Maggie Street Virttual Service 09/12/21

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[Music] praise the lord maggie street praise the lord maggie street oh praise him for his excellence praise him for his awesomeness praise him for who he is the god of all flesh the god of the heavens and the earth good morning to you one and all i bring you greetings from our lord and savior jesus christ all the way from the great city of prattville alabama thanking god for each and every one of you present in the sanctuary this morning and those are online uh however you are viewing our service on this morning thanking god and hoping that he is blessing you in a mighty way even in a special way but this morning cast all your cares on the lord you've been toiling all night long somebody been crying all night long somebody don't know what to do this morning i want to offer you a scripture this morning if you would please if you would please mark the 11th chapter mark the 11th chapter and i'm going to go right through this mark the 11th chapter i'm going to begin at the 22nd verse because some of us are looking for answers jesus has an answer for you this morning amen beginning at the 22nd verse you find these words and jesus answering say it unto them have faith in god for verily i say unto you that whosoever shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith therefore i say unto you what things so ever you desire when ye pray believe that you receive them and ye shall have them give god praise this morning it's not about what god won't do what do you have faith in god to do [Music] yesterday we prayed for a tomorrow and i'm gonna let this alone but we pray for it tomorrow you're standing in here in what you prayed for you tell me you can't go to my god by answering your breath that thing yesterday didn't have you like you thought it did because here you are better than you were before oh somebody glorified god in this house this morning put you by your hands and pray with me your heavenly father in the precious name of jesus humbly we come before you this morning in total faith oh god knowing god that you can do anything but fail but god today bring down your power on your people strengthen us where we are we go god god we lift ourselves up to you this morning we place everything in your capable hands this morning god we prayed all night some of us cried all night some of us struggling at this point of god could barely get here but god while we are here bless your people in a mighty way even in a special way god we know that you are a burden bearer a heavy load sharer god help us today in the name of jesus god many are sick in the land today but we know you as a healer lord lord i know you as a healer because you've healed me time and time again and god you are no respecter of a person so you lay your hand on thee and firm today lord and they shall be healed in the name of jesus lord i declare victory over your people today in the name of jesus i declare that it is well lord it is well in the name of jesus lord let us worship you today in spirit and in truth god we love you can't do nothing without you so we place ourselves in your hands today and we simply say have your way lord have your weight loss let your will be done lord bless our servants today bless our leader today lord as he comes to break the bread of life guide him up lord empower him like never before send the word lord that will strengthen us where we are weak that will break up the polygram so that seeds of righteousness can be planted in us because one day we live for one reason lord and that is to heal well done that good and faithful god we thank you for who you are today and not just what you do in the by the name of jesus we pray thank god amen amen come on celebrate the lord with me come on celebrate the lord with me i just have a couple of announcements so glad to see everybody this morning everybody looking so good i don't care what the devil said y'all look good you are healed you are delivered and you are set free in the name of jesus amen they'll tell you line a minute because you don't want you to know how great you are but the bible said great is he [Music] my way of announcement this morning we want to follow our cdc protocols this morning covert 19 is real y'all and it's killing people you can think what you want to but if people are dying all around from something that doesn't exist that don't make sense god gave you common sense before he gave the holy ghost take care of yourselves and each other wear your man socially just wash your hands and everything else too but let us be obedient obedience is better than sacrifice in the sanctuary we're gonna follow the direction to our deacons today we thank god for our demons they are watching over us in the name of the lord we thank god for them on today but let us be obedient on today i have one other announcement our pastor's anniversary our pastor's anniversary is coming [Music] oh come on y'all let's celebrate our leader this morning he watches over our soul but on sunday the 14th of november at 11 a.m we are going to come and have a blessed time in the lord celebrating 19 years of service as pastor of the magnus street missionary baptist church i can't speak on that day we'll be one of our own pastor joseph timmons we are all familiar with that young man we all familiar with that young man we thank god for him and his new pastoral amen it's giving time it's giving time amen i'm sorry we have one other please excuse me [Music] [Music] good morning maggie street well minister welch has given a great opening for the pastor's anniversary so we're gonna just piggyback off what he said uh i'm pam hardin this is my husband tommy hardin we have been uh we answered the call to co-chair chair the 19th uh pastor's anniversary this year [Music] we're looking forward to it the theme this year is the best is yet to come it's going to be november 14th at our 11 a.m service and the scripture is first corinthians 2 9 but as it is written eyes have not seen ear have not heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which god has prepared for them that loved him 19 signifies success knowledge wisdom spirituality breakthrough and new beginnings to the hardened family this defines the character of pastor payway god has allowed us to step outside our comfort zone to share and encourage to show love for the shepherd of this house and his family good morning good morning all right during this season of celebrating we are here to all code and cdc guidelines [Music] with this being said things may have to be altered but let us remember we are doing this for the love and appreciation of our pastor so doing a recent revival at gateway park pastor came with a hashtag during his message he preached it was hashtag jump jesus understands my problems he talked about there's nothing too big god can't handle so with that being said the praise team today is honoring his vision today by representing the hashtag jump t-shirt for the pastor and first lady we're gonna present these shirts [Music] there is an opportunity for you to get your shirts as well we will have sign up sheets placed outside the sanctuary there will be pre-order for 15 per shirt the smallest is the youth extra small up to adult 3x anything after the x is an extra dollar again it's pre-sale you're more than welcome to call email you can reach out to me my husband you can reach out to sister gloria jackson sister diane jackson sister rhonda wembley and brother anthony shannon [Music] to show our love for the pastor we are asking each artillery and each maggot street member to give at least 119 which represents the 19 year he has called to pastor this church i know for us he is still in the gap of our renewal and he consistently feeds our souls so we may go out and encourage others for that thank you [Music] we we will kick off the celebration with our offering of love please make checks out to maggot street machinery baptist church make sure the memo portion of the check has pastor's anniversary make sure the envelope has pastor's anniversary there will be more announcements to come great things are happening we look forward to making this a successful event again we will be mindful of covet and cdc guidelines during this celebration hey man we thank god for brother and sister harden on this morning let us all let us all do our best amen we've got a good pastor young [Music] love is what love does amen and i'm through with that it's given time it's given time we're going to follow the instructions out of our deacons as they come from the real amen [Music] so [Music] [Music] amen would you just please stand for the reading of the scriptures of prayer please stand for the reading of the scriptures and pray [Music] for i am the lord i change not therefore you sons of jacob are not consumed even from the days of your fathers you have gone away from mine ordinances and have not kept them return unto me and i will return unto you saith the lord of hosts but ye said wherein shall we return will a man rob god yet ye have robbed me but you say wherein have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings you are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me even this whole nation bring ye all the ties into the storehouse that they may be meeting mine house and prove me now here with saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the winners of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it let us pray dear heavenly father we thank you for all who have given today we thank you we thank you o god for those who desire to give and did not have but lord we ask today that you bless our offering that it may be used for the for the utmost in your kingdom god god bless us and meet our needs today in the name of jesus god those who had not when they leave today prosper them god so that when they return they can sow into your kingdom god bless us and we shall be blessed in the mighty name of jesus we do pray thank god amen [Music] good morning maggot street i said good morning megan street all right has a lot been good to y'all this week go ahead and just give god a great big hallelujah so this first song we're going to do today is called hallelujah anyhow so hallelujah literally means praise the lord can everybody say that when we praise the lord come on but i don't know about y'all but i'm coming in here just to praise the lord on this morning so could y'all get on your feet and help us sing this [Music] don't let your trouble get you down [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] y'all to come on and help us sing this so it's all hallelujah then hallelujah anyhow all right let me all say it audience hallelujah come on hallelujah come on [Music] let's sing this together hallelujah [Music] is [Music] all right let's give god some praise in here now when y'all going through stuff at home and outside of the church you can give god a great big hallelujah so on the count of three no matter what you're going through i want you to say hallelujah one two three [Music] it is serious in here now because when i just look back over my life and think about what god has done for me i can say hallelujah say one time hallelujah [Music] amen so this next song simply says when i think about the lord how he saved me how he raised me how he filled me with the precious gift of the holy ghost i don't know about y'all but god has picked me up out of the mug in my reclaim and for that i can give him praise lord through sickness in my body through things i didn't know what was going on god kept me and i know god's keeping you amen [Music] amen [Music] when i think about the lord how he saved me how he raised me how he healed me with the holy ghost how he healed me to the uttermost when i think about the lord how he picked me up and he turned me around how he placed my feet yeah on solid ground [Music] how he raised me [Music] when i think about [Music] on [Music] thank you jesus [Music] oh hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] one more time it makes me want to shout out hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah thank you lord you're worthy [Music] i don't know about y'all but there's somebody here that can testify that god has been good to you god has brought you through when you just think about the sickness that you've been through what the doctor said they didn't have no cure no nothing but it was god who kept you it's god yeah he is keeping you right now through this coronavirus he's given us a chance to come in here and worship him and i want y'all could y'all just help us sing this last part and i want you to think back and reflect seriously on where god has brought you from yeah and who god is that's why we come to church to praise him to worship him so could we just i just want to do it real sweet i just want to say hallelujah we gonna sing this together amen hey man [Music] oh my goodness again good y'all come on y'all it makes me want to shout [Music] come on [Music] and all the praise [Music] let's build it up come on basically we want to shout come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes when you think about what the lord has done for you you so i want you to lift your hand and say thank you come on thank you thank you [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah father we bless your name we thank you for the presence of the holy spirit and god if ever there was a time that the church need to know that you're present that time is right now while we live in a world with so much uncertainty so much chaos and upheaval [Music] we express this morning that we need you god we need you in such a profound way in our lives that we just cannot get along without you and so father we invite you into this place today not into this building but into our lives that we may know that you are god in the midst of all that we are facing everything that we're going through things are thrown at us so fast every time we turn around when we come out of one thing we're facing another but god we know that you are a very present help in trouble and that we can call on you not only will you hear our prayers but you will answer our prayers and this is the confidence that we have in you that if we ask anything according to your word that you will hear us and you will answer our prayers now lord we pray that you would give us ears to hear what the spirit will say to the church and even as we are going through these turbulent times in our lives our response will be hallelujah anyhow and so god we thank you because we know greater is coming if we can endure these tests that we are facing right now we're not looking for times to get better for you declared in your word that these are the beginning of sorrows so we know that there's still some things that are coming and we know the only way we can endure them is through faith and trusting in you now lord give us ears to hear what the spirit will say to the church of the living god we pray all of these prayers and supplication in the only name that matters but god we offer a special prayer this morning for our brother brother jerome harper we pray that you will continue to give him strength and endurance as he go through the challenges of life we pray for the philips family this morning as well that you would have mercy upon them and i pray for all of us god who are struggling in between whether or not we should take the covet 19 shot the vaccination i pray that you would prick our hearts in such a way that we understand we have a choice now we can either choose life or we can choose death so help us to make the right choice for our families we love you and we adore you in jesus name we pray amen amen god bless you it's good to be here this morning i'm excited about what god is doing in the midst of what we are facing in our lives and i am convinced that god is still on the throne you know maggot street i've thought a lot this year and last year about the goodness of god and just how good god really is and i think about how good i've not been but god has still blessed me anyway and i come to some resolutions in my life that i don't care what anybody else says or what they do i'm just going to live and treat people right that's what we are called to do live right treat people right we cannot be children of god and mistreat people and say that we represent the kingdom of god that is not like god and god is calling the church to a place of pure heartness that we are pure in our heart that we are just in our dealings and how we treat one another the bible says that judgment will start at the house of god and if we scarcely be saved where will the unrighteous and sinners appear there's nowhere for them to go if we just barely get in what kind of example are we setting for those who are outside of the ark of safety you all know i've been building this series called growing a faithful church and when i grab a hold to a series i try to hold it unto god tell me to let it go i want to keep challenging you in this effort be faithful be faithful to god no matter what you do no matter what you go through be faithful to god that's a scripture that was kind of writing on my heart it's not where i'm preaching from it but it's psalms 84 and 11. and i thought about this scripture it was just in my heart this morning psalms 84 and 11. i want you to get this in your spirit and then we'll get into the message uh growing the faithful church for the lord god is a sun and shield the lord will give grace and glory now watch the next part of the verse that's what i was trying to get to he says no good thing will he withhold from them that walk up rightly you may be seated i just i just thought about that scripture no good thing and we don't even know what good things are we call good things material things but god said no good thing will i withhold from them that walk up right before me and here's what i know if we are going to be a faithful church if we are going to be faithful individuals the first thing we have to do is obey god the core element in faithfulness to god is obedience let me say that again the core element in faithfulness to god is yours and my obedience you can say whatever you want god god demanded in the old testament and even in the new testament that we be obedient to him now if god did not tolerate disobedience in the old testament in the new testament what makes us think god is going to tolerate it now so so if god won't tolerate sin and disobedience in the lives of his people what makes us think we can do whatever we want to do and god don't bless it anyhow i'm talking to the church i'm not talking to the world i'm talking about the church now that we've made of our mind that we're gonna willfully disobey god and he gonna bless me anyhow i began to examine my life i can't examine yours but i realize that i can't live any kind of way and expect god to bless me and i want you to be quiet because i want you to get this today in revelation chapter two that's where we're going let's start with verse number two revelation two start with verse number two john writing his letter to the pastor of the church there at ephesus and he says i know your works i know your labor and your patience and how you cannot bear them which are evil and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not and has found them liars and as born and has patience and for my name's sake has labored and has not fainted nevertheless i have somewhat against thee because thou has left thy second love first love remember therefore from whence thou art fallen and repent and do the first works or else i will come unto thee quickly and remove that candlestick or the presence of the lord out of his place except you repent but this thou has that i hated the deeds of the neglations which i also hate i'll just stop right there he said he didn't have the inhibitor here let him hear with the spirit say to the church to him that overcometh that we give him to eat of the tree which is in the midst of the garden of the paradise of god now john in this particular letter here he writes uh this letter to the pastor of that church there in ephesus uh and and john is in fact uh that mouthpiece the passage that mouthpiece amen and the messenger to the church of the living god john is writing this letter uh really by the spirit of god who leads him to write it and he sends this letter to the circular churches there in asia minor now there are many positive things that were happening in this church and there are a lot of positive thing that happens in all of our churches and we need to understand that and god gives us credit for the positive thing that we do in our church he don't just a man uh condemns everything that we do god is a just god and he gives us credit for the things that we do now one of the things he gives them credit for if you look in the text real closely is that they tested everything by the scriptures and found that there were some who said that they were apostles and they they are not apostles so what do we do in our churches we test those things by the word of god you can't test things in the world by your feelings and how you feel you have to gauge it by the word of god and whether you know it or not there's a lot of false teaching that goes on in the churches of the living god because people teach for different reasons for different mode of motivation some people preach because they need to get something out of you but my purpose of preaching is to get something to you so that you understand that you are not ignorant of the devil devices and the scheme that satan uses to trick and tr trick god's people and many of us will trick through the word of god he said that you've tested everything by the scripture and you found that some so-called apostle did not teach the pure and correct doctrine of jesus christ and there are many people that teach but they are not teaching the doctrine of jesus it doesn't line up with the word of god have you ever thought about something that we do that with the word of god i'm serious have you thought about something that we do that does not line up with the word of god and if it doesn't line up you can't make it straight you can't make it right because god has set the standard in his word that he wants us to follow you can follow or create anything you want but if god has not put his stamp of approval on it is not of god so they had that right they tested those who said they were apostles let me explain the word apostle to you so you don't get it mixed up that word means sent one it usually means someone who has seen jesus they have seen jesus now i believe this is just what i believe according to reading the word of god i believe that we can operate in the apostolic anointing but as we know apostles as in the day they don't exist today how many of y'all don't see in jesus i i mean the apostle paul can do this because he literally had an encounter with jesus in acts chapter nine paul talked about he was born out as one out of out of lately he was he was called an apostle he wasn't with the original 12 but he had an encounter with jesus they want to be recognized as somebody big and they don't they don't walk the way they should but they they want you to treat them as though they are some kind of god if you're going to wear a title my brothers and sisters you got to be humble and you got to be a servant you can't wear a title and walk with your head and your chest stuck out if you're going to be a servant of god put your child around your waist and watch somebody feet like jesus did be the example if humbling yourself it's too low you can't be a servant so they they said they were apostles they were trying to mimic what they saw other people do listen you have to be who god called you to be there's only one td jakes thomas dexter jake and pastor pettway cannot mimic him he cannot be him i can sound like him mimic him but i'm not him you got to be comfortable in your own skin here's the thing when when when when td jakes leave the scene who are you going to mimic then if you're going to mimic somebody let it be jesus if you're going to do something let it be like jesus would do it have compassion on people love people in what they're in and never ever look down on them that's what jesus would do that's what jesus would do now he gives them credit this is a faithful church i'm ready to show you something they preserve or persevered and endured hardship for christ the problem with us a lot of times we don't know how to persevere our way through hardships everybody has trouble everybody will have hard time it's not that you're not going to have them is how you handle the trouble that comes in your life you can't cry and complain because everybody got problems everybody got trouble but what you have to do is look unto jesus the author and finisher of your faith who for the joy that was set before him he endured prostitution [Music] now we have allowed people to stand right here these pulpits and tell us that life is supposed to be filled with blessings maybe y'all ain't reading the same bible that i'm reading but everybody that followed christ they didn't always have jesus as a matter of fact the people that really followed jesus they called h-e-double-l if you really follow jesus i'm being honest you see people don't want to preach that what they want to tell you is that once you get saved you're supposed to be blessed and highly favored you ain't supposed to have no more problems no baby my bible teach me yeah and all that live godly in christ jesus will suffer persecution if you're not being persecuted i'm wondering whether you're saved [Music] you try to live for jesus the devil will attack you on every hand he'll attack your body come here job he'll attack your body he'll attack your finances he'll attack your family he'll attack you in every area of life because what he is trying to do is break you and your relationship with god but when you are faithful you will tell the devil that's all you got you got to come back with something else because enemy will try to break you down let me let me share something with y'all the devil know we love money the devil know we love stuff and see when we start losing our stuff and start losing our money we start losing our faithfulness to god so when you start losing stuff that's when you intensify your worship for god jose even though he slayed me yet we had some folk with a yet in their spirit yet will i trust him so they persevered they endured i was talking to my aunties and i was and i thought about my grandparents and some of the stuff they persevered through and some of the stuff they went through every now and then you need to go back to your hometown you need to find somebody that made it through back in the 30s and 40s and let them have a conversation with you go to your house now drive up you hit a button come on y'all help me and your door rolls up on your on your garage you remember we had parking the old tree me up in here that was your thought if you had our oak tree in the yard we are living better than we ever lived in our lives we persevered my grandma would make my clothes oh god y'all help me or you got some hand-me-downs whatever your cousin wore that was older than you if they were too grazed over they didn't have a good will they willed them to you i wish we had goodwill where i came from [Music] i i would wear clothes and when i got out of school grandmama said boy pull them clothes off and hang them up we persevered through stuff now i'm saying this for a reason some of y'all don't even eat turnips bottoms come on anybody know when grandmama took some corn meal and made it up and made some rounds come on dumplings cornbread dumpling and she y'all don't young folks don't know nothing about that we press up there [Music] ain't no microwave when mama got through cooking you came and ate while the food was hot but now [Music] especially a hard fear for christ i'm talking about this church that that that tested to see whether people were of god and and they persevered for christ's name sake why do we do what we do in church do we do it for christ's namesake are we taking a hit for christ these folks took hits for christ third thing they had not grown weary galatians 6 and 9 tells us don't grow weary and well doing some of y'all doing good but you're weary you complain too much you doing better than you ever did stop stop complaining stop complaining listen your season is coming now y'all know i'm i'm i'm part farmer and i always use analogies so we had this watermelon and i told pam when we planted them we planted them late so we had one that was growing and it grew abnormal because toward the end it had a curved neck on it and she said i don't think that thing any good i said well you can't really judge it until you pluck it and so i said let me go ahead and pull it so that i went out and pull it and i took my knife and i cut the curved neck off and when i when i when i split it it popped y'all know what that mean it popped open it was right they were shocked but what i'm saying is still in season to grow watermelons right it's just a late watermelon now those of you in the country knew uh know that some people don't always plant on good friday it just depends on the weather right whether you can get it out there but if you can get that thing in the ground somewhere around early may you can still reap the harvest of a watermelon in late august or even in early september so here's what we don't do we don't we don't learn how to persevere and we can't endure so when we're doing good we get tired sometimes instead of complaining take a look at what you're doing and what is good and when you look at what is good you just have to say it's just not my season yet it's just not time yet the reason why we go through testings is because god knows that some of us can't handle the right blessing too soon if we get it too soon we'll wreck ourselves so god protecting that new car from you he don't want you to to get the new car and don't speak to folks after you get it yeah he don't he don't care if you have it now cause no good things will i withhold from you if you walk up right before me that means you can't walk in pride you can't walk in arrogance you got to walk humble man if god blesses you with a mansion stay humble if god bless you with a million dollars don't fly to cancun mexico for a month and not come back stay humble some of us say well i'm gonna take a world tour now i'm wrong we're going to cancun but don't stay going a month and most of your time just in case you don't come back just pay it all up front they had not grown weary sometimes we grow weary and doing good we grow weary about even coming to church i'm tired and i'm i'm tired too but you know what i'm passionate about church because i'm trying to get somewhere when you look at verse number four in revelation two jesus shifts from patting the church on the back then he has some rebuke for them starting in verse i thought they had the right doctrine they had a uh uh but their heart wasn't right heart wasn't correct because the key word in there is that they lost their first love the church had lost its passion and pursuit for an intimate relationship with god now y'all can say whatever you want if the lord blessed me to live until thursday i will have been married 39 years you can say what you want if you don't have passion for your mate you got you you in trouble and and the devil uses that to work against you i'm serious about this this is something that we talk about you know a husband and wife as you get older you get closer you don't you don't get a part doc pam pam pam ain't gonna put me out to bed i'm sleeping in my bed oh yeah i'm i'm serious about that i watch my grandma and granddad when they got a certain aid they had one bed over here one bed over there i never understood that i bought the biggest bed i could cause you can't get another one in my room because i'm not getting out i ain't sleeping on the couch y'all help me up in here you ever slept on a couch that thing uncomfortable that's why if i go out of town if i had to stay i'm gonna stay in a hotel i ain't sleeping on nobody's couch but this church had lost his passion and pursuit for an intimate relationship with christ listen to me if you lose your passion you acting like you don't know what bibi was saying i ain't feeling it no more i ain't ain't got my passion no more when you come to church and you ain't feeling it no more something is wrong you know why because jesus never loses his action for his people even as messed up as i am he's still in love with me and i'm still in love with my wife 39 years later so sometimes you wonder what can i buy her then i realize it's not what i can buy her it's never about buying her it's about loving her and appreciating her and doing small things when you know what they like just do the small thing well something like she love crab claws some of y'all love crab clothes too but anyway every now and then just surprise them with some things that they like don't have to be the big things it doesn't you don't have to go in debt so here's what jesus is saying it's not the big things y'all it's just that you don't have any more fire and fever you don't have any passion for me like you used to used to when you woke up in the morning you were ready to go to church now you debate and decide whether you're going to church yeah we just following the program duty has replaced my devotion to god it's my duty to go to church i'm not devoted anymore so i come out of duty what about your devotion to god i think somewhere in your covenant somewhere in your covenants that we'll seek some kind of daily devotion let me let me see if it's up there is it up there anybody in here know the covenant it's in there oh yeah it is we we also engage to maintain family and it's not just it's devotion to god this church had a lot of positive things going but they had ended their first love and when you lose your first love for something you got to fight to get that back and he tells us how to get it back you know you know sometimes the reason why things don't work for us it's because of our pride and you can fix anything if you just repent you can fix it you can't you can't get back what you did but you can fix it by sincere apology and you know how i know it's sincere because you ain't gonna do it no more because you realize it hurt that individual and because it hurt them it now hurts you so look at verse five and six i'm out of here of that same chapter remember he said what he says now therefore from whence thou art falling lord have mercy remember where you used to be i think about my devotion and reverend ben and i talk about this that why sometimes it's good to journal some things where i used to be with god and how distractions and things have taken up my time to where i'm not where i used to be with him it's not that i can't be there but that so many other things got my time have you ever thought about that he said remember from where thou art fallen then he tell you how to fix it repent now some people say when you repent you do 360 degrees that's not true it's 180 degrees you turn and go in another direction it's a military term it's an about face you turn and you go in another direction he said you got to repent and do the first works go back to what you used to do because if you don't do it i'm going to come and remove my presence from you that's what he's saying they needed to remember because if they didn't jesus said i'm going to remove my presence from you we don't want god's presence removed from the church i felt a presence in here this morning i felt i felt john i felt a presence we want the presence of god more than we do performance in church sometimes we want performance and and we know that it did not do anything for us we need a presence of god so he wanted them to remember the priority of relation over performance and to repent of their spiritual departure and to resume and rekindle an intimate relationship with the lord let me show you something that mary and martha had in common go to luke chapter 10 verse 38. we'll go all the way down to verse 42. start with luke 10 38. now it came to pass as they went they went into a certain village and and a certain woman named martha received him into her house martha and mary's sisters and when when she had called uh and and she had a sister called mary which also sat i noticed the two sisters in the same house but one is cumbered with something else but where is she she's close to jesus she's sitting at jesus feet she's sitting at his feet this is important because she was in relationship with jesus now martha is in close proximity but she's worried about other things next verse but martha was cumbered about much serving she was she was all concerned about making sure everything was right and she wanted to do this and she she decided i'm going to tell her mary lord don't don't you see that she don't care that that that you know she don't care she's cumbered and she came and said lord does that not care that my sister has left me to serve alone i'm doing all the work beat her in other words tell her to come and help me he said next verse jesus told us something different though jesus answered and said to her martha martha you worry about trouble about many things in other words your mind is on the wrong thing i can eat a chicken sandwich anytime i can eat a fish sandwich anytime i'm not worried about that she's not gonna always have me she need to be in my presence listen every opportunity you get to worship you ought to be in the presence of god worshiping so she was in a relationship intimate relationship that's what god wants with us then finally look at verse seven he seals this with a promise to those who will hear what the spirit says to the church he said i'm all allow you to eat from the tree of life in paradise with god man there's no vacation you can take that can express paradise with god tell me where can you go where you don't have no worries if you take a trip that's out of the country you're worried about terrorism you're worried about covert 19. you're worried about somebody stealing something from you you're worried about you know being you know just just just taking advantage of but with jesus you don't have to worry about it but you can't eat from the tree if you're disobedient you don't repent and change because he said you have to conquer that thing there are some things we must conquer in our lives we've got to conquer them that means you have to be victorious in the midst of what you're going through in the midst of it you gotta you gotta be victorious over it you gotta be victorious even if you're in it or through whatever circumstance that might be holding you hostage you have got to be victorious over you got to fight over these things there are some things that hold us hostage and we know what they are and if you don't get a hold of it it will destroy you it will it will destroy you but you got to be victorious over it you've got to and you know how you do that by obeying god by doing what he says last scripture and i'm done luke 6 and 46 this is what jesus said luke 6 46 i'm done with this he says why call ye me lord am i really your lord and do not the things i say anybody got grandchildren now when they don't do what you say you say it one or two times right after a while you gonna make a believe out them right there's nothing in the world because if they'll get so bitter to you [Applause] you laughing now but that mess gonna come back and get you one day all i'm saying is teach them to be obedient all of us have challenges when it comes to raising our children because we want to give them what we didn't have but there's nothing wrong with making them do a little work to get it nothing wrong with them nothing stop making your children bed show them how to make it make them wash dishes make them clean their room make them do something outside help you do something i tell my grandkids i'm getting too old to cut this grass so y'all gonna ride them zero turns yeah they think it's a toy anyway put them out there let them get dusty yeah teach them how to drive so when you get older you don't have to do all the driving make them drive all the way to new york they say they want to drive put them in class you ain't tired yet just pull over get a nap i remember my daughter was first got our license sasha we were headed to albany georgia she wanted to drive so fast now you're gonna drive all the way over there she she's a good driver but that's how she got her experience letting him drive but i was in the car with them so listen people god wants our obedience second samuel chapter 15 talks about that god will rather have your obedience than all the money you can give to the church all the sacrifices you could make he'd rather have your obedience if there's somebody here today who don't know jesus i strongly recommend that you make him the lord if you make jesus lord of your life i am not promising you that you will not have it but what i promise is that whatever challenge you face whatever you go through with through it as a matter of fact he gets the challenge and he will never be nervous so if you don't tears up i repent every one of my ask you to come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god if you confess that today jesus is waiting willing to rest in your heart to lead you into eternity father we thank you for the preached word of god i pray that this word has found its place upon good ground in our hearts that it will take root it will grow and give us a productive harvest in our lives and god we know that we're living in challenging times but none of these times are too great for you so we look to you the god that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ever ask i think according to the power that works in us and father as i pray now i know that there are people sitting in his audience there are people who are watching us on so many different platforms i know that you are able to attend to every one of those needs individually and collectively as well so god we look to you in these time to meet our needs according to your riches in glory through jesus christ our lord we thank you and we declare and decree that we are blessed in the mighty name of jesus we do pray amen amen and amen all right nothing else we're ready to go i'm going to direct you like this when you stand will you please stand those of you who are on my right and my left the deacons are making their way to the front we're going to ask you after i give the benediction to move to my left and right and then you in the center you can go back out the the front door that you came through now father we ask you in the name of jesus to bless us and be with us throughout the rest of this week allow your grace and your mercy to be our traveling companions we pray now that you will keep us from the hands of the wicked one now may your grace the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he restful and abide with us all henceforth now and forever in jesus name amen [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 308
Rating: 4 out of 5
Id: MhLHlkcxiTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 50sec (4370 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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