Mario Odyssey but the Floor is Lava is INTENSE!

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today we play super mario odyssey but the floor is lava this is a fantastic mod that has a unique way of playing this game and a very fun and satisfying challenge so thank you so much for watching and i hope you enjoy this video oh my goodness this is absolutely wild here is the cap kingdom wait and you don't even start off with cappy so i'm gonna have to move around without cappy how am i going to make my way there without cappy what are we going to do mario just wants to smell this floor over here oh man that whole cap part over there the distance is all lava too i'm not safe up on those bushes am i do i have to make my way over to this railing over here [Music] oh oh oh oh ah stop mario okay okay okay we're almost dead okay good thing that lava doesn't instantly kill you so it looks like i have to walk along these railings here this reminds me of super mario 3d world floor is lava where it's like you just walk along railings you spend a lot of time walking along rail legs it's actually kind of nice that there aren't gaps in this railing one thing that i remember in super mario 3d world chorus often bowser's fury flores lava is that there are a lot of gaps in the railings and you have to jump from gap to gap and it's scary and it is also quite nice that in this game you don't die immediately if you fall into lava that's actually fantastic oh my goodness just look at what is up ahead over there okay we're gonna have some scary jumps coming up over here i could probably walk instead of crouch walking but man hey there goes cappy cappy's running off because we are getting close oh man we are gonna have some scary jumps coming up now and i've only got two health left so if i fall into the lava and i don't recover right away then i'm dead okay let's get up there nice we made the jump we made the jump oh man wait how are we gonna make it over there though did i have to go around the other way tell me i didn't have to go around the other way how am i going to get up there can i let's grab that oh man nope okay okay okay okay get up mario can i climb up thank goodness thank goodness how am i going to get up there how oh that makes you go pretty high yes yes okay okay okay there we go there we go now then let's just be careful you're not one of them are you one of the people who made this land into lava no i am not one of those people let's go like this that's not what i meant to do let's go like that all right look at that i did a long jump there oh boy i'm a spooky guy oh and that square right there that's probably where we appear after the cappy cut scene yeah let's see let's see kathy's hiding back there man can't be so lucky that it can float wait are we gonna be walking on lava here we are standing on the lava in this good scene so i'm sorry for running away like that you stuck with me and i do scare easily man we are just standing on the lava in that gutsy that's pretty great what about bowser and peach over here are they also on lava i can't tell if they're also on lava wait and when this cutscene ends am i going to yeah all the airships are all wrecked bro everything's lava around here that's what i'm more concerned about i wonder if if the game is going to put me on that square let's see i'm guessing i'm going to end up on that square mario's like oh i don't have a cap where's my cap but cappy will be the cap where i was like come on [Music] and here we go this is so intense floor is lava oh my goodness i've got to see what the oh great okay it didn't even put me on this square i thought i'd get put on the square the cut scene's over mario just like no i'm all the way back here no at least it should be easier with happy let's see let's go like this let's see yeah there we go look at that i made it all the way to here look at that how good are we let's see oh my get me there thank you mario okay so you want to walk along the rails to over here and what you can probably get to over here oh man oh my god wait how are you supposed to throw cappy onto that switch wait is there a way to aim at it like can i do do you shake your control oh i why am i not getting burned is it because i'm standing on the plank or is it because the cutscenes start oh my goodness a lava bridge is coming am i gonna get burned now i'm safe right here we can stand here we can stand wait how is this wood not burning guys i've got to play more minecraft if you throw wood into lava does it burn minecraft players please let me know in the comments what happens if you throw wood into lava in minecraft and we can bounce along this bridge here get me up there okay here's how we should do this here's how we should do this we should go like this bounce and there we go there we go okay now this will be no problem i am not scared at all i'm not gonna fall into lava a single time again for the rest of this video for people who think that i'm going to fall into lava sorry to disappoint you but you're not gonna see me fall into lava a single time again okay now how do we get that we probably want to go like this okay now can you yeah there we go there you go that's how we do it i thought that i'd have to like spin the controller like that okay and there we go there we go okay now let's just get in there okay let's try this again let's try this again oh wait wait wait wait wait it's probably even easier from here because i just jumped down and go like this and there we go there we go okay now then next area here we are okay there is some water over there which is nice now then can we make it to there or should i take the railing that is the question let's go like this no that's not how i wanted to go oh no no then should we take the railing or can we go like this you know what let's try this ah that wasn't a triple jump but what oh it's because the lava goes down like that so i still did get bird oh no and the frogs are over here instead of over there wait whoa if we catch a frog the frog's on the lava right now during this cutscene i wasn't expecting that i still remember the first time i did this capture the first time that i played super mario odyssey oh my goodness this is such a cool idea it reminds me of the legend of zelda majora's mask which is one of my favorite games of all time definitely in the top three nintendo 64 games ever one of my favorite games of all time legend of zelda majora's mask is an absolute masterpiece so is this game mario odyssey is amazing oh my goodness so cool when you can capture other things like this and play as other things but wait i'm on the lava is mario surprised because he's a frogger because he's on lava what is he more surprised at okay if i press the a button am i just gonna get burned and pop out of it right away oh i'm in here yes okay that's actually so nice so then i can probably go into the water from here right let's see nice now where do we go from here [Music] oh no okay let's try this again can we get up to the fence from here oh nice nice nice mario gets up to the fence but wait how in the world am i supposed to get up there am i supposed to do this hold on hold on oh that actually worked amazingly i didn't even know that you could do that okay i'm glad that this one over here is not lava wait i thought i saw some frogs around here yes there we go okay we made it up here but from here man i gotta make it up to there that's so scary okay at least i do have three hearts left let's see all right all right all right all right all right i made a bit of a mistake can we get up there or do i have to get burned before i reach the railing that is the question or should i try and make it to that one you know what making it to there might actually be better i think it'll actually be a better idea to go for this one yes oh my goodness i am so good at this oh my goodness it's almost like some of the skill from the other floor is lava carries over to this game oh my goodness i never considered myself a good mario odyssey player at all i was about to say but i am doing all right at this oh you could shake the controller to go even higher like that oh and this will probably help me because now we are the frog all the way over here and i think this might make life easier oh my goodness because look just a regular jump takes you that high so we can get up to here now okay jump up like that yeah that's a nice high jump now what from here do we want to go to there get me there no no no no no no okay now then just go like this we'll end up there that's fine okay we're getting close we're getting close now then let's go up like this tilt up a bit just a bit not that much right just a bit just a bit just a bit just stop right here stop stop stop stop stop stop okay now then i want to get what's in there i want that heart yeah there we go we got a plus three let's go oh i should probably be playing this in assist mode if you play in assist mode then aren't you given six hearts to start okay let's try this hopefully i don't get burned okay nice nice nice you could stand on this that's amazing now then my question is with cappy can we reach there how am i supposed to get over there how am i supposed to get over there how cappy oh did we open it okay nice nice nice it's like you have to swing the controller but now how do we get through the door this is gonna be so scary it's gonna be very very scary let's see let's go like this get in there yes yes and we only took one damage getting it okay okay okay we still got five hearts this is amazing wait where are we okay we are on a little platform right here i need that checkpoint flag can we get it with our uh can kathy get it for us come on oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man oh man i need that i need that yes yes oh oh that's so weird a little bubble pop down okay here we go oh my goodness this is amazing this adds such a nice challenge to this game this is such a cool idea now then i want to get up there i do want to get up there let's go wait what in the world why did it bring me back to there that's so strange okay the jump to there is actually tougher than it looks let's see okay there we go there we go every time i kept overshooting this one slightly to the right so this time i even tried to force myself to go farther to the left than i would have thought that we had to go but still i was still almost too far to the right okay so here's a safe way to get up here what is this boss fight going to be like and man this lava is looking pretty wild over here okay but we're almost up at the boss fight over here what's gonna happen and man look at all that lava down there wait i can't walk over this right yeah i can't walk over this will i be able to do the boss fight with just one health because i did make it all the way up here but man if i get hit once by the boss then i have to come all the way back up here from the checkpoint flag let's try it let's see here come the brutals of this ship very exciting man and when i see these guys i just want to laugh because of what i did to these guys in my mario odyssey escape room video that is such a fun one that video should already be out by the time that i post this video i love the way that the brutals talk they make very funny sounds okay now then is the barrier still going to be here okay the barrier is still here okay can you knock off his hat jump on him okay wait wait wait wait did these guys give hearts yes yes yes yes thank you thank you for the hearts bros let's go let's go we got a heart what how did that not hit hit him get him get him get him get him let's go knock those off and bam there we go all right wait oh it's only two hits every time i beat this boss i'm always like what is just two hits because you'd always think that a boss would need three hits to defeat it ah what a relief what a relief all right here we go here we go now oh wait you can also shake the pro controller to move i've never done this before so let's try wow you actually can shake the pro controller they're telling the truth oh my goodness this changes the game so much but it is such a welcome change oh my goodness like mario odyssey itself is already a beautiful game but playing with the flores lava is such a fun challenge the way that you have to move around the levels in a different way oh my goodness this looks unbelievable i don't know how i imagined this would look but this looks absolutely unreal oh man oh man and this right here is a classic very memorable cut scene over here right at the start of the game so many people must have seen this cutscene it's actually unbelievable how many people must have seen this cutscene just base plants into the lava over here how funny is that oh my goodness our first power moon how are we going to get that one wait and are we on lava right now whoa yeah what a ride and we made it to the cascade kingdom sorry i'm a bit amped up from capturing the power line must collect myself okay now what do we get burned right away oh nice nice nice we're standing on a platform okay and there's a checkpoint flag right here let's just jump to it like that perfect perfect perfect we are safe here okay let's go back all right all right all right now where are we going to go you probably want to jump along on the rocks right let's see right side or left side let's go right side we can probably jump to that over there all right pretty good pretty good now to over there let's go like that give me that yeah there we go okay now then to there or to there i think here's actually better let's go all right this is looking pretty fine now we're gonna want to get that chain chomp and break that rock so that we can get the first power moon so let's do this let's first get up here how am i going to catch the chain charm oh man oh man let's do this let's do this no no that didn't work okay what are we going to do to get this change up should i try to get its attention first how should i get it what if we hopped over here okay okay the chain jump is now aware of us will it come here now come here bro come here bro come here bro let me get you yeah we got it we gotta okay but wait wait when i pop out of the chain jump because when i release we will break that but where's mario going to go okay okay we got burned but we're okay we're okay because we're up here don't run off mario okay good good good we are alive now then we can just head on over there and get that power moon let's just go like this easy easy easy does it mario take it easy take it easy mario take it easy mario what oh no no no no no no no no how could you do that how could you do that how could you do that at least the rock is still broken we're not gonna have that happen to us again can you reach here okay good he can't reach here no we're just gonna calmly and peacefully get the power moon okay that didn't work how i thought it would we almost landed on the lava right there but we got it our first power moon in the floor is lava everyone i hope that you are all very proud of how this is going this is amazing oh my goodness guys i want to say thank you so much for watching i really appreciate you guys watching it is amazing to have you guys all on this journey this is such a fun thing wait a minute what in the world it it didn't go down it didn't go down okay the boss is up there i can see that this didn't go down is this going to go down is this going to go down why is it just there why did it not come down whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa the cut scene just triggers for us going over here okay okay oh right yeah this is the odyssey over here okay yeah so we've gotta collect some power moons now yeah it's like i almost forgot how this game works okay so we've got our one power moon over here now we're probably gonna have to bring four more power moons to it right ah nothing's happening yeah we gotta get some more power moves now then should i try and climb up there wait no but i probably can't because it's probably lava up there wait it's just grass here this area is just grass this area here is safe this area here is safe well i guess we would be safe up here now then okay let's do this from here we should be able to make it right up there all right now then i'm gonna go for those purple coins should i look at that bird just sitting in the lava over there my goodness yeah we got these purple coins now then where to next wait the t-rex isn't there yet is the t-rex normally supposed to be there does it only appear there later now then there are a bunch of chain jumps over here in the lava [Music] bounce to over here this is so much fun having kathy is fantastic oh my goodness i couldn't imagine trying to do this without cappy like at the beginning of the game before you get cappy those are some rough times okay now the chain jump is coming for me are you gonna come back yes come back yes okay okay okay now then let's do this let's do this head over here no but how can i get that one that is the question wait can i do this yes yes okay my goodness now then will i break through all the map at once go yes bro oh my goodness this is unbelievable hey nothing can i get up there get me up there let's go oh my goodness oh my goodness i am playing fantastically okay let's just get that check wait if i get that checkpoint flag do i just get repeatedly burned in the wall but i like how the enemies are just spawning and poofing into nothing because it's lava let's just get that okay we got it we got it we got it we got we got it we got it we got it we got it we got we got the checkpoint flag that's good that we got that one now the question is do we want to go over here it might be a good idea maybe to go over here ah man i was hoping that we'd be able to throw kathy at that whoa okay that's a good way to do that that's a good way to do that you know should i just go for the last one yes okay now then you know what can i get up there i should probably jump to this rock first let's go man moving around with kathy is this makes me appreciate cappy even more than i already did my goodness cappy is phenomenal [Music] i didn't even realize that i was sliding down there wait do i respond at the checkpoint where i get burned right away okay it's very easy to die once you respond now how can we get that chain chomp what are we going to do to get that chain jump that is the question don't slide off this again good oh man there's some stuff down there for us too how am i going to get that guy maybe i should actually go to over there from here might be the best way to get that chain chomp it looks like there's actually even a little bit of ground right there that we can stand on can we stand here oh okay i guess not i guess it just looks like it's safe oh man i think it is fair to say that this is the hardest part so far i have died here a lot a lot it's even difficult to just make it up to this chain chomp to try to reach it wait what if i can just go like i can't reach it from here can i no you're too far away i can't get you from here hmm what if i just jump to that rock though that might be the way to go like here i can stand here right yeah here is good are you coming towards me bro come towards me broke up with me bro let me get you yes thank you bro okay now let's break this and where do i go after i release maybe to over there can we make it can we make it to that platform right over there can i make it please please please please please let me survive no no i'm going back i'm going oh no i didn't get to go anywhere it looks like now then getting in there shouldn't be too bad right unless it's like lava right there right in front of the pipe tell me it's not okay good good good we made it in we made it in this is amazing ah all right oh owen we still only have one heart uh-oh this is actually uh scarier than it seems wait wait wait wait wait wait when i jump out do i have to be careful to not die now come on bro oh wait and isn't there a hidden moon back here yes there is okay so let's get this moon because why not now then do we always take damage right when we hop out bro bro i i swear i swear i was on this stone there oh no okay well if we get burned where do we want to land we probably want to go up to there so let's go let's go i guess oh oh didn't want to jump right away okay let's go like this good turn one two now land land mario thank you i bet there's a spectacular view from the top of that pole wait up on this pole isn't there uh can you get more hearts too let's see yes yes i want that so much i don't want to die though let's see where will we go okay good we got that we got that we got that that's very good let's just be careful okay now do i go for the checkpoint there yeah because it looks like that one is actually on a platform so yes we will go for that let's do it let's go okay and we didn't even take any damage my goodness would you look at that and let's see let's go like this don't want to walk off the edge over here and then let's just make our way to over there towards madame brutal and wait a minute what in the world is this boss fight going to be like with the floor is lava okay if i get close enough i'm wondering if it just triggers yeah it does just trigger the cutscene and wait are we going to start on the lava okay here's madame brutal her madame brood is her name what's this you say you need to repair some silly old airship what i'm actually more concerned about is the floor being lava i could never part with any of my precious power moons looks like someone wants to be a snack for my adorable chain shopkins no i don't want to be a snack for chain shop again do we get burned right away no we're on here oh i see how it works it's like catch it okay okay okay okay wait wait wait where are we going to go when we release let's go like this okay but where are you going where are you like no don't come here no no no no bad change up against bad get it get it get it okay okay okay can i do one more hit i gotta stay near that platform so that when i release i can go and land on the platform like this okay just one more hit to go [Music] nice oh boy oh boy oh boy oh wait this might be it this might be it this might be it please get it please get it get it get it again oh my goodness are we actually we might win the fight but i don't know if we'll get to collect the power move that's the scary thing oh man oh man oh wait wait wait and i've gotta probably release over here no no no no no i wanna be near there when i release don't grab me ah bro how could you do this to me no okay the first time at the boss fight i just barely barely lost i almost won but let's see because now i know how it works now i know how it works here's what we've got to do oh wait wait wait wait wait but we've got to be near there okay so you're going to reach for me let's go like this that's the perfect spot to do it because now we can just land back here now she's probably going to try and throw it at me [Music] don't hit me nice ah got me on the way back that's not good that's not good get it get it get it get it again bro bro bro that's too many hits that's too many hits okay okay we got it here got it here now then don't just knock me out don't knock me out don't knock me out don't knock me out no knocking me out let's go like that that's good let's land here very nice very nice still got three health and we only need one more hit on her let's go nice dodge okay very nice very nice now then let's go like this one hit just just one more just one more just grab it grab it grab it there we go now then we want to be near that platform when we release don't grab me don't grab me if she smacks me then we get knocked out of this guy go like that and okay it looks like she is defeated but will we be able to collect the power moon without dying that is the question because where are we landing wait is it right in the center oh my goodness where do i get brought back to come on no that's not fair that's not there please tell me i land on the platform i don't land on the platform okay right there i'm definitely above the platform i'm definitely above the platform let's see if this cutscene if you get spawned in a specific spot or if we actually have a chance let's see no it looks like you just always get spawned there all right let's see where is it going to spawn me after the boss fight this time try to be careful where are you gonna bring me back why would you drop me in front of the platform this should work because look i'm right on top of it i am right on top of this square if this doesn't work i don't know if anything will because after the boss fight you're on lava and then you get put into a bubble if you have more than two health then it spawns you where you were before the boss fight right let's see yes okay i've got one heart i've got one heart i have to make it to that moon that's actually pretty far oh man this is terrifying let's go give me that give me that moon give me that moon let's go let's go oh my goodness i was actually at this boss fight for almost half an hour oh man there we go that's how we do it that's how we get that moon let's go flores lava got the moon oh man let's go let's go i'm excited and the sand kingdom is next the next one is the sand kingdom that one's going to be crazy when floors all but wait wait wait wait wait why are you spawning mario here this is not a good spot to spawn mario mari cappy this is not the time to speak we're standing on lava right now this is not the time to speak yeah let's go check that globe right there let's do it i was like wait a minute but i'm standing on lava all this time okay and before we go to the next kingdom before we go to the sand kingdom i want to get a few moons while we are over here and hold on you know what there are some coins back there can we get those those might be uh a bit tricky to get let's see all right this is fine can i get those cappy let's see can i go like this go okay now just this last one can we just please get this one ah don't jump off don't jump off don't jump up [Music] no oh boy if you crouch and you move your controller you roll i thought that's how you throw cappy all right there's a moon right over there that seems like it shouldn't be a super difficult one to reach we can walk around on some of this stuff that's sticking out that makes it not too bad oh my goodness look at the birds standing on the lava okay should i go for that little rock right there or should i go over for that bigger one let's make our way over to there that shouldn't be too bad right okay that's fine oh boy just land okay this is all right this is all right let's just be careful one more lava hit and we're dead oh oh i think there are normally those spiky enemies that spawn there now then let's just make it to right there shouldn't be a problem right and there we go let's go we got a moon on top of the rubble very nice every moon that we can collect is a victory for us now then where do we want to go oh there are coins down there the coins i don't think they matter too much oh wait but with coins i'm pretty sure you can actually buy power moons you know what maybe it would be better to go up this way first i should go like this i should go like this okay nice and then we can probably collect some points here oh and it looks like there's something to do over there with the scarecrow so you know what let's head over there let's first go over here you can go like this very nice getting some coins and we should be able to head over here easily now this is gonna be slightly tricky let's see oh boy okay how am i gonna get there i could probably go into the water and be safe in the water let's see though oh boy oh oh and it looks like the edge over here is a bit safe yes okay that's amazing now then can i reach it from here yes okay perfect now then can we make it to there let's go let's go let's go go yes okay go over here how much time do we have left please let me make it please yeah we got another mood let's go okay this is fantastic and hold on if i remember correctly was there also something back here let's see what's in this chest over here is it just a harder is it a moon a moon hooray we are doing amazing we've got so many moons and you know what there are some coins down here so why not get them if they're so easy to get just like that then why not get them okay there actually is a safe spot here that you warped if you warp to the stone bridge then you just stand here all right so there is a door that we want to enter down there whoop whoop now how are we going to make it there though that is the question we can probably go like this but up there how are we going to get up there get that come on no okay let's be careful now let's go like this that yes okay we're up here we're up here okay now let's just be careful now just make your way down here and get in there get in there no we opened the door but we couldn't get in oh and look at that the door actually stays open for us that's fantastic news [Music] please get in yes we made it in okay all right wait a minute is this area not lava over here is this just a free is this just a oh boy is this just an almost free moon forest i'm surprised that this area over here isn't lava okay now let's be the little little 2d mario over here oh and you know what this will probably be an easier way to do it if we go oh boy i'm almost dead okay so much for it being easy i've got to be careful because i'm about to die okay but that comes back this way okay we've got to be careful here okay and i think you don't want to go down actually [Music] can we go up though oh you can i was thinking that you wouldn't be able to but it looks like you can wait where does that pipe take you do i want to go to that piper go over here what way do we go that is the question okay good we made it across and where does this take us over here now do we want to get up high again it doesn't look like you can but okay maybe over there maybe over there okay that looks like where we want to go let's go yes there we go we made it up okay nice we made it up and across over here now hold on is there something nice for us here hold on where's the moon there's gotta be a moon around here or something okay let's go down this pipe then that brings us okay perfect perfect okay good we do show up over here so now we can get this moon which is very nice okay and that heals us which is fantastic nothing do we want to go through here wait i don't want to exit i want to go back in here actually thank you okay good thing we got back in without taking damage that's very nice now do you want to go there you know what let's go down here let's see what's going to be down here let's take this path and there's all this over here so we can go like this can we jump up over here maybe maybe if we go like this or something maybe now we can jump up that's nice and we could get a lot of coins having more coins would be nice then let's head up here wait wait oh that just brings us back up to there but hold on there's still some stuff down there that we want to do so let's go back hey hey mr cupid trooper wait what if we push the koopa stroop across oh nice and there's a moon forest right there hooray oh i guess you're supposed to take that pipe to come back up but you can probably just go like that yeah that's another way to get back up that way you don't have to go into the pipe i guess okay now that we've got a lot of moons let's get out of here and hold on are we going to die now is there anywhere that we can get to safely probably not because there's all lava around us no stop responding me here i don't want to respond here every time where am i supposed to go how am i supposed to get out of here and if you pause you can't use the checkpoints because we're taking damage right now so we actually can't do that okay so what you have to do is you have to go back into the sub area and then from here you can teleport to somewhere all right so there might be [Music] some more power moons for us around here maybe let's have a look up there yeah right there it looks like there's a scarecrow we haven't done this one yet have we okay but let's see how can i make it over there maybe that'll be closer and then maybe we can go to this sign let's try this oh and there's just a moon over there right over there in the distance okay let's first try this one how hard will this be okay first let's see where does that spawn okay over there okay so let's go like this get up here jump jump mario jump mario jump mario go come on come on and come on yes okay good we got the moon thank goodness all right we got it like right oh cappy come back oh no oh no oh no i'm dead now oh no oh no if only cappy came back a little sooner yeah i thought i'd be able to use kathy sooner but it took a moment for cappy to come back all right so should i aim for that or how far can we go let's see let's play a little risky over here and go like that and come on oh no oh no okay one burn that's fine that's fine that's fine we've still got a lot of hp left and we can very easily make it to right here and grab this beautiful moon right here right atop the floating aisles okay let's grab these coins over here those will be some nice coins yet and there's some stuff down there right what do we want to do down there i think there might be reason to go down there let's see oh no i wanted to bounce off cappy okay let's try again to make our way down here and this time there we go we properly bounced on capy okay there's a pipe to get into down there there are some coins over there which aren't as important but if we could get up there that would be amazing okay let's see let's see maybe this will be a good strategy and come on yeah there we go there we go now just make it into that pipe oh no where's the pipe where's the pipe get in the pipe get in the pipe mario okay good good we're a bit burned from the lava but we are in the pipe here we go we haven't been here yet have we oh i'm almost dead though okay and this is so cool this reminds me very much of puzzles from the legend of zelda games the way that you have to hit these chain chomps and get the chain chomps into the hole like that okay and hold on these puzzles they do start to get more complicated if i remember correctly there we go very nice he went into that pain now then let's try between these two how is that perfect very nice that's what we want okay so now we can continue of course and this one is a bit more complicated because there are multiple chain jumps but wait wait let's see which one is good what about you want to go straight on that or how about like that how's that one look ah a bit off okay i didn't see what way we had to go oh boy okay let's see do we did we want to go more this way or the other way let's try a bit more this way let's try that okay that did not work let's try again come here change up oh no okay good that how's that look okay that one is completely up okay so it's probably somewhere here in the middle let's go let's try this one perfect there you go okay so it's like you want to be on the edge of that one there okay but i think if i remember correctly isn't there more to the level than this [Music] this can't be everything yeah there we go okay yeah you can continue over here yeah for some reason i remember there being more okay and there was more okay so now let's see where do we want to get this guy try that okay almost let's try that there we go we got it oh and the moon just spawns here okay i was thinking for some reason that this wall over here on the right would come down and then we'd be able to continue farther that way but it looks like that's all we have to do all right so let's head back oh oh oh but once we pop out of this pipe where are we going to go we are probably going to fall into the lava once we come out of this pipe so you know what it might actually just be better to teleport oh there's a moon right over there and we don't have that checkpoint flag yet so maybe we can make it over there somehow let's see is there a nice way that we'd be able to do that how can i get up there that is the question i'd love to get right over there should i jump off of the head of this triceratops over here maybe we'd be able to reach okay we could probably make it to over here this is nice but now over there how do we get over there from here can we reach can we reach should i do a long jump or a ground pound jump from a long jump you can still throw cappy right i don't know if i should go for the checkpoint flag or straight for the moon i think going for the checkpoint flag might be a better idea let's go and come on get me up there let's go and come on yeah we got it let's go okay so now we can probably make it over there and now even if we mess up okay great that's fine that's fine because now even if we mess up oh oh oh maybe i actually could have recovered that the way that i bounced on the chain jump there but now even if we mess up then we just respawn wait okay good good i was wondering i'm like wait this is the checkpoint right where's the checkpoint flag but here it is okay so what i wanted to do was actually land right here come on oh no it's broken why would you break that jade job change up why okay you know what well this is broken let's try and head in here why not okay get into the fight mario there we go oh boy oh boy okay okay this is so weird above a high cliff oh i guess that's the way that you're normally supposed to get this one but we got it in us oh it's going to say a slightly unconventional way i thought that we would stop moving there could there be something nice over there maybe i want to get over there because you know what i kind of like running oh and there's stuff that we want to do with those uh chain chomps if i remember correctly the chain jumps are just sitting in the lava down there all right so let's head over here first we can probably get to here now will the chain chomps destroy these let's see chain jumps yeah chumpy chumpy jumpy jumpy jumpy come here my chumpy chumpy jumpies oh maybe wait can they not reach no they've got to be able to reach oh wait maybe you actually break it with the dinosaur is the dinosaur going to be here though that is my question and over here goodness look at the size of that thing what thing what are you talking about kathy cappy's normally supposed to say that because the t-rex is normally here that you could capture but i'm actually not seeing the t-rex here oh and look captain toad is up there so if we head over to captain toad he'll probably give us a power moon also okay so how are we going to deal with these chain chomps over here hold on there's a wall that we want them to destroy right yeah back there it looks like there's a power moon behind that cracked wall okay now how are we going to get that chain jump there oh you know what maybe we could go like from chomp to chomp like we could lure this guy over here then maybe we could get him let's see maybe we could go like this okay good we could get this guy then you can probably pop out of this guy whoops let's pop out of this guy and capture the next one don't hit me cause if they hit you then you pop out let's try this get him yes okay good good good we got him okay now we just want to get this one oh no oh no get him yes we got him we got him we got him okay so we probably can break this but we might die doing it let's see get him yes we got him we got it we got him okay let's go like this now pop out and get it yes bro there we go okay we're probably dying now though i don't think we can recover after doing that but let's see yeah there's where we can go after that but that is so cool how we got that one we are on the triceratop okay we've got to stop by captain toad over there how are we gonna get to captain toad over there i think it might be good to go from around here and then we can drop down to him that's probably the best way whoops i'm a snake all right so now we should be able to just run across and i feel like i'm getting a bit more comfortable at running like this maybe it's also partially because this path is a bit wider okay so let's get down to that captain toad over there let's go and give it to me give it to me toad oh no he's just looking at mario while he dies he's like sorry mario not my problem your fault that you landed in the lava okay you can stand on the edges here so what if we go like get me there get me there get me over here oh even though it looks like you can be safe there does it still burn you because it looked like i was getting burned on the part that's actually ground okay this edge over here come on like over there's gotta be safe no even still you still get burned right on the edge over there can we not talk to captain toad okay the chain trump tries to get us to speak to me captain toad give me your moon please please give me your mood i don't think he wants to talk unless you can be on the floor and talk to him but look even there even though that's solid ground you still die there so i think you actually can't talk to that captain tone and get that moon all right looks like we have all the power moons that we need mario's a little burnt from stepping onto all that lava over there but we are able to fill up this little section of the odyssey right now [Music] ah the odyssey is restored how lovely is that and it's kind of funny that it looks like there's lava inside that little ball on the odyssey we are in the cascade kingdom let's see the odyssey takeoff from the lava kingdom all right oh because we break away from those rocks that makes sense oh so now there's no grass up there now it's just lava above us now man the music in this game is so good so often when you're playing or watching this game it just feels like you're watching a movie it is incredible i'm sure that for so many people this was a magical game imagine experiencing this for the first time my goodness you guys could let me know in a comment if you remember your first time playing this game and what it was like because man this is a really darn beautiful game so cool how mario sails across the world in a floating cap like this exploring all the different kingdoms collecting all the different power moons and wait a minute cappy says the sand kingdom is covered entirely in sand but for some reason i think when we get there yeah i don't think that's sad that looks it does look a bit like sand but i think that it's actually lava force mario don't step onto the lava no mario no no no no no no no no no mario now oh you know what happened last time you stepped on lava during a cut scene as soon as the cut scene ended you weren't invulnerable anymore i was like ah it's so cold over here why why are you acting like it's cold this is lava lava why is it so cold no no no this is not cold this is lava over here i really recommend my video where i added custom dumas to super mario odyssey in a level that i made thank you so much for watching i hope you have an amazing day ahead of you and take care everybody [Music]
Channel: ZXMany
Views: 612,830
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mario odyssey, super mario odyssey, mario, super mario, floor is lava, mario floor is lava, floor is lava mario, super mario floor is lava, floor is lava super mario, floor is lava mario odyssey, mario odyssey floor is lava, floor is lava super mario odyssey, super mario odyssey floor is lava, zxmany, zxmany mario, zxmany mario odyssey, zxmany floor is lava, cap kingdom, cascade kingdom, cap kingdom floor is lava, cascade kingdom floor is lava, all bosses, mario all bosses
Id: 6e_qzCTvdhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 55sec (2755 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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