I beat Breath of the Wild 100% In a single day

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No there ain’t, how would I be able to do that in 18 hours? You think I play while on crack?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LAIIF_THE_TURTE πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

All done... I'm reeaadyy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-Multivitaminsaft πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 11 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
this is a breath of wild 100 Speed Run what does that mean uh to 100 breath of the wild you need to get all heart stamina upgrades 120 shrines 15 main quests 42 Shrine Quest 77 side quests 18 memories 100 on the map percentage which means all Towers but it also means all map locations like Bridges and ruins uh that are named uh all 900 Clorox from their Source you need all key items which includes hestu's gift all horse bridles and Saddles all Kilted Metals which means that you need to kill all 40 he knocks all 40 Talus and all four molduga you need all chicas late upgrades you need all the vine beasts you need to complete the compendium which is pictures of everything you need the master sword and all permanent armor fully upgraded uh that is how you 100 the game that is what I'll be doing today hopefully it's gonna be done in under 24 hours now go um I'm playing in English you'll see a lot of speed runs done in other languages but fortunately for 100 English is the fastest language because it's the least amount of text and shortest cutscenes if you add them all up so it's good because I don't know any other languages and that would make it a little bit more difficult uh and obviously the first thing you got to do is leave the shrine of Resurrection but we're not gonna leave it normally because apparently pair a door to leave the shrine of Resurrection is not 100 the game so I am immediately gonna start by running into this corner and grunting for a while till I go through the wall that was probably the fastest I've ever done it so yeah uh there's a there's a really long cut scene there I need to skip it there's a second cut scene of when you leave the shrine of Resurrection we're gonna watch that it's gonna be completely wrong but I am going to watch it this starts the day night cycle otherwise it would be stuck uh Sunny 5 15 a.m for the whole game any percent does that it's very nice because it makes so it doesn't rain but quests and style noxes and a bunch of other stuff are related to night time so have to watch the cutsy which sucks because it means we will experience rain uh the thing about this game is with the clipping out of bounds is that walls are double-sided so it makes it difficult to clip back inbounds once you're out which is uh unlike a lot of other games but fortunately there's setups for all of the times we will be clipping out of bounds so like right here you just side hop off a couple times and you're out for the start of this run the first hour it's critically important to not mess up at all uh so I'm gonna be picking up a very specific set of items uh weapons materials for a trick that I will be doing uh in a little bit uh called IST I'm not gonna explain it yet I'll have more time during IST but uh essentially in about 90 minutes from now if I do it right I should be immortal I should have 8 000 arrows I should have a bow that one shots every boss in the game and um max stamina um 80 000 rupees it's what makes 100 a fun speed run I'll explain it more later later but uh yeah the the start of the run it does require some really odd things to happen especially right at the very start because there's actually a lot going on um behind the scenes and you'll see in a second it'll seem a little weird what I'm doing after this shortcut scene so we got a whistle Sprint here to alert that guy from behind the wall we're gonna get something called skew to clip through the wall I'll explain that next time it's relevant and we're going through and there we go okay so now I need to unequip the weapon I need to drop the pot lid I need to drop all these materials and I need to pick up the Traveler's bow uh I'll wait for an auto save now and then I'll take everything back and boom uh we set the system clock back one day uh that might seem a little bit strange I need to do I need to change the date there and this is another trick by the way I'll explain this in a bit uh I needed to change the date there to protect that auto save because the date hasn't happened yet now so it won't overwrite it basically so we'll need that later again for IST in about an hour but this is uh one of the only shrines we need to clip into because uh we haven't activated the tower yet we will activate the tower there we go all right good uh you need to activate every Tower but it's just faster to get this one first but immediately after I do that trick I unlock the next trick which is called I think most people call it a win bomb but uh I call it a boomy zoomy the the core idea with boomizumi is that uh you boom and you zoom much uh like this foreign much like that anyway so that's the bomb Shrine uh bombs are the youth the most useful Rune in basically all of breath of the wild they allow for so much Mobility which is something you probably didn't expect playing casually but they are very broken I think boomizumi is what Nintendo calls it that does sound like a you know ground pound boomy zoomy I could see that yeah that sounds good the wiggling that I did with the pot there you can do that with anything you hold over your head it's called a bow lift smuggle slide It's a combination of a couple of glitches basically all you need to know is that you put link into a weird state where it's like it's it's holding the bomb in one of his hands and if he gets into a certain position the bomb pushes him away but he's still holding a bomb so if you've watched like uh like Super Mario 64 speed runs it's similar to like bomb clip kind of where the bomb is attached to him but it's also pushing him away that's that's what's happening so yeah you see here I'm just gonna be wiggling over to the tower now and I will no longer need to clip into any of the shrines uh a lot of the shrines you can clip into to skip the long like quests associated with them uh unfortunately though we now need to do those quests because it's 100 so there's no reason to clip into them all right anyways uh this is a fall damage cancel um by interrupting a weapon throw by unequipping or re-equipping a weapon it resets the distance you have fallen and the way fall damage Works in breath of the wild is that you know it checks where you fell from and it checks where you landed and if that's a certain distance then you take damage uh but that number is reset when you unequip and equip with this game you do need to complete the entire gray Plateau before you uh can do anything else because it's very well coded in a way that you just cannot leave the plateau without the paraglider there's like four different backups that check different things and if it finds that you are off of the plateau it will get you back onto the plateau until you have the paraglider so we do need to get all of these four shrines one uh one more boomi zoomy in the great Plateau or on on the great Plateau you're supposed to climb this tree it didn't work first try for some reason but get to the top of this tree and this tree is at a very convenient height and angle to where you can just do this it is amazing how perfect that spacing is to just get that what is the wiggle part of Wiggle bombs used for so uh when you're holding the bomb uh and just standing still the bomb isn't really affecting link so when you wiggle it kind of exerts a little bit of force every time you turn the faster you wiggle the more force is put on the link and the faster it pushes them backwards [Music] here is right here I'm not there is a reason for that I'm waiting I'm waiting I'm waiting now now I skip the cutscene uh doing that saves 10 minutes in 100 um I'll explain that actually next Shrine because there's a trick here uh called a stasis launch that is uh this is one of the only stages Launches on the run this is how people used to move around in breath about speed runs before all these tricks were discovered there's only like one or two left in the whole run so uh you just it's you know what you see is what you get yeah you smack it and then it uh sends you in the direction you smack it as long as you're in a safe place to uh to be launched back to the uh skipping the shrine cut scene I don't skip that immediately because it saves time which it sounds a bit weird at the end of the shrine talk to the monk right the game starts to load the exterior world if you skip the cutscene immediately it just resets that loading and loads it again so it just took all that time that it spent loading it and it wasted it it just Chucks it out uh but if you wait then the game hits a threshold in loading where it won't reset anymore and it won't have to basically load the Overworld twice uh this Shrine has one of the the the silliest little strats in it you just aim at this wall here and apparently it doesn't go into bullet time I wait why did that not go into bullet time I don't know anyways like I said I will be making mistakes I am not perfect at this run by any means but hey there's the end of the Shrine we didn't even need that freaking cry on his block so yeah that's uh four shrines of 120 116 to go uh there are a lot of quests in this game that require uh just a bunch of items and upgrading armor requires a lot of items like you need to upgrade a bunch of armor you need a bunch of fish and dragon parts and lizalfos parts 55 Rush rooms for a quest you need uh you need a lot of random garbage to uh 100 this game and a lot of it takes a fair bit of time to stop stop moving bro wind is terrible in this game almost as bad as rain what I was saying what was I talking about you right yeah a lot of quests require a bunch of different resources and they take way too long to collect so what the 100 run does is it just gets like a thousand of everything that you need through uh blitch that again it's called IST I don't know how it works I just know that it does work and I just follow the instructions but that is the great plateau in 20 minutes and now for the next little while I cannot forget to pick up anything or else I have to restart the entire run so I need a lot of items in a specific order in my inventory to be able to do the glitch that's coming up first thing to do is go to Satori Mountain what do you hope to see in tears of the Kingdom that was in breath of the wild I don't I don't hope for anything I just hope it's a fun game that's that's what I want with with tears of the Kingdom I just hope it's a fun game if it's fun I'm happy so for the for the start of the run we're going to be moving a lot of long distances so we will be doing this uh this wiggling a lot wiggle bombing a lot uh but later on in the Run you'll see us almost never do that because once we're collecting Clorox and doing all that kind of stuff it will be um once we're collecting Clorox and stuff they're a lot shorter distances and doing uh boomi Zoomies are a lot uh a lot quicker at Short distances well blss is uh wiggling is a lot faster at long distances uh we need a bunch of durians here and that'll be food until we are Immortal uh which is coming up fast Immortal yeah we will becoming a mortal in a little bit here oops did not mean to slam that hard but we just got all the stuff here and now we go to Hyrule Castle which we will wiggle to now uh you'll get fire arrows here you'll get ancient arrows here a good bow and then we will be killing a guardian um but yeah I've wiggled into the castle to get a there should be a chest with fire arrows here it hasn't loaded in yet so I'll drop these sticks that I never used uh the only reason why we picked them up is because they're related to the auto save which happened a while back but now the the cutscene should happen for the castle because I actually opened the chest before the cutscene even happened so yeah we need uh fire arrows because you do need a lot of fire arrows for ice related Clorox in the Run uh because there's a lot of koroks hidden behind ice so uh and like I said eight thousand arrows uh two thousand of those are regular arrows two thousand of those are bomb arrows 2000 of those are ancient arrows in 2000 are fire arrows so uh we will be having just just a lot of arrows there's ancient arrows an ancient bow and a couple more arrows for me and now we will be going to kill a guardian which um fortunately it's really easy because I just picked up some ancient arrows no shock or ice arrows so you need so few shock or ice arrows that you can just buy 30 and that's basically enough for the whole run uh there should be a guardian here yep there he is so we will be switching to ancient arrows switching to the force dwellers bow and killing them now I need three screws a spring and a shaft that is for uh upgrading some things so oh and a core is actually really good luck here uh this is the essentially perfect drop from a guardian this is really good luck [Music] that's exactly what you want wow that was really good okay okay go go go go go go so that's everything we need from the castle I will now be making my way to kakariko Village to start a quest uh because there's actually a lot of uh Story related quests that start in kakariko Village I will be doing uh I think a total of eight shrines before we get to hatino Village which is where there's this big glitch that I've been hyping up happens hey shrines that includes the four on the plateau so I am almost done with all of my shrines here uh the one thing that you'll notice that I will miss and I'm not exactly sure why this isn't a part of the hundo run Hondo being 100 uh you don't need to get all the shrine chests even though they are a permanent change of the game like whenever you pick them up it permanently changes how the the map looks at the end don't know why it's not included uh we need a horn and a Talon a two horns that oh my goodness lizophos Talon and a horn great so we'll need one more horn which we'll get later but getting a towel in there is actually really good luck they are not guaranteed to drop those uh this Shrine actually has a very the walls go up to the ceiling in this shrine which is really annoying because it means I can't go over the walls um unless I do this uh because I can actually just go under the walls instead aim at that okay there we go we're over the edge perfect okay so that is that Shrine done Under and Over so if you guys didn't know the first time I ever did this speed run I didn't know how to speedrun I just promised you guys I would do it thinking that it was like a it was like a sub goal if I got to some amount of Subs I would do it thinking that I would never get to that amount of subs and then I got to that amount of Subs so I ended up doing the speed run with basically no prep and I didn't know any speed on strats and not a lot of speed on strats were developed for 100 yet also why did that fail that's really annoying what I ended up doing was I kind of just walked through Hyrule and followed along with the 100 speed run at the time which was like 30 hours or something but it took me 69 hours to 100 for the first time so there's been some I I have made some pretty significant personal improvements over the last month or so when I've Revisited the Run uh this kakariko Village I usually forget stuff so I need to focus up here and make sure I don't forget anything because it's really easy you gotta pick up a shield you have to cook you have to pick up a beetle what got you into speed earning much less 100 category I I got into 100 speed running breath of the wild is a joke like I jokingly said I would do it and then you guys took it seriously and then I had to do it anyways uh that's why I run breath of the wild hundred percent uh a joke but it's a fun joke actually I've really enjoyed this category the first hour of this run I I don't like it's it's just a lot of collecting there's a lot on the line if you make a mistake you're punished really hard uh but after you get past the first hour it's a really fun speed run that like you're just blasting around picking up stuff blazing through Divine beasts we have nearly everything that I need I don't think I forgot anything this time all right we're back I got the torch just had to restart the run there we go so we need only a couple more things here we need some fairies so let's just grab a fairy grab a fairy blue Nightshade Shore all right two fairies that's all we get and now it's time to and now and now it's time to and now that now it's time and now it's time bro just freaking wiggle already he he refuses to there we go now it's time to go this way wait this way no this way okay oh wait the dragon appears at 1am that's unexpected I gotta shoot this guy one of them hit did that hit okay thank goodness uh we need to get a couple of dragon Parts because again we need stuff for upgrading armor later we need the horn shards so I will be shooting the horn like so here we did get the claw this time get the horn Shard now I have everything I need now so we're able to do IST now um ISD is inventory slot transfer inventory slot transfer don't exactly know how it works I just know that it does work and I will be following instructions for the next little while drop one of these one of these one of these and one of these and then I need to do a glitch called weapon smuggling not sure why I now need to hold all of the scrap materials that I picked up here and here I need to equip a shield equip an ax I'll clip this hold it in one hand so now I can interact with this guy there we go the hardest part is timing this this press it it's like a couple Frame Window uh then you sell all of these basically you're still holding items but the game doesn't think you're holding them anymore and I don't exactly know what affects the game but the game thinks you still have those items when it doesn't so it like kind of corrupts it a little bit in some way I'm gonna be menuing for about 20 minutes if you're watching the YouTube video you'll probably just see the end uh I am now finished the glitch so let's look at my inventory really quick I'll I'll take some time lapse just to give you guys an idea of what I have so I have a lot of stamina food that fully resevels my stamina I have a thousand of these it only looks like I have one I have a thousand all the wood for this uh all of the fairies all of these for upgrading stuff uh I have a two bows that deal 125 damage or 10 shot bows though and I have 80 000 rupees as well as Max stamina a lot of everything uh oh yeah also I have uh two thousand arrows of of uh fire arrows regular arrows bomb arrows and ancient arrows but now we can start getting koroks korok which I am getting an hour and 26 minutes on the Run yes I know it seems a bit late but trust me this is the fastest way people have found to do it uh but this is actually a really cool trick so there's a thing called weapon smuggling where if you interrupt uh while you're while you're have a while you have a weapon hold it out like this if you pick up a bomb and unequip a weapon at the same time it'll kind of just smuggle the item as if you're not even holding it but the weapon you're obviously still holding it so you can kind of just do any action now and the torch will just stay lit as long as it's not raining so I'm just gonna do two quick boomi Zoomies and won't be at the top in no time just like that there you go and see I'm not even holding the torch smuggling it now we have a little bit more menuing because or a little bit more cutscenes because they do need to upgrade this and then we're free we can actually play the game normally okay yeah when I say play the game normally I mean it's more of a you know we don't have to worry about the cutscene bits uh but the thing is that inventory glitch that we just spent 30 minutes doing uh if I ever reload a safe it will mess with my inventory in ways that I don't understand and I don't want to have happen so we do need to close and reopen the game to get rid of it there is an optimal time to do that it is after the next Clorox and you'll see why but yeah I spent basically a full month probably a little over 100 hours learning this speed run because what I what I learned this video like really learned it for my second attempt I wanted to do it in under 24 hours I want to do it in you know a reasonable amount of time Yahoo all right one more Rune and then we are free free to collect another you know 899 Clorox for fun our attention span is dwindling can we get some Subway Surfers uh well you don't need to worry about your attention dwindling now because I'm actually starting to play the game we're gonna get this korok if you save the game it will put you back at the last location that was a a safe location so if I close it now it'll get rid of the glitch when I reload into the game uh link will actually just be right back up at the top because that was the last safe place so we're gonna go this way bang good boomy zoomi buddy for from now on we are just doing the optimal line of of things to you'll see okay so yeah basically the shrine it's an apparatus Shrine usually need to go solve a puzzle uh I'm not gonna solve that puzzle because I have boomy Zoomies we're at the end of the shrine pretty much every Shrine has that every Shrine it's a little bit different some are harder than others this is one of the more this is probably like a medium difficulty Shrine because getting the right launch at the right angle can be tough I almost messed it up there with a run like this a lot of people ask like how do you remember the entire run and first off I have the route on the side so if I ever forget something I can just look at the route but it's kind of weird how quickly your brain starts to remember this kind of stuff like after one or two runs your brain doesn't really remember oh I need to go to this korok I need to go to this korok next I need to go to the shrine it's kind of just like wait this rock I feel like I have to run this direction now like after this korok I I'm gonna be at the top of a mountain and the direction that I'm facing is just the direction that I have to boomy zoomy I'm pretty sure I go to a magnesis korok but I don't really know yet until I get there I just I just know the direction I need to go and your brain just kind of remembers for you it's really interesting I couldn't tell you probably where all the koroks are but I could tell you how to get all of them you remember the path you don't remember the stops along the way and I think it is a magnesis right over this hill yeah right here yeah also chat is helpful to remember stuff and boomi zoomis are really versatile they can send you horizontally they can send you straight up depending on how you do them they they are some of the highest skill ceiling things in the game also this is really interesting you have to match the apple trees together but it actually only checks the apples so if you just freeze the one apple on the tree that needs to match and chop down the rest of the tree it's like oh yeah all those three apples are lined up all the all the apples have been taken off of the other tree it's kind of silly but it just works uh this is a setup for getting a korok should work I think I'm gonna shoot one more just in case oh did I miss I miss if I shoot here it should just hit a co-op there we go hit it that time yeah there's an acorn industry over there I just remember I need to shoot at a certain line on the on the thing there what's your favorite game that isn't Odyssey why are you assuming my favorite game is Odyssey what if my favorite game is something else what is my favorite game I I really like Alden ring Minecraft is also really good uh but now that we've got the camera we're gonna go talk to impa to unlock memories because there's 18 memories all across the land and we do need to uh find all of them are you chopping all of the trees I don't need to chop all the trees I don't know why I would need to chop all the trees you don't have to chop all the trees 100 no trees respawn all right so we're gonna start with upgrading bow slots because we're gonna be doing a glitch after one of the Divine beasts to uh get even more really good bows uh there's another trick here that they call Golden gauntlets which is a reference to older games you can trick the game into thinking you're a heavy thing is actually a light object I just picked up this and the game actually thinks what I'm holding is a bomb right now when I'm holding a rock which allows you to throw things uh walk faster and throw things further so boom you wouldn't normally be able to throw it that far now going to the shrine of Resurrection because uh you have to warp to the shrine of Resurrection because you can't get in because it's locked because there is a one korok in the shrine of Resurrection right here it's one of the easier ones to miss in a casual playthrough because who goes back to the front of Resurrection right a couple seconds later we are now at uh uh the retail Village we now need to go down here to uh buy out the entire shop so I'm gonna buy some wheat because we'll need to be cooking some foods over the course of the run for quests and pretty much every recipe that's Story related requires these items unfortunately they're just all in Rito Village we don't need to buy any arrows but we do need to buy Sun shrooms for a quest later on as well and now now we're able to go to the Divine Beast I know crazy right we're already going to the vine Beast uh we don't have any cold clothing at all but you don't need it because you're Immortal any damage you take literally doesn't matter so I can just blast myself whenever I want just keep going faster what's good something about this mini game is that you can actually pre-fire your arrows before the minigame starts so I can shoot this and then talk to this guy and after the minigame starts that'll just instantly explode give me the point yeah look at this ding there's one we already got one all right and there you go less than three seconds we've shot all the targets all right and we need a a couple of bows for a glitch we're gonna do later we're actually gonna turn all of our bows into Great Eagle bows you would think hey wait why are you turning into Great Eagle bows and not the Omega bow the Omega bow is really strong but it cannot shoot at a distance and there's a lot of you know balloon it's not very accurate the Omega bow is the bow that deals uh like I think it deals like 2000 1250 damage per shot this is the only Divine Beast that you don't need to grab the map for uh because all of the puzzles and all of the little pedestals that you need to reach in the shrine are totally accessible without having to tilt the bird at all the to do this is just spite you just fly around mostly so yeah we're gonna shoot a couple of things don't mind me excuse me so like normally you tilt the the shrine or you tilt the Divine Beast to get this one but you can just fly in with the Wind there are four four of what huh I wonder what there's three of the suit keeps Counting all right let's see if I can mid-air boom Zoom here the wind is really awful so it makes it difficult but I got one nice but um I guess I'll land on the mouth please make this oh my God he made it up um this is dangerous this is very dangerous but I think I'm gonna make it oh I think I made it that did not hit that um what am I even supposed to do here please don't kill me why is it not dying please let me through okay okay that was weird uh one special property the Omega bow is that it shoots 10 arrows 10 bomb arrows are very powerful so if you shoot them properly you can just push in buttons and skip the entire puzzle which is what I did there it doesn't one shot the Divine beasts uh blights they have like two phases and you need to shoot them in a certain way so uh I'm uh I'm gonna have to shoot this boss a couple of times unfortunately okay we shoot him one two three times and then once with the Omega ball and that's the boss I think wait why is this cutscene playing he should be dead apparently I missed one of the arrows that's annoying so I mean he's dead now all right so that's Divine Beast we need to pick up the heart because we need all the heart containers we have uh the ravioli's Gail now and in a second from now we will also have a very strong bow that we will be using for a lot of different purposes this is a great Eagle boat we'll be using that a lot in this run it's korok and questing time now uh we we still need to get all of the shrines of koroks but we also need to get all locations and that might be like oh if you get all Towers isn't that all locations no no that is not certain spots on the map only show up if you visited them like named locations on the map like this one the Hebrew Trailhead Lodge so you have to get to this Lodge for to show up on the map so this location you have to visit that for it to for you to 100 the map you have to visit like every location like little buildings all of the named ruins in the game it's really weird but it is uh unfortunately necessary cut a car is probably if I do it right is the coolest Shrine Strat in the entire game because with this one there's a giant block of ice that you need to haul Through Fire and puzzles puzzles uh We're not gonna do that so there's a cutscene when you walk in walk towards the Ice Cube we skip the cutscene by blowing it up and bombing it near us then what I'm gonna do is I'm going to place it on a certain line here I'm going to stasis it hit it three times one two three that is four times okay well that's too much um this might not work now but we'll see you shoot it straight up and if I was better I would have ridden the cube up uh but since I hit it four times I'm bad I don't know why I have four times so now the cube is up the top waiting for us and I'm gonna join it it's really sad that I messed up that Strat it's a really cool one um I've I've never made that mistake before we are now too low to grab the Ice Cube because it is on the top uh I all right we're trying backups on backups chat okay that worked okay it would have been the coolest Shrine Strat unfortunately um didn't quite work anyways ice cubes at the top we can fix it in post I I don't know if I can fix that in post you can't really change the outcome of the run there is a Talus here that I will be killing very quickly uh and you can now see the true power of the Omega bow because I didn't really show it off very well you use a bomb Arrow to wake it up uh once it's up and you can see it's weak spot you change to this you use the Omega bow you aim and it's dead and that is the power of the Omega bow you don't need to fight bosses but yeah that is the 1250 damage bow per shot uh now we're going in the direction of the Gerudo area we're gonna go fight the uh the vanabaris you probably remember in a casual Play Through The yiga Hideout which I now need to fully complete The yiga Hideout and then fight the boss at the end and it's it's probably one of the the longest quests in the game if you're bad and slow uh I'm not gonna be doing that so we're gonna skip all of it I'm gonna approach the boss fight Arena and the thing that triggers the boss is walking out those doors so as long as you walk out those doors it's all fine so I'm gonna jump onto the wall here to set something up and I'm gonna Shield jump into the wall and oh I'm through the wall great and oh would you look at that I'm in the final room but you know what I just I don't have enough Great Eagle bows at the moment I just I could really use some extra Great Eagle bows only having one it's just not enough let's get some more and now we have two and now we have three and now we have four now we have five great and boss time so yeah now we have five Great Eagle bows which are very accurate bows at a long distance which are really nice for hitting Clorox uh and that that's a trick that's actually really easy to do if you just have a couple of multi-shot bows and go to like a stable or something search up bow duping if you guys want to do it uh the weird thing about this boss is it it has stages and you just cannot one shot them like it's just impossible to one shot him yeah that Koga is the strongest boss he is actually kogo can take more shots than Calamity Ganon he should be the final boss so watch this she is here right now okay look at that Tower over there keep your eye on it Chad okay because foreign she was just in the town and now she is just standing on the tower how how did she get there before me she just has better skips a likely story at the start of this uh the Divine beast quest we actually just don't do the Divine Beast because we have to go talk to this lady first and then uh yeah we just completely abandoned the sand seal and say see ya I'm out of here do you want to retreat for now I am literally ahead of you read you all right there it is hey Anna's gonna try and shoot me or whatever you know as it does oh no that's so scary all right let's kill it boom we just carpet bomb it now I'm further away than I thought okay never mind I literally missed all of my shots okay there we go we're a little closer now this will work uh the feet [Music] this has the probably the coolest Shrine strats or the coolest Divine Beast threats so you immediately skipped up here and you turn this and you wait till it's pointing up and normally you need like an orb to power a bunch of garbage up here I'm not doing any of that we're moving that's what's pointing upwards and I'm just running to the end of this and this is another reason why I grabbed the duplex bow is for a strat right here you grab this arrows and you shoot that right there wait for it to go green you do a backflip and then it goes up it goes up it goes up and you press this it starts to go down so now I'm up here and now I need to do a boomy Zoomi oh oh I messed that up a lot um I think we're fine I'll just do a boom zoomi back over this way midair was a little sloppy let's do another one good that's more height okay and now we're gonna sneak in through a doorway that's high up on this so we're gonna sneak in through this doorway now bang we're gonna shoot this I'm gonna shoot the way out and then we're gonna walk here you could just shoot this with electric arrows opens the door this door is closed but then the game realizes oh wait he's inside never mind let's open it let's go and fight uh thunderblight normally considered the most difficult blight but I will hopefully be making light work of it first thing you got to do is Shield hopefully it attacks you and then you break its Shield and you go into stasis and you go one two and then you switch the Omega bow and you go three and then you unfreeze them and he's dead and that one went a lot better fantastic I actually did it right that time that felt good all right so yeah we're able to start a bunch of quests now all at once because to get the Thunder Helm you need to complete all of the quests in Gerudo town which you need to do anyways so you probably know the ice Quest hopefully where you have to bring ice through a whole big Gauntlet of enemies I now have to do that ice quest uh I mean in a casual playthrough is awful uh the speed run it's not so bad this this is a really really good Strat so I need a great Eagle bow and some fire arrows fantastic I mean the first off this ice is it's simply way too large who is gonna make a drink with this ice let's get rid of it there we go perfect so now it's nice and manageable so we're gonna go yep and I think you can probably tell what's about to happen because bombs and butts are not the only thing you can wiggle with so we're just gonna Wiggle all the way to the end whoa help oh and we're done yay hey over here this way hello lady so that's a quest done or at least that part of the Quest for one of the quests we need a cool potion and we need for another Quest we need all the dragonflies so this is the easiest way to get the potion and all the dragonflies so we're doing that so we'll be giving that to somebody and this guy it's one of the longest quests in the game you need to get 55 Rush rooms uh fortunately I have a thousand so I'll just be giving them the restrooms immediately that's why this glitch IST is so powerful you don't need to get 55 Rush rooms you just get one and then make a thousand really a fantastic little thing let's kill this guy uh like I said we need to get all of the dragonflies there is an electric dragonfly right under this rock so we get that one there's also a korok that is right over here in this Gap here and now we need to get this gorak which you have to stasis and hit with a two-handed weapon oops and now that that's going in we're gonna get up on here during the cut scene just blazing through this chat now there is a shrine that in four minutes of game time will activate and I have about a 60 second window to get there so I need to play for the next four minutes without any mistakes or else I might miss a shrine so everything here needs to be done very well okay wait did I mess this up no that was in the right spot and we do need to do a lot of things in these four minutes in these next four minutes I need to kill a Talus I need to get a bunch of Clorox I need to figure solve a maze I need to uh complete a shrine that was a bad boomy zoomi please work please work please work please work please thank you good okay there's there's a lot of stuff we gotta do here and cheer boom I'm wasting one here so it recharges earlier but I'm gonna try and pick up hopefully some Amber flint and luminous stones that is a lot of Amber perfect we need 10 over the course of the run and it's sometimes hard to get enough but haven't made any major mistakes yet as long as we don't make major mistakes we'll make it in that 60 second window because there's a there's a few moments like this in the run that are like timed and you just have to get to places fast to save the most amount of time because you don't want to be waiting for four minutes right you don't want to get to a spot and then have to wait for you know however long all right now I need to solve a maze okay tricky maze but I think I I've looked through the Maze and I think I've solved it in my head all right if I were to do this maze personally I would start from here okay to you who sets foot here my blessing awaits you at the Labyrinth end I really hope it doesn't take too long to find the end okay I found the end good good so ideally we get there at 4 40 PM it is now 2 20 in game which gives us a minute and 40 seconds so he's got to focus and not hesitate at all for the next couple of boomy Zoomies good good good fast launch fantastic 310 one two three four four Rock that's why we got all the fire arrows because there's a surprising amount of Clorox that are just shoot an ice block a million times going fast I haven't made any mistakes yet I think we'll make it in time because we have 15 seconds of in-game time that's not including like bullet time or anything of that nature um uh we're still fine we're still fine uh so now the minute window is starting I think we'll make it I think we'll make it stand here and [Music] crouch on this block come on activate why is it not activating okay uh this next Shrine coming up is one of the harder ones because it's a really small one and the ceiling is really low so it's hard to just hit the right angle I hope I get it come on oh no my God that was close but we got it okay you can see why that one is a little bit stressful because sometimes he rolls off the edge and we gotta go for a swim we will be doing mifa's Grace now hopefully within the next 11 minutes or so this one you need to get the map and you get it first thing because you do need to move the trunk a bunch especially because there's literal pedestal on the trunk that you need to grab the speed struts for this one are pretty cool if you play it perfectly you crank this up you go what what you go what there we go motion controls to pop that one open then the next one you just immediately use Gale for to go over this way and if you freeze it immediately you're able to get this one I need to get the one on the trunk so to do that I'm going to start moving the trunk over and I need to get up to the trunk so I'm gonna do that okay and perfectly cardinal get in the right spot and get the timing just right [Music] and get the timing just right there we go take it right up on the trunk then we need to shoot this to open this up the first one was we're just positioning yeah what is aiming to cut in the direction help with the boomy Zoomies uh the corner of the bomb if you're not facing exact Cardinal the corner of the bomb will clip link and it'll hurt him a little bit you just take damage if it's not Cardinal no it just sends you at a different angle all right so we switched to this talk to this and it's time for the Divine beasts one two uh oh three I think that'll work and then kill it why did the fast route not work I totally did it exactly right whatever well it's over anyways and now there is only one Divine Beast left probably I think it's everyone's least favorite just because Death Mountain is really annoying all right so we are now in the second quarter of the run I need to equip a metal bow or else it will burn uh the thing is though we don't need to equip any fire armor or armor that protects us from Heat I do need to unequip bomb arrows though that would help damn it uh we will catch on fire but it literally doesn't matter because again I have like a thousand fairies probably like 970 now but I have way more fairies than I will ever need and they have no risk of running out the I think the lowest I've been at at the end of one of these runs is like 720 fairies left so it's really not an issue I I will not be running out of juice anytime soon this next part is pretty critically important that I do fast if I do it fast um I can save a lot of time over my personal best my personal best loses about five minutes on this next section because we need to go save your nobo and if you're fast enough uh if you're fast enough you can get to your nobo oh that is the wrong way that it where are you going link oh no oh this is just a whole train wreck okay well we're probably not saving the five minutes um as I was about to say if you're fast enough you can get to you Noble before the things spawn in front of the door I am not clearly because the stuff is there so I'm going to not do the quest and do the other Strat so what I need to do is land on this like so and then hope we can clip in here oh my God is it first try oh my God it was first try uh so that's an ESC it's a a type of clip that is a lot more difficult than the previous Clips you've seen in the this like the start of the Run uh it's like a frame perfect trick you have to like re-equip a shield on a certain frame and I got it first try it's incredibly exciting I'll say it I'm really happy about that I remember the first time I had Apple Juice I remember the first time I had apple juice you know how insane that is it was preschool we had our little break time we were sitting all at the table I had the apple juice we got it in these little juice boxes right I tried it took a sip and I was like like I almost spat it out it was that bad but they were like no you got to finish your juice box and I remember I forced myself to get that juice box down it it was not comfortable it was disgusting I like apples but apple juice was just it was not good and so I finished this dang apple juice and I just feel ill for the rest of the day because I ate something I really did not want to and I remember I get home and I'm laying in bed as like a four-year-old and my stomach just hurts so bad I'm just like squirming in bed and I remember thinking to myself it's that damn apple juice it is that stupid disgusting apple juice that's making me feel this way and so ever since then I did not have any apple juice at all you swore as a four-year-old okay I'm paraphrasing a little bit that's not exactly what I said because I was four but I remember thinking to myself it's the app I cannot have it again and I never had it again until about two weeks ago when I was ordering food and they had a choice for a drink and I said hmm it's been 23 years since I've had apple juice I'll try it again and I had it exact same feeling disgust couldn't stand the stuff I'm never gonna drink apple juice again I gave it a second chance that's all it's gonna get I remember in grade eight I had a science teacher she was like the the chemistry teacher so she was really into like okay let's find out everyone's uh learning types and what everyone responds to best so I can I can best teach the the students or whatever um so we had to take this test of like what is your general learning style that's what it was your learning styles it was like are you a visual learner or like do you read to learn or do you hear things to learn or do you need to physically interact to learn and I remember going through the test and I was like yeah I do that yeah I do that yeah I do that and it was stuff like hey do you count the steps when you go up them hey do you like making music it was just stuff like that yeah I do that yeah I do that and by the end I had checked off 99 out of the 100 questions because I genuinely I just they just applied all to me because I just did a bunch of different random stuff all the time and I remember handing it in and she looked at it and she just skipped through and it's like take take this seriously and she gave it back to me like a blank one and I just did it again handed it in I had 98 out of 100 questions checked off because like one of them I was like I guess I kind of don't do that sometimes after that she was like fine whatever you know it wasn't for grades I was just trying to find how you learn best I'm trying to help you like I don't need your help literally what I do is I read the textbook at the beginning of class and I ignore you for the rest of it it takes like a minute and he was absolutely hated school school was great I just played video games the whole time and like screw around with friends I definitely didn't I didn't need help with learning I think the uh the way I was raised definitely benefited to like self-teaching stuff because uh I was in like a weird private school that was like you just teach yourself here's a book you teach yourself by reading it and then they'd like check your work every like hour or so to make sure that you haven't made any mistakes for the first like three three grades you it was all self-taught stuff so you could just like you can get the information a lot more efficiently so you just like skim through the book you get all the questions for the worksheet there that they're gonna give you twiddle your thumbs until the workshe comes around you finish it in five minutes and then you screw around for the rest of the class like that was my school experience that means you preferred learning visually rather than listening I mean I can listen to stuff if I'm interested in it but like if I'm not interested in it I would just want the most efficient method of getting the information like if they talked faster that would have been fine wouldn't the teachers give you something more challenging some teachers would like I remember that specific teacher that I'm talking about actually by the end of the semester they ended up having this like they're like hey we get this fun quiz where if you answer all the questions correctly you get to water balloon the teacher they made a a quiz for everyone and then they made a quiz for me like a different quiz did you win yeah I got 100 I I did not struggle with school I was very fortunate yeah I had some good teachers I had some bad teachers as well there were okay there was one teacher I had math in grade nine was absolutely awful I was the only person the only person in the entire grade to get an A in that class because the teacher was so awful it was this old German dude I remember the first day of class one of the one of the students slightly talked back to them he was like hey could you sit down and the kid was like uh no I'm busy with this and he was like get out and the kid was never in the class again we literally he kicked him out of the class on day one the homework for that class was absolutely brutal I'm pretty good at math like I I am someone who is very competent at mad like a very it comes very easily to me he'd give you homework do these questions in the textbook and it was just the whole questions for the chapter basically I would get home I would start on the questions at like 3 30 when I get home I would take a show short break for supper at six to six thirty I would work until 11 pm I set an alarm for 4 AM to finish it in the morning before I had to take the bus for school for only Grade 9 math I remember the two days that that happened that I finished the homework I was the only person to do it and he was like okay you can have a one day extension and I was like why did why did you say bro I had some good teachers though the the math teacher I had in grade 11 and 12 was great he hated me but he was a real he was a good teacher is it slightly left or right I can't even I think it's left yeah there it is oh yeah okay let's talk about my teachers then my math teacher in grade 11 and 12 and the hardest math course that my school could offer was pre-calc that was the most difficult it could offer it was a very small school they had tradesmath for like trades and they had pre-calculus I couldn't take calculus not an option okay let me do this cool strap first the snipe shot where you stand here and shoot at that and that triggers the torch up there very cool I was in pre-calculus when you walked in at the start of the day it would it would be written on the board what uh like what chapter of the book we were learning you know as everyone was sitting down I would skim through that section of the book I'd you know get it downloaded and I would uh I would just screw around so for the first for the start of the class I found that like our graphing calculator you could program it it was like a little programming language you could make programs for it and so what I did was at the start of every session I would skim through what we needed I would program I would add to a little program I had made that would ask what kind of problem it was you'd select the problem type it would ask about you know how many variables this and that you know all the relevant information and it would solve it nice and quick and so I do that for like the start of the class and if it was something that I didn't need to like make a little program for this is a really funny Strat by the way oh it's so funny and if it wasn't something I didn't need to do uh that for one I would instead just bring out my Pokemon game boy My Game Boy Advance SP and play Pokemon Emerald at first he was you know frustrated with me and there's certain days you'd be like hey put that away put that away put that away or but eventually he stopped saying put that away eventually he would be like I need to make sure that he's paying attention so I'm just going to ask him questions out of the blue just to make sure that you know he gets it and you know I was getting good grades so it's fine but yummy a second here I just gotta shoot this guy twice one two and three there we go and he's dead good it got to the point where he would just he would call on me sometimes and he'd ask a question and I'd answer it because like I would I was competent uh but there was one day where he I was looking at my Game Boy Advance SP everyone had sat down I'd skimmed through the lesson he wrote something on the board and it was the first line that he was gonna write to try and teach people I was hearing it and I was like wait that doesn't sound right and I looked up and the first line that he had written was wrong like he wrote it in a way that would confuse the class if if he left it on the board and so I pointed it out because like I don't want people to learn the wrong way they'd be like oh yeah you're right all right thank you and I go back to playing Pokemon he wrote the next line and the next line again had a mistake that was pretty critically important to understanding the material and so I pointed out I said hey there's a mistake there you should probably fix that or else you know you did I I wasn't usually this kid but on this specific day you know I had I pointed it out because it was really relevant and people would genuinely misunderstand and this happened like four times in a row he wrote line I would correct a mistake he'd write a line I corrected a mistake and I was not trying to be annoying but it he it like literally they were critical mistakes that people genuinely would not understand the material it was just he was just having a bad day but eventually after like the fourth time fifth time or so he said Tanner you know what why don't you teach the class today what do you mean you you stand up here and teach the class I mean I guess so I went up and I taught the class for that day he grabbed my Pokemon my my Pokemon My Game Boy Advance SP and he played on it the whole day [Music] for the whole class like I just went through the lesson he had notes written down so I just read it out you know did my best of explaining it it totally no it did no because uh the for some added context he was like a family friend so he did have a bit of a rapport like outside of school and so we were kind of you know we we had that that kind of you know joke at each other a little bit he ended up walking from like I think it was that like mauville or something and he ended up walking from like fall Arbor to mauville or something like he did basically nothing in the game I think he was just trying to act like he was playing it you were the kid who said it wasn't their homework due today oh no absolutely not no I had enough social awareness chat that uh I would never say like hey is there homework due today even on the days where I spent all night working on homework and only homework I wasn't gonna be that guy because I knew everyone else wasn't finished bro was smart I wasn't smarter than the teacher I just he was just having an off day with writing like he knew what he was talking about he was a very good teacher I did end up being the valedictorian so there's that at least yeah you know what you know what all happened with the the valedictorian he's just just degenerate that plays video games all day in his basement all right we're going into the last Woods by the way uh one of the longest sections in the entire run I got to be very careful because I have to out speed the fog that is trying to stop me do I make it I think I made it yes okay I made it good the longest quest in the game is an auto scroller Quest that you just have to sit and wait for a korok six in-game hours for this korok to walk through korok Forest we will need to wait six in-game hours six minutes where we just have to do stuff I think it's even slightly longer than that so we have a lot of time where we just gotta do stuff so we're just gonna do a bunch of quests the first riddle it's already there the second riddle it's already there the third riddle it's already there and he just basically is just years waiting the core Rock isn't lagging the korok just walks really slowly more stories okay once I get to a spot that I have a little bit more autopilot I'll do it we're gonna upgrade uh some of our inventory slots here we don't have all of the Quark seeds yet but it's just nice to have more slots we can pick up more weapons and items so I will be doing that upgrading as much as I can it takes a couple of minutes but it is worth it because I mean it has to happen again uh we're getting all the hearts right now to get the master sword anyways get the master sword yeah you can't cheat the master sword because it's related to a quest so we have the master sword Now it only took seven hours nice all right so uh we're done korok Forest now but uh we're going to kill dark Beast Ganon next all right to the castle let's go first crush Story I mean I don't know I had a question like Preschool teachers don't count no it was a girl in my class in preschool I remember though actually well I almost had in grade four I almost had W Riz someone was they were talking okay I think her name was like we started with an i I can't remember the name but it was a long time ago Ingrid Irene Isabella okay we'll go with Isabella that wasn't it but sure preschool I had this crush on Isabella you know obviously you're in preschool you don't know what that means you just know how it feels and so I kind of just left it and be like whatever I feel I just feel shy when I'm around or whatever you know I remember grade five we ended up being the same Clash he had like moved away and then moved back someone in uh in our class at a crush on Isabella and I I walked in on some I think three people were talking about it like did you hear that like David has a crush on you Isabella and I walked in and I saw this and I was like uh I and they're like oh my God you weren't supposed to hear that I'm like what's the big deal like I I had a crush on Isabella like a couple years ago too because it wasn't a big deal because I didn't have a crush anymore I wasn't nervous anymore and I remember they just were all like how could he even say that with such confidence I remember they were just shocked and I was like I just kind of stood there and I was like well I I gotta go uh and I left but bro if I had a crush on her well I was in I didn't at the time but man they were just shocked it could have been W Riz but it was the literal opposite oh yeah so we fight dark B scanner now and that is to get a star on the profile but also also we could just stand here uh that's to get a star on the profile uh but also it unlocks kilton medals which you need for 100 so we do need to kill him before the end of the Run anyways beep there we go cheese but yeah you can see there's a star on our save now which means that we have defeated Calamity Ganon but uh that just unlocked kilton medals so I need to do the rest of the game if you're not a stream of what we do I don't know I I know I'd go back to school for like a math degree but past that I don't know I I think I would want to be in something like some sort of not not any like applicable maths but like just some math related thing I think will be fun right math textbooks I feel like I wouldn't be a bad teacher I think I think I I've uh I have a pretty I could have a pretty decent handle on teaching bad news teacher makes less than big twitch streamers yeah but what if I go from being a big twitch streamer to a teacher and uh you know I'll do it for passion although I hear these days that because of like like social media and just bad parenting and also colvid so you get less social exposure a lot of the kids in schools these days and for at least from a teacher's perspective are just the worst they have ever been kids these days says the dude playing GBA in class yeah but I was I was only playing GBA because uh uh uh because okay I I did play Game Boy Advance in class but I did it respectfully okay I was not disruptive uh the the teacher he never explicitly said it was okay but he gave up telling me that it was not allowed you know I answered all the questions correctly he didn't care all right so this is how style Knox is supposed to be killed you just sit here you wait for it to wake up and go huh and then you shoot it in the eye and it's dead and then somehow there's a chest what hey there's the high lead Shields all right we're out of here let's leave I posted a picture of my ID it says my full name in it right Tanner Charles Minecraft you know what 99 of the comments were your middle name is Charles almost no one mentioned the Minecraft why is Charles the most surprising thing it's so weirdly normal no one's surprised people were surprised why did they bring it up if they weren't why would I lie about that way you thought I was lying about the well let's go back a step you thought I was lying about the Charles thing but not the Minecraft thing you you've got to be kidding yeah man Minecraft's Cool okay fair if you're not wrong about that one still my sister's kid his name's squid squid is a fun name squid is kind of a fun name though I mean come on you should change your name to squid and see if you like it so much small squid to gaming whenever I beat anyone in CS go I type in chat instead of GG I say you got Inked yo what's up squid Colony we're back again for some more CS go competitive Highlights today it's your boy small squid one here with another video another squid Colony would be called the pod what's up Gamers welcome back to the pond today we're squidding all over these these casuals in fortnite oh yeah by the way um dance break fortunately because we're Immortal this is very easy that's actually not pain on his face he actually that's that's uh that's that's its pleasure he actually likes the heat I'm an empath this is burning me no if you were an empath you you would be feeling real good right now because link loves this how does burning yourself summon a shrine no clue I don't question it all right I'm gonna blow up one of these rocks with a bomb and the Luminous stone is going to land on activating it can you give me the shrimp why did that not what oh my it worked that was kind of cool I've never seen a breath the Wild Runner exploits of this so my mind has officially been boggled today stick around for three more minutes uh I'm gonna do a trick called transmutation so you need a lot of dragon parts for upgrading armor but that takes way too long to farm Dragon parts so instead we're gonna do a little trick called transmutation we need to hold the volt fruit hold a lotus seed hold Three Bananas I mean to sell all of those we pick up a din raw horn and then any two should have dinner all sort and then any two okay and then we hold a chillshroom we hold and then we check that we have everything we sort the items here we should have two two two four two two two four three two two seven good all right we have everything so that basically duplicated all the dragon parts for us and the worst korok in the game is now coming up what you this does not fit in this hole we could take five minutes here that's how bad this could be how did this get past testing oh oh yes yes we got it in anybody a big fan of horses how about a fan of big horses huh big horse Giggles we're almost at the halfway point the next split after this or the next Tower after this is halfway all right one of the most unique Clorox in the game right here on the bridge of hylia just grab the stick that's the korok all right one of the hardest core Ops in the whole game I'm just gonna whip Boulders until it works two the second Boulder I'd even hesitate nice all right that's it that is half it's actually closer to 55 I'm I'm gonna call out someone here Chad we're gonna create some drama I watched this YouTube video recently that it was like had a truly 100 breath of the Wild and the YouTube video was trying to be as thorough as possible to do everything you possibly could do open every chest cut down every tree kill every enemy you know get 999 of every item including fairies like just stuff like that and just for context getting 999 fairies takes like seven years if you're only lifting up Pebbles like stupid stuff like that but in the video they said there are mini games so play them all at least once but you don't need to do them for a hundred percent and I was watching this video and I'm like you're telling me I need to get 999 fairies but I don't need to play all the mini games like if if you did what that video said and submitted that to the speedrun leaderboard your run would be declined because you didn't do a hundred percent because there's two items you can get from certain minigames there's the horse bridle and saddle and you have to do the two horse mini games twice with a certain score to get those and the video doesn't even mention them because we need to do this many game twice and this mini game is awful because the horses just don't like jumping over these little jumping over things the one thing that we did discover is that doing it backwards is actually easier I don't know why but we need to do one and under a minute and 30 and then one we need to do another 115 we can do that in any order though so the horse it's not obeying me the horse is not obeying me the horse isn't obeying me [Music] this is bad okay this one's gonna have to be someone uh sub 130 I guess that was some serious time loss but you can see the horse was like moving in a random direction for no reason because I hated me but that's why we're constantly going because every time it has that little purple or the the red pink heart it's liking me a little bit more okay I think we make this as long as he jumps over this one okay we made it didn't get a massive time lost there so we just do that again but we don't mess up this time because we do need to do it twice anyways don't hit the tree you see the horse the way the horse move there so that's one of the too many games that we need to play for horse equipment oh no this next minigame sucks in the rain I'm gonna nail this anyways chat alright I don't need bomb arrows to get this mini game maybe I do nope damn he's good okay [Music] all right it stopped raining that's good oh 25 good all right done good we hit all of them are you doing this on switch or an emulator why are those the only two options what has the world come to what if it was Wii U I'm not playing this on a flightless bird chat I hope you all know that also it just wouldn't be a valid Speed Run lead on the leaderboards if I if I played at IMB later is it switcher Wii U there you go it's on switch you know what's crazy is that they didn't really ever patch any glitches out of breath of the wild like this is the most updated version of breath of the wild chat I think mostly because like encountering the glitches in a casual playthrough is just so unlikely because like who the hell is gonna do a bow lift smuggle slide right like who is gonna think of that combination of specific inputs like it just is not gonna be a thing that happens they patched out infinite Guardian parts on the great Plateau Guardians I had no idea that was a thing huh I swear there's okay I swear they're supposed to be a door here but maybe I misremembered no the game was just screwed with me uh would you rather smant Tanner or smanner I've never heard schmaner before so probably not that one why is everyone so hyped up over a smatter of all things Chad has decided that I am spanner now no I'm going to change my username to the big Fred and then smanner will make no sense don't call it franner no it's not franner that doesn't make any sense stop laughing at that smatter was my father's name please call me bread spanner okay this is just making less and less sense smangela you're you're just saying this and adding names onto the end now that doesn't even count schmaloney is that even a name all right chat you're cut off I am now the big Fred I haven't officially had the username changed yet but please respect my decision to be called the Big Fred all right chat large Frederick there we go now that's a name all right we have to deal with um one of the more difficult five hits aimed directly at the hole let's go one two [Music] three four five please go in might not look like it but I just saved two minutes chat that I really messed that one up in my last run but the blood Moon's coming up tonight and nine there it is a modest test of strength well I have a modest shot to the forehead right there money that's the blood moonshine one of the worst core rocks casually is coming up so you might recognize this building because it has a bunch of rocks on it related to core rocks here is the way that speedrunners do it they chop down this tree they stand in front of this they pick up the rock they jump they pause the game they unequip their Shield they hold the Rock in one hand they stand on the tree and then with a little bit of finesse a little bit more finesse than this there we go with a little bit of finesse they stand in place you just gotta do that so next time you're doing that core Rock just do that what purpose was cutting the tree so you need to cut the tree because you need something to step up onto to get into that weird state to Wiggle all right I will deliver this letter for you as long as you don't throw it into the river what the hell am I supposed to do with that maybe next time Finley maybe next time stupid kids all right the Letter's back good don't let don't land your feet on that please I don't care how slow this is as long as we make it there how are you getting on I've been gone for a while it's good we're we're keeping up the pace playing fast making the occasional mistake all right I haven't missed any Clorox and this is the 75 Mark now I need to do something pretty difficult you go up this and you go up to get skew so now link will be able to go out of bounds yes now you stand like right here and he Clips through I think it's left of the korok you go through oh my God nice then you Glide down to the back side of this and you're looking for a certain little thing I believe it is right it could be right here and then you just like walk into it for a bit I think you just like stand sideways and walk and you're in okay good so now I'm back in bounce that's scary now you're back in bounds and you're able to get core rock you don't need to enter and I'm gonna be honest I don't think I got this on my casual playthrough and I never learned how so I I genuinely just have no idea how to get this Shrine normally I don't know the main entrance all right and now we do this door one which I know a lot of people really hate but it's really not so bad if you know what you're doing I sometimes don't know what I'm doing just a heads up if everything goes well all you have to do is grab this snowball Chuck it you run down you freeze it and then you stasis blast it into the door and that's the shrine you don't need a massive snowball you just need to have it go fast this is the only time this is done by the way if you run out of stamina and fall into a cool rock hole at the same time you'll die get a korok and then you'll respawn at the place that you jumped from so I'm back over here and I don't need to go back now so I can just instantly uh I can dip it used to be done a lot in this run but they're really slow especially now that you have Max stamina so uh they're really not done that much anymore but they used to dude the Palm is homing on me what the heck was that hey this this wind is so strong I can't fight it I'm trying to Glide that way stop it there we go this is a tough part one of one of the hardest parts of the run because I have to while a timer is running get three different Clorox seeds during this countdown so the first one I get is southwest of here just on this little Peak I believe and then it is Southwest of here where I need to shoot a bunch of balloons I have to make sure I get bullet time that's annoying come back all right now I need to go south it's gonna be close here's the Rock come on come on come on got it oh I'm gonna be honest that's the first time I've ever made that oh my God oh that was scary so this question is why we picked up the dragonflies we got a cold Darner in one region from another region we bought a dragonfly from beetle in another region we got the electric uh dragonfly so yeah we're just doing the quest related to that have you done Eventide you're right on time I'm doing it in the next 20 minutes that's not a joke is that even Tides done the right way you start out before you land on the island you kill the boss then you switch to this bow and you shoot one two three you land and it takes everything away from you all right so the boss is dead so you can just grab the orb you grab your three inch and arrows you shot you grab the weapons that this guy had you grab the bow you grab the club and you grab this you equip magnesis and you start running up this side easy you don't need to kill anything so the only reason you need arrows is to get into bullet time because you can only get into bullet time if you have uh arrows equipped so as long as we don't get uh assaulted by these mobs too aggressively everything should be fine so we're just gonna go like so move this over and they are very much trying to hit me please let me pick this up [Music] okay that's the most part we're free good it's a little scary so now we boomy zoomy to uh this direction goodbye okay we're free good a little scary there because if they hit you the orb can roll off the hill and then you have to climb up the hill again and it sucks but we're fine so now we go we grab this orb it's not raining which is nice if it's raining you can actually slip off of this platform and drop the orb into the water very annoying it basically makes you restart but because it's not raining you won't slip and so you can just run along here sometimes an ox spawns in this Forest it can hit you off and again the orb can drop into the water hopefully the ox doesn't spawn there is a goat look at that goat over there they do like charging you check this out oh the ox okay that's the ox I was talking about but it didn't hit me oh wait that came out of nowhere you get this orb on some ice you do this and uh now we only need to do one more orb we grab this nice and quiet we do this quick because they are grabbing their weapons right now place this here hit this one two three four three is enough three was not enough okay this is very dangerous then two three four okay what is going on no no no no no no no this is a whole mess I still have bro stop targeting them I just need to get rid of this hopefully they didn't know oh they're okay we cannot get hit again please look up the orb just put it in Stop Standing on the hole ah pick up the damn orb what is going on to stop guarding that's not fair that's against the rules uh uh we're fine we're done we're good okay so that's how you do it uh nice and calm in a speed run where nothing goes wrong um that's even tight Islands okay now we need to finish all of the kakariko quests so we're gonna do that next there's four Coco quests here fortunately we have been to have all of the resources for the quest already we need raw meat and last run I grabbed the I grabbed raw prime meat from the castle this run I grabbed the raw meat this time because apparently if the meat is too good quality this dish just doesn't work at all picky kid so yeah we're gonna grab the last cuckoo right over here I believe there's only one left there we go they're all back now if we've done everything right Piya should be on her needs crying fantastic if you guys have heard of the incredibly popular get laid percent speed runs in breath of the wild this is where this get laid present speedrun would finish now we are on a timer uh we have a couple of minutes to get uh all of the koroks in the town while we wait for a guy to walk very slowly they loaded this friggin Village up to the brim with Clorox so we go to this one we need to go all the way up there but fortunately there's two very convenient pillars that just happen to line up there's a very convenient pillar that you're able to Boom zoomy off of to get to the very top of this and my casual play through getting to the top of this sucked because I had to see what's at the top right and then from here you just boomy zoomi from Peak to Peak so yeah we're getting here basically at the exact time that I wanted to it's fantastic there should be a dude at the end of this bridge just hanging out there and a cutscene should start as I land on the ground all right and he's dead so the quest is done 817 Clorox haven't missed a single one feeling good I played really well there okay so this one you go there you go you aim at this one there you go hot there you go uh oh this is gonna be weird chat I haven't done this in 10 years is that gonna work let's hope that works okay don't mind me I'm just gonna place a bomb here okay it totally worked nice that's my backup I haven't had to do that in a couple of years wait what uh I dropped the bomb bottle platform and I exploded it and launched the platform up now there should be a child right in front of me and neb wants to see like eight different weapons and very conveniently I happen to be holding all eight of those weapons so we'll just talk to this kid over and over again for like three minutes he's like oh yeah don't worry about it it's my grandpa's money hey show me a fire Rod now he asks for a weapon that literally no one on the planet has an ancient short sword that you have to buy for a thousand rupees from an ancient machine that worked a hundred years ago I mean I happen to have one but kid dude anyways now we need to do a qriket quest where we give this dude 10 crickets you do need to get all of the pictures in the compendium uh to get this guy's letter and as you've probably noticed I've taken a picture of almost nothing so now we need about I don't know like a thousand pictures but uh because I am rich I can just buy all the photos for a good uh 40 000 rupees so hey there's all the animal pictures great all right let's buy all the enemy pictures cool fantastic yeah and then all the bosses and premium enemies now we have all of the photos we're out of here how do you take pictures with the blades I don't know how that dude got pictures of the blights I ain't gonna question it this next shrine goes out to all my girl gamers in chat because uh dad joke it's not a dad joke it's just the name of the shrine I don't know what you mean one Shrine and eighteen Clorox that is it and then we're free I got this can he achieve sub 20 uh yes I can achieve sub 20 this run they'll be close I'll have to play well a little korok up here we are so close to being done and then one final wiggle to celebrate the most high stakes wiggle of the Run uh-huh yep yep yep we're fine we're fine foreign okay 899 korok seeds there is one left but that's the last shrine that is the final Shrine that we need to do we need to open these chests out of the wild because this is the ones one of the few sets one of the two sets that we need to fully upgrade but that's not all we need to do here because now that we've done all the shrines I can upgrade all my hearts using this massive statue 27 heart containers uh because we glitched Shrine orbs earlier we will have some extra uh Shrine arms left over but we got all the uh the the hearts that's 100 worth we go to dahesho we get our final poor rock all right so the final korok you can count to 900 but can you count to five yes I can 900 Clorox all done now I just need to upgrade some armor so yeah there are seven pieces of armor that you need to fully upgrade because um you can actually hold all of the armor in the game at the same time you only upgrade the permanent stuff that you cannot get rid of which is the Zora set the set of the Wild and the Champions tunic uh all to level four so we need to watch 28 cutscenes yeah what go go go go go go so we need to get mon to buy some things fortunately we have almost a thousand lasallfos Tales you need to buy a monster extract for the one of the last quests and we need to buy the monster Bridle because you need all the bridles and Saddles because once you have them you can't get rid of them about monsters now this is the big part we need to see if we've killed all 40 taluses if I've missed one it doesn't tell you which one and you have to just kill all of them again but I killed all the stone taluses so we get the middle of a hunter good now we just need to worry about the Hue knoxes we've killed all of the moldugas so we get the medal for that it's just up to the heat axes did I miss a he knocks Force giant and I got all of them good okay that's the most difficult part if you fail that then if you miss a single one of those you're you're screwed you're You're Gonna Lose like 30 minutes trying to kill every he knocks in the game again basically so now it's time to finish off the final quests it's just the ones related to Terrytown to make a monster cake take this so we give them the cake we gotta go talk to this Rich dude I did Kill the Guardians already so he should give me money instantly hey it's wedding time of course let's go we've all finished Terrytown it's one of the last things you do so we need to talk to Hudson one last time to finish off the Terry Town Quest and then we can warp out of here we get to upgrade all of our inventory slots one more time there we go now we check the quests check the quests uh 75 15 30 50. okay good we're done okay so now we just need to discover two bridges for locations on the map we need to finish off two quests and then it's the final memory is the last thing we do me Zoomi big Twin Bridge little swim bridge and that should be 100 on the map yep we have 100 of the map and Quest done okay now we gotta go talk to these two brothers three times already solved it you see the boom zoomi East just need to go to the final memory now which should be right here and time 19 hours 59 minutes 11 seconds breath of the wild 100 that is the whole game done we need to show the map counter at 100 to the bottom left for verification purposes we need to show the quest Logs with 14 of 15 main quests done because you can never complete this it it never is completed uh the only way to know that you've completed it is the star on the profile so there's that we've completed all 42 Shrine quests we've completed all 77 side quests and I have all memories for our inventory we have the seven armor sets fully upgraded or the seven armor pieces tunic of the Wilds trousers of the wild cap of the wild Champions tunic Zora Helm Zora armor and the Zorro Greaves we have all korok seeds all of these things the uh the the champion abilities all Saddles bridles the classified envelope which means all compendium pictures all he knocks is defeated all molduga's defeated all Talus is defeated of course we have the Chica slate and the paraglider and we got the golden poop on page two we have 32 Spirit orange left over because I like I glitched some in and that is 100 breath of the wild but that's not really 100 is it because they're still the DLC which I will be beating its entirety uh Monday or Tuesday right before tears of the kingdom comes out thanks so much for watching everybody I will see you on Monday
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 5,573,238
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smallant1, zelda, speedrun, botw, 100% botw, breath of the wild, 100% speedrun, all koroks, all shrines, all memories, all quests
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 56sec (5456 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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