair bit different especially since they are already attacking each other now sadly in my last attempt at this campaign one of the reasons why i ended up abandoning it is because the ii was a bit overzealous and apparently some factions would just destroy all the others and then spread themselves too thin which is exactly what i saw happen also they were messing up with what exactly they were spawning against us at least from what i was told oh now don't worry about that i was also warned about that that was a bug that's a bug invader we are not actually at war with everyone that was so quick i love how fast they all got through at me you are at what no i'm not it's okay we're fine we're fine here we go attacking these sinners outpost which i completely forgot actually had crime cannons and now i'll show you why i absolutely adore these missiles that are so fun to watch they get thrown up they aim at the target and then at full speed using their short range thrusters they head towards the same spot on the target and simply carve through destroying an area cheap and light and very fun to watch of the now we just have light weapon reasons to see these are the anti-air weapons and that was enough to destroy it how really most of the damage is based on look where those initial missiles hit okay let's capture this then we'll throw down a nice and simple design over on the resource zone to start harvesting i could make a second envoy in fact that's what i'm gonna do and make a second version of what we already have and that will ferry some resources over okay our first proper fight the enemy of sent the rapier which is a full twenty thousand more materials than we have so if i recall correctly from memory the rapier has quite a few missiles maybe an advanced cannon or does it just have light weapons i'm not sure but either way i am a little bit nervous about this my missiles are going to hit second but i feel like if my missiles do hit we win because right is not the biggest target but if they miss or they just take time to get there we could see a problem okay missiles already away let's take a quick look see the rapier okay yeah small missiles at the back there is an advanced cannon that's quite lightly armored then we have small missiles at the front right no medium missiles still they're gonna be quick [Music] yeah that's lots and lots of missiles heading towards us and there is the advanced cannon hitting we've hit with some of our lighter weapons incoming our missiles though and it wasn't even a fight the power of thumper missiles because of how the damage propagates if the enemy isn't big enough like that it's gonna just destroy everything i'm not feeling bad about uh kind of steamrolling a little bit here like i was saying earlier i do really want to get the deepwater guard finished as soon as possible the designs will get way more difficult after this initial beginner faction this second envoy is on its way with the resources i'll just wait until the garden of resources there and we should be able to make a really simple harvester by just moving over there right now so wait until both envoys are together then we'll just steamroll down the center well unless we see any godly enemies things like i can't actually think of the godly enemies deepwater guard has i know there's a new airship which apparently is utterly terrifying but i can't remember any of the originals right now because i'm going blank in the bright things like the crossbones they will obliterate me i have nowhere near enough firepower of course with these things only costing about 40 that makes sense we'll have hopefully several more of these and other designs before we find anything particularly scary like that hopefully okay gonna really quickly build a very very very basic resource harvester here just so we can feed the two envoys we have just about enough resources to make something which will at least be functional where are you there we are the cargo container will be absolutely fine just going to throw down the very very basic essentials normally i put down a steam engine this time you know i'm just gonna go the ecomax prefab because i'm being lazy right now so there we are we now have engine power as soon as i give it a little bit of fuel ta-da and then we can start feeding oh we actually have to transfer some resources over there we go lovely never mind thought i did i didn't well pretty bare bones but it'll get the job done for now every second i wasn't harvesting this is a load of resource wasted and resources mean more missiles lovely the second envoy is well on its way i think i'm going to stay here though until both envoys are here it's going to be a while talking like a third one though i should probably start building some other craft anyway we could just attack this uh has one building currently ready to defend well yeah we could attack the little coastal village here while we wait you know as good guys tend to do okay so straight away make sure to focus on that defense turret and you know turn on the ai that'll help out as well oh yeah i forgot the atlases in this fight i knew the gantry was there but i forgot it does actually also have an atlas i've gone through didn't really turn anything off though so just carry on versus the turret they're saying that is also being healed so maybe atlas is probably a scarier target honestly focus on that instead please yeah lots of flack thankfully light arms fire won't do much versus aircraft oh starting to think though that maybe just one envoy might not have been enough hopefully these missiles do something the one got deflected which is interesting it's carved into the core but not really done enough there i was hoping to take out one of the weapons if the missiles hit either of these turrets it's done and for advanced cannons still aren't yes they are just reloading sadly oh we are attacking a beating but again i've done a decent job of armoring this thing up there goes the front missile the front turret rather so the atlas is pretty much stopped in his tracks if he keeps on trying to aim at us i know it's being healed but honestly just one good shot to its turret and it's done for as well oh it looks like it might have been broken the previous attack engaging in which case back into the atlas please wow we can really take a beating on this thing i mean i am healing it but very slowly since this is only my character and we no longer have the character sheet so i'll kind of upgrade my healing if i wanted to and both turrets are gone the atlas is completely removed from this fight take out the defense turret and then i will capture everything at that point i think it's completely fair to capture because we have nullified every weapon against us you know i think i'm gonna oh wow so yep a lot of the outside got carved away thankfully most of that was a superficial we lost one of our simple weapons as i was about to say i do think i am going to add a proper advanced cannon to this thing as soon as i have enough resources to do some basic upgrading yeah that's that gone although it hasn't been completely removed it's been broke okay so uh what's still hitting us oh no it's us firing never mind um stop i'm gonna go and capture stuff because it's only fair now i'd like to add to the top here i did this on the other envoy is i would like to add a way to actually jump out [Music] i'll troubleshoot it later now try and capture things the turret has seen the truth and joined us [Music] i forgot how strong the weapons are now because you no longer have the different stats for the character for you to level up with it's defaulted to making it really really strong [Music] why did i just capture this what just what just happened what caused the like detonation of every owl tried to land on the memphis there oh do i just start to build inside of the craft oh that's my bad so i found out what happened for some reason the atlas got recalled to this vehicle as we captured it i don't really know also that means the is down there it used to be up here whoa atlas away okay let's capture this thing before we die that would be lovely oh whoa whoa let's stop falling please there we go okay the atlas is mine so we have the atlas we have the gantry we have the defense store right now just for a couple of houses the envoy just looms over oh yeah uh maybe we should just delete them now since i i am just going to harvest these i'm not going to be using them for anything just because they are repairing and using up resources and everything right now which i'd like to give to the envoy hmm i think i think the main frames have been moved they're now right at the front i can't remember that last time i captured these things but yeah these guns are so strong now from the player and it's because you can no longer put leveling points in things so it's essentially giving you stormtrooper at max level i'd say even more than that i mean just to confirm right now in the campaign saying yeah damage is 100 just regular but look at this it's so strong the player is like the ultimate weapon okay but that is that um gonna need some more resources again let's jump on to the envoy what i'm gonna do is give it some temporary storage and then we're gonna collect it all by the harvester that way we can start making some more craft okay well look at you all cozying that therefore i'm not i'm in a i'm in a ship in fact you don't look like much of a pirate and in these wars it's a pirate i have just killed multiple of your people whether you called us out for war or you were just sat there looking like a lazy bomb that's easy pickings you're gonna be moved from our fort so that fortress by force okay seems a bit silly um i attacked you we're already at war i guess that was some kind of internal timer after that point we would have gone to war regardless of my plans see it back what was doing literally just gonna throw a couple of cargo containers on top of this thing what a mess and all of you can go bye-bye yes yes there's probably a faster way of doing this i'm just not aware of it currently i'm manually clicking each and every one medium house goodbye and finally the seabird cannon fortress your gun as well and i think we collected it all is that what we got oh okay never mind a bit more left okay grab both of that go back the envoy that's just got here um you can go and start capturing you'll go there already harvesting loads of resources there yeah we're gonna be able to make loads more forces already got enough for several more envoys if we just spam them don't really want to do that though so i will be making another creation for the next video any suggestions are welcome i'm tempted to make a sub i haven't made a submarine in ages and again i don't mind being cheesy versus the deep water guard this time we've seen them a million times we're just gonna destroy them so i was thinking one thing we could do is make a converted envoy since it's all pretty much ready it wouldn't be difficult at all to make one with an advanced cannon rather than the missiles and simply have it point at the enemy having a spinely mounted weapon would be really easy on the top section certainly an option also right now i've kind of accidentally set up so all of our resources is being drained by the envoy right next to us which is a little bit weird but it'll still work i appreciate that when the envoy is being created it tends to flip also it was so easy to make this into a boat maybe the advanced canon version should just be a boat be slower easier to armor up uh maybe maybe am i gonna use the envoy for every single creation perhaps yeah at this point i'm fairly certain at some point in the video i've just gone to the creative mode and just took a look at the invoices i've spoke about it so much i kind of made it two or three nights ago after drinking far too much caffeine for once not rum maybe a little rum but mostly caffeine okay i just went ahead and dumped all the resources the original envoy got and now they're all over here and a little harvester vehicle which i swear i'll make a more permanent version eventually well it now needs more you know storage there we go good enough [Music] i would say need some more engine power but honestly it seems like we're harvesting faster than the place is actually regenerating anyway so yep no harm there [Music] man you really want to be upside down don't you okay we now have three envoys and then aldo's spreading out grabbing everything we can possibly see now one thing i'd messed up until just now is um some of the speeds were messed up so now they are back to 37 which is its actual proper speed again not the fastest things in the world but they're pretty mediocre in almost everything but they're mediocre in everything saying that like it's a good thing okay i'm actually gonna be cool in the episode here lately my time to record has been a little bit terrible but after the weekend actually on the weekend i should be getting way more hours again really really trying to push for a normal recording schedule by february so this is where we're going to end here though the episode should be made fairly quickly i'm hoping or at very least have more content in them in the next video i'll probably do a bit of building for our next vehicle along with explaining it and everything else and then we'll move back to the campaign and hopefully just completely obliterate the deepwater guard we could potentially do that one episode maybe two because we already have the potential of doing lots of damage to them and this is with our basic starter vehicle we're gonna have loads more as time goes on so with that thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed today's video then of course likes favorite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that from the depths is a series you wish to see continued in the future any suggestions for our next vehicle are very very welcome and also suggestions for who should we attack next should we go straight after the onyx watch after the deepwater guard should we go after the um is this still the lightning hoods over here yes it is or do we just go a little bit mad and go after something a little bit different exploring anywhere if we can get there without encroaching on everyone's territory i don't know it's going to be a lot of fun to find out though and with that we're backing from the depths and now i'm going to go off and record the designer segments where i explain more about the actual envoy because this video has been recorded in really good order because i'm smart
Channel: Lathland
Views: 227,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IIO7-zLQccc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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