We need to talk about Shallon Lester

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel full disclosure I'm fired up because a lot of the [ __ ] that I'm gonna talk about in this video is just genuinely the worst but particularly pisses me off and you'll understand why today we're here to talk about Shaolin Leicester now if you don't know who she is you're much like me a few days ago I had no idea of this person's existence and God was it a blessing truly I'm sorry that now you're being cursed to if you didn't know but DeAngelo Wallace made a very thorough video about her and the issues with her and I will link that down below just sit back and get ready to [ __ ] scream I suppose the basics if you don't know who shell and Lester is she has a YouTube channel where she discusses celebrity gossip and sometimes gives advice that's pretty much the end of it I just want to highlight one thing for me there's a line that's drawn when gossip is circulated or when people speculate example when I used to go to the supermarket prior to all the [ __ ] that's happening now every so often while I was in line I would read a gossip magazine and be like oh geez is Brad Pitt finally getting back with Jennifer Aniston okay I find most of that type of speculation silly kind of useless but just for the fun there are different types of speculation that to me turn more disgusting such as speculating that a couple is abusive or a couple is toxic without any information or receipts and that is kind of what Shaolin does she'll take a small incident and turn it into this massive thing where she never shows any receipts she'll tell you 20 times she has sources but there are no receipts so how do we even know those sources exist let alone that they're reputable and then she kind of draws conclusions and tells you why this couple is just doomed now I'm going to show you a couple of examples there's one video titled signs of a toxic relationship red flags from Kylie's Playboy interview now I'm only going to show you a clip but her entire point this relationship being toxic is because the interview is boring essentially that's literally it there's nothing actually saying something's toxic aside from that even if we do want to give her the benefit of the doubt what the [ __ ] are you gonna get from a Playboy interview like [ __ ] I'm sorry but like it's a Playboy interview they're gonna talk about stupid [ __ ] this is not real journalism in the sense of really hard-hitting questions and asking them about scandal that's not really what I expect out of Playboy and she said it herself then playboy she expects tits and ass essentially she knows how to capture the gaze of hundreds of millions but only select few though she allows to get close know her from a different perspective an intimate glimpse into the life of the 22 year old mogul as directed and interviewed by her partner did you fall asleep halfway through that I did this is the most generic you could apply this you could be interviewing Ruth Bader Ginsburg and this is the deck that you would use you just change the age I examine celebrity and give you guys things that we can take into our own life so what is the lesson here right what's the lesson here well the lesson is don't bring that boyfriend into your career guys there's only a few rules in terms of mixing like categories you know in terms of romance do not get a tattoo for a guy don't cast him in her in your music video kiss of death and maybe don't put him in your playboy layout I just feel like celebrities go through this and they all think they're so unique it's like I don't know we think I'm out with a clothing collection together no no we can do a perfume together Khloe and Lamar unbreakable remember that garbage fire insta literally smell like garbage - so if we were called correctly the title of the video was signs of a toxic relationship the clip I just showed you literally she goes on and on and on about how people who are in a romantic relationship should not be business partners should not start projects together but she went on about it for another 20 minutes so this was clickbait am I really angry about clickbait generally generally no but if you're gonna put a heavy thing like toxicity in a relationship and instead there isn't any and you're just gonna say some bland ass advice I just feel like that title is a little bit disgusting because clickbait toxicity clickbait about abuse we're not about that so then there's another video similar to that where it's just speculation on top of speculation the videos titled the truth about Justin Bieber and Haley Baldwin's fights dating a guy with a bad temper now I'm sure we've all seen circulating there's a video of them at an arcade and he's like really angry that he lost but it's not even clear if he's joking or not first of all so even knowing his intention is a reach but then they're also pictures of him closing the door on Haley when he's getting out of the car now while these moments might make us cringe I also don't think we can equate it to we know what's going on behind closed doors because do we know what's going on no the [ __ ] we don't in the thumbnail she even uses the term abusive saying is this dynamic abusive so immediately you know that she at some point in the video will go in that direction and say that they have an abusive dynamic which is a massive claim to make with no receipts there are no receipts he [ __ ] karate chops her in the head hard hard like hard arm hard thing just boom and keeps on walking and she's smiling and laughing we don't know what's going on they could be play fighting he could be tapping her head as some kind of joke who the [ __ ] knows but but but of course Shaolin turns it into this but he hit her heart that would have been a very purposeful kick to the solar plexus it were been kicked to balls kicked the balls so we've got a lot of strange instances with these two you know we've got his outburst at the basketball game we've got him skating off into the sunset in Times Square who got him slamming a car door on her and karate chopping her in the forehead like what's going on you know what's going on a parent-child dynamic this is why this is it what galvanizes for me was not any of the physical stuff for the karate chopping it was him getting out of the car and skating and the one where he skated away from her because in his mind she can take care of herself because she's mom he's he'd the kid and he only has to worry about himself so from that clip you can see that a lot of this is just entire speculation because we don't know how hard he hit her we don't know anything of what was going on there but then she turns it towards herself which happens a lot where oh my god if someone did this to me so it feels like she's projecting her own rules on to other relationships the point of gossip is to have something a shred that starts the rumor you can't just take random things and then scramble them in such a way so then you're like see I was right we reached my conclusion you can manipulate whatever if you want to reach a certain conclusion I think we all know that by now the last thing I want to say in this celebrity gossip category is that she sometimes appears delusional so she posted a video or in part of a video she claims to have made out with Harry Styles and just the way in which she tells the story makes me feel a certain terrible terrible type of cringe where I feel like I want to leave my body forever and just shoot myself into the ether just watch this I don't think I need to comment further and then we can move on to our next category Oh God and they were walking one way and me and her were walking the other way and Harriet like he just looked at me he's like you'll go just and I was like yeah and he like pushed me up against the wall and I was like this is drive-by make out it was like 30 seconds it's tsunami and it sounds like Maddie oh come on Harry and my friend was up there and she's like where did you were were you making out with Harry Styles and I was like I'm not just listening do I like don't lose me that did that happen she's like yes what I'm like I don't know what she's that singer cher Jan that is the tip of the iceberg that is like the least of our issues here mental health the way she discusses mental health now you guys know I despise people who claim to be mental health advocates who do it only for the pattern the back to be like oh my god you're such a good person you always stand up for mental health and we've seen it because it is kind of selling point in some ways because it makes you more relatable it makes you seem more genuine and people who are actually mental health advocates are great people I'm obviously talking about people who just throw it out just to throw it out and see you know woke I guess sorry I know we hate that word so there's a clip where she is discussing mental health and she takes a really weird route just watch this maybe he's depressed oh I'm gonna pressed uh he's suffers from anxiety oh that's interesting a white man most of them are a white man on planet earth suffers from anxiety and depression I'm not saying that they don't some people do absolutely but you know what they need to get the [ __ ] out of the way and stop dating they need to get the [ __ ] out of the way so first of all she takes a racial route which I mean I'm not gonna get into a debate about who suffers the most with mental health because it doesn't matter if you suffer with mental health you suffer with mental health issues it really doesn't matter gender race whatever it doesn't discriminate so the fact that she had to point out that it was white men I don't know what she was trying to do with that if she was just trying to undermine it more by saying oh of course it's a white man I don't know if that was her goal but either way talking about it in such a blase way that undermines people's issues I'm not a fan of second of all the tone in which she said oh they have depression they have anxiety and then she's like oh well maybe they do it's like well you clearly don't think they do you just [ __ ] mocked them so it's like pick pick Elaine here most of the people who say they have mental health problems have mental health problems and those are to be respected and taken seriously as if they were physical issues so and then again we see that it's turned back on to herself because she's talking about how like those men shouldn't date and I'm assuming that's because she doesn't want to date men that might have been ttle health problems or that might cause inconveniences on her and then there's another mental health thing that has to do with Pete Davidson Pete Davidson went on an interview with Charlamagne tha God and they were talking about his mental health and so she's referring to what Pete Davidson decided to share in that interview Oh to be noted the title of the video where she talks about Pete Davidson's interview is titled the truth about Pete Davidson and Arianna Gironda when guys play the victim and the thumbnail says how beta males manipulate women so like automatically when you go into this you know that she's gonna [ __ ] all over him essentially because here's a data point that I found interesting he said he has suicidal thoughts but but insisted he would never commit suicide because he has a mom and a sister and doesn't want to hurt them mm-hmm you know what him bringing that up smacks of to me revenge revenge if you're not going to commit suicide if that's just like not in the table why would you even bring it up right would you like it if a boys like you know I want to cheat on you but I'm not going to you're welcome you'd be like well now I'm [ __ ] terrorized now I'm terrorized by this her entire attitude about him opening up about suicide is frankly disgusting and opening up about suicidal thoughts is important and necessary because that's how you get treatment or at least people around you are aware so they don't leave you alone so they can keep an eye on you because guess what the people who don't [ __ ] say anything they're probably not here anymore and that's a terrifying thing and it's very morbid and I'm sorry to say it just that abruptly but it's the truth the one time the one time I tried to kill myself and didn't tell anyone that's the time I ended up in the ER all the other times I was in some ways quote unquote saved because I said something the minute I decided that this was going to be silent and mine that's when things get dangerous so for him to be open enough even you know with all the people watching you know like to have the entire public see and hear this that's a big deal and that was a powerful thing on his part cuz it's not an easy thing to admit so no I will not stand for [ __ ] on someone because they decided to open up and it's not even a victim card because if you're just saying the facts it's not being a victim there's a difference between using suicide to victimize yourself which people have done to get out of trouble we've seen that before but it's a very different thing to say yeah I struggle with suicidal thoughts does that make me sound like a victim does that make Pete Davidson sound like a victim no that just sounds like someone who's being transparent and they're not bullshitting you I just feel my body temperature rising so then there's another moment where she still is referring to Pete Davidson with Charlamagne tha God in that interview and Pete Davidson mentions going to rehab listen to what she says about why he goes to rehab here's some things he said he is sober at the moment because he needs to be clean in order to be diagnosed and to be diagnosed with things like bipolar and borderline personality disorder and these doctors are always adjusting his medication I mean for bipolar you can't be medicated for borderline personality disorder because it's your personality there's no like cool pill which is sucky that's difficult and so he goes to rehab when he feels like he's going a little bit too far you know so that he can clean out and then get adjusted like have his meds adjusted so he's going to rehab in service of getting more drugs that's what that means I go to rehab so I can con my doctors into giving me more drugs so clearly she'll ins understanding of rehab I think needs some work because if someone goes to rehab you know because they're going too far they're taking drugs that they should not be taking or taking too much of a drug that they should be taking right but the way in which she paints it is that Pete Davidson would go to rehab to get more drugs so that kind of butchered how I explained this in the videos so I'm sorry you're getting a lower quality version but essentially shellin is not addressing the fact that there's a difference between drugs like hardcore drugs and medication which is still drugs but medication serves a very distinctive purpose so when she just lumps everything under drugs it makes it seem like he's been given [ __ ] cocaine or heroin or something when the reality is his medication is a drug but that's needed that's something he needs to level out his brain chemicals so I don't understand why she's acting like everything is exactly the same because medication is medication drugs are drugs they're different but she's just compiling them all as if they have the same meaning and use let's not pretend that drugs like heroin cocaine LSD whatever are the same as prescribed drug that you need to balance your brain it would be like saying that Prozac and coke are the same that's how she makes it sound she makes it sound like he's going to get more drugs that'll you know get him high and it's like that is not the point of rehab that is exactly the opposite of the point of rehab it's [ __ ] melting my brain that I need to even explain that we need to talk about these things some mental illnesses still have terrible stigmas that's why we need to talk about them and people like you just make [ __ ] worse sorry but that's just the T this one is the one that makes sense with my channel she is obsessed obsessed with younger men - what I think is an alarming degree oh good so they're combination of tweets and then there's video proof as well so I'll just read a couple of the tweets mind you Shaolin is 35 years old today so a tweet in 2011 - 16 year olds just pulled up beside me and asked if I liked their whip yes still got it Western and then here are some responses oh my gosh he's so cute tell him to call me when he's legal 17 in New York being chauffeured around by two seventeen year olds dot-dot interesting to say the least swine flu is infecting New York City high schoolers if you think I'll stop making out with 17 year olds you're wrong she was 24 when she tweeted about making out with 17 year olds do with that what you will then there's a video of her with a young man and he in the video it's dark but it's her because she says she says her name at the end and she tells him that he's older than the guys she dates in this guy's 18 [Music] [Music] there's another tweet that says went to Hollister for the first time felt 1 million of years old thank God there were 16 16 year old boys to ogle and then someone I'm assuming was referring it to Justin Bieber and it says it doesn't help nothing can quell my fire for that 16 year old Canadian this was in 2010 she was 25 this one is I think arguably one of the most telling where she talks about how it's better to date young men so you can pretty much manipulate them and control them I found younger dudes take instruction better and I really do think they take it better because I am older when I call boys out my younger boyfriends out on bad behavior their response has shocked me it's oh I'm sorry oh I'm sorry I'll stop doing that they are adapting in a good way I'm like don't do this you don't waste my time you don't because I'm hanging out with other males you don't do that or I can girl shoes on the other side my dude not your cool you can teach an old dog new tricks yo let's get a puppy there so from all of this I think we can say there is a predatory pattern I think if a man had tweeted all of this [ __ ] about sixteen-year-old girls when he was 25 or even older electrocute and to me it seems a little bit like a fixation like an obsession I don't throw around the pedophilia word too easily because I frankly don't [ __ ] know what is going on here with her obsession with young adults I mean not even adults yet but almost adults and it seems like there's also a very big fixation on the age of consent because even in that tweet it's like oh let them call me when I when they're legal and that's why I particularly use the word predatory because there's that subsection of people who seem really fixated with dating people who just cross the age of consent I've dealt with one of them myself they're scary they're creepy and the fixation I think is because they can control you in certain ways and they can manipulate you and you know they can make you think that you're so mature because an older person is interested in you but in reality they just want to take advantage of you and that's it there was this video and it was I'm pretty sure it was from an advice video because she starts the video saying oh if someone calls you fat you can say so and so this was what she thought was a good comeback if someone calls you fat this one is not only blatantly xenophobic but it's also like let's remember that this person gives advice I don't know who told her she should give advice because I think she's probably the last person who should ever give advice in the history of the universe but to say that that's a good comeback if someone tells you you're fat to bring up their family and the status of immigration of their family and point out that they quote-unquote don't belong because that's kind of the implication there and that their family could be taken away like what kind of advice is that that is taking it to such a disgusting level and I don't even know why it had to turn into that type of xenophobia like you could just ignore it that would be advice ignore when they call you fat I I just don't understand where this [ __ ] hatred came from so the next one I I want to say it's about race but I also think that there is an argument a subliminal argument here about masculinity so just watch this clip I'm it's a minute and a half I'm sorry I know that's kind of long but it's important because there are multiple facets to this okay let's pull up the posters let's pull up the posters and see who they are we have the women of BTS I don't get it I don't get it I don't look at these people I don't even know what to call them boys or girls because I don't know what they are look at these people look at this one I don't know which one he is look at those highlights those chunky Toni & Guy mall salon on highlights and the contact lenses you are an Asian man you need to look like a girl named Ashley le ijh with chunky highlights and blue eyes you're allowed to look like an asian man with dark hair and dark eyes all of you are why do you all have the same weird orange girl what shade of lipstick is that you look pretty you you there with the silver hair that's kind of a hot color oh oh look at the other side this one Oh pinky Lee I don't how do you guys tell these people apart cuz with their hair okay this one I could see maybe knowing who he is because he has a different hair color they all the rest of them all have the same hair color and the same eye color I just think is it weird that I think Asian people should be allowed to like Asian I don't know call me crazy so she goes in by saying the women of BTS and of course that's meant to be insulting because they're men as far as when I'm filming this they identify as men as far as I know it was obvious that her comment was made to be a slight in the rest of the video you see she continues to degrade them make fun of their looks calling them pretty girls so again kind of trying to remove their masculinity which I don't really understand because masculinity doesn't have to be [ __ ] wearing cowboy boots and blue jeans and whatever else Cowboys [ __ ] wear I don't even know but masculinity does not have to be what it's been for years and years in fact I would say that confident men will wear whatever they want even if it doesn't scream traditional masculinity and whatever they're wearing is what they want to wear so like who the [ __ ] cares who cares there are different ways to show masculinity and femininity and even if you're less masculine what's the problem like what is the problem truly I don't get it and the question to me is for what purpose like was it supposed to be comedic because that didn't go well clearly I didn't have one single laugh this whole entire goddamn video was it to make a point I don't know but then she referred to them as these people which I was like already kind of like these people and then she said she doesn't know how people can tell them apart which I don't know if she was trying to say because they all have similar hair colors except for a few of them who have different hair colors sorry I don't know the names I'm not into kpop my best friend's a stand though so she was pissed about this I don't know if she was referring to the fact that they all have a similar hairstyle so that makes it difficult to tell them apart but if that's not what she meant are you really saying you can't tell Korean men apart are you saying they all look the same in that racist way because it kind of sounds like that's what you were saying and it's really hard for me to read it any other way even with benefit of the doubt like I said what the hair colors or hair styles I don't know how to defend you on that one and I'm not going to so anyway like I said diangelo Wallace's video is very well made a lot more thorough so if you want something longer than this with different examples definitely suggest checking that out so my final thoughts I don't think you're gonna be surprised that I think Shaolin Leicester is a flaming hot piece of garbage I think that first of all if we talk about the most base of the issues which is her content I find it boring I find it purposeless and I find it malevolent because the intent is always to find someone as an abuser find someone is toxic and I just don't think that counts as gossip to me anymore and what she's doing is just propagating [ __ ] theories with no evidence and says my sources a billion times for behavior towards mental health absolutely disgusting I don't understand how someone can be on the internet and be so completely unaware considering we have plenty of people online who are constantly sharing their struggles it's just so surreal to me that someone in this day and age is still so uninformed and a judgmental about mental health and how people deal with it moving on to the predatory nature I do think this woman's a predator I think there has to be something wrong with you if you are a proud woman even when she was 25 proud to say that you hook up with 17 year olds why why why are you proud of that like that makes you sound sick and disturbed and like there's something wrong with you perhaps it also raises the question of why are you going for 17 year olds in set of men your age maybe is it because you can't [ __ ] men your age or maybe because many of your age won't just be commanded by you who knows I just don't stand for that and for a woman to claim to be feminists and like a girl boss or whatever that's not very the futures female of you truly not lastly the xenophobia and the racism it's just like you hit every single box of what makes someone a trash human being if you say that all the people in a kpop band look the same that does sound racially charged and I don't know in what other way you can really interpret it other than the other example I gave about their Styles but even then it's a weak or it's a weak argument also in terms of xenophobia to use the comment of like Oh ice could come pick up your family first of all that's weak that's in bad taste it's frankly racist and it isn't the type of advice that you should be giving to an audience that I'm assuming is younger probably women you should not be telling younger women to be racist in return when someone calls them fat that's my end upon that you guys can let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 1,188,610
Rating: 4.9333591 out of 5
Keywords: shallon lester, shallon lester drama
Id: -ylUB9EjwAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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