I attempted the most Brutal Mario Odyssey Challenge

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so this is how it works obviously Cappy is on Mario's head if capio's on Mario's head like look at this I can't move but if I throw Cappy well now I can move now I can move as much as I want I can run and jump and you can see Cappy's distances at 45 feet but when Cappy reaches Mario he dies you essentially need to beat the whole game without Cappy and if Cappy ever catches up to you you're done wait a minute the intro cutscene has a completely different meaning now Cappy's like is he is he dead finally when Mario gets up cap is like oh God oh God he's not dead I need to go grab my knife oh no I think Cappy's like oh okay I found it wait a minute he's off guard okay we gotta go go go go go go okay it's just 40 feet behind us let's go just run just run Cappy's stuck behind a wall I'm just gonna do a short jump short jump hit go go please tell me that it opened up the bridge let's go okay we're fine oh wait I I do okay we gotta wait until it's here yes that's fine we open the door we open the door we got it okay get the Frog nice that's how captors work Cappy still captures things just fine but you have to get Cappy to hit a capture is the problem I don't know how I didn't die there we'll just we'll just chalk it up to luck no no Hit the Light Frick just go just go we're fine we'll make it into the boss fight [Music] oh that doesn't kill you well that's that's a death okay but okay okay I think I have an idea of how to do this now ready ready what if I don't throw Cappy what if I just do regular jumps without having to throw Cappy I could have used that later good good yeah okay I can do this now [Music] okay we didn't die though we didn't die we're fine let's go let's go hey well cap Kingdom's fading out just wanted you to know I have an official YouTube's figure out now it's only available for a limited time and once it's gone it's gone forever so get it while you can anyways hope you enjoyed the video and subscribe if you're liking it nailed it okay good cutscenes do bring Cappy back onto Mario's head okay I can actually I can't walk but I can jump in and move in a direction which is fine okay those backwards long jumps they're backwards short jumps it looks like they're pretty they're pretty short jumps I have no idea where Cappy is but it's very close apparently aha it's stuck on the other side of the dino okay just get onto the dinos head nope there we go okay check this out No Cap throws perfect oh that's gonna be tough I I can't I can't just please jump over Cappy I don't think you realize how fast can be is moving you can't jump over Cappy then Cappy just kills me wait that works okay here's my idea here's the idea we die we just die how that's that was the idea I'll take anything I can get okay this is fine do this this is the most intense game of tag yeah except the person they're just in forever and they have a knife you know what no I'll take actually what if I just take the hit that's right Cappy comes back boom boom easy okay um Frick we have so much HP it doesn't matter though it's done sand should be easier because it's so open we can get like Cappy jammed up somewhere and we can go get moons yeah 100 feet that's some dis okay now it's only 80 feet but I mean that works well right oh but I can't I don't have Cappy to get a bunch of these moons I'm gonna have to get Cappy to run towards me for a bunch of these no no okay it's very close now it's about I've gotta go I gotta go I gotta go wait wait I have an idiot I have an idiot okay I'm gonna see if I can jam Cappy up behind something did I get Cappy stuck yo I think I'll be stuck no Cappy is not stuck Cappy isn't stuck get in the hole go go go go go go go go go go no no no no no no no just wait wait wait yep don't don't do anything Cappy we're all friends here oh oh I can't work when those Cappy's back it chomped off my fingers please please please hit the wait what I got Cappy stuck go freaky puke wait no Cappy got unstuck Cappy's definitely unstuck based on that distance go go oh but Kathy is stuck again now oh Cathy's stuck in that little thing okay sure um oh if Cappy ever gets a hundred feet away it just goes through walls oh that makes things way more difficult is this even possible wait a minute it is possible wait wait wait wait it is possible wait a minute watch this come on yes I can dive out I can make it go okay well we got the move why couldn't Cappy stop it just killing JFK I know did you guys have that picture have you guys seen that I gotta show you if you haven't guys haven't seen I gotta show you okay you see this picture look really close you see that do you see that I didn't want to believe it at first either wait about wait wait wait I thought of a moon don't disappear oh thanks thanks I guess I'm dead now appreciate that wait will I get saved if I go saved saved cabbage just disappears if you go into a 2d area I have a genius idea okay now I'm this right where we go what Kathy dropped the knife okay Cappy just dropped the knife all right okay now we can go get this Moon then we only need two moons left one of the easiest Two Moons to get I know what the easiest two moons are no no there we go that one worked better you're bored until I realized you were live oh wait there's our moon delivery okay now what did you do you get the moon now I just need to get the moon okay just don't get killed by Cappy on the way around good nailed it and we're done I have no idea how Water Works by the way I feel like we're just gonna die how the heck do we get out of this area I really hope Cappy hits a zipper first damn it yes it worked oh my God okay oh Cappy moves much slower underwater I had no idea okay well that actually helps a lot then let's go all right that's right Cappy you have no power over me now anyways there's two moons here and then we need one more I have a total I have a great idea check this out so of course there is this water thing that we can go down to talk to Captain Toad or instead why don't we just like go into here let the fish die and then talk to her I don't need to talk to Captain Toad we're good we're leaving no it missed oh no I'm gonna hide behind this and hope that Cappy apparently I can't hide behind that never mind boom boom yep do you know what you can do that found that out while researching for the randomizer okay yeah we're gonna hit this good then we need to keep moving and we're going to now hit the timer Challenge and we're gonna use these 15 seconds to grow the seed please please please okay wait I think Cappy's stuck yeah Cappy's stuck we're fine nice okay we're out just just ah no I why does he keep talking more before I die damn it okay okay good so I'm not gonna mess up this time like like I was doing last time okay wait a minute moons that you don't need Cappy to get okay now we need to escape lock cabin yes oh what pretty sure Cappy was in the wall there when Cappy gets off scarecrowser's Collision is disabled what the heck dude just hit hit the hit the guy hit the guy climb climb climb climb climb climb climb climb we're fine are we fine yo Mario's kinda you do be kind of leaning though come on it's perfect yes I got the onion boy okay now just don't die we can get the rest of the moons like this I have another idea that I think will make this next moon even easier [Music] that's not the idea that's not it's not the exact idea that I had we'll give it to the piranha plant and then we'll be able to go up I was trying to get it caught but if we just give it to the piranha plan that'll work okay let's light it up nice and perfect now just keep sucking on it until we're all the way to the nut Jesus Christ okay we're at 16 moons we're good to go we can leave now we're free at long last from this wooded hell goodness what is that you reacted before anything happened Cappy Cappy knew this was comfy he planned it all along he's like if I can't do it Bowser will I mean you know they're working together because their hats are the same it's literally the same hat come on how do we get into the arena I mean we just barely survived there we're gonna have to keep Cappy one foot away from us oh my God wait could I just think I can cap jump let's go let's go we're in okay foreign nice uh it says throw Cappy to move but I can't really I can't really throw Cappy wait I can backflip I can still backflip wait a minute we can still do this we'll just we'll just backflip until Bowser jumps to that spot that I was about to hit him in and out when he jumps there I can go and hit him there we go good okay there's one one hit no damage [Music] missed okay this is fun as long as I can get happy to hit it once have my work that might work just roll into it nice now we just backflip this is actually a boss fight now the rune Dragon will suck rune Dragon I don't think will suck actually I'm pretty sure it won't I'm pretty sure the rune Dragon will be the easiest one of the easier bosses in this bruh no no um what I'm going to do is I need to get centered on any of these circles okay we need to get ahead by the uh the flame that's on the exact opposite side so that flame that he just sent check this out and that will face exactly straight towards him and we'll be able to get him on the next cycle we'll let him jump once let him jump twice and then roll into them here we go perfect that's lined up already I don't even need to take damage wait a minute come on two three and it's the boss fight over please please oh my god dude anyways I really look forward to last Kingdom I'm gonna be honest okay let's get out of here and uh Cappy I hate you go away we have a problem to move we have to throw Cappy but we can't throw Cappy because klepto has it so we need to get Cappy back without using the left joystick I'm pretty sure we can do it foreign [Music] okay good this will gradually turn us towards the uh the right direction okay so now we need to get up there so we need to turn Mario a little bit more backflip up this there we go okay we might have something here uh we could deliberately take damage from the trap Beetle as well to turn Mario nice oh he grabbed the ledge apparently he can grab Ledges let's go okay so now I can just do this and we can backflip all the way up and then we'll hit the checkpoint yes we'll be able to hit a checkpoint that's good did this tree just screw me up I think this tree made it just screwed everything will the backflip clear that you think I think I might have to go for it damn come on well actually wait a minute oh oh oh that might be the perfect angle no way foreign did I ground pound too early Oh no I got so excited that I made it oh no okay okay let's just kill Mario then I figured out a good strategy check this out it's gonna be sick that's the perfect angle there we go using some brain waves now as long as it doesn't turn me we should get it oh oh my God finally all right take Abby go far away please no oh wait yo this is working my plan Kathy's so far away it's never gonna get me now oh wait oh no I got the checkpoint I got that checkpoint it's fine this is what you wanted yes it is Yo should we buy a cool hat oh I don't have enough money we just need 10 more coins all right all right we're good we can buy a cool hat fashionable cap mechanic cap or employee cap looks like Chad voted you guys want the crazy cap to be chasing us the crazy cat will now be chasing us for the rest of the game and we're free at long last because Cappy's just as bad as Bowser okay that actually works kind of well but I mean this is gonna work pretty well I think we can just stroll up some stairs with some Goombas one more hey how about two more should we kill the ball let's do it oh they didn't even die I'm so sad I'm a little bit concerned about the tower wait I don't need to worry about the tower come at me kill me using our our methods from before that we figured out we can do this we can do that we can do this oh oh there's gonna be a problem oh oh hey yeah we're dead yo we got something going on and we're gonna try and climb up as quickly as we can so Cappy stays Cappy's still stuck under there let's go okay go and we made it it might not be right but I have a feeling that this will be pretty easy all right Kathy see ya it is now a horror game oh frick oh no Cappy's coming it's crazy I I got what I got one wait check this out check this out see ya bye I have a more imminent threat than you now Cappy yo this is probably the furthest we'll ever be away from Cappy 270 feet okay one two three easy easy I told you I could make the jump I told you I could make it it'll be close but it's possible oh no Cappy's gonna get slowed down by all the people won't it run so close death by launching into space dude what happens if I aha trapped it under the awning got it that time one final moon what shall it be what just happened just did a wrong warp new charged Under Siege and that is all of them we can leave I'm gonna call it I think we're half done thanks so much for watching today it was fun I'm really enjoying this challenge so far bye
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 4,185,965
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z7UtwXDEcZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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