Reacting to the PERFECT Mario Odyssey Speedrun (55:28 - Human TAS)

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what we are watching today is essentially the best theoretical speedrun that humans could potentially do this run is made up of spliced sections of the best humans have ever done it's done in two-player many of these clips are done with two separate people two separate controllers some are done with one person hands and feet this is essentially the closest to a task that we currently have like Super Mario Odyssey can be beaten in 55 minutes it's hard to explain you'll you'll understand once you see it but it starts off so what you saw there right at the start is they were setting the time and I'll explain why they specifically set that time once we get to sand Kingdom and this is a two-player speedrun but some of the movement is done in 1 player mode that's because anything you can do in 1 player mode you can also happen to do in 2 player mode it's just two-player mode also gives more options if it's necessary but here's the run you can see right here all of the runners that did participate and this is the section that they own so yeah you'll see that um they go quite fast like right here you can see the the 2 player jumps obviously I mean that is what I do but like you can move taffy independently the first thing right here I'm fairly sure they do up frog but you can see this segment right here this is done by the same person with their hands and feet but yeah they skip the Frog at the start get the second one cuz it skips a cutscene so they get up they get the frog at the top to just skip a cutscene it's fast and like 2 player mode left side just look at this it it's so fast like two-player mode is gonna hurt your brain it's ridiculously fast they beat cow kingdom in 2 minutes and 14 seconds that's absurd but now you guys get to see DSS which is something that I don't do in my speedruns cuz it's slower but so you know how we used to skip the to the boss late you've got the Dino DSS skips that skip by doing this they just jump up the wall they just jump straight up the wall there is a tiny section that you can just barely jump on without bonking you land on it and you can jump up it's insanely precise in any percent runs that's where most of them died like 90% of speed runs in any percent died right there because it's so precise like it's just a few pixels this skip is really cool and if you aren't paying attention you'll miss it so notice how capi kind of just leaves mario so mario gets the last moon and then mario was at the Odyssey what happened there is they left Cappy by the Odyssey so right after you get the moon hits the globe and you just teleport to it it's so cool another really cool thing happens in San Kingdom now that is it's so big brain and if you haven't seen it before you're gonna be confused at the start of this kingdom they plant this seed right and you know this seed takes 20 full minutes to grow it takes 20 minutes how are they going to get the moon when it takes 20 minutes to grow they get this moon and when they leave this area them they get the moon do you know what happened there the game thinks it's been 20 minutes because at the start of the run they set the time so when they are in that sub area or in that room daylight savings time hits goes forwards an hour until the game thinks that it has been 20 minutes and so they can pick up the moon when they leave it's incredible it's such a big brain threat so you'll have to get to that section within like a 10-second window to be able to get that moon and they do that 90% humans do that oh my god and this is a newsstand route actually that they've recently implemented in any percent where you do I think it's called reverse Jack's II skip where you just jump up instead of doing it normally you just jump up there you can see here how two players kind of work you know you can separate them capture things early okay is really cool if you haven't seen this before I don't do this in minimum captures again pay attention here this is this is a clip they just roll out of bounds they hit a checkpoint right there get a moon down below that was very fast that clip is a hard to do fast and they just blaze right through it it's absurd and then they warp up and get that moon and yeah I think the rest of this kingdom is fairly straightforward they don't fight wrangle they don't even fight the boss in this kingdom because boss fights are generally unnecessary I should just do this and make people think I'm playing the game I don't have any coke or pizza got the moon insane skills way it's in two-player mode I forgot oh my God we're so fast got it we got it got the moons okay oh this is the rhythm that you can use to learn this clip by the way this is what everyone used to learn this clip it's a nut clip where they just go out of bounds and this was gonna be fast like you just zoom you got the moon just like that the boom boom click powers yep so that's nut clip you just get a moon yo to player is so much faster with 2 player goes so much faster and it goes I had to get that that's sick two-player mode that they're able to clip in different in a lot more places than one player so you might notice something a little bit weird here they're just getting the moon nice and cassia and they're out of bounds what yeah so they just jump through the jump through the kingdom one two and of course they skip all of the story progression in the kingdom we don't need any of those cutscenes nothing that saves like 10 seconds that's a that's a big time saving it's insanely difficult but yeah it's crazy make sure to here control on your desk after you beat the kingdom right right yeah instead of fighting the boss there they just jump down instead you're like no we're not gonna fight the boss we're gonna go and get this one out fast this is just instantly this gets the moon I'm fairly sure this room is also significantly faster than one player this room is done a little bit differently in one then in one player so I mean you can see it's it's pretty damn fast already but just they just they just go through the wall again is this fed-up footage no this is this is normal speed I don't think there's too much special with cloud Kingdom what is the way they do here yep wait what what just happened the the cloud just gave him a boost I guess yeah I think it looks like the cloud fights are just regular like any % stuff yeah pretty pretty simple like these are average any percents tourettes I guess it's not faster than 2 player so that's all right I think loss is always pretty sick let's see what they do here guy it's soap it's so smooth it's huh and they bring Cathy ahead to get that I love that I'm pretty sure the strat here is really wild yeah they definitely do it ok so what oh my god that's insane I don't think then this is so insanely difficult what they did here was they give Cappy to that trap beetle and then they do movement with without Cappy on a very very tight time limit they pick up this moon while the trap beetle is like aiming at them they move perfectly so he just barely hits the edge of that to spawn that moon on the way back up it's it's insane and then of course they move Cappy ahead they again move without Cappy to the tiny lay oh it's so fast I wonder what they do here for movement I just really felt do they jump all the way across dad that is such a tight jump to make that they that was just barely possible in any percent I know they go to the left platform now but I guess it's I guess it's faster to just do that and then you can't even see Mario he's going so fast up the camera in this section just can't even keep up it just doesn't even keep up yeah he's blindly jumping the whole way up and wait what wait what it looked like Mario's gonna try and climb up but then Cappy just goes around and captures it like one player is like I'm gonna do what I want and they cabbies like nope we're going up but they're doing the O so they can't do the warp here because in one player you do the warp back to that that wire but in two player you can't do that because of because it has to be on screen also casual clip here just whoa right into the wall do they warp here no they don't warp do they do slots then they don't do slots when do they replace it with I don't know this room is gonna be oh my god that just no fear just whoop all the way up absolute madness yeah okay this is a pair this is the I'm a surprise this is done in one player I mean that is fast that is very fast yeah then they dive down to get the moon just blind dive what does get the moon just have confidence and then they'll go get this cap all right they do this yeah I forgot about this this is so good they actually get to talk to captain toad in Metro because there's the two-player strat where they just left cap you way up there and here just right back up to the top that is so sick good how does he teleport they leave Cappy right by the wire so they can capture it when they need to it's amazing this is just this is disgustingly fast that's the point of it I think there's a cool two-player strat in this room but it's done in one player okay apparently this is just faster in one player but you just wait a minute wait a minute what's what look at this look at how far Mario is and it's just like alright we'll grab on to it all right sure that's fast though getting in that order that's insane humans I believe are nowhere close this time for a long time people thought that under 30 minutes in metro was impossible that's just ridiculous do they still do snow DRAM at the start of the kingdom because I know they do it in I guess I answer the question oh they'll do it later or they will do it will they do it at all I don't know wait what wait wait a minute look look at this look at watch a Mario and wash that icicle no bonk you just you put the game was just what okay snow bonk it's just shoot it's slippery okay hey that's illegal what did do they I guess they get the shot moon at the end then probably yeah it's that's anypercent some of these things I have to look at like again like look at where they dive on to right here they dive just just onto the tiny little ledge right there to get up yes just and also to player's strats I think yeah yeah they just completely jump all the way down and of course yeah go right through the wall of course so why not yeah just right through the wall why are there no sound effects cuz it's a spliced run not none of the sounds would line up yea they miss one Cappy goes gets the last one while they're moving towards the moon it's just brilliant this is inhuman the thing is this was all done by humans it's not inhuman this was done by living people granted it took a lot of time and I'm sure it took many many many tries and it's all spliced together but this was all done by human beings that's the craziest part it's on the limit of human abilities that's what this is did these guys do it for this video yet many people grind it a lot of these just for this video also just to player jump school or to go across that we get to see two players snow dram now cuz usually in one player this is incredibly difficult it takes like a little bit to set up to make sure you got it just right but I imagine right here yeah they just they just make it to jump it's just they just do it not reading chat stupid what not reading chat stupid is he saying chat super does he change saying reading chat is stupid what is he trying to say here not reading chat is stupid I agree not reading chat is stupid that's for me at least that's what I get my enjoyment from oscillate what god itself it it's so fast everything it's just perfect JBC oh wait look at it yeah yeah look at Mario during this I'm gonna play this in slow motion we need to watch this at like 2.25 times speed you want to know how many button inputs that up that is I'll walk you through it 0.25 times speed okay he does two rotations with the control stick right now he jumps he ground pounds then he rolls and then he presses a roll button in the jump button at the same time all while turning the controller at a very specific angle throws capi downwards he shakes the controller again to bring capi back as he is moving towards the right direction right when he gets into that spot you can see him rotating again right he rotates again Heath's when he starts spinning he jumps he ground pounds he stops ground-pounding the exact frame that he hits the ground so there's no ground pound animation and then he jumps to get the moon that's insane that that's an insane cliff also two-player movement on water is your silly I love two-player moot you see you've seen this if you watched minimum captures but like it's just silly you're just bowing bowing keeping all your speed across the surface of the water all right I'm excited to see what luncheon looks like because I know there's a bunch of different luncheon routes and spirit fight of course Clayton never mot they skip the speed fight they skip the boss and they do this room oh I'm so excited to see this room by the way just this room this is one person using two controllers to control two players separately he'd like just watch Cappy and Mario and keep in your brain that it's one person playing with our hands and feet on two separate controllers right now justjust just look at this room this is this is one person playing hey I don't understand how they do it because they skip the speed fight they need to get five extra moons this is gonna be really interesting then you all just a two-player movement there is insane because they skipped spirit lava bubbles don't exist so they can't capture a lava bubble so they have to do like some really fancy movement like this is gonna be similar to minimum capture stuff yes they take damage and then they go into this room of course well that is whenever you take damage it takes time when you pick up a moon but they get a heart while Cappy is moving to the fork so they don't lose any time for it that is amazing that is some huge brain plays and yeah because they are in two-player they just do this jump of course cuz they can't use the lava bubble I've never seen that clip before it that's the thing that exists they just what they just go through the wall okay apparently there's the clip there so I guess that's one of the five homes that they replace oh this is gonna be okay this is gonna be so cool just look there's some blocks there's just invisible blocks just that chill there yeah all done by humans by the way yeah at the craziest part about this this was done in the 1970s that's the most amazing part this was done 50 years ago why can't we go back to the 1970s every everything was so much better back then wait what oh my god that is so cool okay they leave Cappy back there while they get this moon that's why that's amazing and then they just warp right back that is like come on yeah how does this compare to tasks tasses don't exist yet because you need an emulator that's perfectly accurate to be able to emulate things so they haven't been able to do a full task yet huge props to the people who who grinded these segments out who edited this together and like timed everything this video took a lot of work like probably thousands of hours combined okay they skip this moon because there's the moon you can get with the with the bird back oh they don't skip this moon never mind net okay they they get the moon and just just work back up I take it back uh-huh it's so smart yeah this movement is gonna be really cool cuz you need to get five shards to spawn a moon let's watch it yeah Cappy gets one of them then mario gets just close enough for Cappy to get it Cappy comes back to Allah oh my it's it's too fast there's too much Mario and Cappy get them simultaneously you see it there they capture a bird they're so fast that they have to capture a bird that they can't just have the bird shoot the bomb itself Harriette first so they do lose a little bit of time there but you know that's fine Harry at first I guess they do what they want yeah unfortunately the run is invalid because they did do Harry at first so sad if only they did top her first it could have been on the leaderboards why is Harry it's slower um I a year so did you see that top or fight oh my god look at how fast that was he just dove straight into the Hat move ahead get the poky oh do they do that oh yes it's just that look at how thin of a seam they poke here you can see how thin that is that is just that just the tiniest thing to get the boost off of that alright neck fight I know mech is slightly different into a player mode I can't remember what's different about it though but I do know it's different they do the left side first okay what is going on what just happened okay so they destroy one they leave Cappy right there and while it's trying to get back it hits that okay of course then they do the Harriet bubble right away yep that's so cool and then they ground pound while cabbies on the way that's so cool they don't even need to be near the mech to destroy it I feel like Moon Kingdom is gonna be pretty damn cool I'm making a prediction now I feel like most of Moon Kingdom is going to be miles Pro almost all of his focus is dedicated to Moon Kingdom and I wouldn't be surprised even though two-player is technically faster no one has gotten a faster time than miles in Moon cuz miles moon is absurd so we'll see here that's my prediction miles Pro air miles pearl right there miles Pro 91 just it's fast that's all I'm gonna say I've seen this before cuz I I don't think he's gotten a PB since I saw it it's it's absurd it's perfect basically watch this moonscape you know you know uh moon skip how you jump out the sixes head due to wall jumps to get up yeah you don't you don't have to do that you can just yeah yeah you could just do it with one wall jump if I tried for like three hours I probably wouldn't get that once of course they do the the damage strats here cuz it it it actually isn't faster it just makes it easier so doesn't lose any time doesn't save any time to take damage there but people do it just for the consistency that's amazing Bowser fight done and I imagine it will probably go back into one player for miles once we get into Bowser again but just look at the lines that miles takes here it is just the toe is barely on the ledge he's just holding straight the entire time gets the perfect angle and goes perfectly straight all the way to the end I wonder if XD skip is faster and two-player I think it might be two player jumps because you can hover in two player yes they do XD Oh Steve they do makes knees skip let's go I love this this is the perfect run and now flawless pillars of course every shot is a perfect direct hit like he's just comedies like yeah five of those hit I'm all good he shoots a one that head like miles was just that good you shoot just shot a head because he knows he'll make it there turns before he even gets close to the pillar yeah I made all five shots that's just brilliant and then finishes the run like that is so good and that's the run 55 minutes 28 seconds theoretically the fastest a human could complete Super Mario Odyssey runners featured or Rome 891 segments parasite was in 40 segments whose fault was this yeah xdx box 22 Sega's Mitch 22 very very good runners a four dude the legend the place does hands of feet every time I think I think roll may does that as well actually turn like some incredibly dedicated if you want to watch people that are like really really good at the game like better than me pretty much everyone on that list is better than me took a lot of work to do this incredible video guys so good
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 4,597,705
Rating: 4.9275737 out of 5
Keywords: smo, super mario odyssey, mario tas, tas speedrun, btt, human tas, mario odyssey tas, smo tas, speedrun, wr, world record, smallant, 2 player, 2p, mario odyssey wr, odyssey, mario odyssey, best theoretical time
Id: FYbEwdKg_CE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 19sec (1519 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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