Maggie Street Virtual Service 10/03/21

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lord at all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth i don't know about y'all but y'all ready praise the lord in here y'all y'all really ready to praise the lord in here all right that's good so let's go to god and pray for just a second god we thank you for this day we thank you for bringing us all here together on one accord to praise and to worship you for just who you are lord i don't know what anybody circumcision might be out there on this morning but lord please let them forget about their circumstances for just a minute while we're in worship just letting them keep their minds on you let pastor pat way or whoever's coming with the word in the morning on this morning let them come with power bonus and conviction so that somebody might be saved on this morning in jesus name we do pray amen i don't know what you come to do but i come to praise the name of the lord come on somebody say i came to praise the name of jesus come on somebody i came to worship the name of jesus has god been good to y'all has god way to wait for you here's my here's the reason right here y'all he woke y'all up this morning come on somebody he woke y'all up this morning come on he woke you up this morning because if i can give him praise hey man come on y'all let's let's go let's get it going it's all familiar song [Music] put your hands together here we go i don't know what you've come to do [Music] i didn't come to look at you i didn't come [Music] i [Music] i came to praise the lord i know somebody out there might be going through something and that problem might be on your mind but just just one minute go ahead and wave your hand and just say lord take this thing away from me right now so that my mind can be on you so i want you to put your mind to where jesus is he's the one that got you holding together now he's the one that got you walking he's the one that got to talking he's the one that's got you running let's look at this again come on if y'all don't want to praise him i'm gonna let the musicians come on you give me [Music] come on freddy all right come on my what is his name what what was his name his name is jesus [Music] holy oh [Music] [Music] good morning good morning we got a good idea why we're here not only [Music] we'd like to welcome you to the first sunday of october with our worship and praise service here at magnus street baptist church we are just so excited to be in the house of the lord to get a chance to praise him and worship him and he'll worry from on high at maggie street we just love sundays we just love to praise the lord and we're just so glad you decide to be with us today being in person or being on one of our platforms so just sit back and relax and just praise god because he certainly is worthy to be praised he has blessed us in so many ways in numerous ways that we cannot even count them and so we just want to give him all the praise that we can a couple of housekeeping um things here at maggot street we require mass when we're inside and we still require social distancing so please keep those things in mind as we prepare for our offerings and we prepare the exit please follow the directions of our deacons um just another comment this past week we we passed over 700 000 deaths because of covering the united states that's we need to praise because we're not among the 700 000. [Music] [Applause] but also it gives us a chance to encourage people to get vaccinated because what the scientists and the statisticians are saying is those last hundred thousand deaths could have been prevented because most of those deaths were from people who were not vaccinated so please ma'am please sir if you have not got vaccinated please consider to do so for your safety and the people around you safety amen if you would let us look at psalms 66 when we're going to read the first nine verses are we going to be able to get that on the screen if so we can read it together okay let's read this together if you would please make a joyful noise unto god all ye lands contain the honor of his name make his praise glories pray unto the lord how terrible are thou in thy works through the greatness of thy power and shall enemies submit themselves unto thee all the earth shall worship thee and shall sing unto thee they shall sing to thy name come and see the works of god he is terrible in his doing toward the children of men he turned the sea into dry land they went through the flood on foot there did we rejoice in him he ruleth by his power forever his eyes behold the nations let not the revolution taught themselves oh bless our god ye people and make the voice of his praise be heard withholding our soul in life and sir not your feet to be removed this is a reason here why we're here today to praise god you can be seated and these scriptures here are inviting us to come see to come see the mighty works of god to come see and hear the praises of god it's inviting us to come here come hear what the lord has done but also come hear what the lord is doing and guess what come and hear what the god is gonna do because most of us here our hope is in the lord and that means our hope is in his hands come here and sing his praises because he is worthy to be praised simply because of what he's done in those verses god has placed us here and in him is our being and our everything that's over in acts and that's why we're here to praise him because we need to understand that in god is our being in god is our everything and we need to give everything to him now this is an encouraging scripture here if you keep reading and when you go home you can do some homework those teachers out there finish reading it because it gives us encouragement that he says even when you are going through difficult times even when god may lead you through difficult times guess what he's going to see you through it so no matter where you are no matter what kind of shape you're in i hope is in my god because gonna take me through it and that's why i'm praising him even though i'm in it he's gonna take me through it and that's why we're here praising god today amen amen give god some praise today don't you feel like praising him today [Music] seven hundred thousand people have died from kobe but i see a whole lot of breathing folks in here i don't see no dead folks up in here he spared each one of us and even though some people died because of covert guess what some people lost their homes because of kobe some people lost their jaws because of kobe some people lost their way to eat because of coking we not starving we got a roof that's why we need to pray he's kept us for two years going through this plague yeah this is a plague in case you didn't know it's not easy but we're in the play okay and he's kept us he's given us our form of manner [Music] and that's why we need to give him some praise up in here [Music] he has worked we pray hey man a couple of more announcements couple more announcements and then i'm going to move on [Music] wednesday morning bible study is still going on wednesday morning minister welcher here in the sanctuary keep keep that on your calendar and starting this wednesday at six o'clock we're going to have praise and worship [Applause] [Music] so come on out and let's give let's have some praise and worship instead of just a teaching bible study we're going to have praise and worship there's nothing wrong with that is it so come on out this wednesday at six o'clock for some praise and worship i'm gonna start working on past he might even strike up with him wednesday so you come on out and hear that oh man it's giving time it is giving time now one of the ways you worship god is by your giving he has given us so much he's given us his son he's given us all the things that we have he's given us breath he's given us vision he's giving us hearing he's able to he's enabled us to walk he gave us all that now some of us young folks don't appreciate that but some folks older folks appreciate each one of those things more so than the money okay and let's go to genesis 14 and i'm going to start reading at the 19th verse if you would stand he blessed him and said abraham is blessed by god most high creator of heaven and earth and blessed be god most high who has handed over you enemies handed over your enemies to you and abram gave him a tenth of everything blessed by god is one is the best blessing we could ever have and you know we said we got enemies but you know what enemy that he handed over to us he handed over the devil to us so that is enough right there that we need to bless him and we're going to bless them today with our tithe and offerings let us pray the heavenly father we just come before you just thanking you worshiping you for who you are and what you are we thank you for the things that you do for us but i'm worshiping you more for who you are and know that you are a sovereign god who is worthy to be praised we have to let you touch each one of the people here in their hearts inspire them to return some gifts back to you we ask that you use those gifts for the uplifting of your kingdom in jesus name we pray amen we're going to turn it over to the hands of the deacons now get direct directors in our giving [Music] [Music] [Applause] and just a little talk with jesus [Music] come on and have a little talk with jesus i may have doubts and fears my eyes be filled with tears but jesus [Music] i is to him in prayer and he knows my every care just a little talk with jesus oh come on and have a little talk with jesus oh oh [Music] we want to thank those who gave and for those who are listed on some of our other platforms and not here in person you have an opportunity to give as well you can give online by going to our website you can mail your gifts in to 642 maggot street montgomery alabama or you can drop by personally and drop your gifts off here at the church so everyone has opportunity to give next we're going to hear from our praise team and after the praise team we'll hear from our very own reverend ezekiel pettway [Music] good morning maggie street don't stop to praise we got a lot to be praised for i know i do we gonna keep on blessing them we're gonna keep on praising them just praise god and with this song i would like for everyone to get in and sing with us and lift up your hands to jesus [Music] so [Music] i sing praises to your name [Music] praises to your name oh boy your name is great and greatly to be praised [Music] i sing praises to your name [Laughter] [Music] praises to your name oh lord boy your name is great and greatly to be praised [Music] is for your name is grace i sing praises oh for your name [Music] we [Music] [Music] this morning come on come on give god the greatest praise in here the greatest words we exalt thee [Applause] oh [Music] i don't know about somebody might be somebody that's that's this courage this morning but i want to let you know that it's jesus you came here to worship jesus he's the one that got you holding together right now he he isaiah said he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of his peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed no matter what you're going through i want you to know that jesus has got your back and if you worship if you praise he will give you the peace that surpasses all understanding the joy that needs to be restored in your life amen suppose it's one more time i want y'all to help us please no music y'all sing this we exalted real softly let's go come on we exhausted [Music] come on y'all lift those voices up lift those voices up we exalt thee i want you to dwell in the presence of the lord dwell in his presence dwell in his presence y'all come on lift that greatest worship you can to jesus on this morning come on lift those voices one two three let's go [Music] that's another song if you're not familiar with that one here's one that the lord put on my heart [Music] y'all help me sing it [Music] just dwell in his presence come on y'all just say lord you're worthy [Music] i know y'all know it come on [Music] lord [Music] now call the name that's above every name come on say jesus jesus jesus [Music] nobody can do you like jesus come on y'all help me sing it jesus jesus there's a breakthrough in this room there's a breakthrough in this room come on jesus jesus there's deliverance is room there's the holy ghost power jesus [Music] we're gonna say that again come on say jesus jesus jesus there's no other name higher than jesus he's the only one that can save you he's the only one that can heal you he's the only one that can deliver you come on jesus [Music] you say lord i love you say lord i love you lord i love you lord i love you [Music] last time no music hallelujah everybody let's lift our voices softly come on hallelujah [Music] the lord is yearning for your worship yearning for your praise come on the devil's trying to get somebody out of the sect of worship but i want you to lift your voice and say hallelujah come on now [Music] don't worry about who's around you i want you to worship come on i want you to worship jesus was your worship hallelujah [Music] one more time as pastor comes [Music] hallelujah one more time [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] now lord we exalt your name because there truly is none like you and all the earth god there's none like you in the heavens above got you in a category all by yourself and we extol you we exalt your name because you're worthy to be praised we know that there's no other name given among men under heaven whereby we must be saved so god we pause this morning to tell you thank you for being such a good god one that will look over all of our faults and we know that our faults are many [Music] but you know what we need we need your salvation so god we thank you now lord we pray that you would give us ears to hear what the spirit would say to the church [Music] hide seth behind the cross don't allow him to be seen or heard but allow the word of god to be preached with power boldness and conviction that our lives may be better and that for the balance of these days that you've given us on earth we will live them fulfilling your kingdom purpose we're asking in the only name that matters in jesus name amen well if you love god just give him a hand praise amen [Music] [Applause] i think i'm getting a lot of feedback in this monitor if you can turn it down just a little bit in the monitor i'm so happy to see all of you today worshiping with us on today i'm grateful to god because god is such a good god he reigns on the just and he reigns on the unjust and sometimes god bless us far better than what we deserve if we just take a moment just to tell them thank you for being good i don't know about you but the older i get the more i realize i need god in my life when i was younger i was i wasn't afraid of nothing i wasn't even afraid of dying the older you get the closer you try to get to god because you know that it can be over in a minute it can be over in a second maggot street my heart is turned toward god and my desire is to preach to you until you become faithful to god because that's what god wants from us is his faithfulness he wants us to be faithful to him i've been on this series for a while we took a break last sunday my wife and i i needed that break dr holloway continued in that same thing talked about becoming a faithful and unified church that's the only way god is going to have it god doesn't believe in divided government that's stuff that we created anything that divided it can't work that's why they call it uh they are in washington now negotiating because of divided government but they had unified government they wouldn't have to be worried about that kind of stuff how many know the kingdom of god there would be no division [Music] no division just unity in god's kingdom before i close out today i had told terry some months ago that if he came to church i wanted him to say something so at the end i want you to say something okay all right and the reason why i wanted wanted terry to say something is and he don't mind me sharing it do you terror terry survived kobe [Applause] [Music] and i want him to say something to you about the after effects of kovic because there are some young folks that don't believe covet is real and they have made up their minds that they are not going to be vaccinated i'm not here to beat you up i'm not here to make you angry but i'm here to challenge you to get vaccinated those of us who are 60 years old and above all of us know about vaccinations you remember when they came to your school and they gave them to you at the school and if you did not take them you could not come to school so all of us are aware of it and those of us who are ex-military guys we took so many shots we don't even know what we took dr holloway if he remember we went to africa back in 2007 we took so many shots before we left and took malaria pills after we got back so we're used to this let's be smart let's be wise amen all right let me go ahead and get back in revelation 2. i know y'all say i've been preaching this for the longest i want to continue to preach it until the lord tell me to stop revelation chapter number two we'll pick it up with verse number two and it says and read from a new living translation but i read it from there i know that works and it goes on to say uh i know i know the things that you do i've seen your heart working your patient endurance i know that you can't tolerate evil people you have examined the claims of those who say they are apostles but are not you have discovered they are liars you have patiently suffered for me without quitting but i have this complaint against you you don't love me or each other as you did at first look how far you have fallen turn back to me do the works you did at first if you don't repent i will come and remove your lampstand from his presence or his place among the churches let me just stop right there i want to continue in this series of growing a faithful church growing a faithful church satan wants us to become satisfied with where we are with what we are doing and with what we have accomplished let me say that again the devil satan wants us to become satisfied so satisfied with where we are with what we are doing and with what we have accomplished that's what he wants us to become he wants us to become pleased content and proud and even happy with ourselves the way we are not realizing that we are unfinished not realizing that we need more of god we need a deeper relationship with god the enemy is crafty and you need to know who satan is you need to understand that he wants us to be satisfied instead of maintaining a red-hot passion for christ and his kingdom this is why we struggle in the world today with relationship because sometimes we become complacent and and and we we're we're content with things the way they are and any relationship in any relationship when you lose your your your your favor when you lose your excitement when you lose your enthusiasm for one another that relationship will die and many relationships they are dead because we don't have that enthusiasm with one another uh as husbands and wives and if you don't have it that relationship will die and so it is with our relationship with jesus christ nobody wants to be in a relationship that is boring where nobody can talk well well there is no communication and if you are in a relationship and there is no communication trust me that relationship is already dead and i'm not here i want you to hear me because the way you give life back to that situation you got to go back to what you did at first so that it can live again have you ever seen a a plant that was about to die and you went and you prune that plant and you you turn the dirt over and you begin to fertilize that plant it began to live again and what what the devil wants us to do amen he wants us to lose is for christ and his kingdom he wants us to replace it with something that does not add eternal value to our lives case in point you can't convince me that alabama fans are not enthusiastic about their team you cannot convince me of that oh you can clap right there because you know the truth because you got the memorabilia you got the hat you got the t-shirt and when that game comes home you got a time blocked out for it because you are enthusiastic about your team you might not even be in the stand but you are clapping your hands and you are jumping up and you are shouting but yet when it comes to the church of the living god and your relationship with god somebody got to make you get up and praise god if god has been good to you nobody should not have to make you praise him [Applause] [Music] and it's not that this church ephesus was not busy and doing work for god they have become complacent they have become complacent and when you become complacent it just simply means that you're not interested anymore you're not as interested you you show some kind of interest but the truth is amen your body might be there but your heart ain't in it come on help me that that sometimes i can go to work and my body's there but my heart is not in that work so when i do that i'm going to give half-hearted work and a lot of time we give god half-hearted service they replace that consuming internal passion with complacency that is their content with their religious status let me give you an idea of what passion is passion is strong feelings of enthusiasm or excitement for something of someone in other words your emotions for that thing your emotion for that person have not been extinguished in other words you can't put this fire out you can't put it out jeremiah tried to put it out but jeremiah said his heart and love for god he had something in him burning it was like fire shut up in his bone when he tried to turn it off you can't turn god off so jesus said to us in revelation 3 5 i mean 3 15 through 17. listen at what jesus said in revelation 3. he said i know all the things you do that you are neither hot come on neither heart i know you're busy i know everything you're doing but you're neither hot nor cold i wish that you were one of the other now what is he saying what jesus is really saying to us is that you can't sit on the fence and serve me and and and what this pandemic has done it is it has come and it has shaken some of us off the fence you you can't straddle the fence now either you are hot or you're cold or you can't be lukewarm you're one or the other you are either for god or you are not for god you either love god or you hate god you can't love and hate god at the same time you can't sit on the fence okay here's another hashtag for y'all sitting on the fence it's strictly prohibited in christ you can't sit on the fence you got to be one or the other and this church was trying to play with god as though they were hot and uh they were lukewarm they were neither you ever had any lukewarm coffee nasty i heard somebody said what do you do with it spit it out right if you eat the wrong stuff that lukewarm it'll make you sick on the stomach it makes you throw up you think we make god sick sometime you think we might make god want to throw up some time but what the enemy wants to do he wants to make us chase things that are not like god he want to make us go after things amen that have no eternal value he wants to put pressure on us in this life while we are serving god but here's a word for somebody that might be dealing with something and i want to quote what what what mandela said mandela said difficulties break some men but make others he said no axe is sharp enough to cut the soul of a believer who keeps on trying one armed with the hope that he will rise even in the end what what am i saying no matter what i'm going through there's a hope that's in me that no matter what i face i'm going to rise in the end because my hope is in jesus christ it's not in this world because this world is temporal i don't care how much you gain in this world you got to leave it it's okay you set your children up you set them up for success but you let them know that there is a day that you're going to have to stand before god and all that matters is that your soul is right with him got to remain faithful y'all even when you're going through listen to me your friends don't make you successful you know who make you successful your enemies okay okay give me give me some ten and one i'ma show you something let me show you something see a lot of i need my friends to make me successful you don't need friends to make you successful david said he declared this the lord said to my lord sit in the place of honor at my right hand until i humble you and make them a footstool feet and you couldn't reach it most of us got steps right you climb up your steps dude right so you can get to the light and you change that light the devil god will use him to help you reach something that you could never reach by yourself god will use the devil as a step stew so that you can reach the thing that he has put in your purview so that you can reach them you need your enemies to help you reach some things in your life that you can never reach by yourself and so in being faithful you are going to encounter some challenges in your life but you got to remain faithful as galatians 6 and 9 says don't get in well doing cause in due season it ain't your season yet that's why you're going through some stuff the thing about us is you gotta ask yourself this question can god trust me with trouble [Applause] [Music] you know why god some ditches that we fall in god allow us to fall in those dishes some ditches god designed some ditches gotta help let the enemy dig for you but god knows what you are able to endure now have you ever noticed god don't let everybody fall in the same ditch because some people can't handle what you handle that's why you went through what you went through because god know what you can handle and what you cannot handle this church had tolerated and dealt with some things could it be that we have dealt with so much that we forgot the one that helped us get through it was god and now we become complacent because we feel like i've been through so much of my life i'm facing so many things but you are where you are because god brought you out of everything that you went through [Applause] so the enemy will have you focus on what you're going through but you don't lost your love and your hotness for god give me y'all philippians 1 i believe it's all one and 12 i believe i'm gonna find it paul is talking in philippians look what he said paul is dealing with some things right he said i want you to know i want you philippians to know my dear brothers and sisters that everything not some things but everything that happened to me it was to help me if it didn't happen i couldn't spread it because god was working in the trouble that he trusted me with that even if i was locked up i still open my mouth and preach the gospel so when god trusts you with trouble keep on speaking the word of god what the enemy wants us to do we lose our passion for god when we lose that he want us to no longer strive to do your best to please god man listen even when you're struggling do your best to please god give me colossians 3 23 and 24. even if you're struggling in your life do your dead level best to please god i don't care what people are saying i don't care colossians listen i would say work willingly listen listen at whatever but but lord on my side i'm digging a ditch i don't care but lord i got a boss that that that's nasty i don't care because i ain't working for that boss i'm working for god and when you have that attitude your passion cannot be extinguished and that's what the devil does he wants to put so much pressure on us in the church in the body of christ where you lose your enthusiasm for god whatever you do as though you were working come on i didn't write this you working for the lord rather than for people don't you know people are fickle they change they'll praise you today and they have crucified you in the same day [Applause] verse 24. remember remember if you're working for god remember that the lord will give you as your [Music] and that the master that's who you're serving sometimes you got to check yourself figure out who you're serving that's what the enemy wants us to do and that's what it was doing to the church to become complacent they were no longer striving to do their best for god and magistrate all i'm saying to you and to me let's do our best for god i know i know sometimes you know we put on put on shows in public for other folk but when it comes to god let's give god our best no longer he wants you to no longer seek the presence of god psalm 16 and 11 tells us in his presence is fullness of joy and at his right hand of pleasures forever more that's what he says so man we got to continue to seek the presence of god i want you to know god is present in in the most negative situations in the most negative circumstances the psalm writer said in psalm 46 and one god is a present help in trump the trouble see god don't always have to get you out of trouble because god will get into trouble with you so the devil don't want us that's why he want us to become satisfied with where we are with what we are doing and what we have accomplished he wanted to be all about ourselves and to make it seem like we are doing so good by ourselves that we don't need god i don't care how well you're doing you still need god okay how much money you got you still need god in your life i don't care what you drive you still need god in your life [Applause] nothing wrong with riding nice and dressing nice and living nice but you got to remember how you got there all of our endeavors of humanity it's only one which carries an absolute promise of god's unending blessings the expansion of the kingdom of god when we share our faith and make disciples of christ he has promised to bless our efforts and to multiply them to give us success but you got to put god first you can't have all the success and never acknowledge god as being the one that give you the success did you know that 80 percent some 80 percent of churches in our country have either plateaued out or they're in decline let me say that again 80 of our churches in america have either plateaued out or they're in decline but notice and i'm not beating up on football football is god in america the largest attendance of any sports activity in america is football it is basketball don't have that kind of attendance football does but 80 percent of churches in america are either have either plateaued out or they're in decline people ain't scared to go to a football game they're not i ain't going to church and they are not socially distant they don't even wear masks you saw an upset last night with kentucky right a kentucky b florida i believe it was i was watching the stands i wasn't watching the game i watched when kentucky won that game you saw them people jumped out of the stands and ran and crowded the field all you saw was blue and white they were enthusiastic about the football game when will we become enthusiastic about a man who died on calvary that shed his blood so that you and i might have eternal life when the devil don't want us to share with others the goodness of god and advance his kingdom he don't want us to do that let me give you these two or three things that i'm through if we're going to grow a faithful church we can't be complacent and comfortable we become too comfortable in church amos six one through three amos chapter number six one through three if we're gonna grow a faithful church and i believe we can we cannot be complacent amos six and one okay what sorrow awaits you who lounged in luxury in jerusalem one virgin says woe unto them that be at ease in zion it means that they are relaxing they are lounging around and and you who feel secure in samaria you are famous and popular in israel and people go to you for help but you are comfortable america is comfortable comfortable everybody want to come to america there's so many people at the border right now want to come to america why they call it the land of opportunity right but nobody wants to come to jesus and he offers eternity [Applause] so he says woe unto us he's talking to the church talking to god's people that become relaxed and comfortable they're doing well got a little money in the bank got a few chains of the clothes you're doing well we don't need god right now we don't need him because we feel like we can get there by ourselves give me hagar chapter number one hey guy chapter one we become casual with god to relax and we're not even concerned anymore we're unconcerned about people that are lost the church can never become so relaxed and unconcerned that they don't care about people who are lost that is the mandate of christ to seek and to save that which was lost hey guy chapter number one go to verse 5. this is what the lord of heaven armies says look at what's happening to you let them check yourself out now you have planted much but your heart is little you eat but you're not satisfied man i live in selma we ain't got number fast food restaurants y'all live in montgomery y'all got choices if we want a good meal we got to drive from salem in the montgomery unless you go and cook we said we we don't have nothing in montgomery but why don't y'all move to selma i bet you would change that you eat but you're not satisfied you drank but you're still thirsty you put on clothes but you can't keep warm your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with hoes wow what's happening he said check out yourself look at you sometimes we spend money we don't even have we do we are unconcerned and i just wanted to stop and pause and tell young folk you can't spend everything you get you can't can't spend all your money can't eat up all your money can't smoke up all your money can't drink up all your money can't party all your money away can't do it mama can't always come to your rescue daddy can't always come to your rescue save something for yourself you get paid pay yourself and then pay god first then pay yourself but we are unconcerned we are unconcerned if what's happening in america now don't make you open your eyes you are blind you know what controls america whether you know it or not the federal courts and the supreme court that's what's ruling america look at how things are rapidly changing 2016 they reversed something in the civil rights bill now states are moving across to make it difficult for people to vote i want you to take notice of this now voting is not even a law it's an act and anytime they want to act up they can act up and not let you vote and they're acting up now so what why am i saying this because our young people are unconcerned and and and we'll probably make it in this generation but what will america look like in the next 20 years i'm closing my book on this because i need to say this is in my heart listen listen our young men are in trouble and they're in trouble because they don't understand what it is that they are doing okay what a brother don't understand is that when he kills another brother he didn't just kill that person he killed generations oh y'all stay with me now i need to preach this because it need to be heard see if if if my daddy had died i would have died my sons would have died my daughters would have died my grandchildren would have died all of them would have died if my daddy had died [Music] and so when you kill somebody it's like what the lord said in genesis when cain killed abel he said his blood cryeth from the earth what god was saying is that i heard generations in that blood [Music] that's why when we pray we say abraham isaac and jacob abraham that have no children but god calls them to have them and out of him came all of that which is israel now and our brothers don't understand that they're running around shooting people like it's hunting season talking about i'm a part of a gang you're in the wrong game they don't understand what they're doing they don't know that in them could be three or four generations they don't even know it the church is asleep doing all of this when we are faithful church we pull our young men in create an environment in the church for younger people because listen people we are passing we are leaving we've got to create an environment in the church that is invited to younger people than us [Applause] and we got to fix some things in church some of our attitudes are so nasty people don't want to come to church fix your nasty attitude people come to church and then we are nasty toward them you can't do that got to love people you got to love them regardless of what they have done regardless of what they are in somebody loved you out of the stuff that you were in [Applause] heck some of us still in it but we've got to do that i want to go to a church where i can feel the love of god i don't need you recklessly eyeballing me you know when you when when you see a person you don't have to look them up and down and then make a nasty look let me just say this i'm through i'm through listen let me let me say this let me say this all of us have been young okay so when i see a young brother who's got big muscles and look good and i i used to have a six-pack and got a keg it don't matter okay i don't live my time i ain't jealous of that brother okay so women don't be jealous of other women don't be looking them up and down you know you've been young but you need to say what david said i once were young now i'm old never have i seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread you ain't begging so don't worry about that other stuff [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man i remember i used to be fine ask my wife she know [Music] but but i'm still fine the way i am she's okay with me after 39 years she's got to be okay i'm okay with her all i'm saying guys life happens to all of us if you live there's a story of them it's a legend they just said lord i want you to let me live a long time the lord said okay i'll let you live a long time she decided she would go out and get a facelift got a face lift she went out and lengthened her hair did all of that stuff and she took moved some stuff from the front to the back a few years later she went outside and got ran over by a car she got to heaven said lord i thought you're going to let me live a long time the lord said i ain't recognized who you are [Applause] i i gave you what you asked for and i couldn't recognize who you were you had changed yourself so much just stick what you got i'm sticking with what i got i am in a few more years y'all gonna laugh at me one sunday cause i'm gonna be bald headed but after that that's it [Applause] cause it's leaving me i'm tired of paying 25 for a haircut and it don't last for five minutes five minutes for a haircut i'm paying i'm paying five dollars a minute to get a haircut and they going up so i'm gonna be i'm gonna get me some razors knock it off that's it go to the barber shop with my sons and my grandsons and i'm spending nearly 60 to get a haircut with boys that's crazy they go every other week you know i used to go every week but i stopped going every week i just let it grow it won't grow in the middle no way but you know but just let it grow i don't see y'all that much and i ain't that close to y'all so you know because let it grow but but but being on on a serious note serious though serious no got to create this environment in our church we teach young people to be faithful in church get from the back back to church because we're going to leave here one day and we ought to leave things better than where we found them so that those who will lead after we are gone they have a template and they say i see what pastor pettway was trying to do he was trying to reach the least the last and the loss he was trying to be a loving caring and sharing church he used christ as his model he decided he would train evangelize make the disciples of me he would be expressive with his praise that's the kind of stuff that we've got to do and when we do that we become a faithful church in the face of persecution in the face of opposition the thing that we're facing in this life god wants us to be faithful we will be challenged in months to come years to come like we've never been challenged before and you're going to repeat that pastor pete way said this times are going to get tougher that's why we have to make sure that we are rooted and grounded in the word of god so that we shall not be moved regardless of what comes our way maybe there's somebody here today who don't know jesus [Music] and the pardon of their sin and looking for a church home and [Music] maybe you not confess with your mouth and believe with your heart god raised jesus from the dead if you believe that you can come today you can come by a letter you can come by christian experience or you can come as a candidate for baptism if you've never been baptized if you never repented you just simply say lord i repent of all of my sin i confess them openly today i believe that jesus died and rose again the third day according to the scripture come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god if you believe that you can be saved if you're looking for a church home i submit to you this is a good place to go to heaven from if you don't have a church home maggot street is a good place to make your church home will you come will you come but father i thank you for this young lady today i thank you because she heard the word of god and she made a decision to be a part of this church and your kingdom now lord we pray that we would welcome her with open arms and show her the love of god not be anything less than courteous and kind to her in all that we do father i pray in the name of jesus that you would bless maggot street church that you will begin to repopulate our church with younger people and those who have been faithful from the house that you will continue to let them be faithful and as they return to church in their own time i just pray god that you would bless them while they're at home some of them are recovering from covet some of them are dealing with other issues and ailments but god we know that you're the god that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ever ask or think according to the power that works in us we ask it all in the only name that matters in jesus name amen amen [Music] [Applause] amen this is miss armstead ain't it all right go ahead amen amen [Music] [Applause] amen amen amen god bless you amen nina we appreciate you you can return to your seat amen that's all miss meena armstead amen i had the privilege [Music] amen i had the uh privilege of uh during that ceremony my friend larry and nina been to his home they're just cordial people and i appreciate them so much uh i call larry my friend because he really is a good brother and i appreciate him and just good to see you larry with some of the challenges you faced here in the last couple of months god is good isn't he amen amen now listen before we have communion uh i didn't put him on the spot i asked him months ago uh would you wipe that mike down for me and uh want terry to come up and uh just share with the church before we do communion this brother athlete dynamic athlete and it happened to him and so he gonna share with you just some of the effects and what he has dealt with um you know post coving amen [Music] is it on joe all right it's on the red button on the side there push it on the bottom did he hold it just hold it push it on the bottom and hold it should light up now there you go [Music] you all got them on up there [Music] all right it should it should work um first of all let me do this [Applause] [Music] and i could not believe that it attacked me the way it did [Music] and my son tell you some stories about this and she was so good and i praise god for amen [Applause] [Music] laying beside me [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] she was there [Applause] i got a fantastic [Music] [Music] when i tell you they [Music] when i told my wife and the animals had attacked my body attacked my body so bad and i told my wife one night i said listen and i knew what i went through last night the way i feel today is not going to be good i said take me to the hospital she said no no the doctor said that you're going to be fine in other words you need to man up so she called my sister and my sister she was talking to her and then finally i was like look i don't care what you do take it to the hospital he said you want to know i said yes so when i got to the hospital they wheeled me in and i was feeling bad and uh he told me he said look uh terry he said your oxygen level is at 95. and he said people live with the oxygen level at 95. well he said we're gonna keep you for a day or night and let you go home uh so okay so i called my wife and i told you oh i don't know what we're gonna do [Music] [Music] and see some of the people that were that were ending with code and it got real i started praying and um [Music] [Music] [Music] and uh after that time [Music] it was about 60 000 people that died and the enemy was attacking me and was telling me who do you think you are you're next you're going to die and i would pray and as soon as i started praying he would call [Applause] [Music] was at [Music] [Applause] next day [Music] i looked him in the face he said you got new money i'm like yes he said uh i said well doc i don't want to go home i said keep me another day keep me here [Music] of what i had been through at home i didn't want to go home when i went home so he gave me another dance and i called my wife and uh they released me let me tell you his story that i'm going into and i'm tell you this i used to get up in the morning time at three o'clock in the morning and pray and pass and pray to god that he healed and i never forget i was watching tvn joyce myers on the tv and she was preaching and she said sit up asking god all the time to heal your body that's god for his mercy and strength and his grace to get you what you've got to vote for because you've gone through [Music] some of you think uh the touchscreen experiment was bad and people that done you wrong people done whatever they had to do but i would tell you please take that cold shot please say people don't need a whole lot of information research yourself you're smart enough do your own research do your own research you will find out that if there is something on this earth to prevent you from [Applause] it took me down through that and then some more stuff happened to me the devil attacked me and i wasn't healthy he attacked him when he attacked my body i know [Applause] [Music] when i tell you he's real yeah [Applause] [Music] yeah what's [Music] is [Music] three of mine [Applause] [Music] so [Music] and to me today this shot is beyond your loved one i wish i should have changed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] well you heard it from an individual who survived kobe there's so many other things he could have shared and i'm grateful uh terry and i have been in many conversations and uh and just sharing with each other because he has a young son and that's one thing that he he loves his wife and his son and i'm so grateful that you're still here and he was able to give that testimony amen are there any more announcement before we uh do communion because that would be it and we'll be gone any more announcements okay okay okay yes sir he said it won't work praise the lord maggie street first thessalonians 5 12 12-13 reads dear brothers and sisters honor those who are your leaders in the lord's work they work hard among you and they give you spiritual guidance 13 says show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work and live peacefully among one another maggie street on sunday november 14th we will recognize our passion first lady for 19 years of dedicated service to the maggot street missionary catholic church 19 years is a long time pastor and i thought about it this morning we were in sunday school when moses got so frustrated with the children of israel he wanted to throw his hands up so we praise god for you not getting frustrated with us pastor and putting up with us for 13 years i mean 19 years [Applause] this year's theme is the best is yet to come that's going to be first corinthians 2 and 9 and it says but it is written eyes have not seen nor ears heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which god had prepared for them that love him the unity colors will be navy cranberry and gray and of course our guest speaker is our own minister joseph timmons from mount gilead baptist church all the way from tyler alabama amen as a reminder auxiliaries have been asked to give 119 and each church member has been asked to contribute 119 dollars and as always remember if you can't give the 119 give this man to god the best love offering that you can because we love you and we appreciate everything that he's done for us also the uh anniversary committee or the pastor anniversary community we're selling junk t-shirts uh jump hashtag jump says jesus understands my problems and those shirts are for sale for 15 i think adult sizes uh past the 2x or 16 you can see sister pam hardin who's in the choir stand her husband brother tommy harden who's also this year's chair sister diane jackson i see you i think brother anthony shannon as well as sister rondo wembley for payment of those t-shirts and you can see the picture up here as to what they say very nice t-shirts and we want to support that effort as well lastly starting on uh and i think that's a pre-payment option where it needs to be paid for by the 24th of october so once again see them make sure that you annotate on your check as well as your envelope that those monies are going to be designated for those t-shirts uh lastly the 26th of october the committee uh they're going to launch what is known as 19 days of love for our pastor so within those 19 days leading up to the anniversary we're going to show our pastor and his family that we love them by providing gift cards those sort of things expressions of love for him and his family leading up to that anniversary and once again you can see sister pam hardened for those uh ideas or things that you might want to contribute to him and his family you can also contact sister pam at 478-397 once again her phone number is 478-397-2789 and remember family that uh love is as sister jackson says what love does but more importantly the best is yet to come so thank you [Applause] [Music] amen all right god bless we are about ready to go i just want to say i appreciate miss pam for all that she does we've been here 19 years it doesn't seem like it we have yes and i appreciate her we traveled to montgomery yesterday to look at some stuff and came back home dotting she cut grass with me yesterday i'm gonna get you to cut some grass doc i knew that would say that they don't think so but uh that's what i appreciate about her so much she uh she does so many things amen and i appreciate that god gives you what you need to get you through what you're going through in this life amen uh he's already there boy i love that uh for i received of the lord that which also i delivered unto you that the lord jesus the same night in which he was betrayed he took bread the bible said when he had given thanks he break it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this dude in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had stopped saying this cup is the new testament in my blood this do you as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you do show the lord's death till he come wherefore whosoever shall eat this bread and drink this cup of the lord unworthily shall be guilty the body and blood of the lord let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of that cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily eateth and drinketh damnation to himself not discerning the lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened of the lord that we should not be condemned with the world wherefore my brethren when you come together to eat terry one for another and if any man hunger let him eat at home that you come not together unto condemnation and the rest will i set in order when i come father we thank you and love you we bless you for the precious blood of jesus christ that was shed on calvary's cross for all of humanity the hebrew writer said without the shedding of blood there would be no remission of sin and we thank you lord that our sins are remitted forever past present and future because of the finished work of jesus christ now lord we examine our hearts today we examine ourselves and god we know that if there's any all that we have against our brothers and sisters we should go to them and confess it and make it right so father we thank you now as we commemorate as we remember your death your barrier and your resurrection help us to know that this is just uh a metaphor this is just a simple common thing that we're doing until we do it in your kingdom so father we thank you now we love you and we adore you we give you glory honor and praise in jesus name amen his way for symbolic of the body of christ that was broken for all of us taking ichi all of it and this grape juice is symbolic of the blood of jesus christ that we share for all of humanity drink all of it god bless you i'll keep you let's stand for our benediction god bless you minister cummings and his wife they came in today good to see you guys man we had a great crowd today thank you so much for coming and worshiping on today we really really appreciate you we have visitors all the way out of new york raise your hand over there in the very back that's our new york crew amen that's pam hardin's uh there's your relatives tommy's cousin tommy thank you so much y'all should have brought that gumbo with y'all what y'all doing hey man no i'm just messing with you tommy all right the deacons are coming forward and we're going to dismiss so you can go either the center hour goes out the middle door you know the routine but father we thank you for this day we thank you for the lord jesus christ now may the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rest rule and abide with us all hand forth now and forever in jesus name amen [Music]
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 147
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: Vecpb1iFHyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 40sec (6100 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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