Maggie Street Virttual Service 09/19/21

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pastor's anniversary [Applause] we should be excited we're getting ready to celebrate our pastor's 19th year here at maggie street 19 years and we're going to do that on the 14th of november [Music] during our 11 o'clock service the theme is after 19 years now i don't know about you my first 19 years you know i could move about like a gazelle move real fast duck run and dodge and as i got older i got a little bit slower this theme says the best is yet to come [Music] did you hear me the best is yet to come after 19 years we still got a whole bunch more to receive who don't we serve in austin god now we have a wonderful chairperson set up they have some good things in place for us sister pam hardy thank you so much they have a t-shirt sale going on we want everybody involved and purchasing a t-shirt the t-shirt sells uh a pre-sale and they cost 15 i do believe that miss pam is sporting one of the t-shirts along with the past and the first lady today and they're very inspirational t-shirts that we can all wear together and show the devil he has no place at maggie street amen yes sir so if you would like to purchase a t-shirt they're 15 all the way up to extra large all the way up to 3x so after 3x is an extra dollar okay after x is an extra dollar y'all hear me if i confuse you i'm sorry but just remember after the x is one extra dollar i think that includes me amen i'm just being real um we're asking each auxiliary and all maggot street members to pay 119 for the anniversary i need to go back to the t-shirt sale the t-shirt sale ends on the 24th of october so if you plan on uh purchasing a t-shirt i think we have a sign up list outside the door you can sign up on your way out today for your t-shirt and make sure that you sign up before the 24th of october we want to make this a wonderful celebration for our pastor this year 19 years once again and if the best is yet to come i want you to really really prepare yourself to receive what god has in store for him amen thank you so much [Applause] amen hey man we're gonna come and we're gonna celebrate our pastor amen i said we're gonna celebrate our pastor amen [Applause] i want to say this and this is straight from my heart i want y'all to understand me this morning we were born into this world with biological parents a father and a mother how many of y'all didn't love your mom and dad i said did not how many of y'all did not love your mom and dad i don't see your hand well what you need to understand is the amazing thing about god the awesomeness of god is that in the church he didn't leave us without parents someone to lead and guide us for his namesake someone as we were raised in the natural to help us to grow in the spiritual well now let me tell you what's so valuable about that you can't stay here in this world this world is not our home and i'm shortening this up pastor i'm going to get out the way we can't stay here this world are not it's not at home one day you're going to have to give up the ghosts but this ain't the end and death is not the evil it's a new beginning but our spiritual father and mother are here to prepare us for that new beginning to help us to be kingdom ready so that we can move beyond pain and suffering see your mom and dad couldn't do that for you they could teach you how to live in this world but they couldn't get you to the next we need to understand who our pastor and our first lady is now you can feel any way you will get all up in your feelings any way you want to i said what i meant and i meant what i see i didn't always agree with my dad and my mama but i always obeyed them they didn't always tell me things i wanted to hear but i still obey them and i still love them come on church i'm gonna leave this alone because i go to preaching because that's what i've been called to do but i just i love you enough to tell you that this morning see some folks will hold the truth i can't hold it it's too heavy and i'm going to make sure as my pastor said when i leave i'll leave you empty everything god gives me i'm going to give you and i'm going to give it to you in love because see i ain't worried about your feelings i'm concerned about your soul y'all pray for me amen it's giving time it's giving time amen would you please stand for the reading of the scriptures malachi 3rd chapter verses 6 through 10. for i am the lord i change not therefore yes unto jacob are not concerned even from the days of your fathers you have gone away from mine ordinances and have not kept them return unto me and i will return unto you saith the lord of hosts but he said wherein shall we return will a man rob god yet yet rob me but you say wherein have we robbed thee in tithes and offerings you are cursed with a curse for you around me even this whole nation bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now here will saith the lord of hosts if i will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it let us pray most gracious heavenly father humbly we buy our heads before you in thanksgiving this day thanking your god for an opportunity to pour into your kingdom or to sow into your kingdom god thank you god for making provision for us for watching over us for protecting us from those dangers seen and unseen thank you for a glorious sunday morning where we have come to worship you in spirit and in truth god bless each and every one under the sound of my voice today and god as we come to sow this sea bless the giver at the gift those who have not today but desire to give lord when they leave today bless them that they may prosper god so when they return they can sow a seed into your kingdom god received this gift from our hearts god bless that it may be used in your kingdom that it may be worthy in your sight and it is in jesus name we pray thank god amen you'll follow the directions of our deacons who will be coming down [Music] how many of y'all can testify that the lord has done some great things for you so we're gonna just do this little song and i want y'all to help us sing it all right y'all ready praise team [Music] all right come on praise [Music] for me [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right let's see the next come on miss pam on the front row [Music] [Music] all right miss rhonda come on let me hear you [Music] [Applause] [Music] and doing great things for me all right come on [Music] oh yes he keeps on doing great things for me all right miss martin come on [Music] [Music] can y'all help us sing that come on y'all come on [Music] come on congregation [Music] if you really believe it come on sing it come on let's go [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] hallelujah that's how we do it at maggot street y'all come on give god some glory that's how we do it in this house we believe in praising the lord glory see this thing alone we will have a couple of selections from our awesome praise team this morning let's have a hand for this praise team prior minister of music knows the time this morning amen and all of our wonderful musicians oh mike's go back there on that guitar praise god praise god but we will have a couple of selections from our awesome praise team and the next voice you hear will be the voice of our pastor our spiritual father our leader as he comes to break the breath of life for us so prepare your hearts to receive the word of god thank you god bless you keep my breath how many of y'all glad to be on in the house on this morning to give god some praise and worship so this first song we got this morning miss anthony going to do is call because of who you are we can lift our voices and sing to jesus the author and the finisher of our faith amen [Music] who you are [Music] my [Music] who you are [Music] because of who you are [Music] because of who you [Music] are because of who you are [Applause] [Music] of who you [Music] you are because of who you are [Music] because of who you are [Music] who you are [Music] who you are [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] bye [Applause] [Music] me [Applause] [Music] [Music] because of who you are [Music] because you are [Music] [Music] [Music] because of who jesus is i'm going to continue to serve him for the rest of my life somebody's saying i don't know what you're going through but just say i'm gonna serve him come on say i'm gonna serve him back in my life whether i'm sick whether i'm in pain i'm going to continue [Music] [Music] for the rest of my life [Music] [Music] [Applause] he's been so good [Music] [Applause] [Music] for the rest of my life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] now [Music] [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] amen father we bless and thank you this wonderful day september 19 2021 father we have made up in our mind that we're going to serve you for the rest of our lives we bless you for this privilege and this opportunity to stand before your presence i pray now in the name of jesus that you would hide self behind the cross don't let him be seen or heard but allow the word of god to be preached today with power boldness and conviction to the end that our lives may be better that we may serve your kingdom purpose so father we thank you because we know that you deserve all the praise all the honor and all the glory and so lord we worship you because of who you are not because of all the things you have done for us you said in your word all that man would praise you just for your goodness and father we praise you for your goodness on this morning that you've allowed us to be in this place we could have been dead sleeping in our graves but you allow us to be here and for that we give you praise and thanksgiving we pray all of these prayers and supplications and the only name that matters in jesus precious name we pray amen amen and thank god if you love the lord just shout amen [Music] all right amen we're struggling this morning with technology that is why we strive so hard amen to put ministry in everybody so that you don't have to depend on just one or two people to do ministry amen that's why it's so important for those of you who are part of the body of christ have been to be involved in church ministry so that we can continue to do the things that we do why don't you celebrate this phrase team for doing a great job for the ministry of news of the man i want to thank god for him and i thank god for his children who are working with us in technology the maggie family the children these are children who are involved in the technology uh that we have going on in our church magnus street i'm soliciting you those of you who are members of you have skills and technology we need your help and i'm asking you to help us amen succeed i say these things because uh those of us who are 60 years old and above we understand that we are fleeting we understand that we are leaving this world but we have to make sure that we tap others to succeed us it would do us no good to die with the baton in the casket with us without passing it on to somebody else it helps nobody when we do that we must pass ministry on to the younger generation you have to involve them in church create an environment where they want to be in church because if you don't create that environment i promise you the world will create one for them so when i see these children doing what they are doing it excites my heart so i'm grateful amen i want to take a moment and just thank god for for my wife amen thursday the lord allowed us to celebrate 39 years of marriage [Applause] and i i say that because you know pam was different she's my wife i've never required of her to be a big hat wearing first lady i just needed her to be my wife to support me in prayer and to be there for me and that she has done and i appreciate 39 years of marriage has all 39 years been perfect absolutely not but there's nothing that we cannot talk through and work through that is what makes a marriage successful brothers the bible says he that finds a wife listen at me y'all i ain't talking about nobody live with you i ain't talking about playing house i'm talking about finds a wife find some good things and watch this god drops a little favor over it he obtains favor from the lord thank god for your favor amen and i'm thanking god for that favor today i'm grateful to her for what she does uh i say this sometimes she's not at church uh sister harry should jump on that zero turn in a minute and cut grass i'm not saying every sister gonna do that uh i got you i got you and not only will she do that rob she'll get on the tractor too that but that's what god gave me you understand god gives every man what they need to help him succeed in what god has called them to do that's why they call it helping me your mate is supposed to help you and so she helps me now i'm almost through preaching [Music] i'm still building this series amen and that is growing a faithful church growing a faithful church now i know y'all say he's dressed down today absolutely i wanted to feel a little bit younger today after 39 years of marriage i figured i'd see if i can put on these blue jeans again and get him put on a t-shirt and thank god for the praise team and those that developed this t-shirt and some of them were out there when i was preaching at the park and uh and i remember pam matthews had first talked about this this word jump and i never forgot it left my spirit so we just held on to the word and and that came out in the preaching and and and she was saying and this years ago you remember that right pam and so i'm not taking credit for this and but it came out in the preaching and and i said somebody to catch this thing and hashtag and that's exactly what they did and so i'm wearing this t-shirt today as a result of that and so i know jesus understands my problems i don't know whether you you you trust them to understand and not just understand them but to work them out for you and so that's where that came from amen but revelation 2 10 we're still talking about growing a faithful church and this is important people uh there's so many things that you can say about faithfulness but this particular verse we were reading and talking about the church at ephesus on last week uh verse number 10 says fear none of those things which you shall suffer behold the devil should cast some of you into prison that you may be tried and you should have tribulation 10 days be thou faithful unto death and i will give you a crown of life you may be seated in the presence of god i want to just talk about some enemies of faithfulness talk about that today a little bit about some of the enemies of faithfulness uh my brothers and sisters the scriptures it tells us that we are not to be unaware of the schemes of the devil according to uh i believe in the second corinthian chapter 2 verses 11 through 13 and we'll go there in a minute uh whenever god is at work whenever god is doing something you can be certain that satan is going to be present somewhere whether it's in the old testament when job was going to present himself or the sons of god were going to present themselves before god the bible says that satan showed up as well so wherever there's anything progressive going on as it relates to the kingdom of god or the word of god you rest assured that the devil is going to show up because he does not want us to make any positive progress in the body of christ he does everything he can to hinder the work of god and it's not just outside of the house but it's often in the house that the enemy sets up his schemes and his trickery and so we understand amen that the scripture tells us that the enemy is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may divide according to first peter chapter number five and verse number eight we need to understand the devil is always looking for some weak believers that he can attack and attack himself that is why it is so important for us a man to digest the word of god so that when an enemy comes our way first of all we are able to recognize who he is because the devil has a way of camouflaging himself and we are not able to see through his trickery and his scheme but if you hang around long enough and have enough discernment on the inside of you you are able to spot the devil from a distance amen you don't have to let him get close up on you you can tell the way that you're gonna walk you can look at his sashay and know that there's something in him that's not godly so he goes about like a roaring lion and when when peter uses this this is like a simile he said that he's like a roaring lion and sometimes there are some lions that roar that ain't got no teeth y'all got to help me every line that opens up his mouth and roaring line that joker ain't got nothing to bite with and what he does he tries to instill fear and intimidation in the hearts of the people of god but i'm glad today that i have not been given the spirit of fear but of love and a power and of a sound mind and we need sound minded believers that are able to stand up in the face of persecution understanding that the devil will come to try some of us and sometimes he will try you the bible says for 10 days you need to understand that what the devil is trying to do to you has an expiration date on it he can't do it forever as a matter of fact when he tries to do something to us he has to get permission from god when you understand that god gives the devil a permission slip to bother you [Music] and if god gives him a permission slip god also puts an expiration date on it because he already knows that sometimes have you tried my servant mary harris you don't know she's faithful you don't know that she's gonna hold out i will allow you to try her but i'm gonna keep ahead of protection around her so you can't touch your soul [Music] when you understand that god got you protected and covered 24 7 you don't even waste your time about what the devil is trying to do too many of us spend too much time on worrying about the devil the truth is the devil is already defeated y'all y'all don't hear me he's already what defeated him was that jesus said if i if i be lifted up from the earth i'll draw all men unto me the devil literally was defeated the only thing left to do is to throw him into the lake of fire that's the only thing left but the victory has been won according to first corinthians chapter 15 jesus said oh dad come on help me up here where is your sting and oh great where is your victory [Music] you don't have any what you had what you had as your ace in the hole was dead but what you didn't understand that no man can take my life and if i lay it down again i'm going to pick it up there's some enemies of our faithfulness to god any bible reader that reads the old testament and knows it and reads the new testament it will show you that the devil employs many tactics as he tries to hinder the work of god whenever he he tries to introduce false doctrines into the church he does that now where where this does not work when the false doctrine don't work he begins to introduce schisms and division but but go back to revelation y'all know i taught you all this last week that that that that the apostles they said there was some in the church at ephesus that called themselves apostles watch this now there are some folk that love titles come on they love big names amen but but the bible said they were tried by the word of god and they were found out not to be prophets or apostles wearing a chain around your neck a big bishop ring on your finger with a big long road dragging the floor does not make you an apostle or prophet god has to call you into that office you can't go to school and get a degree and declare that now i'm a prophet no no no god calls us into the ministry and he calls us with a specificity of what he wants us to do i know i'm not called to be a bishop i know god gave me two gifts that's preaching pastoring and teaching that's my pastoral gift in his pastoring and teaching you'll be amazed that the many people say well you got all these songs in the ministry can i make you a bishop no no god god didn't tell me that am i down playing that no i'm not you have to know what you are called to do you got to stop making allowing people to make you be something that god has not called you to be that's why there's so much failure in ministry in the church [Applause] [Music] and i feel this today they're schisms in the church there's division in the church these things exist in our churches we need to understand that when there's division in the church when there's schism that simply means there are splits and there are divisions and sometimes you can tell where churches are split based on where they sit oh y'all help me you we we got particular places and people we sit with because we agree with them and disagree with them but how can we be the church of the living god if we are divided [Music] how matthew 12 25 jesus said listen y'all you say that i got a devil you said that i cast out demons and and and bs above me he said but how in the world can be as above cast out be as above he said lest they be divided he said a kingdom that is divided against himself or a house that is divided against itself how shall it stand it cannot stand devil got enough sense to know he ain't gonna cast himself out but we don't get that we don't understand what jesus was saying jesus said look i am representing god and you go to church your religion but you call it mean demonic if you really knew your old testament if you knew the pentateuch if you knew the word of god you would know that i'm sent by god that's what jesus was saying but those on the religious right they'd establish their own righteousness so they had these schisms and these splits division the separation between church members separated and we don't understand some of the stuff we do in church listen church anytime you vote on anything you create division okay all right let me bring this to the natural land because it's hard for us to get the spiritual look at what happened in 2020 and go backwards amen in 2016 and look at how much division came into this country as a result of a vote anytime you vote you create division anytime when the father the son and the holy spirit met together in the beginning when he said let us create man in our image in our likeness they didn't ask for a vote because had they voted and we know that there's no division between the father son and the holy spirit there's never any division you create the vision you know why because there are some people you like and there's some people you don't know like but there are some of us we'll go along with folk even when their reputation is out in front of them and you know that the joker is a mess the church is the only place i know unlike a baby a baby cries when he or she is wet why because they want to change but the church will wear a messy diaper and uh oh y'all don't make me them there they'll wear a wet diver and a messy diver and never take it off because they don't want to change even a baby wanna change [Music] [Applause] why you gonna walk around with poop on you all day long [Music] baby cry because they don't want to be wet you ever you ever change the wet baby and they stop crying some of us crying in church all the time and we got on a dirty diver and don't want nobody to change it when you get ready to change it they haul a lot of them it's an enemy to the unity and and the growth of the church because you like being in your midst the enemy love splits and we love division god is not the author of confusion my brothers and sisters and a lot of this stuff comes from people with a critical spirit you you need to understand what a critical spirit is and a critical spirit sometimes if you are not if you're not spiritual adept enough you can't see it and they are destructive they tear up churches they they tear down others and make themselves look good amen that's what a critical spirit is they're always negative about you and others but you don't never hear them talk about themselves that's a critical spirit critical oh okay i'm gonna bring this back to the natural [Music] the republican party can find criticism in everything that the democrat does but they won't check that oh god y'all don't don't let me say the wrong thing they won't certain republican folk that they know that are wrong but they'll check everybody else [Applause] okay since y'all think i'm getting mad jesus told us something in matthew chapter seven judge not lest he also be judged because with the same magic you mean it's going to be measured back to you we forget god don't like critical spirits you are always right everybody else wrong that's self-righteous whether you know it or not critical spirit that goes on in our churches and it keeps the vision going and it keeps the devil happy you know what i discovered the devil don't really have to do much in our churches now he's employed certain strategies and he just walked away and it works it works he employs schisms and division knowing that a house he knows that a house divided against himself in that state that's in the natural if you and your wife don't agree your house is tore up got to agree amos 3 3 says how can two walk together except they be agree can't do it and i've learned the art of compromise not that you cave into anything that that there's something that a husband and a wife just have to sit down and compromise on they do well if pam won't towel and i want heartwood [Music] what do we do sit down compromise we don't fall out because one won't hard wood the other one won't tie what we are trying to do is get away from having to steam clean the whole house the goal is the same what we decide on we need to do that together so i'm not concerned about having the last word because sometimes you can be the man and be wrong with the last word just because i'm the head of the house don't mean i shouldn't compromise something well i'm the i'm the man i'm the husband yeah but you can be wrong division can i tell y'all something i never finished a message and y'all know this the devil has a nasty tool chest full of things like gossip jealousy those kind of things he's got a tool chest full let me tell you what proverbs says i miss my my board up there but i thank god i got my bible proverbs 14. listen to what he says on this thing right quick proverbs 14 and verse number i want to make sure i get it right here i believe it's uh proverbs 16 i believe it is in 28 16 28 let me look at that real quick this is what he says he says a forward man souls strife and a whisperer separate good friends y'all do know what a whisper is don't you they don't want other folk to hear what they're saying about you but sometimes they don't understand the holy spirit is ease dropping on your conversation while you talking about other folk and they don't know it the holy spirit is listening in but what we don't understand gossip will tear up friendship between people who've been knowing each other for years because you listen to that gossip but that's that's one of the twos in that joker's two chests that's another one called jealousy and that's in proverbs 14 and verse number 30. listen at what it says the light of the eyes rejoice rejoices the heart and a good report makes the bones fat you know there are two words that we need to look at one is envy and the other one is jealousy when you are envious of somebody it simply means you want what they have and when you're jealous you are trying to fight to keep what you have cause you think somebody won't what you got and that's that that can be devastating sometimes in the life of a believer here's the way i live my life what god has blessed me with he will bless you with the same thing provided you do what is necessary to get it and i'm not envious of you regardless of what you have because what god has for you it is for you but he uses these things then he uses suspicion and pride and he causes us a man instead of focusing on things that are heavenly we focus on things that are earthly that have no eternal value whatsoever focus on the wrong thing and so when god's people refuse to uh when we start uh to allow sin in the midst of our lives amen sometimes when we fight against that it's gonna bring persecution when you fight against those things persecution gonna come to your life it will and with persecution it brings difficulties against you and the church and so in an effort to discourage and dishearten god's people he brings all this stuff against you sickness pops up financial challenges pops up people talking about you pops up is all to dishearten you from doing those things that god has called you to do and be faithful to that's why he divides us and separates us and breaks us into portions and causes this uh agreements and separate us into groups against one another look at this country us against them blacks against whites men against women democrats against republicans all of this is satanic in nature and he got us divided so when these tactics are not completely successful there's another two he uses to stop the forward progress of a particular church or congregation and and it is perhaps the most insidious two because it is masked behind the facade of when the devil cannot deceive us divide us or daunt us what he will often do is divert us this is good this is what he does he causes someone or something to change our course or to turn us from from from one direction to another in other words we're doing good we're going forward we're moving forward progressively in god but he diverts our attention to something else i'm closing with this stayed up later than i normally say of last night i was watching the penn state game at the auburn game i had watched some of the alabama game but i was at a wedding and i saw the results but i wasn't looking at the game i really wasn't watching the game you know what i was watching i was watching the stands wasn't watching the game because it didn't matter who won i was looking at a white out in pennsylvania the stadium was packed nobody was wearing masks and they were cheering but when i look at church amen i see a a blackout [Music] i better get a blank out sit in the way you want but but people are scared to come to church but they ain't scared to go to no game they ain't scared to go to the casino they ain't scared to go to walmart they ain't scared to go nowhere else but the only place they are scared to come is to the house of the lord david said i was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the lord no matter who won the game i'm looking to see what the super spread are going to look like tomorrow and the rest of the ring but nobody's afraid completely all the students at penn state all the alumni they dressed in white like they getting ready to go to heaven [Music] cheering at a football game but joy can stand up here all day to exhort us and we can barely get people to stand up and lift their hands up to god but go to a football game and watch how they chill when you come to church you want to be so happy that god allowed me to get up this morning that i'm gonna give him some praise [Music] [Applause] so when the emmy diverts us it's nothing but a scheme it's a tactic to draw our attention away from something wholesome and in this case is god what consumes your attention what are you faithful to who are you faithful to why are you faithful to it or them those are the things that arrested my heart last night how do we grow a faithful church preacher can preach until he fall out still can't get people to be faithful have to come up with clever sermons to make people feel good but they still won't commit to being faithful when you go back to revelation 2. this is what jesus said one thing i have against you is you have lost your first love you're no longer passionate about me you're not pursuing a relationship with me but you can get it back here's what you got to do he said i need you to repent but let me show you how clever we are and how clever the devil is instead of repentance we replace it with something else instead of being real repentance we replace it with something else and continue to do what we've been doing because if it was true repentance you turn away from it and not replace it with something else that still diverts your attention away from god that's a difference between repentance and replacement and that's what we tend to do in church we replace it with something else we cover it up we don't repent god is calling the church to a place of repentance so you can be faithful can't worry about nobody else be thou faithful you be faithful some people will call other people you going to church today i don't care whether they don't come i don't care whether you don't come that's on you that's between you and god and i'm not going today because it's raining what does that got to do with anything people go to a football game and get an umbrella and sit out there in the rain but when it comes to god we make excuses i'm not listen i'm staying on the gas today no breaks you hear me all gas and no brakes because here's the problem we let up off the gas and then when you put on break people go back to doing what they were doing and we got to be faithful to god gotta be faithful faithful to our jobs we're faithful to the things that we want to do and the enemy knows some of us been looking for an excuse not to come to church he gave us one covert 19. we used that joker to the max but we go places and we do the things that we want to do because we are faithful to those things that we like that you're flesh like your flesh don't like prayer your flesh don't like praise and worship your flesh don't like those things because they they target your soul and not your flesh i've got to grow a faithful church listen that brother bill gilyard said think big every day in every way i may have a change some kind of way we ought to think about god god is a big god we're to think big about him every day what is it that god cannot do if you tell me what he can't do i eat this microphone the only thing i know god can't do is lie and he can't change those are two immutable counsels of god i cannot lie and i can't change i can't go against my word because if i go against my word then i cease to be god now if you can't do that that means i can trust them in anything in any situation but here's what we've done we've allowed the culture to impact the church when the church is supposed to impact the culture that's what we've done whether you know it or not there is a silent outcry to silence the church we don't even see what's going on there's a silent outcry to shut the mouth of the church and most mega churches whether you know it or not their mouths are shut there's certain things they can't preach against there's certain things they're not going to preach against they don't want to lose their finances oh yeah that's true but whenever you allow the devil to finance your church your mouth is shut that's why it's so important for believers to understand tithing and offering when you give you won't have to go to government and ask for anything that's why the bible tells us bring your tithe and your offering the church will never lack it will never lack the reason why the church lack is because we don't do what we're supposed to do i don't have to have 100 suits 90 pair of shoes i don't have to have a 6 000 square foot house i don't have to have a maybach i don't have to have a bentley i don't have to have that that's the desires of the flesh that's why i can't give god what belongs to him because i'm so busy taking care of the needs of my flesh and i'm not faithful to what god has called me to do maggot street i say this with all of my heart not here to try to impress anybody but the rest of these days that god has given me to live on planet earth i'm gonna preach the truth whether you like it or not because i want this church to be a faith patrick doesn't have to be the biggest church in montgomery just the most faithful church in montgomery and when you're faithful god has said in his word be thou faithful unto death and i'm gonna give you a crime that faded not away man i i'm living for an eternal crown that would not fade away i cannot wrap my mind around eternity eyes have not yet seen ears are not heard neither hasn't entered the heart of man the thing that god has prepared for those that love him we don't have a clue to what god has for us but i'm like paul for me to live is christ to die is gain [Music] i want to see what he has prepared for me that's what i want to see it starts with me being faithful maybe there's somebody who's watching on a social media platform or somebody who's visiting in this church today don't know jesus and if you don't know jesus you don't know life you're just existing but we begin to live when we know who christ is for jesus said in john 10 10 the thief come but for the steal kill and destroy but i am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly that you may live it to the overflow [Music] if you don't know who jesus is here's what you do just repeat after me father i believe that jesus died for my sin and i believe he rose again the third day according to the scripture and so i repent of my sin i'm asking you to forgive me for all of my sin come into my heart come into my life be my lord and be my god i denounce satan as lord of my life and i declare that jesus now reigns supreme in my life if you confess that you can be saved today wherever you are if you're listening on any one of our social media platforms you can call us at 334-263-3215 [Music] if you don't get us just leave a message we'd love to hear from you love to hear from you well father i thank you for the preached word of god i thank you for the people who are here uh those who heard the word and those who would take heed at the word and do what you say god we're living in crucial times we're living in chaotic times we're living in critical times in our lives but the one thing we know god is that you never change you're the same god yesterday today and forevermore you will not change and you continue to love us in spite of ourselves and so we ask you today help us to do a self-examination god help us examine ourselves to see whether or not we're really in the faith help us not to just go through the motions of church but help us to understand it's not just about a program it's not just about showing up but it's about being real and truthful god so god we are asking you to help us help us to be that faithful church we know you got some things against us god but we want to find that first love again we want to become hot for you once again pursuing after your your your love and and a relationship with you help us to find that again god some people just don't lost their joy but nehemiah said the joy of the lord is my salvation just knowing that you are my savior i'm happy so god we thank you bless now all of those who have come uh all of us needs one thing or another we know that you're able to meet all of our needs meet our needs according to your riches in glory through jesus christ our lord our lord we thank you we love you and we adore you in jesus name we pray amen amen let me say this on our way out i want to encourage everyone if you've not been vaccinated i can't make you do it i encourage you to do it if you haven't so that we can put this virus to rest once and for all if we would just simply get fascinated it will help i remember being in school that's a little boy they would come to the school and inoculate people that has been doing going on forever i don't know why young people all of a sudden they want to know what's in it even if you knew what was in it it wouldn't make no difference because you wouldn't understand it you wouldn't understand hey man i don't even know what's in some of this food out here at the restaurant but i eat it hey man i'm gonna go to the restaurant and say hey martha what you put in that chicken what you got in them collard greens well i know when i make them i know i got some ham hocks up in them i know i got some pig tail i know i got some neck bone i don't need none of that and i know what's in it and i know what it's doing to me but i'm still doing it right so come on people that's wise enough your argument is unfruitful and you don't need to do that don't do that to yourself and your family get the shot please ma'am please sir all right i want you to follow our direction as we get ready to stand and be dismissed bro y'all thank god for you brother clarence thank you for coming in i think we had a few visitors um we got some visitors here she waved her hand now who are you okay okay thank you do come back and see us please ma'am i hope i didn't run you off today okay all right god bless you come on let's stand oh we got another one oh that's right sir well you go ahead that's some recruit in there thank you good evangelism amen we need more of that amen and amen any other visitors i that i might have missed okay he got his hand up sir xavier okay thank you anybody else anybody else all right god bless you let's receive this benediction and we're going to go out these side doors where we do father we bless and thank you for this day we pray that you will continue to keep your hand and mercy upon us keep us throughout this week as we travel back and forth keep us safe from all hurt harm and danger now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rest food and abide with us all henceforth now and forever in jesus name amen god bless you and we'll see you all next week and we'll see you online [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] me [Music] hey [Music] it man i appreciate it thank you you know who they are oh um you
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 290
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Id: 5IPYv2xFSmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 40sec (5500 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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