The Rarest Events in Stellaris

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Let's see, just off the top of my own head:

  • End of the Cycle
  • The Grand Herald dig site
  • Whispers in the Stone dig site
  • Wanderlust

Let's see what he has to say.

Edit after having watched: I forgot about the Galatron and never even knew about the Crystal Enclave, definitely agree on those. Don't know about the worm rarity, it's definitely rare now but it's hard to compare against other events that I basically never see. Gotta disagree on the Distant Stars events and Sanctuary; they're rare, but not that rare, as I've seen all of the above in the last few months of playthroughs.

Compare that to Wanderlust (only ever seen it... I think three times total?), End of the Cycle (only ever been offered it once), the Galatron (only ever gotten it once, and seen the AI get it once), Whispers in Stone (only gotten it once), and Grand Herald (never seen it) I don't think those events qualify as the rarest events in Stellaris. They're just regular rare.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Darvin3 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2021 🗫︎ replies

For me the rarest event is sticking with it until 2500!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Lieuallen 📅︎︎ Dec 05 2021 🗫︎ replies
since solaris is all about discovery encountering something in space is not necessarily abnormal you've got your giant skeletons that you will see every day of the week you've got random alien species and so on and so on the thing is there are events out there that are not only uncommon but exceedingly rare today we're going to be talking about some of these and some of them may be uncommon some of them may be rare and there is one particular instance that is so incredibly rare and unlikely to see that the developers themselves think that nobody has ever seen it legitimately let's dive right in to the rarest events in solaris now we're going to start off with a golden oldie yes it is sanctuary the ring world that sometimes spawns within the galaxy but not all the time this is one of the oldest uh unique systems in the game it is heavily defended it is of course a ring world and it has four permanent species on it which means that this place is completely operational it is also heavily defended and is something that you want to keep your eye on if it spawns but how often does it actually spawn of all the systems in the game sanctuary has one of the least chances of spawning in general and this is mostly to do with the size of the map on a tiny galaxy it only has a 4 percent of chance of spawning on a huge galaxy it has a 20 chance of spawning so depending on what kind of type of galaxy you have the chances of it spawning are significantly different still sometimes it shows up sometimes it doesn't it is relatively uncommon you don't see it very often as i have already mentioned and when you do it's usually behind some other empire but if you can get your hands on it it's basically a free ring world you're just gonna need to kill its guardians then we move over to project blue lotus also referred to as the impossible quarry it can spawn on any of your worlds and basically what it does at least initially is it it will add a feature to your planet where essentially you get 20 additional physics research output which is pretty nice but later down the line essentially you can have a new project get a little bit of money and you will get yourself a special job on your planet which is uh the blue lotus prototype which adds a transmuter job what does the transmuter do well let's take a quick look at what a transmuter actually does in this particular case they generate alloys out of one food now there is a wide variety things that can happen the lab could explode and the transmuter could die in that process which is rather unfortunate but you could also get a blue lotus facility up and running and that will cost you 22 months and essentially you'll be able to get even more alloys sadly in the end the lotus will eat itself and uh all your pops that are in in that case we're working on that uh are going to be removed at least the jobs that is but it does give you additional mining district and uh produce additional resources which i guess is nice sadly though uh it's not much you can do with that it produces a little bit of alloys but it's not nearly as good as the facility itself so do be careful and enjoy it whilst it lasts if you can even get it to spawn to begin with and then of course there is always everybody's favorite yes horizon signal has recently been nerfed into the ground in terms of how often it appears for those of you who are not aware a couple years ago there was a free tiny expansion called horizon signal where you can channel the powers of an eldritch god in order to turn your solar system into a bunch of tomb worlds it's one of the most powerful events in the game and it's completely insane however as of fairly recently as i mentioned it's gotten nerfed into the ground in terms of how often it spawns these days uh you only have a 20 chance of spawning on any black hole wind in the galaxy whereas previously you could just take a signed ship and move them back and forth back and forth and back and forth until the event would pop up and obviously that is no longer the case a 20 chance of it spawning is quite minimal for something that is so extensive and has such a large event chain attached to it where you have to sacrifice your scientists you have to build special buildings you're being sent onto a wild goose chase in order to turn your capital into effectively a cluster of tomb worlds which you can then turn into the most powerful solar system in the game it's a shame really because a lot of people really like the worm because everybody knows what was shall be now we're starting to get into the territory of events that used to come around fairly often except these days they no longer are and this one is tied this is the brain slugs as well as the impossible organism uh the brain slug is relatively straightforward you find a thing on a planet your scientist gets brain slugged essentially the goa older is hooking up to the brain stem and let's put this way your species is not going to be that alone anymore because uh they are now joined by a brain slug yeah they are then becoming a brainstorm host with some very powerful abilities uh plus 10 on the entire research range which is pretty darn incredible unity as well on top of that pop growth street a little bit reduced but still in addition to some of the other bonuses and combos that you can have this is astounding it's also astoundingly rare i don't think i have seen it in the last two to three years or so same thing with niflac as well very similar essentially what you can have is you find a planet that has a thing on it say a species and you move it uh you finish the event chain and it will then fill up every single uh unit of housing on a planet with pops so basically infinite pups on the planet will instantly fill it up fill up the housing etc the impossible organism so to speak once again i have never seen this event before it is part of distant stars people swear that they've seen it multiple times and it got nerfed into the ground at some point i don't think anybody has seen it if you have you're probably pretty lucky now some of you may be familiar with the caravaneers yes those delightful aliens that roam the galaxy as part of mega corbin as part of this particular feature you have the opportunity to open a reliquary you only get a very small amount of chances to open up a reliquary it's about five of them per game and that's it and if you open a reliquary you of course are going to need to buy enough resources as in caravan coins to actually do so essentially you have the opportunity to potentially open up a quote-unquote loot box that has one of the rarest items in the game in it it is of course the galatron now the galatron has a one percent chance of spawning every single time there is no adjectives you have a one percent chance of having it spawn every single time that you do it which makes it one of the rarest items in the game because over five of these boxes you will only have five one percent chances of having it spawn and it can be insanely rare it's rather uncommon to get it if we do get it however the galatron is one of the most powerful items in the game let's have a quick look at it now the galatron has an activation cost of 150 influence it gives you plus 100 diplomatic weight which is pretty ridiculous it gives you plus three influence and on top of that if you activate it it can give you random resources which is pretty crazy so other empires can go the war with you over you to with you over the galatron which is also a little bit frustrating sometimes but still the galatron is completely insane it is one of the most rare items in the game if you can get it i'm jealous so let's say that you've done the wise thing within the galaxy you are ready to declare yourself galactic emperor right off the get-go the first galactic empire yes the first galactic empire i think it is very important to think about this for a second because this does not seem like a rare event like at all in any way shape or form and you'd be right this is not a rare event at all uh going for the imperium is relatively easy um however uh if you um get taken down in the galactic imperium and basically what happens is you can be overcome by rebellion and the empire can fall and then you can reform the empire again however the developers went a little bit overboard with this and let's put it this way you can do it 14 more times and every single time you have a different screen uh ending up with another galactic empire when you're completely maxed out and to quote one of the uh well the senior game designer over paradox interactive i think it's unlikely that anybody has ever legitimately seen another galactic imperium since it would be tough to get the empire to rise and fall that many times in a single player game good luck with that one uh enjoy trying to get that party running because i think it's gonna be an interesting challenge yeah a fun time rare no not necessarily hilariously impractical to the point that it's extremely unlikely anybody is going to do it unless you know now i've pointed it out yeah yeah why are there so many now let's talk the rarest of the rare an event so crazily uncommon that it only spawns with one type of empire it can only spawn in a very particular scenario and even then there is only a one percent chance of it happening it is extremely unlikely you have ever heard of this event it is of course none other than the crystal enclave you may think by yourself crystal enclave aspect what is that even what does it do well the enclaves in the game as you may have known uh are parts of leviathans and essentially what can happen is is that you can reach out to them and they can talk to you and essentially what happens there is is that um they can give you resources in uh in in response for trade now void dwellers have their own special enclave called the crystal enclave the crystal enclave only has a one percent chance of spawning whilst playing as void dwellers but only after the mid game now the event itself looks like this you can get a signal from the center of the galaxy this is halfway through the game and essentially you can put them through and you will be shown this particular screen something that even has art even though it's super unlikely that you will ever see them and essentially there's a bunch of storyline there and you can go ahead and talk to them as soon as they respawn and there they are we can have diplomacy with them and they can tell us more about who they are and whether or not we can help them with anything and yeah we can give them a a price somewhere to stay quite easily for the next 10 years we'll be able to enact settle crystalline refugees decisions on a habitat and that's just one of the options that we can do so the decision here is once we are underway we for 10 influence we can get five additional pups that just live here now with the decision the pups themselves are quite interesting obviously uh they are habitat preference they have the void dweller trait they are intelligent and they are a docile which is always nice and the additional pops are good as well but it does not end here it goes a little bit further than that um the crystal enclave has more events than these ones that are listed over here because the crystalline empire as it's currently referred to also has the ability to give crystalline construction decisions for a habitat basically what it will do is is you will get plus eight housing on a habitat and it will reduce building costs on a habitat and on top of that you can also get a leader from them which is a level 7 scientist so you may be wondering where are these guys well they're sitting in their own system called the outer gate with a wormhole connecting to it as well as a single frozen world cold fro snow crystal and the wormhole that is connected to their system because yes they are sitting essentially on a little island in the middle of the galaxy will connect to a random location somewhere across the galaxy which in this case is pretty darn far away from where they are if you kill them they don't respawn and if you're angry with them obviously they won't help you anymore it is crazy how these what these guys are like uh i have never seen them before uh if you have seen them in your game i would like to know because it's so incredibly unlikely for this to happen it is completely insane so what do you think which events according to you are rarer than anything else something that i may have missed say the grand herald or the nema rolling thrall worlds or something along those lines there are a lot of events in solarus there are literally hundreds if not over a thousand and some of them simply will never pop up for you and that is the joy of the game because you may not necessarily enjoy all of its content over the amount of times that you play it but at least it will still have surprises for you down the line let me know what you think let me know which events you love to see but you've never seen before and that i'm looking forward to see your comments about that down below i'm gonna wrap it up here thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons for making this video possible and until next time take good care of yourselves and as always each other
Channel: ASpec
Views: 429,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, Rare, Events, Rare Events, Imperium, Brain Slugs, Slugs, Crystal Enclave, Enclave, Another Imperium, Emperor, Galatron, Caravaneers, Distant Stars, Horizon Signal, What was Shall be, Horizon Signal Stellaris, sanctuary, Dev Reaction, Blue Lotus, Paradox Interactive, Paradox Development Studio
Id: -dEHQhlGxj0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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