Maggie Street Virtual Service 08/1/21

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uh [Music] good morning we'd like to welcome you to our sunday morning worship service this first sunday in august we're just so glad you chose to come worship with us in person or even one of our platforms we just want you to sit back and enjoy and marvel at how great our god is at maggot street we love sundays and we love praising the lord so just come back and just re enjoy praising the lord with us [Music] first let me just mention our the covet think covert although delta is raising we serve an alpha and omega god so we're going to continue to serve and praise him but we're going to be mindful of delta with that in mind inside the confines of maggot street baptist church we do require masking and we require social distasting so please let us each keep those things in mind please make sure that you don't sit on the benches who have the red red signs that is to assist us in maintaining our social distance and next six feet as we get ready to exit we please follow the deacon's lead we're going to try to we're going to exit to the left and to the right into the back and let's forgo continue to forego our socializing and fellowship in apples because we still have to maintain those safety precautions that that are recommended for us amen a couple other important announcements next sunday august 8th church service will start at nine o'clock don't forget nine o'clock next sunday if you come at 11 the door may be locked we'll be going down after our service to um to the installation of one of our very own minister joseph timmons some of you may want to go and we're trying to get a number of those who may be going down next sunday so if you would if you intend to go down to the installation of minister timmons please call the church secretary and give her your name we're trying to give them a head count because we still have to maintain our social distance and amen also as a reminder we started back our wednesday evening bible study we've also started back our 10 30 wednesday morning bible study for those who are interested we have a mighty powerful bible study going on hosted by minister welcher so please if you would like to come out and be blessed come out wednesday morning at 10 30 for a bible study let me remind you about the cell phones please cut them off we would not like to hear any ringing cell phones that's right reach on down and cut them off now very good we got obedient congregation here we also will not like for you to text and talk let's just focus on the lord for this hour can we do that somebody said the lord's gonna talk to you through the word today and not through the text so we're gonna take that out and we're gonna focus on god amen let us still be mindful of the pandemic that is going on and we can't stress enough the importance of continuing to wear a mask for protection as well as if you have not been vaccinated now would be a great time to do that okay we believe in god's miracles but sometimes his miracles arrive in the form of a fascination amen isaiah 42 and 12 says let them give yahweh the glorious praise he deserves and declare his praise to the islands how many of you know that god deserves praise how many of you know that we oh god praise how many of you know we need to praise the morning noon and night we need to praise them in the sanctuary we need to praise him at our jobs we need to praise him at our schools we need to praise him at the mall because he deserves all of our praise he deserves all of our praise and in psalms 120 6-3 says yes the lord has done amazing things for us what joy how many know god is truly amazing we serve an amazing god pastor talked about that last week indescribable god can't even understand him god you can get five phds and still cannot explain god our god is truly amazing and because we serve such an amazing god guess what we ought to have some joy we ought to have some joy no matter how difficult things are i serve amazing god no matter whether i'm sick i don't know what's going to happen next i serve an amazing god my circumstances may change they go up and down and up and down but guess what god does not change that's why we can still have joy that's why we can still have joy in the valley because guess what i may be in the valley but what my god ain't changed he's still the loving merciful god that he was when i was on top that's why we got plenty of praise in our mouths that's why we got plenty of praise in our mouths we still here and not only are we still here but guess what i woke up and knew where i was i know where i am today i'm at maggot street some people woke up and didn't know where they were so let's just give him all the praise and honor and glory that he deserves this morning can we do that i can't stop praising him that's in a song but i can't i praise him enough because he's so worthy to be praised and you know what my praise is not based on what i'm going through my praise is going to be there no matter what i'm going through ah because he's an undescribable god a god that doesn't change he's always good even if my circumstances aren't good he's good and because i belong to him guess what i'm good uh let me stop for my pastor come and pull me down he going he go critique me said boy you stayed up here too long amen amen because he's so good we don't mind giving to him so let me read a scripture here we're going to go proverbs 3 and 9. it says you will stand honor the lord with your possessions and with your first first produce of your entire entire vest in the entire harvest then your your barrels will be completely filled and your vats will be overflowing with new wine now we're given to god not because we want something back i'm giving to god because he gave to us so let's give with the right heart okay you know as parents when our children bless us because of what because they love us not because they want a new outfit and that's the way god is too he's our father right let us pray the heavenly father we just thank you for the opportunity to come before you today we thank you for you for being a god who does not change a god who loves us is merciful and patient with us lord we thank you for all the blessings that you give us touch each one of our heart and let us give joyfully to you and may these gifts that we give you benefit the uplifting of your kingdom amen we're going to turn it into the hands of the deacons we just thank you for those who gave those who are watching on other platforms let me remind you you can still give you can give online by going to our website or you can mail your gift in or if you would like to you can come down and drop it off but there's many ways that you can give to us here at magnus street so next we're going to hear from the praise team and after the praise team we're here for my very own reverend pedway good morning everybody glad to be back in the house with y'all on today come on praise his team i can stand up this first song that i would like to like to do on this morning is talking about the blood of jesus how many of y'all can testify that it was nothing but the blood that saved you you know no jesus died for us on one friday evening on a hill called calvary didn't he die but come on praise his team before i get too happy right now come on [Music] what can wash what you wash and wash [Music] whole [Music] y'all put your hands together and praise the lord in here come on sopranos [Music] nothing but the blood nothing but the blood nothing but the blood nothing but the blood nothing but the blood nothing but the blood nothing but the blood break it down break it down now i know y'all can help us sing this song up in here if you don't mind could you stand up to your feet and i want y'all sopranos altos antennas i want y'all to sing y'all parts come on sopranos give me a soprano part of jesus come on come on all right do we have an altos in the building on today all right see y'all hands all right out yo pam we gonna give him an apart all right so all y'all saying is oh precious all right here we go come [Music] i like that come on one more time again come on [Music] all right tennis do we have any tenors in the building i'll call them they got my deacons come on so all y'all saying is nothing but the blood tends to come on singing for them [Music] oh i like that so now we're going to put this all together make one big cry amen all right sopranos come on join in nothing but the blood of [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] now if y'all believe that just holler thank you jesus in the building on today come on holler thank you jesus thank you jesus i i don't know about y'all but i came to get god some praise today anybody come to give god some praise today so i just want y'all to holler jesus on the count of three keep hollering come on jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus jesus [Music] all right that's enough i didn't have a good time y'all so this next song brother frank is going to come up and do simply says victory belongs to jesus now we're just saying about the blood that we are thankful for the victory that we have in jesus because jesus overcame death hell and the grave amen how many know the victory belongs to jesus someone says no matter what it looks like no matter what you're going through you may have a sickness in your body but just know that god is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can even ask or think according to the power that worketh in this i've been to a revival all week so i'm revived i feel like maggie i got the word all week and it's just a blessing just to be in the house to spread the gospel amen who can stand against the lord no one can no one will who can stand against the king no one can no one will oh say the victory belongs to jesus victory belongs to him say the victory belongs to jesus victory belongs to him come on freshman who can [Music] no one will [Music] nobody cares [Music] victory [Music] oh say the victory belongs to jesus victory belongs [Music] no one will [Music] [Music] no one how many you know the victory belongs to him this morning [Music] so we put our trust in you and we put our faith in you you're a provider you are dealing with safety [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i [Music] victory [Music] victory [Music] say the victory belong to you no matter what it looks like the victory no matter what it feels to jesus [Music] victory belongs to jesus the victory belongs to you the victory [Music] say the victory belongs to you said the victory belongs to him if you need healing in your body and it seems like you can't get well if you abide in me my word shall abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you the bible says i seek your knock and the door will be opened how many believe that scripture this morning say the victory belongs to you the victory belongs to you victory belongs to him how many of you believe that today victory belongs to you come on say that one time victory belongs to him victory belongs to you lord victory belongs to come on you ought to seek somebody you gotta tell somebody lick them straight in and say victory no matter what you're going through no matter what it seems like or what it feels like you have to know that god is able to fix anything right now just believe the blood is [Music] i know no matter what you're going through you may have cancer but you gotta say by his stripes i ever hear that [Music] how many you know that you are able to do we are conquerors through christ that we seek him every day victory belongs victory below [Music] victory belongs to you so hallelujah thank you lord victory belongs to you nothing but the blood and father we know that it is your blood that gives us the victory over every situation over every circumstance in our lives we thank you that you did not call us to fight to win the victory you gave us the victory and all we have to do is stand still and see the salvation of the lord you've already done the work you just want us to stand fast and hold our position in you and god we know that it takes faith to stand in times like these and so many people are crumbling under the pressures of life you told us just to hold on to your word just to be faithful and you would do the rest so god we thank you for the precious blood of jesus christ that innocent blood that blood that knew no sin and because of his innocence god he declares that we are no longer guilty and so we thank you we love you and we adore you we give you praise we give you on and we give you glory and the only name that matters we pray it all in jesus precious name amen what if you love god save amen it's good to be here and the presence of the lord and with you all i'm just grateful to god to be here i want to say a few things before i begin a series of preaching copy 19 is real dr holloway has spoken to that but i want to say a few things and i want you to listen real clearly you should choose life over misinformation there's so much misinformation out there that people are listening to on facebook and even some quack doctors i said it and we have to understand that if you love your family and you love life take the cover 19 vaccine the argument is not worth it the conspiracy theories people are saying i don't trust the government mighty funny y'all spent some stimulus checks i mean if you don't trust him you don't trust him am i right give it back if you don't trust him give it back and then for those who say they came up with the vaccine too too quick so what do you suggest they wait five years ten years and come up with something when most of us might be dead too late then and those of us who have that kind of faith god bless you but i took the covert vaccine because i have some underlying conditions and i believe that i know god i believe in my heart that i'm saved but i want to live a little while longer and so i'm encouraging all of you and your family members talk to your family members even the ones who have made up their mind that they're not going to we don't want to be sitting at home they're in the hospital and we're hoping that they recover and they don't because they simply did not take this vaccine it's free it does not cost anything the last time i went to urgent care i got two shots i don't know what was in it if you go to urgent care you gonna get two shots do y'all ask them what's in it do you ask them how did they came how did they come up with it no you just say i'm not feeling good and i want to feel better so you men have to lower their trousers and get a shot you get it because you want to feel better this vaccine will perhaps help us to make it through if we contract this probe at 19. now just because you're vaccinated doesn't mean you can't get it you can still get it but your chances of survival are better so what we want to do here at this church when you come in come through the front door get your temperature checked um so that's important social distance where masks n95 or a good mask so you can protect yourself when you go out in public the last thing i'll say is that the first thing we want to shut down is the church we are not shutting down certain business so people are still going on vacation they're still doing all of those things that you love to do so i want to encourage you don't drop out of church don't quit church first let that be the last thing you do be faithful to god as he has been faithful to you so i'm encouraging you encourage your family i'm encouraging my family to get back in church i thought about this on the way up the road we've been out of church or covert 19 been going on for the better part of what 17 16 17 months that's a long time so if you haven't been in church in 17 months you don't have a strong desire to go to church you don't you don't have to you don't have to say anything i know it and the longer you stay out of church the harder it will be for you to come back to church because the excuse we use is oh i can i can worship god at home don't lie like that because you know you ain't worshiping you won't even worship when you come to church so let's be honest with ourselves and not let the enemy trick us so our job here is to keep you safe we're going to make sure that this church is clean that it's been sanitized so that when you come you don't have to worry about that and we don't want to create fear and panic among the members okay so y'all give me a minute let me take all this stuff off right here hold on all right i think i'm free now all right no more chains holding me all right let's get to the word uh give me a little bit more mic in this uh floor monitor a little bit more mike and the floor monitor thank you thank you thank you i i want to go back to acts chapter number two and i want to start with verse number i think it's verse number 37 2 and 37 and the lord had just put this back on my heart let's just read down through it now when they heard this they were pricked in their heart and said unto peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do to be saved then peter said unto them repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of your sin and you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost next verse i'm just going to read on down because it's a long reading for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all those uh that all that are far off and as many as the lord your god shall call and with many other words did he testify and exhort saying save yourselves from this untoward generation and they that gladly received the word were baptized and the same day they were added unto them about 3 000 souls and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and breaking the bread and in prayers and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all that believed were together and had all things common let me just stop right there we will deal with that later i want to i want to talk today about growing a faithful church growing a faithful church and i really want to take my time because often in preaching and in series messages people tend to get a little bored but i don't want you to get bored because i want you to see what a faithful church is capable of so a faithful church always displays a desire to fulfill the great commission let me say that again a faithful church always has a great desire to fulfill the great commission that's important that we fulfill the great commission and churches that are in decline they show a limited concern for crisis mission and if you ever want to know what christ's mission is you got to look at luke 19 and 10 and you'll know why christ came into the world luke 19 and 10 says that christ came to seek and to save that which was lost that was his mission that was his purpose for coming and growing churches they show evidence for christ's mission and his command why am i saying these things i'm saying it because it is so important because i believe that we have gotten off mission and we have gotten off command and task as to what god wants us to do so my brothers and sisters how can we work with god to build a faithful church notice what i said how can we work with god because most of the time in the average church we want god to work with us and not us work with god this is god's work god has laid out amen his premise and everything that he wants done as it relates to saving humanity and so oftentimes we often want god to work with us and us not working with him is the biggest problem that we have in our church because we develop our own program we develop our own rules we develop the way we want things to go and then we expect god to park and bless our what we do in our churches so we make all the rules even though jesus has set the example and showed us what the father wants done but oftentimes we decide no we're not going to do it that way we're going to do it the way we want to do it and look at the results that we get from doing it our way i want you to stay with me because this is so important you might want to write these things down okay do you want your church to decline do you want your church to plateau or do you want your church to grow i think those are three good questions so if we're gonna be a faithful church we've got to answer these three questions do you want your church to decline now anything that is in decline it is a gradual and continuous loss of strength numbers quality or value in other words you see a decrease that's what declining is and so when you see a decline in the church it's not because of god the church is not declining because of god it is not even declining because of the pastor it's declining because we are not doing what god told us to do i'ma prove this and i'm not preaching mad or fussing i'm frustrated because we are not doing what god commanded us to do and then we expect the church to grow automatically church is not going to grow when a church is in decline it says that we have negated to do the thing that god has told us to do then when something plateaus that mean it has reached a state or is of little or no change so when you get to a certain point and you see no change and you plateaued you know what you do on your job right when you when you when you reach your plateau what do you do you look for another job that's what you do so when when something plateaus you're saying this is as far as it can go no not in the church no so there's no more progress there's no more activity and sometimes you can look at a church and you can see that there's no progress there's no activity because it takes members to take people who are part of the church to be actively involved in what goes on in the church to make it progress so if if only people show up uh at church or the same five that show up every time that means you have plateaued and then if you go to bible study or prayer meeting and nobody ever shows up you plateau now i want to ask you a question if you were leading something and nobody never showed up how would you feel how would you feel as a sunday school teacher you teaching every sunday nobody logs in nobody shows up it's saying that we are in decline and we have plateaued but when you grow you become larger or greater over a period of time you begin to see increase go all the way back to acts 4 uh 2 and 46 of 47. let's just see something go back go back up a little bit further i want to show you where they were added to the church that is right just say right there so they were they were praising god and having favor with the people how can you have favor with people if you're not interacting with people how do we how do we have favor in this community if we are never interacting in the community we we can't just be a church that never goes out in the community but the bible said these people were what praising i i want to stop with the praising part they were praising god they were not ashamed to praise god and praising god is not like we think it is they were giving god the credit for everything that was done praise is not always jumping up and down and shouting it's not always thanking god for blessing me with a new car a new house it is expressing god's goodness over your life that he's kept you during covet 19 that's worthy of praise that you didn't lose your house that you did lose your car that you didn't lose your job you are telling god thank you for watching over me and keeping my family that's praise we relegate praise to just the car to the house and the money and all that but you can be sick with money and it don't help you but you can praise god even if you're dead broke that's what praise is all about you've got to learn how to praise god if you are outdoors you can still tell god thank you because you'll tell him that trouble just don't last always now these people that were praising god if you read further you'll find out some of these folks were basically homeless they didn't have nothing because the church came together and sold their possession and divided them and made sure that everybody had something but we don't do that today we get our stuff and we go home and we lock the door we close the gate we pull the garage door down and that's the end of it we have to understand that in order to grow a faithful church you have to have some instruction that you are following and we have these instructions found in the word of god now let me ask you this again how do you think jesus would answer these questions how do you think he would answer i believe he'll say what he said in matthew 16 and 18 upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it in other words there will not be decline in my trust regardless to what the devil does amen there will not be a plateau in my church regardless of what the devil does there will be growth in the church that's why he said and the lord added to the church such as should be saved who did it a lot of times we think the preacher does oh oh our pastor he can preach and people swinging from the chandelier they were shouting all over the place no he doesn't add to the church god adds to the church but you got to go back the bible said they that gladly received the word of god a lot of times we come to church but we don't receive the word we're not happy to receive the word listen when you start receiving the word of god in your heart it will change you you can come to church all your life and never receive the word and never change you can't you cannot convince me that the word of god cannot change us i am not the same as i used to be i'm not like i used to be some of those things i used to do i don't do them because i allowed the word of god to get in my heart all of us we've had issues in our life all of us have challenges now but if we cling to the word of god it would change us jesus didn't die and suffer on the cross to have a powerless church a declining church a plateau in church but he did it that we may have a growing church go to our acts 4 and 31 says just about the same thing start with 31 acts 4. now notice what it said this is the church it didn't say when they had played it didn't say when they had had church because we love to have church and don't even realize we are the church you always get afraid oh we're gonna have church in a minute you are the church you can't have something that you already are just be the church be the ecclesia of the ecclesia what they call it the ecclesia you are the called out one you ought to be able to convince somebody that i used to be in that shape at one time but i'm not condemning you i'm just simply letting you know god delivered me out of what you are in you know what i found out we ain't ready for young folk because we we so worried about their dope smoking we're so worried about their parents hanging out don't worry about that if the word of god catch their heart god make them pull their pants up and take the taste of that out of their mouths see i say that because you're looking at a guy somebody i was at a funeral yesterday somebody gave me an old picture of me and what i was smoking was not a cigarette that was in 1978 but when god saved me he took the taste of marijuana out of my mouth and see we ain't ready for these young folk because we we are too quick to condemn them i don't like the idea that they wear their pants where they did but women y'all remember when y'all were what they call hip huggers and bell bottoms come on you had your belly out oh oh oh am i telling the truth come on now you know y'all y'all had y'all women's swagger during that time you wore that stuff that was a fad fast come and they go the word of god never changes it can change anybody the fast will come but they will go and when god deliver these young folks we need to be there to encourage them and when they had prayed this is in your body place was shaken where they were simple why ain't things shaking when we assembled together why why isn't the power of god being manifested when we come together and we say we are the church the place was shaken where they were assembled together and they were that that's why that that's why ain't nothing shaking because we don't we don't have the holy spirit we don't have the holy ghost and a lot of people don't want to embrace the holy spirit or the holy ghost however you want to say it and i want to make this clear having the holy ghost is not you speaking in tongues that's not the evidence of the holy spirit being in your life the evidence of the holy spirit being in your life is it impacts other people's lives i can speak in tongues all day long it ain't gonna make no difference they spake look at it when the holy spirit is in you you speak with boldness they spake the word of god with boldness with boldness now notice they are talking and they said and the multitude of them that believe whole hebrew folk they believe that believe were of what and one soul they were like one maggot street until we become one in christ we're going to continue to have a decline in our churches we're going to continue to have a plateau in our churches because we don't know how to unite you know sometimes we can't unite because we get frustrated with certain leaders i want you all to hear me if you get frustrated with me that's fine but you are not to break the unity and a lot of time that's what happens we get frustrated and in our frustration we don't know how to work through some things when you when you're dealing with an issue you got to learn how to work through it anybody in here that's married know how to work through some things that's not a married person in this room that don't know how to work through some stuff sometimes this stuff might be hard to work through but because you understand that you love one another you work through the issue watch this if you love god and you love the church you'll work through those trivial issues that you have in the church they will assemble they were together the multitude of them they had one heart and one soul and neither said any of them that all of the things which he possessed was his own man you can't tell me that ain't oneness let me give you an example i had a brother didn't don't really know him his his lawnmower broke my neighbor his grass were extremely high one day i just cut it for him but this particular day uh he wanted to borrow my lawnmower so i'm fine with that i said sir you can come and get it just just do what you need to do uh he's my neighbor you understand i don't really know him but he needs his grass cuts you do understand and so if i'd have been so selfish and i ain't gonna let nobody use my lawnmower you gonna get them you down man that's god's law more he blessed me with it if it tear up i just get another one it's just a motor on top of a little tractor a man that's running around cutting grass and we make so much out of stuff but man god can take you and your stuff sometimes we got to learn how to bless folk it's not all about hoarding up everything you can get for yourself so they didn't call it that home but they had all things common if you're gonna grow a church you're gonna have to have some things in common amen when you go all the way back you start reading that text you find out these brothers had been arrested why were they arrested because they were carrying out the mission of christ they were doing what christ told them to do and then as a result they ended up getting arrested they even got beat for that but when they came out they were bold they were both to speak the things of god now so what is a faithful church faithful church one that is loyal to god in his work in the world a church's source of faithfulness is out of the very nature of god himself look at deuteronomy 32 and verse 4 moses is talking about god and basically god's faithfulness in deuteronomy 32 and 4. watch what he says he is the rock his work is perfect for all his ways or judgment or you can put faithful there a god of truth without iniquity no sin just and right is he god is just right and faithful he has no iniquity he's a perfect god he is our rock and we love to sing about jesus is my rock and he is our rock because he is a faithful god he has never stopped being faithful at anything and then in psalms 36 and 5. psalm 36 and 5. the mercy thy mercy o lord is in the heavens and your faithfulness reaches unto the clouds in other words god is faithful god is trustworthy he's loyal he's he's reliable and we can trust him because he is totally dependable i'm not dependable i can give you my word and something can come up and i have to go back on god gives you his word and he never has to go back because he is dependable if god has said it then god is going to do it we can trust god it is in his nature to be faithful and if we are his children we ought to have the same kind of nature to be faithful i'm serious some people say why you run so much because if i give somebody my word i try to do what i said i'm going to do i try to be faithful i might not be the most faithful but i try my best to be faithful god's faithfulness to his people is unconditional but he desires a reciprocal loyal loyalty in our relationship to him if god is faithful to you don't you think god wants you to be faithful back to him check this out lord i need you to do this lord i need you to do that i need you to bless me with this and bless we want god to do everything and be faithful to our every cry but we won't be faithful to god have you ever thought about your unfaithfulness to god i was just thinking about my unfaithfulness to god and how unfaithful i am to pray every morning unfaithful to read the word every day unfaithful to develop the kind of relationship with god that i should but god is still faithful he's faithful to us unconditionally so now christ is the head of the church and he model faithfulness through obedience to his father now this is the point i don't care what we do in the church i don't care what it is if we are not faithful and obedient to god he's not go blessing i'ma let that soak in for a minute if we are not faithful and obedient to god he's not going to bless it you can manufacture whatever you want you can do whatever you want to do you can set it up any way you want to set it up you cannot manipulate god into blessing you you can't you can't pay enough money in church for god to bless you you can pay a million dollars god is not going to bless you if you're still operating in disobedience but we don't believe that we think we can do whatever we want to do they expect god to bless it no god ain't gonna be blessed he was faithful to him who appointed him just like moses in all this house the bible talks about go to hebrews chapter three verse number two moses was faithful he had some unfaithful people but he was faithful fool around with people moses missed the promised land come on as faith as moses was to lead the children of israel out of egypt they get all the way out there in the wilderness they don't made it across and then god tell them to speak to the rock and out of his frustration he hits the rock but it was faithful now this is what the bible said who was faithful to him that appointed him time of jesus as also moses was faithful in all of his house in other words in all of his assignment what part of your assignment you are not faithful in what part of your assignment that god has given you that you are not faithful in man my faithfulness was tested last year i could have made a hundred excuses not to come up here during covet 19 but god was testing my faithfulness it was nothing else when i talk to other preachers they talk about the most difficult thing they ever did was speaking to a camera because it forced you to be real because you didn't have nobody to put on a show in front of you had to preach to a camera it ain't about the crowd we love to preach to people because you need an audience to preach to but for so long we have been doing stuff just to please people god said i'ma fix it i'm gonna find that if you can preach if ain't nobody showing up do you know that some preachers still ain't came back to the church yet because they don't got lazy and got to a point it's a way where they can get over man there's nothing in the world like standing up in here in this building by yourself i challenge any one of you all come in here and teach your sunday school lesson by yourself i'm not talking about you know where you can see people you you know you're back and forth and you're uh i'm talking about by yourself john know what i'm talking about that sometimes you have to start over because man you you get you get messed up in the head and then god begin to let you know this is not about you it's about me if you get the word out i'll do the rest i'll give you the result of your being obedient to the word it may not sound right to other people but you ain't talking to them you're getting the word out from me christ was faithful as a son he was over his house tell me something that jesus did not do that god commanded him to do even the hardest thing was in the garden when he was there and he was saying father if if it's possible would you just let this cup past me and then jesus said you know what not my will not my will but but your will be done when we get to a place where it is the will of god that you want done and not what you want done in your life then god can be glorified even in the pain in your life even in the suffering in your life even when you're going through stuff in your life because you realize that god's purpose trumps everything about your purpose everything everything go to verse six in that same chapter same chapter verse six but christ as a son over well we know he didn't have a house that ain't what are you talking about he's talking about this house that god gave him call the church the body church the mission he was faithful his own house whose house we are that's that's who we are we're the church he was faithful if jesus had not been faithful and died it wouldn't be a church there was no church in the old testament that was a tabernacle but there was no church because nobody had died and shed innocent blood and rose again from the dead everybody in the old testament that died they didn't rise from the dead and the blood of bullocks and goats and oxen could not make us pure but jesus he said if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm firm to the end and this is where we are there are too many people quitting on god but you know what they're not quitting on they're not giving up on their vacations they're not giving up doing the stuff that they want to do but when it comes to god we'll put him on the back burner and we'll make him last until we get in trouble now when we get in trouble god you should have been here yesterday but you didn't realize he's here now he's here all the time he never left us he promised that he'll never leave us and he'll never forsake us but somewhere in that promise we forsake him i want to ask you this are you faithful to him who called you and he ain't just called you he called you out of darkness into the marvelous light are you faithful to him now i know you're faithful to your friends i know you're faithful to certain people and we got to be careful who we're faithful to be careful careful the core element of faithfulness is obedience to god's command it's the core element it's the core element faithfulness is being obedient to god's command this is what the psalm writer said in 119 and 30 119 and verse 30. that's not what he said this solidified it for me said it all 19 and verse 30. doing a good job just keep listening what he said i want y'all to read this one read i have chosen you have to choose we often say god god make me do this no god ain't gonna make you do nothing the songwriter says have chosen the way of truth and in truth that's faithfulness i've chosen truth above everything your judgments or your faithfulness have i laid before me he said i've taken your faithfulness and i looked at it versus mine and so when i looked at yours i decided that i would choose to be faithful because you were faithful anybody here know that god has been faithful and good to them then you owe god the same thing in return you owe god faithfulness and when i wake up i just tell god thank you especially on sunday morning i you know even if i feel bad i'm still ready to go worship i'm still ready to come to church because i i know that god has been faithful to me when i look at the thing that god has done i just look at all of the litany of things that god has done for me have you just went down the line of things that god has done for you man i'm looking in my closet this morning two years ago i didn't have nothing everything was burned out but i'm looking at what god has done what he has done i can still choose what pair of shoes i want to wear what suit i want to wear what shirt what tie these are just material things but when i think about it in the in the in the big picture of it all i look at my health i look at my life i look at that god has let just spare my life and allow me to be healthy enough to keep doing what i'm doing it's not that i've done so good but that god is so good and you know i fought this blood disease for years couldn't figure out why i was losing blood but i'm not losing it anymore y'all remember i had to go get direct iron all the time i had no energy and all of that and i can't even explain what happened except god did it that's all i can say god did it and i'm not trying to figure out what it was because they couldn't figure out what it was and if they couldn't figure it out god fixed it he didn't just figure it out he fixed it so i'm grateful so a lot of time when you see me you know you see people you don't know what people are dealing with in their lives you don't know what they're going through you just assume just assume now watch what jesus says here in luke chapter 6 and verse 46. watch what these are jesus words luke 6 46 he says and why why do you call me lord why why why why you call me lord are you calling it calling me lord to impress people but why do you call me lord lord i can't be your lord because you don't do what i tell you to do i cannot i cannot be your lord if i'm your lord and your master then why aren't you doing what i told you to do so jesus says to them i can't be your lord because you're not doing the things that i told you to do you're not doing the things but we're still coming the lord my lord and my god no now if you're not doing what god say do you're not his child i'm not making this up and why call ye me lord lord and do not the things which i say just leave that question there why why don't we do what he tell us to do why if we're faithful we'll do it there's so much in this and i don't i don't like to just relegate it to ties and offerings you know why because it's something we should have been settled a long time ago in our lives if we're saved what still argue about giving a tithe and an offering there's nothing to argue or debate you can't buy but so much and put in your closets you can give god a tenth let me ask you this any of you guys got a closet where the hangers are crossing each other you got so much stuff in and every time you get extra you go buy it you buy stuff you got stuff with tags on you got shoes that you never wore before why why do we do that because we're such vain people we are and i learned the lesson i had so many pair of shoes i i just don't have as many now so i'm just i'm just learning to live without it i got enough but when it comes to giving to god we have an excuse we have an excuse as to why we don't give and then we say stuff like you don't know uh what what bills i got yeah if you got them you created them let me give y'all some wisdom never buy something that you can't do to maintain this home never buy something that you can't keep up with i'm serious i love to own a porsche but i have to operate out of the money that i make so that i can make sure that god still gets the number one in my life that he still gets the tithe off the top and there's nothing wrong with having stuff there's nothing wrong with that but when your stuff gets in front of god it becomes a problem because he bless you to get it in the first place so why do we call him lord lord and don't do what he tell us to do i'm gonna get into that next week now i want to say this and this is no no do you have that anybody a church's program a church's budget or it's worship attendance or any of any other host of any other thing is not the prime indicator of a faithful church we often look at church budgets programs that the church got going on the number of people that attend worship and then sometimes we say that's an indicator of faithfulness no it's not because you can have the program you can have the budget you can have the attendance but you're still not doing what god said and if you're not doing what god said then you're out of order the prime indicator is a church's obedience to god's commands and purpose in the world what is that command and purpose in the world go ye therefore teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost teaching them to observe whatsoever commanded you and lo and with you even to the end of the world that's god's purpose now when we obediently cooperate with god his word these great life-giving principles that he given to us then and only then we will we begin to experience what i call biblical church growth you can have church growth but isn't biblical church growth when you go back to that chapter when it said and 3 000 souls were added to the church they were not added because the preacher was a great orator they were not added because the choir could sing so good they were added because peter was obedient in preaching the gospel message and he preached it so much so that the bible said they were pricked in the heart if the word of god never challenges us in our sin then we have not done our job in preaching regardless to how good somebody can preach and we love to hear good preaching what we call it but if the good preacher don't change your heart it's not so good because the bible said they that gladly received the word of god they were baptized and the same day that word that cut them to a point that they could no longer live the way they were living and they decided to give their life to christ and they were changed we need faithful churches faithful church is not the one with the largest membership on the block it could be that five membership that's going out every day faithfully witnessing and doing what god has called them do even if nobody never comes they're faithful to what god has called them to do this street we got to become a faithful church we've got to become a faithful church a faithful church is an obedient church obedient to the word of god obedient to the one who has called us all of us one day we're going to stand before god we're going to have to give an account for the things that we have done in this life but you know what i have a greater charge i'm responsible for your souls i have to answer to god for this church nobody else in here has to answer for the souls of these people but me and i think about that weight that's a weight on me that god is going to judge me for what he entrusted me with now how many of you go to bed at night thinking about god judging you we're being entrusted with all these members not many of us because that weight ain't on you that waits on me if you never walked in a pastor's shoes if you've never walked in one be careful what you say i'm serious about that be careful if you've never pastored you'll never know the way to pastor him pastor has to deal with everything in the church even the stuff he don't agree with he has to deal with it and some things he has to deal with in such a way that he needs wisdom so he don't tap the whole church there's a low bearing wall in this building and you can pull the wrong beam and you'll tear this whole house down so what god taught me in wisdom just let me handle it don't you worry about it you let me handle it and so in that wisdom i just be obedient to what god has called me to do preach the word try to teach the word and teach people to be faithful and when you teach them to be faithful if they reject that word they're rejecting me and that's biblical so i want to encourage you to be a faithful church it's not in the numbers it's not in the budget it's not in none of that other stuff that we do it's all in our faithfulness of god if we wake up next week throughout the week and make it back your own son and be faithful and tell our people to be faithful our family god will bless us for just being obedient and faithful to him that's all god wants is your faithfulness and your obedience when you give him that doesn't mean you ain't gonna have some rocky road ahead but he will keep you in all that you go through regardless to what you face in this life he will keep you maybe there's somebody here today or somebody listening he's been challenged to be faithful be faithful in whatever god has called you to do you be faithful if you be faithful god will reward you for your faithfulness that's what god rewards your your faithfulness and your obedience so if you're lacking in your life today and you don't know who jesus is that's the lack i'm talking about not money not financing if you're lacking and you don't have jesus i recommend him to you today if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that god has raised jesus from the dead you can be saved all you got to say is lord i repent of all of my sin i ask you to forgive me i ask you to come into my heart to be my lord be my god occupy the throne of my life i need you to be lord of my life when you do that he'll come and take his rightful place in your heart and he'll make us a bowl there would that be one today we give that life to christ and if you desire desire to join by way of whatever social media platform you're on we ask you to call us at our church 334-263-3215 or you can drop us an email we'd love to hear from you you can be a part of this work that we're doing here at magnus street will you come if that's one here well father i thank you because it is your desire to grow a faithful church it is your desire that we become obedient unto your word you're not going to force us you're not going to twist our arm but god you know where our hearts are you know what our desires are and i pray in the name of jesus that you would help maggot street to become that faithful church right here in montgomery alabama regardless to what everybody else is doing just help us to be faithful help us to be faithful sunday school teacher bible study teachers prayer warriors god help us to be faithful in every endeavor whatever it is our hands are set to do help us to be faithful and then god as we are faithful and obedient to you we know that you bless us accordingly you added to the church because they were faithful and they were obedient to your word and now god we know that you are not called in this church to be a decline in church or a church that is plateauing but a growing church and we thank you god as we declare and decree that this church will grow because we are making up in our minds that we are going to be obedient and faithful to you we thank you we love you and we adore you we give you glory we give your honor and we give you praise in the only name that matters in jesus name amen i trust that you have your communion with you amen let me get first corinthians 11 verse number 23 and we read down through it and we'll take this communion piece just before we do that if you're planning to go to lounge county call glory at the church one day next week or please let us know because they need to know a hard number people who are coming because they have a safety protocol in place there as well they're doing just what we are doing they're temperature checking they're doing everything and we need to go i need you all to go and help support our brother uh joe timmons please ma'am please sir some of us let's go down and support our brother i know some of you are going to be out of town already to talk to some but those of you who are going to be in town let's go down and support our brother amen all right 9 30. that's right i thought i said 9 30 somebody said now so it's 9 30. we should be out of here about 10 15 or so um we just do a worship and uh i know our praise team is going so i'll get with john on that uh y'all welcome john amen john got a little little player right over there by him he's gonna be playing at working too soon amen that's how you bring children up you bring them up doing that amen to be in their heart and then that's so all right paul said i received from the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the same that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed he took bread when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this due in remembrance of me after the same manner he also took the cup when he stopped saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do you as often as you drink it in remembrance of me as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come for for whosoever should eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and the blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and let him and so let him eat up that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drink it unworthily eat it and drink a damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened of the lord that we should not be condemned with the world wherefore my brethren when you come together to eat terry one for another if any man hunger let it meet at home that you come not together unto condemnation and the rest will i set an order when i come amen is that it all right father we bless and thank you again for this hour of communion we thank you for jesus death his barrier and his resurrection and god this serves as a reminder to us that one day jesus will crack the sky and he will come back and we won't have to do what we are doing right now we will see him as he is and god we would no longer have to make a reference of him with communion with a wafer or crackers or jews because we would see him in his full glory in his full splendor now father we repent of every sin that we are knowledgeable of aware of we pray that you would help us to understand that all of our sins are forgiven the past the present and the future if we stay faithful to you if we remain faithful to you god you will continue to wash us with this precious blood that you have died for and we thank you lord for those who are here today as we take this communion we know it's a natural thing that we're doing but it has a spiritual connotation and we thank you lord that one day when we make it into your kingdom but there won't be a need for this and only we can do god is just imagine what it would be like in your kingdom but god we look forward to the day that we sit around your throne as we give you praise honor and glory we give you that in jesus name amen all right this wafer is symbolic of the body of jesus will you take it and eat all of it and this grape juice is symbolic of the blood of jesus christ take and drink he all of it the bible said after they had eaten and drank they sang on him and they went out father we bless you thank you for this day thank you to the people of god pray that you will continue to bless us in all that we do as we move about during this season of cover 19 we pray your blessing and your favor upon all of us i pray now the name of jesus as we leave this place never from your prison that you would carry us to the places that we call home and we may be dwelled safely without any hurt harm or danger now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he wrestle and abide with us all and forth now and forever in jesus name amen we'll see you online now follow the deacon's um instructions they're gonna let you out
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 286
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: r9z5_l9Ivgo
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Length: 86min 50sec (5210 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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