Starseed people are a thing?

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to talk about tick tock again but this time it's a little bit different this time it's not centered around children and grooming and creepy [ __ ] like pedophilia but rather around a quote-unquote cult now i remember finding out about unicult about a couple years ago and since then i've removed it from my memory for my own well-being so i'm just gonna give you a little rundown of the beliefs of this quote-unquote cult based on their website and then we're gonna have a conversation about the content that the cult leader unicol about the beliefs she's putting out there and whether they're dangerous or whether you know what the deal is really unicol unicron queen of the unseen and jeremy garner a magician of the other realms were born on opposite sides of planet earth to find unique identity through magic technology and online community interaction they recognize one another from the time before and began collaborating seamlessly and extensively through this collaboration they became outside time and space hello it's me from the future so i found another page that describes the beliefs and i think it's clearer than the page i showed you so it says unicultism is the spiritual belief set upon which unicult is founded it was created by the heart of unicol unicron in order to raise one specific person that is unicorn unicron out of the pits of despair and into a state of near constant joy though you are not unico unicron you may find much benefit within the practice of unicultism the practicing of unoccultism is not required of any member instead it is encouraged that each member of unicult create their own custom spirituality it is suggested that members of unicult study unicultism as a set of beliefs which may benefit them it is suggested that they internalize and practice those aspects of mean occultism which appeal to them most this suggests that the individuals practice unicultism if they feel it will benefit them so all of this sounds pretty okay like i don't think any of this is particularly alarming just yet because it's essentially saying create your own religion and we have tools to help you it seems but there is a little bit of a red flag when it says you may benefit from unicultism if you suffer from hopelessness an overactive imagination an inclination towards magic worry for a future as a species planet global sadness unhealthy habits and obsession with the abyss consumer blues racing thoughts anxiety other forms of depression poverty perpetual health problems all consuming cynicism curiosity as we all know cults really benefit on people's vulnerabilities like it doesn't automatically have to be inherently negative but it's also like vulnerabilities can also be taken advantage of so it's important to keep those two things in mind one thing that i'm going to tell you right now is that a lot of this cult in my opinion is a string of words put together that don't have any particular defined meaning really what it boils down to in my opinion is a lot of this is word salad and relying on certain buzzwords to appear more informed or more spiritual than it actually is kind of like in the beginning of high school sometimes where you wanted to impress your teacher and sound really smart so you'd use the thesaurus for like every word and then it made no sense because the words you were choosing weren't actually accurately describing what you wanted to describe but rather you were using them to try and sound more educated on a topic where maybe you just didn't know that's the kind of vibe i get so we're going to look at the content and then we're going to also talk about cults because i asked you guys on twitter whether there's such a thing as a positive cult personally show me one because i've never seen any i tend to not think cults can ever be positive because the whole premise of a cult is indoctrination and preying on people who typically are in some kind of a vulnerable position whether it's financial whether it's like they're not achieving their goals whether they have problems with their family no cult has ever really been built that i am aware of on people that are just living their best lives it never starts that way anyway let's look at the first tick tock that reminded me of the existence of this cult starseed a lot of people ask me how do i know if i'm a starseed but nobody seems to ask what is it like to be a starseed starseeds are alien consciousness born into human bodies because of our unique energy signatures we have pretty hard lives being a starseed is a super lonely experience it feels like nobody understands you and it feels like your family is far away in space starseeds have a super different energy signature than other earthlings because of this they're often diagnosed with severe mental illness because of their inability to just go about life like nothing is wrong they can see the corruption in place very clearly the positives are that you're usually super smart and also really psychic and if you can learn how to master your interdimensional traveling with your conscious energy you don't have to feel lonely and you can connect to your family in space also as the internet expands on these topics you can find other starseeds like you unicult for example is my cult full of believe whatever you want truly go for it as long as it's not hurting other people that being said it's very hard for me to not see this tick tock as somewhat patronizing because the implications here are that i'm not like the other humans i don't know i feel like the implication is very patronizing because it's like saying there's a group of us that are special and chosen and i'm one of them and it's really hard being us because we're so smart and we're psychic and we can communicate with other beings and saying that it's lonely like i just feel like this is a way to kind of excommunicate yourself from other people frankly like i just feel like as much as it's fine to believe if you want to believe your starseed go ahead all i'm saying is i don't know if this is a healthy lifestyle because if you automatically kind of separate yourself from everyone else it's gonna be lonely because you're separating yourself from other people it's not like other people are separating from you you are determining that you are not like everyone else i think it's important to have self-esteem and self-worth and think you are a unique individual but at the same time it's also like there has to be a level of moderation where you can think you're the bomb that's great i support that but it's also like the difference between confidence and cockiness you know one of them is great the other one i think tends to be unhealthy my question is which one do you think this one is in my opinion this is not really what i would do i think if i disconnected myself from reality to the point where i believe that i'm not really a human and that i'm like some other species i think that would [ __ ] with my concept of reality this in and of itself i don't think is super harmful but there's the potential for it you've all been bullying me to talk about elon musk but i'm hesitant to talk about it because i respect c so much and i just want them to be happy but the truth is i did have a dream relationship with elon musk for more than a year i was dreaming about him all the time multiple times a week and the weirdest part was that it was chronological so our relationship built up every night that i would dream about him erotic details are in the zine called astral eroticism which you can get at i have reason to believe i was interacting with elon's higher self i have reason to believe that he probably doesn't know anything about me but i feel like i know quite a lot about him because of our dream interactions in my dream time with elon i found him to be funny and pretty disengaged he's pretty self-absorbed he's lives in his own head but of course he's an interesting person to be around he showed me a lot of things in the dream realm that didn't come out for like another year like for instance he showed me auto summon a year before it came out and it really freaked me out cause i was like there's no one in the car he also uses his dreams to communicate with his employees to be more efficient in case they have any questions they can ask him directly in the dream realm so he doesn't have to waste any time in person so this tick tock is where i started to get more alarmed because to seriously claim that you dream dated elon so you actually think you know a lot about him rather than you know like what your brain just conjured in a dream is alarming to me because this kind of conviction in saying things that are this out there typically scares me because i wonder whether the person is connected to reality anymore and the thing is i would love if this person were trolling but unicult has been around for a long time so either it's a long con or they actually believe this and if they do i personally think it's dangerous to go around telling people that you can like dream communicate with people because then if you become obsessive enough over someone like here it seems a little suspicious that for like ever you dream dated someone that you've never met for a year and you think you now have an intimate understanding of who they are and how their company works if you convince other people that they can do that and they have any type of stalkerish tendencies this could go awry very quickly again if this person wants to be convinced that that's the case okay i guess but it's also like you broadcasting this just like to anyone who comes across the videos in my opinion is concerning especially if there are younger people watching this more impressionable people who will actually you know take this person's words at face value even for myself i've always been quite cynical even though i was raised catholic never really believed in all of that it's just like i think even myself as a cynical person if you are like i was mentioning before with cults if you are in a vulnerable position like when you're a teenager with hormones everything just sucks is it possible that you'd get sucked into something like this because yes it's alluring to think oh maybe i'm a starseed i'm not like the other teenagers and you you convince yourself of all these things i don't know i just find it alarming when i was younger i was on all kinds of medications and sometimes i would quit for a day or two or a week even just to see if i could it's always a terrible idea you end up out of your head and every time i did this i would think wow i guess i really need this medicine what i didn't realize is that i was just addicted and i was going through withdrawal symptoms so the way that i actually quit was by going off my meds extremely slowly more slowly than any doctor would ever recommend i crushed up the pills and made smaller and smaller amounts and recapsuled them so that i could take that for a couple of weeks couple of weeks couple of weeks and slowly lower my amount after months of this do you want to know what i found out i didn't need my meds i was happier without them i'm not telling you what to do a lot of medications help a lot of people but if you're interested in quitting do not do it cold turkey this is one of the ones that i find probably the most damaging i'm not the type of person that takes medication lightly so when i say that i mean that i think medication is important to take when you have mental illness problems like myself i'm not on it anymore but i consulted a doctor it's a whole thing but anyway i think that if you're prescribed medication by a doctor you should look into it and you should take it seriously in the sense of don't pop any pill a doctor gives you because some of them don't have your best interest at heart sadly but also don't disregard everything a doctor says like again moderation is key so if you are gonna go off a medication you should talk to a doctor about that and if you're gonna take a medication you should also talk to your doctor about that so this concept of her saying that she got off her medication and very slowly tapered it off thankfully nothing terrible happened but your body if it is used to having medication of course it's going to react when the medication is no longer there that's the point of the medication that it makes a difference in your brain in terms of we're talking about mental illness medication she says in the video oh yeah well i'm not telling you to do this but it's also like you you just gave someone a [ __ ] to-do of how to do this of how you did it and also mixing that with spirituality because the implication here because of the cult is that everything is tied to spirituality right let's say you have a cult leader everything they do is gonna automatically be connected to their cult and what is their cult their spiritual beliefs right so her saying oh i stopped taking my medication the implication in my opinion and you can tell me if you disagree the implication is that there was like a kind of spiritual awakening she was addicted to the medication which very well could be true but it's also like if you're prescribed a medication that's not you know [ __ ] vicodin or something if you're prescribed like prozac for example it's normal that when you stop taking it you'll feel an effect that's the whole point it's supposed to help you with for me at least it was with my depressive symptoms so when i refer to this as a cult it's not just me saying that to make it look bad she actually herself refers to the cult as a cult and it's called unicult so i mean it's definitely not like a club it's a cult it's in the name and i asked you guys on twitter whether you thought cults could be positive the majority of you guys agreed with me well i didn't put it on twitter but the majority of you guys have shared my opinion where the definition of cult automatically is grim so it's not really possible for the cult to be positive mainly because cults rely on the followers to pretty much do and believe whatever the leader says and that doesn't really leave room for critical thinking and if you can't think critically and you're not thinking for yourself you're being manipulated there's a website called cult education and it's by rick ross expert consultant and intervention specialist so here are 10 warning signs people involved in with a potentially unsafe group and leader so i think that some of these apply do i think that this is equivalent to a cult like jonestown no but there are other cults like heaven's gate which kind of sounds similar to this now of course there's no death pact here that i know of thank god but the beliefs are kind of similar this kind of wishy-washy using of buzzwords no real in my opinion direction i feel like it's a [ __ ] maybe that's me just not understanding it maybe i'm not a starseed so i don't get it but then there's another video that i thought was interesting if you saw my last video and you don't feel like a starseed don't worry it's really important to be whoever you are you're here for a reason on this planet and we need you exactly as you are with exactly the history that you've led you can do your own soul searching through past life regression and also just tuning in to the truth of your own heart what do you wish were true what do you feel is true that is who you really are and it's precious you're magical exactly the way you are and everything that you bring to this planet is divine you are a culmination of all of your past lives on earth you have collected karma and you're here to clear that karma it's only through your participation in clearing that karma that we can all move forward into unitopian paradise starseeds are cool but they're not here for a planetary takeover we're actually here to work in harmony with the earthlings and other spiritual entities that are here on this planet currently thank you for being alive on earth with me the message here can be seen as positive because it is important to be who you are and be okay with who you are and continue to improve yourself granted but you know to kind of accept what you can't change and improve what you can so i think that's important but i felt weird about this video it felt patronizing like okay you're not a special person but like we still need you you're not special though so i don't know wasn't a really big fan of that while some of the ideas seem incredibly far-fetched it is important to realize that certain ideas at the core are actually quite quote-unquote relatable in the sense of this video that you're seeing playing while i'm speaking to you was a video from three years ago where essentially the concept is that american consumers are being brainwashed and the message of the video was to wake up from the brainwashing now certainly there's an argument to be made about capitalism about consumerism about the excess of buying there are plenty of things along those lines that i think happen to be true the thing is there's no argument really being made with facts it's rather just kind of conspiratorial it feels conspiratorial even with this editing so i do think that there could be a message here i just don't know if it's being translated in the most effective way because i do think here facts and numbers could be more helpful because otherwise it does seem like a tinfoil conspiracy especially with this editing even though like i said there is truth to some of what's being said here so if you go on her website there's a tab that says shop and as you can see here there's a book of fundamentals there's rosaries earrings shirts robes even and you'll notice that some of the rosaries seem a little on the overpriced side mainly because i've seen these sold for far cheaper and i also have to question the quality whether it's from a site like aliexpress who knows but nonetheless it's also interesting to kind of put this shop together with the belief system because if consumerism is something that's critiqued it also is interesting that merch is being sold and of course they have to find a way to support themselves and support their cult to a certain degree i wonder because it makes sense to sell a book of fundamentals but a lot of these things do seem overpriced and kind of gimmicky like a uni bliss pin and belief makes real cups like it just seems like something you would see at urban outfitters that doesn't really have this big religious or spiritual significance behind it but then again that might be my bias apologies that i'm ending my video here but what i filmed prior i kind of changed my mind about so in the end i think the question really is do i think this is really a dangerous call to do i think it's a cult i think it's a cult mainly because if they've chosen to label themselves that way i don't know why i would go against that because especially the negative connotations of cult as if you're owning it own it i suppose do i think it's really dangerous no i don't think it's extremely dangerous that being said some of these things like anything if they're not applied properly and with moderation it can be dangerous but if you come up with almost like an alternate reality at one point i do think that becomes dangerous because you still need to retain a grasp on the reality everyone else lives in because you still are a human that has to function within society unless you want to go live in the middle of a forest or something so i can see both sides of the argument i definitely think the medication thing is probably the part that is most alarming to me because i really think it can be damaging to kind of imply that your medications are what's keeping you down and that you're freed without them and then you'll have like spiritual awakenings and stuff like that so that's really i think the most concerning part you guys can let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right to the fan art [Music] you
Views: 343,098
Rating: 4.9329314 out of 5
Keywords: starseed, tiktok, tiktok community
Id: kOkWzxJ-7D4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 12 2020
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