Maggie Street Virttual Service 08/29/21

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in fact isaiah says his ways are higher than our ways and his thoughts are greater than our thoughts and so we don't have to worry about god this morning but we should just simply worship him for he is great and he [Music] to is truly in the house this morning lord we worship you this morning father we give you all the glory honor and praise and has come this morning god we lift you up we lift you up all men will be thrown unto you and so we give you all the glory all the honor and all the praise for this great day in the matchless name of jesus we pray amen and amen it's so great to see everyone out this morning and worshiping and it's a it's a blessing to be able to come out and we're thankful for what god has brought us through this week and has brought us to this point to worship and as we worship today let's be mindful of our our safety protocols make sure we maintain our social distancing and our masks and as we even as we exit we'll maintain our our distances under the direction of our our deacons amen amen now we want to continue worshiping god with our giving this morning it's giving time given time amen for our offering scripture this morning let's turn our attention to the 12th chapter of mark 12th chapter of mark versus 41 44. and let's read those scriptures together again and it reads and jesus set over against the treasury and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury and many that were rich cast in and there came a certain poor widow and she threw in two mice which make an apartment and he called on him his disciples and said unto them verily i say unto you that this poor widow has cast more in than all days which have cast into the treasure for all they did cast in of their abundance but she of her one did cast in all that she had even all her living amen amen let us pray father god we thank you for for this worship our god and for this opportunity to worship you in our giving and god as we as we worship you we remember what you have done for us for you gave your only begotten son god so that he who knew knows him for us so that we could become the righteousness of you through him and so god we give you the glory and honor knowing that we can't beat you given no matter how hard we try but we just pray that you uh bless those who are giving and bless those who had a desire to give but may not have had the means and we pray that you will bless this offering that will further your kingdom in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen amen and we will give under the direction of our [Music] good morning everybody so brother frank gonna come and do this song for us this morning called guys got a blessing with your name on it with your name on it i just experienced this week the fantastic blessings of god he's done something miraculous in my life and i know he's done something for you come on give god a praise this morning for his miraculous blessings listen makes no difference what you're going through you're gonna make gonna see you through [Music] [Music] it's gonna be alright get ready [Music] [Music] you know he has a blessing [Music] i just got a blast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] god [Music] number three [Music] [Music] when i already about the kindness of [Music] jesus of jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] because there is none like him in all the earth amen there is [Music] because there is [Music] no one else can touch my heart like you do here oh my god cause i can search for all the eternity and there is [Music] [Music] no one else can touch your heart like you do like jesus does i can search for all the eternity [Music] [Music] so no one else can touch my heart [Applause] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] because jesus went to calvary [Music] come on [Music] but that's not how the story is [Music] [Music] today [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know i'm teaching in schools now and i'm teaching middle school kids and some of them i ask them one question the lord let me ask he said to tell the children what is love one of the answers i got from middle school schools they said well love is something that you have between your boyfriend and your girlfriend you know you don't expect that from someone from middle school but one of the answers that they said really shocked me they said you only say i love you just somebody that's about to die on that deathbed that really shook me up y'all and us i know we cannot talk about jesus in the school system but jesus said i'm still there you are the light so on your job you are the light to show jesus to somebody else without seeing jesus love is also an action word you can show love by the way you treat people by the way we treat people by the way we act even in the church amen so one more time say jesus wins come on praise him to calvary [Music] saying together come on congregation jesus went jesus went come on [Music] one more time i want you to think about jesus the love it has for you come on jesus went come on [Music] me my words thank you we look back over our richness that lives have done it's only by your goodness and your grace that we are here not that we didn't deserve to be punished but because of your grace and your mercy you allowed us to still stand and to be here today so father we thank you for blessing us far beyond what we deserve god when i look over my life and how you have blessed me i personalize this prayer this morning i'm blessed way beyond what i should have i'm grateful god if my grandparents were still alive today to see what you have done in my life they will stand in all of what you have done and so father for that reason we thank you this morning we love appreciate and we adore you we pray that you will give us years to hear what the spirit will say to the church of the living god pray all these prayers and supplications in the only name that matters in jesus name well amen bless you let me thank you for your faithfulness as you continue to come and worship in these conditions that we're living in i am grateful you really am thank you again just for your faithfulness i was walking down my driveway this morning john and i was coming that song i couldn't sing it god knows i did my best talking to the lord gloria and look at what god did the very song that i was humming this morning as i was praying for people down in louisiana and people who are evacuating and how we're safe and i was just thanking god for his goodness rob and just how good he is to all of us and i was saying i can search throughout eternity and i'll find there's no one no one like god so i'm grateful that god answered my prayer through this song it's good to be here this morning let me share again in this theme growing a faithful church i told you last week we'll talk about ministry on the inside on the outside rather than that's exactly what we're going to do a little bit today acts chapter number three verses one through nine we'll kind of delve into that a little bit my heart is just heavy this morning just got so many things going on and um family uh an auntie who's down and sick and just buried her brother two weeks ago and everybody's got something going on whether you admit it or not we all have something going on and here's the thing about it we think about our lives as we get older we got to meet those same kind of challenges hey man how we prepare for those challenges begins now because we don't want to disrupt our children lives or our grandchildren lives so we do the things that we need to do now because that day is coming for every last one of us somebody is going to have to take care of us amen so i uh i just really just feel heavy this morning but anyway acts chapter number three verses i'm gonna read verse one two and three and we'll kind of jump into it now peter and john went up together into the temple and died with prayer being the ninth hour and a certain man laying from his mother's womb was karen whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called beautiful to ask in arms of them that entered into the temple the last verse now seeing peter and john about to go into the temple they asked in arms of god again i want to talk about ministry on the outside i believe in my heart that the local church is strategically placed in this world to speak hope into broken lives and to extend practical help to those who are fergie i want to say that again i believe god has strategically placed the church the local church and the world so that we can speak hope into broken lives and to those who are hurting and whether you know it or not there are a lot of people that are hurting in this world and sometimes they look to the church for hope for what they are going through in these turbulent times that we are living in and it's clear to me when i read the word of god that the apostles and those in the early church they were engaged in evangelistical outreach ministry uh while while they were were actively going to church they were involved they were engaged in outreach because the bible says in acts chapter number 2 and verse 47 that every day the lord added to their numbers those who were being saved so god could not be doing addiction if they were not doing evangelistical work the reason why god was doing addition to the church is because the church was obedient at doing what god had commissioned and called them to do and we today must model that example of the bible if we are going to see church growth amen and we begin to minister to those on the outside of the church everybody was involved in evangelism go to acts chapter 2 verse 47 because we need to see that in scripture that they were engaged they were involved amen acts 2 47 amen and he said in praising god and having favor with all the people and the lord added to the church daily such as should be saved so we see that they were engaged they were involved in outreach and we must model the early church outreach and evangelism amen they are not for religious folk you say that again outreach and evangelism is not for religious people because we know religious people are not going to reach out they are not going to do evangelism but outreach and evangelism is for those who are radical for christ those who are radical believers those who believe that jesus commissioned them after they had left a man to do exactly what jesus did do you not know that jesus shook up the world while he was here he shook up the religious right he shook up those communities where the synagogues were because when he came he did not come like those of his predecessors they met when jesus came he did not come with a sword of peace but he came with a sword that divided houses because of what he spoke he spoke the word of god that cut to the heart and people were not ready for that message amen so jesus was so radical that it caused people to want to kill him okay i know you don't believe it you have to be radical to follow jesus operating outside of the norms and comfort of what we call church we like comfortable church we don't like confrontation we don't like to deal with people with issues and problems but jesus dealt with people that had issues and problem and when he did that he was met a man with the opposition of those religious rights that did not want to see things change but like them the way that they were look at matthew chapter number two and verse 34 and through verse number 36 matthew chapter number 10. matthew 10. we get there think not that i am come to send peace on the earth i came not to send peace but a sword next verse for i am come to set a man at varys against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law listen when you make up your mind to live for jesus and you change what you do you gonna upset some folk that that's what i mean about being radical when you when you when you realize that jesus makes the difference in your life you know that sometimes it'll upset the folks that you're close to but but what we have to understand we are living for christ and not for the people that we are close to because at the end of the day we have to lay down and die and give an account to god and not to our family and our friends and the reason why the church cannot get traction is because we reject the word of god and we try to have peace with everybody and you cannot have peace with everybody you have to do what the word of god said because sometimes the word of god it divides even in the house even in the church it divides because you have to make up your mind whether or not you're gonna follow christ or whether you're gonna follow your friends verse number 36 says it he said and a man's foe shall be they of what come on now let's talk let's be real sometimes the hardest folks to convince of the folks in your family we got problems right now trying to convince folks in our family to get a vaccination y'all help me the hardest folks to convince are the ones that is closer to you it doesn't make any sense gloria if i die i'm gonna die with three shots cause i already got the booster shot i'm not gonna die with two i'ma die with three [Music] because it doesn't make sense the hardest people to convince are those in our family but when you know what jesus has done for you and you know that he saved you from your your life the way you used to be you really don't care whether people accept you or not because not whether they accept you because you have accepted christ [Music] so when you're radical for christ they'll try to kill you give me john chapter 5 verse 17 through 18. john chapter 5. this is jesus talking but jesus answered them watch what he said my father worketh hitherto and he said i do too and i work therefore the jews saw you mean to tell me that you sought him because he was doing the will of god they they wanted to to annihilate him they wanted to kill him because he was doing what the father had assigned him to do you'll be amazed at the number of people that don't want you to make progress you'll be amazed at the number of people that don't want you to do what god say do but rather to follow the world's dictates they wanted to to kill him they sought the more to kill him why why did they want to kill him because he had not broken the sabbath he said he had not only had he broken the sabbath but he also that that he was god his that god was his father well the truth is god was his father and the sabbath was not made for the man but the i mean the seven was made for the man and not the man for the sabbath so he had not broken in law but what he did he broke their tradition and because he broke that tradition they were upset and mad with him because they couldn't keep jesus in a box and we like to keep jesus boxed in in the church and if he don't do what we want to do then it's not right but said also that god was his father yes god was his father making himself equal with god he was equal with god everything that jesus did he did it according to the word of god he did not make up stuff on his own just stay with me for a moment it's taught to kill him you can find that also in john chapter 8 verse 49 48 through 59 i'm not going to go there they sought to stone him go to chapter number 10 you'll find that they sought to stone him again in john chapter number 10. but here's the thing i want to ask this question and you don't have to respond to it but aren't you tired of church as usual and you're ready for a church unusual we ought to be tired of church as usual and we want unusual church we saw something this morning that was a little unusual that church was not just normal but it was abnormal it was unusual we didn't expect john to sing the song that he did because we expect one fast song and one slow song amen we don't know what god plans to do but sometimes we are not to be looking for the usual in church always but looking for god to do something unusual and that brings me to the text in acts chapter number three they were going to prayer as usual they were going to prayer meeting as usual but this day is different because the man that is laid at the gate called beautiful he stopped them on the way into church and what we do we get dressed up to come to church now you see me dress up today but you're gonna start seeing me dress down because when you dress up it means you don't plan on doing nothing you don't plan on working you don't plan on getting dirty but if you go do ministry you're gonna have to get dirty you're gonna have to get down in the dirt you got to get down where people are hurting you got to get down where people problems are so that you can help them and i've discovered in my life that helping him helps you [Music] [Applause] [Music] we don't like to make waves but sometimes you have to disrupt some things that get in the will of god to get in the will of god you have to disrupt some noise we don't do that that's not how we do it you are right that is not how you do it but it's how god does it god don't do things the way we want them done he does them the way he wants them down now watch this you say what are you talking about pastor why in the world would god tell the children of israel to march around the jericho wall seven town that's not normal because god doesn't do things the way we want them done he does them the way he wants to see the spiritual temperature of the church it rises when christ becomes the central part of the church and he's central to the whole life and ministry of the church that's when the temperature in our churches change when christ becomes the central focus of what we do the central focus it's not what happens in this pulpit it's not my preaching it's not the crime it's what god does through the individuals okay sometimes we get lazy give me jeremiah 48 48 and 10. jeremiah 48 48-10 cursed be he that with the work of the lord or lazily curse be he that's another version of what other version you got up there you can you can you can put that one in and curse me he that keeps back his sword from blood oh chris be he how many times are we negligent in doing god's work how many times we do god's work lazily just enough to get by you ever hear people say if i make any mistake take it for love no practice if you got an interview guess what you gonna do you're gonna rehearse your interview you're gonna get in the mirror you're gonna you're gonna talk to yourself but when we do god's work we'll we'll do god's word ten minutes before it's time to do the work and you know how that's gonna turn out we can't do god's work negligently that's what we do to god but when we need god to do something for us god i need you right away in the words of smoking norfolk i need you now i need you right away i can't wait so no matter how clear great commission is defined in scripture church mission is now being defined in our present day as prosperity favor and blessings let's say it again no matter how clearly the great the commission is defined in scripture church mission wisely today y'all is being redefined redefined by preaching and teaching on prosperity blessings and faith that's all we talk about i'm serious oh you you're gonna be blessed today you get texted telling you send this to 10 folks and you're going to be blessed stop lying [Music] don't break the chain well we break the chain in prayer all the time at church now we want god to bless us while sending chain messages no no we can't do that we cannot redefine ministry and have jesus out of the equation you want god to bless you but jesus is not in the equation how do you expect god to bless them how man the truth is when we come together as a body we have to lay before god and labor in prayer and then when we get through in prayer wait on the holy ghost to speak and say what needs to be saved you know what we do we have a meeting we pray two minutes and then we go on with our agenda we don't ask the holy spirit what's your agenda for today now notice how i'm talking to you in reference to peter and john getting ready to go into the temple to pray they could have went on with business as usual they could have but they did not can i tell y'all something a secret if you don't know it y'all ready the church still belongs to god yeah it still belongs to him he didn't get that up matthew 16 18 upon this rock i built my church and he wasn't talking about brick and mortar he was talking about building people building the lives of people that would perpetuate the ministry of jesus christ after he was gone still belong to god and we got to represent it as such they didn't deviate from the teaching of jesus christ that's the secret of the church growing and being faithful because they didn't deviate from the from the teaching of jesus christ go back and read acts chapter number two and chapter number three and number four how can we expect to grow if we don't apply the word of god to our lives you can't grow cannot grow i don't know what y'all remember i told you back in i believe it was may i put some late watermelon in the ground i knew what i was doing i did it late and i wanted to see if god would still do what he said he'd do seed in the ground seed time harvest guess what had to happen in between that process put a little fertilizer on come on y'all some people a little miracle grow on pull the grass from around and guess what this week i crack one of those watermelon sweet all the way to the rhine come on y'all you know how people say i ain't had a good watermelon this year this was too sweet uh this one wasn't right but i'm telling you god does what he says he's going to do if you understand planting if you understand seedtime harvest amen you will reap the harvest sweet watermelon sweet watermelon you know how you can tell when a watermelon is ripe it ain't by thumping it no you got to look at the curl on the watermelon y'all help me i'm on i'm all the way to wilcox county today there's a stem that goes to the watermelon but there's a curl that comes off the stem and when that stem is black y'all help me up in here it's time to pull that watermelon some of y'all are still on the vine and your curl ain't right and that's why you ain't ready for ministry [Music] your curl is still green [Music] we've been in church a long time but our curl is still green our greatest ministry y'all happens outside of the church building and not on the inside sometimes we have our greatest fights in church on the inside because we're fighting over the wrong things so much work to be done that ain't no room to fight amen there's so much ministry on the outside that is pathetic but nobody wants to do evangelistical work nobody wants to do outreach ministry many people show up on sunday morning with our sunday best on make a fashion statement to look important to fix it to flex our spiritual muscles and all this kind of stuff and sometimes we show up to complain and critique and sometimes we show up to listen to the choir or to listen to our favorite preacher just depends on who's singing and who's preaching but peter and john they showed up because they were committed to prayer that's why they showed up but in in their commitment to prayer they bumped into that purpose yeah they they didn't expect this to happen that day this man that was laid at the gate it helped them to discover their purpose that's what it did you know our purpose y'all is generally connected to somebody who got problems generally you find your purpose in helping solving other folk problems okay okay you had some problems and somebody helped you solve your problem and and we don't understand that the church is for folk who've got problems y'all help me come come quote yeah yeah the folks but the church is for folks who got problems because jesus said i didn't come for the folk that was already well i came for the folk that was sick and i want you to know they'll love a sick folk in church but here's the rug and here's the question if our purpose is generally revealing somebody else's problem can god trust you with other folk problems oh god help me can god trust you with other folk problems [Music] that that's a good question can he trust you with other folk problems without you sharing that deepest hurt that different that deepest pain can god trust you somebody else's problem because jesus jesus tells us what the mandate is listen listen luke 19 and 10 don't i told you all this before luke 19 and 10 is still the same it has not changed luke 19 and 10 watch watch for the son of man is come come on to seek and save that which is love this man was at the church at the beautiful gate and he was lost you remember the woman that lost her coins in the house and the bible she said says she swept her house until she found those coins those corn were lost in the house but this man is lost outside of a beautiful church the edifice looked good the corinthian gate that was there that was a precious metal it looked good but this man was lost peter recognized his man was lost here's what he recognizes is that someone else's problem can release the power of god in your life it releases the power of god in your life i've been professing to know god all my life but now that somebody has a problem i can't even minister to them because i'm so busy going to church that i walk past people that are hurting peter could have walked past he and john could have did church as usual and left the man outside but no peter looked at the man there some of us don't pay attention to each other and we don't pay attention to nobody else because we ain't concerned about nobody but me mine i and us and ours we don't care about nobody else been a member of the church all of our life but we don't care about people [Music] how in the world can you call yourself a child of god and you don't care about nobody [Music] everybody got some problem your problem might not be manifested while other folks see it but everybody got some problem i don't care how holy you are how long your dress is how black your suit is and how holy you profess to be you got some issues too everybody got some problems everybody you just gotta look deeper they may be smiling but they got some problems they they they got issues just like everybody people claim they got perfect marrying you a lot everybody that got married been married you got troubled and had trouble just like everybody else [Music] you may not crush your wi-fi she may not cuss you out but you got some problem [Music] now if you want to me want me to i'll go ahead and throw out the cusp pass you can go ahead and cuss now [Applause] [Music] but everybody got some problems this man had some problems this man was at the gate he was at the church but this man had some problem this man was broken the thing about it he didn't have nothing to do with it he was broken what his mama had had problem when he came out the mother's womb all this man ever knew was brokenness he didn't know what it was like to live a normal life but i got good news for you you don't have to stay broken forever you don't have to stay in that condition forever you don't have to stay that way he was limited all of us were limited in some way or the other this man was limited we're limited somewhere in our lives everybody needs somebody to help them get out of their jacked up situations this man was in a jacked up situation that he had nothing to do with sometimes you inherit some stuff you know that you do you inherit something you don't have nothing to do with it you you might walk into a new job and you're the manager but you inherited everything that they left you didn't have nothing to do with some of the folks they mad at you because you the new boss but you didn't have nothing to do with what happened previously they won't even give you a chance to at least put your program in place to see what you're going to be about they're going to judge you based on what somebody else has done i was given a car wash yesterday and i made the mistake and i wore an auburn hat and uh i didn't have my alabama state head i told you i had got converted y'all been listening to me but i couldn't find my hat because i put my hat down you know different places that i can't even find it in the closet way up in the closet and he said uh you think we're gonna do better this year cause we got a new coach i told him i don't know i said but they paid that joke a lot of money for him to leave out of made him stayed and suffered the rest of that contract that man got a lot of money i'd be happy too but we judge people based on our predecessors and that's wrong now i don't know what's a man broken he would baby you do no broke people beg don't you y'all ain't never big hey anybody got any fools down for sale [Music] that's begging i wish i had somebody i can talk to i wish i had some more money i wish you still begging you might be begging privately you might be begging behind closed doors but you begging you want something amen he knew what he wanted but he didn't know what he needed he wanted a little change he wanted a little money he was begging for arms he needed a little money and he was begging with an expectation he came ready to receive and here's what i want you to know when you are ready to receive something from god sometimes people will not like you because they know your life is about to change because you ain't begging them like you used to and you know that if you come with an expectation from god you're going to receive something you know what i found out people don't want to see you come up people don't want to see god bless you it's all right long as they being blessed but when you start to come up they're gonna start talking about you yeah you may not always get what you want but god will sure give you what you need he'll give you what you need he will that man want a little change for spending but watch this but god gave him change he needed to provide for himself once god gave him real change i'm not putting i'm talking i'm not talking about putting a band-aid on what was wrong with him god fixed that man i'm telling you something god can fix you so that you don't have to depend on other folks because as long as you're dependent on other folk they feel needed and having you in a position to need them make them feel like they are somebody peter told him he should look on us so look on us look on us he ain't got a dime to my name but look on us we need the church to come out the closet and say look on us look on us what we do have this is what the church knew this is what peter knew i he said no i don't have any money i know that but one thing for sure i do know i got jesus i got that i know that i know that i have jesus and because i have him i can share him with you i'm telling you now you got to have no money to share jesus you got to have no big budget to share jesus all you got to do is open your big mouth share jesus look on us we don't have what you want here we got what you need got what you need and here's the thing i'm um peter and john they were not afraid to engage him we don't like to engage people we don't have to engage them we don't like to you know get involved in this situation he didn't ignore the man if your religion won't allow you to be kind to another person what kind of religion do you have he's a human being he's hurt me galatians 6 and 10 i'm almost out of here galatians 16 6 10 as we hold on let us do good to church folks oh me as often as you and i have opportunity we ought to do good to all men we can't be like the priest and the levites and see a good samaritan and go on the other side of the road can't do that but we have to do good unto all men this man had a need and what he needed was far beyond what peter and john was capable of giving sometimes people needs are beyond what we can give but we can give them hope through the name jesus that means a whole lot the bible says the name of jesus demons tremble that's a name at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue go at jesus name peter said in the name of jesus christ of nazareth rise up and walk he didn't say in the name of ezekiel patway the name of jesus why because he knew the power that was in that name he knew it all i'm saying is the church ought to know the power that's in the name of jesus we ought to know that we sing this song something about the name was it rants helen somebody and we love to sing there's something about the name jesus there's no other name given among men under heaven whereby we must be saved there's something about that name that man wanted money but what he needed was greater than what money could buy that's why y'all stop stop sending your young money folk that's sending you a bottle of water got this holy water they got that water out the sink man they got it at the sink in the kitchen they didn't even put a filter on it and you bought the water for 30 dollars you can go to sam's and get a case of this the sonic water for about six or seven dollars and you can get if you like me i get the cheaper water they got this sam is there water 48 balls three dollars and change [Music] we let people use us we don't understand that god will always provide greater than what you want he will always provide greater because he's going to give you what you need last thing peter and john encourage him to look deeper than his external circumstances sometimes we only look at where we are the external stuff the man's expectation were too small and his aim was too low we need spiritual people in our lives to get us to god it takes spiritual focus to transform our circumstances if your circumstances is going to change you gonna have to stop thinking naturally yeah you're gonna have to stop thinking naturally you you you got to hang around people that know who god is yeah you can hang around church and never get saved you can hang around all your life i remember a guy and this is no joke i never called his name he was he was going to summer university when i started and and he's still hanging around he ain't graduating yet that's over 27 years it don't take nobody that long to graduate john he went he was going to summer university campus but he wasn't going to class you can hang around church all your life but if church never get in you you ain't gonna ever change going to change when you accept listen y'all this yes one encounter with jesus christ will change your whole life i'm telling you it will change your your broken circumstances i'm talking about a real encounter with jesus where where you lay everything on the table and stop holding stuff back because see god knows when we are playing he knows when we are messing around but you lay it all on the table then you can accept the spiritual help and that you need and it will address your issues the last thing i say when you look at verse nine and ten there ought to be a response to god's work in your life look look at acts three nine and ten there to be some kind of response in your life and all the people saw him what was he doing okay so so watch this you see something visible and you see something vocal when i heard martial crying out today that was vocal that's vocal you can't praise god without opening your mouth when you tell people praise god the first thing they do i say clap your hands when we say praise the lord you got to open your mouth you got to say something you got to you got to act like god has done something if somebody gave you a check for a million dollars i bet you wouldn't clap your hand you'll take off once [Music] [Applause] write me a million dollar check that won't bounce and see what happens i'll take off running right now and i won't even come back in the sanctuary [Music] whenever this might run out of battery you say where that food went i'm trying to get to the bank where the bank closed on sunday that's all right i'm gonna knock on the door anyway i'm vocal and i'm visible it should lead you to a greater public praise and worship if god has done something for you you've been on the outside of church you have been contaminated with folks inside the church you got saved outside of the church and nobody had to teach them how to praise god you got to teach folks how to praise god when they come to church but this man did it without anybody showing them how to praise god the bible said he jumped up he started leaking leaping and walking and praising god that wasn't taught i've seen folks shout all over the church and when they get through shouting they'll cuss you out [Music] speaking into halal all that stuff and then cuss you out that man went from limping to leaping couldn't walk his transformation listen led to his salvation and not only his salvation my clothes give me acts 4 and 4. this is why the folk were mad in acts chapter four it's carried over folks still mad with what happened in chapter three hobby and men of them which heard the word believed and the number of the men 5 000 folk got saved after they saw what happened in this brother's life that was 42 years old you can find that in acts chapter number two in verse 42 i believe it is he was about 42 years old and then as a result of him getting saved and getting his healing other people heard about it and then they believe that's why the testimony is so powerful vocally and visibly in what god had done in that man's life it was vocal but he couldn't keep it to himself so finally when god does something amazing in your life or in an individual's life he usually has a greater purpose in mind for you yeah you don't just get the benefit and then enjoy the benefit and not do something after god has blessed you after god blesses you god expects you to do something with it i want you to do even more he wants you to share that with somebody so these brothers work outside this brother got changed now five thousand other people are saved as a result of what the lord has done in his life god wants to use his people to change other people we cannot be so busy that we ignore people who are hurting beware how you entertain strangers because some have entertained angels unaware god knows what he's doing and so we have to embrace god what he's doing and be willing to be outside maybe there's somebody here today somebody who's listening on another platform and don't know where jesus is you might be broke you might be dead you may have problems but the power of god is able to change your broken begging situation because he's greater than any problem that you ever had so if you're here you're there on a social media platform we invite you to give your life to jesus and it's just as simple and i need you in my life can't do this by myself i've tried it on my own to be i believe that jesus died and that he rose again the third day according to the scripture i believe that and see i'm going to confess it with my mouth because when i confess it with my mouth i'm merely guessing what my heart already believes so i acknowledge you openly and publicly and i want you in my life pray this prayer father i repent of all my sin i ask you to come and come into my life be my lord and be my god i need you to sit on the throne of my life i need you to navigate my life for me because i've been doing it all alone by myself and i realized that i've missed the mark and i need you in my life if you confess that today let me encourage you to call us at 334-263-3215 or you can drop us an email we'd love to hear from you well father we thank you for the word of god we thank you because there's ministry on the outside that you're calling us to do and we know that you have equipped us because you've given us the holy spirit god we know that he said in first john 4 4 the greatest he is in us than he that is in the world we know that the holy spirit does the work it's not us so we thank you lord we pray that you would help us even in the midst of what we are facing in the midst of what we are going through this great pandemic and the creation is groaning we know but god we know that one day we're going to be clothed upon that all of these things that we're lacking in our lives you will give them to us these things must be the hurricanes the tornadoes the earthquakes the fires the chaos all of these things that are happening in the world you already see that they will happen wars and rumors of war and you told us not to be alarmed but this is not the end it is just the beginning of jacob's troubles and god we know that there's much more that will take place before you should come and so god we just ready ourselves for your return so that we might be ready when you call our names help us to prepare the generation that's coming behind us to be able to stand against the wiles of the devil and then lord we thank you we'll we'll give you glory we give you honor and we give you praise and jesus this precious day we do pray amen amen thank god two things uh midday bible study minister welch just said they would do it on the phone is that correct we don't really know what's going to take place in terms of the weather we know that as a category 4 now could possibly be a five um with her wind gusts up to 185 we're praying that god will hold it back but we already know um that we got to be be prepared we don't know what's going to happen so let me encourage you to encourage your family members if you need to get something go ahead and get them uh and be careful uh as you get about uh move about so that um you don't put yourself in harm's way i had taken my boys fishing and we went down to south alabama and i didn't realize that that many people were coming uh from down that way and traffic was bumper to bumper all the way to greenville alabama and so i'm grateful that we were able to get back and i just want you all to be careful in everything you do so we'll we'll just play it by a year if the weather's bad we're not having bible study on uh wednesday so we just let that let that uh let that go because we don't want anybody to be in harm's way amen and uh let's pray for all of our sick and shut in there are many people who are sick uh some you may not even know about but they they're sick and they're shedding so let's continue to pray for them okay amen just pray for the church amen come on let's stand we are going to be in the direction of our deacons they're going to help us get out of here safely father we thank you we love you we adore you we give you the glory we give you on and the praise because you deserve it all pray for our family members our loved ones and all of us lord god who are just in encountering different challenges we know that you're the god that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we may ever ask i think according to the power that works in us now father watch over us as we leave this place never your presence we ask you to guide us safely to our dwelling places that we may find everything in order when we shall arrive now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he restful and abide with us all and forth now and forever in jesus name amen amen all right you're dismissed they're gonna show you how to get out [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 314
Rating: 4.5 out of 5
Id: _VMWzd-yxQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 27sec (4287 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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