Mario Odyssey Coin Death Races are INTENSE

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my friend cj and i will be racing to complete super mario odyssey but there's a twist every 60 seconds the player with fewer coins dies then the coins get reset and the timer restarts will cj be able to beat me with his incredible skill or will i pull through and out strategize them for the win let's find out and if you enjoy remember to subscribe two one go oh my god oh my god it's odd it is odd okay okay i have a good strategy for the start here i'm simply going to get the coins faster than you this was a lie all of the coins in the early game are too far out of the way to justify getting wait you got them before me what the heck so i decided to rush the loading zone how are you doing that slow down i'm just i'm fasting how are you getting them before me what the heck use your coins yes well cj took extra time to collect coins i'm using strategy me too so you happen to get a few more coins in me there which is a little concerning but you know what happens but i think i might be ahead i think you might be i think i might know what your strategy is what's that huh you just didn't get coins you just i picked up zero coins right at the start i had already secured myself a 60 second lead but i wanted to extend that with a little trick called first moon skip see there's a way to save 45 seconds in cascade kingdom by slipping past an invisible wall you can avoid the first moon and all the cutscenes that go with it these days cj does a lot more speedrunning than me but in the speech he does you're required to pick up that slower first moon i figured he'd forget about this trick increasing my lead even more i was right oh yeah we have a bit of a hiccup in this kingdom uh cj just got a kitten uh because you're not taking a lot of debt hold on what what the hell i just saw him break out and immediately go under the bed what is happening you okay you can just go under the bed i give up all right you ready i'm ready okay go oh my god anyways with cj's getting under his bed and my strategy going smoothly i was in sand kingdom with quite the significant lead i can hear him under the bed he's going crazy mario oh no your cat i was feeling confident getting moons as quickly as possible not paying attention to the coins much but this reckless rushing wasn't gonna work forever as cj's diligent coin collecting started to pay off got an idea we're going to come in here we're going to get half the coins and then we're going to leave wait does he have 115 135 bro there's no way i'm beating him on this life okay we're going to finish these questions he's gonna die we go in we get the rest of the coins oh you saved a half of them oh my god [Music] now i die how do you get more than 40 coins bro ow the moment i landed in lake i was gone [Music] you went to the pyramid didn't you you went to the pyramid his his routing is insane [Music] this is our chance so i haven't done nut clip in a minute see if i can still do this thing i gotta be fast no that's such a terrible time oh this is bad i might not be able to make it to the moon now let alone that checkpoint why though i just gotta take the l okay by the time cj made it to wooded kingdom he had only a four moon deficit he could catch up to me in a minute so i had to adjust my play style this is rough this keeps slowing me down a heck of a lot like you are yeah bro oh okay okay we're gonna go down here to get these coins it's a little detour but it basically guarantees we're gonna have enough there's no way he'll be able to do anything in those coins we just gotta get as many coins as we can he's still zero come on stay at zero yes yes yes yes [ __ ] i need coins there's no coins yes okay he died again did you just die a second time is that what just happened yes i died yes that's not gonna give me any coins but i guess it feels nice okay okay uh we need to get uh three more moons i i know exactly which moons i'm gonna get good good good good good good no clue where you're getting these coins there's coins down here as well and ball what where are you getting all these coins i know all the coins every coin in the game all right i was asked too many times what my favorite coin is i had to play through the game a million times knowing every single coin to pick my favorite uh it's the third one in the 2d area in the back of wooded kingdom huh on to cloud kingdom let's do this okay fingers crossed i can get through cloud kingdom before he kills me because i think he i think he's guaranteed to kill me here okay this is fine 30 seconds and as long as he can't kill me here where are you by the way are you in going to cloud i'm fighting stewart you got so many coins yeah okay we're going to last kingdom let's go we made it through where are you i'm lost you're lost yeah i'm a speedy boy nice one coin thank you but you don't know that i can't remember when you got more okay i thought you were just going to chill on one because you knew i couldn't get any but i can't get some she's not 130 okay let's see if i can make it to the checkpoint before i die here nice that's big uh am i gonna die there we go okay uh i have no idea if i can kill mecca wiggler quickly enough we'll see he may catch up simply because the mecha wiggler boss of it is so long i'm not exactly sure though we do have more coins than him he is stuck at 17 please stay at 17 coins or please stay at seven we have 19. oh god gotta get to the odyssey quick yes okay he does die here we should be able to make it through the mecha wiggler boss fight and i think we might be able to kill him here pretty far behind but we'll see i mean if you hit me and like if you can keep me stuck in a boss fight and i just keep dying in the boss fight like you can catch right up we died all right where can i get a lot of coins from uh here's what we're gonna do because we're gonna warp here um and i'm gonna get 50 coins right away [Music] okay we might be able to get him stuck in the boss fight i i'm not sure if he can get 14 coins i don't think he can yes come on yes oh god oh no yeah he might be able to get those coins i was just gonna let you kill me but i decided no how did you get all those coins i murdered a lot of maggots oh that'll do it dude okay okay um [Music] i have an idea to get more coins how many moons do you have by chance 30. something about that feels off oh god it's gonna be close i don't think we make it in time but if he doesn't grab any coins but i think he's going to at the last oh second you've got to be kidding me oh thank god i was like 10 seconds away from finishing the mecca wiggler ah that sucks i really shoulda man all right day metro time it's comeback time what do you guys think snowboard seaside okay most people are saying snow we'll go to snow uh how are there any big coin stacks that i can get in snow at least let me think let me think uh none they're very easy though no i'm just gonna try and get to a moon as quickly as i can no didn't get to a moon did your coins reset or did you just get another 63 i'll never tell oh you're in the i bet you're in the sub area that i went into what yeah i bet you are we are leaving but i think we might be catching up by a little bit if cj went to seaside then he's probably gonna have more coins than me for a little but yeah cj is not far behind by any means for sure okay did not know there were so many coins in here we're going to seaside he's in seaside he still needs to do snow kingdom though so you finish i may have are you almost done seaside i'm getting there yikes all right we just got to finish this kingdom out strong let's see how much time we have literally no time at all okay how much time we have left 32 okay here's what we're gonna do he's at 40. [Music] i need literally one more coin oh he's at 45 okay we're dead okay he's not beating you did you finish seaside are you done i'm curious you've got to be close right i am in fact going to snow kingdom you're in snow kingdom uh i should try and get one more big group of coins before i leave the kingdom so i might go back and grab those 45 again before i leave it's probably that wastes more time for him than i'm saving is the question [Music] is it worth it i don't know if getting those coins would be worth it i just need to get like 15 coins that's it if i can get 15 coins he's screwed and he'll die i just realized i was like in a moon cut scene and i died now okay i got seven that might be enough to out coin him we'll see i figured that was probably worth more than a death because he goes back but ow oh no oh no so triple i'm bad salt backflip i'm bad bro we might are we just gonna tie here can i get one coin oh i don't think that was in time i think nobody died was that their first tie with zero coins i'm insane i think i can globe in time let's go let's get to luncheon yeah we're not that far ahead of cj right now he did somehow catch up not sure how but he did like i don't think he died once in seaside which is probably the big thing that that helped 19 coins means is most likely the spirit fight will he die yes okay we won this one let's go let's go please say that he died say that he dies please please please please please i can't see the coin counts i have no idea how many coins he has i'm just gonna hope we no he's at 29 how no we needed him to die during that so we could lose some time because he's been gradually saving time on us over and over again and i don't think there's like any areas that i can get a ton of easy coins here now i think i'm just gonna get the three moons from the end here he is now at 40 coins uh there's no way i get 40 coins so i'm just gonna focus on getting the meat and leaving the kingdom i'm a little bit concerned about ruined kingdom because he can't really get many coins in the ruined kingdom boss so you can get 20 coins in that so if we can't do the ruin kingdom boss fight he will catch up like long boss fights like this are terrifying i don't need that okay i don't think there's any way he gets the 95 coins we have a minute and a half we have 90 seconds to defeat this thing come on you're ruined no i've been picking up those coin piles there's the uh the big pile and luncheon behind the the cheese there i literally have to lie because if i don't he knows that he can kill me in this fight so i literally have to lie i can't get hit because i need the money from the earth from the hearts good good good good good ah we're picking up the hearts how many coins is he at okay good he's at 21 coins bro not fair not fair 21. go tell me i got to do it again i was a second away from picking up that multi moon dude let's go so you're just finishing up luncheon yeah the meat dude that freaking meat let's go yeah i can get him on the dragon fight but he's probably gonna grab that big pile goku's freaking meat cutscene again are you done luncheon yet uh no not quite okay that one's enough time that 100 is enough time a minute and a half we lost because of that damn it dude damn it how's ruin looking good you're in the dragon fight just trying to wait for an optimal time because i can't if i if i get into a bad time i'll just die that's a rough one okay so we know he's gonna have 95 coins once he goes into ruined kingdom so we're probably just gonna have to take one death and then get more than 31 coins uh afterwards so i'm just gonna make as much progress as i can oh baby the comeback is happening okay he's going into the fight now this is normal this is fine as expected time i don't know no i can't do it no am i even going to be able to beat it now oh my god no no no no no the comeback is real no i feel like you're faking this but i don't know yeah i am oh you are totally no i'm faking it i can't tell which way you're lying i don't know if i'll be able to beat it oh shh no i'm so close no no oh [ __ ] did you beat the fight uh yeah you know when i said i died at the multi moon it was at the ruined multi moon i was getting so excited you're such a such a liar what do you mean cj i don't i'm honest as can as can be yep that's me honest and that's that's what they called me in high school they called you aunt in high school yeah i it was weird they only knew me from my username did you eat the multimoon yes okay there were five seconds left i thought it was less because you can't see the freaking timer come on don't give three more coins please don't get three more coins please the only thing is escape no no 31. damn it that's so bad it's so bad dude gotta be quick here this boss can be done in under 60 seconds [Music] i don't think we're gonna have enough time though the five coins can i get no i missed it okay back up back up back up please please no stop getting coins thank god dude thank god oh my god what how'd you get more coins to me did that happen i just picked up some okay we're going to moon kingdom as long as he doesn't stop me in the bowser fight because he can still stop me in the bowser fight i don't i don't know if he will do that so it's going to be tough i'm going to have to time it really really well what are you thinking about escape yeah i was thinking about that earlier gonna be interesting it will be interesting very very interesting do i wait 45 seconds here [Music] i think i have to wait i think i have to wait because i need to make it through the bowser boss fight [Music] i don't think there's any chance he gets 60 coins so now we need to be very very quick we only have 90 seconds now going into this fight that's okay oh my god where did these coins come from oh man good so cj dies here that's awesome that means i think we're guaranteed to make it through this boss fight uh we might need to let him go through mech and on the cutscene after he's done doing mech we need to beat the game that bowser done okay we're letting him beat the boss he shouldn't get any coins as long as he doesn't get any coins i think we can win because he'll go through the cutscenes ah whoever has more coins dies hmm yeah we can do that please we just gotta finish it thinks that you're in front of it [ __ ] i should have grabbed a coin why didn't i grab a coin i think i can back out of the menu no i can't back out come on i'm so pleased this is enough time please please please please i think we're i think we won you might have already come on and i'm done i finished let's go okay but now we're going to do a talkatool run hey i hope you enjoyed the video and if you want to see more be sure to subscribe and go check out cj too
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,780,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UJWrY6nllnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 44sec (1304 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 05 2021
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