Doing "Impossible" Mario Odyssey Challenges from 2017

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so super mario odyssey came out 2017 right came out about three years ago and when it first came out there were a lot of youtube videos of a lot of things but one of the ones that was uh that i was most aware of were the impossible challenges now one of the impossible jumps is that so we're gonna be doing all of the things that were impossible in 2017. here's what i'm going to do to find the challenges i'm going to open up youtube i'm going to type in impossible super mario odyssey what do we got here the impossible challenge sinking ruins flowerless you want to try that you want to try these the sinking runes flowerless let's do it and yeah we need to get essentially to up there without using flowers i'm pretty sure that's the whole challenge okay well that's it's a little bit of a tough one it seems like that's okay though turns out the first one is actually impossible that would suck okay we almost got up there something that will help me a lot is they weren't really good at two-player mode in 2017 so something that i can do is i can try and use two player mode as well that could help one two three oh now we almost made that almost made it i think if we delay a little bit like if i'm a little bit slower let it fall a little bit more that should work there we go that's a start i would i'm a little bit concerned about this part because this part you have to have some pretty good speed that was we're making progress this is good are we just able to like we could definitely make it across there with like some two-player stuff i bet right okay here we go so the challenge is to get across here and now that the slope isn't actually there this time which is good i might actually try this one on player i think i can do this in one player we need to jump off of that railing and then we'll we'll make it most likely like that was a terrible jump and i very nearly made that do a triple throw it'll be much easier i don't know how to do triple throws how do you do triple throws again but yeah this jump isn't isn't an insanely hard trick jump which is why oh my god that was close which is why i wanted to try and get it we're so close we're so close yo [Music] there we go not impossible at all we did it all right on to the next challenge sound good dan the man another metro kingdom impossible jump uh hey super quick reminder if you like the video remember to subscribe it actually helps me out a lot and most people just forget all right thanks okay he made it from from this area here to that area down there let's do it you guys ready to try this i am ready okay do a vault a vault is actually less height than a triple jump so i should probably do something like a one two three go all the way down like so [Music] you see what i was going for there i was trying to have cappy capture the pole do some clever some real real cheeky solution are you allowed to see rc i don't think so oh wait a minute i have an idea we get the speed from the pole fling but land on the railing [Music] wait i didn't refresh my cap bounce never mind you know what i'm gonna do because i am getting a little bit antsy [Music] we did it easy jumps boys oh two player mode is dreamy dude all right on to the next what is the next impossible jump that we're doing now silence is impossible here's one oh i is it possible okay sure we're gonna do this one this one we're gonna try get into the city hall without touching the ground is the next one yeah whenever you touch the ground in metro kingdom it starts playing music we need to make it all the way through without this song so i touched the ground the song played we need to do it without that happening that'll i gotta grab the edge i believe there's a few things that make it so it doesn't start music it is i believe it's grabbing railings or grabbing things on the side i don't believe this one will work i can't do a jump actually maybe it will check this out we need to go and grab this now almost good also landing on the taxis also counts as touching the ground for whatever reason oh what he landed on this that counts okay good okay yes we're here this looks like a bit of a tough one okay all right uh heck i guess we're going to that pole just now to get to that pole now yeah one more we're in and it's silent there we go we got in completely silent there's no music playing isn't that weird and when we go out the music begins the next impossible jump is from dgr it is in dark side all right so the challenge is simple all i need to do is jump from here down to there without using this wire let's do it i'm just gonna give it a go oh well that was easy impossible all right oh the next challenge is in metro kingdom and it is we need to get on top of that brick i can't even show you i can't even show you i need to get on top of that brick structure so i'm gonna say get on top of the bricks that's what i need to do guys ready how do i get enough height to get up is my thought on the matter okay no two player i guess i could try two player multiplayer mode might be really easy in superstar mode you do this but there is a flower to assist you triple cap throw again i don't think we need to triple the cap throws for distance not for height oh there's an invisible where are you there dude we gotta we gotta aim maybe not that far up we went around at that time not quite this one looks impossible ah that's the point come on oh it's so close what is he bonking on even dude story time what kind of stories what do you think what kind of story could i tell well i'm trying to focus on this incredibly difficult super mario odyssey jump karen encounters i actually haven't really met a karen i i have okay here's the thing i haven't met female karen's but i've met the male equivalent of karen's uh when i was in vancouver back in um was it like february or something i was at a park and we were just playing as kids do you know like those animals on springs i was just like rocking away on one of those and this dude comes along walks into the park and he's like hey get off of that you're gonna break it now and i was like i mean okay dude whatever and like the thing is have you guys ever seen any of those ever broken is it even possible to break that like i i don't even think it's possible to break one of those because like we we're going back and forth pretty hard like those springs are like vibranium or something they're indestructible after that i went down the uh the pole up but upside down because uh in my in in another life i was a pole dancer apparently okay good i'm glad i didn't get all in that attempt i don't need to include that sentence in the youtube video all right here's what we could do actually no wait wait we have a better one we have a better one this is the one i feel it okay it didn't help no it will it just takes a while to charge up did you see that how much he hesitated he like stopped for a moment he was thinking about it and then said no no we got up and i freaking rolled off dude that counts i mean i did technically do it but i rolled off by accident then cappy didn't come back to me oh well that was easy 42 minutes look at mario like floating and look at this hitbox just look at look at this hitbox what that is way above the pipe all right let's go to the next impossible challenge here we have wooded kingdom impossible jump apparently it's a really hard jump what's he doing oh and he's trying to land on that platform there okay i think this one will be a little bit easier in two-player mode so i will be switching to two-player mode for this one oh no no that would have worked no i almost got it first try i almost saved it okay we'll try it again we'll try it again we do actually this this might be harder than i initially expected psych 125 baby what is the next jump that we gotta do what is the next one all right so the impossible jump is to get from here to down there let's do it first try oh my god really oh i was i could have done that if i was just slightly tighter on the jump i that was bad on my part it'll be second try like all i needed to do was the extra twirl i i forgot to start the timer do it again with the timer okay i'll do it again with the timer okay okay ready okay here we go the impossible jump wow that's a tough one guys the impossible jumping cascade all right let's watch it what is the imp i don't actually even know what this is they're jumping from here okay to where they're trying to land on this platform [Music] what man people sucked two or three years ago the cap kingdom impossible jump all right impossible jump here it is let's look at it oh okay so you stand and try and jump around okay he's trying to jump around and it is impossible jump cap kingdom tower all right we need to jump from here around so let's do that [Music] it's just so easy dude uh bowser's kingdom impossible jump i i didn't even have time to change the thing all right we're gonna go to bowser's kingdom now we're gonna be jumping from here to there that's the next jump it's gonna be a tough one we gotta do this in one player mode it takes so long it really does this one's actually kind of hard we'll see we'll see if it's actually kind of hard i don't trust him yet that's not gonna work is it this one might be kind of hard actually i can make it no we can didn't make it freak dude if i was a better angle we would have totally made that we just need a vector at the correct angle yeah exactly and there we go perfect angle you can see we locked on we're going the right direction we are going fast i barely even need to cap jump i almost overshot it do one in moon kingdom the moon kingdom impossible jump okay is he just trying to get to the other side oh okay all right so it looks like all they needed or wanted from me was to jump from this side over to the scarecrow platform i'm pretty sure that's all they were wanting [Music] i didn't even i okay i'm gonna show you guys an actual hard jump you guys want to see an actual one that people didn't think was possible for a really long time it's a new moon skip you know how this actually allows you to skip the moon cave without ever like touching the sphinx or anything like that okay here we go there we go that felt pretty good ah there we go we did it new impossible jump in lake kingdom oh this is from xd xbox this might actually be really difficult what is it oh you jump to all right we're gonna find out if it's possible i i'm we're not because apparently it's impossible so he clearly doesn't do it right because it does say impossible this one's gonna be a little bit difficult that's fine though all right you have to do the rainbow spin first do i now i don't think i need to do it first i don't think i have to i think i can do this [Music] told you this is the truly impossible jump i challenge anyone to do this and i guarantee you won't be able to do it you need to jump from here down to there that is the jump this jump i would say is truly impossible if anyone tries this i really don't think they could do it this should be good this should should be good this looks good yes we got it finally and yeah i mean if if you're watching on youtube don't try that one it's literally impossible you'll never get it impossible jump roulette tower okay here's the impossible jump for this kingdom make it across here without stopping it oh it's not physical it's not solid it might not be possible unless how did i make it this should be impossible holy crap i'm sick wait a minute you you think you think of what i'm thinking oh my god okay so we're actually at the impossible jump now uh the the impossible jump that was in the youtube video is uh is this by the way i'm pretty sure they want you to jump all the way around it's just it's just too easy dude let's try and find one at least one more because this has been short so far all right smo impossible jump challenge in dark side by team and dan all right all right here's another impossible jump challenge the next and maybe final challenge today i know it's like super short but i feel like we kind of ran out of impossible challenges how do people make a youtube video for each of these anyways the the challenge here is to get on top of that pillar back there is no there's no way it's this easy actually it might be a little bit difficult because we can't we don't have cappy still oh we died oh okay we need to get as far over as we can i think we're dead and we need to essentially just jump up there maybe we can backflip does that give me enough height to land on top of it i don't know that was close is there a visible wall i don't think so i really don't think there's an invisible wall because we just got it ready to split mario in half you know i don't really have any more impossible jumps i honestly thought these were gonna take longer so it turns out everyone in 2017 sucked because the game just came out and they didn't have 3 000 hours in the game like i do who would have thought okay well we're gonna find someone to raid though let's find someone to raid and i'll call it a day but thank you so much for watching everybody
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 6,539,041
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smo, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, speedrun, impossible challenge, impossible jump, metro jump, mario, can you beat, is it possible, dgr, fearsomefire, danntheman
Id: bvxhcTD83IY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 27sec (1347 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 07 2020
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