Markiplier & Lixian MEGA COMPILATION

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Again with the weird comment by Mark. Something's definitely fishy here, what's with the numbers

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Smartypants_dankie 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
hit him with the dab litzian go you can do it come on don't be shy it's still alive it's 20 20. come on bring it back let's see you do it just elixir come on just do it the things i do for love [Music] okay behind the scenes stuff is done listen high five we're in a concerted effort and a team bow yeah he's going to be zoomed in but it's going to be i've lixie and i'm sorry i've removed like 90 of your jokes [Music] you can't zoom in what are you gonna do zoom in on an eyeball that's not funny that's not funny at all lichtsy and i'm turning up the game volume because i think it was a bit quiet this is a little late to be saying in episode 8 but you know i kind of want the volume generally be nice and audible i don't want it too quiet too quiet too bad it's a very fine line don't mess it up if you mess it up everyone's going to be mad i'm going to be mad everyone's going be up don't mess it up you can't mess it up don't dare stop oh are you sure oh is that too quiet oh is it too loud wait no hang on it might be too quiet too loud wait no is that too loud i think i can hear it too much oh no now i can't hear it at all okay that's probably pretty good yeah i think you're fine maybe you sure didn't think so i'm just messing with you am i maybe not maybe maybe not probably not maybe so make sure you get it right gold artifact well it's definitely mysterious what is it i don't know but the music's too loud turn that music down a couple more notches that's good right there no wait raise it up just one one hundredth of a percent higher if you go above that i swear to god explain explain to me that's right i'm a friendly not you lixian sorry not you have you ever done that thing where you're looking out your window and you see someone walking down the street and you take your hand and you go to squeeze their head and pop it like a grape what if that actually happened this sounds terrifying if i didn't know any better i'd say this is a horror game but i you know honestly now i can't be sure that it's not i'm pretty sure it's not but then i did say a lot of things about popping to people's heads like but one thing you got to consider is that when you're facing down to the vic and you've only got your flashlight this one's got some weapon power you know you can really get some good like momentum going on this [Music] ain't about that no no no i i don't go in there it just opens not a joke listen don't worry it's fine lexi and i cranked up the volume a little bit hopefully i didn't throw everything off if he did i'm sorry lixie and i'm lexi please you don't need to be so sassy with me i was just i was just trying to make it better for you man please please [ __ ] please you gotta understand i'm just trying i'm trying to be a good youtuber here please stop where's the this time [Music] okay thank you thank you thank you lindsey who knew that these woods were haunted by the one and only lixian the most dangerous beast of them all the evilest creature to ever haunt these woods the lyxian that's a face that's a face that's a big face that's a big big face big face big face litsy and it looks like your face why does it look like your face look see and licks and it looks like your face look at your face kind of looks like you're very kind of does a little bit october 22nd 1999. who's cracking sticks over there lexie and put it in a jump scare just keep everyone on their toes but don't tell them when it's gonna happen keep it real secret-like yeah you never know when it's coming now that i've told lixian to do it you know it's on the way [Laughter] alexia don't do it look sand no licks in that jump scare the scum scare the skunk come scare the jump scare with the skunk scare him with a skunk embryo why am i carrying oh there's a face on it like seeing it kind of looks like your face no not at all your face isn't drippy and weird oh okay okay that's a nice identification drawing right there lexi zoom in on that oh man hey it's you you put some spiky hair on that it looks just like you no your art's better no that's not what i'm saying i'm i'm not saying you're no it's just i mean you're you can see the resemblance take your hair off take it off see i'm sorry i'm sorry this does remind me of um uh shrubbity upset what's the name elixion what's the name of the game the the the sewer game with the beep the game that i beat the one that i definitely beat ooh what was the name of that nemesis was it nemesis no that doesn't sound right now this is so my editor is portuguese he will have no idea how to translate anything so lixian good luck but what i did ordered is a sampling of different sandwiches and different burgors or as they call it in korea hamburgl lexing do you know how to translate that good now olenno's orlos this portuguese legend can you read this looks in well look seen you must know a way out of here you've got to know these are your people you've probably been on this train right you know you know aperte zee for we are to turn on and off the lantern this is portuguese legs ahead how about okay [Music] it is portuguese lexian this is the language of your people i couldn't talk at all ah weird huh it was like i was suffocating this is amazing don't touch that icon anymore i love your accent is it portuguese is that a portuguese accent lexia did you make this i guess that's me assuming that you're the only person in portugal which is not true did you make it time sure flies when you're having fun right lindsey ah you uh with all your jokes god you're a silly silly silly silly portuguese man you know even if it was like my best friend i don't know if i could say i'd go into a place like this looking for them hi how are you oh hi what are you doing there are you a monster i am the thing in the wall i feel nothing but pain the cruelty of my existence is something that is only tamed by the suffering of others great good don't do anything scary now oh you anyway anyway i feel like this isn't very important but it might be important you never know what's going to be important you never know what's not going to be important i don't know how good i'm going to do in this i'm going to text lisa and just tell me actually i'm not even going to ask him what it's what it's for give me a random word any man now legs again he's not getting back to me oh no okay i'm asking wade hey can you give me a random word any word where is everybody somebody give me a word gosh important that you need to pick a one perfect lixian got back to me pop pop sickle all right thank you alexia thank you thank you thank you popsicle spelled exactly that way it's not how i would spell popsicle but maybe the portuguese spell it slightly differently oh no how do i get in nobody's home lexi and listen i need you to make me look good really good no don't talk no lixie don't listen to him don't listen to either of them just make me look pretty focus slicks in put a beauty filter over my face more beauty beautifuler there we go dude my improv is off the charts right now no your hip-hop's great but my my monetization is just tanking every word okay censor out ass and replace it with jesus yeah if if also lixian could you do that as well i want to put my friendship in your jesus that's it that's the one tell me thank jesus i want to put my jesus inside your [ __ ] no no no no sorry lexi you messed up there think about it again okay re-edit all right jesus jesus inside your [ __ ] jesus [ __ ] jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus let me try i'm gonna try to do something try to go to editor lixian hey how you doing you're beautiful man but i put it right did you put it did you put did you do a good job but i put it in his wraith editor editor put it show that i had it editor please show how that was true everyone knows it everyone agrees no one is disputing this fact and facts are what are important when it comes down to the world we live in oh don't run into the cactus yeah [ __ ] all right let's keep the potty language to a minimum okay uh [ __ ] hole oh my god you're gonna make extra work for elixion to censor all of that oh my god don't you know i'm a family-friendly channel now people couldn't even see the game on that one lixian what you're gonna have to do you're gonna you're gonna go snatch the vod from their stream put my face cam over their face cam and that's what we're gonna deal with okay cool [Music] uh god these crickets are just so great yeah that chirping noise is like gonna destroy my ears alexian can you cut out that frequency from the audio that's can you can you apply several layers of d-hum to this and ruin the audio completely oh no listen that that buzzing is at a very specific frequency if you cut out that frequency that buzzing goes away but that's the same as my voice oh this is so much to read the lore let's see and summarize it for me and then somehow get it to me uh in reverse time so that i know it now and i don't have to know it later oh it's an infusion of knowledge in my face all the effects are so glowy okay anyway now i know alexander sound the alarms oh [Music] [Applause] thank you i am not holding that against you alexian the animated a paper plane going in and hitting off of bessie's nose there ah yeah that was real good that was worth the effort to put into making that happen i'm glad i asked that plain jane plain can't play how plane do plane do lexi and throw a plane across the screen what is this game called lexi and put it on screen quick flick scene hit the mission successful music that's the good stuff right there that's good let's see and make this good can you make it good all right lexie and just time-lapse this because i'm about to go i'm about to go deep and i mean that both literally and figuratively i'm about i have like no wood oh god i'm such a tit oh god how do i don't you better have started that time lapse you i've seen you better started the time lapse i do not need people seeing this i do not need people seeing me fail to make a pickaxe i don't need it none of us need it so just get on his shears i'll need ladders maybe lexie in the timelapse it started right please to god please please all right i don't think i need the x but i'll take it anyway just all right okay time lapse go lexie and keep the time lapse going but make it really cool make it like the coolest make it the sweetest time lapse anyone's ever seen make it so unbelievably cool that everyone's gonna watch this video and they're gonna be like whoa that time lapse that time lapse was sick that was like the best time lapse i've ever seen in my life that was just a nuts time lapse from start to finish so um like i don't know more than just like cool music and whatnot make it like uh something that people will really remember forever and i'm done okay that time lapse better have been good was it good thank you eyes on the prize maybe eyes on the prize ding ding ding ding ding ding dixie and sound the alarm sound the music cue the quiring angels the sweetest taste that ever was toasted the sweetest taste the sweetest delete everything delete everything click scene please i'm begging you you have to delete licks in please you don't understand like said you have to delete everything i am no one could know i'm going to put money into this and i'm going to count on you not to let anybody know about this don't put this at the end of the video after i've already said goodbye just don't tell anybody about this it's just between you oh hey uh how did i miss the oh found the door key okay i missed the key it was staring at me in the face lexian uh cut around that make me look really good uh don't make me look like a big dump dummy remember i got the big brain so i can't possibly be the big dumb at the same time physiologically impossible me and big brain all time but me i'm small brain no time make that make that make sense okay no oh i'm getting it now i'm getting it now everything is coming together like a cow lexington cut all this out of it yeah i never want anyone to ever hear about anything that i'm trying okay that's not staying there well that's not really that much fair i want to try something else quick but i can't so i'll grab my dick lacie please cut out all of this i don't want anyone to see any of this i wanted no one to know anything that happened here you know to each their own lexi and cut that out for the love of god do not show anybody that looks eaten please look seeing looks in looks gonna cut that out make it sound like a real cry no alexander i'm going to cut this out so no one sees it of course but uh i'm going to just like heave and you add crying in make it sound really realistic like like create like this sound synthesizer of my voice using all the voice that i've had in my videos shouldn't take too long here we go how many of you knew that was going to happen and you did nothing to stop me from doing said action lixian did you know did you know that would happen because i didn't how could you how could you if i'm not actually crying animate like some tears in or if that's too hard just slap me in the face i don't care if you want to see more scary games they are as always linked in the description lixium show lixium i'm sorry i'm sorry i i didn't mean to say your name wrong i just i i've you know so it's late in the night i i've been recording a while i've been saying a lot of words i didn't mean no no please no go back no lyxiam i mean links in uh lixian put on like some hopeful music you know it's kind of like new beginnings i am recording right my mic is on correct yeah put on something like hopeful like new beginnings like mistakes something that evokes the feeling that mistakes have been made in the past but they they won't bog me down i won't be stopped just because of the inconveniences of the world around me or the the sins of my own past something something really really like heartwarming fulfilling soul bonding yeah something like that [Applause] something like that i hope lixian's keeping the music nice and high so that we can hear it all in all it's glory but not too high elixion you don't want to ruin people's listening experience now do you oh maybe that might be too quiet oh you never know with these things better get it right lixie and play the epic journey music that i told you about in the episode that didn't get recorded you know the one when i told you to play the epic journeying music that was gonna take me across the mountaintops so that i could reach a new land and be safe you remember the one right play the exact one that we were talking about before when i was talking to you and i didn't get the episode to you you remember it right right good thank you play it now that's not the song play the song you remember the one so play it wrong one you get it wrong again and i'll cut your hair off permanently is that the right one so you don't want to be wrong are you sure go with it if you're confident oh hey that's the right one oh thank you oh cool alexia and put on like some cliche dating sim music going on here real plunky real uh you know you know the type you love yourself a uh dating suit came to you i know you i know you come on you you love them you you love them too much but i don't judge it's okay all right you go enjoy put in the music all right cool thank you of whom i've got no one of good lauren and [Laughter] what i don't know what i just read oh my oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god lexi and i'm not crazy right this is cool right okay cool high five all right cool we're on the same page he makes games he makes games he makes a game he made me a game did you see that he made me a game little game for my birthday it's not special hey a game oh this is no time for games i like game hey this looks like lixian's game i am the best i want to thank my mom i want to thank lixian listen lixie and i i'm gonna have to leave you behind now my career is taking off right now i am obviously the best and i listen i don't want to hold you back that's what it i want you to be able i'm finding success now now you need to find success so you roll on out of here yeah all right see oh that's cute okay bye okay i should do yeah i i i don't know i know i'm putting it in your hands but i trust your capable spooking skills you're so amazing you're such a good editor you're so goddamn talented as an animator and as a person one okay and then scare him to death let's see and scare him to death it's okay i'll get back up there in two seconds two shakes of a lamb's tail two shake it two shake shake this shake it baby shake it lick see and shake it shake it come on come on please this weird no it's not it's weird not weird it's okay it's cool it's glixing cut all this out i don't want any of this ever i literally am stopping by because lixian is playing resident evil right now and uh i just wanted to stop by give him a super sticker so i just took a little break to priest lixie and everyone preach lixian lixie and point them in the right direction so right down there in the description thank you thank you lixian thank you so much for helping out you're such a oh you're just so you're so nice ah man i don't want to make you do lots of work you're such you're so great everyone should subscribe to you [Music] so that was three scary games thank you all so much for watching hope you hi lunky hey luxian how are you doing let's see and end the end video for me please end it for me i i don't have i don't have the willpower anymore i don't have the willpower okay i don't have the willpower i don't know [Music] ah cool good good job lixon you did it i'm proud of you unless you didn't did you and as always i will see you in the next video [Music] bye-bye oh i'm not done recording hey hi lexian how you doing
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 7,432,906
Rating: 4.9808912 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, lixian, markiplier and lixian funny moments, markiplier and lixian compilation, markiplier lixian best of, compilation, markiplier compilation, lixiantv, funny moments, animation, deleted scenes
Id: TM_J47UfIzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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