Minecraft, But There Are Custom Mobs...

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okay i'm done with mining but i've got absolutely no food so can i see any around here wait what is that why does this look so weird it looks like a pig covered in diamonds oh well i guess i'm hungry so uh see you later boy this is minecraft but there are custom mobs oh it's another weird idea in this video i have made it so that there are custom mobs this means that i can craft mobs with completely new abilities the question is whether i can beat the game with a load of new mobs can i do it stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of people who watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you do enjoy this video then please be sure to subscribe it is completely free and you can always unsubscribe later if you change your mind also be sure to leave a like to help with the youtube algorithm alright enjoy the video and we are in and straight away this is very very good because in order for me to craft these custom pets i need their heads yes look at that right there it's a chicken head so this one is definitely gonna be weird i say it every time but this one especially because i have added a custom chicken pig dog cow zombie gollum and villager so we've got quite a few mobs to find and we can't craft the custom pet without its head which is a slight problem because it means i have to find a village but first things first we grab our stone make our super slow stone tools boom and just to be safe i'm going to grab an excess of all of the heads i need because it's better safe than sorry four chicken skulls that should be fine but whilst i'm here i think i am going to briefly look for a dog because i know they spawn in these biomes and they're probably going to be quite hard to find later in the game oh okay we found cows you know what i'll take it it's something oh we've actually found wolves yes okay buddy come here yes there's one wolf head i'm so sorry guys you've got to go oh and i didn't even have them attack me back it's all good that's already three of the seven that we need so now i have to find a village yeah let's stick to planes for a village that's always our best bet yep i literally called it are you kidding me and wait i think i just saw a pig over there did i yes i did pigs as well you know what some extra cows too okay this is actually going perfectly so i just need to find a villager now or two or three or as many as i can get oh there's the golem though you know what let's go for this guy first now this is the only one of them that i can't get extra of the heads unless i wait for another gollum to spawn thank you buddy there's my gollum head all right we literally have two more to go and one of them is a villager so this is going very well and i'm sorry buddy but you've got to go yes free food and wait no way yes oh nice we've got flynn okay that's really important gold okay i can now explain what two of the first mobs we're gonna be getting are the first one is going to be a golden chicken which i'll put up on screen so you guys can see how it's made but this is actually a great start so let's make an iron pickaxe boom boom all right you know what i'm just gonna do this straight away i'm going to make the golden chicken that's perfect and because we got exactly four flints we can make a fire dog oh my goodness now a fire dog is exactly what it sounds like it's a fiery dog but let's spawn down this guy boom golden chicken oh my god what is he doing his wings they're flapping about okay now this guy's special ability is that he will drop an egg but not just any egg i'll just wait buddy come on please do it for me yep there it is this is a golden egg now if i splash this at my feet but okay four level ten potion effects so haste 10 so we should probably mine some wood whilst we're going nice and quick resistance so we literally can't die i could jump down here zero damage that's great we'll just get some more villagers whilst we're here goodbye guys now obviously these golden eggs are going to be better to use when i need them now is not a good example because if i'm in the end and i'm about to die strength 10 or resistance 10 will be very very helpful so let's just save these for later and i just need one piece of iron but also a zombie head is that the last head i need that is literally the last head i need i have every single head for every type of mob that i can craft so it's mining time and we've got it all smelting perfect you know what might as well get another zombie head just for later and now we can craft the fire dog egg yes boom fire wolf spawn egg okay now i'm not gonna spawn this down just yet because i need bones to tame it and also i don't want to waste him thank you for another egg mister we've got seven this is good and now that our iron is done we make some armor better tools and you know what i'm gonna do i am going to speed run like dream some diamonds let's go gonna need a little bit of iron some extra flint extra eggs oh yeah keep searching mineshaft nice water bucket more searching lapis that's good grab it yes this looks like it could be it yes we've done it finally okay well that was a successful speed run but please yes okay it's four diamonds it's five diamonds this is very good and now this is where we make the diamond pig oh yes that's how we do it very easy boom now this guy oh i love you every 10 seconds he's gonna drop a good item what's his first one gonna be please of course netherright yes i didn't even know he dropped netherright which leads us on to our next thing if we get four netherright we can make another right zombie and he dropped another diamond but this is how you craft another right zombie super easy and we're gonna want to save that one for later because he's pretty op what else do you give you give diamonds now the right enchanted book what is it level 10 enchanted book it's channeling which sucks but that is a very good promise and we have almost got a stack of eggs right here i don't think we're gonna need more than a stack buddy that's quite a lot so uh i'm gonna wait for you to drop your last one oh he dropped it i'm sorry buddy 16 golden eggs is enough and depth strider feather falling i'll keep the feather actually not on feather falling it sucks but these diamonds are good he's just leaving me a little trail this is great more nether right that's good i'm gonna make a diamond pickaxe and you know what i'm gonna wait for one more diamond from this guy and then i'm going to get him in here good yes and then we've got an extra diamond from him which is perfect loyalty 10 okay i don't want all these trident things man you're kind of letting me down aqua affinity okay dude okay this is boring now get back in there we're gonna leave you there for the moment and i'm going to craft a second diamond pig and we're just gonna leave these guys in here for a little bit just to farm now if i move too far away they'll teleport to me so i'll just leave them i'm gonna wait here for one minute which is six items from each of them and we're just gonna see what we get i'm breaking ten that sucks blast protection no fire protection oh come on soul speed you know what ain't netherrite though that's very good and diamonds i'll keep taking them all right i've been here for a minute now these guys didn't drop a single book that i wanted but they gave me plenty of diamonds and plenty of nether right so i can't really complain make a little bit of armor boom ah happy days okay and because we've got so much netherrite we actually might as well just upgrade everything we've got because we can easy peasy we're getting good slowly but surely and just still more rubbish but at least we've got netherright tools that's pretty good right let's just start making this nether portal before it all goes horribly wrong boom yes boom boom and we're done okay whilst doing that we managed to accumulate 10 diamonds so we'll get some more netherright armor i can actually craft my nether right zombie and potentially do another one later so we'll do that grab our flint steel and you know what let's just go through come on come on oh yes oh this is great my pigs haven't come with me and you know what i don't care they were very very annoying i'm gonna spawn my firewoof now because this guy has loads of health there are skeletons right here for me to get some bones so i can tame him yes we got him he is now my fire dog now if anything attacks me or i attack anything he will kill it it will also set it on fire and he has loads and loads of health so come on fire dog you and me i'm definitely going to need this guy's help in this bastion i should probably make a shield perfect oh yeah this is what we're going to need help with but do you know what i think i'm going to do i'm also going to spawn my nether right zombie oh my he's huge why is he so big all right it's fine because this guy will give me a random potion effect every 30 seconds and it's a level three that is very good so okay i kind of need you to move out of the way buddy thank you let's smack this guy my nether right zombie has given the other mobs the strength i think that looks like strength anyway and i'm not willing to test it so let's just kill these guys quick there's one and they're gone okay i need you to give them to me not the enemy okay oh yes he gave me speed three for 30 seconds that's great okay we're going down easy does it we've got gold boots so they won't attack us these brutes will so we go here get out of here buddy yes go on yes the dog is killing him dog do not die good yes the dog is distracting all of them this is good oh no i'm low oh i'm fine i'm gonna heal up i think my dog just died to a brute no he's down there yes good we got him is there a brute down here no i'm okay i'm actually safe wait let's just block this off let's start mining all of this quick quick quick if any of them come in now i do not want to die don't need any of this i'll take the diamond sword you know why not i don't really want knockback one it just sucks just give me these gold blocks my netherright zombie is gone so i've just gotta run now and i think boom yep almost four stacks of gold get out of here no leave me alone go on attack and buddy go no they killed my fire dog oh you will pay for that my friend you know he did a lot of work for me it's okay and you're dead too good okay can you just not be angry thank you you can just you know what let's just get you trading down here good there you are have another piece of gold we'll give you half a stack and i'm gonna go get you some friends okay oh okay i'll take that we'll take the obsidian i'm just gonna start smacking these guys and hoping that they'll just follow me yeah good come on keep coming and you go i see ender poles in there that's good get on in good stuff but please give me ender pearls and you know what whilst we're waiting i'm also just gonna craft a diamond pig because i can please give me some good stuff you can wait in there brilliant oh that's ender pearls hello okay we've got five oh there's more down there how many nine okay keep them coming guys also obsidian i want lots and lots of obsidian we've still got four mobs to craft so you know i'm actually gonna do one of them now we're going to do the lapis villager boom if i place him down oh my he's why is he so big as well okay no let's just collect our other stuff in here but if i chuck an item on this guy i'm gonna give him my sword he will pick it up and now he's gonna enchant it and he drops it enchanted flame i don't think that works on a sword buddy but try again what do you give me protection one okay this is useless man oh this is the weirdest sword ever i hate it what about my pickaxe give me something on my pickaxe please oh he dropped it what is it okay yeah you know what this guy i don't like him get out of here but the pig is just still dropping me terrible books but loads of netherright which is fine oh there's ender pearls nice we've got 13. oh that's under pulse oh we've got more than a stack now what that's good enough these guys have done me good it's time to leave and just find a fortress and you know what i'm gonna do just to make this whole nether experience a bit easier i wanna do this with a dog because they just make everything better boom another firewolf place it down and now we just go and find a fortress nice and easy and you know what i might as well do another netherright zombie but we have still got three very important mobs to go we've got an obsidian golem which i can actually craft now but i don't want to use it now because that is going to be super helpful in the end just like that we have got a super cow spawn egg just gonna yoink okay yeah look it's a rainbow cow i love it but this guy is going to drop something insane every minute i'll keep an eye on him come on buddy you know you want to drop me something good oh wait what blazes oh there's a fortress okay don't you dare hurt my guys i'm gonna splash one of these down we get fire resistance and speed let's go come on get out of here come on i've got a haste tent somebody swore what my sword isn't swinging properly but it's okay now come on this guy's got to drop me something please don't die no no no no no okay good we gave him fire resistance yes body drop the item do it now please oh i've got jump boost 10 no no no easy does it yes he dropped it what is it are you kidding me luck of the sea level 1000. so this guy drops level 1000 books but obviously that was a terrible one now my dog is just casually attacking everything for me that's good i love you buddy wait have i got strength i've got strength 10 for 30 seconds okay let's kill everything now one hit absolutely everything okay let's go in 30 seconds surely i can do this huh jump land it yes blaze there's one place rod we jump across oh my goodness i can do this get out of my way we jump over some mac smack all these eggs are amazing i can just smack you smack you and we do it again i've got strength okay get out of my way one hit yes i have strength for 30 more seconds i need to not waste it come on blazey dead yes there's another blaze rod and another one was it yes another one we're jumping across easy does it i haven't even found a spawn up but it doesn't even matter who no no no no yeah yes how many have we got that's seven technically we've got enough i can do this yes we've got eight no we ran out of the strength dang it and you know what we're just running around with all these mobs following me and i haven't even done another pig so there we are buddy if you want to give me some good books this time you can we've just got our whole army here this is great and just because i can i might as well do a villager as well boom there we are now we've got the whole gang just following each other nice and easy do you know what i'm actually just gonna block all of this off and create a portal for us okay guys we're doing this together we're done in the nether it's been horrible i've hated every single second of it but boom through we go everyone in come on yes but we do what every great player does boom i avengers show me the way it is this way okay all right we've got to go across a swamp biome i hate these but i don't think we've got far to go come on is everyone okay i think we are we just got to keep going guys oh okay it's just straight this way now oh i turned yes oh that means we've gone slightly past it that's okay and straight down yep i knew it was gonna be here let's just go down hope that none of the mobs get in my way come on stronghold where are you no no no a mob just teleported to me but i don't know where yep and we're in okay fire dogs here good yes we've got super cow so it's just a diamond pig that didn't survive that's fine he's really annoying anyway so it doesn't matter found the library anything in this chest you want to give me oh i'm breaking aqua okay all trash oh wait what diamond pig is alive okay we have successfully got all of our mobs here i'm very proud this is a really really annoying stronghold wait that's an anvil did diamond pig drop an anvil oh thank you buddy wait please tell me i saw the spawner please tell me i wasn't seeing something yep that's the spawner right there perfect we go through hello get rid of this yes no ice that's fine make all of the ones we need and we have got this no no super cow oh my goodness i'm actually my mobs are idiots they're actual idiots but boom at least we've done the portal super cow kind of gave me nothing good anyway so what i'm gonna do make my last diamond pig i have enough so i might as well make another nether right zombie we've got the obsidian golem wait actually i think we can afford to make seven super cows yes we can wait oh my oh what what if i um yikes okay i have stacks on stacks of diamonds but we also now have 26 super cows okay yep that's fine glitches are great we love glitches thank you guys i really appreciate all of you being here this is disgusting now let's get you guys through here come on everyone follow me through go on through you go maybe i can smack him yeah one just went through nice get on in there okay i can't see anything there are too many cows you know what if i go through let's hope that some of them will come through with me yes okay we're fine i almost just got knocked into the void and i haven't set my spawn so that could have been bad i'm here i've got my food and now it's time diamond pig netherright zombie and obsidian golem now this guy is insane watch if i attack an enderman and it comes for me the obsidian golem will kill him in one hit do it obsidian i'm gonna look some in the eye come on come and hit me obsidian golems come hit me look watch kill him yes one hit do it again do it again yes okay let's go where's my diamond pig you wanna drop me some good stuff buddy i need an infinity book really bad shot oh sharpness 10. i'll take it boom sharpness 10. we got it took you long enough my friend but you dropped me something good now as i don't have infinity right now i'm gonna have to purl up here and just start getting all of these towers oh that hurt why'd i do that oh it's okay it's okay um i don't think this is very conventional but right now i am going to just make a load of diamond blocks to jump on and another right ones as well why not i have literally nothing better to be building with who no okay we got it and my gollum is just dying but it doesn't matter because he has pretty much unlimited health so wham pulls this one ow no no no easy easy does it i'm really low i'm really low i don't want to die yeah we got it my guy is just not dying i love you if i jump down nice and easy land it good i should be able to get jump boost 10 with these golden eggs come on put yes no okay we'll go again come on yes good and i've got regen 10. oh my goodness i'm undiable okay smack it thank you we jump across oh no no no no no oh it's okay because i've got jump boost 10. so it just doesn't hurt okay up again and smack oh my goodness this is great we jump straight across okay it doesn't matter do it all again over and over yes smack this is why golden eggs are the best okay we're gonna hit this we're gonna go oh my goodness my absorption levels up land one up land another one up again and we're over it and he blocks really bad so let's jump down land oh oh i would have died there i lost my heart's mid jump i've still got jump boost 10 though this is good let me just check something i think because i've got strength 10 i should just be able to kill these guys really quick yes thank you now if i purl up by jumping i should be up high enough yes and smack it come on give me another insane egg yes thank you strength 10 speed jump boost come on launch me up again have i got jump boost yes i have smacked and we're here got it is that all of them i think that's all of them okay dragon come on let's do this i will jump up and hit you i will do it come on let me hit you no okay buddy i need you to perch so i'm gonna kill a few more of these guys get some ender pearls and i'm gonna go hide really high up so he finally comes down is that perch it's a perch we're going in underneath we landed we placed this let me do it again again okay strength ten come on how many come on how many oh my no it did so much damage oh dragon i will hit you in midair if i have to but no oh come on come on come on come on i've got two more eggs and i need this dragon to perch right now so i'm gonna go up on top of a tower this one will do thank you and we're fine we just wait come on please perch we've only got six and seven seconds left of all of this two golden eggs left and nothing else but i really need strength 10 from these eggs so as soon as it perches i'm going straight in yep it's perching okay i'm going to go boom boom down i go yes did i get strength i got strength come on come on come on come on come on let me land in look do not hit me do not no shoot shoo shoo shoo just let me in yes we're in come on yes go no come on come here buddy no i can't get close enough no no no no no no i was pushing again let me get in yes come on i have nothing no no no please fire dog die it's okay buddy we got this come on sharpton yes yes yes oh my goodness no no no no no i can't die i can't die we've done it we actually did it oh my goodness that was potentially the most stressful challenge i've ever done before because the pets just get in your way thank you guys so much for watching the video now after this video goes up i will be streaming on twitch so if you're watching now i'm probably live link is in the description i'll see you there bye
Channel: Wisp
Views: 2,271,664
Rating: 4.9323688 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, manhunt, speedrunner vs hunter, Speedrunner vs 3 hunters, Speedrunner vs 4 hunters, minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenge, beating minecraft, four hunters, 4 hunters, wisp, wispexe, dream, minecraft manhunt, minecraft manhunt but, speedrun, speedrunner, manhunt minecraft, hacks, op items, villager, mob, mobs, custom totem, custom mob, custom, random items, there are custom, minecraft but there are custom mobs
Id: OrbWbeegiro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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