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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

I loved the video but I love all of mark's videos also I thought lio did a good job, they did such a good job also they came out as non binary recently, so well done to them. That was very brave I hope they're happy, and I wish them well in all their endaveours.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Next_Reference1673 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2021 🗫︎ replies

Tim Hortons is in the US

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Purple_gy 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2021 🗫︎ replies
mr horton timothy can i call you tim mccoy also the camera is held by one leo tipton uh if you don't know we're up in canada filming the edge of sleep you could say hi if you want hello all right she's not british horton herder who the [ __ ] do you think you are there are rumors that canadians really love you and your food i am unsure about that coming from the good old country of america we pride ourselves in our fast food and i think tim hortons is supposed to be fast food but i've always known it to be you know donuts and coffee that's what i thought it was when i heard you had a full menu with like food i knew that i had to put my expert reviewing senses to the test and test your food with my expert reviewing senses it is so hot i'm sweating i was doing an experiment i'm wearing many layers of clothing i'm doing an experiment where i'm seeing what happens if i stay hot all the time the results may just be that i sweat a lot it wasn't for a video or anything so you don't need to know about this uh i'm just gonna go get tim hortons so we're gonna be back when we're in the drive-through okay all right cool all right see you in a bit all right later i'll catch you later all right have a good one yeah see you around the bed i got to focus on the road all right i'll see you around hey we'll catch up soon all right catch you later all right see you soon buddy all right pal hey until next time see you around the bend catch you on the flip you can cut anytime um we're turning into tim hortons right now uh we're in kamloops which is this beautiful little town like really beautiful town um nestled kind of in these mountains like it's a valley um tim horton's just a [ __ ] good color combination i shouldn't be that biased elixie and replace everything i just said with nice things so we're pulling in here it's not too busy i think traditionally if i had to compare this to something i would say would probably be close to dunkin donuts but i'm not 100 sure because i've never been to tim hortons before but i'm going in with a lot of assumptions and i'm going to really put it to the test barbecue pork barbecue hi i'm so sorry it's going to be a quite a large order is that all right yeah okay so i'm going to start with an assortment of donuts what would that say uh an assortment of donuts like a six-pack okay uh yeah many things um could i get some tim bits a ten pack of those uh could i try a uh a bacon club sandwich there was a turkey cup sandwich yeah turkey bacon club a chipotle cheddar chicken is that crispy or grilled grilled yep anything else a bacon grilled cheese melt yeah anything else did i see something about pulled pork yep could i get one of those anything else uh a bowl of chili okay anything else yes um an english muffin bacon or sausage sausage please sausage english muffin yeah and then a large cold brew vanilla cream we actually don't have any cold brew would you like a ice pack give me whatever the fanciest coffee you have is okay soft caramel ice cream is so large anything else for you today and one hash brown and one parchment and one regular coffee left side medium okay anything else for you today that will be it okay that'll be 49.05 at the window thank you okay first thing very nice memory incredible addiction astonishing uh also price that was under fifty dollars everything i ordered was under fifty dollars that does not seem right i gotta put my mask on where's my mask i don't know why i'm gonna hurry it's not like they're gonna have my food there okay so i imagine it's gonna be a bit but they seem pretty confident they're assembling this order like crazy fast i'm very impressed by this thank you so much thank you that looks good that looks so good holy [ __ ] smells good what the hell good thing i said all those nice things about this before we came into here this is pretty impressive hey that's not coveted safe yeah well it was mine what do you have to say for yourself it's hot why is it it's iced woof i'm so sorry thank you of course yeah as i suspected delayed you know they're just not timely it's the thing they just like bad time management probably this entire infrastructure is corrupt from the inside out is what i think it is look at that wow that chocolate frosting actually looks very nice thank you thank you is that everything okay perfect thank you okay so that was a lot of food under 50 and they got that out pretty quickly they they got that out faster than i've had just a single sandwich come out from a restaurant before this seems dangerous a lot of things i do seem different cut out everything cut out everything can you you know how you made an artist's rendition of eve can you make an artist rendition of leo please put it on a wanted poster as well all right i'll see you when we get back home all right bye okay good all right cut cut cut it now this is when you would you know i don't know when you're being serious i'm always serious [Applause] oh the soup could have done that a lot better and i would have more of this but leo drank this much while in the car so what the hell anyway so we have our assortment of food here there's breakfast items in here if you call donuts breakfast items but there's definitely a breakfast sandwich here there's a i believe this is the pulled pork there's a bun this is like leo's worst fear because she's gluten-free and so i couldn't even go near this she'd puff up like a balloon and explode um got a hash brown isn't that how it works okay cool that's what i thought um i got chili i got the sandwiches uh hash brown goes in the hash brown holder i don't know what that is i don't know what that is i got butter which is strange for the bread why is your bread it's for the chili okay it's really chilly i don't know about that but maybe okay so i'm gonna go in this chronologically from the order how's my hair it's my hair okay keep rolling get some like inserts or something you got it keep it up it's just kind of a test to see what she does i have no idea okay did you get it all right cool how's my hair good it's good hairy so i'm gonna start this chronologically i'm gonna go in order of what i would normally eat a meal or many meals throughout the day i'm gonna start with breakfast i'm gonna go to second breakfast i'm gonna go to brunch lunch uh linner dinner and then dessert which i think i'm gonna save for this so the great thing about a dessert is it's kind of the same as breakfast depending on where you are in the world donuts are kind of the staple of breakfast even though they have very little nutritional value and there's really no purpose for it it's like cereal you know cereal is not a very nutritious meal and yet when i was a kid i'll be eating like cinnamon toast crunch froot loops uh trix like count chocula oreo o's all of these have like no nutritional value they are dusted with vitamins and people expect that to believe that they are going to be healthy because of that no if you're going to eat a donut admit that you're eating a donut because it's delicious and full of sugar don't pretend like it's healthy cereal pretends donuts are honest sharing with chocolate i did not expect to be caught off guard by that donut it's a lot denser than what i would have expected from a donut when i have like dunkin donuts and stuff like that it's very light it's very uh fluffy that actually has some substance to it i'm not saying i dislike it i just was not expecting it and when it comes to my donuts you know uh heftiness doesn't really ring doesn't really spring to mine i'm gonna whoa it's like a cinnamon roll but a donut i'm making a mess it's like a cinnamon roll but a donut that's not as good as i thought it'd be but it's okay and that's okay flavor's coming back around and it's gone that was okay maybe it's because it's later in the afternoon and they made all this in the morning and it's not exactly fresh i'm guessing that's exactly why this isn't at its peak however i am not overwhelmed by any of this i'm really underwhelmed i would be overwhelmed if it was amazing i'm right in the whelmed area donuts are very special donuts are lovely and and it's not like these are bad donuts much like pizza you know if you get a donut it's gonna be okay but at the same time i'm not whelmed anyway let's try the tin bits these could just be the centers of those you know donut holes they call them tin bits because mr horton felt like it other toons are you saying these are tim horton's testicles is that what you're saying we here at markiplier hq have a very high brow sense of humor we elevate our jokes we don't go for love blows like that no matter how true it may seem you watch yourself okay um it's a hole right pretty okay i'm not overwhelmed by any of this so far as far as like what i thought when i thought about tim hortons was like donuts and coffee and i know that i haven't had a chance to try their coffee yet because i didn't order coffee but i'm gonna try this whatever this was lixian insert the name of whatever this was here would you like caramel deliciousness that someone else drank [Music] this is 600 unnecessary calories in the first thing in the morning if this is how you take your coffee you're gonna have a lot of problems later in life but god damn that's good that is so much sugar but it's good like wow um that is sweeter than something that's very sweet like see an insert something that's very sweet right here maybe amy as for on the unlike a scale of one to diabetes this is way up there but delicious delicious very good i used to when i was going to college i would go to mcdonald's i would get like a mcfrat pay or whatever it was because they put nick in front of everything i don't know why tim doesn't pretend from anything tim's bits he did tim donuts tim nuts tim nuts they're like tim horton's testicles lexian roll the laugh track breakfast salmon this is pulled pork breakfast sandwich this i actually is my staple one but mcdonald's uh sausage and egg mcmuffin is what i always get whenever i go for a mcdonald's breakfast i don't deviate from it if they ha i'll sometimes spice it up i'll get like a packet of hot salsa which some people don't know the mcdonald's has they have packets of hot sauce all the time and uh this one is kind of similar to that so i'm going to compare it directly to that no matter how unfair that i seem very good slightly less salt than mcdonald's uses i think they butter their muffin that's obvious the sausage is good the cheese is melty the egg is very nice but there's something about it that isn't gluing it all together for me like all the pieces are there all the ingredients are there but it's really just not coming together in the way that i would imagine that it would you know what i mean like that's kind of the staple of everything that i've tasted so far maybe it's just a canadian thing like canadian palette is slightly different and i'm not used to that but it's really not all coming together like i would want it to it's good don't get me wrong it's not bad but when comparing it to like the experience that i get when i say go to mcdonald's or something or even like dunkin donuts has a similar breakfast sandwich not quite the same but this one just isn't zinging in my mouth by the way i'm gonna eat all this i'm just gonna be eating tim hortons for a while i don't want to waste some food eve you know the [ __ ] eve gave me for even the thought that i would waste maples here you know how much she gave me it was a lot it was a lot a lot but don't worry i donated the maple syrup to her and she's going to be making tons of granola now we're moving on to lunch and i actually do when i go good call good call you're getting a raise i don't pay you i'm sorry [Music] i would rather think that the employee at tim hortons took a bite out of this then to know that the moment i turned my back you took a bite of my hash brown it's a hash brown it's good then again the criteria for hashbrowns being good is very light it's potato and oil and salt you're not going to get much more than that it's got a nice brown to it i like it crispier i like burnt things it could be a little more burnt in my opinion but it's okay very good did you just eat the paper this is done what is this i think this is the wrap oh oh i love the presentation i really like the presentation of this this is dope get a close-up get at the detail detail shot look at the striations here look at that that is a good pattern aesthetics are everything when it comes to food the look of food oh look at that the green sticking out that is good i don't care if it's just an illusion and like they print the tortillas like this this looks good this looks appetizing i want to eat this okay all right tim you have my attention i will now allow you to sponsor me for the low low price of only two hundred thousand dollars per video you can sponsor your very own markiplier video just pay me all the money up front put it right in my hand and i will save tim hortons at the beginning of every video until here until the end of time no i'm just kidding you haven't wowed me enough for that i would eat more i will meet more of that later i don't need to put it here but like did i say enough about this did i speak it's it's chicken wrap with like chipotle sauce whatever you don't care i'll eat it later very good though what is you what are you sandwich hmm sandwich it's a sandwich how much intro do you want for these pieces of it looks like a sandwich bread meat no cheese bacon crispy bread buttered mayonnaise i know canadians love their mayonnaise you love mayonnaise i know that i don't normally like tomato and things but this works this will blt anyway what more time i say this isn't like a food eating channel it's a food review channel and i'm not even reviewing food it's not even a food review channel this is about the tim horton's experience this isn't about the individual taste i'm talking about the complete experience of tim hortons i'm trying to get everything of a lifetime of tim horton's into one video that's what i'm condensing here i'm imagining i'm out in the wilderness of saskatchewan does saskatchewan have wilderness the wilderness of british columbia which is where i am right now i'm out in the woods living off the land all i have is an ax a dog a cabin and tim hortons it's good my well-dominator is starting to tick up over into overwhelmed territory but it's still in the middle of whelmed slightly below the midpoint this is underwhelmed this is wound this is overwhelmed so it's it's about right here okay all right now this is a melt now when i was in college i would make melts all the time because i actually had a meal plan and i could afford to eat and that was that was good times i liked that and then i didn't get a meal plan for later so i made melts every day and i i really enjoyed them smell is very important to food smell your food before you eat it it's not weird that you do like the video if you smell your food before you eat it if you don't smell your food before you eat it like the video that is a very good grilled cheese i forgot what this was it's not a melt it's grilled cheese but one thing that they did well that they did well in the wrap is like this grill pattern it looks good it looks appealing but also if you notice there's cheese not only on the inside which i believe is either american or cheddar it doesn't really matter cheese bacon but there's cheese on the outside as well i don't know what kind of cheese but it adds a little the experience it's not as good to hold like it's not pleasant to hold because it's just very greasy and it feels like it's sticking to my fingers but as far as taste goes this is really well done really tim hortons in terms of sandwiches i've never had better sandwiches at a fast food place i'm not talking like burgers i'm talking like traditional like sandwiches the wrap the blt the grilled cheese sandwich i'm gonna actually dip this in my chili if i'd i would have tomato soup if i do this normally but you know chili works two thumbs up i will review the chili next but this is quite good tim i don't know how you canadians do it up here i don't know how you eat chili what kind of barbarian eats chili with a knife and a fork i really needed a spoon here my wellmedometer was really spiking up with that grilled cheese it is now dipping below about a third okay there is so little that i could forgive when it comes to chili experience what am i going to do when the liquid just drips right through my fork what what about the bread what oh this is my spoon is this my spoon am i spooning with this didn't know it was a arts and craft adventure whittle my own spoon out of bread it's like a bread bowl but bread spoon ah that's a good idea but i'm not assuming that you had that intention from the get-go i think you just forgot the spoon and given that every employee and every establishment represents the command structure from top to bottom it was like you didn't give me a spoon yourself mr horton you're not allowed to sponsor me anymore i don't want your canadian dollars they're no good i take back everything i said [Music] you're lucky that chili's good god damn the only other chili i could compare to would be wendy's and this is better there's no question there's only one item left zoom on me on me zoom on me and this is the big one and now lixie and zoom even further this is the big one okay this is the mama this is the mama jamba this is the big kahuna keep it steady don't move leo this is the big goon this is a mama jamba this one's for all the beans and pan down pulled pork i don't know why this is for all the beans but i think this is special because i've literally never seen pulled pork at a fast food place ever is there cheese on this oh that's interesting i don't know how that's gonna be but there seems to be cheese on this ordinarily i would have this drowning in barbecue sauce but right now there's cheese and like some barbecue sauce there's a little bit leaking around the edges here i really have no idea what to expect going into this but let's give it a try [Music] this would be great this would be great if i had a tub of barbecue sauce to dip it in because it it's it's drier than the sahara it's so dry it's like there's no sauce on this like i can forgive that it's kind of cold because obviously i ordered it fast food i drove it here the quality of the meat isn't too bad either like this doesn't seem like they just ran the pork machine until it just turned out goo you know this seems like actual meat um but so dry it's a pulled pork sandwich it needs to be weeping sauce it needs to be gushing sauce out of the burger or the sandwich it needs to be rivers of barbecue sauce pouring down my hands that's pulled pork there's gotta be so much sauce i don't even know there's meat in there this would be good this would be good my weldometer all the way down and we're back up the middle okay i'm perfectly whelmed by this i'm not amazed i'm not incredibly aided but i am well i think it was a decent experience there were some really upsides to it the donuts were okay but i'm not really a big donut guy anyway like i don't go out of my way to eat donuts but they were kind of like when i bite into them i'm willing to chalk that up to a different taste palette canadians with their weird mystical ways that no one can understand who knows what they're even thinking but they have different ways the timbits you know they were okay they're not bad i like them as far as any doughnut hole goes pretty basic the sandwich itself the breakfast sandwich not very great pretty okay i liked it um not as good as what i would prefer from other places sandwiches however the wrap incredible fantastic the grilled cheese stunning love that blt crisp delicious the chili stunning great chili it's strange all the foods that i i would not normally go out of my way to a fast food place or especially a drive-through place to go really good stuff however this was so disappointing pulled pork excited me it drew me in it tantalized me tempted me it was seductive i wanted it i wanted it bad you know oh i wanted and when i got it i was just left with regret and sadness disgusted with myself and what i had done oh the depravity not enough sauce bread was good i guess i'm so confused by it but it's there and that's something other places wouldn't do free bread is cool at a restaurant thanks for trying to class it up question from the gallery i feel like you judged the donuts a little assume you didn't try every one they're different flavors this is where the bonus round of dessert comes in i had a secret i was gonna i was gonna do this whole thing because i do in every video if you actually watched my videos in every review video i have a little secret surprise at the end of it and then i turn up i didn't have a surprise at the end of this one this is just this is your surprise congratulations this is what you get everybody basic [Music] frosted [Music] it's still like the dense doughiness of the donut and i know a donut is called a doughnut probably because of very doughy like a pill bear doughboy but it's still surprising it's it's very chewy not bad the flavor is good the like frosting i do like frosting is fine this is actually that different type of cake doughnut sensor that one's fluffier which is so weird because the normal donuts like well normal donuts and donuts in america it would be like those bigger ones would be the lighter ones and this would be the denser one but this is fluffier than those here's a cake doughnut chocolate mixing the flavors a little bit i like that better i like this better than the other cake donuts that i've had before frosted chocolate cake donut oh that one's right good advice why don't you ever dare interrupt a review video ever again never forget um thank you everyone so much for watching don't worry i will eat all this eventually i just will not eat it all right now so no food is going to be wasted i'm going to be eating well for quite a few days here and thank you everybody so much for watching subscribe if you want to see more i have more reviews that i've done in the past if you have not seen it or not familiar with my review process my extremely extremely impressive review process lincoln is in the link is in the lexington point where it is it's down there go check out more videos that i made thank you leo for helping out you can check out leo on instagram link is also in the description where can they find your stuff i think it's leo tipton okay all right look for leotipton if not there's a link in the description down below go click that okay i will be collating all of your comments everything that you've said thus far before ending the video and i will be banning everyone that said a comment before they got to the end of the video because how dare you write a comment before the end of the video subscribe for more okay bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,576,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, review, tim hortons, mcdonalds, wendys, dunkin donuts, food review, fast food, fast food review, funny review, candy review, markiplier review
Id: lC4TnpL9uqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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