Why Tumblr Sucks ep.32 : Transabled

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so I have racism pineapple here not coz we're talking about racism but because I'm lonely because I haven't put up my neon yet so she's just here visiting today we're gonna be talking about the trans labeled community good so when I first heard of trans abled I immediately thought of tumblr because that's where a lot of [ __ ] comes from now to be fair I'm sure trans abled people are in a bunch of different platforms I just choose tumblr because I've been on it for a longer time than any other platform so when I first heard of trans abled my thought was like it's someone who's trans and also disabled because what else would it really be is what I thought but then then cold hard truth hit me in the face and was like no no we're about to disappoint you so according to tumblr translate bold people are able-bodied people like myself for example who identify as disabled so there's nothing wrong with them physically but they're deciding that they want to be say in a wheelchair or be blind or deaf and they just decide to identify as that I looked on tumblr and thankfully a lot of the posts were like this is [ __ ] this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard which to be fair yeah it is it becomes more interesting when I found out some other information about what it actually means to be trans labeled because it's not a black and white thing so let me show you what the tumblr trans abled is before we get into the layers of the onion so someone says my experience as a trans abled people have always had people be very rude to me about being trans abled it's not that hard to understand I just think able-bodied people are privileged [ __ ] and I've decided that I was too privileged so I decided to stop using my legs to remove ableism every able-bodied person is an [ __ ] who deserve to burn and die for their privileged I don't understand why people don't get it so concluded if you're disabled or trans labeled like me I love you if you're able you're a bigoted ablest [ __ ] who should burn now of course I thought okay this is satire like haha little like not chuckle but a little a little like you know when you're just like then I was like wait wait I'm on tumblr let me go see this person's profile I don't want to show their profile cuz I found out they're 13 so I was like they still have time to change I also found that they identify as plant kin so my idea of this being satire kind of melted away because if they think there are plants translatable there's no long shot from there now I think that most people that are trans abled in a non satirical non ironic way I think they've changed hashtag because most the posts were saying that it was ridiculous and they were calling out trans abled people for being ridiculous which to be fair is true I was like okay there must be more to this someone on tumblr mentioned that there's such a thing as bi ID which is body integrity identity disorder which was formerly known as amputee identity disorder and it's a psychological disorder wherein sufferers feel they would be happier living as an amputee it is typically accompanied by the desire to amputate one or more healthy limbs to achieve that end let's underline the fact that this is a psychological disorder then I was like okay so maybe some of these trans abled people actually have bi ID which I'm not judging them for that then I was like okay but let's see how many people actually have B IID cuz I was like I don't think a majority of the population have it and I surely don't think that all these people claim to be trans able to actually have that or are actually even diagnosed with it so I found more information on bi ID org to find out like what the percentage is and it says when a person's idea of how they should look does not match their actual physical form it can be caused by body integrity identity disorder this condition affects a small percentage of the population and is commonly manifested by desire to have an amputation of a specific body part in most cases the limb the person would like to remove actually in healthy working order and there are no physical problems with it many psychologists and neurologists have ventured theories into what causes this type of thought the common leading idea is that body integrity disorder or iíd occurs when the brain is not able to provide an accurate plan of the body in this case the brain sees the offending limb as being foreign and not actually part of the person thus the desire to have it removed I didn't find much else and I didn't find any concrete actual numbers about bi ID simply because it seems to be a new thing that's being explored and it takes a long time to publish things it takes a long time to do comprehensive even longitudinal studies so it says a small percentage of the population so let's say less than 5% it's less than 5% to me it's hard to believe that somehow a lot of that 5% is on tumblr and is posting about their trans abled /bi ID situation so for me it's hard to believe that more than maybe one person with actual bi ID is on tumblr so I'm just gonna leave that there so then I found an article on the National Post that's called becoming disabled by choice not chance trans abled people feel like imposters in their fully working bodies I need to preface this if someone has a bi ID I'm not talking about them in this video I'm not talking about people with a real psychological disorder I'm talking about people who are just a regular Joe who decides that for some reason they want to be disabled and want to make their life harder for themselves or they want victim or oppression points I don't know why people do that okay I don't I have no idea why in the world that someone would want to make a mockery of being disabled by just saying I am I'm disabled today can't can't get up or something like that's [ __ ] up the thing that really bothers me is that I don't think that people who are trans abled want to make fun of people who are actually disabled in whatever which way but that still is the outcome because realistically if you have a friend who's in a wheelchair and is paralyzed how are you as a person who can walk and do a bunch of things that they can't do gonna sit in a wheelchair and say that you're the same as them and not think that that's the most stupid thing you've ever done I genuinely want to know it's just okay let's just read this article cut off his right arm with a very sharp power tool a man who now calls himself one hand Jason let everyone believe it was an accident but he had four months tried different means of cutting and crushing the limb that never quite felt like his own training himself on first aid so he wouldn't bleed to death even practicing on animal parts sourced by a butcher my goal was to get the job done with no hope of reconstruction or reattachment and I wanted some method that I could actually bring myself to do he told the body modification website mod blog for me it's already strange that he would be talking with a body modification website because when I think of body modification I don't think of chopping off an entire limb this person is really someone who suffers with bi ID what do they try and say that it was you know like mentally taxing for him to have this limb or like he felt like he wasn't in the right body in a type of way like the way in which this is framed also the fact that he decided to call himself what is it one hand Jason like all of this seems like a joke to me I can't really imagine someone with a psychological disorder getting rid of this like burden that is their arm for example and then meaning like oh yeah I'm one hand Jason and I'm talking to a body modification blog like body modification has a lot of different categories sure but I didn't know amputation was part of it let me know if you knew that because apparently it is also obviously yeah if we're being literal amputation is a type of body modification but all that I've seen of body modification has been like scarification tattoos piercings and so forth I just feel like this is a very extreme thing to put under the category of body mod head said his goal was to become disabled see now this is what [ __ ] me up because it's like if he had bi ID his goal wouldn't be to become disabled his goal would be to remove the grievance and the annoyance and like the repulsion that he has with his arm right because we discussed before that having bi ID means that the part of the body that you have that problem with is like forums so really you're going back to like your natural form right but saying that his goal is to become disabled makes me feel like it has nothing to do with bi ID or you know like that like strong sensation that something's up with your body and you need to fix it people like Jason have been classified as trans abled feeling like imposters in their bodies their arms and legs in full working order we define trans ability as the desire or the need for a person identified as able-bodied by their people to transform his or her body to obtain a physical impairment person could want to become deafblind amputee paraplegic it's a really really strong desire researchers in Canada are trying to better understand how trans abled people think and feel clive baldwin a Canada Research Chair in narrative studies who teaches social work at st. Thomas University in Fredericton has interviewed 37 people worldwide who identify as trans abled most of them are men about half are in Germany in Switzerland but he knows a few in Canada most crave an amputation or paralysis though he has interviewed one person who wants his penis removed another wants to be blind okay so there are a couple problems here let's agree to this if you have a psychological disorder where you essentially need it to cut off a limb to feel okay in your body I don't feel like in an interview it would be worded as they want it to become disabled because that seems like the goal is different right because in one sense the psychological disorder one you're doing it for your own mental well-being in a weird way and the other one you're just doing it for whatever stupid reason because maybe it's like what the trend of the week or something it's kind of like comparing an actual trans person who experiences dysphoria to a person who just randomly decides they want to be the opposite gender just for the kicks it's a very different thing one is legitimate and the other one is a flavor of the week type of [ __ ] which is what this seems to be to be honest many people like one-hand Jason arrange accidents to help achieve the goal one dropped an incredibly heavy concrete block on their legs an attempt to injure himself so bad an amputation would be necessary but doctors saved the leg he limps but it's not the disability he wanted I ruin it because I had a good polio backstory that m'children cares about polio or backstories in a wooded leg so I bet you a million dollars if you say head talk but God all right you know like as much as I feel like these people don't have be iid I do think they have something else that needs to get checked out because the fact that you're willing to get a block of concrete and drop it on yourself like that is terrifying not to mention dangerous because you could always get someone else hurt in the process depending on how it is you're gonna perform this accident now this is where I get actually really annoyed so it says some of his study participants do draw parallels to the experience many transgender people express of not feeling like they're in the right body Baldwin says the disorder is starting to be thought of as a neurological problem with the body's mapping rather than mental illness but here again it's like they're conflating all this trans able under one umbrella because like I said if there are two distinct roads one of which there's the psychological disorder be iid compared to people who just want to be disabled for god knows what reason that's not actually a legitimate mental health problem and is just a fad or something that they want to do it's not the same thing and it can't be compared to being trans because if you just feel like doing something that's not like being trans and having dysphoria so the fact that they're putting it all under one umbrella is messy to say the least but anyway let me know what you guys think about this let me know what you think about bi ID versus like the other trend trans abled people who are just doing it you know to maybe get a reaction out of people thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and let's get it right into the thinner [Music]
Views: 915,304
Rating: 4.9226193 out of 5
Keywords: trans, transabled, trans abled, tumblr, tumblr abled, feminism, mental health
Id: eyBORRwCssA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 15 2019
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