Maggie Street Virttual Service 07/04/21

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[Music] required [Music] [Music] baby birthday we find these things three foreign [Music] tiff but i will look to the heels from which cometh from the lord [Music] not in the sense that i have been physically appreciated but i have been called to see his world that i've never seen before but it's one thing central to everything the lord has shown me [Music] is is thank you one scripture is [Applause] about this beautiful chorus it's not about our wonderful master of music not about right this morning amen thank you for who you are for your [Music] presence you know [Music] and that your people will be at peace with one another god let your love go through this place like a mighty girl [Music] is [Music] thank god please [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] let us all stand for the reading of the word of the lord [Music] got my voice back from malachi third chapter beginning verses 6-10 for i am the lord i change not therefore ye sons of jacob are not consumed even from the days of your fathers you have gone away from mine ordinances and have not kept them to me and i will return unto you saith the lord of hosts but she said wherein shall we return will a man rob god yet ye have robbed me but ye say wherein have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings you are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me even this whole nation bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that that made me meet in my house and prove me now herewith saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there be room enough to receive it let us pray dear father in heaven we thank you this day for being the god of our life we thank you for being our sole provider we thank you for your graciousness we thank you for do grace and mercy but god as we come today to all with our hearts to give you god that which you have required of us god bless it in a mighty way even in a special way bless the hearts in the hands of those who gave and god those who did not have today god when they leave this church prosper them god that when they return they can sow into your kingdom god you amen [Music] i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth anybody ready to bless the lord this morning come on help us sing bless the lord with [Music] lord me me come on and bless the lord with me bless the lord with me [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] he's worthy to be praised because he is the risen king hallelujah let me thank god because we know you already won the victory when you conquered death and the grave [Music] and we worship you today [Music] hallelujah [Music] death could not hold you down you are the risen king you are the reason he's seated in majesty seated in majesty you are the risen king you are the reason king [Music] you have won the victory the victory hallelujah [Music] you [Music] oh aren't you glad about that today you are you are the risen king lord you're seated in majesty seated imagine yes you death are not hold you down are we grateful about it this [Laughter] morning [Laughter] you are the reason [Music] is [Music] so we say hallelujah you have wanted lord thank you tory [Music] hallelujah you have won it all you have one in all [Music] praise the lord now if you really believe that declaration that jesus has won the victory i don't know how you feel but i feel something from that song we serve a risen king our king is not a defeated king but he's seated in majesty now when you look at splendor and you look at prestigious people in where they lodge and where they live and where they sit there's none who sits in majesty like jesus our christ and i know i know we're masked up today but but at the end of you ought to feel something inside of you that wells up in you that makes you want to give god a praise because there's nobody like jesus there's nobody like our god there's nobody that can listen jesus predicted his own death barrier and resurrection and so god we take this moment god we take this moment to take our real mask off today and to tell you thank you lord for being so good to all of us we could have been dead and in our grave but because of your goodness because of your mercy we are here today and god we take off every inhibition and we say thank you hallelujah death could not hold you down if death could not hold you down why are we sitting down why can't we lift you up because you declared that you are high and lifted up and so god we can't do any more than just tell you thank you hallelujah you've won it all just for us the only thing you require us to do is just stand just stand because the victory has already been won father we thank you today we love appreciate and adore who you are thank you for watching over us last night while we slept and slumbered so many things we take for granted but god today we're not taking this day for granted we're going to take time to thank you because we know why we were sleeping the enemy was lurking and he desired to sniff us like wheat but god we are thankful that you prayed for us that our faith will not falter it will not fail because lord our faith is rooted in you in the fact that you died you rose again according to the scriptures lord on the third day now lord give us encouragement through this word today that we might be faithful to the one who has called us we love appreciate and adore all of these blessings prayers and supplications in the only name that matters that's jesus name amen if you love jesus celebrate him amen [Applause] amen i'm just good i'm just great great great greatly happy to be here today i'm ecstatic about what god is doing and how good that god has been to us have you ever taken a moment just to look back over your life and when i say look back i mean take a real good glance at some of the messed up stuff you did and god didn't take you out man i've done some messed up stuff in my life and during my meditation times in the morning sometime my eyes well up with tears of what god delivered me from and what he did not expose have you ever thought about some of the things that god could expose but he hadn't done it now that's a good god now it doesn't mean that you get away doesn't mean you don't pay the consequences but that he was so good that he wouldn't even embarrass you that's the god that we serve and then we'll quick embarrass others of what they have done and how short they have come but when you think about how far you were away from the mark you can't do never tell god thank you and i'm grateful today on this lord's day as we celebrate the first sunday in the month of july seven months into the year seems like the years are on roller skates and they are fastly moving you get out of money and get to friday and you're right back at monday again working or whatever the days are moving swiftly and they're not waiting for anyone so let's just be grateful to god let me get matthew chapter 25. i'll start with verse number 14. just the king james okay and the lord put this in my spirit and this is not so much about talents or the treasure or anything like that but there's a message in these verses for the kingdom of heaven this is a man traveling into a far country called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods you're his servants whether you know it or not he said on and on he gave five to another two to another one why did he do that he did it according to every man's several ability straightway he took his journey then he that had received five talents went and traded with the same and made them other five talents and likewise he that had received two he also gained other two but he that had received one when indicted in the earth hid his lord's money after a long time the lord of those servants cometh and recognized with them in other words it's time for us to give an account of what god has entrusted to us and so he that had received five talents came and brought other five talents saying lord thou delivered them to me five times behold i have gained besides them five talents more his lord said unto him well done thy good and faithful servant thou has been faithful over a few notice it was only five but he was faithful over the five that he had i will make thee rule over many that's more to come because you've been faithful entertained to the lord he also that had received two talents came and said lord that is delivered unto me two talents behold i've gained two other talents besides them lord said unto him well done our good and faithful servant that has been faithful with a few things i will make thee rule over many things unto thou and to the joy of thy lord then he which had received talent came and said lord i knew that thou art a man or an hard man reaping where god has not sown and gathering where there has not straw and he said and and and i was afraid this is what he said and i was afraid and i went and hid my talent in the earth low there thou has is last verse and i'll stop right there his lord answered and said unto him that wicked lazy servant that knew it not that i knew it that i reap where i sold not if you did that and gather where i've not struggled uh let me just stop because we'll be reading i i want to talk today as the spirit of god should lead i want to talk about how to be a faithful servant how to be faithful to god that he's a how to be a faithful to god i want y'all to hear my heart today i really want you to hear this because in the church there is no demand for faithfulness let me say it again in the church there is no demand for faithfulness as a matter of fact there's not even a demand for christian living anymore there is no demand it really isn't because there's no demand in the home we don't demand anything anymore and i'm going slow today because i want this to really sink in no demand for being faithful at all just come do whatever you want to do i want to remind us that the church belongs to god and god is not the big guy upstairs that we call because none of us has ever seen the big guy and we treat god with such contempt i'm preaching out of my experience and how i have not been faithful to god the way i should there are some of us who are part of organizations that are more faithful to your organization than you are to god now people get mad with this kind of preaching but i'm at a point in my life where it really don't matter whether you get mad or not what matters is that you get right and make sure that you're faithful to god more than you are to anything else why would i be faithful to something that is not eternal and not be faithful to an eternal god why you know why because there's no demand nobody demands anything we just allowed things to happen the military demanded something of me and not only did they demand they commanded that i do it and guess what i did just what they told me to do i didn't argue with the first sergeant i didn't argue with the commander i didn't argue with the platoon sergeant i didn't even argue with my squad leader i did what they asked me to do and i was faithful always on time let me just be military for a minute you show up late to a formation if you want to i had a first sergeant here ah stop stay right there he stopped you or if i showed up in formation and it was winter time and i didn't have on my field jacket he made everybody in the platoon took off the field jacket not now not now how do you think everybody felt when that one showed up and did not have on this field jacket and is cold at fort carson colorado and everybody got to take that jacket off how you think they felt about that absolutely but there was mass punishment for one person not being on time okay see y'all think i'm not in the bible when when when when joshua was fighting the battle and they got down to ai and you know the story where one person in the congregation or in the tribe had done something that they should not have done the whole nation was punished as a result and we think that god is just going to let us get by in church with what we do i come to the realization that now that i know better listen that was sometimes i really didn't know better and i thought god would excuse my sin but now that i know better i'm not i'm not talking about debating it because there's always been a debate in church about what you can do and what you do it don't matter what your church rules are what matters is what the world that speaks to faithfulness right there that we we do what we're supposed to do you get here early check everything and make sure it's right that way you don't have embarrassment in preaching and people say why he said it because it needs to be saved because it happens too much and we never say anything about it that's what's wrong in the church now we are too quiet about stuff that you need to say something about and nobody says anything god has a standard you know people say well well well well you two military you you and you ain't perfect no i didn't say i was but but god's standard should be greater than standards of the world and see a quality sound system it means something in preaching you don't get all this noise over the airways and people saying things like why why all that noise ain't nobody just just say nothing it's getting to see this you know why because it should challenge us to be better see we accept substandard in the church but at your house you want perfection whatever you do you want it to look good when you go somewhere you want to look good but in god's house we'll just take it for love no no no we we're not accepting that excuse anymore get up check everything out and make sure it's right if you come to my house and i invite you i'm not getting ready for you to come i'm ready when you come i'm not even asking you to bring anything but bring yourself and when you get there i'm ready for you i'm not gonna serve you something stale i'm gonna give you something fresh and god wants to give us something fresh but we don't want it because we like stale stuff we like warmed over stuff did he preach if it didn't convict you no he did not preach he made you feel good but how do we be faithful what is it that keeps us from being faithfully committed to god that is a question only you can answer what is it we cannot be faithful until we are free on the inside you ain't gonna be faithful to nobody especially not to god if you're not free in here okay give me john 8 30. if you're working if not just just turn to your bible john 8 30. you know what i'm glad god sometimes disrupt technology because we sometimes depend on it so much okay but listen to what he says he spake these words many believed on him i want y'all to think for me everybody comes to church that comes to church don't necessarily believe in god everybody that shows up does not necessarily believe in god verse number 31 then jesus said then said jesus to those jews which believed on him now listen he's talking to those that believe on him he says if that's conditional if you continue and hold on but but but what if we change the word and we create rules instead of the word of god listen at what jesus said he said if you continue in my word the word of god cannot be augmented it cannot be changed and you don't have a right to change it and you can't change it you may not live up to it but we can't change it jesus is talking to those that believe he said when you believe those of you that believe and continue in my word that's when you are that's when you are my pupil my student my my learner that now these things are playing all kinds of games you are my students or my disciples indeed because you are doing what i asked you to do there are some people would do anything on a job to get promoted anything within an organization to be recognized but they are not willing in the church just to be faithful you'll be amazed at the number of people that contemplated about church today because it's the fourth of july but you're not contemplating about where you're going after church down to be fireworks in the church and not downtown celebrating we ought to be celebrating what jesus did look it ought to be the 4th of july 24 7 7 days a week 365 days out of the year people ask me and i'm not talking about in this church are you y'all having church yeah yeah you don't have to come because if you're not committed you're not coming anyway you just need an excuse not to come what we've done during this pandemic we've created a bedside baptist church where people want to lay in the bed with a remote control and talk about i'm having church you are a lie and the truth ain't in you cause you got to get up and get out to worship when when when the congregation was called to worship in the old testament let nobody land in and now we say well we can do it no that that's a convenience that that that gives you an excuse so you don't have to come to church same folks that don't come to church you ain't got to like it you'll go to the casino hello that's more money go through the casino than it does in the church because you're faithful oh god that's another message you're my disciples come on next verse watch this and you how you gonna know the truth if you don't read the word of god how you gonna know it if you are not in school as a disciple they're not gonna give you a passing grade in college if you don't show up to the classroom and we want god to pass us anyhow past me not o gentle savior why why you think he calling on others because they are faithful that's what he was saying those that believed in my word they were faithful and if you continue my word then are you mine the truth will do what set you free here's what i learned i did not want to embrace the truth because i enjoyed doing what i was doing see when you when you understand that your truth is god's truth is really not truth at all it is just something that you are hiding behind thinking that god is going to let you get away but when the holy spirit whispered to me and let me know you better start obeying my truth cause if you don't and i discovered when you obey the truth of god you got to cut some folks loose you got to cut some people loose in your life if you're going to be faithful to god you got to you got to cut some people loose and i can be honest i hung with preachers that did stuff that wasn't right i can confess that because i'm free and he whom the son set free is free indeed so if you don't have anything in you that keeps you from being faithful you can say that and it's so liberating to stand up and preach and teach and tell the truth and not have to be hiding behind a lie it's freedom in it it is some freedom in it god is not looking for perfection of people who seem to have it all together because when you read the bible god selected people that would toe up but one thing they did when they understood who god was they became faithful to god he's not looking for a perfect person because there's nobody perfect but jesus he's simply searching for those who who will be committed and faithful that's what god is looking for he's looking for faithful committed people matter of fact a job don't want a joker who ain't gonna come to work you you you're not gonna hire somebody that you got to call them man you supposed to be at work today you better come on in no you know what they're gonna say as long as you sleep you got a job but when you wake up you fine faithfulness is being loyal listen to me steadfast and we're a lawyer to groups we're a lawyer to committers we're a lawyer to everything but god we're a lawyer we'll fight over stuff that we that we like we put more emphasis on stuff that we like than god we ought to love what god loved and hate what god hates steadfast you ought to be dependable can god depend on you it's one thing to believe in him but it's another thing to be faithful to him when we are truly faithful to god watch this when we are truly faithful to god if you don't write down nothing else i say you need to write this down when you are truly faithful to god it shapes the way we live when you're faithful to god it's the way you live because you are striving to please god okay give me first thessalonians first thessalonians 5 and 24. first thessalonians 5 24. let me read a little bit faithful is he that calleth you you think god is unfaithful faithful is he that called you i had to i had to get this in my spirit because much of my life in ministry i've been focusing on the church calling me the church voting on me but in my devotion god said you worry about the wrong thing you need to be faithful to me cause i'm the one that call you i call you while you was in your mother's womb that's when i called you i called you to be a preacher you just didn't know it until you walked into what what my purpose was for your life i called you to be a preacher now you got to be faithful to me and sometimes churches put demand on people like like to be faithful to them let me just drop this on you so we can always remember when the choir is singing they ain't singing to the congregation no the bible says sing unto the lord a new song we sing it to god and when we get the focus right and what we're supposed to be doing because they're going to be some people that that will never like the songs you sing but the song is not to you to please you it should be the glorified god watch this and if the song glorifies god the presence of god comes down and show up and it changes us what good is singing a song if you never change i know i've been changed and you still raised in hell you hadn't been changed the angel no it might have been it might have been some demon sign your name but the angels in heaven did not sign your name god is not going to cosign some of the mess that we do in church he's not going to do it period end of discussion that's that's the kind of rationale we've had in church we try to use worldly wisdom to convince people that god is in it there's some things you can see with your own eyes and no god ain't in it man it's time for the church to wake up listen with the alarming rate of how people are dying it's time for the church to wake up and be faithful to god that's what he want us to do faithful is he that calleth you who will do it god will do what needs to be done through his church but he can't do it if you're not faithful we talk about where our young folks at i got the answer for you today you know where our young folks at at home because you don't put a demand on them that's where they at at at the house at home the grandchildren at home our children at home that's where they are how you going lord help me how you gonna ask the question where you know where they are because we don't put a demand on them we don't put a demand on it if they they want to sleep in child just let them sleep in we didn't have those options when my children were younger and they were growing up they didn't have that option but when they get grown and get their own kids then they start doing what they want to do let's be honest folks let's just stop playing let's be honest so stop asking the question where our young folks at they're at home if they if they are not able to drive they're at home but we got to be faithful the next verse dean if there's another verse in there now listen see god are doing but we need prayer we have eliminated prayer meeting in the church we accept any meeting in church except prayer meetings you know what we need to change the name of prayer meeting to bear medium because we barely meet and there's barely anybody there when you show up so it's a bear meeting nobody wants to pray anymore but everybody got an opinion in church when church with church a conference happened everybody got something they want to say but you asked some of them joke to come to pray on me i know folks don't want to hear this kind of people that's okay that's okay when you stand before god you think god gonna pull in the punches absolutely not one more scripture second samuel ii samuel chapter 22 verse 26 almost done with the merciful thou will show thyself merciful and with the upright man thou shall that will show thyself up right in other words to the faithful man to the faithful man god to show himself faithful isn't it amazing how when we get in trouble we want to call god and he got to show up but we hadn't been faithful to him now god got god said listen i'll be faithful i'll be merciful to him who is faithful and see we think i can't even get into the talents we think these talents it's all about money but the basis of these talents is about faithfulness it got nothing to do with the money because if you understand money and the principles of money if you put it where it needs to go it'll work for you but it's all about being faithful going to work to make the money so you'll be able to put some money somewhere money will work for itself but you got to be faithful enough to go and get it okay let me bring this principle home if you're faithful enough to go to work so you can make money so you can get interest on your money so that you can have something when you retire when you start going to church and spending time with god you get interest put on your time with god so that you spend eternity with god it keeps on multiplying the more you know about god the more you want to know about god you spend time in this presence that's called faithfulness faithfulness faithfulness i've always tried to be faithful i may not have always been as faithful as i could be i remember when i pastored the church in children county and we had five people show up for bible study and i worked shift work and my wife would ask me are you going to bible study tonight and you got to go to work at 10 o'clock i told i most certainly am i'm going to teach that five people come home put on my steel toe shoes and go to work and do what i have to do and when i get off on sunday morning i'm coming home taking a shower get dressing going right on back to church i wasn't faithful to the people i was faithful to god that's what that's all about faithful to god faithful and this pandemic the pandemic has really taught me how to be faithful to god because you can be faithful to people they'll never appreciate what you do i don't care how faithful you are you show up on time do everything you got to do they can always find something to nitpick about but they don't they don't think about themselves so before you start judging other folk look at yourself now listen you got to be faithful with all god entrusted to you listen to me now you have to be faithful with everything that god has entrusted to you you can't be worried about somebody else and this is an encouraging message for us to be faithful to what god has given to each one of us now you may not have what i have and i don't have what you have but whatever you have that god has given you be faithful with that that's why he said to whom much has given much is required but he said be thou faithful over a few things and i'm gonna make you rule over much now why you want a 6 000 square foot home and you won't clean up your 1200 grass growing up over you now god gonna give you a 6 000 square foot house on 10 acres and you won't cut a half an acre a lot that makes sense but when you take whatever god has given you now i'm closing but i remember this y'all y'all have to understand where i come from i remember my grandmama house that i lived in in wilcox county they didn't have a sink to wash dishes in they had a dish pan yo come on help me they had a pail sitting on a kitchen table with a dipper in the table or in the pail where you drank water out of and when you when you got through washing dishes they had a slop jar oh god y'all see y'all don't they they took the the water they washed dishes is and poured it in a bucket and fed the hogs with that but my grandmama with that house that had the k the table in the kitchen right behind the fireplace she kept that little place clean as could be he had no crystal couldn't afford no paper cups so you didn't throw away the mayonnaise jar the pickle jar the jelly jar or the peanut butter jar if you got lucky you had some pig pick a pig feet you kept that jaw too i'm telling you the truth so you got to be faithful and when i look at where where god has brought me from i can't help but but be faithful over what he has given me i can't that's why i tell people even if you got a car man wash your car clean your car out i know sometimes we have to travel back and forth to work but at the end of the week unload some of that stuff out clean it out wipe it down up in front and clean your car god has given you that god expect you to be a good steward over what he has given you just take care of your stuff that's all i'm saying so this parable of the talents is clear that god one day is gonna bring us into account for all that he has entrusted to our care everything so time is important time is one of the most precious commodities god has given us the bible says dear that we are to make the most of our time because what the days are evil give me ephesians 5 and 16. this is why you got to make the the best of your time because the davids are evil man you're subject to walk out of your house and some crazy joker might ride by and just shoot up your house we're living in evil days you got to redeem the time in other words make the best of the time that you have because the days are evil you should never miss an opportunity to go to worship never never miss an opportunity to go to church over anything or anybody never man when i'm sick i come to church don't feel like it when things don't work right go and worship make the best then in psalms i believe it is 90 and 12. psalm 9 and 12. so teach us come on number our days you got to start applying your heart to wisdom we're not going to live forever i cannot read without my glasses you know what that's a sign of i'm getting older and you are too you're not going to live forever so if you're not wearing glasses right now you're to tell the lord thank you tell him thank you i can't read a lick of what's on this paper if i it get worse as i get closer so so so we we have to make the best of our time so here's the question is god first in what we do with our time is he first in other words when you get up in the morning what's the first thing you do god should be first when you get up in the morning carve out some time for him or does everything else take precedence over god does it take the advantage over god and over the things of god now talents is one thing god has given each one of us a gift we all have gifts from god they are both natural and spiritual and i want to draw a line between these two there's a difference between natural talent spiritual talents michael jordan is just naturally he was naturally talented lebron james was just naturally and still is naturally talented but spiritual gifts they're different and we're to be faithful using them in the kingdom just like if you're gonna use your gift on the football field the basketball field we have to use that gift of teaching or whatever god has given us that influence for the kingdom peter said as each one of us has received a special gift let him employ it in serving one another first peter four and ten i'm gonna wrap it up when we get through with treasure first peter 4 verse 10 every as every man hath so you got it you already have it even so because you have it you have to minister the same one to another this is the problem in the church we don't minister to each other and you know sometimes you can sit by a person that's hurting you don't even know it but we ought to be so sensitive in the spirit that we can just simply hey man how you doing sister how you feeling that sometimes we we've gotten in church where we don't even talk to certain people we don't even greet one another and then sometimes we make people in church feel like you don't even want to talk to me we alienate ourselves from people that's not godly it's not of god and we have to change that we have to change it we minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold great the grace of god is so multifaceted that you can do so many different things in so many different ways to minister to people i think my wife has the the gift of laughter even when she's sick she's happy she's a happy person she's still laughing but i know when she's sick but she she has that that grace to make you laugh you can't you that's not many of you if any of you can say that she's been negative around you if she is or has she was having a real bad day because that's her gift she she's a genius person to be around she really is if you get to know him see a lot of times we don't get to know people and because we don't get to know him we judge them based on what somebody else has told you but you haven't you haven't warmed up to a person yourself when you warm up to people and they find out who you are they'll never judge you like that and then lastly talk about the treasure we're required to be faithful with the resources god has entrusted to us if we are not the bible teaches us that we are going to miss out on so much so much you'll never get ahead financially or reach the level god desires for you because you have not learned to be faithful with your first fruit okay proverbs 3 9-10 be faithful with your first fruit honor the lord with your stuff your substance and first fruit of all your increase you honor the lord with it that's how you get ahead you give god your first fruit now notice i'm i'm gonna stop this mess that folks doing in church you don't first fruit the bible says you honor the lord the pastor is not the lord you you don't take your first check in the year and give it to your pastor now this jeff went out live and folk ain't gonna like it because they want all of y'all to take your first paycheck and put it on the altar the devil is a lie you take your first check give god his ties and offering and pay your bills some folk won't put you out and you don't have to come and ask us for no benevolence i'm just telling the truth give the pastor your first fruit okay go out there and get him a watermelon give him that give him some tomatoes some apples bananas that's first fruit i'll give the first one before i break it off the bunch amen malachi 3 8 and 11 through 11. malachi 8 i mean 3 malachi 3 8 through 11. i know this is some hard teaching but i'm almost through oh low there you go all right will a man rob god what a question will he will he take something from god that belonged to god yeah they did it in joshua i just told you when when somebody from from the tribe of judah they took some some stuff that belonged to god yeah you would do it yeah they do it all the time yet god answered the question he just just asked he's yeah you will you robbed me but you're saying where when did i do that when did i do it i worked for this he said well i'm gonna tell you how you did it you did it in ties and offering that's how you did it but we don't call it robbery we don't call it that we don't call it that but that's what god calls it so why we call it something else we like to call it dues salary y'all paid y'all dudes today no but i paid my time so he said you're cursed how can you be cursed with a curse you know how you're cursed with a curse when you mess with the stuff that belongs to god you can't mess with stuff that belonged to him because you robbed me what happens when when i go down here and rob region bank what do you think gonna happen i'm gonna be cursed sure am because you're going to jail so a lot of us are in spiritual jail and don't know it amen some have been in prison for a while been a member of attract 50 years been in prison for 50 years all you got to do is pay your tithes and god will give you a part commute your senses give you clemency you're cursed with a curse go on even a whole nation because look when people see you do something they will follow what you do but you have to learn to do what god says and not what anybody else says you have to do what god says i'm so glad i settled the issue of ties and offering a long time ago i don't have to even debate it anymore about giving to god and ever since i've done that god has blessed our family because it's something i believe in doing and we should do it okay bring you all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me not here will say the lord of hosts i will not open up the windows of heaven pull you out a blessing a blessing to be huge but god don't just bless you because you give god give god blessed you because you're obedient that's why god blesses you because you're obedient and we don't we don't give just to get a blessing we give because he told us to do it that's why we do it then he says that there should not be room enough for you to receive we we we truly can live in the overflow and i don't i don't speak of the overflow like people talk about it in the prosperity realm that's not what i'm talking about i'm not i'm not talking about having money running all over the place that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about the overflowing peace of god that the things that you need god supplies them to the point that you never have to worry about anything it's not a worry in other words i don't worry about what's going to happen because i know if i obey god he'll take care of that and what comes with that he takes the worry with it because when you do what god says he takes the worry that's why philippians i believe it is three or four and six he talk about be anxious for nothing in other words don't worry in all things by what and make your requests known and the peace you keep your heart sometimes we have to admit we lose it sometime but when we are faithful to god we practice being faithful god shows up unexpectedly and in ways that you never expected him to show up and i've experienced god's blessing big blessing because we've made up our mind to be faithful and do what god called us to do and sometimes as husband and wife you have to sit down and talk about that when you've been in a situation and you didn't know what to do the only thing you could do is talk to each other and talk to god when you get through talking to god you leave it alone you trust god to work out every detail of it because sometimes we have a way of trying to work things out and god has already figured it out for you you couldn't figure it out you couldn't plan it any better than what god has already orchestrated something god orchestrate to get you where he wants you to be sometimes the things that you're going through god employs those things to get you to the place where he needs you to be because if he didn't do it you stay stuck where you are and he allows those things to happen maggot street i pray that we will learn how to be faithful to god not to a man not to a committee not to rules not to an organization not to a job but committed and faithful to god and when you're committed and faithful to god he will always show himself strong i can show you so many examples of people who were committed and faithful to god and what god did for them because they remained faithful maybe there's somebody even in this building who likes the commitment and faithfulness that you should have to god and because you lack that faithful and commitment nothing seems to be working for you and nothing is going to work except the things of the flesh because you're not committed to god but when you make up your mind that you're going to commit your ways unto the lord you're gonna just sit back and watch him bring it to pass you're not gonna happen he's just gonna stay faithful you remember joseph stayed faithfully in prison and waited till god delivered him god has a set time and when god delivers you there's nothing that anybody can do about it matter of fact with deliverance comes elevation he'll move you to a place that you never thought you'd be in your life if you don't know jesus make this simple confession lord i believe that you died for my sin and i believe you rose again the third day according to the scriptures come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god i confess all of my sin and i declare with my mouth that you are lower to the glory of god if you confess that today you could be saved and if you did confess that you are saved give us a call at 334-263-3215 drop us an email at we love to hear from you and if you're here today you desire prayer before we do our communion just stand where you are if you design prayer if there's anything pressing on your heart on your mind we pray for you the father it seems like just about everybody in the building is standing and we're standing because we acknowledge we need you god we try to do so many things on our own we realize god we're just not sufficient and we can't do it but we do what the apostle paul said as we commit everything unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we may ever ask or think according to the power that works in us god help us to understand the greater one who lives on the inside of us you said greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world and god we simply need a word of encouragement today in the midst of all the chaos that's going on in the world god we know that you're still on the throne and even as you said in psalms 11 and verse 3 if the foundations were shaken what can the righteous do and god we know there's a lot that we can do we can pray we can call on the name of the lord because we know that the name of the lord is a strong tower and that's the place where the righteous run and that's where they find safety god we can't run nowhere else we can't go to the left we can't go to the right we simply look up to the hills from whence come by help all of our help come from you today you made the heavens and you made the earth now god is we're standing before you we're so confident in you that regardless of how member how many of us are here in this building you know what our thoughts are you know the things we have need of you know our deepest desire and because you know what that desire is god we commit that unto you today and we lay it at your feet we're not going to pick it up again we're going to allow you god to orchestrate your plan and your purpose for our lives and what we're going to do we're simply going to trust you even when we cannot trace you we thank you lord that you're working out a plan for our lives even now now god we thank you we love you we adore you pray for our family members on this independence day but yet we're dependent on you in all that we do god we're never so independent that we can do it without you so god we thank you we love you we adore you we give you praise in jesus name amen amen all right still standing we're just gonna go ahead and take our communion you got it you know the ritual if you got your cup i'm trying to find mine all right hold on the wrong way
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 254
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 5sec (4745 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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