Beating Minecraft without a Keyboard

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can Minecraft be beaten without using a keyboard the short answer is yes it has been done before but everyone before me just super glued a keyboard to their Mouse and called it a mouse well they Rema the keyboard buttons same idea this really disappointed me I wanted to see if a pure Mouse only run was possible No remapping No Nonsense no glitches left click right click middle click that's it would that even be possible how would you move how would you open your inventory or craft anything it was up to me to find out so I started up my stream and gave it my best shot like let's see if it's possible before the challenge started I removed every single keyboard keybind don't want to accidentally bump the keyboard and cheat right I hopped into my first attempt where I managed to get into a seed right next to a Pillager Outpost which was perfect starting this challenge I obviously can't move and I can't even open my inventory so what's the first step even let's die and respawn because we need this isn't good enough the first step in a keyboard challenge is figuring out a way to just open the inventory to craft things oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God this could be it this could be it don't hit me please don't hit me no no no no no no as far as I'm aware the only way to start crafting is to already have a pre-existing crafting table which is why the Pillager Outpost was so perfect I just needed the right respawn to get the proper resources near the thing oh my God wait wait this is this is the exact thing we needed two 3 we got it we got it um boom boom boom we've made a bed after 17 minutes of dying and respawning I had finally used the crafting table to make something a bed but crafting a bed just leads to another issue how do you close out of the crafting menu to use it the only solution I could come up with was to die I waited five whole minutes just for a Pillager to find me and end me but now I only had 5 minutes to get back to the bed before it despawned wait we could totally get to the bed with this yeah yeah push us sideways push us to the side holy crap this is the one this is the one chat yes yes where's our bed where's our bed where's our bed we did it oh my God oh my God after much pain I set my spawn beside the crafting table and could craft anything that was in reach it wasn't an elegant solution though after 5 minutes I really hadn't accomplished anything it was awful and then the most important Discovery in this entire run happened okay wait someone in chat just made a suggestion oh my god touchcreen mode lets you click out of menus this made crafting significantly easier and probably cut 100 hours off of this challenge but I had pressed the Escape key and use the keyboard so I reset the seed to try again I Rec crafted a bed immediately then tried to craft a boat only need to encounter a new problem touchscreen mode is so freaking weird you have to like click and drag to do anything I can't make a boat because I have unlocked it and I can't type in boat either as it turns out it's very awkward separating Stacks in touchscreen mode make stick one two here uh top left of the inventory stairs are probably better yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah stairs are better okay after another 10 minutes I finally managed to Craft boats this boat Endeavor was a mistake can you right click from boat to boat cuz if you can right click from one boat to another then we have something you can so you get into one boat and you punch the other one oh God wait I can't look behind me I can't get the boat not only can you not punch boats behind you but you can't even get out of the boat you're in without some way to destroy it so boats really weren't the play and it was back to the drawing board the pillagers were getting really annoying so I scrapped that seed and tried a different one that started in a spruce Village which also has crafting tables in certain houses since I couldn't move and couldn't easily die with this one I just reset the seed for 20 minutes until I spawned next to the Village Fountain wait we might be able to use water to move there we need to get to that house we're getting closer please be the crafting table house okay respawn Point set and we got crafting after an hour and 35 minutes I had wooden tools until I made a dumb mistake and had to restart but I got it all back and set my next goal come here bro come here yes yes yes the zombes coming come here come here come here yeah yeah yeah yeah yes wait we'll let we'll let the zombie do it the zombie died are the the go died the zombie killed him we have iron let's craft the bucket if we can just get to that can we reach the fountain water maybe oh my God wait we have a water bucket we have water with Just 2 hours of problem solving we had figured out how to open and close my inventory craft and found a reliable way to move around it was very slow but it was a start using the water bucket and slabs I could really move anywhere in the Overworld I wanted as long as I was extremely methodical with my movement if I got stranded anywhere without my water bucket or a crafting table in my hot bar I was screwed I couldn't just hide out in this Village the entire challenge so it was time to embark on an adventure one that required immense patience it took me 2 hours to travel 800 blocks to another Village that was conveniently nearby and this Village was far better than the first it had a blacksmith it's right here oh God oh God oh go oh no okay we're fine there's a chest around here somewhere there it is a chest looking in this chest what would you guess was the item I was looking for the apples the gold no of course not not but it's not the iron of the obsidian either it's the saddle this saddle would be my salvation not for riding horses but for riding pigs I needed a few more items before it was useful though so I killed the Golem here too to make an extra bucket and a flint and steel found a carrot in the farms and only needed string to solve all my problems so I just had to wait until night for spiders in the meantime I set up a very messy trading station with the Villagers using Fletchers to turn sticks into emeralds this sucked by the way remember touchscreen mode was was still on and unfortunately the fastest way to craft was to click and drag four sticks at a time I spent the rest of my day demolishing every village house for wood and began trading with a toolsmith for some better tools as that Minecraft day ended I had one major dilemma I had real life dinner plans I couldn't just leave Minecraft running right so to quit out of Minecraft I waited 5 minutes for an autosave and unplugged my computer I started the stream the next day rejuvenated and ready to beat this thing I spent another 2 and 1/2 hours cutting trees crafting sticks trading emeralds till I had diamond tools during this time I also collected the two string I needed for a fishing rod but you're not going to like how I had to get it I'm sorry Chad it must be done I need the string it was all for the string chat I decided it was too dangerous to let mobs spawn at night so my only choice was to sacrifice The Village cats we turned cats into a fishing rod it's the beauty of Minecraft with the carrot on a stick ready to go and a saddle itching to be used the only thing left was to locate a pig come here does he not see it come here yeah yeah yeah yeah [Music] yeah we're on the Pig this is a Sprint compared to what we had before Oh my God there's no durability usage if you don't right click it doesn't use durability after a 8 hours of gameplay I finally had a reliable easy way to move around that didn't mean the challenge was over yet though it was only the beginning I still needed ender pearls I still needed to enter the Nether and I still needed blaze rods but most importantly before all else I needed to give our new companion a name we're naming him refrigerator cuz our refrigerator is in fact running for the ender pearls I decided killing Enderman was too dangerous and trying to trade with piglins was a death sentence so I figured I would wander around the Overworld until I stumbled upon a brewing stand to trade a villager for ender pearls while exploring I happened to find a ruined portal which I harvested a bunch of obsidian from to use for later to make my journey a bit faster I did start using the Boost with the carrot on a stick a bit but I had plenty of carrots and could just attach a new carrot whenever I needed as long as I left the spare crafting tables in my hot bar now we have a regular fishing [Music] rod wait a minute where's my crafting table now luckily all wasn't lost yet I still had a water bucket in my hot bar so I started to use that until where did my water go I had a rare visual bug a ghost bucket that displays the contents of a bucket incorrectly I didn't even have water anymore no Pig no water no movement remember I couldn't use my keyboard here so I can't get off of refrigerator or drop any items and refrigerator wouldn't move at all without a carrot on a stick in a moment of weakness I tried to Dismount refrigerator by killing it I shot arrows into the sky but they only hit me which knocks some sense into me I know these are dire circumstances but taking refrigerator's life after all we've been through despicable instead I realized I could use the bed to get off of fridge so I waited till night and hopped into bed I didn't want to risk any mob spawning so I let the Sleep animation finish and started the next day hopefully by the time I woke up I'll be just close enough to reach the Water Source the pig is pushing me the go the water isn't there I was haunted by the ghost bucket yet again and now there was absolutely nothing I could do I couldn't even reach my bed anymore my death was inevitable once night hit mobs would spawn and this challenge would be over or I could take things into my own hands I wasn't going to let a stinking zombie ruin my run so I did the unthinkable I looked straight up and fired an arrow I respawned on the bed and immediately something caught my eye the crafting table it was right there closer than almost every other item if I could just make it there and lucky for me the water that almost ended this challenge also saved it I dug a channel routing the flowing water to push me directly into my items what's in our hot bar the crafting table with the crafting tables back in my hot bar I was able to recraft a carrot on a stick remount refrigerator collect my things and save the run a mistake we will never make again chat soon after that the Universe rewarded my perseverance with an igloo that had a basement one of the few Minecraft structures containing a brewing stand so I dug down grabbed it and oh wait how do I get back out nah I'm just messing with you fig and climb ladders there was a village nearby too and after after a quick 2 and 1/ half hour trading session I had three stacks of vender pearls there was nothing left in the Overworld now I had to enter the nether to collect blaze rods using the obsidian I collected on my Adventures I built a portal I didn't light it yet though I had a tough decision to make if I entered the Nether and traveled around using fridge it was almost a guarantee that he would somehow perish into a pork chop while pursuing blazes we had built a strong bond on our grand Journey thus far and I just would be devastated if we lost him I made the difficult decision to leave him behind I would be entering the Nether and navigating to the blazes is completely alone so I lit the portal and went for it okay we're in a fortress I'd made it to the Nether and right onto a fortress first try without fridge I only had a few methods to move around I started by placing boats then destroying them with the flint and steel which did work but I got too impatient and just started whipping pearls until I located a blaze spawner I'm pearling in no fear chat no sometimes you just got to go for it chat killing blazes was a terrifying experience without fridge around I was a Sitting Duck one wrong move and I could get trapped next to a blaze and burned to death this is so dangerous I should not have done this I got myself trapped in a corner with six blazes just Out Of Reach I regret this immensely my shield is almost broken with only moments left before my shield broke I built a defense as fast as I could and by some miracle was still alive after that I employed a much safer strategy of opening a door than Bo blazes down until there was a buildup of rods I pearled in I burled out once I had secured six rods I pled back to my portal and re-entered the Overworld we're fine we're making it out [Music] okay we made it it was time for the final phase of the challenge finding the stronghold and killing the ender dragon I just needed to get back on fridge and come here fridge hey hey fridge fridge come back no fridge had wandered away and I used all my spare ender pearls in the nether fortunately I did have my trusty water bucket in my hot bar what happened to my water wait I can't it's all letting people pick up water ah fridge wait a minute I'm in the center of the block I was stuck in the water for a bit but come on you didn't think some Knee Deep Water was going to be a roadblock after all this right I messed around a bit escaped the river and slithered my way over the fridge refrigerator hey no not you refrigerator we were supposed to beat the game together let's do it buddy all right it's time we now get to beat the game now I guess we find out which direction we go that way nice on the way there I sheared some sheep for some wool to kill the dragon with and after about an hour or so of wandering around I located the approximate area of the stronghold and began to dig down very carefully mind you with that the only remaining thing to do was beat the [Music] game go go go go go we got this is it parching it's parching right now okay that's interesting and I need to run away before it runs into me and I just immediately die wait wait that's a perch this [Music] side come [Music] on let's go let's go wait wait no refrigerator I can't get out no no we left refrigerator we won but at what cost after 16 hours I finally beat my CFT without using the keyboard but refrigerator didn't make it
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 1,617,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 4rysq0UF6Nc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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