Is this IG account made for MAPs?

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so from my exasperation that I assume you can sense I am frustrated I've sat on this frustration for awhile but frankly who even gives a [ __ ] anymore so let's just talk about the topic at hand so recently I have been talking about Twitter Instagram and the fact that they essentially cater to pedophiles because they don't take down their profiles that's pretty much it about a year ago I made a video it was an Italian and I had subtitled it because you guys wanted a full video in Italian about a young Instagram person called karen lopez karen lopez is a young very popular Instagrammer i'd found a live stream where she said she was 15 if I recall correctly my computer lost everything I guess that's my luck the pictures she is and was posting for a miner were very concerning to me because they were essentially for pedophiles like pedophiles surely we're getting off on them and I didn't want anyone to DM her or whatever and have her be in a very dangerous situation let's put it that way so I never blamed her because she's a miner I was more concerned about where are her parents surely they must know because her profile has hundreds of thousands so it seems hard for me that they would not know at all unless they don't use social media anyway they should know it should be their business to know I was concerned about who was taking care of her or not really taking care of her and also I wanted to make sure that this wasn't some weird parent thing where they take advantage of their children and cater to pedophiles pretty much on purpose so I don't think there was a problem with me doing that but what resulted happening was that I got a privacy complaint on my video I don't know why because I literally just showed a public Instagram profiles so I don't know what there is a private it should be more private there shouldn't be a profile but my video got taken down I was silenced and once more the pedophiles [ __ ] one I think you can understand why I'm frustrated aside from that a person who claimed to be Karen's brother emailed me asking me take down the video which obviously I did not do and the account is still there I get messages all the time being like hey the account still there it's worse whatever I had interacted shortly with Karen and Karen to me claimed to be 18 but to be posing as a younger child a teenager I don't know and if that is the case the situation still remains [ __ ] up because if you're gonna try to make yourself look younger so then you can cater to the pedophiles who pop a boner for young girls it's a problem it's a problem and I don't want to be on a platform that facilitates that kind of business model I don't know what to call it the the prison business model but that happened so I decided to check back in with her now before I get into it if anyone on Karen's team or Karen herself is watching this is under fair use I have a lawyer I'm not doing this to hurt you I just want to make sure we're not catering to pedophiles here a and B if you want to do sex work online that's totally fine but doing it pretending to be a kid if that is in fact the truth I have an issue with that that being said I have a lawyer so if we need to fight this out a [ __ ] is prepared one of the things that concerned me about Karen is that first of all they're like a billion profiles but then there's a profile that she claims is her only official profile but then there are other profiles that claim this is my second profile so that in and of itself is a little bit shady in my first video I did think that there's some kind of ring action going on here I don't know if it's like multiple parents that are just capitalizing off their children but she's often posing with another young girl now you can look at this picture and you can tell me do these people seem older than 18 to you to me no and again there are people who look young maybe she's pretending or trying to look younger that's potential but we see who this is for now this picture is by far the most tame one frankly I don't really like showing any of these pictures because I don't feel like they should be on the internet and I shouldn't be seeing them and if I shouldn't be seeing them certainly pedophiles shouldn't know but her pictures have gotten significantly more provocative like I'm talking about having her whole ass out I'm talking about very very minimal swimsuits let's put it that way very tight apparel it's very clear what they're going for here and she like I said she often has this other friend in her pictures and her friend isn't tagged she used to be tagged back in the day when I first did the video and this the suspicious thing to me is that and this is the reason why I think there's a ring to is that the pictures all seemed very similar like often in bikinis often in tight dresses often having the top being somewhat see-through and all the comments are like thirst comments obviously what else would we expect on Instagram the home of many pedophiles apparently and actually - I checked her story and on her story it says to add her on snapchat and that she has better content that's explicit and exclusive you see where we're going with this so like I said if you're an adult and you want to do sex work I genuinely do not give two shits but here we have a situation that is kind of a lose-lose by definition because if he is a minor then god knows what she's already been exposed to and there has to be some kind of intervention if she is an adult sex worker who's pretending to be a child or a teenager for people that makes me very uncomfortable because like we know who who's watching that you know pedophiles and if she were explicit about the fact that she's playing a role I still would hate it but at least we'd have some kind of certainty here which we just absolutely don't have and then another thing that just makes this all more sketchy is if you go on an Instagram profile and you look at the about part you can see the prior usernames that the person had she's had 74 prior usernames which I mean I get it kind of not really but her name has changed its first it was paulina DeLeon then it was Mary Louise then it was Sabrina then it was Mendez Stephanie it makes zero sense to me and that also concerns me because to me it seems like first of all we're obviously trying to hide some kind of identity and that makes me wonder why like I'm all for having your own pseudonym online like for [ __ ] sake I'm ready to glare online that's fine but here using real life names like Karen like Paolina I don't understand what the point would be unless it was to in some way mask who she is and it really does remind me I don't know if you guys know about this but certain pedophile videos on YouTube they use numbers instead of letters and certain titles so then you know or like other pedophiles know and it's also gotten to the point where she's started like flashing the camera when she's out like they're a bunch of pictures of her like raising her dress so you can see her behind and they're people in the background just looking shook which I mean it's obviously staged sure but it's still in public locations and again if she's a child flashing the camera in public locations I kind of fear for her safety entirely I fear for her safety I don't really know what to do because I don't necessarily think that even reporting the profile solves anything because what's going on on the back end still remains you know whether the situation is that she's a minor or whether she's an adult who's playing a part anyway the reason I wanted to touch on this aside from me being frustrated and worried about her well-being is that again my position that YouTube and Instagram and Twitter are silencing the wrong people scares me and I'm not saying she needs to be silenced people need to figure out what's going on like someone needs to be reached out to and also the thing that worries me is that effectively by following her there are pedophiles in the comments by definition and then you've created kind of like I don't to say a community for pedophiles but kind of because if pedophiles spot each other in the comments then they start talking then they might start sharing child pornography and then it goes it turns into a massive [ __ ] show so it's not even only just about her and what's going on with her it's also about the consequences of people are watching this and they might take action based on what they are watching or looking at can you tell I'm tired anyways you guys can let me know we think in the comments down below let me know how old you think she is if you think she's an adult if you think she's playing the part of a minor if she actually is a minor I'm very concerned it's very jarring to me that no one has really been talking about this like of course there are a couple of other youtubers but there haven't been many because it really is concerning a [ __ ] anyways guys thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always I'll see you guys next time [Music]
Views: 454,003
Rating: 4.9725533 out of 5
Keywords: instagram, instagram model, maps
Id: pxX6wDYy7gU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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