Maggie Street Revival Night Two

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good evening and praise the lord again it's good to be in the house of the lord to serve the lord in the spirit of gladness and joy my brothers and sisters i'm so excited again to introduce our speaker for tonight none other than our pastor our friend our brother pastor paul gordon from engaged christian church my brothers and sisters he stirred us up on last night the way he did it last night i don't know what he's going to do tonight but i know that god is working in this brother so we're so happy once again to present to you our speaker for the next two nights brother our friend pastor paul gordon he will come in his own way to encourage us in the lord in times like these my brothers and sisters we need encouragement i want you to accept and hear the word of god for my speaker for the week god bless you please blow your head with me god we thank you thank you that you're the author and the finisher of our faith thank you that in you we live we move and we have our very being thank you that you are a tower we can run into and find safety when the storms of life are raging father thank you that when we find ourselves walking through the valley of the shadow of death you are with us and walking with a big stick god we just want to thank you thank you o god that you allowed us to share your good air on this morning thank you that our last heartbeat was not our last heartbeat thank you oh god that we have the activity of our limbs thank you oh god that you watched over us as we traveled over the dangerous highways thank you oh god that even though we were environments where we could have got something that we couldn't have gotten rid of god you still covered us father we just want to thank you thank you oh god for being so good and so kind to us thank you oh god for your tender mercies that are made new to us each and every day thank you for new mercy on the day thank you for new grace on today thank you for new peace on today thank you for new joy on today thank you for new power on today thank you for new hope on today god we just want to thank you because you've been so good and you've been so kind god we just want to say go we thank you so much thank you god for being so gracious for the little things oh god clothes to wear little things shoes to wear little things oh god food to eat little things oh god us taking our last breath little things oh god being able to use our hands to open and close doors little things oh god that we can still see good enough to drive down the highway little things oh god that when we turn the key to car cut on god we just want to thank you thank you for being so kind to us in this mean old nasty world thank you oh god for yet still being a good great grand god that you are we thank you now father as we come to share your word god we ask that you would breathe in this moment god that as you exhale your hope you might allow us to inhale it god that as you reach down your love you might allow us to reach up and take it that you get glory that you get honoring that you get praised in the name of jesus christ father we ask that your word go touch where it needs to touch put it where it needs to be god as it leaves my mouth between it leaving my lips and hitting the ears of the hearer change it into whatever it is they need to hear that as they hear it they'll be able to say that's my word that's what's up jesus's name amen greetings it is a privilege and honor to be here with you on today um i bring you greetings from engaged christian church right here in the fine fair city of montgomery alabama giving honor to my wife and my kids in their absence my members who will be watching and those who of you those of you in my extended family maggot street family i appreciate you all let's crack the word of god if you have your bibles and i know you do journey with me to the book of philippians chapter 4 verses 10 through 19 philippians chapter 4 verses 10 through 19 philippians chapter 4 verses 10 through 19. when you have it say amen if you are in your living room just pull out your phone i'm going to wait on you amen if you are sitting in front of a device or in front of a television or in front of some type of app device make sure that you pull out your bible it's in the new testament i believe no saint left behind philippians chapter 4 verses 10 through 19 verses 10 through 19 these are the words that are written but i rejoiced in the lord greatly that now at the last your care for me has flourished again when wherein ye were also careful but you lacked opportunity not that i speak in respect of won't for i have learned and whatsoever state i am in there with to be content i know both how to be a based and i know how to bound everywhere and in all things i'm instructed both to be full and to be hungry both to abound and to suffer need i can do all things through christ which strengthens me notwithstanding ye have well done that ye did communicate with my affliction now ye philippians know also that in the beginning of the gospel when i departed from macedonia no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving but only you for even in thessalonica you sent once and again unto my necessity not because i desire a gift but i desire fruit that may abound to your account but i have all and abound i am full having received of eprophoditis the things which were sent from you an odor of a sweet smell a sacrifice acceptable well pleasing to god but my god is your god too shall supply all your needs all my needs all our needs according to his riches and glory which is found in christ jesus i want to talk to you from the subject if you don't mind covered in crisis covered in crisis if you're sitting in the living room you can look at your you can look at your living room buddy and say that's what's up i'm covered in crisis if you're driving down the car just look just look to the left and look to the right but keep your eyes on the road amen just look to your neighbor and say i'm covered in crisis a few weeks ago when the fine fair city of montgomery it was a mandatory for everyone going into a public space to wear a mask and they they it was so mandatory that they set it up a few months ago that you could get free masks in order to comply with the city mandate that if you're going into a public space you had to have a mask on literally what they were saying is we can't face what we are in right now but you need to know that while we are in this we have got you covered the city was literally saying that that although we can't resolve covet 19 we can give you the tools you'll need in order to be able to navigate your way through what we can't change and affect what they were saying is we can't fix it but we can still cover you while you're going through i've got to pose one simple question have you ever been covered before in life let me give you an example you're in a restaurant already ordered your food eaten your food and asked for the check with your friends reach in your wallet to pay for your food and your friend says put all that on my card i got you covered i'm sorry you were in a car accident in a car accident you don't don't don't remember every detail of your insurance policy you don't remember what the deductible is uh but you call your insurance agent and your insurance agent if they're like mine tyna carter uh she said to me in my last accident with my wife i couldn't remember if we had wreckage in coverage i just told her when she said what happened i said hey here's what happened she said don't worry pastor g i've got you covered you went to the club looking all cute pull up at the bar and some ugly guy or some ugly guy rolls up on you when you go looking all thirsty and he gives you a drink kills the bartender says pay and give her whatever she wants and before you can say no no no i got it he said no baby girl i got you covered you're speeding down the highway help me lord jesus behind cars dipping and diving you moving and striding you know how you do i ain't talking about you but your cousin uh you are burning rubber hopping behind the fastest car you can find until the cop sees you he tucked up in the corner you thought it was a car on the side of the road after you passed it everybody with common sense no if you don't know don't press your brakes don't stomp on your brakes because that says you're guilty look at your neighbor and say just take your foot off the gas and you pray to god you say lord if you get me out of this help me lord jesus i know i've got no witnesses in here but i got some witnesses in internet land i know right now on facebook you laughing and cracking up right now because you know that god has covered you when you didn't deserve to be covered you were exposed you were exposed to someone unbeknownst to yourself in your family or on your job or where you went and when you got back to the house you got the phone call and they said hey i got to tell you that my test results just came back and i have coveted 19 you're all worried and you're all frantic and they say hey you need to go get tested too and unbeknownst to you when you get up to go get tested you go through all the rigmarole only to discover although they had it you don't because god covered you do i have one witness in the house this evening one witness on facebook land one witness watching live one witness watching from your phone one witness sitting in the living room who can say i know without a shadow of a doubt that god has covered me beloved you've got to understand that god specializes in covering you god specializes in shielding you i think the bible says shielding you from dangers seen and unseen god specializes i could give you a road map i could do a roll call of people that god has covered ask the three hebrew boys when thrown into the fire they'll tell you i'm covered and god specializes in making sure dry cleaning is in place what you say preacher they threw they got thrown in the fire nothing was burned and they came out without any smoke in their clothes help me lord jesus you can ask you can ask you you can ask the young boy who brought the three fish and five loaves of bread and those who are hangry not hungry and they'll tell you i was hungry i forgot to pack my lunch i didn't know jesus was gonna be long-winded by the time i looked up it was a long ways journey but the lord said i know y'all hungry up in here he said don't worry about it i got it covered the little boy brings the lunch jesus gives the lunch to god god gives jesus back to buffet i don't know about you but that had to be the best fish fry this side of the jordan somebody shout it had to be a fish shrine was that catfish or something i don't know beloved god specializes in covering you this passage is interesting to me in a time like this when we need to be covered in a time like this when you've had to have that conversation if you've got melanin in your skin and you've got children who drive you've had to have that hard conversation that if you get pulled over keep both hands on the wheel put your registration right above your head so you don't have to reach for anything don't talk back uh don't get loud don't make any sudden moves the goal is for you to get home safe you've had to have that conversation when you're going out if you're gonna go out and you gotta go to work you better keep your mask on because you don't know who's been where what they've been doing what they've touched and i'm trying to make sure you stay covered right now you might have your mask on right now i just stopped by to tell you that god is covering you in our text today we discover that paul paul is someone who's qualified to talk to us about what it means to be covered in the lord it's trash is interesting to me because paul has found himself in some predicaments through life and is qualified to talk to us about what it means to be covered you look in second corinthians 11 24-27 and this is the pg version and not the kjv version i'm just gonna run down his resume uh he was whipped five times he was beaten three times he was stoned once he was blind once bit by a snake ship direct five times in prison sold out by enemies and done dirty by friends he'd been broke he'd been hungry he'd been sleepless he's had sleepless nights and frustrating days and through all of that through all of the hardship through all of the disappointment through all of the unexpectedness or he can say to us without a shadow of a doubt i have been covered i don't know who i'm talking to right now i don't know if i'm on your street or not maybe you just had a car accident or you went through a car accident and you should have been dead and gone but you are a living witness and can say god covered me maybe you had a diagnosis for cancer but god cured the cancer and you can stand flat-butted and saved god covered me maybe you had a heart attack and something went wrong with your heart but god fixed it and you just took your last breath which is coming with the next breath and you can say i'm a witness that god covered me maybe you in a situation where covet 19 took them but you got to remember even though covert takes them they can't go unless god sends for them because no man comes before god calls and no man leaves until god is ready and you're struggling in your mind saying god why me why now why this all i'm here to tell you is that even through hardship we still serve a good god that covers you do i have at least one witness in the building one person watching online who shout and say he's covered me here it is here it is i've learned paul is qualified teach us three important things i believe will help us if we're going to walk the walk that god desires when we find ourselves in difficult times because these are mean times that we're in when when we've reached a place where peaceful protests no longer get results and it requires now for us to start tearing stuff up to translate that reverend not necessarily tearing stuff up for people to pay attention but start messing with people's money and cause them to now pay attention you can tell these are terrible times when our when our seated president has a vantage point and view that causes uh disconnection and separation and not reconnection that we the people can really be we the people all to get a few votes it is a sign that these are terrible times uh when when people are more concerned about flipping the dollar and getting an economy jump started then the value of the health of the whole it is a sign that these are terrible times and paul tells us that when you find yourself in a hard place and all of you know about a hard place i don't have to walk down the road to find out if you've been in a hard place before you can just take a trip down memory lane you can look back over your life and turn back around and you can find at least one hard thing that god has brought you through i see you need a little help if you've ever had the thought in your mind lord help me get through this click that's a sign you've been through a hard place if you've ever had to scratch your head and wonder how in the world are things going to work out it is a sign that that you've gone through a hard place if you've ever had to raise the question where is it going to come from how is it going to get here it is a sign that you went through a hard place god specializes not only does he specialize but sometimes god does his best work in the midst of a hard place so paul says if you're going to be covered in crisis if you're going to be shielded in a hard place the first thing that you've got to remember is how to keep the right attitude when life does you wrong how to keep the right attitude when life does you wrong he says i've learned i'm in verse 11. he says not that i'm speaking in need he says but i've learned how to keep the right attitude when life does you wrong and all that paul went through and all that paul faced there were always two common denominators there was the problem and there was a god who could solve them paul literally is saying i've learned that as long as i keep the right attitude the word content means being happy and satisfied it implies friends that we are not to allow what we're going through to go through us because there isn't an assurance that god will see you through help me lord jesus literally paul is saying i know what it's like to have it good and to have it bad and not life take god's peace from me he's literally saying in life you don't have to let what you're going through go through you you don't have to let the hard times make you bitter you don't have to let the challenges of life change your demeanor he says uh what determines how fast or how slow you pass life tests is your attitude in the test your attitude is a simple thing but it can determine whether you saw with eagles or whether you walk with chickens your attitude it's a simple thing it can determine whether it's whether it's raining and cloudy or whether god's watering the land your attitude it's a simple thing it can determine whether this is a hard storm or whether god's going to see you through in this storm it's your attitude because your attitude will determine your altitude and you've got to decide if i'm going to let this this miniature situation in my life have a magnanimous uh change on my life or am i going to use this as a stepping stone will it be a weight in my bag or will it be a stone that takes me higher and higher in the lord paul says you've got to keep the right attitude when light does you wrong now i don't have to ask you if you've lived life long enough then you are a witness that life has done you wrong may have been at the right but it might have been the wrong person at the right time you put your heart in it and they stopped the mud hole in you backed up on it wrote your name in the mud and waited to watch it dry all of us know what it's like when life has done you wrong but i don't care how bad life does you as long as you hold on to the hand of the one who can heal you who can help you who can who can guide you when life does you wrong but it starts with your attitude beloved secondly secondly the writer points out for us writing points out for us paul says i know what it's like to have it good and to have it bad he says i know what it's like to have peace and to lose your peace i mean verse 13. but then he says i can do all things through christ which strengthens me the second thing the second thing friends if you're gonna walk away from anything in this revival if this is going to be your help if this is going to guide you if this is going to be your guiding light in trouble waters if this is going to be the line that keeps you anchored in the beloved the second thing that paul points out for us is challenges who work in your favor when god is with you help me lord jesus challenges work in your favor when god is with you someone once said don't limit your challenges challenge your limits don't limit your challenges challenge your limits what i believe he was saying is that moving to a place of doing all things means breaking your limitations and stepping into the limitless power of a loving living god god who wants to break your limits see paul recognizes that in order to move to a place of greater confidence greater peace greater use something had to be broken and in order for something to get fixed something has to be broken his will had to be broken in order for his dependence on god to be fixed what you say you are in a pandemic right now it feels like things are breaking around you it feels like all of the resources and things you depended on aren't there it feels like everything you thought was gonna work and your favor is falling apart it seems like everyone you counted on when you got into a jam or in the jam themselves and they can't help you out y'all all jammed up together help me lord jesus uh it feels like no matter how hard you try to sort it out a curveball is always being thrown in the mix and causing you to adjust your plans change your strategy reorganize your next steps i'm here to tell you that the reason that it's happening that way is because god is not trying to take something from you god is trying to break something for you god has to break your will god has to break your wants god has to break your dependence on people places and things for you to learn how to depend on the one who is dependable for you to hold to the one whose hand never changes for you to seek after the one who loves you unfailingly for you to pursue the one who knows your name who knows your id who knows your dna who created you before the earth began he's teaching you that you've got to depend on him if you're going to make it out of this you've got to reach grab hold seeds pursue taste after him and not let anybody or anything get in the way of that relationship so prepare for it to be broken expect it not to work why because when you learn that it is just a thing but he is my source it is just a supply but he is a supplier it is not my hope it's my help he's my hope when you get your mind shifted like that he says now i can do something with you now you can experience what it means for all things to work together for god's good now you can experience what it means that i can do all things through him that strengthens me but him strengthening you implies that there's a weak place in your life it implies that there's something lacking something missing something broken or something not fortified and he's saying on your own you couldn't do it but the only difference in the problem like i said earlier there are two uh there are two components to this to this spiritual mathematical problem or the problem is there the only difference is before you tried to solve the problem without god now god is being added in the midst and you went from i can't be done to god with god i can you went from i don't know how it's going to work out to to god will make a way out of nowhere you went from a red sea looking you in the face to god making you a dry street in front of you you went from admissing to it being there he's showing you that your faith in me is the substance of things hoped for and i am the evidence of things not seen i don't know about you but you should shout back out in the living room you should shout back in the sanctuary you should shout back in the car god is my evidence he is my proof he's all i need he is all in all he is my strength he is my power he is my portion and for him i am full i love it the writer points out for us he says he says that challenges work in your favor help me lord jesus uh when god is with you challenges work in your favor when god is with you he says he will he will he will allow it to be broken only to shift your area your view of dependence so you are now dependent on the one who made you the one who knows you by your name the one who knows the plans for which he created you for the one who knows every pitfall and every success you'll experience he positions you in a place so you understand that god is in full control what does god i got to ask the question i know y'all didn't want me to but i'm going to ask anyway what does god have to break in you to fix you for kingdom use it's a question that must be raised what does god have to break in you to fix you for kingdom use well what is it that you're holding on to that god has allowed the circumstances of life to allow it to get broken and you keep going back trying to fix it writer points out for us lastly as paul is talking to the children as paul is sharing with him his concerns as paul is helping them move to a place where even though it doesn't look like you have a whole lot you can still make it i mean paul said for a second because i believe we understand what paul is saying when he says those words i know what it's like to have a whole lot and i know what it's like to have a little bit he says i'm not going to let what i have or don't have make or break me i know what it's like to go to the refrigerator and only have bread and sugar and make me a sugar sandwich help me lord jesus i know what it's like to go to the refrigerator and find you a can of spam put that on a grill and fry that bad boy up until they get crunched i know what it's like to to turn roman noodles in college and to a full course meal i know what it's like to to make what you have work instead of crying about what you don't have paul is saying it doesn't matter whether you have a lot help me lord or whether you have a little as long as you have a big god his favor is with you and your lot and in your little his favor walks with you whether it's a lot on your side or a little on your side as long as you've got a big god who does big things with little stuff you can make it through your storm because he has you covered in your crisis lastly as unless they hold you too long in verse 19 the writer points out for us it says these words feel it lord he says these words he says and my god will supply all of your needs according to his riches and glory in christ jesus beloved the size of our need uh doesn't intimidate the god that we serve it is in re it is it is in relation to the abundance of splendid remarkable appearance he's literally pointing out for you he says your job is not to be concerned about the supply [Laughter] your job is just bring god your need help me lord jesus there's somebody right now who's got a big need and they are focused on the wrong thing they are saying to the need i don't know how i'm gonna make it i don't know how i'm gonna meet it i don't know how i'm gonna get through this i don't know how i'm gonna see my way through i don't know how i'm gonna make it work i don't know where i'm gonna go to get what i need let me tell you something you right you don't know and you'll never know because it ain't your job to supply what you need it's the god you serve's job to supply what you need it's god's job to see where you're lacking it's god's job to make the provisions work it's god's job to show you he's an all-knowing all-seeing all-powerful god he said my god shall supply all of your needs according to his riches and his glory he's literally saying my god supply is bigger than your need my god's warehouse is larger than your wants my god can meet you where you are and do what you can't do all you got to do is say i'll trust in the lord until i die i'll trust in the lord because jesus will work it out all you got to do is say lord fix it lord do it i give myself away to you i'm totally surrendered unto you because you are my source beloved there's a story true story there was this rally in buffalo new york on bailey avenue and a guy named antonio gwynne jr was watching a black lives matter rally on tv at the end of the rally once the crowd had gone right before the car right before the cameras had left it's like one o'clock in the morning antonio who's only 18 years old decided in his bed two blocks away from buffalo avenue a busy street where people walk all the time to get to work street was covered with trash almost made it impossible to pass knowing that people who had nothing to do with the rally people who were just trying to serve and take care of their families people who just wanted to walk through this pandemic people who weren't trying to impend on others standing up for the rights of others but who had other concerns antonio decided that he was going to get up at 2 a.m and go where the problem was something uh something happened between 2 and 9 a.m in the morning between two and nine a.m in the morning antonio grabbed some trash bags and antonio started cleaning up the streets and and while that while people were sleeping and while the city a sanitation department was trying to organize a plan as to what they were going to do and how they were going to block the street off to get it cleaned up and how they were going to have to force people to be redirected and take longer routes to get to work when they got there with all their plans what they discovered was a street almost done help me lord jesus they arrived and they discovered that everything they were about to do was almost done a high school senior not a person not a participant in the march not a participant uh uh uh involved in taking a stand that way he decided he decided that something had to be done when he decided that something had to be done he decided that if it's going to be done i can't wait for others to do it i've got to make a decision to be a part of doing it myself he decided uh he decided that i'm going to take a stand i'm going to cover them after they've gone through and stood up for someone else i'm going to take a stand i'm going to cover what they left behind i'm going to volunteer my time i'm going to give out of my heart i don't have no money but i got enough desire to do the right thing and cover someone else here's what happened when anthony did this here's what happens someone uh someone who owned an insurance company decided that that if he was going to do that i'm sorry someone who was watching him i saw that and they were trying to sell a car it was a mustang it was ford mustang 2018 a ford mustang the kind of car that they didn't know anthony's mother had before she died that got repo'ed this man decided he said because you showed that you want to make a difference not by standing but by serving he says i'm going to give you this car anthony who's 18 didn't have a job now has a car there's someone someone else watching the same show who owned an insurance company he decided he said well because this man who gave you a car or because you decided to take a stand and cover someone while they were taking a stand for what they believe this man says well since he gave you a car because you didn't think you were too high to pick up something you didn't put down and put it away for others to come behind you i'm gonna cover your car for three years anthony and anthony says oh my god but that ain't all that ain't all they know there was a junior college in the same city the junior college in the same city uh got into an interview with anthony and asked anthony what he wanted to be and i believe anthony said that he wanted to be a mechanic and they had a mechanic program and so they turned around and they said well anthony because you watched the march on tv and you decided to get up out your bed grab you some trash bags work from 2 a.m to 8 a.m and pick up all this trash and help people get to work who didn't know anything about the march who wasn't participating in the march and a guy gave you a car and the guy that gave you a car another guy gave you insurance for the car he said we're going to give you a scholarship to go to school help me lord jesus anthony whose mother had passed away anthony who was sitting in his own bed anthony who was minding his own business anthony who was listening to the voice of god decided god if you tell me to do it i don't care how crazy it looks i'm going to get up and do it and when anthony did this paul says when god says for you to move you move you watch god cover what you can't cover you watch god work out what you can't work out you watch god lift up what you can't lift up you watch god make a way well you can't make your way because he is your supplies paul says i need you to move because as long as you move god's got you covered i'm through with you beloved i just stopped by to tell you that god will cover you that god will see you through that god will shield you when the reigns of life are falling and the fury falls on you that god will walk with you that god will love you that god will show you that wherever you are in life whatever you're dealing with in life he has got you covered father i thank you i thank you for covering your sons and daughters i thank you for reminding them that you're with them i thank you that you said no weapon formed against them is going to be able to prosper i thank you that you are demonstrating to them that although it's a crisis christ is in it with them so god help them shift their mindset so that they might remember that even though it looks this way god said i'm covered in the mighty awesome magnificent name of the one who was the one who hasn't wanted sure to come our savior and your son jesus christ amen come on put your hands together for a dynamic message from a messenger on this week what a powerful word from the lord i'm just thinking about what he has preached tonight and i thought about the fact that we are in christ but yet we experience crises so we know that regardless to whether or not you're saved or not you still go through things in your life but the word for us tonight is god has us covered in our crisis i'm so thankful for this man of god being obedient to the voice of god and pouring out of his heart the way he has done thus far i'm just praying that god will replenish him and give him more energy so that he can finish this three-night revival those of you that enjoyed this message if you want to sow into the kingdom of god you want to sow into maggot street or even into engaged christian church feel free to do so we would ask you a man to look online and push the green button and give a donation i'm telling you this brother has preached in here if you were in this room with me tonight you would be just up in arms i'm telling you he has preached the word of god so we are so grateful to him and what the lord is doing with him so my brothers and sisters one more night we're praying that god will give him energy give him strength and most of all speak through his vocal cords and be in him to do what god is doing in us this revival is for us doing this covert 19 this word is so powerful and encouraging because i know there are some of us who are in who are experiencing some type of crisis right now and we need a word to lift us in our spirits the lord has sent us a messenger to do just that well my brothers and sisters again we thank you we bless god for you well father we thank you for this night we thank you for night number two that once again god you have spoken through the man of god pray now that you will continue to strengthen him replenish his energy so that he can preach to us again on tomorrow night and then god will thank you we give you glory for all that you're doing we pray all of these prayers in the only name that matters in jesus name amen
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 416
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ThgA4JoW0SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 0sec (2580 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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