How to make an Evil Lair in Minecraft!

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with Halloween just around the corner I thought I'll get into the spirit of things and build something just a tiny bit spooky so today we're going to take a look at how to make an evil lair in Minecraft now this is going to be perfect for plotting our evil plans building disgusting creatures and well doing all the other things that evil people do I mean to be honest with you I couldn't really think of that much we what the evil people actually do on a daily basis let me know down in the comments section but while I was putting this thing out I was thinking to myself what biome should I build this in will it be a jungle no that's a little bit too tropical could it be like a standard forest that's just a tiny bit boring then I remembered the mushroom biome but as you can see this isn't any old mushroom biome this is an amplified mushroom vironment I have to say it does not disappoint this thing is absolutely perfect and we're going to be building our evil there in this area right here as always with these sorts of builds the first thing that we got to work on it is the entrance and I pass you think the best way to enter an evil lair is to fly in so we're going to be doing this with the lead trick if you're playing on console or in Pocket Edition or something like that then unfortunately you're just gonna have to sort of fall in I guess but the elite racemes like a pretty good option to me so we're going to create a 3:55 opening right here which is going to be where all of our trip wires and all of our door is going to be going then we're going to have to clear out a little bit extra space to make way for all of the redstone now due to how fast you actually fly with the electro we're going to have to set this door back just a tiny bit so our trip was against we going around about here and we've got to go four blocks back from that point so that's two there and then we've got three and four and I'm going to clear out all of this space and I'll catch you guys in a little bit this is the area that I've created specifically for door constructed so the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm going to throw in all of my tripwire hooks and I'm going to connect up all of those tripwire hooks and what this should mean is is if you fly in with the Alita you should trigger at least one of these trip wires if you've managed to go past all of the trip wires without triggering any of them then you've managed to do something fantastic but anyway to hook up all of these and then going to play some redstone down at the bottom some redstone up at the top some redstone right here and we're going to connect up all three of those by using this redstone here now what that means is is that which ever tripwire you activate it will always give an output through this redstone right here we're actually going to invert that using a redstone torch now that redstone signal is then going to run directly into this sticky piston on this wall which is going to extend outwards we should probably start chunking in the Pistons at for the piston door itself so this is the side one we're going to have another side one over here and another three up at the top are facing downwards so you should end up with an area that looks a tiny bit like this now this is all well and good and we've got one person extending but we do have another seven left to go so we should probably get to work on connecting those up so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to take out a few blocks right here I'm just going to run a redstone line down across it next to all of these Pistons now I know what you're thinking how on earth is this redstone going to power those to keep histones there well actually we need to pop down a few blocks take out a few extra blocks down at the bottom and then we're going to place in a redstone torches beneath all of the sticky pistons and the good news is is because sticky pistons are transparent the redstone torch doesn't actually power this block here then power the Redstone and cause that crazy burnout clock because I'll be bad news okay that wouldn't work but thankfully this is a pretty good solution to the problem and we can run a redstone into this block and then some redstone and some redstone and then there we go we've got half of the door fully extended in fact more than half the door fully extended now we just have to link up our top Pistons now the way that we're going to do that is we're going to have to clear out a few blocks right here and we're going to take a red stone torch output from this block now this works because that this redstone gets powered by all of the trip wires and then it runs up like this this redstone is actually powering that block which means that we can actually take an output from this thing and we're going to run it along this line make sure that it goes past this the piston right here and we're going to run it up like this now I have to say it is getting a little bit tight up here so I'm probably gonna have to clear out a few extra blocks place those books across like this redstone dust next to all of those Pistons there and then we're going to carry that output down and across into the redstone torch and there we have it we've got ourselves a fully functional 3x3 piston door that is going to be perfect for use with the Electra but there is one slight problem it's really very ugly so we've got some decorating to do right here I'm just going to throw in all of my stone and then on either side I'm just going to place in a stone bricks going across like that because of course this is a 3x3 door we don't want visible pistons or anything like that and we're going to place in all of the blocks in the center there it is super fast at three by three door so now we've got to clear out a bunch of space behind this thing because we've got to create a caching area obviously if you fly in that are high speed we don't want to travel through the door and smash straight into a wall because Hervieux pretty bad so you've got to create an electric caching zone before we actually drop down into the illegal layer itself so this is the space that I've taken out I have to say it's probably not the prettiest thing in the world but we're going to be creating a bigger water caching zone just behind the door right here so the first thing I've got to do is I've got to take out a 3x3 area and just because I want to I think we've got to fill in all of this with stone bricks as well because if you don't do it now you'll never do it and it will forever be looking ugly so I'm going to take out all of those I'm also going to throw in a stone bricks down at the bottom here as well and of course for the roof we have got to do a pretty similar thing now you have to watch out because of course you don't want to be taken out any year redstone we're going to be placing in stone bricks up at the top right here stone bricks on the side and basically stone bricks all over the place you guys know I'm like I love must home bricks to Minecraft so that should just about do us and that's going to be the rest of the roof right there so our water needs to go in all of these sections here and we should get a big 3x3 cube of water we should take quite a lot of the speed of our little entrance in case we fly in we slow down then we end up on this side and this is where we're going to travel downwards just because I think it looks lovely I've thrown in glowstone at the bottom and the top to light up all of our water and now it just looks like a water feature I mean you could definitely say that this is just a waterfall or a fountain that you have at the funnier base as opposed to a high velocity minecraft player catcher but anyway we're now going to start work on the evil lair itself you can see I've cleared out a few extra blocks right here because we're going to be placing in a pressure plate an iron door a bunch of blocks around that iron door which is a bit of a humble entrance I know and this is where our drop down chamber is actually going to be going now I have to say it is going to be a tiny bit uninspiring once again we're going to be using a bunch of stone bricks right here a button in case you change your mind and this is where we're actually going to be dropping down into the base before you will panic I am well aware of the face that a lot has changed since the previous clip but this is the evil lair itself and as you can see we've gone through a sort of cave design and what I've done is I've dropped down by three blocks right here so you've got one two three blocks and then I've gone ham up with the left-click button I've just taken out a bunch of blocks and I've tried my best to make it look as natural as possible so if you need some inspiration then just take a look at the screen right now and should be some pretty good inspiration there then some inspiration there I mean I don't know why I'm saying this because you could just go into any minecraft cave and look at it that would be plenty of inspiration for you guys but if you're wondering how I've actually lit the thing you can see we've got these little things that dotted around here now the cool thing about these is is they're actually made of a pressure plate a hopper and then we've got some glowstone at down underneath that appears to be filled with tea and tea which is a Hellfest range we've got the glowstone and then we place the hopper on top and then we place the pressure plate on top of that one and one that very important thing to do is to run around your cave and try your best to take a look at the light level now the light level is that like the bottom left-hand corner of your f3 screen and you can see currently isn't like ten and then we have like nine and you just want to make sure that the block level is at no lower than seven because otherwise mobs can actually spawn now everyone knows that the first requirement of an evil lair is bat we need to have tons and tons of bats in this place so I thought we could build an atmospheric bat dispenser so the first thing we got to do is place in a dispenser like this now I hate to say it if you are playing in survival mode or you're building this in survival mode this part isn't going to apply to you but there's plenty of other awesome things to come we're going to run a redstone input into the son of that block right there which can be powering our dispenser and then what we have to do is create a hopper clock now I'm going to place two hoppers at running into one another just like that then we're going to take a comparator output from that one writing into a block with redstone dust on top and then another comparator with a block redstone dust on top sticky pistons on either side of that one and then a redstone block at the top like that now we're going to need to chuck in a bunch of items on the inside of this thing because we don't want hundreds upon hundreds of bats on the inside of our cave right here we're going to take a repeater output from this thing and then right into the block and then there we go that should dispense out of that once you fill it with the bat spawn X once again if you play in a survival mode unfortunately you cannot actually do that the next most important thing in an evil lair is of course at the mission control area the place that has all of the levers all of the switches all of the buttons or the flashing lights that appear to do nothing but probably do a bunch of evil different bits and pieces so you've got to take a few blocks and then we're going to place a long line of blocks making this way across our dynamite one seven blocks long but of course you can do whatever you really fancy with this one and then we're going to place a few redstone lamps going up like this and a few more redstone lamps there and probably a few more redstone apps right there and then we're going to fill in all of those blocks with stone bricks just to make it look a tiny bit nicer so that should just about do the trick and then down the bottom here we're going to have all of our levers and all of our buttons and other bits and bobs that they're going to be controlling all of the various different evil things in the evil lair now these are just for decoration in my redstone build but if you do want to hook these ups of things then that would be amazing as you probably saw a couple seconds ago I have cleared out a rather large space behind this thing to make way for all of the redstone so I'm going to clear out all of these blocks so that we have access to our redstone lamps and we now actually have to hook these redstone lamps into redstone circuit so the first thing we've got to do is place blocks down the bottom here with redstone torches on those then we need to place a line of blocks going across like this with redstone torches right there and a line of blocks across the top like this where that redstone torches on the other sides of them now this was the only way that I could work out that I could independently power all of the redstone lamps without empowering other redstone lamps there's a chance that I've been really silly here and missed something very obvious but it seemed like a pretty good option to me so the next thing we've got to do is we've got to grab ourselves some repeaters and we're going to run those into all of the different register lamps with various different delays so this is what we've ended up with we've gone to repeaters running into the blocks which have the redstone torches and we've got a line of repeaters which power these blocks which run into the redstone torches and we've got on line of repeaters which power the redstone which powered the redstone torches we should just about do the trick so the next thing that we've got to do is we've got to run at redstone lines connecting all of these things up so redstone line right there we're going to have a redstone line at running it across like this and a redstone line connecting up all of the top ones and we actually have to connect up all three of these red Stern lines and the way that we're going to do that is by using some half slap so I'm going to run the slabs up like this I'm going to have snaps going up there and that should just about do it so there we go all of this is now connected now we just need to run a repeater a comparator and then our two hoppers at back and forth into one another then throw any old item inside that hopper and as you can see we now have flashing at crazy mission control lamps the look absolutely awesome oh and of course I've missed one very important thing the chair the chairs are sitting to admire the mayhem that is going on in front of you I mean if you can decipher that please let me know in the comment section but yeah I don't think that's gonna happen for me for this next part we're going to need to clear out a relatively large space at once again so this is going to be seven blocks across like this and it's going to go right the way up to the top of the Builder just like that so we've got a five by three opening once again and then we're going to go three blocks back and all of this area here is going to be stone brick so we need an area like this and then this is going to be the back end or of the stone bricks just like that and we're basically going to create a big stone brick cube in which we can build our potion brewing stations because of course this is an evil lair we need to create evil potions and things like that to put on our enemies so let's quickly do that now this is a super simple designer that I absolutely love probably one of my favorite designs all I need to do is chuck in a chest on the bottom that's where our potions against come out we're going to run a hopper into the side of that one then another hopper running off in this direction right here we're going to place a brewing stand on top that's where the potions against we brewed and them against place in a hopper right there and a chest above the top like this that's where your water bottles are going to go in then as far as the Redstone is concerned against placing two blocks at redstone a repeater running off in this direction a block here with redstone dust on top and a redstone torch right there to power the hopper and that is all of the Redstone circuitry and then we just need to place in at two droppers facing in this direction here take out a few blocks and place in at two hoppers at running into that chest now I should probably explain that where everything is going to go because I'm sure quite a few of you are a little bit confused so as I mentioned earlier on this is where your potions come out have to worry about putting anything in there this is where your water bottles go in so fill it up with your water bottles now this dropper right here is for your nether wart and this dropper right here is for the other ingredients so if you want to make a swiftness potion then you put your sugarcane it into that dropper if you want to make unknown instant health potion then you put your glistering melon in there if that's the correct recipe it basically works a little bit like that and as you can probably tell from this bit right here the next thing you want to do is mirror the design I personally think it looks fantastic and it's about to get a whole bunch better because the way that you connect it up is by placing it redstone right there look up like this and then a button and I personally like to place that block in the center to create this sort of design it looks awesome so make sure that you fill in all of the chests and all of the droppers and things and one thing that I just want to say is is that if you actually want to open the top chest you're probably going to need to get yourself some stone brick stairs so I'll quickly grab those from inventory and place them up at the top because otherwise these things will stay shut and well that's a little bit ravish isn't it and finally onto the exit to this place now as you guys know we flew in using the elite row which means that we should probably fly out so we're going to build a redstone contraption that will launch us out the side of the cliff side and off into the valley below so the first thing I'm going to do is clear out this three by one error right here then we're going to fill in all of the gaps with this compressed ice now what that means is is that when we get launched across will slide across all these blocks and make our way out of the accident so the next thing that we've got to do is we've got to place in and a movable object I'm going to be using a dropper then we're going to place a sticky piston on top each slime block on his face right there a button down at the bottom so that we can actually press that while we're standing here then from that button we're going to take a full tick repeater output now it's going to run it across like this there's straight into our sticky piston so when we hit that button this piston will extend and it will shoot us out through that hole but here's the thing that's not particularly creative so I think we have to add in a piston took that up is really quite simple we have to do is go one block back from the edge of your tunnel take out these two blocks right here and place in to stick pistons like that and then stone blocks on their faces and they will extend out across the front of the walkway here and the only thing left exposed will be the compressed ice which unfortunately we can't really do too much about so obviously that will be visible but that's their big deal so the next thing we want to do is take a redstone torch output from this block right here on the edge of the button and we're going to run that redstone out across like this and into that block right there so that block that is next to the top sticky piston we're going to run the redstone into that one we just need to do that a bit like this so as you can see those Pistons are currently extended but when we hit our button they were retract and we launched out onto the hillside and make our way right the way down to the floor and if we had a leader that would be amazing so we have it ladies and gents that is our evil lair all done and dusted we've got flying piston doors drop down mechanisms Mission Control centers atmospheric bat dispensers we have got potion brewing stations and also player launches to shoot the player out the side of a cliff now I personally think that sounds like a lot of fun let me know down the comments section if you enjoyed it if you did enjoy it please go to that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is Ben mumbo and I'm out I'll see [Music] [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,799,875
Rating: 4.8990836 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile, evil lair, evil laboratory, halloween, scary build, scare people, scary minecraft
Id: z7oiEpOpsXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2016
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