Minecraft.. But With Pistons that CAN PUSH 1000 BLOCKS!

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today's redstone video is going to be quite interesting because for the first time in my 6 years on YouTube creating redstone videos I've decided to dig around in some redstone modifications and I've discovered a mod called redstone plus plus and in that mod you can actually go into the configuration files and change the piston push limit from 12 to whatever number that you want and obviously I went for a thousand oh my word I mean half me didn't believe that this could actually exist so to see you actually working alright where do we begin this seems like a good place to start whoa okay so we've got big piston feed tape this is an enormous piston feed tape and yeah I can see why minecraft doesn't like having a higher than 12 block piston push limits because as you can see the game doesn't really render it too well we have a slightly invisible walls Kari can actually go through them note is purely visual okay okay okay right that's just a little bit fun I think the first proper project that we should work on is something I've always always always wanted to do and that is to create a flying island an island that gets pushed along by Pistons this is gonna be interesting I don't know what's stop right well I I guess the first thing I should do is construct some form of islands so we're going to need stone we're going to need dirt we're going to need grass we can't really have any trees but I would like to have a house on the top and remember this entire thing has to be solid because otherwise the flying machine will actually collapse the island which isn't particularly good we don't want it to fold in on itself oh I've actually just thought of something what we could do is we could put the fly machine because originally I was going to have is the flying machine on the outside of the island pushing it along but if we put the flying machine on the inside of the island and then fill the inside of the island with slime blocks we can then pull those slime blocks along which will pull the back of the island along and then also push the front of the island forwards and we can push and pull a thousand blocks as long as our island isn't too big it will work and it will all be powered from the inside I don't know if any of that made sense progress is coming along pretty well on our island we've gone to all of the blocks wrapping around like this and if you take a look on the inside we've got all of the slime blocks which you're going to be moving this thing but I just want to check that this thing is under a thousand blocks which it is okay that's good okay let's start placing in all of the grass on the top so you can cover all of this over and then we can build up our house that he's going to go up here and I've just had a thought forget a house I'm gonna build a lighthouse from the Gorillaz which is feelgood Inc it's one of my favorite songs while my favorite bands is a flying island in it that's perfect so I have to slightly closer inspection is not actually a lighthouse in the Gorillaz music video is actually a windmill but a windmill would be impossible to build on this flying island because the actual windmill segments would get left behind so instead we're doing a slight modification and we're going to be going with the lighthouse instead that's okay right here goes I've made a backup of the world just in case things go completely wrong but I have pretty high hopes that everything's going to be working so here is the fly machine this is our triggering piston it is a three piston flying machine so hopefully it should be slow enough that we'll be able to see it without this thing flashing itself out of existence bear goes 3 2 1 action it almost worked but then our pistons actually got what I mean it did move didn't it we all saw it move I'm a little bit lost as to what happened there oh it's working it's working our island is flying along oh whoa that is worked out so much better than I was expecting I'm gonna stand on top of this thing I mean it's a little bit it's such a shame that this thing is just disappearing in front of our very eyes and as you can see oh boy it's it it's not really habit to believe that this isn't the sort of Island the UHU want to stand on because as you can see I've just dropped down through the floor down on the inside of it and now I've dropped out the bottom but still ah I absolutely love this thing this is bringing back some serious childhood memories of watching that music video over and over again and it's spawning some zombies I'm loving it okay that was pretty cool but it's time to move on to the next project which is to make a ridiculously fast and ridiculously powerful cobblestone generator the idea being the we can push as much cobblestone as we wants so in theory we should be able to make this massive and ridiculously fast I just have to find a space to build it part one has been completed which is the first module of our cobblestone generator being constructed and I have to say I mean already this is relatively quick I'm kind of struggling to take out all of the cobblestone as it goes up here but we are going to go much much bigger than this I mean first off we have to extend this out a little bit across in this direction but then we're going to layer up all of these generators and we're going to push this cobblestone across in one massive block I don't know how much cobblestone we're going to be generating a second but it's going to be chance this is a seriously cool-looking redstone contraption already I'm just in the process of connecting up all of the redstone clocks to this one redstone line so we can turn this thing on and off when we want to because I imagine it's going to be quite laggy and then once you've done that all we have to do is do the Pistons that are going to push across and then all of this cobblestone that is being generated will just be shifted across landscape that's gonna be quite something to watch oh this is look at early wood it's so crazy how redstone keratins can look once you remove the piston push limit because you could just get things like this going on this twisting back here is still going to be pushing cobblestone one off over there out of the view distance that's as totally mind-bending to me as someone who's been doing redstone for years this doesn't make any sense to my little head anyway let's start connecting these things up so that repeater goes there and that means that if we were to activate this which I'm gonna have to be very careful here if we were to activate this yes yes okay that's working that's working ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen okay so that is perfect that means that that redstone signal strength is going to reach the top of that half sub now which is going to power all those Pistons or all of these pistons and now connect it up with half slabs and all of it should I'm gonna emphasize that should be good to go but before I activate it I guess I've probably should back up the world real quick I have learnt from many past experiences that is always a good idea to back up worlds before activating something big okay it goes now it's active and it does seem to be working so the cobblestone is now on its way it's made its way onto those Pistons is making its way on to those Pistons there you can see that the cobblestone is being generated and holy mackerel this is a very satisfying thing to watch if not a little bit laggy you know what this will be perfect for I think I'm actually going to do a quick time-lapse a time lapse it in a redstone video and during the super fast time-lapse I actually want to ask you guys a bit of a question do you think the Mojang should increase the 12 block push limit you see ever since lime blocks were introduced into the game this has kind of been up for debate because before slime blocks he never really ran it into the piston push limit you didn't really feel that limited by it because you'd have to be doing some weird stuff to be pushing 12 blocks however one slime blocks were entered so obviously you hit that 12-block pissed and push limit all the time is incredibly limiting and without it as you can see right here it does open up a lot of opportunities you can build some really crazy stuff I mean should they increase it should they get rid of it all together I'd love to hear your thoughts so I think it's safe to say that was incredibly satisfying to watch and while I was recording that time-lapse I actually did a little bit of maths and as far as I can tell this thing produces 225 bits of cobblestone every 15 redstone ticks I have no clue how much cobblestone that is a second but it seems like quite a lot to me anyway we're going to be leaving this thing behind because there's one more redstone contraption that I want to work on with these new piston mechanics this one should be quite cool I want to create the fanciest and best-looking realistic piston elevator I possibly can so I'm creating the cameras right now this is what we're going to be traveling up and down in and the idea is is that we're going to have a cage of slime blocks like this and then we're going to be able to call up and down this cage thing you're gonna stand inside it and this is actually going to be the elevator it's gonna be so strange going back to regular minecraft with the piston block push limits because I mean I'm getting so used to just building ridiculous structures like this speaking of ridiculous structures this is this is definitely ridiculous so we can you imagine traveling around in a solid quartz vein so you've got cause so all on the bottom here we've got a/c lanterns on the top bottom lighting it up and then in the walls we have got some rather handsome faces now these should end up looking better once we start getting the surrounding blocks around the outside of like the elevator shaft it should end up looking quite cool but now I need to actually work out how we're going to do this thing so I guess it would just be an up and then a down yeah I mean this is gonna be quite simple actually now I've decided to do something quite special with the walls of this thing I've decided to use shocker boxes so this is probably one of the most expensive elevators in the history of mankind but the inside of the Shocker box this side here has got a really really cool texture I love the way that looks and if we take a look in the elevator shaft here this now looks awesome that's the perfect backdrop and in theory they can't be moved by slime blocks if they can we really are in trouble hopefully the slime blocks just slide past the shoka boxes and then this can actually work as an elevator shaft if not I've just wasted a bunch of time so let's see if this functions then if we update this that has now taken off and if we take a look on the inside I simply do this I'm kind of it they're good if not yeah we've made it up to the top I mean that was there wasn't it was our the best demonstration I've ever done but that's just gone up to the top right there so now what we need to do is we need to find out where that shocker box not sugar box where the observer is oh there it was that's the one and I now have to be very careful because this can push a thousand blocks and that means it's gonna go through it doesn't floor okay we hit we hit thankfully there's no caves under there because that must go right the way down to bedrock oh my word we have gotten so lucky there look that is dodged all the caves and the reason that that stopped is because it's gone we've got no we've got no gaps underneath it goes right the way down to bedrock pool anyway after that slight scare this thing should now be finished that should be the final step in the process so now if we hit this button that activates it and we fall right the way through the floor so it kind of works kind of doesn't if we wait here for a little while then the system has now kicked back into action and the down the dam works the down works quite nicely I mean it's a little bit I'd be quite scared to be in this elevators it seems to be disappearing quite a lot if we give it another go yeah this this definitely doesn't work quite so well on the way up that being said though it is beautiful it's probably one of the best looking elevators I've created and it does it functions as an elevator you just can't ride in it which I mean yeah that kind of means that it doesn't function as an elevator and on that note I think it's time to end today's video this has been a lot of fun messing around with these new redstone mechanic in the redstone plus plus mod and I have to say this mod does contain some other fairly interesting features like these half slime blocks and also the fact that you can move tile entities like droppers and dispenses so if you do want to see more of this mod playing action then please let me know down in the comment section but anyway I hope you enjoyed this video if you did press that like button and if you really loved it then make sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is mumbo and I'm out I'll see you later [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,738,760
Rating: 4.9277816 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: jkIbPXvvUhE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 50sec (830 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 02 2018
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