Maggie Street Virttual Service 09/05/21

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[Music] movies good morning we're just so glad to be with you on this first sunday in september uh we're just so glad you chose to worship us here at magnus street baptist church either in person on one of our electronic platforms here at magnus street we seek to find the least the loss and to serve them and empower those who give their life to god to draw closer to him and we just love our sons because of the time we can praise and worship god again i'll use your hand and us our usual uh covet discussion masks are required within this facility here at magnus street baptist church we continue to social distance as we get ready to leave please follow the directions of the deacon and please avoid a lot of socialization outside because we still need to have social distance and amen and i can't talk about cove without encouraging everybody to stay and if you have not got the vaccine get the vaccine those are two main things that can save us so let's keep those things in mind and as we continue along this journey here in september with school please keep our children our teachers and other educators in the education system in your prayers they are certainly having some difficult times amen psalms 105 says for the lord is god and his faithful love endures forever his faithfulness through all the generations when you think about that verse it tells you about three things and just that verse of why we should be so happy to praise god now i read somewhere in the bible that one of the things that human beings can do and the ultimate thing that god put us here for is to give him praises so that's one reason why we should be wanting to praise god but this scripture tells us what that he is good god cannot do anything that is bad because he is good he's kept each one of us alive today in spite of our old low down dirty selves in spite of all our sins and sometimes we repeat the same sin over and over and over but because of his goodness we are still here in some way it says his mercy endures forever it says that god is merciful because we did not receive the punishment that we deserve that me and welcome from the old school we didn't get a lot of mercy growing up we got every bit of punishment that we probably deserved and then some but god in his faithfulness and mercy does not give us what we deserve we are sinful and we are not unrighteous but because of god and his son jesus he sees us as righteous right there's a reason why we should want to give god some praise the scripture also says that he's faithful what does faithful mean he doesn't change he's always a change he's not fickle he's not like human beings as my pastor said sometimes you feel like a nut sometimes you don't you know so god is the same always and forever he is the same god that my great great great grandmother prayed to and i can pray for the same to the same god and he has not changed aren't you glad you serve a god that has not changed [Applause] he's not like some of these laws we have one thing was illegal 20 years ago and now it's legal again the god laws don't change he doesn't change and because he doesn't change guess what we can do we can put our dependence on him we can lean on him he doesn't change so that means when i lean he's going to be there let's give him some praise in this house today we serve a good god a merciful god a faithful god and those three things enough right there to go ahead and give them praise don't you think so some people didn't make it to this they were kicking strong last sunday but we are still here and we are not without a purpose knowing the purpose if you don't know the purpose get on your knees and pray to god he has a purpose for each one of us in here and it's for the uplifting of his kingdom be seated in the presence of the lord [Music] one announcement uh we will have wednesday morning bible study here in the sanctuary this wednesday so keep that on your calendar come on in and get some good teaching and some good fellowship one thing that the enemy wants us to do is stop being able to fellowship but we still going to be able to do that you know they may block in person but we got electronic who would have thought so we're going to continue to have our fellowship amen [Music] it's given time [Music] it's given time and i'm going to read genesis chapter 14 19 and 20. [Music] abraham blessed by god most high creator of heaven and earth and blessed god most high who have handed over your enemies to you and abram gave a tenth of everything abram gave a tenth of everything because he understood the attributes of god and what god has done think about how good god i've been to you individually he asked everything we have came from him if you don't want to think about the money some other things we like to think about we [Music] so think about those things you know that's some enough reason right there to want to give something back to him our heads in prayer dear heavenly father we just thank you for this day we thank you for the opportunity to come and just praise and worship you because your attributes are so worthy we just thank you for all those things that you've done for us this week we thank you for keeping us after you continue to bless each other here inside the center and those through one of our platforms let these gifts go to the uplifting of your kingdom in jesus name we pray amen we're going to turn it over to the hand of the deacons and just follow that direction [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you know thank each one of those who gave and if you're on one of our platforms you still cannot be you don't have to be left out of giving you can go to our website and give you can mail your gift then to 642 maggie street montgomery alabama you can actually come down and drop the gift right here off at the church so don't even though you may not be here physically you can still continue to give one other thing and don't forget when you want our cell phones call please [Music] electronics i know how that works we're going to put those fail foes down too and we're going to put our total attention on god because aren't you glad that god gives us total attention each one of us that's someone he knows my name so that means he's paying attention to what i'm doing the next aft the next you're going to have the uh praise team and after their songs the next voice you hear is our pastor ezekiel fedway [Music] come on put your hands together this morning [Music] so it was early one morning just about for a break a day jesus came in the room and he touched [Music] the holy [Music] jesus came in the room and he touched me and he washed my sins away i started running i started shouting oh oh and it keeps on moving oh i'm talking about the i'm talking about the holy ghost it'll make god gave it to me oh is yeah [Music] [Music] somebody can testify that you can't got nothing by the holy ghost and because you have the holy ghost how many of y'all know it's already getting better your situation is already getting better just go ahead and give god some worship just with your situation turning around hallelujah so brother shannon is going to come with his songs called it's already getting better amen [Music] turn and look at your neighbor into the neighbor my situation it's already getting better oh come on say it like you mean it turn and look at your neighbor and that neighbor my situation is already getting better my circumstances are already getting better my life is already getting better [Music] it's already getting better so already getting easier cause already moving on my behavior already getting better it's already getting easier god's already [Music] is already getting better it's already moving he did it for me did it for me [Music] [Music] he did it for me he did it for me did he save your soul [Applause] me for me [Music] already getting better so already getting easier cause [Music] let's sing it together moving on yes did it for me i don't know about you but god has been good to me and i have to testify about three years ago i was working at the montgomery police department and at that particular time i was in investigations and i was a homicide investigator and god knows i love the job but it started to pull me away from what meant to me the most my family i knew i needed a change [Music] i remember one weekend i was on call it was june of 2019 i was on call that friday i got called [Music] that saturday i got called in and on that saturday my son had an all-star game and on the way to that all-star game i got a phone call said that we had a homicide i had to leave and my son just dropped his head so the next day because this is my testimony the next day that sunday i was winding down from that saturday i got another phone call another homicide and at that particular time i fell to my knees and said jesus yes you know my heart you know me you know i love this job but this is taking me away from what i love the most i said jesus if you have anything different for me please show [Music] about a week later after a long day stealing homicide i was in the gym and i got a phone call from now circuit judge lauria james she said detective shannon are you busy yes i said no ma'am and i'm gonna be honest i thought she was about to ask me about a case i also i said oh lord but she said listen we have an opening position at the district attorney's office she said i'm not saying that you have the job but i'm asking you and she put me in the application process now i didn't apply for the job but she put me in the application process and today i can stand before you and say that i'm now employed with the district attorney's office that's what i can say he did it for me he did it right for me me getting better it's already getting easier god's already moving on your behalf you know why because he did it for me somebody give him glory somebody give it glory somebody give him glory he did it for me he did it for me [Music] father we thank you thank you for the dwelling of the holy spirit because of it is in us we have victory over every situation we thank you lord for using the praise team to remind us it's nothing but the holy ghost and god we're grateful because we know that the holy ghost that lives in us is a person it's not a thing it's not an idiot he's the third person in god god the father god the son god the holy spirit the one who you promised would be with us we thank you for that because he lives in us we know that we win over every even the ones that greater is he that is in us that he that is in the world god we thank you for that now lord during this preaching hour we pray that you would hide self behind the cross don't let him be seen or heard but give us ears to heal what the spirit will say to the church now god we thank you we love you we appreciate you and we adore you we give you praise we give you honor and glory and the only name that matters in jesus name amen amen want you to just please him for his goodness god has been good to you and i know he's been good for all of us i thank him because there's none like him in all of the earth [Music] to include you in it god we say thank you should be used [Music] and praising god [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] the truth and we is do everything by ourselves like we woke ourselves so true and when i think about the goodness of jesus i had a moment flashback to wilcox county and i thought about how poor i was i want y'all to hear me so poor that we drank my heart breaks because we don't even acknowledge the goodness of god we think we did it because of our education but your mother grandmother sacrificed so much for you some of our parents and grandparents with these hands for you and for me so that you can have a better life [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so messed up that it becomes all about us not about god god people often say we ought to take a praise breaking all these kind of cliches what we bring into the church but people that really know god they don't even talk about a praise break they just pray to me they don't they don't look for the cliches amen they praise him because of who he is and what he has done for them you don't have to prime them to praise god [Music] if you just took a moment and look back over your life some of the stuff that god has delivered some of the things that god has done for you you you take off running because he's been so good and i just wanted to thank god for watching over me and keeping me because god is good and he's worthy to be praised we've been talking about growing a faithful church faithful church i'm not talking about a large church not talking about a mega church i'm talking about a faithful church you can have a local church you can have a mega church but that doesn't make you a faithful church what makes you a faithful church is that you're committed to doing what god has called you to do and we get the example of a faithful church in the book of acts we find faithful churches find them in revelation 2 and so on and so forth some of the churches that had very little strength but they were faithful to god they were not moved by the persecution they were not moved by the things that were happening in the world because they were so consumed by god we are so consumed by the things of the world and we are so possessed by the things of the world that god has no no no place in us really acts chapter 8 is where i want to launch this from today still talking about growing a faithful church i know you're saying why go there it's a good place to start it's a good place to start because starting with verse number one acts chapter number eight we'll read a few verses we won't finish it all i love that keep hollering baby keep hollering i said hey that's the future you can say what you want we need more babies crying in the church amen and saul was consenting unto his death whose death stephen at that time there were there was a great persecution against the church listen to me y'all there was a persecution against the church why was the church being persecuted why because they were doing the will of god and when you do the will of god you are going to be persecuted amen which was at jerusalem and they were all scattered abroad throughout the region of judea samaria except the apostles give me a couple more verses and devout me and carry stephen to his barriers stephen is being buried now made great lamentation over him as for saul he made havoc of the church he was wrapped in churches entering inhaling men and women committing them to prison it's amazing what you do when you're ignorant of who god is you can be religious and not right with god you can have a form of religion but you deny the power of god therefore they were scattered abroad and went everywhere preaching the word that's good enough for now let me give you another scripture to go with that you can sit on down uh give me acts chapter one and verse number eight acts chapter one verse number eight now notice what he said gloria was singing about that this morning but you shall receive power notice now you're not going to have it until some people operate in power but they don't have the holy ghost that's what the scripture says but she shall receive power what kind of power what kind of power the power to influence people who don't know god that's the kind of power that he's talking about after the holy ghost has come upon you and you shall be witnesses why do why do we not want to talk about that word we want power but we don't want to be a witness why do you need power if you're not going to witness why would you even need it the power that we need is to be effective at witnessing for christ and then he said in jerusalem and in all the judea and sumerian to the other parts of europe because in chapter 8 verse number 4 it said that persecution broke out where did it break out in jerusalem it broke out in jerusalem so what we find here is an example of a church that's going to grow regardless of the persecution that they are now facing the church is under severe persecution but here's what we find in these few scriptures we find that even though the church is being persecuted we find that they are committed to what god has called them to do in the midst of persecution they are still committed to meeting and having prayer they are still committed to witness the word the gospel of jesus christ here's the rub people if we are going to be a growing and effective church in the earth realm we have to be committed to the cause of christ we have to be committed this pandemic is challenging every last one of us in our relationship with god but this is what you learn when you are part of the body of christ you understand that it is imperative that you have a personal relationship with jesus christ because we are discovering in this pandemic that people who go to church there's a difference between people who are tender and people that have a relationship with god people that attend church they'll tell you you know what i don't think we ought to be in church but yet they go everywhere else but they'll tell you i don't think it's a good idea to go to church and i'm not against you anywhere you want to go i know that the stadiums were full yesterday and nobody has complained about that yet as a matter of fact they moved the island brother concert down on 31 and some of our church folk were at the concert [Music] i ain't mad at you amen if you went down 31 yesterday i guarantee you cars were parked all down that highway and i guarantee there were people who would not mask but when it comes to the church and fulfilling god's purpose god's kingdom purpose in the earth we shine away from it we push back from it but if we're gonna grow and be a faithful church now notice what i'm calling this faithful amen a faithful committed church committed that means we're dedicated and we are obligated to what god has called us to do we don't opt out of that we don't opt out on that day you say severe persecution broke out against the church in jerusalem and all except the apostles were scattered throughout the land of judea and samaria notice the apostles didn't move now the people that moved they still didn't stop witnessing because when you read throughout this book you find that there's a brother in the text by the name of stephen stephen is found in book in chapter chapter number six we call them deacons but stephen is in that number and he is one of those that that that is so full of the holy spirit that when he is scattered he is still sharing the word of god you don't have to be an ordained preacher to share the word of god and what we do is we relegate the witness of the word to the pastor to the preacher to the evangelist to all of those who supposedly have a religious title but we are all witnesses matthew 28 19 he said go ye therefore and teach all nation baptizing them in the name of the father the son and the holy ghost teaching them to observe all things whatsoever i have commanded you they were committed they were dedicated they felt like they were obligated to do what god called them to do have you ever worked a job and felt obligated even when you didn't feel good you went to work you were sick you didn't feel good at all you got up and went to work anyway because you felt like you were obligated to that particular job and you were so committed that you are not going to allow a little sickness to keep you away from that job but if we get a headache we don't come to church we don't do what god called us to do if we're feeling a little queasy we don't come because we are not committed to christ man you if you ever if you only knew how i felt sometimes but god let me know it's not by feeling it's by faith but when i get up the holy spirit he takes over what i'm feeling and it's not about me in the first place is all about him that we allow him to work through us that's what we do it's early church stephen is dead going to his burial site and they mourn over stephen now saul who has not been converted yet he was ravaging the church he would go into houses so here's what we need to understand church was not always a place where there was a steeper and a building people had church in their homes okay let me find some old church folk y'all remember when they used to have what they call a home mission meeting come on now they didn't always meet at the sanctuary because the house that god blessed them with became the place that they worship god at you used to have mourning devotion at your own house and so with what saul was doing saul was disrupting church in the homes saul had gotten orders from those with authority to go and put folk in prison that was worshiping jesus man i wonder what would happen today if some man came down that you couldn't worship anymore what would we do you you think this is the only place you can gather you can worship at home so so enter every house and he would throw people into prison i want you to see how committed this guy is to what he believes in now now he has an awareness of god but he don't know god oh god help me see that a lot of folk they are aware of god but they don't really know god you know why because he has not really had an encounter with god he has had a religious experience but he has not had a real encounter you can have a real emotional experience at church and still don't know who god is you can have a real emotional experience about god but until you have a real encounter with god let me show it to you i'm gonna come go to action same guy yeah that's right amen same guy now no notice in chapter 9 verse 1 saul is still breathing out threats and murders against the disciples of the lord jesus christ so he goes to the high priest and he requests letters from the synagogue of damascus so that if he found any men or women who belonged to the way that's what they called church back in the day people of the way they were people of the way now that he might bring them as prisoners to jerusalem and he traveled and near in damascus a light from heaven suddenly flashed around him falling to the ground he heard a voice saying to him saul saul pettway pettway holiday why are you persecuting me why are you doing this some things we do out of ignorance we just don't know we do it because we don't know we think it's right though there's a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is death it seemed right to him because he believed in monotheism one god but what he have he didn't have a monopoly on god so here it is he has self notice what he says in verse 5 who are you lord he knows that this voice that he's here not from anybody is not from the religious order but he's hearing from god why are you persecuting me that's what he said saul said uh why why why are you persecuting me who are you lord saul said listen to what this voice said i am jesus persecuted that's what he replied you know sometimes we do things and we don't even realize that god is in it see god hides from himself in things that you can't see you you can have good intentions but if you don't have a relationship with god you'll miss it because you'll say well that's not god because i'm used to god being like this and you see god only one way and that's your way but you can't put god in a box what saul had done he knew the law he was the pharisees he kept the law but he was still ignorant of who god really was it's not until he has this encounter with the lord watch this but get up and go into the city and you will be told what you must do sometimes we do stuff and god ain't told us to do it he was persecuting people on his own god didn't tell him to do it why did he do it because he felt like he had authority to do it now god said now i'm going to show you what i want you to do this is why i raised this question about a faithful church and a personal relationship i made up my mind that i'm not going to live the rest of my life not knowing what god wants me to do you need to discover what god has called you to do and you're you're not going to find it in a book other than the bible you're going to have to spend some time on your face talking to god if you're saved you ought to want to know what god is calling you to do and the work that god wants us to do he wants that work to be perpetual that even after you're gone your family can pick it up and do it so i'm going to show you what you got to do he says the men who were traveling with him they stood speechless hearing the sound but they didn't see nobody saul got up from the ground and though his eyes were open he couldn't see sometimes we need god to blind us so we can see the things of god because our eyes are wide open but we still can't see what god wants us to do you ever have people always telling you what you need to do but they want to take their own advice i marvel at the folks i got a word for you pastor petway got a word for me now but they are not doing what god told them to do and why would god write me a letter and mail it to gloria i know how to read but god said i'ma show you what you need to know they didn't see anyone saw got up he was blind so they took him by the hand and led him to damascus he was trying to go there in the first place so now he gonna get there but he was unable to see for three days he could not see man if three days you couldn't see i guarantee it would change your life this thing this is the encounter when was the last time you had a spiritual encounter with god i'm not talking about church because we love to have church but we need an experience with god that changes our life i'm talking about changes your life not that you're perfect but it makes you look at things differently dr holloway was talking about getting older you can say whatever you want when you get older you start looking at things differently your life started to change man when i hit 60 years old i started thinking about the bible says that that that promise of 70 years i started counting i said lord you tell me i only got 10 years left around here so i got to get in a hurry to do those things that god has called me to do if i had known if i had took life and christian ministry more serious i'd have gave god more when i was younger don't wait until it's too late but we got to be a faithful church this church was being persecuted but there was and so here it is there was a disciple his name was ananias now notice what i said because sometimes we think that there are no other disciples with us but god has disciples everywhere that that's nothing more than a learner a pupil a student of the word of god and a learning about god now the lord said to him in a vision anonymous he said here on my lord he replied get up go to the street called straight because i'm sending paul or him to a street to straighten him out because he ain't straight but he's going to meet you at straight street okay because i'm getting ready to straighten him out the lord said to him to the house of judas and ask for a man of tarsus named saul since he is praying there and another that's coming in his hand on him so that might he might regain his sight lord helen alexander i've heard so many things about him how much harm he has done to our saints in jerusalem and he has authority from the chief priests to arrest all who carry out or who call on your name now notice where the he gets his authority from the chief priests because they didn't know god not like they should have they should have known that jesus was the son of the living god but they fought him while he was on earth they fought because he didn't do things the way they did it he didn't go through the religious hierarchy to do what he did even if jesus healed somebody they wanted to know who gave you authority well where would god get authority from why would he need your approval why if he's god but we heard so much about him watch what the lord says but the lord said to him go go anonymize for this man is my chosen a chosen instrument it is amazing how god can take a person even one who is ignorant of what he is doing and use him for his glory this man was literally assisting and killing people but god had a greater purpose for him he loved god deep down inside he did but he didn't really know god and when you don't know god you would do a lot of stuff it's impossible to know god and hurt somebody it's impossible you can't do it you cannot hurt someone intentionally if you know god you cannot do it you can't do it just no way no way you don't have to say man it's the truth you know god and you're gonna do it anyway no that's not godly the bible says god cannot sin he will not sin you can't do it but he i don't care who they are you cannot do that i'm tell you something i tell my children you get in trouble you come here you ain't go high cause i'm gonna report you myself because i raised you better than that amen ain't gonna lose everything i gotta work hard for amen come on amen i can't i can't go out the world backwards i love you i do everything i can for you i'm not gonna lie for you not gonna do that oh sir so he's a chosen instrument to take my name to the gentiles kings and israelites i will show him how much he must suffer for my namesake i'm getting ready to close the book we got to fix some things in the pool picture all of this teaching that we do concerning prosperity favor and blessings nobody ever talks about the suffering peace nobody give me philippians chapter three and verse number 10. nobody after paul is fully converted he's he's talking different his speech is different paul says i want to know christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead i want to suffer with him i want to share in his death paul's saying listen i know there's more to being a christian than this because when i look at christ's example and i look at what he went through paul is saying i'm i'm discontent with my life i'm not content with the way it is because if christ went through everything that he did if he suffered if people talked about him if they wanted to kill him paul said i want to be a part of that now we talk about oh i see you're going to be blessed and highly favored we love to use that for oh i'm blessed and highly favored i want you to go back and examine that text when the angel was talking angel was talking to mary mary was the one pregnant you ain't pregnant you can use the cliche but the truth is don't take it out of context let me give you another example very gentle we often talk about that verse all the time beloved i wished above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prosper that's a salutation that's a greeting that's not a didactic teaching that's not an ideological statement that is a greeting and people took that greed and they started teaching on prosperity that's how they greeted one another beloved i wished above all that you prosper and be in hell what even as your soul prosper what a greeting what a blessing to pronounce upon people but now all of a sudden we make it a teacher i see one of y'all out there you got 100 a lot of y'all got a hundred dollars but you owe it to somebody and keep it in your pocket the quickest way to make your own double is fold it and put it back in your pocket you just double your mouth oh food with these shysters and all that foolishness that go on it doesn't make sense we taking this thing where when the when when the saints of old took their property and sold it and later that apostle's feet they didn't let that money there for him to buy jet they lay [Music] now somebody say a word that sounds good you're throwing a 20 on the offering and won't even put a 10 in time i i receive that word i receive cause you think you're gonna get something but a faithful church a faithful church holds faithful to the lord of god examination they're like the bereans the bereans they examine the word of god to see whether or not what they were saying was really true that's what they did that's what the bereans did so if we're going to grow a faithful church we got to be committed committed i told you y'all no i'll never finish the song i don't they were courageous people they were brave they were fearless they faced danger you know what i found out i just wanted to read this i typed some stuff out i found this out when you were going through rough times and all of us do the one thing i remember was that jesus invites us to get to know him better through what we are going through [Laughter] better when i'm taking i'm catching it i'm in a rough season in my life well i get to know him because i realize that there's some situation that people can't help me out of so i lean into him and look for him to help me get through what i'm going through and i get to know him because i know i can count on him when i can't count on nobody else if you ever been in a situation you didn't know what you were gonna do and god came through for you that became paramount man you look for people to do things for you and you don't slam the door shut in your face i learned that god will hurt with me he'll be with me in my situation and then i understand that process better because the bible says we have not and high priest who cannot be touched with our feelings and our infirmities he said that he was tempted like like like we are in every point of our life yet with our sin in other words he knows what you're going through don't act like he don't know he was a man but he was still god he was in what they call a hyperstatic union he was god and man at the same time he was able to feel he was able to have compassion but he was still god he was able to feed five thousand he was able to raise the dead he was able to turn water into wine but he was a man and god at the same time that's why we serve him suffering is really a call to intimacy with christ paul know what it was like to suffer that's why he could say what he said in philippians 1 and 21 for men to live as christ and to die is gain he had such an intimate relationship with god it was so personal that he didn't it did not matter to him see what he said for me to live is christ to die is getting the next verse but if i live in the flesh this is the fruit of my labor yet what i shall choose i wouldn't die paul's a man look him in a straight i have a desire to be with god and a desire to be with you but it is need for me for me to be with you so i can empty everything out of myself that god has given me so that you will be better when i'm gone we need to empty ourselves first of all of ourselves and we empty ourselves of ourselves and that's what god did with saul after he had seen ananias you'll find out that he went to arabia read it in galatians i'm not going to go to a chapter one he stayed three years in arabia paul said i didn't get this from me i didn't get it from the other apostles i went to arabia and spent time with god and god gave me revelation it's that personal relationship that he had with him and now paul is teaching churches how to grow and how to be faithful because you can't teach people something you have not gone through we try to teach stuff that we have not done we have not experienced if you haven't experienced it you can't teach it now for real you can't yeah we can open a book and teach what we see but it's something when you experienced it closing with this i used to wonder how in the world did my grandmama perfect making a pound cake the way she did i ain't never seen a measure nothing i i really didn't now if they did dry wet and all that stuff back then i don't remember they just made them up you know why i know cause i licked the cake pan come on now y'all know i'm telling the truth you ain't see grandma mix this and make that grandmama had that thing down to his signs and they could make a cake in a wooden stove no i ain't mad at y'all sisters go ahead and get some pillsbury biscuit and boom bust them up i don't care ain't nothing like making them jokes up from scratch get your little buttermilk get you some butter and just get that thing and knead it up and put you come on now y'all know what i'm talking about and then you do it that way it's different i ain't mad at jiffy i ain't mad but ain't nothing wrong with getting some some some white lily and some buttermilk y'all help me melt some butter put some grease in that pan whip it up real good and leave a little bit in the pan and put that joker in the oven put some eggs in it i know how to cook now if you wanted to look real pretty put a little sugar in it get your color in that thing but i said that to say this my grandmama was so experienced that if she told you a chicken dip snuff i'm looking under arm for the stuff can because she was just that good at what she did it was the experience that she had and people when we've had an experience with god you can tell people that and they would believe you right away because when you go back and start reading in acts chapter 8 when stephen started preaching the gospel that was a sorcerer that got saved don't tell me that that that the preaching of the gospel don't have power that a joker that was actually tricking folk got saved that was the experience from his preaching his relationship with god that relationship with god sold him that he said i want to be saved too i'm a sorcerer but i'ma burn up my books that's the power of the holy ghost holy ghost is not a mist can't relegate him just to speaking in tongues he ain't just a jerk and a shake the holy ghost is a person and once he invades your life and comes into your life he changes you that's what we're looking for that's what helps us become the faithful church maybe there's somebody don't know jesus and if you don't know who jesus is may i encourage you to give your life to him it's just as simple as abc admit that you're a sinner and you need god in your life believe on the lord jesus christ and you can be saved confess with your mouth and god has raised them from the dead it's just that simple if you desire christ in your life i want to give you this opportunity lord i believe that you died for my sin i believe that you rose again the third day according to the scripture i want you to come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god i surrender it all to you i repent of every last one of my sin come into my life if that's you you can be saved today you can be saved if you desire you can give us a call at 334-263-3200 you can drop us an email we'd love to hear from you father we thank you for the preached word i pray that people sitting here receive that word and those listening on the various platforms they received this word as well we know that this word is able to save our soul and deliver us from a burning hail thank you lord we love you we adore you we give you glory on in praise in jesus name we pray amen amen a couple more things and we'll get to our communion peace uh we have the wilson family here today i'll ask you guys to stand you can come around i'm not going to get too close to you but we're going to pray and dedicate i want to make sure i get it right harper grant wilson all right i got it all all right [Music] all right so i know we got some family and friends however y'all want to do it you all of the family you're the village hear the village watches y'all you're gonna watch for hey look at that that preacher right there amen that's my replacement amen got these got these boys got the wilson family the harper family little family man y'all y'all brought the brought the whole the whole clan amen well praise the lord for that amen well we're grateful man you and your donna i i saw saw you raised up in this church since i've been here some some 19 years i've seen you come from a little girl and to a grown woman set a great example and found a man that love you and love your family and we appreciate that so much so i just want to say a few things you know this is a powerful moment you know in uh in the life of emmanuel and you you know this is a great step and um what you're doing is making a public statement of your faith you know in god and the fact that you're going to transfer that to your children and that is so powerful that that you would make a public statement that you're going to give your children back to the lord and that's what we should do because they are heritage of the lord the lord has blessed you with uh your sons and that's a great thing i know it pops probably so proud of them boys it's just it's amazing you thinking about the home runs they're going to hit the touchdown they're going to score in the basket they're going to score all that stuff and that's good because you're the one that will influence them to do what they do in life so what we know is that when you raise your children under god's grace and his wisdom you're dedicating this child to show that you all recognize that this child came from god amen and then you and jordana you're dedicating yourself to be godly parents that is so important that you include god in your life and be that example for your children to follow now the bible said we trained up a child in the way that he should go because when they get young i mean get older they won't depart from it but that's what you do you plant those seeds now you know the bible talks about children are like um arrows in a in an archer's uh uh sash and he he aims them where he wants him to go and so they're in your care so we know that that this dedication does not secure harper grant's salvation we know that by dedicating it doesn't do that but but this is just a symbolic moment of entrusting your child back to god the one who gave them to you in the first place that's what this is all about let me just give you a couple of scriptures just for reference uh y'all didn't shut me down up there completely okay let me get isaiah 44 and 24. i'm not going to read them all i'ma call them off to you isaiah 44 24 [Music] thus saith the lord thy redeemer and he that formed thee from the womb i am the lord that maketh all things that stretches forth the heavens alone and spread it abroad to earthly earth myself this is so important people argue about abortions and all this kind of stuff i don't argue i let the bible speak for itself i'm pro-life i believe life begins that conception that's what i believe and so that's your scripture it says that children belong to god and we need to make sure that we give them back jeremiah 1 and 5 jeremiah 1 and 5. before i form thee notice what he said before i formed the in the belly he knew him i knew thee and before that came out of the womb i sanctified the inaudible prophet to the nation he has a purpose on his life already jeremiah 29 11 says you know jeremiah 29 11 if you don't mean your mind god always does everything with purpose and we got to remember that but i know the thought that i think toward you saith the lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end in other words he has a purpose on his life already and that's so important i can go on and on but his rubber for all of you involved and especially the parents uh emmanuel and um jordana god just give you an awesome task that is to raise your children and if you bring them up in the nurturing admonition of the lord god will bless you and i've seen you do that i've seen you bring these babies to the church so and i've seen you here man i appreciate that and if you keep doing that god will keep blessing you all right all right so let's pray well father we thank you for this privilege and this opportunity lord to give back to you this child we thank you lord for harper grant wilson and god we pray that you would bless emmanuel and jordana and their parents and all of those around her and them lord god to be that village watcher to be there for them to to be an encouragement a source of encouragement to them during these young years that they're raising children they're young parents god and we know what it's like to be young parents as we're transitioning through life and we're working and we're trying to raise our children we thank you for grandparents that are available god that can be there that can reach out and help them in this hour and the extended family the brothers and the sisters and the other relatives that around here god we just thank you for family god we thank you for the value of family we know that before there was a church there was family and god we thank you for this family now god we dedicate uh harper grant wilson back to you we place him in your hands and we declare and decree that he is blessed in jesus name you've already laid out his purpose god you know what his purpose is in life now allow his parents god to tenderly guide him down that path that will bring him into purpose and into a relationship with you we thank you for all of those that are involved and we declare and decree by the word of the lord that he is blessed in jesus name and we give him unto you from this day forward in jesus name amen amen god bless you all god keep use our prayer you know wonderful parents and keep doing what you do and grandparents and uncles and kinfolk y'all just continue to help amen god bless you [Music] amen we got one more piece we're going to do our communion piece i think i forgot my communion can someone bring me a communion [Music] uh first corinthians chapter number 11. let's start with verse number 23. thank you sir [Music] is what the apostle paul said the one we talked about earlier whose name was saul he said for i received the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed he took bread he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this doing remembers of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had stopped saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do ye has offed and she drank it in remembrance of me [Music] for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty of the body and blood of the lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eat it and drink it unworthily he didn't drink a damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we're chasing of the lord that we should not be condemned with the world wherefore my brethren when you come together to eat tarry one for another and if any man hunger let him meet at home that you come not to get come not together unto condemnation and the rest what i set in order when i come father we thank you for jesus death we thank you for his resurrection and god we thank you that he now lives on the inside of us in god as we commemorate his death his barrier and his resurrection we realize this is just a natural symbolic thing that we are doing but it has such a powerful spiritual overtone and we know that one day god we shall see you in your kingdom and god will know better by and by why you did what you did so father we pray today that you will forgive us of all of our sin that we'll be able to lay our sin aside and be able to love one another the way you loved us we thank you lord because we know that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin and we thank you that our sins are forever remitted past present and future because of the finished work of jesus christ now we love you we give you glory we give you honor in jesus name amen all right if you have your wafer just this wafer is symbolic of the body of jesus christ that was broken for all of humanity take and itchy all of it and this great juice is symbolic of the blood of jesus christ that was shared for humanity without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin take and drink yeah [Music] amen it said that when they had ate and drank they went out sang on him as they went out it'll stand you're going to be under the direction of our deacons as i give the benediction let me thank all of you for coming today thank you so much uh what a blessing is to see so many of you here today uh we appreciate that so very much now father we thank you we love you we adore you now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rescued and abide with us all henceforth now and forevermore we ask it in the only name that matters in jesus name amen and we'll see you online we're under the direction of our deacons [Music]
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 345
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Id: b80uVBwtkgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 35sec (4895 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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