IS THIS THE END As We Know It / I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Opening Mystery Boxes Storage Wars

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you know what we definitely hit the bullseye when we aimed at this target 550 this has been an incredible unit it's been one hails of a unit yeah it has if you've been keeping up with what the hails you know we bought a doomsday prepper storage unit in florida for 550. check this out we've already looked on this at the previous video we've got a glock case a glock case a smithy wesson we got ammo we found more alcohol than than we would know what to do with now here's the crazy part doomsday prepper preps for doomsday doomsday happens right pandemic coved the whole deal the prepper obviously wasn't prepared he was gonna we've got all the stuff well he was gonna barter it who the hell's knows what we're gonna find next look at this that one is labeled prep prep is that prep barter what's that ac radio do you think this is a preppers maybe you know what i bet you this is a doomsday prepper unit could very well be all the medical stuff [Applause] okay sleep is that a sleeping bag that is a job oh george oh wow george oh my oh my gosh cleaner there's guys george look at all these back here who knows what the hails are in those george what a hails of a unit here in florida we're back at it we always tell you there's a story in every unit yes remember we found all the medical books and all of that in here too george see okay i'm curious holy cow medical bill why oh sweet envelopes i actually need these yeah now see here's you've never had to pay for um envelopes i don't pay for envelopes storage units because the storage unit life always always provides thank you yet again storage unit life for envelopes uh we do have medical books and some medical books could be working did you know that i took medical terminology right after high school it makes sense if they were a doomsday prepper and look at this here is another another totally crap another tote labeled prep okay wait oh my goodness there's another one this is crazy okay let's see what's in it it's getting crazy okay let's get in here okay this is labeled prep andy uh come on come on man if those firearms are in here you're gonna lose your mind yes oh absolutely best unit ever if those are in here okay this looks like a large rain jacket black to camouflage you in the woods if you're in a zombie apocalypse let's see what else we have we've got mountain house delicious meals lasagna with green sauce we got a little bit of you can call that astronaut food um not sure but i know the wife made the big beef stew last night so now you have the farts it wasn't that bad okay uh chicken teriyaki with rice yum a little more beef stew beef stroganoff yummy okay so we got a lot of granola oh great do you want this with milk and blueberries sure okay we could try it i'll try it if you try it okay these are called dry boxes so if you pop that open they have a they have a rubber seal even if they get wet you see that white seal there so you can snack under water so yeah exactly how cool is that if you want to be a fish that is the way to go if you're a fish i'm a fish this is pretty much all brand new cooking supplies so we honestly i mean we're set to actually 70 acres in florida apocalypse coming we're set we're set i mean we honestly we're set look at this uh well there's a headlamp oh but that ain't no lamp this is like not this is not gonna save you in the apocalypse you gotta have another light yeah you gotta upgrade upgrading but in case you need a tissue there's three i can use some tissues what about glow sticks so glow sticks glow sticks for when we go caving okay so let's get to that in a second here here are some taste coverings bandanas that did have a dog you can tell that here here is another machete george we found a previous machete you think there's a machete in every prep i bet you there is there's gotta be i bet you there literally is one in every prep because prep you know prepper's gonna prepper's gonna prep prepper's gonna prep there's paracord right there and we already know many of you viewers are gonna reach out to us and go i wanna buy the whole prep box i wanna buy stay tuned to the sunday night auctions george may auction some of it off or we may just keep we may keep it on the ranch just to have fun with it okay so here is that's usually matches usually preppers will put matches in here sounds empty okay and no it's q-tips it's actually cute where do you hide your q-tips um i'm not gonna tell you but this it wouldn't be hidden if i did you know what that is that's some type of um sharpener so this is called a flint and steel or a magnesium strip it's not actually fla well it's not actually steel this is your flint here what you do is you shave off the magnesium then you you strike the flint and uh my kids my kids at the age of four knew how to build a fire without a match with a magnesium strip so they still do um that was a fairly important thing for them as far as growing up on a campground first aid kit right there first aid kit you know what we might keep this but we need that well we left all of our old first aid kits in our other in our other trailers in ohio so there's a little poop shovel right there look at that i've never actually seen one like this before that's kind of cool so that's the shovel someone would use if they go dig a hole to use the right fat or if you're hungry and you got a big appetite this is what i'm gonna use when we go out to eat after we're done working gotcha here's this is a water bottle you see that so that will actually five gallons yep you can get five gallons of fresh water in there here's a tarp i mean these people were set and ready to go except they're prepared well the thing is the crazy part is everything did happen another solar panel radio they everything did happen and they obviously weren't that prepared okay there we go right there there's the knife a knife in here as well all right um we've got some butt wipes charming freshness on the go have i ever taught you how to use a compass or interior you haven't but i learned in school you learned orienteering in school yeah there's fuel there's fuel to coke right there what is this this is usually they usually are water cleaning purifiers yeah water water purifying tablets and then oh yeah you gotta have this you know what this is right yep paste inside this is a toothbrush um you can use that to clean the bottom of your shoes get all that lemur poop get underneath your shoes can you guess give me a guess what you think is in the next i think every touch is gonna keep getting better and better okay so let's just let's go straight to it let's get the next one okay i'm gonna set that one aside let's just let's go through all three of them let's do it why the heel's not this one this one's a little heavier okay wait look they're labeled so this was the prep box for mom interesting i wonder if everyone created their own prep their own prep tote do you think so okay well let's find out what was important to mom there's probably going to be some feminine products in there [Laughter] that would be my best guess female problems here we go here we go okay this is mom's prep box brand new water a water bomb okay water bob never be without water right there we've got another water carrier we've got more meals noodles and chicken chicken teriyaki corn meals now i'm getting hungry more meals mama's getting hungry we got work to do there's some more granola you can have the granola i don't care if you want here take the granola what's the expiration date on this okay look at this we're in florida expiration date doesn't matter we're in 2013. it does not matter where in florida look what the map is in here michigan michigan okay and our neighboring state back in ohio just in case when you get on the line you know what else she had mom did not mess around she had her own machete mom didn't mess around at all check that one out border patrol right there that's a nice one that is a really nice we have we've got some great knives canines and some great ka swords um that one's kind of a nice one right there it is should i do a machete a lot or just keep it on the ranch you want to sell all my machetes maybe really already okay we've got more fuel bungee cords this is an emergency blanket okay so one time when when i was training all my staff this one time in christian camp yes this one time at christian camp i was training all of my staff how to survive in the woods and the only thing i had was an emergency blanket this is basically a piece of tin foil think of it like that and i had to survive in this thing and they were like you jerk you kept us up all night every time you you got to fart in those just to stay warm so george there is another oh wow there is another one that's wow wow is number another solar radio another solar radio oh my goodness we paid 550 dollars those are going to be binoculars 550 dollars we have more than that just in alcohol we have more than that in just in the preppering i mean we could sell we could sell totes as is for i mean we got four totes right yeah so let's just say we sell per tote 200 bucks on it we're going to do some doomsday livestreams doomsday lot you get the tote 200. uh we would be at 800 300 profit already right good thing we're prepped good thing we're prepped the lights went off [Laughter] not a good idea next time don't throw it straight up no i'm with the doomsday prepping box all right here we go i'm pretty sure i got that on film that you just wanted yourself you know what this is here a lot of people know that this is this is dental floss this is the doom days peppers dental for real no it's actually a salt who's there we going in we're going in and hiding this is a cable saw so if you need to take a branch down you do it with friction back and forth back and forth and by the way i am not a doomsday prepper nothing like that whatsoever i am very confident of where i'm gonna go in the end and uh so uh i could be on men versus wild i would love to be on man versus wild those who truly know me those who truly truly know me have always said jeremy you have to get on survivor you will win or you have to be on a survivor uh survival um tv program yeah uh am i boring looking looking back at what you know with youtube life versus going on tv would you do it uh no i'd rather do youtube you'd rather youtube okay rather do you well i would i would i do wanna i would like one time in my life to win survivor not play so that's the only exception you would make i want to win survivor for an episode and i think there's potential if i take enough knives knives i probably could okay we'll just make the knives so this is a whole nother tote doomsday preparation this one is mom's interesting enough they all have similar all we have all we have is deodorant interesting enough we did not find feminine products for mom apparently feminine hygiene in the doomsday means nothing it's irrelevant we got one more back there you want to let's dig into it let's see what we have and we'll grab it all right now one more that we can see labeled that doesn't mean there's not yeah a lot of times things are mislabeled but uh at the rate that we're going what's this say med and dry dry okay this must be the medical unit oh my god more first aid kits yeah we've got more first aid than we're ever gonna know what to do with there's a tarp look at this this is another dry box oh we have altoids how's my breath let me smell i just saw your hangy ball ah i'm not gonna get any from there okay but at least my lips won't be chapped so we're good there you smell the medical-ness from this you smell medical yeah it's got that medical-ness it has that medical smell to it there's some tubular stuff there this is kind of like um uh some sacs or this could be this could be like a medical unit like an apron or what do you call that the nurses wear the scrubs scrubber that's what it is it's amazing once the once the light goes on on the camera you can't see it's blinding isn't it well that is part of the problem your mind goes blank because you're blind but you know what there's some tweezers scissors pens there are there are those you there are those youtube viewers out there that think everything should be perfect and we're still waiting for them to put a video out and yet nothing nothing scripted on this channel batteries batteries upon batteries here's another more there another rescue blanket uh another dry box look at that oh my goodness did we ever score a preppers unit we've got there's another knife down there there's a whistle i'm surprised the sirens didn't go off oh okay um i'm was kind of surprised myself they didn't go off so there is this here i gotta say that uh this location oh you know what this is for right you throw up in there no you go doo-doo in there that's for the that's the poop shoot you can you can throw up in it you can pee in it i mean i guess it's multi-use you're george of what the hails you can do whatever you want you can get away say anything you want those are emma's bags when i would throw up all the time or my sister would throw up they'd give her what was your sister she had a gallbladder attack what's that for and it was making her puke i don't know what these are for these ones i don't know i'm not sure on that uh you remember the box for the stethoscope that we found the first when we first got is that it there it is this is it there it is so they were buying all brand new stuff all brand new stuff oh man there is um a ton of padding a bunch of ace bandages lens cleaner spray more this has got to be more first aid right or do you think this is a diabetic it could be diabetic yeah you're right yep diabetic test your blood sugar yep so somebody in the family might have been a diabetic or they were prepped if somebody was going to become a doctor during the actual apocalypse you know what i think we have our first aid kit for the trailer don't you think i mean yeah for both sailors really we can just take it back and forth and um unless a magician saws one of us in half i think we're good for any cuts scrape bumps and bruises even if we take one of the chainsaws and and we lose a limb i think we have the gauze for it who needs a hospital when you have all this the gauze for it who the hails would have ever thought this was what we were going to find what's next mouse i am just so curious to see what's in all of this stuff that one's labeled blankets is it actually labeled yeah look at that it looks like a tiger doesn't it okay but carol baskins blanket might be your husband in here okay so that i'm just gonna toss this okay i don't think i really want to find i mean you know what i want to find what do i want i mean those guns could be wrapped up in the blankets well you know they're also there's a couple guns right here one right there there's one right there so free admission to the gun show we might have some vintage tees in here so we've got we definitely have some t-shirts i'm just curious what size they were wearing the mom the mom okay is she a joker the mom we've got we have some vintage teas cheer for the cure diane you know anybody named diane um princess diane all right so this is clothing this we typically donate all of this yeah so we'll go through and look to see if there's any just gonna toss that out there t-shirts worth keeping but most of it gets defeated oh we might have more prepping here i see cotton balls okay i see the gold standard what for adults the gold standard for adults what is it it's uh fairy dust moving along what is it oh we just wait wait george i got it i got it you ready yes no still no lights okay uh we have no lights we do have throw the stuffed animal out in the hallway all right see if that works yeah no it didn't still have no lights [Music] okay we've got kids fire all right let's see what's in here i think oh you know what this is this is this is their beautification kit and there's usually usually some jewelry in there but not this time all right let's move this and let's find something else see if we can keep the lights on looks like we got some paperwork in there and nice little sewing kit well yeah it is a tackle box but is this something supplies this is a craft kit or would this be for doomsday prep as well maybe a little bit of both could be both now the one thing that george and i did finally realize and again we don't show you everything there's no way we possibly ever could uh this is a female and a female on this unit and she's the doomsday prepper which typically we see guys doomsday prepping but she's the doomsday prepper and she's prepping for her family um let's move that and see oh you know what that is first class mess the uss truxel imperial i don't know what it is but it's there it's there and it does say first-class mess look at this george oh i think a lot broke down here i can see something gold oh no that's popcorn okay okay we can definitely use look at that i don't even need an emergency medical blanket anymore all i have right here just taking the reynolds wrap out in the woods with me i will survive i will survive yeah i will survive no doubt about that and we got here's some carnival glass down there are you seeing that yeah it's pretty okay dog bone carnival glass i don't want to dig too far into that there's a samsung remote i did see that and we're probably gonna find i'm gonna go find what it goes to but it probably does not go like that okay that was for a laptop but look at this george look look look what what what i think we are definitely on the right track to find the future right here right now some targets not some targets there's about a couple hundred years for days targets man you know what we definitely hit the bullseye when we aimed at this target 550 this has been an incredible unit it's been one hails of a unit yeah it has spray it anyone [Music] you
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 72,028
Rating: 4.9327731 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: Hzlx9i12ACI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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