Maggie Street Virtual Service 09/26/21

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] good morning welcome to our worship services of maggot street missionary baptist church on this fourth sunday of september we are amen it's good to be here we are glad to have each of you to join us whether in person or on one of our media platforms just a reminder please uh go ahead and silence all phones at this time and just a reminder if you're joining us in person please continue to wear your mask and continue to do social discipline i also want to encourage those of you who have not gotten the covet vaccine to do so i've read many instances where people wished they family members or had gotten the shot and aft but this after the death of that person so we don't want to become one of them so [Music] take precautions to protect yourselves and your family and uh with that blessing i think it's time for us to exalt god that we are still yet living for his purpose so come let us rejoice in the name of the lord together you righteous ones are you righteous ones let's talk the name of the lord come and let us proclaim his greatness and i want to exalt him because he is the one who existed before the end of the before the beginning of the world he's alpha and omega he has no beginning and no end he is infinite he is amazing he is excellent he is faithful he is holy he is righteous he's good he's kind he's compassionate he is righteous he loves us he's forgiving he's faithful even when we're not faithful to him he's faithful okay you all don't know how to praise the lord for what he's done for you but he is just so good he is just amazing he is providing for us day to day he's forgiven us for all of our sins he's directed our paths from me today he's given us wisdom in every decision that we had to make sometimes we heard and didn't hear because we didn't obey but yet he was forgiving to allow us another chance to come and to ask for his forgiveness you know i would hate to die and think that i did not ask god to forgive me for something that i had done because i truly want to live with him forever so it requires that we repent of all our wrongdoings even if we have wronged someone else we still have the responsibility to go and make it right so lord i just exalt your name today for who you are who you are you are a holy god you're the bread of life you're the living water lord you are uh you provide everything so we don't have to hunger anymore we don't have to thirst anymore so god will just exalt you i give you the highest praise today god hallelujah for who you are god i praise you god because what you've done for us god you've given us an abundance of gifts you're giving us eternal life god you gave us your son jesus jesus shed his blood for us so that i can have a chance to live i thank you lord i glorify your name today god because you are awesome and you worthy to be praised all the glory and the honor belong to you i thank you lord i bless your holy name today lord i will continue praise your name lord by the fruit of my lips lord i will praise you there's not words enough to express how grateful i am for who you are and for what you have done [Music] so he's a mighty god and we serve a mighty god he's so indescribable we can't even think of words to describe him there's just no words he is just excellent in everything that he does [Music] and we want to glorify him and everything we do and everything that we say you're worthy god hallelujah i thank you god hallelujah we worship you today god hallelujah for your greatness we praise you god we just worship you god [Music] i want your love to be shown through me god hallelujah hallelujah thank you god [Music] and i hope that our hearts are ready to give after we worship our lord today if we can have malachi chapter 3 verses 8 through 10. after which we will follow the direction of our deacon board if you will just stand with us as we read these words will a man rob god yet he have robbed me but you say wherein have we robbed thee in tithes and offering ye are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me even this whole nation bring ye all the ties into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith says the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out of blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it let us pray oh holy father we come to you in the name of your son jesus christ we come rejoicing in this day god a new day that you have given us to feel your presence and your love and for us to share that love with others we thank you lord for all the provisions that you have given for us lord we thank you lord for just watching over our souls and protecting us from day to day we thank you lord for allowing us to have a mindset to want to come to worship you today god we thank you lord for ordering our steps to be here at this day at this time and we want to thank you god we will now we want to worship you and our giving lord so we ask you god as we give our tithe and offerings that we give them with a cheerful heart and that they will be accepted by you father we pray for the administration of these funds that they will be used for the upbuilding of your kingdom in jesus name we pray amen [Music] how many are satisfied with jesus this morning because well i'm satisfied with jesus satisfied [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus a sheep this morning if you will [Music] jesus [Music] if you're visiting us by our media platform you can feel free to give online as well as mail in your tithing offerings my own assistant pastor minister holloway [Music] good morning maggie street y'all doing all right this morning we just gonna go a little bit old school this morning how many of y'all got the victory on this morning you know victory is overcoming an obstacle y'all say overcoming an obstacle and you know a man named jesus who overcame my obstacle on one friday evening on a hill called calvary we can shout because he's got the victory over death hell in the grave somebody shout yes let's go y'all come on stay on your feet [Music] [Music] when he's gone [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] how he's gonna [Music] how he's gone [Music] victory tell the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] i [Music] know fix this [Music] [Music] y'all get a little handcuff of praise next election is called let it rise how many i want to let the glory of the lord rise in this place come on y'all give god a shout in this place on the count of three say let it rise [Music] amen amen amen [Applause] let the glory of the lord rise among us let the glory of the lord rise among us let the praises of our king rise among us and let it rise let the glory of the lord rise upon us let the glory of the lord rise [Music] so [Music] oh let it rise [Music] let it run now [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] and we want to give you we just want to thank you so many [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] don't we deserve a god that's worthy to be praised don't we serve a glorious god a god who's faithful inspire who we are a god who is faithful in spite of what we do a god whose promises are always yes and amen that's why he's worthy to be praised he's a glorious god he's a faithful god and you know what he's already fixed this thing because of the end you know what we win no matter what you're going through if you got your hand in jesus we win no matter how difficult times are right now in the end we win that's why we keep our eyes focused on god that's how we keep our hand in god's hand and let him lead us because he's a glorious god who's worthy to be praised and he loves us more than we could ever imagine can you imagine that i know you mamas love them children but we serve a god who loves us more than that and that's why he is worthy for us to lift holy hands and just give him all the praise in the house don't we serve a good god don't we serve a merciful god and he's just worthy to be praised he got us here this morning some folks left left home this morning trying to go to church they forgot where church was or he was in a wreck and didn't make it but guess what we made it that's right there's enough to be more worthy to have in praise we serve a mighty god give the praise team a hand [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's just a blessing to be in the house of the lord this fourth sunday i think this is the first sunday in the fall right a god who keeps the seasons in in check and let them roll the way they're supposed to roll even we don't know if they're going to happen whether we know it or not and that's just a god that we serve in our pastor's absence i'm just delighted to be up before you today and you know for the past several sundays pastor's been teaching on growing a faithful church he's told us a faithful church is a praying church a faithful church is an obedient church to god's will now we need to be obedient and a lot of times we're not obedient to god's will we're obedient to somebody else's will but we need to be obedient as a church to god's will a faithful church is a loving church that meets people where they are and doesn't alienate outsiders and doesn't alienate his own members okay [Music] now we've been looking at scriptures from the book of acts and luke and as we kind of explained the early church the earlier church in acts was a very small group maybe 300 at pentecost expanded maybe 3 000 early on after that first great sermon so you can see it doesn't take a lot of people who have the trust and faith in god to make something happen you know we focus these days on mega churches but you don't have to have a mega church to see a move of god well one or two is gathered in his name god can make something happen now the earlier church was looked on as a legal organization the early church was persecuted and considered blasphemous who wish to overthrow the jewish faith some of them lost their lives remember stephen some lost their social status there was family disruption yet they persisted in their faith yet through all those trials and beginning with less than 3 000 believers initially look where we are today nothing but god despite so many obstacles the earlier church remained faithful the early church continued to grow and develop i'm gonna look at two set two scriptures this morning pastors already talked from these i'm gonna talk we're gonna talk some more about these today one is luke 19 and 10. and it says for the son of man has come to seek and to save that which was lost the second set of scriptures coming from acts 2 42 and 47 and they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking bread and prayed and fear came among everyone and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles and all that believed were together in all things in common and so their possessions and goods and part of them in all them every man had need and they continued daily with one accord they were together and in the temple and breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart pursuing god and add it to the church daily such as should be saved i'm going to talk this morning from a title becoming a faithful and a unified church becoming a faithful and unified church now as we look at the early church we can see several characteristics they were learning church they listened to the apostles daily but not only did they listen they took it to heart and they had it written on their heart it's not enough to just listen we got to take what we listen and put it into practice some of us been listening to sermons for 30 40 50 years and as your grandma would say hadn't done number gone in one end gone out the other we've got to put what we hear into our hearts because what we hear has to be put in action if we don't put into action it doesn't do any good second they were praying church they knew they could not meet life in their own strength i learned a long time ago that all my strength comes from god i can't live this life in my own strength and we have to acknowledge that too often we don't acknowledge that we want to go on bucking through life until we get to a point where we can't go any further we want to call on god start out understanding that that's part of that learning process they also went to guard before they went out into the world now we flip that thing don't we we go out there we do our thing when it gets a little rough when it gets a little tough when we get on the road then we want to call on god but god does not want to just be a crisis counselor he wants you to talk to him before it gets to be a crisis my phone was blowing up this weekend from a patient that i hadn't seen in over six months the patient clearly didn't have no medicine because i don't give out medicine long in 90 days but the patient was depressed and suicidal we had those problems six months ago now the mother wanted me to do something we should have been dealing with this the whole time it's too late for this to happen now but she didn't want to see me she just wanted to go to another counselor okay so we have to try to do some things before we get to the crisis that's why we need to stay prayed in with god they also were equipped to meet the problems of life because they had first met with god now we flip that one too don't we when we go on and do our thing get on the ropes then we want to go meet with god one of our deacons said you need to stay prayed up all the time you need to meet with god every morning in the midday any time because you need to be with him all the time not just when you get into a problem because sometimes when you stay prayed up with god that makes those problems more manageable when you stay prayed up with god it makes you to handle those problems you may not able to manage them or change the problem but because you prayed up and you got your hand in god you can still focus and handle those problems now the early church was a worshipping church they never forgot to visit god's house they also wanted to worship so much that they stepped outside the temple you know early on in the jewish jewish religion all the worship took place in the temple but in those scriptures i read they start having worship service at home as well you can worship not just once a week not just twice a week you can worship anytime all day long anybody had a red light worship service i have those i get it in red light and all of a sudden i just start praising and worshiping you know all of the worshiping and learning and praying enable them to be missional in other words what was their mission to add others to the church daily that enabled them to do what god's work was you can't do god's work if you ain't praying you can't do god's work if you're not learning you can't do god's work if you're not worshiping sometimes we want to go out and do god's work and we're not equipped to do it they reflected back on luke 19 and 10 to the reason why jesus came the son of man came to seek and save which was lost the church moved from the temple to the house now a lot of us particularly black church we still just remain in the temple on you know if you ain't gonna get it on sunday you ain't gonna get on wednesday you can forget it i ain't going outside the walls but they moved they saw that jesus mission told them they need to get outside those walls jesus proclaimed his purpose his mission after an encounter with a man named zacchaeus and we all know this story the kid was a sharp man he was the chief tax collector he was a rich man so that means the people didn't like him climbing up on a tree so that he could see jesus coming into the town now a lot of people said he climbed up in that tree because he was short but i also suspect he climbed to the tree because the rest of the jewish population didn't like him now you know you try to avoid people who don't like you who don't have nothing for you you may i hope you still speak but after that you just want to get away from so he climbed up in the tree get away from all his haters because they didn't like him he was a tax collector and to see jesus so jacias was on the margin of jewish society he worked for the romans to collect taxes some tax collectors even scan money from the taxes now we see a lot of people likes our kids today pushed onto the margins of society the poor people of color based on sexual orientation education where they grew up sometimes we make our own members feel marginalized because they don't meet the status that we want to set now in the jewish communities they believe tax collectors could not be forgiven for their sins zacchaeus was lost without christ then luke chapter 15 we see three parables about sheep of silver coin and a sun and each one these were lost but in each case the reason they was lost was different the sheep was lost because it's in a dangerous place the coin was lost because it was in a dark place the sun was lost because he was in a distant place for whatever the reason each one of them were lost the mission of jesus revolved around sinners pictured in these these instances the law of sheep the mission of jesus revolved around the fallen center pictured in the lost corn the mission of jesus revolved around the foolish sinners as pictured in the lost son just as jesus had these as his mission that is our mission as a church as well and this is the mission of the early church a lot of times we want to decide which one which boy being lost is better than other i'm glad i ain't no dog place i'm just in a foolish place you know but if you lost your loss and we have to receive anyone who is lost we notice in these verses that jesus reached out to zagis and went home with him he didn't say meet me in the temple on friday he didn't say come see me when you quit being a tax collector he didn't say i don't have nothing in my budget this year to come visit you at home so come see me next year budget year and i'll come and see if i can help you out he reached out he went out and he met zacchaeus where he was that's your mission to meet people where they are whatever condition they're in and love them they are you know i've been reading a lot since the death of michael k williams the actor and i heard an interview that he did before his death before and i heard an interview before his death and he was saying that one friday evening he found himself wandering to a church in jersey couldn't be in our church but where he got it the intern called the pastor he came in like me until i started reading about two weeks ago i didn't know who michael k williams was and i know all you guys know he was on the wire and so he began telling the pastor about all the hurt and the pain that he'd had in his life he'd been sexually abused he was he was then addicted to drugs and actually he died from a cocaine overdose and after he explained all these things and talked to the pastor pastor simply said i can't take away your hurt i can't take away your addiction but what i can do is i can love you right here where you are and continue to love you in spite of the things that you're going through and that's the kind of things that we have to be able to do as well we have to meet people where they are we have to love them where they are we can't wait to people change when they change they may not need us to love on them so we have to love people where they are the early church knew their mission was the same as jesus's mission to seek and to save that which was lost they also knew the great commission of matthew 28 16-20 and that was their mission as well which was to spread the gospel to the entire earth the early church despite persecution small numbers was unified in the mission of saving the loss and we the modern church have to be unified and continue to be mission minded for christ now every modern-day church is driven by something be it tradition be it finances be it programs be it personalities be it events or even by the building but we need to be driven by the mission of the new testament purpose given to the church derived from the great commandment love god with all your heart and your soul and love your neighbor as yourself and the great commission which says go out and make disciples of throughout the earth the biblical purpose of church was to worship was the fellowship was to be this have discipleship was the ministry and to mission now if we look at these things here now i've been around black churches all my life we got the worship part down don't we we got our organ and we're going to sing and we're going to clap and we're going to sway and we're going to do that now we go fellowship because we ain't going to miss no chicken dinners but what about the discipleship what about the ministry and what about our mission those things a lot of times we don't pick up on and move forward on so we have to understand that the mission of the early church was fivefold not just two not just worship and fellowship so we have to make sure that we are dealing with discipleship ministry and mission and discipleship may mean that you need to try to go outside the church you know because a lot of people come to church every sunday what they already been saved they're already doing pretty fair but we need to go out and try to help those who may not be within these walls now healthy faithful church gonna is going to balance all these biblical purposes of church too often we just like to focus on growth and growth is a good business model because if i get more memories guess what i got more income but jesus saying is not necessarily about growth the key issue in church health is following god's purposes for his church if he follows god's purposes guess what the church will grow that shouldn't be your first purpose we're supposed to go out and save souls we supposed to go out and help those who are hurting if we do those things the other part will happen but we stay focused on the growth piece but we have to flip that script a little bit if a church is following god's purpose for the church as the early church did we can become unified then our purpose moves from tradition and finances and programs and personalities and events and buildings and start focusing on god's purpose of worship and fellowship discipleship ministry and mission a church consultant group surveyed numerous church members and they asked him this question why does the church exist 89 of those members responded that the church purpose is to take care of my family and my needs the role of the pastor was to keep the sheep that are already in the pen happy and not lose their and not lose many sheep 11 percent said that the purpose of the church was to win the world for christ now when they flipped it and asked it to the ministers the 90 of the ministers said the purpose of the church was to win the world for christ so if the church is only to take care of me and my family that sounds like it's a mutual aid society isn't it that's not what the god's church is about god's church is about stepping out and winning the world for christ the scriptures said they were united about their purpose we like to use the one on one accord jargon a lot but being on one accord does not just mean you're unified the church needs to be unified you don't have to be on one accord to be unified being unified means that we are together for the same ultimate purpose or goal one accord is just saying that you decided what streak to go down as you go toward that goal this past thursday and i know it it's funny we bought a car last year and uh since kobe we hadn't been outside the city limits so we really hadn't had to had chance to use the uh the direct the map quest so we were going to tampa this weekend this past weekend because our son retired from the military after 27 years so we didn't know how to use mapquest on our car yeah don't laugh at us we senior citizen so we we we put it on our phone now it was three of us me minister glenn and her sister in the car and we were all unified on what we were going to do we wanted to get to tampa and get to the hotel we started out driving and the first thing we did because the driver thought they knew they were going didn't follow the map quest okay so then we had to get back on track and we had to become on one accord and follow mapquest so we drove quite a quite a bit quite a distance got close to tampa and i had my map my phone out and my sister had her phone out her phone said go to the left and my phone said go to the right now we still unified because we're trying to get to tampa and get to the hotel so we had to make a choice but cut one of them off and see which way it goes so we cut one of them off still went on one accord because i'm saying this thing ain't right but we did that and we went ahead because we were still unified on our purpose okay even though we were not necessarily on one accord so that's the difference we have to be unified on our purpose because purpose outweighs one accord in a day because the purpose the overarching reason why we exist and why we do what we do their church was unified on purpose in all four purposes of christ's church not just one not just two but all they were unified also on leadership to move toward purpose the apostles were the leaders you can't achieve purpose and unity with more than one leader all believers were unified in purpose and in leadership verse 42 of luke 2 chapter 2 says they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrine this was before paul acknowledged that this unity in first corinthians 1 and 12 where he says now this i said whenever one of you saith i am of paul and i am of apollos and i am of cephas and i am of christ so they see he had this unity had set in and they started not necessarily everybody wanted a home leader and they were finding their own camp that they wanted to go to we cannot have unity when we got four and five different camps within one body a mission-driven church has only one camp the camp of jesus christ whose camp are you in because the earliest church is unity of purpose the church experienced the power of god acts 4 32 and 33 says and the multitude of them that followed were of one heart and one soul and with great power gave the apostle witness of the resurrection purpose is the power of the engine of life purpose is the power that should drive our church have you ever thought why so many churches seem not to have any power they lack a true purpose they lack a unified purpose the church is not on one unified accord on what their true purpose is purpose assures that the steering wheel is connected to the engine if you don't have a purpose you can't drive the car the engine is there and running but nobody is able to drive the steering wheel if you got five people trying to do the steering wheel so a lot of time the car doesn't move it just idles some churches are just idling they're not going anywhere because we got so many people trying to drive and we don't have a purpose we have to have a purpose to drive where we're going without purpose there is emotion without emotion we do things but we sure don't look happy about it if you ever seen anybody that's been truly depressed they show no emotion they have what you call a flat effect how you doing i'm doing okay today and they just stand out in space you can tell them they're on fire they'll say okay that's sometime how we approach the stuff we do at church right we don't like what we're doing we don't really want to do it because we don't agree with necessarily what the true purpose is or we don't know what the purpose is for anyway so without purpose we cannot exhibit emotion do i want to hook up with somebody or join something where there's no emotion there's no excitement about serving god without a purpose there's activity without accomplishments what are we accomplishing are we just doing something to be doing it's our accomplishments just to leave the lights on open the doors and keep a roof over our head is that what it is we're going to get to heaven and say well we had this church for 200 years and we kept the lights on is that what we are here for there is no without purpose there's any efficiency lack of effective are we effective in what we do without purpose there's chaos some church is just totally chaotic now i know that scripture says god is not the author of confusion so if you've got a church with chaos that means it means god is not in it i don't know i'm not answering that one but think about that if you're in a church that has full of chaos and god is not the art of confusion so is god in that nowhere are we told to build unity we hear that though we got to build unity we are told to keep the unity we keep unity in the modern day church by focusing on the five biblical purposes that the early church stood on worship fellowship discipleship ministry and mission that's what we stay focused on you can talk about all the other things you want to but that's what we have to stay focused on now if we're going to maintain unity that means sometimes we got to speak out when people are trying to take us off our focus and mission don't we but when do we speak out when we get home and call mo mo but we have to speak out sometimes because people are taking us off mission i was on a conference call because i'm a consultant with a state agency and we were having some problems we had all these directors on the call from around the state and trying to address some issues that we would have with some medical records and we had to keep trying to bring everybody back to what the real problem was they wanted to talk about all the other things that really happened one out of every 5 000 times it happens but not the true problem so sometimes you've got to bring maintain unity by bringing back to what the true focus is are we doing that are we just letting people be a runaway train that goes back to church discipline you have to have church discipline if you're going to stay focused on a task from god's perspective in john 10 and 16 there is but one flock and one shepherd he has one purpose for his church those five things that i've talked about that's what we should be about but what are we truly about do we really know what our purpose is are we just meeting every sunday to be meeting we know he's supposed to meet on sunday he's voting meet on wednes they've been doing all that since i was a little boy it says y'all were born that's what we're supposed to do so that's what we gonna do unity does not need to be created it simply needs to be protected by stand on one single-minded purpose and to to seek and save the world as long as we stay on the same purpose we can maintain unity because we're going to the same place now you may take a left turn that may take a right turn but we're still trying to get to the same place and that's the unity piece that we have to have in the church so how do you protect the unity does it mean that we compromise our convictions no does it mean that we abandon the truths we cherish no but it does mean that we take a long look at our attitudes that we carry we all bring certain attitudes most of us here at this point came from other places or churches and we brought that with us and so we have to make sure that we take look at our attitudes and core at least those attitudes so that we can stay on focus is our mission as a church just is it just worship is our mission as a church just fellowship is our mission as a church just discipleship is it just ministry or is it just mission or is it all of the above what christ says is all of those and anything less would not function as a church that he would want us to function as or is our mission personality is our mission finances or buildings our tradition unity doesn't mean doesn't begin by us examining others but it begins by us examining ourselves now we don't like to check ourselves out we want to check everybody else out but unity starts with each one of us individually first of all am i disrupting the unity in the church am i disrupting the purpose of the church so we have to check ourselves out unity begins not in us demanding that others change but admitting that we aren't perfect ourselves aren't you tired of dealing with perfect people in the congregation all these co-perfect people can't do nothing wrong as joe told the three boys that came to see him surely you're the only one that got any wisdom and when you die there will no longer be any wisdom are we tired of that we all have issues we're all imperfect but you know what i've learned over my lifetime everybody got some sense and everybody has something to offer in terms of how we can get where we need to go and we have to be able to have that opening and channel that end unity grows when we learn to accept others differences we all got differences we all come from different places we all got different experiences that's why some people can't stay married they can't understand why they differ they got differences yes we love each other but we still got differences you know i grew up in atlanta glenn grew up in hobo i grew up with one brother she had six or seven brothers and sisters she grew up in the country i grew up in the city we got differences okay but that doesn't necessarily mean we're not gonna love each other okay so we have to deal with our differences because we come from different places unity continues as we learn to serve if the church is about service we should still be so happy serving that that just brings us together because we're helping folks unity is fulfilled as we focus on who we believe in and not what we believe in too often we get stuck on the what well let's talk about what we can't agree on we can believe that jesus christ died he rose again and if i confess him i can be saved if we start with that then we start moving forward but we want to start with what our differences are or what i believe you can't you got to start with what you believe in who we believe in we all believe in christ well let's start right there what does christ say we should do and that's how we move now i don't know about you because i believe in christ he's changed some of the way that i think okay so some of my what belief has been changed because of who i believe in and so we have to be aware of that now if you're not growing in christ what you believe should it may not change and that's a problem but it should if you're growing in christ then what you believe should be changing because of who you believe in and they continue to stead fabulous fastly in the apostles doctrine we need to focus on the father a lot of time we lose focus we focus on everything but the main thing but they say you major in the minor instead of the major the major thing is focusing on the father if we focus on the father worshiping in prayer he will lead us to where we need to go he will help us to become unified to where we need to go [Applause] for your ways are in full view of the lord and he examines your paths proverbs 5 21. that's scary everything you do is in full view of the lord everything magastri does is full of you the lord what is god seeing here in maggot street what does he see what does god see when he looks at you does this church look like the church in acts when the church was unified where the church was magnified and the church was multiplied do we look like the ex-church their faith was day by day reality not a once a week thing not a well-worn cliche they live their faith are you living your faith are you talking your faith are you cliche in your faith when i work with the younger kids sometimes they can give you all the cliches that you hear if you sit in a baptist church longer than one year but they can't explain a single cliche they talking about i wonder is that some of our problem too we got the cliches down because we've been hearing them so long but do we really know what they mean are we really living what those cliches are saying the risen christ was a living reality and his resurrected power was a living reality in their lives through the spirit that promise is still good to whosoever calls on the name of the lord shall be saved have you called on the name of the lord have you trusted jesus as your savior god wants his church to be unified god wants his church to grab hold of what his purposes were i'll pour those purposes for max church those were the purposes that the early church had those purposes haven't changed the churches have changed how we do churches change but god's purpose for his church has not changed he only has one church and so we have to understand that now is there anybody here who's not giving a life to christ now is the time that you can come and give your life to christ confess your sins and be saved and become a part of his church which is important piece of it is being part of his church and then he can lead you and guide you of his purposes for you is there anybody here who like to give the life to christ now's the time that you can come now is the time [Music] god wants to use each one of us god has a purpose for each one of us all we have to do is give our life to him and he will use us be blessed let's be unified church [Applause] i think we have an announcement concerning the pastor's anniversary [Music] press the button [Music] [Music] good afternoon everybody i am serena williams and i've been given the privilege to speak with you today about our pastor's anniversary this will be our pastor's 19th anniversary and it will be held during our 11 a.m service on sunday november the 14th the theme is the best is yet to come our colors are navy cranberry and gray and our guest speaker will be one of our own pastor joseph timmins of mount gillier missionary baptist church our scripture would come from first corinthians chapter 2 verse 9 but as it is written i have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of men the things with god have prepared for them that love them we are asking all auxiliaries and all maggie street members to give at least 119 dollars if you are unable to give this amount we ask that you give your very best please make checks payable to maggot street missionary baptist church and in the memo column please put pastner's 19th anniversary we are encouraging all leaders to reach out to their artillery members to show love for pastor and his family proverbs 3 27 says withhold not good from them to whom it is due when it is in the power of thine hand to do it so let's honor our pastor this year in a great way we still have the hashtag junk t-shirts available for sale jump means jesus understands my problem the sizes range from youth extra small to adult 3x and the cost is 15 dollars for the youth extra small to the adult large 16 for the extra large 17 for the 2x and 18 for the 3s all the monies are due by sunday october the 24th and once again please make your checks payable to maggie street missionary baptist church and in the memo column if you would put hashtag jump t-shirts this is a pre-sale order only and you may see brother tommy hardin sister pam harding sister gloria jackson sister diane jackson sister rhonda wembley or brother anthony shannon to pay for it starting tuesday october the 26th we would like to implement 19 days of love to our pastor and his family by simply giving some extra love to show our appreciation for their sacrifice we want to make sure someone in the pathway household receives a love token each day from maggie street during this 19 days of love but you don't have to be a member to participate in this so it is available to anyone who would like to share in this occasion and it can be a card meal to their home a gift card to their favorite store a family movie night a family bowling night a gas gift card just anything that you desire to give to them it would greatly be appreciated and let's not forget the children and the grandchildren because it is a family affair if you are interested in contributing to the 19 days of love or just want some ideas please contact sister pam harding at 478-397-2789 we thank you in advance for making our pastor's 19th anniversary great and remember the best is yet to come thank you please keep those announcements uh and act accordingly uh we've certainly been blessed with our pastors 19 years and uh we need to show our appreciation amen let us stand for our dismissal [Music] dear heavenly father we just thank you for this day we thank you for the opportunity we had today to come and worship and study your word we ask that this word fall on good ground we ask that you continue to unify your church daily give us your purpose give us your mission let us take those things and take it out to the world bless each one of us as we lead his place protect us as we go through this week let each one of us have a daily worship break and let each one of us continue to pray daily in jesus name we pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um [Music]
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 184
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: DmO0vsXdqYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 15sec (3975 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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