Hermitcraft 7: Episode 57 - TUNNEL BORES!
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Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,976,991
Rating: 4.9525938 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: h9UTbUZtrGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2020
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Pretty sure Mumbo mentioned his name, that one is by borkon anyway, likely based on ilmango's from his peaceful series.
Mumbo linked to my video about it in the description. Also look at the video about the expandable version because I explain a few more details about it there. There are world downloads in the description of both videos. And if you want it running automatically, there's a third video about that (it's a terrible idea and you can't afk it).
First simple version that Mumbo used (and linked to): https://youtu.be/8-P9387oWWU Expandable version: https://youtu.be/8L4MqUX3-KU Self-driving version (and a terrible idea): https://youtu.be/Fp12gBGYZzY
Itβs in the description of the video
pretty sure it's u/borkonstuff's design
My guy the link is literally in the video description facepalm
Shulkercraft made one
but isnt it obvious how to build it? all the block are visible on te thumbnail edit:you just need to know in whitch order to place blocks for tnt duper
... you can literally build it from the thumbnail of the video lol
just copy the look