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hello and welcome back to iron lung no there isn't a major update to this game except that there is by definition a major update to this game with lore now i don't know if this is worth a full video and if you're seeing this then that means that it is worth a full video because i wouldn't do that to you it's strange how popular this game is except for the fact that it's absolutely not strange how popular this game is it's very good and i like it and it's really cool and the whole universe is captivating but also i want to point out that i realized something i'm not saying that this is exactly what it is because it's not but thematically i knew this rang of bell and i did not mention this in my previous video scp-354 you can even see in the picture here there's kind of a similarity in the a aesthetic of the game in that blood ocean blood river blood lake in scp-354 blood ocean the whole universe however is different i'm not saying it's the same i just think it's cool because if you guys want to you should definitely read scp-354 it has in it log of exploratory mission 354 alpha 354 alpha is an exploration of the entity known as scp-354 where they go into the blood lake and what do they go in it in the only thing you can a submarine it's not the same obviously but i think it's really cool and if you want more of iron lung again not saying it's an it may be inspired it may not be inspired it made i don't know i'm saying this is also another cool experiment and a cool bit of story if you want something else now i'm going to go into this right now and i'm going to look for this lore this is laura we already know about this is already lore lordlord lor lalor lore now let's see what else is waiting for us at the bottom of the ocean there are apparently also some hidden achievements which i was pretty sure that was the case with this game that there would be some hidden stuff because it's a large ocean it's quite large and the points and the thing about it is the points are not the entirety of the ocean well my lighting just isn't correct for this that's better we're now at the bottom of the ocean which means that it's time to get here two weeks ago we conducted leading to the discovery of the fourth blood ocean right you can't navigate by site pay attention to your coordinates and consult the map the proximity indicators next to the sub control will trigger if you're getting too close to an obstacle so what we have here this is what's new a computer coi informational terminal this is a local database be sure to update before each descent last update today 5 378. 354. query help um info list can't do that uh help me uh i'm screaming and crying all right so i don't know the queries to use for that and i don't think that there's going to be any queries for that which means that i generally speaking m open to exploration and see there's there's markers on the map here of places to go but there are also tons of other things here like what's in this alcove up here what's in the bottom right over here what's in this little nook here right but let's go explore okay so what i'm going gonna do is i'm gonna try to go to uh actually i'm gonna just go first thing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna turn around what the hell is in the back of the starting area that's a good question i did no extra exploration when i was playing this the first time and it's it's a tragedy that i didn't because there's so many like questions that i have now that we're here because technically speaking creepy creaky kooky cool and kooky so we need to go up to 200 180. i'm wondering if i should try to follow the noises because there are a lot of noises and i was saying before that i didn't know what they were all about and they may not be at about anything at all you may not see it as a face it may not be about anything but you never really know do ya i'll update you if i find anything oh blood ocean okay whoa there actually are things here if you type blood oceans an unexplained phenomenon that has been identified on four separate moons since the quiet rapture moon at 80-5 moon z-8 are the most notable locations as they are under control of the coi enough research has been conducted on the blood itself to determine that it is indeed human blood but we have not discovered where it comes from or how it keeps its liquid form the ocean at at-5 is of particular interest moon 80-5 redacted this entry has been redacted see blood and food okay moonsy eight monsieur the sight of one of four known blood oceans and one of the two such moons under the control of the coi moon z8 has historically been used for the realization of coi convictions until the discovery of the moon at5 okay the coi what is that the consolidation of iron or coi is a brotherhood of three space stations and two spacecrafts found on the principle of collectivism and ruled by the popular vote of all citizens numbering 257 at the time of the century its name comes from the iron and steel materials its two main stations are constructed from and the principle of unity and togetherness in the face of menace from other surrounding stations such as eden oh other stations hang on i'm gonna i'm gonna get rid of this blurp blooping let me move my position now that i've found how to look up information i do love that that is unexplained of how to do that i don't love that sound that's outside of the submarine right now okay so what is eden space station eden is the largest man-made structure that still exists in the wake of the quiet rapture it was formerly the main station for mars and the populace still maintain a strong sense of martian patriotism and independence making them a constant threat to the sanctity and security of the coi it has occurred in the population of 468 and has the only known remaining trees in its interior garden the coi considers eating a threat to all collective well-being after their attack on the filament station interesting i'll get to the uh let me do filament station first filament station was the fourth and largest space station the coi until 362 eic when tensions between the coi and eden erupted in a nine-day battle on the station the conflict battle ended unresolved when eden troops resorted to sabotaging the station's reactor resulting in a critical breach redacted the breach left filament station uninhabitable due to high levels of radiation and it has sat empty since hmm prisoners taken during the conflict have been undergoing conviction realization in the years since with the final ones expected to repay their debts and integrate into the coi society by 381eic so that must just be the year e i c epoch of interplanetary colonization epoch of interplanetary colonization or eic is an interstellar calendar standardization adopted with the establishment of the first off-earth colony on mars in 1992 a.d zero eic it was and is the predominant calendar used throughout the known galaxy although before the quiet rapture many debated switching over to a more standardized measurement of years imc or interstellar martian calendar was especially popular owing to a large population residing on mars after the quiet rapture all stations and starships alliances still use eic aside from eden which uses imc imc known commonly as imc the interstellar martian calendar is an alternative to the more widely used eic it was poised to be officially adopted by mars before the quiet rapture whereas eic is based on the rotation of earth imc is based on the rotation of mars meaning that one year in imc is about 1.88 years in imc currently only eden a former martian space station uses i am imc okay mars fourth planet from the sun first off site colony mars was most populated planted in the solar system before the quiet rapture surpassing earth in 143 eic how the hell did they do that now all that remains of mars former glory is the eden space station okay fascinating quiet rapture in 357 eic without any prior warning radio contact with our respective planets was suddenly cut nobody can recall having visual contact with any planets when the incident occurred or experiencing any other unusual phenomena so it's uncertain what might exactly have happened upon investigation it was observed independently by several stations that there were that where there had previously been planets nothing remained further investigation over the following months revealed that all known planets with sentient life flora and fauna and habital a habitable atmosphere or any sort of natural resources were likewise gone along with all known stars the only celestial bodies that have been found since are either uninhabitable moons or asteroids many theories have been proposed for this disaster including religious interpretations of it as a literal rapture or some kind unknown quantum anomaly or something more cosmic and sinister there are no concrete answers yet fascinating okay what is conviction realization the humane form of criminal justice used by the coi where crimes are repaid by rendering service to the general collective often this is performing surveys maintenance or other similarly beneficial tasks excellent iron lung ah there's one the sm-13 one of four in-service underwater crafts fashioned by the coi for use in conviction realization in the blood oceans it is designed for deep liquid photography and analysis redacted all rumors of the sm-13 and similar crafts being used for so-called mob justice by way of force suffocation or otherwise have been proven false proven by whom by whom did you prove this so it said four moons there are other moons there have to be other moons right there have to be what is up here i don't know if i ever made it up there i want to go down here but also i want to go up there let me go here first i want to go to this area not gonna pay that any mind that's not my problem i'm sorry okay probably fine that's fine not worried about that not worried about that at all just some banging on the hull trying to say hello that's fine that's no problem that's no problem at all so that's probably whatever let me take a look at whatever that is because it looks like there's pillars here fascinating so if i want to get to the back corner it's about 755 760 by 100. oh god okay just looks like a whole lot of nothing doesn't look like much of anything looks like there's nothing down here so really my curiosity is what is up there [Music] fine definitely fine 100 fine go right the fire ah good thing i heard that fire depth no i should have rammed it i should have rammed it i should have rammed it all right i need to get to about 575 700 we're good we're all good [Music] so i'm willing to bet because i went up there what happens if i go the other path that's probably where the secrets lie oh good the blood has arrived great okay i need 5.75 uh 575 750. getting kind of horrifying up in here okay once i'm there i need to go to 6 25 7 75. so does this mean that the rapture was ever human except for the ones that are alive left less than a thousand um got squooshed into blood goop is that the lore the glorious lore almost there or something whatever almost there and there is and we're there and almost there okay so it's a real tight gap straight through seven maybe like 765 700 i think i just got to go buy the radar on this one maybe some pictures that's not helpful i'm just gonna go by radar okay that'll be the top wall okay i'm i'm clear to seven six uh actually seven fifteen seven six five [Music] okay we're starting to this is oh this is a narrow gap this is quite the threadage of the needle okay okay where are we seven 750 730 749 we can go a little forward okay what do we see what are we looking at oh nothing great i'm just gonna go to the bottom of this which is about ooh 775 700 getting real tight in here we're getting close to the what am i looking at what am i looking at wha what sm 8 sm 8. sm eight oh okay hopefully they don't redact this before updating the database what most people don't understand is that not all subs are built equal the sm8 isn't a burner sub it really is for exploring and surveying blood oceans if they send you down in the iron lung they don't give a [ __ ] if you come back or if the sub comes back because it's a pile of garbage and you're a piece of [ __ ] you come back with photos great you sit down there and suffocate quietly even better but if they send the sm8 down one of the scientists is piloting and they all expect them to return and now the sm8 is in the blood ocean in pieces no not hidden rock pieces or sprung elite pieces it looks like something tore it up and the weirdest thing is that nobody else seems surprised we might have found the first planetary life since the rapture and they're acting like it's no big deal i know you're next in line for realization in the iron lung and usually that means you won't be seeing the stars again but they don't have an sm-8 anymore they have three burner subs and a lot of curiosity about 85 and maybe that means you have a chance okay that's good i don't think i do but hey the sm-8 so that's lying right here on the map but that still leaves a question about what's here okay okay getting here wherever here is what the hell is that what is that okay that's weird okay so i'm uh 850 828 so i'm about right here that's a regular sound okay three is a pattern so what does that mean the outer bounds are probably going to be like 900 850 so don't go past that what am i looking at teeth what is this i'm literally right on top of it let me go forward and turn around and see the other side of it maybe that's a weird-ass tooth in the ground okay well no idea what that's about so all that's left down here is some weird musical obelisk right down here i didn't check up here but i doubt that there's anything else really extraordinary besides what would be after this now the crazy thought the crazy thing to do would be to try to hit these things in reverse order because you die going up here what happens if i fly up the ass of uh whatever is up here you think that's possible i can do that or will it just kill me straight up [Music] sounds like a lot of things moving out there sounds like a lot of movement i am hearing a lot of movement just a whole lot of movement just a lot of movement out there what is that what why do i hear that i hear that what is that oh i don't like the general shape of what i'm seeing over here oh god i hate this what is going on what am i looking at wait no no no no what is it what is this what am i looking at please tell me this is nothing oh no oh what is that is that the thing is that 626.75 yeah i think that's the thing whatever that is why is it crunchy oh why is it so crunchy ugh hate that don't know what it is but it's crunchy oh god that jump scare is coming okay 675 828. here we go oh no oh no don't do it please i don't want to die okay we're fine i've played this before have i what is that achievement i played this before okay so that's fascinating i did not die so weirdly i'm still alive so there might be something to going backwards through this but i don't know if i would have enough oxygen to do so i really do think that there might be a limit to what you could do but if there's a possibility that i can survive this by going in reverse order i'm kind of curious about that wait huh three oh 325. oh i'm dumb saving progress for some reason it's still saving i don't know if that's on a timer or what mr crab leg whatever that's supposed to be the weird one over there okay so what happens if you go in reverse order do you die the same if you came all the way back to the beginning would things be bad or would they be okay i don't know i don't remember this sound from before so i don't know what the deal is okay i need to get the 185.76 okay there we go well we're fine oh that's not good oh right this was wibbly wobbly right okay and then angle 184 wa bam oh yeah the weird light the ghibli light even the image is ghibli right okay gonna back that ass up i'm not gonna back that ass up i'm gonna run away from dead ass currently running away from dead ass goodbye i guess i am doing these in reverse order but again i don't know how much longer my ship's gonna hold okay and i moved 277 635 thanks i'll be on my way okay all right well that's a skellington huh that's a big skellington it's a very big skeleton what was this thing that doesn't matter okay that's four down five six to go 560 277 angle 43 roger roger it's probably just going to kill me at the end i don't think there's any recovering for this even if like i think it's still just going to be death by fish oh hi hi bud hi it's you oh boy oh no oh no oh goodness 6 13 97 okay [Music] not a whale you got it this is fine um that's the same as the other one though that is the same look this looks the same as that in all honesty they look idemboogle yeah steamy steam okay no bump apparently no bomb doesn't want to bump me i don't know why it's not bumping me but i'm not getting bumped oh i got bumped i got bumped i got bumped okay so 5 76 350 576 350 okay good all right please that's probably not good great 296. okay hmm tubes i let well i didn't get it 296 296 250 259 oopsies that's my bad that's my bed oops them some good tubes love those tubes really love the tubes all right 378 263 okay an angle 50. i might not be the right angle nope i got it two faces and then the last one 322 186 and then i probably dies just the same 186 angle 33 and then this would be the last one okay i knew it i knew it i knew it i knew you were gonna do that anyway i knew it i don't even know why i bothered i don't know why i bothered i don't know why i bothered with all that effort all that work for the same result but at least i checked it out now you don't have to that's what i'm here for [Music] but we did get some more lore so i do think this amounted to a worthwhile endeavor even though that was uh only partially successful but i'm gonna consider it fully successful because when you consider the success that i had in getting all the things that i intended to get i did those things and i committed to it so that's what really matters so thank you everybody so much for watching i look forward to more stuff in this universe because it is inherently creepy and i want to see more about it so thank you let me know what you thought down in the comments below and unless i missed something i got beyond the veil i don't know what that means did i get all the achievements are there more achievements achievements one locked achievements spatial awareness i have not crashed into a wall that's the only thing i didn't do i guess i gotta do that let me see where continue leaves me off all right 360. 280 oh oh i see where it is i should just be able to go directly to my right 90 degrees and slam into that wall let's go slam a wall what i've always dreamed of here we go man you really uh i'm not sure if you touch a wall you'll die but uh i smacked into that wall full of speed and died so thank you everybody so much for watching i am completionist about this game now and unless there are some diary entries in the computer terminal that i have not found i've seen it all thank you and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,813,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iron lung, ocean, markiplier, scary games, horror games, indie horror, dread, spooky, creepy, lore, jumpscares, jump scare, scary moments, scare reactions, submarine
Id: uAIyGQczCC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 30sec (1830 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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