How to make a NUCLEAR REACTOR in Minecraft!

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Would say on the list of cool and interesting things nuclear actors go pretty high on that list [I] mean from an engineering standpoint They were incredibly impressive. There's loads of difficult engineering going on They're [just] [tons] of bits and pieces that I personally don't fully understand and also of course on a scary standpoint They're pretty impressive too. I mean I know it rarely happens, but when a nuclear reactor explodes well, you certainly know about it I mean It causes a huge explosion also covers the entire surrounding area in radiation which stays there for thousands upon thousands of years I mean that's impressive, and that makes it very cool now unfortunately in Minecraft right now We do not have nuclear energy, and we don't have nuclear reactors But I thought would be a fun redstone project to work on so let's begin so the first thing I've done it is created this 15 up by 15 of by 10 block D bunker that Drops down into the ground now. I decided to use iron blocks for this one Just because I feel [like] they look reinforced and industrial And that's the sort of thing that we want [to] be going for here because of course we're building a nuclear reactor Okay, you don't have like pretty wood and leaves and [things] like that and a nuclear reactor Nope you have iron. You have like redstone hard-looking blocks, and that's what we're going to be going for here. So the next thing I'm going to do is create the control [world] system and I'm going to start that off down the bottom so I'm going to go three blocks in on either side that's going to be [around] About there, and I'm going to place a sticky piston Every block just like this, and then I'm going to do the same thing going across right here. So just like that So we're going to create a full by [four] area of sticky pistons Just all facing upwards in this sort of grid formation and then on top of those sticky pistons that we against place yet more sticky pistons and then on top of those sticky pistons We're going to place in at the slime blocks and also these black stain dat glass box Just like this now these are all going to be the control rods which essentially cool down the nuclear reactor? They stop it from overheating and exploding. So these are pretty important all of these are now looking lovely So we're going to chuck in all of the redstone across the bottom Just powering all of our [bottom] [sticky] [pistons] because if you haven't quite guessed yet, we're creating double piston extenders at the bottom here So all of this redstone is power all of those then on top. We're going to have a removable objects I'm going to be using obsidian because once again these need to look like solid Industrial blocks and something about obsidian just looks really wrong solid so I'm just placing all of these and then until all of those We're going to need our redstone in once again. So that's just going to make its way around Connecting up all of these and that's of course going to do our double extender [this] is going to power the second piston, but then to do the final block retraction We actually need to place some blocks down the bottom here which are going to power our pistons When they need to retract the final block and the only way [that] we can do that is Create this sort of waffle shape that we're doing right here, so as you can see I'm just placing it redstone in between all the blocks going down like this And that will do it the second block for traction to power all this stuff I'm just going to place a couple blocks at the end like this with redstone at going up like that And then I'm going to have a repeater and a repeater set to four ticks With a block right here and a repeater set to two ticks and that's basically going to do the double extension and also the first block retraction then for the second block retraction I'm going to need a falling intimal a stable circuit and the way that I'm going to do that is we're placing blocks in a Bit like this with a repeater Running out into our steepest and facing upwards with a block on top to create a monostable circuit And then we're going to have our repeater that's going to be running out into a block up like this we're going to have another a movable object right there and Some redstone and keep things symmetrical we're going to do exactly the same thing on the other side so we need to place a redstone torch and then our repeater our monostable circuits and Our other repeater running out into the block with the a movable object and the redstone dust on top now one very Important thing to notice is that This repeater right here has to [be] set to three ticks because otherwise it will fire out all the blocks but now if we run an input into this thing you can see we get our double piston extension as looking lovely and Also our double piston retraction which looks awesome, when they're all in sync Just like that, and that is the bottom layer of our control rods all fully functional now [it's] time to place in the fuel rods. These the actual uranium up which is going to cause our nuclear reactor to work So put on your hazmat suits make sure that you're all safe and sound before you start touching this stuff because otherwise you know it Can do some truly terrible things to you? But we're going to place three blocks in going upwards like that Those are all our uranium blocks And they are going to make their way across just Like this in this sort of formation and we're going to create a grid [of] them in between all of our control rods So where this redstone [crosses] essentially where we have this sort [of] cross going on that's where uranium is going to be going? That's where it's going to be popping in and that means that when we extend our control rods that will essentially pop up in this area in between our fuel rods which are the uranium or the [epital] blocks and That means they should end up looking pretty cool in fact I'll quickly demonstrate [to] you How it looks so we do this? And then look they all extend between and it looks nice [or] at least I think looks nice So we have to do is you have to fill in at that full grid take it right the way out to this [error] Right here, and it should end up looking pretty cool So obviously we've got the bottom control rods, and we also have the nuclear fuel rods. Which is pretty good going so far I mean, I would say that the development of this is gone considerably fast in the development of a real nuclear reactor So I suppose that's a positive, but now we're going to start work on the top control rods and to do that I'm going to place three glowstone up like this And then a [glowstone] across there and we're going to place a line of glowstone Go right the way above all of our control rods so there is the bottom control Rod and this one lines up with it perfectly and this one lines up with it as well and we're going to do a bunch of lines going right the way across just like this so a line of them there and then another line [of] them right there [and] Another line of them above the final set of control rods then on top of all of this glowstone we're going to place in a bunch of Redstone and That just goes in like this, [and] if you're wondering why I'm using Glowstone [it's] because it's a Transparent block That you can also place redstone on top of which means that we don't get any bud powering of the pistons Which is pretty essential because otherwise all of them would stay extended and your control rods wouldn't be working properly But anyway We now need to place in a sticky pistons in this sort of formation right here directly above where all of your bottom control rods Are and those should go in just like this and then on the faces of all a sticky pistons We're going to placing in the black stained glass So black stained glass on all [of] their [faces] now powering this one is actually Gonna be dead easy I'm just going to place in some glowstone on the ends of all of these with our redstone art once again I'm going to place solid blocks in all of these just because I think it looks pretty cool And we're going to run at that redstone down a little bit. Just like this redstone on top just like that We're going to take out our lever that we [placed] down earlier sticky piston facing downwards with a redstone block on its face Which means that that block will extend down up powering all of this circuitry and that is the input line for the entire thing? so if we place in a lever right here And give it a flick you can see that all of the control rods extend and this essentially shuts off our nuclear reactor, okay? So this stops any nuclear reactions from occurring which means that if things are overheating for example or we don't need that much power We can actually turn it off and that will that will shut everything off and then we want it to turn back on again We do is flick this even right here all of our control rods are attracted and we get full nuclear reaction happening which means I? Probably shouldn't be standing here. I mean, I'm clearly not in the correct safety gear This is very very bad [for] me the actual nuclear reactor itself is pretty much done. [I] mean, that's it That is [a] simple mechanism. We've just created right there the control Rod system is all in place [so] now I'm doing is I'm working [on] the water area Because for those [who] don't know most nuclear reactors basically work by heating up And then that heats up water the water then evaporates turning into steam which travels through a turbine which spins that turbine generating power So now we have to do is actually create the water Holder And they'll go to placing all of the redstone up at the top here and one thing that I will [just] say is as you guys know water and Redstone Do not mix particularly well Okay Make sure that your water does not fall through any gaps that you've left and just completely destroy your [redstone] build because well Then you're in [for] a pretty bad time But now I'm just going to cover this thing up leaving a 3X3 [hole] in the center just One thing to mention for those of you who are building at home the ends of your water holder should match up with the ends Of the emerald blocks or your fuel rods, or the water should line up with the ends of [your] control Rod So hopefully that should give you a rough idea of the size of this thing anyway Now what we're going to do is We are going to take a pipe output from this thing and we're going to take up by Six blocks So that is one block right there, so one block of the pipe of two three Four five six [and] that's going to run up to the top right there and when to do that on all four of the sites Next up in the center of our pipe We're going to placing in the various different fans and things we're going to have in here. So we're gonna have one fan there we're going to go up another block and we're going to create another fan in a slightly different position and Then the final fan up at the top right here now obviously while going to have to use some imagination of this one Because well they just look like crosses and exes and things but in the grand scheme of things I [think] that's probably a good start now the next thing We're going to do is actually create a moving turbine system, and you guys have guessed it We're going to be building up the famous piston feed tape I absolutely love these things you guys have noticed then the comments section I love these things, but we need to place in one set of pistons that are facing in this direction And they need to leave a gap or one block in each direction right there And then you want to do the same thing on the other side, so another line of pistons traveling up like this Just in that direction once again We've got a gap of one block right there and a gap one block right there then in this direction We're going to have another line of [pistons] going up like this there we go and Finally in this direction right here We need to place another line of pistons Going up in this direction right here now for those of you who haven't built a piston feed tape before You may notice that all of these pistons are facing in [different] directions And they're all facing across like this and then across like that then across like this and across like that And that is because we're going to be pushing blocked in a cyclic formation Now for some of the redstone wiring so we want to place in two blocks against these pistons right here Which are above all the secretary and they go up a little bit like this And then on top of all [of] those we're going to place in Redstone Just like that And then you want to place a block up like this and another two blocks running across on that side as well So you're two blocks? Going across like [that] And then in the center of all of those you can take out those blocks and place in a repeater Set to two ticks We've registered us right there so repeater set to two ticks for incident - Repeater set to two ticks and you're ready to send us and then you want to do the same thing on the other side But just basically flip it around so once again two blocks two blocks and two blocks two redstone dust on top of all [of] those and Then down on the bottom here. It's broke up like that Redstone dust and a repeater set the two ticks and just do the same thing once again all the way up to the top see your blocks and your repeaters two ticks Redstone Redstone And our repeaters set to two ticks so that is pretty much all of the timing circuitry done now We need to create a redstone clock some mana stable circuit And then the system to transmit the signals up through all of those to connect up all the [redstone] We're going to place in a block down the bottom here and then glowstone basically wiggling its way right the way up to the top just like that, so Diagonals all the way across with redstone going up just like this, and then do the same thing on the other side That's a block down [the] bottom right there We've redstone like that, and then glowstone wiggling its way all the way up to the top We've redstone once again Connecting up all of those then we're going to place a block down the bottom here with Redstone dust right there and do the same Thing on the other side and then we just need to create a line of redstone Which is going to connect up both of those so I'm going to make a line of blocks. Just going across like this We're going to place three [blocks] there And then a bunch of blocks on the lower level going right the way across and repeat the same thing on the other side So look up like this And then we run the blocks out like that with a repeater and redstone running across off in this direction here We're going to run it to around about that point and then a repeater we once again at Redstone up running It across like that now we need to find that the central block so I would say that Block right there is going to be our central section So we're going to take out all [of] these right here [place] some redstone right there a sticky piston facing upwards with a block on Its face and do the same thing on the other side and then a repeater running into that redstone and a repeater running into that Redstone and down the bottom here We're going to place a block with a redstone torch of facing upwards which should trigger our system You heard all of the pistons firing and then running into that we're going to have ourselves a comparator With a hopper clock with one item on the inside So if we just place all of this in just like this you can see when we place in the item we should see All of our pistons [it] will all start firing and they are perfectly in [synced] that is the way we want things to work but for now I think against place a lever down here and shut off [the] mechanism because otherwise that will [drop] [in] [math] Final details now first things first I need to place in a line of blocks going out from [that] redstone right there Into the sides of our hoppers and what that means is when our control rods are extended our Hoppers will be shut [off] which means that our turbine will not be moving because of course the nuclear reactor is turned off there are No nuclear reactions happening there which means that there's no steam running through the turbines which means the turbine should be moving But then when we flick the scene right here Obviously our control rods retract and that means that our turbine should be working you can see all of the pistons [fine] So now we have to do is actually fill in our turbine with blocks and the way that I like to do it is By alternating glass and iron blocks, so what you have to do is find a set of pistons With just redstone running into them that not the repeaters and [we] need to place a block and then some glass and then iron block and then some glass then I am blog and then some glass you guys get the idea [but] Then when there is repeaters you have to skip that block and you need to continue on your pattern so iron block glass iron Block glass iron block a glass It's fine because Redstone is right there so that needs to be up against that piston and then once again. We make our way around just like this, and then the glass skipping a block because of course you've got the repeaters there and Just carry it on until you reach the end and it should work out absolutely perfectly then you need to repeat that process Right the way to the very top So this is what we've created And we have now finished [on] Nuclear power station on Nuclear reactor build and I have to say it looks out to you fantastic So currently all of our control rods are extended our nuclear reactor is shut off, but when we flick this even right here Everything retracts all of the control rods Have been retracted which means that we have nuclear reactions happening And that means that the steam is running through the system and our turbine is turning which is giving us power We now have power from the power station. Which is awesome So this thing is now fully functional obviously if you wanted to you could then build like a big Protective dome around this thing are they normally do in Nuclear power stations which would look epic I personally think this is an awesome build for your world It's just one of those fun projects to work on it, and I hope you've enjoyed it But unfortunately ladies and gentleman that is all I've got um today [if] you did enjoy this video [please] go to that like button if you really loved it Then make sure to subscribe, but thanks for watching guys this has been [mambo], and I'm a [seer] later [oh]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,974,602
Rating: 4.8694763 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: pw0JWLyDRbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2016
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