Stellaris BUT we are the MATRIX! Organics as ENERGY! | Stellaris Gameplay

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tired of solar panels generated districts and energy from space well today I'm here to bring you the matrix in stellaris so it's come to my attention that if you're playing a machine Empire and you're not using the determined exterminator driven a simulator or rogue server to trades you can actually have organic populations live on your planets as living generators essentially recreating a part of the matrix where suddenly the organics of giving you all of the energy you need so the question is is this a viable tactic and can you actually live eventually completely off of the organics can you be the true parasitic machines you were built to be so that's what we're going to find out now sadly you can't begin the game with organics on your planets already so what we're doing is upping the primitive civilizations to maximum so hopefully we will find them quite early now this isn't about how viable is it going into the game and hoping to find them it's how viable is it wouldn't you've already found them I want to try and see if I can have all of my worlds with organic Sun and us draining their energy by the end of the game and hopefully only relying on that energy source I don't know if it's possible but we're gonna find out and so we begin in the top section of the galaxy and what is the main benefit then of using the zeros our main power source well really it's just the fact that they grow by themselves and it means that our machines don't need to work the tech drone jobs or at least we need less of them working those jobs so we can work other things getting more minerals getting more research and all that other good stuff essentially it's free labor and it's fun now the negatives for having the zeros on our planets they do still require some amenities and they will start to make our stability drop unless we have enough machines on the planet or at least I believe that's how it works will see that very very soon or at least once we find one of the primitive empires they also require food well I say require if you have no food they just grow far slower but they don't actually decline or become even more unhappy because they're already at max unhappiness because we're using them as batteries this is working as intended do you want to be a hunter seeker or a fabricator just tell me already why a machine empire is considered so overpowered in the game at the moment or honestly it's purely because of this habitability we have 100% habitability on every single planet time even this tomb world is completely fine for our machines to live on this desert world will be the same and pretty much everything else and what we want to do is find as many different planet types as possible before we find the primitive Empire purely because the primitives will have their own habitability and we want them to be as high as possible when on our planets we want them to have as high habitability as possible when on our planets thankfully our first neighbors are pacifistic so won't do much to us even though they absolutely hate us so that's fine by me what I am gonna do though is run all the way over here and try and grab this system because I want that tropical world one more world type to our collection and there we go we have found the first world which is a Tundra Oh which is good for us because that's one of the more frosty of the worlds yep you're going to be ok on our article worlds which mean you're going absolutely everywhere fantastic native interference unrestricted hello there welcome to the matrix now coming to a planet near you and that there goes the primitive armies and so we have full control of the planet so right now we are getting 22 energy from the total of ten of our newer unpaid workers however I'm fairly certain yet that's being affected by stability so they do act like normal workers just well not in the best of circumstances send over a couple there okay that should help out straight away and now we're also assembling machines here they are reproducing fairly slowly white Nexus and city districts that's not correct one of these is meant to be food well that's not right now the reason why I want food is because until you have some food income you can't actually purchase any food so I was going to make this world not only at the first world with these fellows but also our first food well there we go now it's back okay they'll be enough housing for a while so how much housing do these fellows need 0.25 and I think that's because yet minus 0.5 is coming from the fact they are currently in their current job currently amenities is still pretty bad almost a 4-1 loads of deviancy as you can imagine and happiness at 0 I just realized something if their happiness is being affected this means they're not asleep oh dear this is so much more brutal than the matrix their organic energy will be absorbed until they expire but don't worry they don't die fast enough and so their population increases anyway even without food they're still getting 0.75 per month that's gonna be a lot of energy lighter down the line in fact what we're going to do then they start to resettle them on all of our cold world's sadly though this will be only 60% habitability and that's a problem because this means now they're taking up more amenities and they're also taking up more food and giving us less energy but I still think it's worth it plus we can always breed them on the main planet and and send them back to their Happy Planet their Happy Planet their main planets that's exactly what we're doing a breeding program you know sometimes I realized that stellaris is actually a really dark game okay new question we currently have the fringe planet how about if we change that to being a generator world oh no it's only technicians output what I was hoping was just energy output but no that will not work so what would even be best here complex drones I mean we are going to have loads of building slots because of the extra workers tech world I think fringe light might be the best of an hour whilst we get it up and running yeah menial drone output and we're going to use this for food sure for now fringe planet on a sidenote no one seems to care that we're eating zeros okay then probably because you're a xenophobe so you don't care and I still would think you would care about this but no burning up oh you adorable little geckos who let you out this time and where are you adorable gecko oh you idiots [Music] well now we have fanatic purifiers near us because of this lovely Empire releasing them smart that's more like it we found a species which likes it in arctic conditions hello Arctic loving fellows planetary pacification protocols initiated lovely now really I would have loved some desert dwellers or something but this is fine as well tada and of course this gives us yet another planet at the moment our economy is doing terribly because I'm trying to start off all of these worlds at once which is great in the long term terrible in the short term at the moment I'm just relying on this one Bastion to defend from the geckos and the fact they have other threats elsewhere eventually these machine should also have a defensive pact with us which is great randoms I'd nose apparently me taking over primitives will slightly please the fanatical purifiers oh and you as well welven but you also like it why is that plus one I guess xenophobe and fanatic authoritarian like it when other empires bully the smaller guys sure this is a lovely galaxy filled with such a lovely empires seriously the only empire that is bothered by the fact I've went ahead and taken over the primitives is the other machine empire why do you care it may not seem like we're getting much energy right now but here's the thing we are consuming loads of energy because we are trying to populate all of these new worlds a link having all the machines now populating them which costs energy and we're not actually adding any generator districts yet we have almost no drones working on energy production and yet we're in the positive so already it's starting to pay off and I think if it gets any more out of hand eventually it's gonna be really powerful and because we can have the drones doing other stuff in the long term I think it's gonna work in the short term I'm kind of poor but look all the planets I have it's gotta count for something the first Empire to actually give a potato that we are currently eating life-forms of equivalent intelligence to themselves well dud you kind of care who won your whites are close to us maybe our first proper war because I'm just going to avoid the geckos from a ruined world we encountered I have now gotten relic I've never seen before plus one gene modification points absolutely useless spawn populations from the extinct species on one of your planets okay so the first one is subtly useless because we never get the tech to allow us to actually modify our unwilling batteries but having an extra population maybe which can deal with deserts or something that would be interesting well we're gonna find out soon well then let's see how this works oh we even get to choose the planet so what we want is any of the desert world aha there we go with random trades I'm assuming though it will still have the habitability of the planet I put it on so it would be a desert dweller is that still the best actually there's two areas only one desert right now in fact now we have three areas we're about to get another one so know what we want this area arid world they do in fact have the arid world habitability so what we need to do then is move them over to every single arid world we have and thus we increase how fast we're growing our lovely batteries and that's all we have for now excellent successful once again it looks like our economy is doing terribly but I have never been able to expand to so many planets so quickly without uh Turkel apps before so although right now it doesn't look fantastic it's hard to convey how much they're helping out because we are expanding ridiculously quickly to almost every single planet we see I'm also making loads of alloys and even our science is actually now doing really well because we've got like plus 300 energy but in fact more than that right now just from the organics in the matrix and that's increasing every single year the pregnant earth tentacles maybe should have been paying attention to on earth this even was because having only this seen here with me actually reading it no context hole in the ground the pregnant earth tentacles I'm not going to give any more context to what this is about but we just got this so we have some other type of research we can apparently get and then let's allow a month to pass so it'll actually be there and it is not there oh come on I wouldn't know what that was I have xenobiology but that's not what it's saying it is I don't know what just happened and it's a race to grab this system and it's fine sorry but now you can start but I started first really that very confrontation this empire trying to grab the system there's a leap and so the Continental drones beautiful can I have some more minerals please at the moment I'm focusing along unity so once again our economy looks pretty rubbish but it is only 2254 and as science is looking great our alloys looking great and our unit is looking fantastic and look at how many worlds we have for the future and that's without me being really overly expansion istic normally would have to take it why slower it's so difficult to showcase how good this is at least in my first impressions of it I'm sure I could have done way better I can normally do way better but I don't because I'm a derp so the geckos attacked our allies and have been pretty much ignoring us thanks to this lovely station of ours which actually repelled a single fleet that's right a whole single fleet so we're doing pretty well I'm actually make them own fleet now so I can help out in the warfare as science is doing fantastic our worlds are slowly progressing the only problem is food is becoming quite expensive so I am going to have to start making some worlds dedicated to food then suddenly the energy is less free because now we're having to feed them I mean we don't really have to just lows down their growth but it would be nice if we could have maximum population growth and look I already have cruisers that's my cruiser silly that's a cruiser did not see that going so after seeing that the geckos are being destroyed this other Empire which hates us is now taking over a load of their space as well as ships now on the way to defend our station but apparently that's not necessary well I'm hoping I can climb this area so at least our allies and ourselves have a sort of United fronts in fact we kind of blocking the entire galaxy if we do that which is pretty darn cool finally we found the home system where is it for a second there I thought it was in the geckos territory and I was very annoyed thankfully that wasn't the case we claim this system yep should we find some sack there as well white white that end up under their control oh I'm guessing they actually had a claim because although this is end threats if it's climbed I think it still goes towards them yep they're all climbed yeah that's fine as long as it's either with our machine allies or ourselves it's fine I don't particularly want all that much space now I just want our worlds to get better so what we could do is use nihilistic acquisition let's steal other people's populations and use them as our own batteries I'm okay with that now we have a new relic a temporary powerful combat advantage I could use that right now but I'd rather have the influence now outside of the tomb worlds every single one of our planets has these lovely lovely living generators and in fact I wonder if we could get a tomb world population using this well they forget lucky so how many two molds do we have we have I believe two of them so did we get either sadly no none of the tomb worlds were selected but we now have this thus Crick oh that's correct hello you have the relic world preference which means you are actually better than these fellows here since you have I think 80% habitability and you have 100% yep we can build habitats habitats we'll be able to store our living batteries yes 100% yes my fleet is almost ready to go to war and we will be warring versus the company over here because they are currently at war themselves and aren't doing very well so we'll go to war to humiliate them we'll attack them and take all their people hostage for some brand new jobs in our territory we now have Auto cannons which has massively increased the strength of our fleets so now I've let's go over here oh we start causing some chaos gotta love a bit of chaos we'll be taking this thank you very much and now we'll be taking your people for new fulfilling lives powering entire worlds Construction complete job benefits such as cool robots Thank You alloys for being worth so so very much and the fact my Empire can focus on making out always so much because energy is free now huzzah it's like solar power really it's all green and good for the environment so you fellows are tropical preference and you got placed on which planet where are you I can totally read quickly it's not like I'm dyslexic or anything this is really difficult for me where's that planet how many times were compassed this huh not even going to edit that everyone gets to see how annoying that was why are you placed on the arid world I actually have tropical worlds for you wait are you my first tropical preference you are because these are continental well then you are useful and after we've abducted all of you we'll start moving you around and being efficient and all that good stuff I think this world is showing just how good this can be so on this planet right now we are producing 60 alloys a fair little chunk of research a good bit of unity and energy here's the thing we have only one drone currently working an energy job everything else is coming from all these workers and the fact we have all the workers means we have additional coordinators because we have prosperity finished off and we can also have all those building slots so we're getting more alloys and more research and we really should at this stage from that planet I'm still trying to hype up this idea this tactic but honestly I've just realized it would really work better by just stealing people so really going with an aggressive route earlier on are similar to the tactic of being an organic population stealing people and then simply purging them getting minerals and food and stacking them all onto one planet that's really powerful as well so it's similar to that but because you are growing your population as well it's a little bit different so the video is totally warranted where are the bad what's happening ah you're going to attack us but do I really care no you have no claims on us and I'm just going to slowly devour everything over here if you ignore me your orders gonna be annoying you do you bird you do you once again a great example here we have only zero drones working on power and yes we have a positive power output on this planet and we're using power for like everything else including the robots Oh No they're being a nuisance and now just sitting there I picked a good enemy to attack since we can't take every last population because it simply stops you we are now done on this planet they have one population left and so we move on more batteries to get now you may notice how energy has gone down and so is everything else because I'm now converting all of our worlds and some more advanced world's more alloys more science more unity more potatoes and because of that well we're kind of in the red also I made too many stations because I need some more navy casting okay I'll help as well hopefully the end the month our energy will go back to at least a little bit higher okay okay what is losing everything else because I've overdone it with the building of buildings because we can't have buildings because the batteries Construction complete nothing will stop us oh this is your capital oh you are doomed and over here and you've already summoned it darn it so this is the rubric ATAR questline and i don't think we can actually get it now because you've already finished off this and just summoned in the drag although if I kill the Drake do I get the relic by the way I can't claim the system they'll be your system I don't know how that works so we don't have the force power to do it anyway so complete oh well Herry app instruction complete okay regular bombardment for a short while just to weaken its defenses and then steal all the populations okay you're finally reinforcing but your fleets are not strong enough to deal with me excellent Oh where's this fleet gone maybe that one's enroute as well then you will be strong enough no to self make reinforcements make a new fleet to spam things you could go ahead and use the fleet manager like a same person but know you like spamming at buttons because you are simple laughter except grading the chips with new AI just ignoring enemies over here because we are and soon we can attack again sadly we was actually forced away but for some reason they've completely ignored the planet also I'm saying actually why too much today don't know why also also I may as well just ignore food right now until I've sorted out where all the populations are going because they're costing us way too much food and remember not having food isn't actually that much of a big deal all it does is slow down the growth of these populations and make them less happy they're living batteries which aren't asleep for this they're not gonna be happy anyway oh we managed to get victory that's actually really annoying it because it stops the war thank you for the influence oh why not that means that means I can finally build our first habitat and that is where we're going to throw all of that new species there we are just really matter where we build the habitat just find somewhere I can build it please here is the perfect place yes now our ships move here instead I assume we're strong enough to deal with these fellows am i right you are strong and you have a defense that's annoying will they be able to help you out or even are they the unified planets if I was a unified planet where would I be loca oh my god you all week I don't particularly care then so if I go to war with you what happens declare I've already so I can actually go to war with that Empire oh you can't get there so I need to do now is just white until a planet tells me it needs a new job before building anything else because what's happening is because we're getting buildings so much faster than normal because of all these lively batteries well we're building all the buildings loads of specialist jobs but there aren't enough drones to work all the other jobs so almost all of my mining drone jobs aren't being filled so now just white unless a planet needs more housing or it needs a new job stop building all of the upgrades I could possibly give them are now in effect so the Duke will up damaged and that will wait until they attack us hopefully come on be done be done go that way I don't want to have to fight all of you at once stealing is now underway and we even managed to heal using their own station which is also protecting us where are the rest of them I wonder if you're trying to go around to attack us like the others did which is fine by me because again if we lose what do we lose oh no conquer this time ah over there even that's not really a big deal if I do get that as long as we get a good population out of this it really is still in our favor oh we're collecting geckos as well gotta catch em all okay okay okay yes okay perhaps yes does this work with our batteries because it counts as a job dinner you fellas are getting all that lovely energy and that's from a job that's why the governor affects you and the high stability affects you and the Empire affects you in the planet habitability annoyingly affects you which means this is like God Tyr for our Empire type gonna take a while though we're doing repeatable quite early in the game honestly so clearly our science is getting there but we're still not quite there to get them done quickly so probably not worth it to do that but I want to see if it works how many are left I want to go after their capital they'll kind of just melt it all so they're being raided at the same time but yes seriously where's the rest of their legions they're overwhelming to us so where are they I am confused oh they're all sort of defending their territory that makes sense even then though that cannot be it because we have more in fact we can probably brute force our way into here and I might do that because homeworld and that's fun not sure right now though we are building some battleships to go and reinforce this fleet which will be interesting so you know the thing we got earlier sadly I missed the battle with this but this is actually ridiculous I activated this and it gave me plus 40 percent weapon damage that's what's currently affecting our fleets and I just melted a fleet without even seeing what happened yeah pretty much like that I like that relic void born habitability of our habitats has increased by 20% and habitats now have two additional districts which means even more space for the populations and remember our living batteries only take up 0.25 of housing needs depending on Oh depending on how annoying they are ok apparently the geckos are really annoying but most of them only 0.25 which is pretty darn fantastic we are now also bombarding their homeworld o geckos you're joining in with the war suddenly I'm glad I accidentally left my borders open to you Construction complete construction complete well that's pretty damn fantastic Communications Alert no I want victory Construction complete now the reason why I'm not so reinforcing this fleet and using the fleet command system is purely because what happened then is a single ship at a time would be sent every times created and it's so easy for them to get sniped off and I'm not really in the mood to micromanager or so instead building a chunk send the chunk at least the chunk can defend itself note to self don't move so many at once because you can't grow any more because of the whole housing thing first of all build a few districts build a few of the drone storages then move the model so the habitats aren't as good as I originally thought purely because the whole stability issue if we have too many of the workers and not enough of the drones this happens and then we're getting minus 40 percent on the upside it is really easy to keep so many here so I feel like they're a good overflow but until then we may as well let them mature like all of the planets just slowly breeding those on there this is a really weird video isn't it I'm glad I'm half asleep for this so with habitats they're still definitely a good idea right now we're up to 40% habitability already things are going okay with this particular habitat you just can't overwhelm them as much as I did before but now we're building more of them as we abduct populations we can put them straight into the habitats which will already have the machines growing there which will already have all the stuff ready for them and so they actually make really good just storage for the living batteries because they all have like almost a hundred percent habitability yeah it works it's good just no overwhelm them and be stupid like I did Asians now one other way we could ply in this is if we have a species which isn't particularly good for us for instance these fellows we simply go set rights undesirables and then we can set a certain type of undesirable which allows us to destroy them and get loads of minerals in the process I think it's loads of minerals and energy or loads of energy either way lots of resource doesn't matter exactly what it is the reason why I'm not doing this right now is just because I know that works and that works really well I want to see if this is a viable alternative and of course killing them makes people even less happy with you and I don't really want this to be a hated Empire which weirdly isn't despite what we're doing once again plus 40% weapon damage which is great because they have quite a bit defense over here which they've just moved well now there really are doomed Construction complete Construction complete six there and 26 there good so it was worth attacking here although Obama looks of things were about to be forced and into status quo which is a real shame hello Federation fleet goodbye Federation please begin bombardment even though we likely won't get anything in time oh hello status quo that's fine never mind I don't to lose half of my fleet for no reason really that's the fastest way back okay it's been a hundred years in-game and so now it's time to ask was this strategy a success or a failure I think somewhere in between honestly I think I have played this very poorly in many ways I have made some serious mistakes I kept on bottlenecking myself I kept on overwhelming planets and having to move them back it was really bad at certain points I just had to stop and then white for things to fix themselves if I had more experience with this and I was better at micromanaging perhaps had a bit more time that would have been much easier and it would have just went a lot better now saying that despite the fact I think I have slowed down this strategy quite a lot we're actually in a decent position it's been a hundred years we have 6,000 research per month we have plus 300 alloys per month even though we are currently moving our fleets around we are in the positive for both minerals and energy our rare resources are doing okay and we have loads of unity so yeah we are very powerful right now and honestly I think we could win the game if we continued with this playthrough we are just in that good a position it's absolutely fine now is this much better than other machine empires and other strategies no I don't think it is maybe if I played it better it would be but the positives are it was loads of fun and a really different way for me to play which is lovely and I think it has potential of being optimized a lot more and made a lot better it's a silly play style it relies on you finding an empire to begin with either a very weak Empire which you can take some populations from or of course one of these lovely primitive empires but if that happens you could play like this and it would be really fun now one way I think you can make this work a lot better would just be rather than overwhelming pull every single planet with these living batteries only have a few of them with them that way the other worlds will be normal worlds making up for the problems they caused but having them on each planet is also a lot of fun how many of our population are currently these fellows loads only 902 or actually machines that's really good we could have even had more honestly but that's lots of energy coming from the organics and I try to avoid as much as possible any energy generation aside from these so they are working well now with that I'm a Friday I'm all out of time for today's episode this was loads of firm tell me what you think about this strategy and tell me if you want to see more experimental videos like this in the future this was just me testing out a theory testing out an an idea for fun and I don't normally do that on camera so if you liked it please tell me and with that and me getting increasingly tired thank you so much for watching if you have enjoyed the video then of course likes favourite shares comments all that good stuff helps out me helps out the channel and most importantly shows that stellaris as a series you wish to see continued in the future thank you so so much for watching and good bye [Music] you
Channel: Lathland
Views: 47,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: matrix, stellaris, gameplay, lets play, funny, matrix gameplay, game
Id: xigNMLUjB20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 15sec (2235 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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