I Mined A 100x100 AREA To BEDROCK In Minecraft Hardcore!

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so finally after over 100 days of work the autonator is complete but now i have eyesores everywhere and i really want a lot of this gone but i still need some farms so i think i'm gonna be making a giant hole over there however i have things that i need to do first before i can begin that over there like clearing out all of this oh wait skies but what's that in your hand well why thank you for asking it's only the greatest addition to my hardcore world it's me just look at this i have an entire double chest and a half of me i saw it going around on some other youtubers i saw sam dixon do this and i saw one other youtuber whose name i forgot do this as well so i thought hey why not do it as well because i think you know i think it really adds to the video now it's also just really funny okay so i need to clear out like this i need clear out i need some place to hold some of these mobs like uh for these guys right here oh god this is gonna be such a pain okay so all the villagers are now in their own little cubicles and admittedly i didn't exactly think this through too well but they have no beds so we should be good in there right and the entire thing wow that looks weird wow that looks really weird so next up i want to get rid of the second biggest eyesore here and uh it's kind of useless now i don't really need this thing it's also going to be an absolute pain to get rid of they can survive any high right oh hey would you look at that it landed on my bed and thankfully it didn't land on my merch i've been working on this for a few months now and i'm insanely proud to announce it's finally being released i made sure none of my products are gildan so they're all actually high quality and soft too majority of the items are embroidered and i have a limited edition hoodie that's only being sold for two weeks get it now while it's still on the store i'm also selling some champion hoodies tie dyes and a lot of new items are coming to the store very very soon i hope you all enjoy them so i didn't really think of this uh how do i get rid of the water oh nice and easy ta-da it is wow that is a weird sight oh that is weird but in a very good way i've been needing to get rid of that so open in so much room and next we need to get rid of the cactus farm that i think i've used like once or twice boom okay and now that that farm is completely done so that actually didn't take too long that's gonna bug me ah much better so before i forget do a name tag choose this person because i loved your comment it actually made me laugh and then i'm gonna make you an axolotl so you don't become a bee and disappear from my world i need to actually breed these guys that's a puffer fish so how do i actually breed you oh i didn't know that they could do that oh oh hey look it's a little one boom there we go hate gravity they go hey gravity so now you're in my world forever and i like your comment if you'd like to be named after an axolotl in my world just leave a comment whatever when i find the funniest i'll just name you one so all i have left now is just to get rid of the iron farm and then the bamboo farm because i'm gonna be putting that underground and making you know not an eyesore i mean i'm not worried about removing the iron farm right now because i kind of have a lot and a lot of iron so i'm not exactly worried about losing out on iron for a little bit so yeah we're just gonna you know remove that one remove that one bada bing bada boom i also just realized that i now have to redo the the pipeline that goes back into here once the automator is overfilled but at least now i won't have this on my land and it is now actually the next day and that was a ton of work but by far i i still hate villagers in case you're wondering uh i also hate zombies that are about a hundred blocks in the air and are also incredibly annoying to get down to the ground and the place is empty it's very weird having my land be so open and speaking of land i actually did a little bit of terraforming i wanted to you know flush out the left side of the autonator i don't know why i left the land coming out for so far it looked a little weird so i definitely want to have something down here in the center where it's so open i don't know what i want to put down here so if you want to leave a comment i'll probably do whatever the top comment is or whichever one that i laugh at the most so now to actually do what the video is about a 100 by 100 hole since i've kind of done that already with my witch farm it should come at no surprise to you i'm not going to be mining this thing i'll do a little bit in the beginning you know i'll get rid of all the dirt the stone collect some oars i also don't really want to do flying machines they're very nice and quick and they'll streamline the entire thing to go a lot faster but at the same time it just feels like i'm choosing it way too much and i feel like i'll just get a lot more content if i just do it by hand and with tnt which is actually you know a lot easier possibility now because i have the witch farm and i need to go find another sahara desert because um it's kind of gone so before going and digging out the entire hole i do want to mark down the entire area of it just make it a lot easier and since i kind of just did you know a lot of work on that with a lot of blocks i have a lot left over and uh i kind of want to follow the same design as that for down there however before digging into the hole i do need to lower down this entire mountain or this little hill right here just so i can make the the outline a lot cleaner editing skies you're real fast i'm really close to 1 million subscribers so if you enjoyed this video it'd mean a lot to me if you'd subscribe and if this video gets 30 000 likes i'll release episode 9 of this series and one last time i just want to say thank you very much to everyone who buys my merch the support means the world to me and i hope you all enjoy it and the entire hill is gone and now we can get to the fun part of mapping out the entire box so one thing that i want to make sure that i do is actually make it kind of close to the autonator but not too close just to obstruct it i want it closer just because i want the redstone in there to actually work because when i was destroying some of the farms over there i noticed some of the redstone was permanently on for some reason and i'm not sure why if you do know why it happens it'd help me out a lot if you could tell me down in the comment section below so i think it would be best if i don't go too far that direction and i kind of keep it a little bit closer everything over there i'm just a little bit worried about the water pathways so i think we have a corner over here so we have one two three four five now that the entire hole has been marked you'll notice that it's a little bit more to the right i figured over here would just fit a little bit better into the base over there it just felt really awkward and way too far back and as you'll notice that there's a lot of trees here so i need to get rid of them and boom there we go so the forest is now completely gone uh i don't know what happened to it and it just magically disappeared this is like the fourth time that they've come by in the last 20 minutes so i guess they might be a little bit angry that the forest is gone i don't know if it's just me but this really doesn't look like that big of a hole however i think it would be best if i just go around and then make a line of where the hole actually is gonna be so i've been asked thousands of times to release my hardcore world and i know you'd all enjoy to play on it too so i've come up with a deal if you can get my twitter to a hundred thousand followers before 2022 is over i'll release this world for download so you can all play on here and now with the outline done of the entire whole uh this is going to be a whole lot of fun please laugh so first up i need to go and get rid of all the dirt which is going to be the most enjoyable part of this entire thing and won't actually take me long whatsoever and after two hours all of the dirt is cleared i guess it's now a battle arena and i actually kept every single thing that i mined so i got dirt dirt dirt and you guessed it diamonds i wish so i don't know if you saw in the time lapse or kind of near the end of it i kept flying back and forth just to get rid of all the stone up here and turning into grass but i kept flying back to the beacon to come over here just mine it all faster so i've already done this before so uh you can call me a pro and there's no way i'm going to be mining all of this without a beacon of course i could just take a beacon from over there but it's becoming apparent to me that i'm going to be needing these as time goes on from all these projects that i'm doing and i think i only need one for this hole and so i might as well just go and farm some weather skeletons again what how did how did a cat get in here there's a fence around the portal oh you are there skeletons anyone uh want to give me their skull hello does this place not work anymore oh cool blazes exactly what i came here for wasn't army please army stop i'm too beautiful to die did 1.18 change other fortresses let's go check out the wither skeleton farm that doesn't work why is there a sheep in here oh don't hear me does this actually work i never finished it hey bud it's me would you like to give me a skull yeah i hate you too yo what's up please subscribe wither skeletons still spun in the nether we have confirmed that i feel like 1.8 oh never mind i was going to say i i guess 1.18 ruined their spawns but nope didn't i won't lie i was kind of expecting a lot more wither skeletons to spawn in here and then do like a speed montage me just hitting them until i got all three skulls but um yeah this is something else huh how is there grass why couldn't they be wither skeleton spawners oh hi so was this farm actually my best but i getting weather skeletons like the update actually fixed it or made it work here you go come on boys need y'all to be chasing me let's go come on oh yes oh hi what's up boys yes so i did just get three skulls but honestly that didn't really take that long so i might just stay here until i get two withers because you know there's nothing wrong with having two beacons instead of one oh yes what was actually the first time i've ever seen them here a zombie oh yep i'm 100 going to be making a wither skeleton farm in the future episode i'm definitely not doing it right now yes oh yes so i just figured out something after hitting that guy i realized so you could tell which weather skeletons will actually drop a skull because the rest of their body will turn red when you hit them except for their head their head will stay black because they're actually wearing the skull so it's not actually something that they drop it's something that they wear i'm gonna test that theory already let's test my theory he's not gonna drop one you won't and he won't oh it's correct.com so that's actually a very interesting way to test it out so i mean like it could save you time if you just run around and just hit with their skeletons and then if you realize that none of their heads are staying black then you can actually just leave them alone do you have it always when you're one skull away from a weather the next like 50 weather skeletons that spawn in make sure they just doesn't give them anything in fact just give them stone swords oh thank you that's exactly what i wanted i've always wanted just stone swords don't want anything else oh i think he's wearing one oh you baited me it looked like he had a big head see let's see of course not of course not hello boys oh wait what did he i thought his head was red when i hit him i didn't notice it staying black sweet we're all done so i guess i wasn't too correct about it no no okay i must have saw it i must have seen things wrong okay so now that's all done and then if i go over here to the portal i'm down here and there we go and there you go that's how you kill the weather professionally and really fast and now to do that one more time and there we go that is how you complete two withers painlessly okay so now to make him into beacons how do i make beacons again ah i knew that there's a 10 glass six obsidian hey look at that i surprisingly have a lot of glass i wonder where all that came from i'm hoping i have enough iron for me to complete this beacon don't know where i'm gonna get any of it at all hang with me here it's been a couple months since i've built a beacon i think this is right boom he's two we have phase two why are you on the right i thought he was always on the left side now let's see let's just say you know i go up here oh yeah this is incredible oh this is going to be so easy this is going to be so easy to do oh this is this is already going better than the witch farm i mean kind of not really because i really didn't want to mind anything in the woods farm it's just i do want to collect some of these resources in the beginning but as time goes on there's absolutely no way i'm going to collect every single block on this because that would just be way too much of course like i can and then i just make more chests for the uh the item sorter like instead of them just only having like one slot i let them have like two or three but now for the fun part of mining this down i think i'm gonna mine for an hour and then i'll come back and then just you know show you how much work that i have done i'm almost tempted to put a hopper line that goes straight into sorting system over there or at least like to like a water pathway just to make this go faster because i mean realistically i'm going to have to in the future create one so it's not like it would be a waste if i just spend some time and do that because this entire hole is for farms in the future so i feel like if i just make the water pathway now it's just saving myself some time in the next episode plus then i don't have to keep traveling to a different area i could just keep putting it into a box and then there we go so this is roughly six or seven hours later i honestly don't remember i kind of lost track of time but pretty good progress so i perfectly centered the beacon so now the entire hole is covered with haste too so it's actually it's really nice really incredible the next thing which i'm not certain how i want to do this yet so i went around and perfectly centered everything with all of this the lanterns now what i don't know if i want to do this is either just keep it all straight line going all the way down to bedrock or every single three it goes over one more block so as it goes down it just spirals and it might look really good also to do a lot of terrifying there's so much to do there's also so much to collect this is still all dirt this is all stone this is all cobblestone and then this is for the future for like everything else because yeah my sorting system is kind of completely full so yeah once i get to finishing that in the next episode i might have to have like two or three slots with certain blocks in there just so i can hold a lot more and then i also need to bring my cobblestone wall around this i'm really happy i didn't finish that wall design that i had i think it was like in the 200 300 day movie whatever something like that yeah i'm really happy i didn't do that yet now to show you what it's like to mine a 100 by 100 hole if any of you are wondering where the extra stone or any item that i have that i don't really want to store anymore it goes into lava so i didn't like the design that i was going for originally after getting down to the second layer it just i don't know i i wasn't feeling it i didn't really like it whatsoever so instead i've opted for the painful version which is uh so i mean collecting the sand for all this really isn't too difficult anymore luckily i still have a lot of blocks left over from uh that so this isn't really too difficult but i am kind of low on all of it so that'll be fun to collect everything but i just feel like this fits the autonator so much better and it keeps them with the same theme of it plus in between every single layer i guess you can say is three natural block layers right there so it still keeps it natural and it makes it futuristic and very weirdly enough this isn't even close to as annoying as the witch farm was to make all this it's just really tedious to answer all of your question on am i going to be digging this all the way down to bedrock no definitely not i'm only doing this because i need a lot of the resources in here mainly just the rock stuff and now here is my hole about three days later i think it's been and it's going pretty well i also really don't like how these are spaced out i feel like it should be more because now i'm thinking if i do this like a hundred times going down it's really not going to look too good so i'm gonna start spacing those out a lot more this is also taking me a lot of time it takes about an hour two hours just to go down by three blocks for the entire layer so we definitely need to change something up but i also want it to stay looking pretty so now what i'm thinking about doing is going around and just you know digging about four blocks away from every single wall all the way down to hubble deep slate or whatever the deep slate block is just going all the way down there and just making a nice little uh buffer for this because i'm going to be using tnt and i really don't want to blow up the wall and have to repair everything i've also tested out a little bit of tnt that i currently had so if i just do it like tnt block on top tnt block on top i can kind of have it controlled like this but it won't go continuously i have to keep on relighting it so it's not really good also if i just do a straight line of tnt all the way down to cobble deep slate it's uh messy and a lot harder to control so for cnc i have the gunpowder already however i don't exactly have the sand covered and as much as i would love to go through and clear out another desert there's an easier way to do this it's just to make that farm i need to go and get prepared for it obviously and done very luckily i can actually fit everything into one shulker because they're kind of full right now and i don't really have any oh yeah you probably noticed this so put a few bees back into the beehive and then i've been breeding them just you know i'm actually getting an army again and i want to know your input on this should i rename one of the bees to bumble since we kind of lost them unfairly it was to an update it's not like the bee actually died i've also been hard at work i just emptied this i think 10 minutes ago something like that so if i see a comment with yes name one of the beast bumble again and has enough up votes on it then i'll do that and then we'll have bumble again because i don't really find it fair that we lost her in the first place now for something scary to actually use this farm we kind of need to use something that is irreversible and a little worrying but even if it goes wrong i think there's like seven other strongholds in my world actually i think there was six i think i had an issue with one of them not actually spawning but now we have to break the end portal for this to work i kind of wish i brought a bucky with me just so i can keep all the lava but first we have to get rid of all of this next up we have to make the room bigger and i just remembered that i yep hello right as i say it yeah i'm all alone yep i really really don't need you here and not to repeat the exact same thing on the other side hello if i i didn't miss you oh hi no no no no no no no no no no no it's bad now we actually need to go through and remove the portal part which i'm very worried about because of this breaks i get to go and find a new stronghold so first we wanna do is go to the middle of one of the sides go down and then go two blocks over and then dig one two then it should look like this so you have like that one block gap from there and then you go and get your dirt you go over here and place it at the bottom of it you get your red mushroom and then you place it there and then you bone meal it owie okay no please don't kill okay okay okay there we go perfect exactly how i wanted it if we remove the mushroom the portal frame is now gone and now that side's complete we just repeat it over here and there we go we now have a very funky looking in portal that's now permanent i just realized this is really gonna suck if they ever release an update to where if there's no portal frames on the sides it just breaks the portal i'm sure that'll never happen that's for future me to worry about i'll be older therefore wiser when that time comes now to actually start building the duping machine first you have to go underneath the first like block edge right there and then you place a block on the ground next up you want to put your sticky piston facing this direction then you want to go one two three with the redstone and then go one two three break the ground next up we need to go and get our repeater facing the portal and then we want to set it to four ticks so set it to the maximum and then we get the redstone again to go one two three and then we place two building blocks i just chose cobblestone because i have a lot of it for very obvious reasons and then we just put two right there then we get the repeater again facing this direction don't touch it at all that's perfectly fine and then he had a redstone right there place another building block right there go over here get our redstone torches and now the fun starts so we go boom and we go one right there we really don't want that going non-stop so we need an on and off switch put a lever right here and then you flick it off there we go get the sticky piston back out face it this direction towards the portal let's get some temporary blocks just to help us with building and then we want to go up here just so we can see the top of the machine add two more building blocks this direction and then you want to be careful with this one we're going to put another repeater facing this direction towards the portal and then just hit it once so now it's at two ticks and then we add redstone right here then come to the front of this machine get your building block and then we want to put i just realized i made this one block too short okay much better so get your building block you want to put one in front of the repeater and then you want to put one on the ceiling just like this so like a little staircase once you have it all like this you can either jump up here just make it easier but we want redstone on this block so you can just look at the block right here and then boom we have redstone up there then we're going to go around and clean up the temporary blocks next you want to go back to your sticky pistons and then right here you want to do one listed kind of carefully just so it's also facing down and then we come over here and then place you down so now it should look like this then get your slime blocks one two three and go to the sticky piston over here and go one two three now everything that we just built on the left side we make it on to the right side and boom now the other side of the machine is done so now for us to actually be able to use this while we're afking in the end we have to make a chunk loader in here i'm hoping that this doesn't cause an issue because none of this is even in the chunk so you need it in the exact same chunk so for us to do this we first have to make some room for it so now we need to go and get the obsidian the flint and steel and then to be safe yeah we're going to build the portal right here which i am really hoping is not too far over next up you need to build a two by four hole right in front of it about three blocks down and then we want to make some room underneath the portal i think three is fine for this we need to go and get our droppers and then from the portal we need to go one two three the fourth one on top needs to be facing the portal now we need to get our comparator and we need it to be facing away from the droppers so facing this direction and then you want to put a building block right next to it then we need to come back up here and then get our observers go back to the building block and you want to put some redstone on that and then you want to get your observer and have it facing towards the redstone just like this and then you want to come back up here and then have another observer facing towards it and then you put your last redstone dust right on top of the observer now go back to your shulker get your hoppers and then you're gonna want one hopper facing the bottom dropper and then another hopper facing that hopper so it should look like this and then you want to go get your rails from your shulker box and then put them on top of the hoppers just like this and then you add your building block on both sides just like that and then on top of the rails you want to put your hopper mine carts just like that once that is all done you want to come back up here light up your portal make sure you have all the items that you're going to be needing for this i need more redstone once you come through the nether you're going to want to rebuild the machine it's just hopefully you're luckier than me and you don't have lava also while building the other side of the machine watch out for gas and then make sure it's all built in the same chunk once you rebuilt the machine over here on the nether side before you head back to the overworld make sure you have a wall on this side just to prevent the item from coming through on the wrong side of it and then head back to the overworld once you're back through go to the bottom dropper and just add any item that you want it really doesn't matter i'm just gonna put a cobblestone in there and something went wrong oh boy okay so it's been a little bit and i actually had to use another tutorial on a chunk loader because i just could not figure out how to get the original one to work this one is from xena uma or zuma i honestly i am so sorry i cannot pronounce this name but this is from him there's a link in the description if you want to go check out his trunk loader it works perfectly i love it and another thing that i found when looking through the comments is that apparently this is broken and the way to fix it is getting three leaves and then putting them on top of this redstone right here because when we put any of the gravity blocks like sand gravel concrete powder whatever on here is that they would fall down and then they would just break they just wouldn't continue working so if you use the leaves your redstone signal can still travel through it it'll still work and this will make the entire thing work now that this is all done hopefully i'm going to put the sand on top of the slime blocks right next to the portal and then what we want to do is flick it on and test it out to make sure it works this is incredibly important if you're in the overworld do not leave this on or else you will never be able to go back to the end if you leave it on for too long there will be too many entities in there and it will just break so we're just going to leave this on just for a few seconds and then it seems like the leaves actually make it work the machine seems to be working perfectly fine let's turn this off also now that we've let it run for a little bit we can now go through and see where we need to make the collection system oh i have no idea where i need to build the collection system uh this is interesting so by doing that it didn't exactly explain but i do know that they fly out this direction it's still hilarious to me that it goes straight into there so i'm kind of in luck because i don't really have to clear out too much from this but you want to go to the center of the obsidian platform and put temporary blocks on both sides just like this also we're going to want to build a staircase going down to the collection area so now that the platform's done i just went three blocks below the obsidian platform and i just made it nice and huge around here just so i can actually walk around and be comfortable what you want to do now is get your chest and we're going to go one not like that gonna go one two four and boom so you wanna have a line just like that and then i'm gonna copy it over here on this side just like that then you go and get your hoppers and you want to add it to all of the chests just like this and then break your temporary blocks right above the chest and then add some hoppers on top of it facing the chest so that it should look like this so i messed up and used too many uh permanent blocks down there so now what you want to do is go around the hopper and build a three block tall and then build a three block high tall wall around it then go back to the hoppers and you're going to want to place buttons right here just so when the loose sand comes and lands on it it'll break and then just repeat it on the other side alrighty now apparently this is all done and then now with the farm is basically done just need to test it out fingers crossed and then now to flick these on fingers crossed i'm really hoping that this works on the end and i don't have to rebuild the uh collection spot hey there we go now we have ghost sandbox flying in on mach 27 speed they land perfectly on the hoppers yep it's working perfect down here sweet i don't have to go mine out the sahara desert anymore ah beautiful and while we're here you know hey might as well just go heal everything ah beautiful sounds i missed it so much probably should have built the platform out of leaves probably would have been the smartest decision now that this is all going completely perfectly i'm just gonna go afk for about 30 minutes and then we'll see how much sand we have at the end hopefully this was worth it and i have a very strong feeling it's definitely worth it so i forgot if i saw this before but all the tutorials i'm using for these farms are in the description and i'm curious if you like me showing you how i build these farms or if you want me to just skip that and show you the finished project i know you're all enjoying longer videos so i think this is all good to include but please tell me your thoughts in the comments okay so it's been exactly 30 minutes and these guys are driving me insane so now oh oh yeah oh yeah i know this is this is definitely a lot better than going out into a desert and having to cluck sand myself the only issue i don't exactly have a lot of space however i will take all of them that i can and now we actually have to kind of quickly go and turn it off there you are turn you off save the end don't make it crash so then coming back into here once those are all off you just break the bed you put it back down you jump back into the portal say hello to the six foot tall man try to remember to breathe i know it's very difficult and then we have an instant teleport what okay now as i was saying is once you go past the inner menu come back down here and then you teleport back into your base there we go and then we sleep once we get here so sadly that's not all of the af king i have to do even though i still need to actually prepare the place down here for tnt first what are you doing in my swamp so i do actually need to go and clear out some of these shulkers because i kind of need them again oh actually here we'll just we'll just put them all in barrels so i'm just going to leave this sand there but i do actually need to go get a lot more gunpowder because i kind of used all the gunpowder that i had into rockets because you know uh my base is really big and i have to fly a lot and now the ground actually looks kind of cool if i just leave i like that so now over at my witch farm of course i know i know a lot of you have told me go and make a creeper farm you'll get a lot more gunpowder it'll get it'll get you a lot faster i'm too lazy and i don't want to so now just afk in here for a few hours while i get a lot of gunpowder from them and it is now oh i'm sure there won't be any phantoms spawning in here so it's actually the next day i'm kind of worried about the platform because i was hearing thunder i mean everything looks good and not the worst i was honestly expecting a lot less so it's not the worst at least it gives me some tnt i'll just have to be doing this a ton which i might be doing off camera just to not bore you all it's not the worst amount of tnt i could have gotten a lot less for all of this however i still need to prepare the entire hole to be blown up and as i was saying before i think i'm just gonna go around and dig out like four blocks away from the wall on all sides all the way down the cobble deep slate which i know that's going to take forever so yay more digging why did i decide to do this so that's a bit of an issue is that case 2 over there can't reach me down there so now we have to kind of cut it early and go through and do all the tnt and lower this down a lot so that i can lower down my beacon i mean it's not really that much of an issue just because i was gonna have to do it anyways so the thing with tnt and working with stone so here's my plan with it and it'll be a perfect explosion going all the way down absolutely no issues so first you'll light it and then since it's around stone boom you get a perfect three by three sometimes most of the time and now what i have to do is go through the entire floor put tnt i actually don't know if this is faster or slower than me mining out the entire thing i'm sure you know nothing bad will happen if i don't have my totem in my hand i actually think i need to remove the beacon because doing this took a lot longer just because i have to be very careful with breaking blocks since i can still delete them instantly i also need to go get fun steel i really don't have to shoot every single cnc and then once all the tnt is down you just go boom no how is that how is that not far enough away then we just have to go through and clean it up i do not want to mess like last time that would not be uh very good so it took me many many hours plus by doing it this way like i care right now i probably won't care in about 20 hours is that i can still collect all the ores that are in this block but pretty soon i am really not going to care and now we just repeat the process again you know what now that i'm actually doing this i was thinking that this would have been good because you know i can still control the blast i can have like really nice walls make this place look beautiful it's still hitting the walls somehow even with this much of a buffer zone and i have to go down like 80 y levels 100 y level something like that at this rate this video won't be done for like two months plus i'll be needing a lot of flint and steel however there are other tnt duplicating machines that i can actually control they'll still be kind of slow but i can at least kind of control it just to prevent all the balls being destroyed and looking really disgusting i need to fix that luckily though for this machine that i have in mind it is a lot cheaper than the witch's hole that i had to blow up so it hopefully shouldn't be too bad okay so there's been a little bit of a cut and hear me out it's them again so i do like the control tnt method however that's just gonna take way too long and then this video is just gonna be released in like a month or two again and i know none of us want that i do know that this is going to cause a lot of damage to the walls probably blow up some of the rings that i've already built but i think i can go back and just kind of fix up everything and make it look nice i'll actually make it look pretty since you know it's in my base and this rate i could actually finish this in like a day or two now so i think it's the best bet to keep it on brand i didn't test out any of these whatsoever i just went back to my redstone world and kind of just copied the build that i had before because i kind of forgot how to make them and then i made sure that everything was lined up perfectly i checked coordinates a lot so i think we'll just start with one just to make sure it works please don't hit my wall yes okay okay no no oh what why'd you stop oh no oh no no i line them all up for this block not this one i have to move all like 11 down one block uh 13. there's 13 of these that i have to move back one block at least it didn't continue into the wall and like this is easily salvageable so at least there's that i'll fix that later another reason why i want to control all of these and not really do it too fast so i can keep going back and forth i really want to collect all the resources and especially want to get down far enough i want to collect that cobble deep slate because i do have some ideas with it so that will be huge also with this being around four to five chunks shorter than the witch's hut area that i had to mine out this is going to be a lot faster so doing it this way is going to be a lot more doable this will probably take me three four days at this rate of doing it which i'm completely okay with because i think i've spent like two weeks getting down this far let me go and fix up all of those and now every single one of the stoppers over there has been moved over one block i kind of tested it out a little bit with just this one everything should finally work i'm also just a little scared to turn these all on at once because it kind of broke last time so i think we'll do four at a time to see how it goes okay that one tnt that flew into the air that was a little alarming because i'm not removing my beacon because i have to go through and like kind of clean up because i really don't want any leftover blocks on here so i'm really hoping it doesn't hit that at all but i know once it gets a little bit lower we're totally fine and i think it's just this one and then the machine all the way to the right that i'm gonna have to look out for because i think we're all good that machine broke why did that machine break no don't tell me i got hit by tnt it's missing two slime blocks interesting i think i can easily fix that ah oh wow you work okay phew we're doing a lot better than last time oh no oh no it's already blowing up down there okay sweet so we just moved very slow in the beginning just so everything can get lowered uh i need to go through and you know remove some of these blocks that's another huge thing especially over here i thought i bolted close enough to where it would handle all of this but apparently not okay now that that section's kind of done with let's do one two three let's just do three that was a perfect run and then time to go in and clean up everything collect all my stuff one two three uh that one wasn't bad a little bit of damage on the wall that was expected and then let's just do the last two right now i'm worried about this one oh my gosh oh that makes me so nervous that makes me so nervous oh my gosh yeah nah that's completely gone that wall is gone no all my hard work oh my okay okay that was just disrespectful that was on purpose that one was 100 on purpose that was so disrespectful okay cool i wasn't expecting to have to fix up the second to bottom ring but at least all these do work let's go and clean it up i want my luge i'm also starting to get to the point to where i don't need coal anymore i've almost maxed out my sorting system on it so yeah i don't really know what to do soon i might have to stop using bamboo for a little bit even surprisingly er is that uh i have more coal than iron so at this rate if i keep going for every single resource this is still going to take me a super long time even though with the tnt it is a ton faster and more deadly i think i'm just gonna rush down to uh gold and diamond lapis all that stuff because i kind of want those a lot more than i need coal and iron especially since i'm gonna be making farms for both of those items soon so i kind of don't really need to collect them anymore you're lower so let's go one two three four [Music] please don't hit it please don't hit it please thank you see very nice i like these four i i hate that one and if any of you were following along with digging a 100 by 100 hole one why are you doing that and two i think i'm just gonna do two passes and then clean it up two passes clean it up and just keep doing that wait that's you're not there right oh my god oh don't do that to me game and now we're back on janitor duty so i thought i built it close enough that this wouldn't happen because you know i remembered it from last time so i actually built them i think two or three blocks closer than what i did before and um yeah nope nope still doesn't matter looks like my janitor job is done so let's just teleport to the future to where i've done this about like 10 times each and then just get to a lower level to where you know there's actual important stuff so a little bit of time has passed and i made it all the way down to cobble deep slate and it's kind of a bad thing but it's not really that bad but yeah these machines don't reach the edges like at all so i stopped to mine a ton and there was one thing that i found really interesting that you know i figured you guys would like to see i i have a huge hole not in that context but you know i have this huge like mining hole which will actually speed this up a drastic amount probably like a day however i do want to explore it since one i never knew that this was underneath my house and two i can actually get some more resources in here at least the ones that i care about like diamonds or maybe gold oh that looks so fake oh that looks so fake oh that looks so big i love it like oh yeah like diamonds are gold immediately finds the gold and then diamonds right behind it oh man that wasn't fake for anyone wondering i promise you so another huge aspect if you haven't seen my i mind a hole in 50 hours video i heavily recommend seeing and i think it was a really good video and a lot of stuff happened and they also found a lot of easter eggs where i guess just a lot of rare stuff that i didn't know was rare but another big thing in there was there was a lava everywhere very weirdly i haven't really been seeing any lava i think i've seen like three lava pools and that was it so that's awesome almost as awesome as finding more golden diamonds oh hi no no this room is occupied thank you very much it's kind of a cool cave not really against it uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh don't mind me boys i'm just here to steal some more of your resources down here don't mind me some would actually consider this an honor oh it is turning nighttime i had to put into perspective on how massive the hole is i usually have to take two or three rockets to get out of it now oh my god okay i didn't think i was gonna hit it i thought i thought i was clear i'd please get hungry please i i really would like to eat thank you see it's kind of strange that i'm getting to the point in this world to where none of the resources really matter to me like i don't need redstone i don't need iron i have farms for both of those i don't need gold i have a farm for that one i'm kind of shocked with how rare copper is in here oh hi anyone else anyone else want to come out and play i keep on feeling like the warden's gonna jump out of like nowhere oh there's no way there's no way there's no way there's a geode right next to my house i can actually make a geode farm that's incredible no way i don't have to travel 20 000 blocks again just to get some more that's actually insane let's see don't mind me boys don't mind me spider it is daytime you can relax whoa wow there's just like an entire underground world right below my base nope never mind don't want to go there don't mind me i'm just you know run through i'm just sightseeing some of you guys have to offer you know anything that i can steal this place is huge they weren't kidding about upgrading the cave system also kind of crazy how there's just no good ores what is that is that glow squids there's actual glow squids in there yeah he's right there okay don my knee boys i'm just running through don't mind me don't mind me it's okay nope nope nope you really don't need to shoot me how do we get out of here oh hi just won i mean thanks i guess please don't okay oh hi yeah i i just want to look around the cave system and i'll be out we don't have to fight we could be peaceful you know just give me maybe like 20 minutes and then you know i'll send the carpet bombs down here oh hi hi hello nope you'll be hearing a lot of those noises and you know just you know a couple of minutes uh wow there's sure is a lot of you down here my god okay so i mean there's really nothing down there if i need redstone or iron maybe a little bit of golden yeah it's a good place also luckily i don't have to move these yet i'm really not looking forward to that at all but i thought i'd just show a little bit of an update on where we are with this it seems to be going faster than the witch farm i mean we would have been done about now man that's actually kind of depressing hearing that coming out of my mouth i think we're close luckily it's a cave down there so this is kind of misleading on how much work we have to go but i think we're gonna go one two three we'll do four i just realized if there's any geodes down there they're kind of gonna be bye-bye oh i can spot you from a mile away oh and there's more and then even though copper is super easy to get i've kind of realized with how nice it is because it's a building block more than a mineral or an ore i also could have sworn that getting rid of this took a lot longer this really doesn't feel like that long where there you are so many cave systems yeah maybe this actually won't take too long oh this don't blow up oh i thank you for not blowing up 47 diamonds so far jeez organized soon oh my gosh oh oh man i thought i was going to hit that and die i'm going to get organized soon though inventory's getting too full um i'm not going to be missing uh this hole once it's all done i kind of just want to see the end of the project so i think i'm just going to focus these four until we actually reach it there and i think i'm getting to the point where i'm just starting to really not care about any ores i just want to get the bottom of this dang dang how big is this got a little bit of diamonds before but i'm back at the 21 ooh lapis couple deep slate ores look like the coolest ones in this game like this way more than the traditional ones i actually might not need to move these machines at all i think they can still reach the very bottom so i think we're near it down there already oh no i don't think the tnt reaches down here please reach the cave no oh it doesn't reach the cave down there i do have to lower them man oh wow you know i had hopeful wishing we'll run them one more [Music] go time down mine some more hello slime oh wait no i didn't wait i need to go get organized now we can go pick up even more stuff done with the first four lines now for the next four so bummed i'm gonna have to move these there we go go my beauties i think i'm only gonna go down there if i see diamonds or lap or water that too that actually has to go before that creates an issue oh so interesting i didn't know that you could actually mine tough instantly with a beacon that's pretty good to find out as i was saying i think i'm only going to be coming down here now if i see diamonds lapis emeralds maybe gold if i'm feeling quirky and silly and a little bit of goofy we need to get out of here or else we are going to die oh wow inventory fills up fast go back over here get organized once again need to be fast i don't like leaving the boom boom machine unattended it can go very wrong oh hello you might want to move buddy it might not be safe to stay there very very soon not that i really care oh you're a big pool yeah i think i just need to go get my sponges and get rid of that water i find that a lot easier than just going through and just replacing blocks down or using my water bucket okay still no geodes so i still haven't taken a massive l i hope it stays that way i need to very quickly turn this off i'm not gonna get there in time barely seconds to spare okay now where did i put the sponges i like i found the sponges please let me in please no wait no okay there's an easier way to do this i'm making this way too difficult okay wait there we go that was it two sponges needed outcome i'll take that i don't know why i was expecting like a huge underwater system you know fish everywhere not really i just want to make it sound more dramatic oh what happened to all the bad mobs on they're not spawning in anymore is it because i destroyed their ceiling is that diamond huh mine's two sweet thanks tnt i believe that's everything collected starting to turn night time okay now that that's all safe one two three four so this is this one you you and you go my boom boom it is kind of pleasing just watching it okay this one's almost down to the maximum floor i noticed apparently i made them one block apart too far maybe but there's still a lot you can do never mind wait i'm i'm slow never mind ignore it don't put that in the video okay i didn't realize that that was that okay wait i just realized that is lapis lazuli oh no there's diamonds over there wait am i not i think you can reach it oh it can't go i don't know why you guys were worried i couldn't reach it the entire time wait where did it go diamonds we're not playing hide and seek there were diamonds over here right oh it destroyed the top one this way please wait no no wait wait wait wait wait wait no no no i want one more pass and then i think it's good they're making good progress you know it's not going too shabby already very nice yeah that's looking done i kind of want that gold alrighty we're finally on the final quarter for this level and then i've noticed for this one i have to kind of keep it back from the rest of them so that the tnt doesn't splash over so i kind of fixed it near the bottom area but the top part yeah that that took a lot of damage and somehow that one up there now you go and then this should save the wall just a little bit i'm kind of shocked with how rare diamonds are now ah we have to pause it the lava just had to come back oh just one block i'll go sweet oh hello okay now that the hazards are gone now we can resume all of these there you go go get em tiger oh how are you hey can you hold this for me ah thank you first try oh hello oh oh oh no there's diamonds no my precious i look diamonds my precious oh my time to shine i wonder if i could jump and land in there i think i can make it this won't kill me right hello diamonds so i think this is done some of the walls aren't like completely flushed out and flat but honestly that really doesn't matter once i lower them it'll you know fix everything unless i can't make it before they start going again i'm not making it ah just barely oh well one more run doesn't hurt did you find like diamonds again or more water that also works but you i could jump in there and make it without even waiting to look oh oh hi buddy yeah i'm gonna have to remove your home i'm really sorry and uh steal your diamonds i'm i swear i am sorry i'm not really sorry i'm just telling them that to make them feel better wow this is a lot of water like a lot a lot of water okay i really was not expecting this much uh wow it's almost like it's an underwater paver so oh wow yeah no it's a full-fledged underwater kit oh my gosh how big is it oh wow okay we are not doing it all okay i'm just gonna collect my sponges i'm just gonna leave it like this you know if you guys give me to a hundred thousand twitter followers before 2022 is over hey i left you a project here you go you can call me and yeah get rid of the underwater tape okay i believe i collected them all and i take your diamonds and look more diamonds so the first part is completely done we've lowered the hole as much as we could until you know tnt couldn't go down any further i think i have about 40 more y levels to go through if i'm lucky about 30. and then i have a very nice project for these hupid for these huge open cave walls but i mean the the entire wall system is going to be a ton of work okay so i actually just removed the beacon because there's no point if i put it down there slightly above these again i can't even reach the floor that i actually need it on so um yeah this was a pain this is actually the next day every single machine has been tested out everything luckily it works perfectly i also figured out um yeah when you're removing these make sure you get rid of the tnt first and i i'm not gonna elaborate on why so we're gonna do the first four again we're just gonna have this keep going non-stop we're actually getting to the level with a lot of diamonds so this is really sick oh diamonds oh diamonds and they're all gone there you are this is why you always dig around the diamonds because you can usually find more hidden away sucks is that the one that got destroyed over here that i saw was of roughly four or six oh yes we're finally getting to bedrock oh this is huge i was honestly expecting to have to do this for a few hours but it looks like this will be done fairly quickly so that's very very nice and then comes the very difficult parts i mean not difficult but incredibly tedious however that sand duplicator machine will come in tremendous help because it doesn't just do sand it will do concrete gravel your mom ah but i'm gonna have to dig everything down uh that's gonna be a pain oh so much stuff oh gotta get to that fast please do not call me at machines don't come out machines please give me a little bit of time just a few a little bit more time i don't know why i'm going for the gold over the diamonds this is not my smartest decision where do the diamonds go oh my god the diamonds where they're not they're right there you move yes oh there's so many yeah and now it takes me three rockets to get out of this hole i kind of just realized i mean it would have taken me probably even longer but i didn't really need to bring down these machines if i was this close to bedrock like i couldn't mind it but then now that i say that out loud i feel like that probably would have taken me a few days to do this because this is still slower than cobblestone and there is still so many what that's my q time to run saw diamonds now whoa oh my god i don't know why i i thought that was a vampire for like half a second because i just saw like the red eyes and the body looked a lot longer and i was like when did they add a vampire to minecraft no god that kind of freaks me out a little bit that was a little spooky yes okay we need to be really really fast oh no the machines are right here with me no there's diamonds oh well i already have a ton i'm pretty sure i can usually make a full diamond beacon okay a few more passes this one will be done oh hello i'm kind of surprised that i haven't seen any cobble deep slate emeralds down here yet i know that they're the rarest and i mean it's kind of a huge area yes go my beauties go oh i just saw something blue i mean i swear i saw something blue okay don't think i'm gonna be finding anything else important down here so i'll just let the machines keep going i'm gonna go get organized and then fall asleep this hole has made me very very very rich so it's kind of nice at least enough for future mega builds i don't really have to go mining at all because i kind of have a surplus of everything like uh yeah this is full this is full like all of those are this one's kind of doing well i'm getting a ton of cobble deep sleep which like i'm really happy about uh there's a glitch in the matrix there we go okay phew all the machines are still working we're almost clean down there oh i need a lapis oh my god it's another lava lake sweet i think one more pass and then we're finally done with the first four okay so since i showed you kind of you know what's going to be happening all the way down to bedrock i'm just going to fast forward until all of this was cleared out and then you know we'll have to remove this and i'll start mining all that super fun stuff but we're finally almost done digging the hole i think i've been doing this like three or four weeks now about a month we're almost done and finally the next day i went through and i cleaned up all of the walls so now everything's kind of repaired that took absolutely forever i also lit up all the caves we finally hit bedrock everything is done we're i cleaned it all out we're finally down there and i have some fun ideas so i left open a lot of the caves or actually all of the caves around here because i have a fun idea where i do have some dark blue glass and i'm thinking of just covering up the caves just to make it look like the aliens who you know excavated this hole found all these caves inside of there and they just put up a force field just to keep everything out and i think it's gonna look really cool on this corner down there i need to remake the beacon because you know if i put it down here i actually couldn't reach down to the bottom of the bedrock it was just gonna be annoying these would have blown it up yada yada i need to actually go through and remove all of these i think i'm gonna do that first okay so before i head back down there i need to make another beacon but i went through and i removed all of the tnd duplicator and machine so the entire place is looking a lot oh forgot about the other side the other side is also kind of important to get rid of because i kind of don't need these in here okay now the entire hole is complete i just need to go and put the beacon in the dead center yay if i go at 50 by 50 this should be around the center [Applause] okay so it's super messy but i think that this is the center and then if i go here and then i just go down because i want the beacon to be a lot lower than where i am up there i think i think around here should be good so then i just smack the beacon there generally you know it is valuable and then we just start building out the entire uh pyramid of it which the water is going to make it super lovely and not annoying at all to do there we go second layer done third layer done i think i need to make a force no come back here i think i picked it up honestly i wasn't paying attention yeah i think i picked it up please i'm trying to fly while under water please oh god wait do i have enough iron for this did i not get enough oh man i thought i grabbed enough because i need one two three four more it takes me four rockets to get up here oh how nice i made a glowing squid farm or there we go okay so now the pyramid is entirely done let me just go back up the waterfall super slowly as soon as i there we go it's like it's like pretty soon the beacon should actually uh appear hopefully i hope i didn't build it too low or else that's gonna be uh really fun and not awkward whatsoever i want my dirt then we slap the iron ingot in there get haze two and then fingers crossed that it actually works up there it goes back to six okay sweet now that the entire beacon is ready it works all the way up here and now to go all the way down to bedrock this is gonna be so much fun but first we must go get organized ah this is gonna look awesome when it's entirely done really excited for that especially since this has taken me an immensely long time to make let's be a little crazy wacky let's start from up here oh boy this is going to take a very long time while i didn't realize how much stone i had left so i got rid of kind of all the stone we're down to the deep slate layer the issue so there's multiple things so i need to go down almost 70 levels until i'm done all the way down to bedrock and um you can't instant mind them a given it doesn't take long it's just there's so much and i was thinking of just using tnt but since i'm so close to the wall i mean i i can still control it so it doesn't hit the wall however just preparing it and just putting it everywhere i think it would just be faster to just mine everything i'm just really really not oh my hi i'm just really not looking forward to it okay i did how did that touch me so now to keep mining and we're still not even done i'm still just making the hole i still have to do all of those and then once again until there i'm going to want to put glass down there like oh there's so much to do oh yeah this is going to be painful i think a nice saving grace is that there's a lot of caves right below me so i would do a time lapse for this part but i feel like they're just kind of getting annoying and you know we need to just skip to the end of this we really need to start making some progress on this one so i'm just gonna go mining for a little bit we'll see how much i get done in uh one hour so give or take it's been almost an hour i think it's been like 50 minutes what not but i only went down those three levels that i first started in about 50 minutes so we'll just say one hour and i have to do that roughly 20 times and that's gonna be about 20 hours more like 15 hours of digging in a circle i think it will actually take less because around this area that should knock down you know a bit of time because i will be getting the cave systems as i get lower but i i don't i might lower like one hour and that's it so yay i gotta go digging for like two days yeah this will be fun i think i'm gonna go mining for about five hours and then we'll see how far down i get but i'm hoping that this can go faster or doesn't take as long as i'm expecting so it's actually the next day i believe this took me roughly five hours to go down about four different layers doing it by like by threes the cave system actually did save me a lot of time i found another one over there so i think my idea with putting blue glass along this is gonna look really really awesome but oh my gosh do i hate doing this oh man i hate this hole i'm never doing it again i'm never gonna do this again i think i'm making pretty good progress on this so i think i'm just gonna completely remove the walls just so we can get to you know the more fun bits of this also to you know finally get done with the hole so now you see the hole or i guess now you see the walls of the hole and now you don't see the walls of the hole it's been about two days and i have cleaned out everything in here it was a massive journey i then went through this entire place up and down every single line in row and i made sure to get rid of every single block because mobs can spawn on bedrock but they can surely spawn on oops on the blocks in here and i want to try my best to make this as spawn proof as possible even though it's kind of pointless because i'm going to be adding glass above this just to make it look a lot prettier and i don't know more uniform but i don't want mods to be able to spawn like underneath the glass and ruin rates or something so yeah it's been like a month of me doing this and uh it's kind of a weird feeling it's practically done it's just we have we have one last section that's going to be a tremendous pain to do however to get the glass now it's really not going to be hard i mean i still have a lot of gloss i think i still have like a couple thousand blocks of it left over from my previous builds so somewhere in here i have dark blue glass i think i i actually i can't find it uh uh i don't know where i put it um oh here and just so it doesn't go to waste because i accidentally made this glass when i was building that thing over there i forgot to add in the uh the white dye into it so yeah i could have sworn i had a lot more so i'll probably regret doing this i i do plan on doing another layer of gloss on top but uh seeing how painful this will be i'm not sure i might be lazy because i think i i think i deserve to be lazy after doing all of this but who knows so i want to go to the top layer of all the bedrock and then just add in this blue glass one because it's darker than the light blue glass so i think it'll look a lot better if i have it down here below it it might add like a cool depth and like a nice like shadow effect to it in a sense the worst part about doing all of this is that it's going to take roughly 10 000 blocks my only saving grace is i'm pretty sure there's like 2 000 bedrock blocks on this layer so it should help cut out a lot of work for it and honestly i'm gonna see i might not put another glass flare on top of this i honestly don't know we will see but yes now for the fun part uh for this one i might actually do a time lapse i think the time lapse here would look a lot nicer than watching me go around and place a whole lot of glass so i finished up the entire floor kind of have like a lot of glass left over and uh yeah i think i'm definitely gonna go through and add another layer on top of this because i really don't like how it looks with all the uh the bedrock popping up through it and i don't know i'm just i'm not a fan of it i also went through and i marked out every single spot that those light rings are gonna have to go around and it's it's a big boy it's uh it's gonna be rough it's gonna be really rough oh god i'm really not looking forward to it um at least i don't have to dig over there and i do have a lot of uh light blue glass gloss left over and a lot of white concrete so you know at least i got that going for me also uh in case you know i'm like when i run out of blocks for it really doesn't matter because every single thing that i need to build this i can get it from that uh like gravity block farm duplicator thingy and also you know the guardian farm actually wait what am i doing i just remembered uh yeah i probably should dig the rings first and then get the materials make it okay good so now why did i take down the beacon oh no oh why did i take down that beacon now i have to go through and actually like dig out everything oh no ah this is gonna take forever now in hindsight i could be smart and i could go and just rebuild the beacon that would probably save me several hours so since i've already done a whole lot of digging and there's not really much that i can you know uh show anymore because it's all the same stuff so i think i'm gonna go through finish all of these rings and then we can get into building all of it and we're almost done we're almost done it's been like a month of me doing this i think the last time i've uploaded it's been like 32 days or something and i'm really sorry i i swear i'm like you know i'm actually trying to make videos a lot faster i'm not being lazy i swear i kind of forgot how long it takes to you know dig these holes and also since i'm making it pretty so that adds even more time to it but i i promise you okay videos are gonna be coming out a lot faster i swear okay maybe so i completely went around and i dug out all of the locations on where the lights will go and then on top of that just to make it cleaner because when i put in the glass walls around all of these cave systems it'll make it a lot more uniform i forgot to do that part but it'll make it look a lot cleaner not as messy and i feel like it'd make it more realistic for like a force field kind of a thing in the uh in a sci-fi setting but um yeah we're almost done i just have to fill in all of the holes i think i'm going to take it you know section by section so do all of these ceiling turns first and then i'll go around finish everything i was like blah blah blah you know you you get it really i don't think i need to explain anything really but uh just to make it more of a movie magic so first up i want to finish those two first layers up there and now that those two layers are done time for the next four and now that those four layers are done let's just finish the rest now every single light ring is done so all that's left really is just to do all the force fields on all the holes for all the cave sections and then do the next layer of the glass on here honestly i just because it's been so long and you know we've already done so much i think i'm just gonna leave it for the next episode because the next episode we're gonna have to fill this up with farms i'll make it all beautiful i'm gonna attach it to that over there especially like there there's so much for the next episode so i think i'm just gonna save it for that one luckily there's not that many caves and i have enough glass left over i think i'm hoping really to finish all of these so um yeah now we just need to go through and uh completely fill in all the caves and there we go so i went around to every single one of the caves and originally i was gonna use glass but i found that uh i can have a lot more paints in the last block so it'll just make it a lot easier so i don't have to get any more also i find that panes look a lot more like a force field if you play sci-fi games i feel like that fits it a lot better plus it adds a lot of depth so you can kind of like easily see uh caves compared to everything else and i think it's a really nice touch i'm kind of happy that i did decide to use panes instead of blocks up there especially you know like regular stone blocks or whatever just we can still see all of the caves around here and i think it's just a nice fit i think it looks a lot nicer and then for the floor once i go through and add an entire layer of light blue glass i feel like it's gonna you know really complete the place and look incredible but i think we're finally done with the 100 by 100 hole and i don't think i am ever going to do this again or if i do it's not going to be pretty i just i really do not want to do this again but i'm very happy i did it i feel like this is a really cool addition to the base and i think designing the 100 by 100 hole like that to fit this is a really really nice touch with the base and hey who knows you know if you guys give me 100 000 followers on twitter i think you guys will really enjoy what i'm about to do to the entire base site so yeah i know hopefully you guys can give me 200k on twitter before 2022 ends i'm gonna try my best to you know speed along my entire compound and make it look beautiful for you guys if you know if we do hit that number next episode hopefully it should not take me as long so you know that should hopefully be coming out a lot sooner and yeah i hope you guys enjoyed the video or movie i guess technically and uh yeah i'll see you guys next time
Channel: Skyes
Views: 1,690,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skyes, skyes 100 days, i mined a 100x100 area to bedrock in minecraft hardcore, mining a 100x100 area down to bedrock in minecraft hardcore, i mined 100000 blocks in minecraft hardcore, mining 100x100 area to bedrock in minecraft hardcore, I broke 21722 Bedrock to Make This in Minecraft Hardcore, sandiction, i mined 101213 blocks in minecraft hardcore, I suffered over 100 hours mining a 100x100 area in minecraft hardcore, i mined a 6x6 chunk area in minecraft hardcore
Id: 1V1PR62uVpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 30sec (4230 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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