Maggie Street Virtual Bible Study (5.7.20)

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[Music] good evening praise the lord and it's good to share another word with you and we're grateful to study the word of god again and i hope that something is said this evening that will bless your heart keep your minds through jesus christ our lord may i encourage you again to continue to practice social distance and make sure that you are abided by the cdc uh rules and the rules of your state and where you are and if you got to be out and about please ma'am please sir wear your mask do those things that you need to do to keep yourself and your family safe let us pray god we thank you for this day but we declare with our mouth there's none like you in the heavens above that's not like you in the earth below father i pray during these uncertain times that you would help us to continue to trust in you to lean not to our own understanding but in all of our ways to acknowledge you and watch you direct our path and god if we ever need a direction protection we need it now we need it for you to keep us safe keep us lord god in your hand of care bless those who are listening i pray that this word will bless their lives bless their families and keep them we ask it in the only name that matters in jesus name amen my brothers and sisters i want to continue studying the word this evening i want to continue in the book of psalms i want to begin in chapter number 27 today psalms 27 we're gonna do maybe the first four verses and we'll read through this until we complete uh the entire chapter not going to try to finish it all today but we read the first four verses the word of the lord says the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall i be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh they stumbled and failed though and host should encamp against me my heart shall not fear though war should rise against me and this will i be confident one thing have i desired of the lord that will i seek after that i may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of my life and to behold the beauty of the lord and to inquire in his temple i just want to teach you a little bit from this song there's no particular theme or message but if you want to call it give it a thumbs up and trust in god and trust in god my brothers and sisters in these uncertain times that we're living in we need a word from god we need a word in this dark time in which we're living as we read this psalm today the psalm writer david amen he offers us some hope and help for the future and even for the present time in which we're living david gives us a man a sense of unwavering confidence in god and he gives us an antidote for the fear that we are facing in this current pandemic amen the bible says the lord is my light david refers to god as light in these dark times that we're living in if we ever needed our spiritual minds to be illuminated amen that time is now where we are living in such uncertainty where we're living in a time where things are changing day after day we need the light of god to shine on our dark situation my brothers and sisters it's dark right now we're living in some dark times amen and we need a word from god we can't get a word out of washington we can't get a word amen from the capitol but we can get a word from god to let us know amen that in this dark world god is still shining amen and the only thing god needs is a vessel amen he needs someone to get in someone who will believe him in turbulent times like these he needs someone that would declare like david said amen with their mouth and say the lord is my light amen you do remember david used his phrase once before amen in psalms 23 where david said the lord is my shepherd a man david is talking about the illness of god of what god is rather than what god is not so david said in psalm 33 that the lord is my shepherd he understood amen as long as he was under god's care he had nothing to worry about so david carries this thing right on over into psalms 27 he realizes amen that if god had been his shepherd he understood now in this dark time that he was living in in his life he understood god to be his life what is david really talking about david was running from enemies amen he had people who were after his life a man david lived in darkness david lived in caves amen and when the enemy would try to catch david off guard david declared you can't sneak up on me because god is my light amen and every time the enemy thought he had david cornett god would shine a light on a situation to let david know that you are in my care and because you're in my care there's no need for you to be afraid amen the lord is my light david a man said in other words light represent life amen if you look over in john chapter one saint john chapter one verse number four i believe it is in saint john chapter number one and verse four it said in him he talked about in christ in god was life amen and the life was the light of man can i tell y'all that god wants to light you up today god wants to light up your life and when god is in your life a man you can't help but to shine you can't help but to give off radiant light for our men will know who you are the bible tells us amen that we ought to always glorify god amen that men may see our good works amen and glorify god in heaven so here it is david has made a decision in his life that he is going to trust in god amen i would jump all the way down to verse 4 but david says something in this text say man it's the one thing i've desired and we'll come back up to it david said one thing have i desired of the lord in psalm 27 and 4. amen he said one thing amen david concluded his life and summed it up about one thing amen that's only one thing david was concerned about in his life that was his relationship with god there are so many things that we have on our mind right now that sometimes god don't even make the list amen but david said that's one thing amen i'm i'm chalking my life up over this one thing it is a gift of god amen to have one thing in your life that you declare and decree and that one thing is god david said one thing have i desired i discovered in my life the things that you desire they are the things that you would chase after they are the things that you will go after they are the things that you will pursue and so david amen because he desired god david had a pursuing spirit about god amen david said over in one of those psalms amen i believe it over in psalm 40 42 he said as the dear prince for the water brooks amen so my soul panics for thee in psalm 42 and 1. david says listen i'm desiring god i'm in pursuit of god david talks about that real vividly amen in 42 amen as the heart pants after the water broke so my soul pants after god david said i'm thirsty for god amen i'm i'm thirsty for the living god amen i need something in my life in this dry time in this dark time in my life that only god can satisfy there are some people they can be satisfied amen with material things hey man there's some people who can be satisfied amen with a person but david said i need a person i need god in my life amen he said the lord is my light amen i thank god that he is light and he is life david said i exist because of god and because of light darkness has to go away man no matter how dark the night is my brothers and sisters early in the morning when the s-u-n rise darkness has to fade away can i tell you when the s-o-n rise in your life it matters not where you are what you're going through what you're dealing with in your life when the son of god arises in your life he lights it up amen and puts a word in your mouth for you to declare what david said the lord is my light amen and not only is he my light david said he is my salvation lord help us right here amen when we understand the word salvation it literally means to be delivered and set free amen david understood amen that god would deliver him from every situation in his life so david said because the lord is my salvation i shall not fear amen i shall not walk for anything i'm not afraid of what's going on around me i'm not afraid of the traps that been set before me i'm not afraid of what the enemy is plotting and planning because i do know in my spirit that the bible says amen in isaiah 54 17 that no weapon that is formed against me shall prosper and every tongue that rise against me amen in the judgment thou shalt condemn amen that is the heritage of the servants of the lord when you know what you inherit when you know who whose you are and who you are amen and when you know that you are the righteousness of the lord amen you can say what isaiah said amen i know you're forming some things i know you're plotting some things i know you're planning something but can i tell you god amen is ease dropping on the plans of the enemy amen sometimes god is drop on your conversation and you don't realize it amen that god will give us the spirit of discernment and we can discern when some things are not of god and where they are of god that's why i'm not afraid amen because god is my salvation amen the lord is my light and my salvation i'm reminded amen when the children of israel were leaving out of egypt the lord told moses man to stand still and see the salvation of the lord in other words what the lord was telling moses if you stand still and watch me work amen those enemies that are following you those enemies that are chasing you amen you ain't gonna see them no more amen can i tell you a man that when god opens up a way for you it's not the way for the enemy to come the enemy got in the midst of the red sea and the bible said the water came in and covered them can i tell you when god makes a way for you that way is for you amen your enemies might chase you amen but they'll never catch you amen thank god amen that the lord is our salvation amen when you know that god is your salvation when you know that god is your light you can have confidence in god i wish i had somebody a man that would be courageous enough to walk in confidence amen i didn't say arrogance i said in confidence amen in other words i can be bold amen in the things of god why because i'm confident in the god that i serve that he is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that i may ever ask i think according to this power that works inside of me thank god for the holy spirit this evening that he gives us the courage to let us know that you're never alone you're never by yourself amen i never leave you and i never forsake you david has some promises of god that he was holding on to can i give y'all some hope this evening in the midst of what are going on god has made some promises to his people and the promises of god are yes and amen can i get an amen lice y'all help me up in here i need you to understand amen that god is your light and your salvation amen whom shall i fear amen if the lord is on my side who can be against us amen when god is for you he's more than the world against you amen we've seen god at work amen there's some history of what god would do when we are surrounded by our enemies say man god will show up amen i remember when elijah amen when he was standing there a man he had his protege elisha elisha didn't understand amen that that elijah had a whole host of angels with him and he decried and asked the lord to open the eyes of his servant so he can see that he wasn't by himself while we are in the midst of our battles amen there's a holster of angels amen who are in camp round about us amen that lets us know there's no need to be afraid because i'm with you amen god is with us on every hand so my brothers and sisters amen as we go through psalm 27 we need to understand that this psalm is a psalm of hope amen david declares that in this psalm amen it's a bold psalm amen because he believe he begins with this great declaration of trust in god i wish to god that we could trust him more than we do we get to the point sometime in our lives where we need somebody a man to reassure us other than god but can i tell you you don't need anybody to reassure you if god has promised it then god will deliver it amen the lord is my light amen and my salvation can i just talk about the lord for a minute when we talk about the lord we are talking about the great master we are talking about the ruler of creation we are talking about the one who possesses supreme power and authority amen there's no one in this world that has more authority than god amen don't you know that god can speak amen and you got to lay down and die or god can speak a man and you can live again god has ultimate power in this world and i'm so confident today that i believe that god is going to work these things out for us amen even in the midst of what we are doing maybe we got to get used to a man social distance and maybe amen this is the new normal for the next five six months or even a year but even if it is the new norma can i tell you god has never changed amen he is the same god yesterday today and forevermore he changes not amen even though things change in this world that we live in so let's look at some things in here amen david gives us something to look at these two initial observation amen about how david starts this passage first he said god is the source of my confidence thank god david said i realize i don't have confidence in myself there are too many of us walking around here with self-confidence amen we think we woke ourselves up this morning we think we do everything by ourselves but david said god is the source of my confidence not himself he understood he was not the source of his confidence he did not say i am the light of my salvation but he said the lord is the light of my salvation in other words i am not the stronghold of my life amen but god is he knew that he was not a light unto himself he knew he could not save himself he knew he was not strong enough but he knew a god who was strong enough when david faced the giant david said the lord helped me to to tear the bear and the lion notice what david said the lord helped me to do it i didn't do it by myself amen and there are times in our lives when we just got to acknowledge that it was god that did it if it had not been for the lord who was on my side i would not be here today we've got to acknowledge that god is the one who does the work in our life when we live amen and we do live in a time when more and more people are seeking this inward light of themselves in light of salvation and strength but david the psalmist knew it would be foolish amen to think amen that he was light and he was salvation he knew his saving amen could only come from god amen rather than himself we don't find light and salvation and strength amen in the recesses of our own heart amen but rather in the loving and powerful arms of god himself i thank god that he is so powerful that he watches over us even in the dark places of our life he looks out for us he protects us and he continues to be a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet thank god for illuminating the way thank god for giving us a man safe passage over some things that we didn't even see we sing a song amen sometime about how god has brought us over danger seen and unseen god has brought us through this amen because he was the light and our salvation amen the second thing david does he describes god as not merely light and salvation in general but he says light my my light and my servant god is not just the stronghold unto david but he also is a stronghold that enters and surrounds david amen and when we look at this today man you you think about this amen in our personal theology amen and the church today uh this theology amen that that we have a man we we have to get to a place that the god of the bible is no vague deity to gay david god can't be vague to us we we got to have a theology a man that sees god as this strong god as this god that is able to do any and everything about david had it on his mind he didn't have to wrestle about what god could do and what god was to him he knew who god was so he said god is my light he's my salvation so he gives us something to think about amen and look at what he said light was a symbol of hope it was a symbol of hope and safety and order and so in the darkness that and chaos and wickedness amen that ran rampant around david the the watchmens of cities during that time they watched and waited for the morning light to break through and then he said god was this light to david david said any other word god is dispelling everything around me all the darkness god is causing it to fall away so when we look at god's salvation my brothers and sisters not not only was he a light but david said he was a salvation he was not only to bring light and clarity into the life of david but also had the power to do something about david's situation listen my brothers and sisters we need to put our confidence in someone that is able to do something about our current situations amen if you are in a situation in your life and you don't know what to do you don't know who to turn to i'm saying to you today don't look to the left don't look to the right just look up and understand that god a man sits high and he looks low amen that's why the bible said look into the hills from whence comes i kept all of our help come from the lord that made the heavens and the earth amen so so if if someone is your salvation i want you to get this they are saving you from something he knows god is not merely salvation but david has tasted god saving grace personally i told you that early he has tasted of the goodness of god that's why david said in psalm 34 oh taste and see that the lord is good david understood that god a man had power to save him and god and david had tasted god's goodness amen so he gives salvation and and and then he gives us a man these blessings amen through that salvation that we may possess it and hold on to it so hey man here's what i want to just just stop because i can't finish this this evening it's so much amen god is our stronghold he's our strength and our lives he's our strength and our life he's the stronghold of my life there's some things that have a stronghold on your life but it may not be god if something other than god has a stronghold on your life you need to ask god to break that thing because god has to become the strength of your life anything else amen that makes you feel like that that you're strong because of it it has to be god that has to stronghold on your life amen and so you have to understand he he is not partially strong no no god is not partially strong he's not he's not that way he is the stronghold of my life and so when we understand that that that's why david could say what he's saying he says the lord is my light and my salvation whom shall i fear the lord is the strength he's the stronghold of my life he helps me hold it together and he's at home shall i be afraid and so my brothers and sisters whom shall i be afraid whom shall we be afraid of nothing in this present or the future amen could subvert the stronghold that god had on david's life what is it in the present could cause you to allow the stronghold of god to be loosed from your life if we ever needed god to have a strong hold on our life that time is now my brothers and sisters with all of this uncertainty that we are dealing with today we need god to lock us down and i thought about the quarantine it ain't man dean is not bad it just simply means you get along for a period of time amen so that whatever may have been attached to you a man it can be detached and so maybe this time that we are long and away from one another maybe god is breaking some other strongholds off of our lives so that he can become the strong place in your life and then the last thing i'll tell you till we come back again all of these situations that david is facing we we haven't got out of verse number one but just in case things were unclear or unclear to you david lead out these scenarios amen that that were natural and naturally they were fear-inducing there are some things we are just afraid of now anyone that say that they are not afraid during this time i beg to differ and i don't mean where you're afraid to go out to house but you are afraid of what you don't know you're afraid of what you what what you what what may happen to you depending on what crowd you come around so you are in a cautious mode and you should be cautious you should make sure that you're careful about what you do but david had a different thing he was dealing with david's situation was he had to deal with evildoers who was trying to eat up his flesh david had to deal with these kind of folk that were always after him they were like why animals after him they they were after david's life and sometimes my brothers and sisters it's hard to believe that human beings can be as cruel as they are but they are so cruel they will do things to you to purposely hurt you purposely bring you down without even feeling any remorse about what they do and david understood that and so david said even if a army encamped against me if war breaks out david said if whatever hardship comes up i don't care how vicious it is how enduring that thing might be amen he says i just am going to trust god we don't have an enemy who seeks to steal killings destroy yes we do that's what john 10 10 says that's what he comes to do he reminds us that the enemy comes to steal kill and destroy so why are you surprised at this what's happening to you don't be surprised don't be alarmed the thief's job is to come to steal to kill and to destroy but notice what he said i can't leave that verse like that jesus said but i am come that you might have life we're going right back to what david said the lord is my light and light represents life and jesus is our life and that we might have that life more abundantly so in spite of all these situations my brothers and sisters david ended these few verses by declaring yet will i be confident that's what he says in verse three i believe it is yet will i be confident look at what he said i don't care how people gang up on me i don't care if war breaks out i don't care what happened he said i'm still going to be confident in the lord so you go all the way back to verse one we don't need to fear evildoers and adversaries and foes and camping against us armies and wars rise up against us because we know god is our light god is our salvation god is our strength god is our stronghold and that stronghold on our life should be jesus christ he is our only steady light he is a secure salvation and safe stronghold in this life can i tell you in this closing we're safe in the arms of jesus if you're in the hands of christ no man is able to pluck you out so my brothers and sisters stay confident stay committed and keep trusting god in these turbulent times that we're living in and when we come back we'll pick it up in verse number four and we'll walk all the way down through this psalm well father we thank you today for the word of god we thank you lord because we need a bold confidence in you we need lord god to commit our lives to you and we need to trust you so lord i pray that these words have fallen on good ground that it will touch the hearts of the heroes and that they will be encouraged during these dark times and these times of uncertainties i just pray that you would keep us all in your hand of care and father we'll thank you for it we'll give you glory on and praise in jesus name and if you heard that word to say you know i still want to give you an opportunity to give your life to christ you can just simply confess with your mouth lord i believe you died for my sin i believe you rose again the third day according to the scriptures come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god if you've read that prayer if you believe that amen you're saved all you got to do is find your good church bible believe in bible teaching church find a way to get the word of god in your heart we'd love you to come here you can call our church it's somewhat here monday tuesday amen uh through thursday you can call our church number three three four two six three three two one five give us your name and your desire and we'll pray for you amen well god bless you thank you again for another study in the word i pray that you have a wonderful week and look forward to seeing you on sunday morning now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rest ruling about with us all henceforth now and forever in jesus name amen
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 232
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: er_4U-BSwcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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