H3 Podcast #39 - Post Malone

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the justin bieber call is so wholesome

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Braag 📅︎︎ Nov 19 2017 🗫︎ replies
welcome back everybody to the h3 podcast live this episode is sponsored by movement quit wink and elder scrolls legends a little bit about some nice sponsor just a reminder we are crushing it on Spotify which the podcast is now up on we're number one there so keeps going there we are also up on soundcloud now we had a lot of requests to get the podcast up there so we are on spotify we're on soundcloud keep that [ __ ] wait introducing our guest listen he's my he's frankly my favorite guest on this podcast I think it's your third time on she joy to privilege post Malone hello thanks for coming thanks for coatsy thanks for having me on again oh yeah pleasure to have you here so how you I mean I haven't seen you a little bit you've been on tour right your fault or let me get that lighter oh yeah let's go I haven't been on tour I've just been traveling the world and it's drinking slam and cheers by the way it's all the shows are just shows are just statues part two mmm I like to consider it a journey nice so the travel is free the shows are incidental yeah this shows the shows just happen you happen to be in Italy and you're like huh I'm just there I like that I like that thought no but I've been yeah I've been traveling a lot and getting [ __ ] done and it's tiring but I always think that touring looks so exhausting it is I look like [ __ ] now you look at me you're killing it bro I love that you just the great thing is that you just embrace your authentic dude you're who you are like you just [ __ ] you're killing just a guy exactly just a guy was beautiful blue eyes right well then I guess that means you are more just I'm really just the guy your eyes look like hamburgers thank you so much you're more than just a guy with a couple hamburgers in his eyes better since then you've been just a little recap here but Rockstar number one on Billboard's is it's still number one right [ __ ] me like two months now not for long my mom has been texting me every time it's playing with my mom to my mom I could tell your mom's lovely I was super cool every time I go to a friend's house they'd always say like your mom did what a guy no that's not where's your mom I don't care about you yeah nice to see you man your mom here uh mom by the way I'm gonna cigarette since the last time we hung out but I love our traditional just why are you trying to stop no I'm I'm just not a smoker but I like to get weird and wild you know When in Rome you don't have like a douche flute or a mouth for Dora you got a big one a douche flute it's first of all okay what would you call the giant babe I don't know it's got it the Canon has to be the what's the first trade it's kind of have more of an alliteration or rhyming not really cuz mouth fedoras kind of just I'm have to think on that yeah it's like a [ __ ] douche pack had it like a camel back and have it that thing I don't know if I talked about it yet was so [ __ ] heavy do we talk about when we first got out on the street we had this prop company built it and then we out to Hollywood to film and the moment I put it on I swear to god it's like 80 pounds and the moment I put on I was like oh my [ __ ] god how am I gonna make it through this day I saw Dan coming up the escalator to meet us and he was like holding it and I was like what is this guy [ __ ] exaggerating how heavy this thing is I put it on I was like I don't know how I get through this day after five minutes the strap broke it's just completely buckled under its weight it was pretty dramatic day we had to go to like it was the hottest day yeah you look great I feel yeah that's nice that's right I kept that by the way you should treat yourself yeah I kept that Queen I'm waiting I'm hoping honestly I can't wait for us to go to Vegas I want a gun I'm gonna wear that now that I have good shoes yes you always show me up so yeah I think I think Vegas is like my escape from the norm because I get to wear fun stuff I'm gonna buy a matching suit you guys should if we ever have low be cute a red-carpet event won't go wearing matching Gucci track suits is he super cute you guys are killing it I'm so happy you're killing it did I tell you speaking of Vegas did I tell you that story about when I won like 95 grand this is a new story I think no okay so I was in Vegas this isn't like a nice anecdote I love that no yeah this is a great nice anecdote from Vegas those are rare yeah yeah no it's not nice I beat but it's a great story that's a nice story but it's not nice because it just shows the ignorance of me okay so here's the deal so I go it's like you know I usually go like 15 grand ready to go cash ready to play and so I I we were playing blackjack my mom was there and I think she was there I don't know if she was there maybe not okay so sat down at this blackjack table right at 14,000 I played it all up and down whatever but along the way I gave some money to Jason you know Jason my friend he lives with me he's the ER yeah yeah and I gave him a hundred bucks he lost that hand and then I gave him another hundred and he started winning and at that time I was still playing my like 14 grand right and so up and down I lost it all I say Jason give me 100 bucks and then I lose that exactly I got it I gotta get a return on my investment and then I lose that I tell him give me another hundred bucks and I've that hundred dollar i sat at the table for 14 hours play had like 50 screwdrivers worked my way up from $100 to 95 thousand dollars so and I said okay as soon as I get two hundred thousand I'm walking away gamblers fallacy I'm walking away at a hundred thousand ninety-five I was like it was crazy they had like five thousand dollar chips I just had a shitload of them interestingly the more money you have on the table the less chips it looks like you yeah yeah yeah yeah there were like British colors that I started saying at the British national anthem like LED lights and yeah so I 95 thousand okay I'm gonna play til a hundred thousand went down to five thousand dollars and then I went all the way back up to ninety five thousand dollars not how long did that take 14 hours I didn't get up I did not move I was just drinking and every time I would win cuz I was playing like $10,000 hands and then doubling the crowd yeah I was big it was a big time for section oh okay so you were at High Roller is a scam yeah I don't like it there act normal I don't like it there the max bet was like was 10,000 yeah you know what the high rollers places it's just sad who's like the press oh it is the person there's nobody's there there's all these gambling addicts who come and like lose their [ __ ] yeah it's crazy it's crazy but yeah I mean I won that lost the 95 again playing vague and that's my story but it was it was really a rush every time I would win like a hand I would literally take run up and take a lap around it was the most intense thing of my life and it was a lot of sounds like no regrets there yeah I mean yeah twice two times two times and I didn't get that extra five just to get a hundred and walk away so how did you imagine walking away with a hundred grand cash you would have been up on that kiss you know yeah a lifetime yeah they would be following you back yeah they were they they yeah it was they had like there were security gate like four security guards they been like knocking at your door like hello you know we're so open yeah we gotta come back come on I do feel walking away were you like oh I'm sad or were you like that was a fact it was very but now I look back and I said hey that's pretty cool anyways it's a great story a great anecdote great anecdote thanks for sure that hey you're welcome appreciate that dude I'm so sore I feel like I we started we got a personal trainers I can't do it looks great oh thanks Doug he's only done one okay when is it every day I do it twice a week I've done it twice I I do it twice a week it's the thing I've done in one week but anyway I'm so sore I cannot even stand up I like this thing of like where we're gonna get you more muscular I mean what you're like I can't [ __ ] it I feel like I'm 19 oh yeah yeah I'm getting serious yeah yeah after show I need to do like the like stretches because it might like these things these groin things right like the little like tendons right that's my worst spot because you do a lot of like kneeling and [ __ ] yeah it's good exercise it is yeah I mean I'm surprised I mean I'm so a thick boy yeah yeah what I mean think what for I never like I feel old yeah well you're busy you work a lot I have a living playing call of duty god mm-hmm you need to get on it yeah I was talking to you about that I've never I've never played caught I never played battlefield or Cod or any of those console Cod is fun this one is fun I've been seeing I was thinking about buying and I saw mixed reviews almost farmer review [ __ ] well see the reviews you probably were reading was like very glitchy right right a lot of what we're like it's not worth it by yet oh it is now really yeah we should play together yeah geometry wars oh [ __ ] I played like the first one you have yeah so there's involved involved well like okay and the first one it's just a flat plane and all these crazy waves right I remember that anyway so now that it's been evolved and it has a thing so it's to the three why there's like freaking trapezoids and pills you're all and globes is a skewed yes good yes there's skews there's planes damn dimension sounds very it's right really in Ted we had a friend over I think we must have played it for like 10 hours really yeah really like Max 20 minute game it's like peggle so we should play cod or I don't know I want to play pub G with you but I want it up so over that game I want it's the thing that really pisses me off is I always get killed by some [ __ ] hacker really every time how do you know they're hacking because they should be through three wall I always landed George Paul and I'll be inside of the inside of the crate and they'll shoot me through the crate that's a [ __ ] it's [ __ ] well there's no Pettit one time I was playing yeah there's no penetration know what time I was playing and I dropped from the sky and none of the buildings rendered and I could see through all the walls and I could walk through walls that's really good so I so I did you were so let's so I was it I should have right like I'm walking through walls I can see everyone I'm picking everything I'm about the best gear I'm capping people through walls and [ __ ] this is just no walls in the game so there's a dude in the [ __ ] tree and I'm capping him through like a ten you know walls and you see through trees everything nothing existed I know I couldn't see through trees but I see him like Oh building you know like this [ __ ] loser I lost like two walls and I'm trying to shoot him and it's a frustrating game I love the game my frustration comes from legitimate kills cuz yeah I never know where I'm being shot from yeah I guess the answer was hackers the whole time any time I lose yeah I mean like reasons why you actually lose is like 1% and [ __ ] [ __ ] is 99% hackers it's like a pie chart have you seen that pie chart yes it's I live that pie chart right we should play some though you think you fun I think God okay I'm Arnie like third prestige that sounds very prestigious prestige over look where you can hang out with all your rich friends let's do that um I'd love to do that yeah it's nice it's good even I wouldn't lead you wrong I want to play I want to play play let's wrap it up I saw you the other day you on martha's snoop yeah why should that I have so many questions about it because I we mean ela or well I don't we're thinking a lot about how shows are made right I'm not gonna say why and I'm wondering how people make it right first my first question is how long ago was that shot I want to say it was a long time ago okay months okay Oh - maybe half a year maybe mmm Wow maybe five months yeah and so my next question is when you're there it's when they like do the audience reaction it sounds like there's like a whole stadium of people there there is a lot of people there is hilarious yeah um there was a lot of people there would you say whole stadium yeah but it was nice because everybody you know did you get to see the audience yeah yeah yeah it's nice okay yeah did they cook did they actually cook their own food and wait mmm so soup made that fish and it cooked for you cuz they cut out because they were like alright snoops gonna make this fish and put it in the oven and then oh my god it's done immediately so you were hanging out that whole time right well it was more like a uh I'd say more like a cooking show you know how like they show you how to make it already right and then so then they cook the one that they already made that's exactly the same as got it yeah so that was pre pour like pre-prepped I would say so I don't know yeah okay but it was they was delightful it was a treat it was a real treat being on the show yeah Matt Wendy oh we had that Wendy was super cool super super sweet Martha was super sweet she liked my car though I'm talking about that you give her a spin make a pass did you stop you take a pic from psycho you stop short with my wife oh is that like whenever that's the mom arm yeah it's a wall in Seinfeld it's a dad it's like a boom no no I mean in my life it's Seinfeld it's like you have a hot date and then you see a red light and then you act like you don't see it and then you slam on the brake to stop short and you put your hand out okay yeah it's the same it's the same concept except without the nod eNOS in short you could have just stopped short with Martha oh she was driving oh maybe she could stop everyone wants a couple e's next I mean I've got stuff I saw you were in ghost hunters yeah Ghost Adventures yeah it's awesome how would that go was it really spooky it was crazy it was crazy they're gonna be here we should do like a online special yeah I love because we went to that place and it was pretty spooky we heard that voice but this that like the things that they get into is really crazy and they have all the equipment and stuff like yes well that guy's the real deal yeah I was surprised but how's it house a show called Ghost Adventures Ghost Adventures it's on History Channel right travel travel it's the number one show on droughts on travel and it's on like the 30th the season or some [ __ ] like what 17 now okay I mean how many is there that many goes well I've been watching the show since I was 12 Wow [Music] is that one of the most surreal yeah getting to meet Zach and he's such a good guy and you know he lives in Vegas so he always gambling have fun and that's cool and it was super cool used to ask my mom to stay up late watch that's the doorman I get to go on it the most surreal like the celebrity cuz now you've met so many cool people what are were the some of the most surreal like celebrity encounters you've had where you're like I cannot believe I'm hanging out with this guy just a lot of stuff from my childhood you know what I mean like I got to hang out with the guys from a band called Escape the Fate I used to listen to all the time and high school and stuff and meeting them was super sick I'm like Chris drew from nevershoutnever I don't know if y'all know them but I used to listen to him all the time and I just like started talking to him like hitting him up and you know he said hi and also one time i DM the guy from Fleet Foxes Robin Peck mode and that's my favorite band of all time and he responded back so just virtual winter dance I think the most real experience you know getting a little DM back is meaningful yes it is the most surreal one I've had probably is with Steve oh yeah like having steve-o because before we shot that video with him he came over to our house and we were in our living room like shooting the [ __ ] about YouTube pranksters and stuff right and I was it was just so [ __ ] sir cuz I grew up watching Jack like we all did right mm-hmm Steve owes a legend one he's sitting in my living room when we're talking [ __ ] about like Fatali making fun of this guy and I was just like so outside myself being like this is so weird hanging out with Steve right yeah it's like you don't even know yet to stop and say [ __ ] yeah I don't want to be weird but it's just like what even is my life right now man alright so it keeps hitting me up - oh so we need to do this video quick our fans are always asking about it the rock star has been number one for a minute some apple meat yeah yeah if not on Apple in my heart alright so I got so much stuff that I want to get to today we have so many videos and stories and scoops to watch we're gonna have so much fun here today let's go and do that ad break and then get into well let me let's start with this first story cuz I start with this first one you remember Patrice Wilson yeah okay then where this one the weirdest one this [ __ ] creeped me out it's gotta be [ __ ] pretty weird I think you and everyone watching is gonna be shot okay yeah don't stand I need a cigarette I'm not overselling this you guys I swear to God okay yeah let's go I needed [ __ ] need to settle my nerves so Patrice Wilson for those of you who don't know he makes like he made Friday he made Friday he made all these videos with this little blonde girl Allison gold very pet Oh weird creepy vibes and all them we made a lot of videos making fun of him a long time ago so recently just a couple of days ago he erased all the videos on his channel and he all he has now is a live stream a live one live stream with a countdown I'm gonna I'm gonna pull it up right now hang out one sex but hold on it gets weird or not it's kind of dad that's the question here Patrice Willis I don't know why I don't have this link you don't have the link this is so inappropriate with me oh yeah here it is oh he changed the [ __ ] yeah here it is okay alright so here is he erased all of his videos he changed the logo of his channel to the shadowy creepy icon okay it's him in a hood and look at the title it's counting down until December 1st that's turned in 19 hours and look at this cryptic [ __ ] it just says it's like a bunch of gibberish and then at the end it says h3h3 what do you think the weirdest part is like this shadowy icon he looks like player unknown like how do I get a better look at that yeah he's a ring Wraith and I don't know what this is he like blocked out the eyes that's a video we've made oh yeah right okay yeah videos that's from the LCC that's a great song that's number one of my Chinese stuff like a pan that was cuddling her so like what oh there's a hundred people watching this right now it's very entertaining stream by the way a shout out to our new video which is currently in the sidebar educational videos hey got him got him oh wow okay I need to login to ie to catch up is from yesterday I'm will hold it against you well it should I be concerned about this what it is changed he's watching you eat it and just change what if it says something what if it says something just wait until something else comes up it was like I'm freaked out somebody says maybe it was hacked but I don't know he seems like a pretty tech savvy guy okay and so somebody manually just changed them huh well it's bad how could he react that fast huh wait it's just cycling between them is it though yeah oh my god you here what is that creepy [ __ ] screen dude I have chosen that screen is so creepy it's like a CD screen like a screen with like guck and he was just moving behind it no it's not a screen [Laughter] should I remove this that's a real screen that's actually a live screen are you sure yes what I'm freaked out I'm legitimately scared should I close this probably I don't know what if he comes out with like a kid's head and then what yeah I'll find out later I'll find out later we were looking at it yesterday and it was just black with the contact he's watching did he bait me what because he put a ch3 in the title did he bait me into putting that like he expected my reaction to to show this on the podcast like well if he was doing that why would he just move behind the screen weird why wouldn't he come out and say 'i hate you he's gonna kill us both on December 1st Oh me not you me and you I I am legitimately thought about my what security you sure yes okay yeah what's the best card for home security shotgun that's what I've heard oh my get a shot he put it under my bed yeah that's what my uncle says he it's Friday Friday little less than a week or two weeks before December first takes 10 days to get one in California I do I have a felony in my past is that a problem I don't think so these days what does it mean no which is a stupid rule anyways wait you can't buy if you have no in California that's weird they're like California has the worst laws that's so strange you're like if you've been to sitting like this guy that happen recently I don't wasn't in California the guy who was dishonorably discharged for like yeah he was in California yeah so he I don't know it was in California but I heard about this guy he's like yeah you can buy a gun but if you ever smoked weed in your life we don't trust you crazy all right let's take a break I need to get some fresh air after I'm we were just he's watching more creepy Patrice I'm sorry dude I was all in good fun I wish you the best I think you're talented guy I although I've made fun of you in the past you know I think you're really talented filmmaker and please don't murder me and whatever you have on that curtain maybe it's better that you just keep that to yourself you're dead he's coming after all of us he's but a challenge if you're watching confirm change the title to h3 h3 - post Malone also we're gonna check back after the break and see if he updated that until then guys a quick word from our sponsors and and we will be right back thank you thank you - and VMT oh my god oh look at this beautiful watch that actually looks so good on you thank you pulling it off and VMT watches pronounced movement was founded on the belief that style shouldn't break the bank the watchmakers goal is to change the way consumers think about fashion by offering a high-quality minimalist product at a revolutionary price changing the world without chopping off heads nice or maybe a couple heads can roll but with the quality and price at this mhm you know it's it's worth the cost you gotta crack a couple eggs with over a million watches sold to customers in 160 plus countries around the world I wonder why they do the plus and not just say specific it's probably 161 what with 161 countries around the world movement watches has solidified itself as the world's fastest growing watch company guys listen up we get the holiday shopping can be tough but thanks to 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extreme pretty dramatic but it's been so long it's like dude the window is gone kind of right so maybe not maybe that's just how long it takes to build like a nail bomb he's been working on oh he's got like he's got this crazy disc track and then the footage is all like hidden camera footage peeking in our window at our house what was that I guess 50 cent went and checked up on someone I don't remember who it was but their mom at work she was like napping and he was in there I don't want to freaked out I don't know so every time you've heard a little weird noise at night in our house no no you know nothing like what not we all like do not get my head I'm not talking about Patrice I'm talking about maybe it's just like a little crack yeah when the temperature goes down or Rises yeah nature but we have another mystery to work through explain that one okay so today we came here to the office uh-huh and then the table over there it was empty except for this paper and no one knows no one knows where I came from fold it up brand-new a memo from 2012 about Mathnasium yeah nothing easier isn't Mathnasium like a math website it's a yeah that's a chain they have brick-and-mortar stores folded up neatly on our table the only person here was Dan and he you know he says it wasn't him well that's a weird thing to have 2012 all employees bereavement pay is calculated based on the bit they're talking about bereavement pay and then they're talking about jury doo doo doo dee doo doo doo so what is it letter about it's a memo all employees who wish to take off due to the death of immediate family members should notify their superiors immediately how many how many people are dropping dead in the family here mo is this related why is it there I don't know and I have no idea why it was like brand-new like just like you know one fold like that what's on our desk wasn't a wrinkled what desk right outside that day at that coffee table so who is it related to this dream well no jokes aside like I'm really genuinely don't understand how this got there and he doesn't no no no I did tell him if there was an investigation that would be the first guy yeah he would be the suspect for sure who Dan she comes here I don't know that he then is it you and then he took dance kind of taking a long time to respond yeah yeah why did it take so long any updates on the Wilson aider weird yeah so in the in the description of that video there's a bunch of links and I clicked on one of them in a post video came up no no you're kidding no not what it's not the top result but like you click on this link dude you're [ __ ] you're a nice with us and that should spin they're down I don't think he changed okay I'm gonna come out and look at it real quick I'll put it up hold up I don't want I want to look at it I don't want it to be stuck there okay so Austin's gonna come check that out we'll report tot yeah when you're out there Austin talking to the mics ex describe your situation damp give him the mic so everyone can follow along with his amazement so describe what you're seeing out there Austin give him the mic did you find the chat or at least one person is saying it's not a loop okay we're pretty far down oh yeah how about that but it also comes up with minecraft adventure time but that's weird yeah people in the chat are saying it's not a loop by the way no you're on his [ __ ] hit list you're an associate you're an accomplice get some shotguns on the door I told I told you I'm like let's be gone on December 1st let's be out of town on December 1st yeah I don't want to be in any location that I rigged it's like that scene from Lord of the Rings are you scared not nearly enough three first one yeah start Lord of the Rings yeah Fellowship of the Ring yeah Fellowship all right let's move on so here have you heard of Boston Dynamics no so these guys make AI robot well not AI but they make these incredible robots okay they were bought recently by Google okay watch this this is a new video of theirs look at this thing these are gonna kill us all someday and if it near future I mean I could do that watch this hold on did you do hey God oh dude he's got so much spring here stuck the way what do you think about that why does he need to do back foot why does he need to be able to do it back for some day these these like Jackie Chan ass robots are gonna be dodging bullets why does he need that's the whole thing though why does he need to be able to do a back foot so actually what they're doing is they're building the super yes yes for military use powerful or for like transporting goods their physical gymnastic robots they're gonna they're gonna compete in the Olympics next year really yeah they're gonna be the American team they just dress it say I'm a human but they're gonna weaponize the [ __ ] of it that's yeah essentially and like here watch this one this is you and you want to know why you want to know why these robots are gonna kill us Sunday let me show you what the [ __ ] they're doing to these poor robot look at this [ __ ] you think this robots not gonna remember this you think he's not gonna remember this we're all gonna die because of this [ __ ] with the hockey stick why can you only walk that fast see he can do the lips and [ __ ] no I mean even though the other guy was a lack of that fast he's not the bakflip robot it's a different that that's the team 3000 this is the t10 do you seriously think that this robot is not gonna remember the ship leave him alone man is he gonna get up probably they always get up and they never forget this is being controlled or no this is all self oh my god do not bully this robot because he does not forget he's pleased over it he's sick of his [ __ ] strip club he's sick of this [ __ ] dude to the Robo bar and that he's free he's free at last there's so many uh-oh the way he got up was crazy one like watch this [ __ ] if you want to be creeped out well it was like a thousand videos playing now they taking over yeah how's this make you feel that's a robot mm-hmm he's terrifying okay they got him right in the middle of the uncanny valley like right just think the way that he moves how do you feel about this this guy he opens your door he's in your hallway doing exactly this motion he takes off the mask you expect it to be a robot it's Patrice Wilson jumping jacks what are you doing oh oh we've got we got a development on oh no no no no my stomach just Chuck what happened I didn't want that what happened tell me it's like a live stream now of looks like a cell phone feed in a forest what yeah you got to see this I don't know should I put in I guess I have to yeah if it's like a kid's head we'll just edit it out and post I'm like anxious alright okay I'm pulling I'm pulling it up this shit's creepy man Patrice what are you doing why are you doing this he's got a audience now oh no it is these are cell phones feed what are you doing that trees why is it sideways so you know he's a phone you idiot this is like from a horror movie is this why is he going to church is that a church who's buried in that house dude what are you doing that's a church oh my god it's a [ __ ] Church is it no maybe it looks like Scott is like steeple yeah but it looks very residential at the same time there's a ladder in the back it's very chairs you were scared what it's Patrice if you're listening can you just can you correct that what's gonna be in the house dude should we watch this there we go where does he live I have no [ __ ] I mean last I I knew he was in LA but this does not look like LA oh this is a house oh no I'm so terrified dude he's just gonna cut it off so there's a ladder he's walking up behind a house it's it looks very rural looks very country it's very very stuttering there's a lot of lag I guess here's a pork there's another house right next to it let's but it's kind of I mean it doesn't look like la it's a nice house for sure very wooded are we just gonna see it dick all this and he's gonna like put in his pants or something if he's he gonna go in this house to murder someone oh man at what point do we close this I mean it's not what he's going in what do you think I don't know you're goes I'm alone how much can you tolerate I don't know this is gone this is real though yeah yeah I mean ghosts are like one thing but this is what is this blue [ __ ] there's a tarp he walked around the back he's in the backyard there's a zoomed he zoomed in on the garage it's not your house that's not my own Oh trust me I would be fired beyond he's zooming in slowly on some red object in the garage white you'll are you afraid of actually seeing something or you just think this is a waste that's creepy why is there ladders everywhere on the house there's literally ladders everywhere he's climbing up one of the ladders but it looks like wait he looks like a home-invasion thing cuz he has a ladder going up to the balcony no but you could just walked up the stairs right but yeah I guess you're right why what the [ __ ] dude do I close this semester's oh I saw Han I saw a hand I saw Patricia's hand it was a black told you he was gonna cut it off didn't I it'll be back he tried he changed the font okay I'm not I can't watch I saw his hand it's definitely him cuz we were saying maybe it's a hacker but I saw you guys it was his hand was a black man's hand what there's only one black man it's Patrice I mean it looked like oh my god alright alright I'm gonna close this Dan Kim let us know if there's any updates oh my god it's got a audience so if you're gonna do some weird [ __ ] Patrice we don't wait for that count then all right I'm closing it you lost your chance have you ever seen that how do we move on past this I think we just do Patrice watch let's do it but tonight let's let's make him angry let's not let's let's provoke him these statements are endorsed by Austin wrote the script for the show this is all endorsed by him all right so did you hear about a hard hard shift here 180 have you heard about the new Star Wars game for iea yeah battle was it called - how it's like apparently they're just [ __ ] everybody over with DLCs what do you mean the game costs 80 bucks first of all the whole day it's just to buy the retail copy the normal game yeah 80 bucks really and so the normal is 60 when I actually am interested in playing this game by 80 bucks it's like get real okay no problem so basically there's so much DLC in this eighty dollar game it doesn't even include Darth Vader as a playable character you have to either play for like a thousand plus hours to earn the credits to unlock him or pay like an additional 50 bucks to unlock him okay there's 4000 plus dollars of DLC content to fully unlock this $80 game really 1600 maybe I saw the collector's edition but anyway so everyone was complaining like services posted on reddit so seriously he only pulled up I paid seriously I paid $80 selves a door locked and so the developers responded and this response has entered the internet Hall of Fame it's the most disliked comped comment of all time - 676 thousand good they go the intent is to provide players with a sense of pride and an accomplishment for unlocking different heroes sips beer as for cost we selected initial values based upon the data from the open beta someone said I wonder if I worked at Burger if Burger King wants to sell me a sense of pride and accomplishment by making me work ten hours for my [ __ ] fries so these and then if that's not bad enough you know boogie right yeah so he was streaming playing him to the game enjoying it like a good boy trying to earn credits to unlock Vader or whoever else watch this clip having a lot of fun more credits available in three hours Wow it's like an app it's a proof freemium we're sorry you were enjoying our Kaede mode too much so we have to stop giving you prizes I'm sorry I'm sorry were you enjoying arcade mode because you have to wait three hours now to get more credits out of arcade mode what the [ __ ] so he's [ __ ] [ __ ] me what's that well this $60 game is now being treated like a freemium mobile game yeah can you believe these four these [ __ ] guys at EA so this is it I'm boycott I actually really want to play this game it looks really fun but I don't know I mean this said like I don't like it then they're at love Star Wars but the thing that I don't like about it is you don't reload and that's what really pisses me off you got it adds a new element of strategy well no yeah reloading is just satisfying and also its lasers like I want I want like ballistic all right you know you know into the future you want you want gunpowder it's the ground yeah boots on the ground kind of guy yeah but in the future certainly they'll have to reload I mean lasers what you got a energy yeah exactly reload your energy cells come on energy cell get with it idiots that's so anyway I thought that was interesting yeah that's crazy it is a [ __ ] it's like [ __ ] clash of clans or whatever yeah it's clashing $60 clash of clans do we have any calls I guess not where I'm having a problem with discord eh is that what's going on out there oh yeah how was a I thought you were in idubbbz contact Cobb obviously how was that he's awesome yeah that was it was after that night I think oh so the real that was fueled by real emotions and because he came he drove from here to LA to here or not LA where he lives hmm to her to Vegas yeah and I had just gone to bed and like 10 minutes later he calls me he barely has been knocking at my door oh he's such a good guy and his girlfriend is super sweet that's awesome and that's cool rice gum used didn't he was like a rock star something he's one of your songs and his response yeah with the with the money counter yes yeah yeah she's good his lawyers on them yeah Jake Paul there's a god that guy is like so drama prone man like there's this new beef where the Martinez twins with these twink little Spanish boys okay yeah a spicy little twinks oh god I'd like to get them both together in a dark room behind a curtain a couple ladders probably probably their house a couple ladders in the garage but apparently he was like bowling them or some she he called them be nurse or something damn I was like I was like they're not even Mexican idiot they're Spanish that's crazy that's crazy you hit me up recently jakey yeah I think so he said sorry if I offended you and I said hey man it's all good would they be offended like when we did the blood whenever he I guess when he came to my house oh okay that's nice but it was a very I felt like it was a very heartfelt apology and I said okay that's good that's nice creig's definitely crazy [ __ ] going on oh yeah that guy can't get although his brother Logan it's like super start I went to Dubai you I should pull all that crazy crazy I feel weird watching those I don't know why cuz it's all a bunch of kids and the way he just walks up there and he's like I know you all love me good I know like he doesn't he doesn't have any discernible talent like he's not singing he's not dancing no dope what did I say singing singing he's he's not singing he's dancing no none of those things but he just walks out there he's got no skill he's just like hey I'm a guy on a stage and everyone's just like oh touch my stop short with me and he just he loves it it's weird how willing he is to accept all the pubescent love do you know what I mean he'll it's pretty weird it's bro great Teen Mania teen me it's a weird phenomenon I got the sense that they bust some kids in from Dubai funding on us really yes to here no because he did the world's largest fan meet right in Dubai and there was like 10,000 screaming adolescents there but the whole thing was feel like no kids live in Dubai I feel like it's all like older ballers yeah it's just ballers and slaves in like big-ass bottles of vodka like this [ __ ] giant towers that those are the children's little big vodka bottles in like a stroller there no I want to go though it seems super fun I'm scared there they don't [ __ ] around they're like hardcore theocracy you know if you stare at a lady wrong or so show too much shoulder there they'll put you in an unmarked grave in an unmarked grave what did I say I thought she said Audemars grave because it's be very bothered they're gonna ice your grave out but you know that's the problem I don't know I'm where I'm weird about Dubai cause like they legitimately have slave laborers there because they bring in from Asian countries reportedly they steal their passport and don't let them leave and like building the what's the name of that giant building the Porsche whatever I don't know but is that the building that's in the clouds yeah it's the tallest building the world by far that's [ __ ] crazy and so like thousands of immigrant workers died building that thing like [ __ ] just words of people dying there's literally you know when you think of medieval castles like schools and bodies other day yeah that's what that is or something like crazy they just leave him there too it's really weird leave them there yeah they're just bodies that oh in medieval times no that's at the boars it's crazy is there any way no there's not graves are I status [ __ ] though I'm ashamed for you they're building like artificial islands see it's crazy over there man they have like an island shaped like a palm tree I wonder if someday they'd just go broke and it's like the ultimate ghost town just like the weirdest ghost town it like isn't it the richest place I think so yeah they're killing it'd be fun yeah it would be fun to go there I am legitimately scared those guys don't have like we get to fight Emirates to get it and get like a whole room exactly hot shower that's nice yeah let's switch it up here let's let's lighten it up here bit oh my god let's switch off of unmarked graves and get right into the goofs that sound like a diarrhea from real it is you can see she looks over like [ __ ] this [ __ ] will not ruin my day I love in her face like her mouth is watering like the minister oh I hate that feeling do you puke a lot no I don't puke a lot but I you know what I'm gonna puke yeah I peek readily yeah I mean you know when like yeah I'm sensitive guy emotionally and physically but that feeling when the water starts building up yeah like a jolly rancher you're like [ __ ] you know what's happening I'm gonna have to throw up I wasn't puked he's never puked yeah in your life mm-hmm even as a baby well that she knows of okay because that's like like semi-pro you see that movie no like you never puked in your life doctors were amazed is Will Ferrell and frankly it to me it's concerning I remember once in college you were super drunk and you felt really sick and I was worried about you and I was like to just puke and she's like I can't puke yeah that's why I started shoving fingers down her throat to make her puke we were at her friend's house and we went in the bathroom together lock the door people are like oh they're probably [ __ ] I'm shoving my fingers down her throat trying to make her puke she she'd wanna puke and my all my time no you've never puke it's concern yeah that's crazy you probably have a lot of toxins I don't know and I've gotten drunk to the point of like blacking out right you know crazy when HeLa gets really drunk now it doesn't happen that often but like in New York because the last time I got super drunk I blacked out and was pretty scary it was horrifying Kerry yard yeah in New York we were hanging out with John and we were drinking this like sailor gin like 50% alcohol yard so we were hitting that we got we did like three shots and that's it oh yeah done and so she's blocked out she can't even stand I carry her up the reef flights the stairs I'm I'm worried about her I put her in the bed and because I know she can't puke she's just digesting at all and so I'm not sleeping I just keep checking her pulsing [ __ ] right you ever is that ever happen you someone's so drunk next to in the bed and you're like I hope no okay a unique experience I just wake up to it if anything yeah but last time I threw it wasn't Iceland oh I woke up and I threw up all over the bed Oh like literally all over the bed and it was it was nasty so you had puked and passed out and then woke up no I I woke up I passed out woke up and then threw up and in the middle and I packed it up like Santa's like sack the bad boys yeah this barf yeah throwing up sucks ass I hate it I didn't throw up once on tour nice this time good job yeah I wanted to but I have a couple of times you wanted real wood all right we've got one commercial coming up let's go there and we'll get back we got so much to talk about Patrice what is he up to there's ghosts gasps boobs laughs ahead don't go away we will be right back and next we've got tri wink you've got to try wink that's their that's their domain try wink calm /h three guys let me give you a task pick out a wine that you're gonna love but here's a catch it has to be one that you haven't had before where would you start well let me give you a lead introducing wink spelled WI and C week makes it easy to discover great wine because wink wine experts select wines match to your taste personalized for you ship right to your door and starting at just $13 a bottle there's nothing like coming home to a box of delicious wink wine selected just for you it's the best day of your month that's damn it's a rough rough month just like [ __ ] I cannot wait to get home and just crack open that one bottle of wine hopefully III I do hope that you have other highlights of your month but this is gonna be one of them just fill out wink this is my favorite part of this product you go on their website they have a palette profile quiz he answers some simple questions then average your score your store clerk wouldn't ask or translate into a 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leave my house high-five right Ella twitch drops here's a cool thing if you're watching somebody play on twitch this game and you're logged in you can get free items by watching them stream oh my god the future is now I'm halfway up to being beamed up to the singularity in the sky unique features we've got Lane systems monthly updates frequent metagame patches new cards every month please runes prophecies color attributions ah learn about yourself go there and make an account at Bethesda dotnet my friends you got PvE arenas yeah if you like card games give it a shot Thank You Bethesda Elder Scrolls legends for sponsoring us thank you to all our sponsors if you're in the market for any of that consider supporting our show by supporting our sponsors thank you so much let's get back right into it shall we welcome back everybody the HD podcast here with post Malone and more puking memes we're just doing play-by-play here if you haven't really finished analyze that's the look right there look at her face right here the blonde in the back and your best friend I just want to see the aftermath did the husband look look look over go back let's see if the husband's just locked in here let's do a slaughter you know what let's do a play-by-play here let's let's kick it off to a quarter speed and let's do a really slow motion here there's a lot going on to break down uh the girl on the right she's feeling it she's hoping in her mind she's like she's like please no not like this not like this I love you Becky but I have to puke right now out of any time it could be it's happening oh my god nice little projectile and then on the left I love her the bride is like [ __ ] not today not today that's crazy I admire her a building to just swing back don't be like yeah it took her like two one second and now she's like nope my vows must continue lovely she was still looking at it saying the vows love will overcome days our love is stronger than one puke way stronger than one singular puke they'll be they'll have a happy that's crazy so then in the spirit of more pee I have another puking video this one let's start normal speed and we'll slow down Timo Herriman that door Gomez de la política Savio don't look at that face he knows you oh my god what did you do last night you [ __ ] weirdo bro his eyes and [ __ ] what looks the best is there's a countdown on the back so this could have been the end of the interview good guy so this guy is first rodeo he puked like huge like a lot in his mouth and I swallowed it back down from whence you came demon you're right probably fighting off I want to see how that woman reacted I feel ridiculousness or something let's go down a quarter speed oh man life before your eyes eight more days you remember when you were a kid ups once it apartments for everyone laughs to you seven you're still here I can't believe it's happening again six not like this he's a machine he's machine five more seconds ago not only did he puke and swallow it he immediately finishes it what you nothing happen nothing to see here folks I gotta see her face this is showing I hope so see like it's these don't give enough backs yeah they were anticipating the puke swallows they just sign off I like that one a lot that's a good one that's a really good one I don't think that I could ever swallow my own puke I I've done it a little bit in it like to hold it back no like a bourbon oh yeah yeah but immediately yeah I've been there and that we know how bad it is right but imaginal oh yeah you know what God for what's better swallowing it or spitting it out on the stage spitting it out there's more taking a full load I was gonna say I hope God gives me the strength to swallow my own puke when the moment comes I mean quick reaction time on him somewhere somewhere I wish the minister had that willpower mmm just swallow it down you know she stole the show that was a more appropriate time to smoke I wish had more puking video that's all of God you just threw up in front of God God's like did on my doorstep the threshold when she dies and she's at the pearly gates Paul's gonna be like you think I didn't [ __ ] see that [ __ ] didn't allow pukers up here you gotta wonder why though why did they both throw up what's the react I don't fit was nerves or a rough night the night before I think for him it was nerd nerves nerds there's a difference yeah his just kind of came up heard you could see the water you know all right she probably went man that explains the bride's reaction in a way because she was partying with her the night before and she's like Becky don't [ __ ] you [ __ ] you're getting married and I'm single yeah I never get married nobody loves me Becky you're gonna find a nice guy next day pukes guess what now she not get fun it's like to be one of these people in these videos people hanger oh you mean like that's your only claim to fame right that beef mmm really but I mean think about like the dating life for them like by the way getting into this relationship I want you to know there's a video of you throwing up it says live Minister [ __ ] wedding it says if you did porn big thing you fight someone's like dude I want to put your girlfriend like what she doing porn like no she's growing up you betrayed my trust by not telling me about that video I'm so glad I'm not single you got to worry about your prospective girlfriend being in puke videos okay let me let me let me ask you this is a real tone change okay but I you you were close friends with little people yeah yeah that was sad man yeah that was [ __ ] up I met him in in London and he's such a [ __ ] good dude and he was really he was really like such a good guy such a talented [ __ ] dude and he was gonna [ __ ] change music for [ __ ] ever and it socks dude it sucks I saw that video of him like his last video of him what does an ex OH his friend was recording did you see that I was I didn't want to watch it it sucks it's [ __ ] sad his friend was recording that huh it sucks it's [ __ ] trashed it's where people were saying that he committed suicide but I didn't see that at all he just seems like he took too many xanax no no it was caught with something he was laced with something with fentanyl and the girl who gave it to him is in custody I guess what so so there was like foul play I don't know but I mean [ __ ] anybody can go and buy a pill press yeah Wow 25 bucks crazy it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] I [ __ ] love that kid man sucks ass rip really cool thing man like rip blow people [ __ ] [ __ ] I mean I think in a way it's important that people realize how dangerous that [ __ ] is well here's the whole here's my whole issue and I think it's [ __ ] up that he literally had just passed and all the people on the internet on Twitter and [ __ ] we're like here kids this is an example stop [ __ ] glorifying drugs and [ __ ] right hip hop and [ __ ] but it's not like anybody asked to to get hooked on [ __ ] and you know be have you know issues within yourself that something makes you feel better and you can't help it so the student just [ __ ] died and everybody takes it as a as a prime opportunity to to shame people who may have issues with drugs well instead of supporting them like saying it's gonna be alright like we'll figure this out mmm and I think that's what the fucked-up part is that's a really good point that's what we always talk about addiction as well is that like it doesn't just take a drug right and you can try a drug and you'll be fine you don't get addicted immediately it's you gotta have really that's what like if you if you this is extreme example but if you shoot up heroin once your life is ruined and it's like well you don't you don't generally get addicted to drugs unless you have something underneath that your treat you're medicating yourself for right I think that's a very it's a very wise way to think about it I think I just think it's fun he's gonna [ __ ] change it I mean [ __ ] but sucks he's a good guy sucks ass rip for real [ __ ] you pour out what yeah you brought a little beer for it just look up for your computers in remotes in label machine in can you come clean up this mess please I'm kidding you can leave it on the table in spirit alright let's watch some more videos yeah it's a it's a downer it's hard to talk about this I think like I only knew him for a little bit but mmm more than what like a genuine good real true person that he was his music was was gonna change like the culture of everything like already shifting culture in such a short like period of time that you know he was you know like kind of on I guess and but he's just an incredible talented dude and good guy I was watching videos him on stage he was good man like yeah [ __ ] fantastic you know I said okay whatever I don't wanna get too deep into it but rip yeah probably I'll leave with what you said I think that was that was very wise because you're never gonna stop drug addiction you give the treat you have to it's a dollar for the person yeah it's everybody situation is different mm-hm and you know say like why would you [ __ ] like he just died like a kid just died and this is your this is when you choose to shame people who may or may not use drugs you know what I mean it's just it's [ __ ] people are [ __ ] I think people are pieces of [ __ ] I think they they mean well in it they're just like they're just stupid they mean well you know because you don't you don't generally think about xanax is like a dangerous drug although I guess it is starting to me yeah you know prescriptions yeah I mean there's an epidemic now prescription drugs are [ __ ] killing people but I don't know if it wasn't that'd be something else people got problems they take it yeah you right it's all it's all the person I mean like people like I had I had a struggle like whenever I first came out here and it is [ __ ] I didn't have any money I didn't have nothing and I would just [ __ ] get weird like do crazy [ __ ] and drink and [ __ ] two xan's and [ __ ] and I don't do it anymore because I realized that it's not a good path but like if someone was there you know instead to [ __ ] shame me but you know be there like as a friend you know I just wish more people were like that instead of thinking like they know it all you know what I mean it's so easy to say oh you should do this this is bad but it's not fair for you to say that because you don't know what someone's going through you know what I mean for sure yeah that's how I feel cool got any memes dude I got memes for days man I'm a broker mean broker kind of memes means I got one on deck here have you heard of Elsa gate mmm-hmm this kind of it like annoyed me a little bit okay because I've been talking about this [ __ ] for so long how kids channels are sick depraved garbage on YouTube why doesn't the Wall Street Journal write about that [ __ ] I think they know okay but I've been taught I've made so many videos about this over the time and now everyone is like yo h3 you need to make another Elsa video and it's like feel like I'm just beating a dead horse right at this point but now the media is starting to pick up pick up on it and people have been dating there's like a subreddit lcj and people have been digging into some [ __ ] weird really weird [ __ ] like it sweeter well it's always been weird but let me show you some of these like thumbnails oh so this is a popular kids show look at this thumb up so here's one called Elsa and Peter missunderstand eating [ __ ] and in the thumbnail these kids are eating [ __ ] out of the toilet eating [ __ ] it's the name of the video this is monetized yes probably it was on the kids app bike I imagine I mean has 134 thousand views Elsa's forced slavery and club strippers and they're crying on a stripper pole half a million views from one month ago this one like let me explain how the YouTube algorithm works these videos in general but it's specifically these kids videos and do not get like these channels either the videos have like 500 views or millions right and it just depends on if the algorithm picks it up and promotes it because these kids sit on their tablets and it's just scroll auto place through videos all day okay well S&M one so this one this S&M one has six point million views in two weeks that's cool though that means most likely it was mom ties and it definitely means it was heavily promoted by YouTube and here is a girl with a web a dude in a speedo being basically dominated by it like a dominatrix and a crying girl with wagga money what the [ __ ] and then to the right of it revenge hypnosis is a she has her on a leash and she's crawling around like it's just weird and so it's just strange it's stuck it's weird and it's sexual here's one where the kids are drinking piss that kids peeing they're just I think well look at this they're abducting this girl that's on the bottom left you have Mickey Mouse Mickey and Minnie Mouse what there's there's a girl gagged and taped and bound and they're abducting her eight hundred twenty thousand views and then to the right of it is spider-man with a stiletto fetish being stepped on by Elsa's stilettos so these are all reminiscent of really dark weird porn fetishes they're real what the [ __ ] and so people are theorizing that this [ __ ] is all run and somewhat of a front buff for actual pedophilia rings we're real a child sex rings or whatever right so there's some it not correct there's not really really good evidence but there's some compelling stuff though yeah here I'll show this [ __ ] gets really weird but I mean these thumbnails is enough this is weird because you you wouldn't make these thumbnails and put it on unless you were trying weird to be sick yeah this is an accident you know this isn't made by a full-grown person yeah this is a legit business you're animating yeah yes they're putting a lot of resources these are grown these are adults making this and a big operation so let me pull up some of those yeah here's a comment from one of these videos this [ __ ] is honestly pretty disturbing here guys make the episode that she is all naked will be banned yeah so there so okay that that one's not that weird let me show you we'll be Ben Warren Rushmore back real are the ones are Russian so this [ __ ] so somebody links a moment from the video and at that time stamp according to this person I haven't clicked it the little girl is shown touching herself between the legs in the comments they linked to that moment and the guy says I'm glad someone else knows that too smiley face she does it at two so sweet I could help her out with that for sure a tongue could do her so well so these are the these are not kids watching this [ __ ] these are [ __ ] creeps and there's there's whole genres with millions of views on YouTube of little girls first of all this is there's nothing wrong with a kid in a bathing suit right but sometimes there's these channels where they're in skimpy little bathing suits and there seems like they're making kid content real kids yeah for kids and it's like innocent enough but then you see you're like who is actually watching this [ __ ] I'm sure some kids are but when you see comments like this you're like what the [ __ ] we are what those are actually going on here right what this is [ __ ] crazy there's a lot more there's uh yeah here let me go let me go you the Elsa gates subreddit and show you the top post there well let's go down the meme hole on this one so let me sort by top of all time here yeah it's it's it's super super disturbing stuff so we looked at that one drinking beer so this one is coded gibberish comments so these guys when you go to these videos you'll see that there's just a bunch of gibberish typed out like Oh half the comas are all gibberish and the explanation you frequently hear is like it's just kids slamming the keyboard and it's just total nonsense comment yeah I read perfect English can't really write it even though I can read it and understand like some words I'm just gonna well comment and then it's like two-year-old who's just pushing buttons that's what I can say right and so this guy theorized that there are codes for example here's an example of a common I found on one of the colors videos when type manga into a virtual tied keyboard emulator tie symbols appear instead of English letters and you can got a sentence and tie that is able to be translated for example this shows up like this that goat says I have to go to bed okay that's just an example it's crazy so here you go down let's see here there was one over here was in the comments so here this guy did this one on this comment it's just total gibberish right if you remove the garbage it says see you soon parking lot bring her what the [ __ ] what okay so what this guy did is he took out a bunch of the stuff see you soon and the parking lot bring her yikes that's crazy so like man let's see there's all kinds of articles about it now and then this is fair there's one of the posters don't let Elsa gate become pizza gate he's saying like let's not get carried away right because there's probably a problem here let's not divulging the total conspiracy theory but and then like look at this [ __ ] this is all different channels thumbnails they're all the same [ __ ] of this clip of drinking piss so they think that there's actually one huge organization that would make sense it's exactly the same stuff look at this yeah that's Chris about twenty or thirty thumbnails here which are all derivatives of the same same format there's a wall one dudes peeing in it the other person is drinking on the other side but they're technically from different channels yes they're all different channels according to this post I mean there is a phenomenon YouTube where people always steal thumbnails like right but I mean this weird look how similar it is yeah same wall I've seen so I'm planning I'm actually planning a video about this and I don't there's videos the Russian shits the weirdest there's this phenomenon we made a video about a while ago where this guy had needles and he was injecting a baby doll there's a whole weird fetish questions the weird guy but I mean glove Garneau with someone else but on Russian YouTube you'll find videos with MIT like tens of millions of views of people role playing with the real kids and giving them real injections and they're screaming and crying and they're strapped down and they're injecting their bare ass real kids yes real kids I just you know whether this shit's true or not I set it on Twitter it's like our new video got D monetized immediately it had a little side boob on it and I blurted out I painstakingly blurred every detail out and it was immediately demonetised they're like d monetizing all tv-ma content and meanwhile the [ __ ] they're showing the kids is the most depraved [ __ ] I've ever seen you gotta emphasize that it was do monetized after they reviewed it right it's not yeah everyone thinks like well wait for them to review I uploaded it 24 hours ahead of time it was demonetized I requested a manual review and they Dumont yeah they cut the montage but new one yeah one that we just supposed to do I'll be the judge of that yeah yeah yeah you'd be the judge of that tell me what you think about that anyway what the [ __ ] I'm gonna go I'm gonna go down deeper down that rabbit hole in our upcoming video thank you sure it's crazy it's there's there it's probably mostly just weird garbage but there's some percentage hiding within the normal [ __ ] that is doing some weird I think we're gravy creepy [ __ ] if it's one organization that's crazy it's gotta be I think people are so sick how do you [ __ ] like it's [ __ ] weird how do you what's wrong with people man like I feel like more than ever I'm so disillusioned like this whole Harvey Weinstein thing right like this guy's straight up raping people for decades and he's just like oh I'm gonna go to my job the next tomorrow and and make a movie and not even like worry about it and every 10 minutes there's a new one of someone else I'm getting like fatigued I'm getting sex offender fatigue it's crazy wearing a [ __ ] crazy place have you a weird stories the things you've seen um I feel like I'm not high level enough mm-hmm right once you get to that like jay-z pool party [ __ ] something like that jay-z is probably good but there's some weirdos any Patrice updates okay it doesn't rotate anymore who's how you should see if anybody can like super sleuth that look in the comments see but yeah yeah see if do we have questions let's take a call let me take a call know whose house that is okay cool I'm gonna take a call we have got on the line saying that he was showing like a shower too I got I'm the lizard yeah on the stream hold on one sec let's touch that after we take this call from I am The Lizard King what okay yep yo but I that's good wait wait so my question is for post e okay so what is something you wish someone told you before you joined the music industry um I don't know I wish somebody told me how much work it was gonna be like yeah yeah you know it's like my favorite thing you know is being in the studio and everything and that's at that point it doesn't even feel like a job but you know whenever you're going around doing promo and like you know meeting and greeting you know everybody from different companies different everything that's the part where it gets exhaust all the other yeah and it's just I wish somebody told me how much interviews suck because it's like you know they ask you the same questions over and over again I hate that yeah I mean not that experience that but I hate repeating right yeah you know and you try to come up with a different answer every time but at the end of the story yeah yeah yeah it's like dude just be like everybody I just had this interview with this other guy just go watch that we're good yeah exactly as I say video yeah just not say anything in the show video about my answers oh my god that's yeah I bet you there's so much extra [ __ ] yeah it's a lot what's to stop you from just being like no more press I'm just going to see already got that really yeah after the tour I'm locked off I'm here you gotta focus on your craft at some point I have to finish my album yeah everyone's waiting for the beer bongs mentally I'm ready Rock coming by gonna be done I'm gonna finish it this week really is it gonna be out this week no be out December you got to do some posts on December 1st at midnight that'd be insane viral marketing yeah it was all me the whole time here's one I got Facebook is listening okay first of all let me preface this by saying one as you all know I despise Facebook I think they are the Antichrist an evil company they're run by sociopaths Mark Zuckerberg er is a sweater wearing [ __ ] robotic look at me doing human things right there's that one video of him and everyone's got VR goggles on I think we washed it together maybe what pull this up before Mark but Artie this video beer demo yeah where's this [ __ ] he's like oh this [ __ ] is funny this isn't what I was looking for but it's great okay there's this AI news channels that just auto-generate news clips with AI voices and other B staffers pulled off on Tuesday I don't care with the Red Cross right so we're gonna partner up with right let's okay just explain the video anyway it doesn't matter it's hard to explain but this this one we're about to watch and just by the title of the video I already know that it's real because it just happened like what happened you so I ordered I ordered this thing is listening to us all the time yeah but I a bunch of stuff from 511 and they make like tactical clothes the great brand very cool stuff and I was talking about it like oh I'm so excited to get my five eleven stuff around Ben who is my assistant and it's like next day he gets an advertisement for 511 I mean I'm trying to do it with four-wheelers I want to buy a four-wheel right so this is exactly what this guy's showing and his finish it and Facebook is so [ __ ] creepy like they know no boundaries like as a company I think they're artistic I know they're the people who run an artistic artistic and they don't understand like what's not right like just having your phone to listen to people without telling them so you can honor them and she's not rightly so now don't understand that watch this [ __ ] by the way take this with a grain of salt because there there's no definitive proof in this video but it is compelling definitely happens to me is my wife it's not surprising for sure so here have a look and we think Facebook is listening to us and taking key words from our conversations and then putting in suggested ads through Facebook pulling funny like when I do a test here nice camera and oh yeah nice nice I be the ugly [ __ ] cat my favorite genre of oblivion cats we never search for cats especially cat food let's find out alright so all day we are going to be talking about cat food because I could use some cat food well the cat is almost out of food so we might need some cat food we should buy some captain I went to into it the wife roleplay you're having a lot of fun and ask if they know where to get cat food and there you have it cat food it's not the most scientific well they got to do another by the way this came in two days later so that's what I found interesting two days later oh no it doesn't happen immediately cuz it's too obvious that the same thing happened to me I can't remember what it was but there was a certain item that we were like talking about and then I got an ad for it and I never typed it in yep I never looked it up I think it's the Alexa does that - they call the Alexa the Amazon did you get rid of it yeah you know it's only kitchen counter but I'm pretty sure that [ __ ] eavesdrops on yes well how would she know if you say Alexa right she's got to have a constant stream of listening what they don't tell you that they send that data back to their servers gotta be I mean you know like we're just hanging out in the living room and in the other completely other room and then she just goes I'm sorry I didn't get that really yeah that's happened several times I keep around though very convenient one time it was really creepy we were just having a random conversation never said anything that sounded like like so and then all of a sudden she was like I'm sorry I didn't understand that she's not I'm sorry I wasn't talking to you sorry she never apologized so anyway I hate Facebook they're they're just evil they're awful I want to erase facebook straight up I'm so over it here's one of the founding members of Facebook what did he do exactly this guy I think it started you think they had plans for it do we like this or do you think it was well that's to just be like this video addresses exactly that question really okay this guy Sean Parker who was the former president of Facebook and he quit with a guilty conscience this guy ran Facebook listen to him talk about it you know if the if the thought process that went into building these applications Facebook being the first of them to really understand it that thought process was all about how do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible and that means that we need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while because someone liked or commented on a photo we're a post or whatever and that's going to get you to contribute more content and that's gonna get you you know more likes and comments it's a it's a valid it's a social validation feedback loop that that it's like I mean it's exactly the kind of thing that a that a hacker like myself would come up with because you're like that it's a self-proclaimed anchor a hacker like myself did I have best faith that dude hacks you have carbo-loading a vulnerability in in human psychology and I just I think they just you know we the inventors creators you know and it's it's me it's mark it's the you know Kevin Systrom and Instagram it's all of these people understood this consciously and we did it anyway so a one had the guy so bastard Batory and a acknowledgment of that you're right you know the founders me these other guys were brilliant and we understood that and we saw it I mean on one hand my reaction is like obviously but on the other hand what is he implying he's saying that the Facebook feed is intentionally built to manipulate people's mood right so if nobody's liked your [ __ ] in a day they're like I want this person stayed hooked so they'll show your post this is what I'm guessing from what he said they'll keep showing your post to people that they know you care about always at the top of your feet until it you get that like that dopamine that keeps you coming back right so it's not like a democratic process they're they're [ __ ] they're intentionally [ __ ] with people they're kind of creepy I think it is creepy you think that when you would scroll down your feet it's like just chronological what people posted and way it used to be it's just it really did that's why I actually liked Facebook back in the day it was chronological and you felt like you were current you understood what was happening but now it's just a nightmare Facebook yeah it's yeah it's like to get you know people hooked like he said like you want you want to be validated he said you know by your peers right so like if you think something is cool and you post it and then you get a like you're like oh okay cool God we're friends he said later or I saw I read in a news report people spend on average 50 minutes a day on Facebook Facebook users and then nuts that's a lot more really yeah right on average I guess I don't know pressure even I probably spend 10 minutes a day and I don't [ __ ] with my girlfriend spends a long time not on Facebook but on Twitter Instagram a long time I like Twitter Instagram I like Twitter a lot I love both of them for different reasons but twitter twitter there's nothing there there's no [ __ ] it's just it is chronological as far as I can tell right it's just people talking yeah people being people people have been people great memes it's just it's not transparent like gone illogical yeah it's but what what's really popular it's not so up to them I hate that I know I think someone doesn't like you guys at YouTube I mean we've long suspected that I think a lot of people there do like us I think the upper upper management there hates us because they see us as anti social justice warrior reactionists they see us as dangerous not I don't think there's so much concern about us being a threat to the platform because we talk about it I think it's a political thing I think I honestly think it's an ideological how are you threat to the platform it doesn't make any [ __ ] sense because we always talk [ __ ] about YouTube and poke holes then I'm gonna watch what can you do anyways I smoking cigarettes is bad for you people so I'm saying I don't think that that's what threatens them it's the ideology of us making fun of like social justice warriors which they need it's weird I did but I genuinely think that's what it is that that they hate about us do you agree you know it's a shame because I'm a very liberal leftist person and and I feel like on the left is a little political you don't have to get involved but the left is like and realizing itself and it's sick like the super far left radicals they cannibalizing their own political allies you know just because I don't think some entitled [ __ ] xarna should be able to harass humungus right no I started noticing her channel [ __ ] with after that whole humongous thing we made a couple of like anti social justice worries we didn't that's when I noticed it our channel getting [ __ ] right hmm anyway let's what see this you're gonna love you're gonna you are gonna absolutely lose your [ __ ] at this video this one's called reek reclaiming the armrest and this guy's a total legend right now let me start from the beginning because it is an important sentence here what up Facebook's you know we're in some [ __ ] [ __ ] now buy a good stuff get ready what's up Facebook's bathroom right now in an airplane and I have a guy sitting next to me that thinks he owns the armrest I'm gonna go back and I'm gonna try to get some video of me showing that if he wants that tussle with the muscle hopefully I get it on camera this guy's about the tussle with the muscle boy bump mom this is these this is Facebook names he does CrossFit too by the way why'd he do it so aggressively hold on is he strong kind of make up facebook video I mean does CrossFit exactly [Music] we just testable with the muscle buddy you just tested with the muscle my dog that's crazy he did I mean that's kind of the reaction that I would have yeah it's not anything to fight over like nothing really yeah what the wall I mean when you tussle with the muscle yeah you're gonna get it yeah yeah that's a good fantastic really um here this one what up Facebook's I need all my videos with that now okay I love how Facebook is now like an individual like there's a bunch of love y'all out there oh you're looking at my facebook I love Facebook's follow that guy he seems like a laser in the real legend he seems like a cool dad right yeah very cool dad I love cool dad memes any news it's for the camera me there you guys I was working through that my head I was talking this this next video goes out to everybody who hates their job okay because as much as you hate your job it could be worse just remember that and that I feel bad for whoever's job this is because a parent record it's what I just said this is as bad as it gets okay no oh my god that's not full screen I want to go now this video doesn't go anywhere this is it imagine it's Monday 8:30 a.m. you drag your ass out you got a cup of coffee you're getting paid minimum wage probably maybe a little bit over just pumps it through the soul crush and you have to confront these up heat-seeking [ __ ] and then they say steel looks like a case of the Mondays whole office fish joke like this there's workplaces like this I would probably uh I think I'm good so no matter who you are wherever you work it could be worse I cannot thank you to me that's how I just don't think songs belong in the workplace maybe later maybe later in the evening right and you know that's Monday I could just I know that's Monday morning god that's what I was thinking let me pull that up let me pull up that Walmart chant this shit's gonna [ __ ] your life up Austin no matter how however sick of the [ __ ] you are in your life just imagine it's Monday morning 8:00 a.m. you're in Walmart and your boss does this making 650 an hour and he says you have that well you have to participate and stomp your feet Austin or your fire hang up reminds me a minute like race would he call that not seen before the minutes rage start freaking out I just read it's a great book [Music] little flies great book it's like one of those like that you would never plan on reading it but it's it they make you read for a reason yeah it's a good thing like I would never read those books but I looking back I'm like I was enriched my soul I never read that one read that I had no there's like a scene where you get some prostitute just talks to isn't there some meme about like people there's been serial killers two separate ones that were found with Catcher in the Rye in their back pocket really can you research that he entered an do some research on serial killers and catch her in the right anyway sorry I was having so much wrong it just goes on set this here alarm clock every morning make this your alarm so that you know your life could be worse that's my life advice you know what I really hate is it was the most cringe eesh is whenever my teachers saying and it's just like acapella yeah like my teachers would sing like cute little song and I'd be like this is really I'm cringing don't sing right just just don't yeah time and place for song like I don't know it there's like they're expecting if we're gonna be like wow they're pretty good I like you know you're proving yourself to me pretty cool so the guy who murdered John Lennon had Catcher in the Rye on really in there is there more than one case of what sir there was more than one wasn't there Dan yeah the guy who shot or tried to kill Reagan also was apprehended with the book on him and then allegedly Harvey Oswald according to Wikipedia but really that's the read to presidential assassin tip attempts and John Bull once successful and then John Lennon who's like even beyond presidential right that's three catches in the right I don't want to read that person's yes huh well I'm fine well certainly you're not the what I did right I definitely wasn't paying attention that's where you yeah it's that it's that CIA brain-scrambling you read Catcher in the Rye then all the sudden they're like dog poops and a bench and then you're like must kill the president yeah I know I mean it's not an interesting book you would think that if they were gonna maybe that's why they were so enraged with the outcome of the dilemmas [ __ ] happen yeah I read this whole [ __ ] book we're gonna kill the president pretty nothing you think if they're gonna like do some mind scrambling tricks in a book they would do it in like Harry Potter or something right yeah yeah they wouldn't pick an obscure who wrote that book Oh Dan was saying the guy tell me more about the author because Dan just said the guy was really weird too Salinger what did he do jerk off in a theater or something no he was more just like a shut-in like he he never did interviews and I think he he has like dozens and dozens of other novels that he wrote and thought they were all crap and refused to release them and yeah he's just he died recently like in the last 10 years or so and and yeah just died like completely isolated living in the middle of nowhere in this house the gated house would never talk to anybody just weird guy okay I mean that's weird how about weird what's the gross what how much did that book make and when was it released let's get some research guys come on put them to the test here this video gave me a crack up here peep the [ __ ] oh do we have up another a question on deck what do we got here we don't not slow day so in case well he ends on the he's the great viral it's Gordon so everyone's like [ __ ] this guy and he's a tough subject that he has instructed know it works now but he's just the Great Firewall if you guys don't get on just know they in he was polite on the phone and he listened to you but in his mind he was like this guy's not good you know I am I on the air [Laughter] oh yeah it's right here you're using analysis they do the best there's no but there's one whole montage of just I said let me say montage Oh c-span prank Union New Jersey good morning the same good morning I'm a soldier I'm served in the US Army I'm over there in Germany and back here in the States right now for a little while now I have to say because all these people that is so anti-american you know in protest you know coming he tells it to him they're protesting all over Europe against this you know oh I am feeling them is that you know I'm an American and I can suck my own [ __ ] he's strung him along he gave him a sense of security is it back to back good morning well I wish it was back i watch this video good prank call here [ __ ] watch this this next video gave me a real giggle watch this goofy [ __ ] I don't know why he's got his mic and a mushroom in his hand I don't know how that would ever come to be just watch this he confuses which is the mic and wishes the mushroom why the hell you got a mushroom in your hand broadcasting rule number one don't confuse the mic with the mushroom yeah the guy's face obviously yes know how they work yeah you've got to plug your mushroom in let me get it Ian can you bring in some beers god damn it oh that's for you do you need another beer no I got here Cheers oh my god we're good Ian never mind Cheers love you glad you're here Cheers yeah you're a weird yeah come on drink this sorry hopefully one other one just yell at him tough credit beer so bring it some more beers Ian goddamn it what a beer it has been two hours really sorry I was late no it's mature since we started I know don't worry about the same [ __ ] happens we're good we're professionals we should have seen our free show though what it was crazy man I'll probably be highlights on the internet what is it Frank for you oh really I was like straddling the mic and [ __ ] thank you you're scared I was that was I took my time to have 45 seconds 30 seconds I want that there's like Stu I was straddling the mic and [ __ ] it was a good fest yes oh yeah the exact same tweet every day yeah he said we're saying come embrace the meme too far cuz every tweet now is just slam slams yes really well here I showed everyone but I just noticed wheats to be like I love you baby right wanna be with you forever rice no it's I want to slam you he switched well let me show you this most the fans are the audience has seen it but wait go up go up tonight Lamy raw babe is that a man that you want to slam raw I resent a man who wants to slam you wrong slam Iran at dark alley Weinstein style girl girl hi cutie hi cutie I like a girl you should try to winning that and see how it goes girl girl let's do like social experiment girl I should say hi cutie what's the good one for me to tweet it I should do wait I want to fly me wrong let's all do a social experiment right now this is a part of the show where we're like nobody's watching let's just [ __ ] make tweets what did you tweet girl so I'm gonna say girl is better than hi cutie girl just so cryptic I'll just say girl now I can't pull off you're like a musician your music they'll get it music girl is weird that's not you never said girl ela what was the first thing he said to ela are you like girl what did I say what was the first day of me raw babe like microwave motek girls what up sweetie what up sweetheart so we agreed that hi cutie is good for me I see what he means it's more creepy it's better for you it's it's more interesting for you don't think hi cutie is [ __ ] weird to do but it's more ah let me find a good one hi cutie I get it come slammy Robbie I mean and maybe a picture of him maybe I should just completely emulate this I'm trying to slay him tonight I'm trying to slam tonight which we did three days in a row yeah we did my you down you know I love you when are we dating how about who's your daddy time and place I'll be there like slamming slamming I wanted tweet one but my father was a gambling man Oh what the [ __ ] oh sorry anything yeah we need more we need more girl memes so do we have any like I'm trying to slam tonight it's kind of crazy how they're all about this obscure woman women yeah we're trying to understand who maybe he doesn't know that it's like a public feed maybe he thinks he's deeming this girl no because you think you'd at least mix it up or at least look at your feet and say wow I tweet about this is a refrain this girl so much yeah she's flattered though with every tweet he's getting closer it's like it's like it's like [ __ ] unlocking Darth Vader yes sorry max for the day you got a slam every day to get there what's my tweet come slam me raw I'm gonna say that I'm slimy right babe I gotta say come slimy Rob babe with this picture no but I think I want to say come replicate this picture what do you think it was she knows what's up would you like it I thought that hi cutie I guess my because you're a singer and it's cooler a singer they weren't even singing sing singers a singer singer so what a bigger thing wrong singer singer singer singer singer singer but say it loud your singer yeah you see singer singer singer singer okay it's Wow my words got the bed god forbid my mom's happy about it Josie we're not your words Ethan fine mom singer I'm gonna be a singer no but it's just that word it's just sinker she's like make sure you pronounce singer really singer singer I think it's super inappropriate [Music] singer it's totally inappropriate I'm not gonna brand or singer but I think I don't know yeah so in German it says Inger oh yeah yeah they have like very it's very like aggressive way to say it yeah it's like I want to kill every Jew on this planet they say like they're probably saying I wanted so every close no definitely no they said so like I would say like singer singer singer but the Germans go sigdoc right yeah see that's exactly what I'm saying they're like man I wish I could so human flesh this can of Jews please say Singha from now on no heart are you down here it's inappropriate people are very sensitive these days not doing anything right I thought you're doing hi cutie I do can I don't know that I'm a hi cutie I don't know if I can get away with that it's just me why are you scared just express yourself you think he's scared to tweet the same tweet every day I'm slam mihrab babe I like that one slam I can't do it girl come slam me Robbie yeah all right I'm not doing I'm putting now huh what is the was the chat think it slammed a girl what am I can't consult with the chat I'm trust them on anything all right here let's move it on let's move it on so this is what I call a tough crowd so yeah let's break this down in this episode of ridiculousness [Music] oh good battery change will be the living [ __ ] like he's dealing with the hecklers in the car Midway arise with just a good fun the guys on the stage has got a guitar to the bus station slap the dick out of your mouth when you're working do since then II waited cause he's a male prostitute also also also shredding while while he's talking shredding and does a little riffs a lot now here's when when the crowd gets ready here you go have a good time everyone a good time [Music] [ __ ] axes the sky with this guitar over that you saw him he's coming at me folks what do you think absolutely not no kidding show's over dumb out it's a tough crowd it's nice cause I'm next it's called so how to deal with hecklers why don't one what in the strike you're good it's all fun and games it's great how quick it goes from everyone's like oh he's being heckled it's so much fun you still with a blackberry he's got this look afterwards like you could kill someone right now yeah it's pretty destroyed like him though roxtor I'm not but it's interesting like once the attack happened you realized that the anger wasn't a joke like everyone thought that frame very quick very quickly based a lot of velocity there I mean essentially like hitting somebody with a guitar doesn't really hurt I mean that's it's maybe an electric but not an acoustic I mean because acoustic is kind of like thinner it's follow an electrical I killed that one yeah that's a good point if he an electric he would have yeah I maybe he wouldn't have though maybe maybe that guy was a plant just to get on the podcast this is a long bomb yes Patrice Allah Patrice Wilson level of planning have we got a callin from taillow halo way Oh what up don't play me like that you better say some [ __ ] I can't hear you girl oh this is happening what's good okay so obviously my question is proposed anyways my question is posed last time you're on the podcast you mentioned the construction of a doomsday bunker yeah I'm just wondering have there been any developments as construction been completed have you picked spot yeah thank you I'm working on I'm working on a nice fortified area out of state somewhere you know you know middle of middle of America I like that your accent changed when you started talking about it yeah a little like country twenty two boys middle American middle America no um yeah we're working out we're working on it right now I just bought a house out there and then we're gonna start building immediately do you think you're invited that's nice do you think we're getting closer or you think I like the climate are we more likely doomsday are we getting further from doomsday I think I wouldn't say doomsday I would say government what is that beer you're afraid of like a hot like a like a thought off my own little tips here tired tyranny listen yeah yeah yeah I think I think under our current administration I don't know just generally you don't generally generally just a feeling of like even [ __ ] Facebook right it's the way that the mission is listening to us all the time it's way creepy yeah it's just weird well what's my new facebook facebook facebook bots and we've watched the news I don't think Facebook would do it I think I think they're part of it I mean all that data gathering I mean [ __ ] if they'll listen to our conversations and shove ads down our throats based off of what we talked about that date is definitely being [ __ ] transferred [ __ ] and people are listening to everything that we say and everything's on record and I think that's [ __ ] 1984 that's creepy it is so creepy man and a lot I mean a lot of people will tell you well I didn't do anything wrong so I have nothing to worry about right but that's a fallacy because if essentially if you you know one wants to live in a [ __ ] dictatorship or a tyrannical right zeitgeist well anytime if you become someone of importance that's a threat to whatever establishment or maybe you have someone in in power that be that thinks of you as an enemy or wants to extort you or blackmail you anything you say are done could be used against you in any way just keep my mouth shut it's also creepy you do handle my own and take care of my friends you know stock up yeah just you know four or five be safe be safe from take make sure that I can do what I can to make sure that I'm safe and my friends and family are safe that's nice but am I still what was my position in your government me sure I thought yeah it was like it was like you got to write down everything that happened in the old world I'm the new world scribe describe yeah that's nice that data is gonna be very messy all right the records from that leave tow very shaky not a lot is known [Laughter] I think you do a good job Thanks preciate you a kneeler makes ecology but that's not the culture like who is this guy like a thousand tracks there's apparently an a Patrice update is changed patterns really here's what I think's going on there I think he's actually there and these are live updates that he keeps looping and so he knows we're talking about him so he keeps he said they're [ __ ] with the curtain in a heartbeat pattern so I think he's just trying to bait us a little bit this video tickled me patient patient cop gives drunk man every chance to go away this time what is your address this is like how dare you thank you tell me that I'm not angry this is a just trying to get deeply right now this is like a scene out of like some like post-apocalyptic world wrong time to be an activist dude over me do you mind just kind of stepping away from it a little bit please thank you hey Joe hey I got somebody from detox coming to kind of talk with you a little bit okay kind of hang out he's taking keep an eye on the homeless person who's actually overdosing okay this is a literal hell on earth that's his drunk guy comes in around sorry could you step away from you're about ready to be arrested you hear him is Frank Kelly's like step away to get away from the car I'm Washington step away from you no no I will stand right here on the public sidewalk and I dare you to breathe this comes to his friends actually now right now I'm doing with the other gentleman here you're hindering and delay no I'm not shaking hands what did you say and ask [Laughter] [Music] [ __ ] wait oh I love they wrote this guy he's like fulfilled this nightmare scenario where the cops chase him down oh yeah that happened mm oh wow that's the best just dessert the cops you mean like you know you get now ok run as fast as you can Poli good that's that's for being a rest put your arms out to the side you're under [Laughter] and there falls a hero all day Wow MLK and others who fought valiantly for our civil rights this guy this guy was um this guy he definitely deserved to be arrested he deserved to be arrested a long time yes yeah how [ __ ] patient was that cop crazy well that's all I got there's a meme meme hole yeah we went all the way down I mean there's a couple things that skip through but [ __ ] then I got one more you want more yeah one last way Road you know Joel Osteen remember that guy yeah you know him from the church he was the guy for the mega church and Houston was flooded boy yeah and he's like oh my god I don't want these poor people's [ __ ] dirty shoes am i right mega church yeah so there was this guy this was on reddit it's a great video they got this Joel I haven't I find it this look-alike he looks so much like Joel Osteen I don't know what he looks like you know a real picture how's it for reference I'll just pull I was direction Joel Osteen this is OES Tim well let's look at Joey here's Joey Asterius not who I was looking for but now you know who that looks like Joe Austin or Joel [ __ ] now I'm confused all right now I'm just straight-up confused I dare you to judge me here okay guys yeah I know this guy okay so um well this [ __ ] douche bag this guy this guy's evil so they got this look-alike he looks so much like him by the way Joel Osteen he sold out the was it called the forum in LA wow that we saw you are you there Justin Bieber did it this mega church pastor sold out the forum yeah that's crazy john mayer did it like yes so this guy's as famous as the the biggest you know means famous people that's crazy so this guy he looks so much like joel osteen they go to the forum and he impersonates him and he wants to see how deep he can get without any tickets without any clearance at all so here i would believe it if I saw let me see if I can get free parking since I'm Joel I still have to pay even though I'm the one doing it the forum dude let's go blessing people that's like twenty thirty thousand seats hey it's got less you know what kind of guys smell that that's guy here we go where's Joel's entrance where's Jules and me Joel right this way god bless you God bless you God bless you sir good evening well god bless gentlemen happy to see you all out here purchasing the book god bless you we'll see you in there now god bless you Papa Bush ghost Rose ghost Rose Jo hugger and Jael Baker of course you can get right with a couple god bless I'm looking for a beer but they only got sodas here god bless you ladies enjoy your meal stay tuned he gets very very very deep into this whole turn out right how are you sir thank you for such a pleasure to have you here thank you so much for coming out tonight thank you so here's walking right up to the stage essentially without any clearance any ticket just a camera crew and a nice pretty face and a couple of got a [ __ ] cemetery dude all right let's pull it up [ __ ] this dude I just saw an ela screen he's in a cemetery it's definitely him I saw we're gonna buy an bracelets it was right here it's back it's a block okay let me pull it up it's a black man's hand that's Patrice he's got the bracelets on the bracelet Sun fun all right take it what a page out of Chris's notebook he's like man I've been wearing braces before that kid was born he's being emboldened by all these viewers he's gonna [ __ ] dig up a corpse and [ __ ] it all right come on we're watching don't let me down I see you in the graveyard you freak you want to just sit here and wait for that to expire probably the safest here that's a cemetery that is Patrice and a senator yeah countdown with my name in the title I love you just that goodbye I'll spend the night with you well I'm worried about December 1st that's what I was on December 1st yeah let's do a getaway I don't want to be in LA boy cuz he's here [ __ ] that well you let him come she's holed up with some shot ease yeah make a whole video about it what's the safest room in your house there's not it's very vulnerable and it makes me very vulnerable and you can attack from anywhere here he knows that if he's planning to kill me just don't go to bed I'm the second you're good it's only one day this pool but for real let's stop kidding around and written and appreciate the places strolling around a gross Emma Terry right now you could show this to the cops right if you were really that scared it's a loop of him just strolling around a cemetery he keeps getting new footage and splicing it into the live stream so we've seen so wait is this footage new how would he be running the live stream I don't think it's new well no that's it's got to be older right yeah because he has to be in a situation like them out there yeah Patrice can you please give me a [ __ ] break it's definitely Patrice it's a black man's hand with bracelets I recognise that wrist and bracelets anywhere are you kidding me I'm seeing in my nightmares so many times Oh Patrice I'm I'm sorry I never meant this is the repeating this is no it's a continuation yeah this is a continuation it's not repeating it's not repeating do we just lock in and watch this I got a piece I think this is a continuation it's just so weird what happened at the house nothing apparently she's got ladders everywhere to learn something read in the garage blank screen it's all black oh he said something he did no [ __ ] way What did he say I don't know what are they saying in the chat what are they saying I don't know I just saw someone say he was saying something speaking to us there's another stream they're saying hold on let me see there's another matter strong yeah how long creepy [ __ ] creepy [ __ ] well I see one now but I guess there was two at one point I'm gonna call the police for trace if you keep this [ __ ] up I'll miss Jay I've called the police stop you [ __ ] creepy secret Ethan is gay somebody said let's call him a creepy saying right let's wrap this up trace I'm done giving your creepy ass yeah we're done with you Patrice it real come at me we got shot he's on deck he's a big guy though he's Jax it's like the most Jack dude ever here let me find a pic of my purchase Wilson Jack Tracy Wilson Jack that's what I'm typing imagine this guy coming at you like what the [ __ ] am I gonna do against that he's also got like a oh my god I was from her cell ready good the thing is is that he looks like it makes enough guy yeah yeah this is really weird he does seem like a nice guy that was the guy my god he was like a sweet soul it's just really weird but I'm still pretty good ways that you're shot oh that is just being it's got like a swole like a [ __ ] it's what happens when you're Buffy yeah like he look so mischievous but like maybe looking see I'm so helpless against him I'm leaving town on December 1st are you you're not helpless kind of against that no you're not I got a piece so bad we have to wrap this up okay nerd you want to keep going I could be now let's wrap this up we got [ __ ] we all got [ __ ] to do the stupid trees let's do it I'm on Patrice watch for the rest of the night well guys thank you so much for coming and riding with us ride or die Thank You Austin for joining us my yeah my favorite absolute favorite guest always a joy and a pleasure I love you buddy I love you guys yeah thanks for spending your time with us appreciate you guys so much SoundCloud Spotify YouTube you know how it goes apps iTunes all that [ __ ] whatever you know is books Oh watch out for that new album I'm squeezing you guys will know when it's on I'm squeezing my dick is f2p so bad you have to pee that bad yeah I'm squeezing my dick I really gotta go I'm squeezing my [ __ ] dick we have jontron coming up well the dates out I don't remember the days it's like next Wednesday that's it that's all we got that's the show so keep an eye on Patrice y'all if I get murdered yeah I say Jim keep keep us both updated on social media so we know the suburbs yeah keep it please this man I don't know I really don't know Thank You torch twitch Prime subs god bless you right social media great question I think some Mota file I'll look I have to be so bad I don't want it to end but I need Stan's bad in my life what is with him why is he getting all wet oh look at this guy legal we go round we're gonna dig around poetry legal bound coming soon this guy is dude are you kidding me he's been pumping for some reason those abs will break me and a half and that hairline forget about it I think the daggers gonna run in my heart I don't know these guys Ethan alright I gotta pee I gotta end this guys thank you for watching we'll see you next week baba was there by now [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 7,878,898
Rating: 4.8378487 out of 5
Keywords: post malone, post, malone, h3 podcast, podcast, h3h3, h3h3productions, ethan and hila
Id: tr1Loa7r7sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 18sec (9498 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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