Maggie Street Virtual Church Anniversary

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welcome to maggie street missionary baptist church where ezekiel pettway senior is the pastor today we celebrate our 122nd church anniversary with guest speaker reverend charles l franklin of pleasant hill missionary baptist church our theme today it's a family affair mark 3 verses 33 through 35. be sure and join maggie street missionary baptist church for our virtual revival with special guest speaker pastor paul gordin this year's theme in times like these september 8th through the 10th at 7 pm our mission statement our mission is to take the whole gospel to the whole city to be a loving caring and sharing church with christ as our model to train evangelize and make disciples of men to be expressive with our praise and to worship christ the savior in spirit and in truth and to minister to the whole man body soul and spirit [Music] maggie street missionary baptist church worship with us virtually morning worship service at 10 a.m each sunday sunday school at 9 00 a.m each sunday and each thursday evening bible study at 6 00 pm giving just got easier you can give online online giving is available now for members friends and family check out our website for more information at [Music] follow us on twitter at maggiemsbc happy birthday to everyone celebrating in the month of august and happy anniversary to everyone celebrating in the month of august let's stay together connect with us online via facebook twitter instagram youtube or email join us for our morning devotion prayer call monday through saturday at 6 30 a.m and on sunday at 8 30 a.m the number to call is 978-990-5408 access code 26567 today's scripture and prayer will be given by minister joey welcher and minister felicia taylor our scripture reading will come from matthew the fifth chapter verses 43-45 ye have heard that it hath been said thou shalt love thy neighbor and hate thine enemy but i say unto you love your enemies bless them that curse you do good to them that hate you and pray for them which despitefully use you and persecute you that ye may be the children of your father which is in heaven for he maketh his son to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust blessed is the word of the lord let us pray most gracious and eternal father god we come before you this day god father god we come saying thank you god lord we thank you father god because you've been so good to us father lord we thank you lord god because we're able lord god to be here and just exalt your name today father now lord god 122 years is a long time to do anything so we know god that we have not done it in and of ourselves father we know that we stand on broad shoulders father god with you always leading the charge for the church lord god father god we're just willing vessels father but father god we thank you lord for using us for such a time as this 122 years for maggie street missionary baptist church we say hallelujah and glory to the lamb of god father god we know that it hasn't always been easy but it's been a necessary walk lord god it's been a necessary mission not just for the church god but for the community lord not just for this community god but for the families lord god father we thank you that you bring us all together lord god to do the things that you've called us to do lord god even though we're in the midst of a pandemic we can still say thank you for 122 years god we may not physically be in the building as a church unit but our hearts lord god our minds lord god our souls are stayed on you father god so for that we give thanks god lord we thank you for all of the foot soldiers that came before pastor ezekiel patway lord god we thank you for everything that they did to bring this church to the place that it is right now now father god as we continue to go forward lord god not just in your name lord god but to do something lord to leave a legacy for those that will even come behind us god it's rooted and built on a solid foundation so lord we say on christ the solid rock we stand because all of the ground is seeking sin and you said in your word upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it god so we lift up holy hands god we say thank you we bless you god we honor you god we call your name great for you are the great i am lord god we realize that it is because of you that we will continue to move live and have our very being god so father god again we say thank you we bless your holy name god because when we think about the goodness of you and all that you've done we can't help but say hallelujah and glory to the lamb of god so god 122 years one more time lord let it sink in our souls oh father we thank you we look forward to many many more years god so that we can serve you so that you get the glory and all that we do this is my prayer my decree and my declaration on this day in jesus name i pray amen and now let us welcome our praise team with a song of praise [Music] thank you jesus [Music] we kneel down before you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus we worship your whole holy name yeah yeah yes we do we worship your whole holy thank you jesus [Music] [Music] day worship your name worship your name [Music] we [Music] worship your name sopranos [Music] what's up was [Music] [Music] please please me [Music] huh [Music] our welcome and occasion will be given by sister pamela osborne and sister barbara williams good morning i greet you in the matchless name of jesus we're so grateful to god to have you worship with us today as we celebrate our 122nd church anniversary although this may not be the format for how we typically worship it is a gift to have technology that allows us to worship together even if we're not physically in the same place because god says that where two or three are gathered he is in the midst of them all god is still good no matter where we are so even during an international pandemic we are going to continue to gather together and to worship him and sing together and pray together wherever you're worshiping from thank you so very much for joining us today and we're so glad that you you chose to spend this time with us and with him you're not just welcome today but always giving honor and glory to our almighty god our pastor first lady pamela pettway ministers and all our church family members and guests i greet you in the name of our savior jesus christ i thank each and every one of you for finding the time to grace us for this special occasion our lord has been faithful to to this church and we want to thank him in a special way today marks the beginning of another journey whereby we want to know more about the grace of god move toward the mark that has been set by our lord jesus our theme for our for our 122nd church anniversary is we our family our lord defined family in mark 33 33-35 for whosoever shall do the will of god the same is my brother and my sister and mother with that common bond we should have open hearts and a willingness to accept each other for the human beings that we are even when things go wrong and crisis faces you you can always depend on family family brings you back to your values and help you make good decisions as sister sledge would say we are family let's get our praise on thank you echo from the youth miss tanita thomas happy anniversary maggie street i'm not officially a member but i always feel at home and welcome when i walk through the doors maggie street truly is a great place to go to heaven the historical reflection will be given by sister gloria jackson historical highlights of maggie street missionary baptist church the maggot street missionary baptist church was formed 122 years ago in pages hall and the late reverend parker a ash was elected as pastor of the church it was reverend ash and a few dedicated members who purchased a site on maggy street and moved the church from pages hall during reverend ash's tenure as pastor many improvements were accomplished reverend ash was called soon to a new field of labor and he resigned as pastor of maggy street church the late reverend b f oden succeeded reverend ash as the pastor of magestry reverend odom was a wonderful pastor as well as a human servant of god reverend odom was succeeded by the late reverend j.h rose who was indeed a god-sent minister under his leadership the wooden frame was changed into a beautiful brick structure reverend rose worked faithfully and entirely until health led to his resignation unfortunately maggot street was again without a shepherd but praises be to god it was only a short period of time when the late reverend william riley haney answered our calling it was under his administration that we were able to purse approximate for the church and many members were added to the church he served well until he was called to another field of labor in detroit michigan it was unfortunate that we lost him the late reverend otis daniel jones was the next pastor of his church during his tenure senior several new deacons were ordained and additional features were added to the church reverend jones answered the call to pastor in another city succeeding reverend jones was the late brother minnie dansby lambert knowing the conditions of the church and in spite of many problems that confronted him reverend lambert accepted the call rather lambert was called to another church and the late reverend russell beverly answered the call for pastor reverend beverly had a short term as pastor this church his administration began in 1962 and ended in tragedy in august 1963. reverend beverly was a godsend minister one that stood for right and righteousness our history would be incomplete without mentioning the late reverend roosevelt parks one who sacrificed and implanted his biblical knowledge as assistant pastor of maggy street for a number of years it was reverend parks who had to take a stand between the calling and resignation of each minister in the year 1964 god sent us another minister the late reverend dr isaac leon forbes senior being that he was the youngest of all did not stop him from making tremendous progress words cannot recall his many accomplishments under rebel force administration new deacons were added to the deacon board and several of these deacons were made trustees many souls were added to the church our membership exceeded 1500. in 1978 our dream for a new sanctuary became a reality under the tenure of reverend forbes reverend forbes was indeed a dynamic pastor preacher counselor administrator civic leader and friend to all on october the 13th 1984 reverend forbes answered a calling we all must answer someday on february 10 1985 god blessed us with another dynamic pastor the late reverend billy charles mays god had appointed this minister with the faith strength courage and power that he needed to lead his flock the church grew significantly in number under pastor may's leadership hundreds of lies were possibly touched by god under his leadership the bc may's mass mel chorus bc may's meal urchin board youth ministry tate ministry bus ministry men and women's ministry were organized a new church van and new office equipment were purchased god blessed us with several associate ministers and newly elected deacons reverend billy charles mays departed this church in september 2001. realizing that the flock at maggie street missionary baptist church was split and in need of repair god spoke to pastor ezekiel pettway senior and he came as our shepherd in august of 2002. to god we give the glory for the good things he has done during the past years under pastor pettway's leadership a terrific wednesday ministry for seniors an anointed wednesday night bible study has tripled in attendance a new member's ministry marriage ministry singles ministry evangelistic ministry women and men ministry god blessed us with several associate ministers assistant pastors and several new appointed deacons three females to trustee board cdc board and three new 15 passenger van purchase the a.c.t ministry stands for another chance to succeed a commitment to serve was formed in november 2008. this ministry consists of three components the food ministry the clothes closet the homeless ministry and several females have been called into the ministry pastor patway has come anointed and appointed by god to do a great work in our church the community city and impact this entire state our pastor's vision for the dream center was to reach those who have lost hope and give them hope to show those that have given up on their dreams that they can dream again to bring rest to the restless to build self-esteem and show that god is god of many chances to show forth the love of god by embracing and offering a place of comfort refuge and peace and most of all to bring the non-believers to jesus and provide whatever they need to grow spiritually in june 2007 magistrate missionary baptist church family experienced one of the greatest moments in the church's history it was the groundbreaking for the dream center also in september 2007 under pastor pettway's leadership we purchase a state of the art audio system our multi-purpose center has become a reality to god be the glory the memorial tribute will be given by sister gail leonard thank god that we are all here today [Music] we've had a rough year but god is in control i did this memorial about three years ago and i didn't even question god about it so this morning i said lord is there anything that you want me to say to the people so i have a page i paid almost two pages i'm gonna finish that and uh it'll be finished in no time believe me and then i have a little poem that i want to say uh to you all that would help the people who have lost loved ones um this is what god gave me today 8 22 20 at 12 45 said thank you lord i'm telling you thank you lord for letting me live to see this day thank you for your grace and mercy thank you for the love that you have shown us we bless your name and we love you and and we will prove our love to you we love you and practice and praise your name we pray for all those who have lost loved ones god and god does not make mistakes some wanted to go god said some wanted to go some wanted to stay some needed to go and because of their sickness and for the various acts and for other desires and sickness he said he loves his children and he's taking care of them these are uh flowers faces that are for father's son and holy spirit there those of you that are left behind trust in me love love everyone treat everyone right so you will be able to make it in be obedient when all get back when we all get back together show how show love and respect remember there are no big eyes and little use in god's church all my children are the same if you are keeping your faith love compassion showing it to everyone i mean everyone or to love everybody stop judging my children this will be some there will be some of you sitting here wondering what is going on you have had enough time to find out what is going on one are you reading my words daily are you giving to the sick and homeless you never know when you or someone and your family is going to pass are you one of those who look at them and refuse to give them anything they're homeless on the street by grace you are saved not there at this time but you see yourself for what you are my servant gail is taking you exactly is telling you exactly what i said to her at 105 this afternoon be come be careful about what you thought about her okay uh some of you will not be will not be listening anyway my people let's get together and love and trust in me follow the right rules of your of your of your government and may be pleased with you and my peace i give to you be blessed okay that was from god not from gail this is what's from getting if you could see me now i thought about this poem because basically we are looking at really three sets of people that we are uh in memory for today our once i belong to maggot street missionary baptist church the ones that have loved ones the loved ones belong here and their loved ones belong to another church but they do come in to see us and we have people who come to our senior bible study who have lost loved ones so this is why i'm saying three okay the trinity okay so this is a poem that i know will touch their hearts and will change their mind because it's very hard when you have a loved one to die believe me i know and i'm sure some of you know you have been sitting here you know you you've had loved ones to pass even with this virus it says this is done by john michael if you could see me now if you could see me now you wouldn't shed a tear though you may not understand why i'm no longer here remember my spirit that's the real me i'm still very much alive oh if you could only see i believed i am the father and i touched my i touched my my savior took to my savior hand the angels all rejoiced as i entered the promised land beyond the gates of pearl i walk on golden gates i've touched the walls of jasper dipped my foot in the crystal seat the beauty is is longing nothing can compare i've even seen your your messenger messengers so many will meet you there i will meet you there allow jesus to be your god his word will show you the way so please don't cry his word will show you the way so please don't cry we will meet again someday and i will just let you know that we are all here for you one thing i know about maggot street is that even as a child we helped people we loved people so this is very very very touching to us to have to go through with a lot of different areas of sympathy but because we know what to do and because god has shown us what to do we will do that and thank you all for listening [Music] it's giving time you can give to the church anniversary and make your contributions three simple ways you can give in person today between the hours of 10 and 11 or you can give by mail or online we thank you your generosity makes a difference our closing remarks will be given by minister joey and sister brenda welcher our chair and co-chair of the 122nd church anniversary hello sisters and brothers in christ i am indeed grateful to be standing here in front of you serving as the co-chair for your 122nd church anniversary i would like to thank all that was on the committee i challenged my sisters to wear hats and stand with me paying and we did we y'all did good and i really appreciate y'all for wearing your hats and paying your money for the church anniversary i just want to thank everyone on the program for doing your part to make this day successful i'm going to turn it over to the chairperson [Music] praise the lord saints my dear maggot street church family i greet you in the marvelous name of our lord and savior jesus christ it has indeed been an esteemed honor and privilege to serve alongside my beautiful wife as chairpersons for this monumental occasion as we celebrate 122 years as a church family this old ship we fondly call the maggie has surely faced its hardships and his trials but through it all with continued faith and hope in our god we are standing today stronger better wiser we are living proof that if god be for us there is no force in this world that can defeat us we would like to especially thank all of you who have played a vital role in helping to make this a great day of celebration and we truly thank you our loving caring and sharing church family for every contribution and effort to make this a grand occasion we thank god for our leader and spiritual father pastor ezekiel pettway senior and we pray that god will keep him strong and continue to pour his wisdom into him as he leads us through these chaotic and turbulent times always remember my brothers and sisters we must continue to be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the works of the lord i close with these words found in first corinthians second chapter ninth through the tenth verse but as it is written i have not seen nor ear heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things which god had prepared for them that love him beloved the best is yet to come be blessed in jesus name the introduction of today's speaker will be given by pastor ezekiel pettway senior good morning and thank you for joining us again in our worship service we are so pleased to be here to share with you via online this morning as we celebrate 122 years of the church history of the maggot street missionary baptist church and we're so excited that you are a part of our church our fellowship and we just want to have a glorious time in the lord 122 years is a long time and we know here at maggie street that we stand on the shoulders of so many others who have come before us and gone on to be with the lord it is our desire our goal to make sure that we perpetuate what they began 120 years ago so we are excited as a matter of fact the bible says i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continue to be in my mouth my soul shall make us boast in the lord the humble shall hear thereof and be glad oh magnify the lord with me and let us exalt his name together my brothers and sisters it's good to worship the lord on today i want to encourage you if you have not given you can go on our website and look on the green tab and press that tab and give your offering or you can continue to mail your offering in 642 maggot street montgomery alabama 36106 or you can come by the church someone would be here from 10 am until 11 a.m well i'm excited this morning because we have a dynamic preacher amen to share in our church anniversary he is my friend as a matter of fact he reminded me while we were coming up the road that amen he watched me while he was a teenager and i was preaching at his church and that makes me feel pretty old but i'm glad to know that somebody was hearing the message of the word of god as i shared it some years ago my brothers and sisters i bring to you today a good friend a great preacher a good role model a man his name is reverend charles l franklin he is the pastor of the pleasant hill missionary baptist church in yatli alabama and we are so excited that he accepted the invitation to come and share with us on this great occasion of 122 years of church history here at the maggot street missionary baptist church my brothers and sisters i present to some and i introduce my great friend to you the reverend charles franklin hear ye him today's guest speaker is reverend charles l franklin of pleasant hill missionary baptist church yatley alabama we greet you my brothers and sisters in the name of our lord and savior jesus christ for whom all blessings flow we thank god for his grace and we thank him for his mercy we thank god for our friend pastor pettway we thank him for this opportunity the church family for sending this invitation to us to come and speak a word from the lord we're so excited to be here today on your 122nd church anniversary we're not going to prolong the time but fourth route today i thought today we would like to invite your attentions to the word of god that is found in the book of lamentations chapter number three and we'll commence reading with verse 21. this i recall to my mind therefore have i hope it is of the lord's mercies that we're not consumed because his compassion failed not they are new every morning great is thou faithfulness let us by heads in a moment of prayer eternal god our father we come now in the name of jesus with our head our hearts realizing that you are the christ the son of a true and living god it is you that walk us this morning and gave us health and strength right mind the ability of our limbs it is you that is god and besides you there is no other oh lord god we realized all the blessing that you bestowed upon us we don't deserve we didn't deserve but because you're who you are you look beyond all of our faults you supply us with every one of our needs so we ask now that you would search our hearts and as you find those things that are not like jesus or remove them right now creating in those clean hearts and renewing right spirits within lord god we ask now in the name of jesus strengthen us that you would give us a word today o lord god your people oh lord god would have not heard this word in vain or father god that those who hear might repent o lord god we thank you now for all that you've done we thank you for what you're doing right now in the name of jesus we pray amen [Music] today i want to speak to you very briefly a thought theme this is what god has given me to share with you on this morning [Music] he wants me to just give you this subject very simply and that is remind them remind them the enemy has always been a master deceiver he's good at presenting opportunities he's not good at causing us to lose focus but he's good at presenting an opportunity to cause god's people to become distracted to take our eyes off god and to forget about who we are to lower our standards our morals and our values he's good at deceiving he's a dirty fighter satan does not care who he hurts he does not care who he destroys he does not care who name he's scandalized because that is what satan is all about satan in this day has gotten us to the place in our lives that we have forgotten that we are fearfully and wonderfully made we have gotten to the places in our life in these days that we have forgotten that god is able to do exceeding abundant above all that we can ask or even think satan has even caused even though we're facing a pandemic even though we're on the breaks we're standing on the precipice of a pandemic do you not understand that satan has caused the church christians to lower their standards their morals and their values we've gotten to the place in our lives that we have forgotten about what it is that god has called the church and expects the church to do we're so concerned about institutional survival we're so concerned about having enough from me and minds we've gotten to the place that all we want to make sure is that we provided for but we have forgotten about who god really is ladies and gentlemen at the end of the day god will always he is still god because he has all power of heaven and earth in his hand there are a lot of things in this world that are uncertain to us right now but there's one thing that will always be certain and that is god will always be god because his word declares that i'm the same today yesterday and forever ladies and gentlemen can i say to you opposed to you this day he does so by playing satan that is he does so by playing with the minds of the saint he's a distracted because he plays with the mind of the saints and romans 12 and 2 teaches us and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind it is a sad thing when satan can cause you to forget where it is that god has brought you from ladies and gentlemen if i might be real today maybe i'm the grant the only grand old rascal maybe i'm the only one that's ever messed up and i'm the only crook in montgomery right now but can i say to you that when i look back over my life i've realized how good god has been to me and every now and again it would do you and i well to remember where god has brought us from ladies and gentlemen do you not know that it was through many dangerous toys and snares that the lord has delivered us even when we were in our mess even when we were in our sin even when we were doing things that we thought other people didn't know that we were doing even when we were committing even when we found ourselves being x something or another god still loved us even when we were in our singings he died for us and every now and again we need to remind ourselves that if god brought me to it god will bring me through it ladies and gentlemen he wanted me to remind you this morning because many of us have forgotten who god really is what god is capable of doing ladies and gentlemen many of god's people have developed a memory failure and therefore they have developed a spiritual amnesia we've gotten to the places in our life that we have forgotten about who god is and what god is capable of doing we have developed spiritual amnesia and that was a little girl who said it best this way i realize that i'm a king's daughter and because i'm a king's daughter there's nothing that i've ever wanted there's nothing that i've ever needed that the king didn't provide for me ladies and gentlemen can we take a dose of that medicine this morning and say to ourselves because we are kingdom ass because we are children of the most high king that god provided for us when we couldn't conjugate verbs okay let me just be plain this morning god took care of us when we were caused god took care of us when we didn't have education god took care of us when we couldn't go in the front door but the back door god took care of us when we were oppressed depressed and god will still take care of us now can i move can i say to somebody i'm thankful this morning that god has a constant reminder samuel says in first samuel 10 and 18 when everyone had arrived he told them to remind you that he had rescued you from the hand of the oppressor that he rescued you from the hands of the egyptians maybe i'm by myself in this house again but i'll say again i realized that that was some things that god delivered me from and it's not because of my goodness but it's because god has been so good to me as we focus too much too many times we get to the place in our lives that we forget who god is whose we are and what we are but i would like to call your attention today just for a few moments psalms 103. and i'd like to share something with you i know we have to move but i want to share something from psalm 103 with you today what must i remind myself of psalm 103 says that your soul first of all ought to bless the lord why should my soul bless the lord well first of all he talks about the benefits of serving the lord or having god on your side and i don't know whether you know it tonight but ladies and gentlemen there's a benefit in serving the lord what makes the job more attractive what makes the church more attractive is the french benefits and every now and again you ought to look back over your lives and realize the benefits that comes with being a child of god can i say it simply first of all you can call him in the midnight hours when you're friendless and fear that there's nobody in this world or what a friend we have in jesus ladies and gentlemen can i say to you that every now and again that he's the father that will stick close or rather he's a friend that will stick closer than a brother he will be a mother for the motherless a father for the fatherless and whatever it is that you need every now and again you ought to get to the place in your life that your soul ought to rejoice and do you not know ladies and gentlemen that's what the devil is also distracting us because we've gotten to the place in our lives that our soul has become so stagnated we've gotten to the place in our life that we have forgotten that the soul is the center part of our rejoicing it is center part of our of our emotions and therefore when you get to the place in your life that your emotion begins to run on a low and you forget what it is that god has done for you your soul forgets to look back at what god has done for you not only does he talk about the benefits but then he goes on to say who forgiveth all of my iniquities who heal all these diseases he goes on in 103 to say who redeemed thy life from destruction who crowned them with kindness tend to mercies who satisfied my mouth with goodness come somebody ought to just say today that god is good ladies and gentlemen every now and again we ought to remind ourselves of how good god has been to us the book of lamentation is a series of dirges it is a book that deals with the songs of mourning and here it is this book of lamentation is written against the backdrop of the babylonian invasion and the destruction of jerusalem in the midst of all of this the first question i ask myself is why is it that there's so much destruction the reason why there's destruction pestilence because there's disease in this land is because of the sin of god's people ladies and gentlemen i want to say to you this morning that the things that you and i are dealing with right now that we're encountering right now could it be because of our iniquities could it be because of our sins and time after time as the men of god proclaimed the gospel of jesus christ and we encourage you to repent and turn from your ways and you continue to live as you have lived god allows things i don't think that god put it on us but he didn't stop it and he did he allowed it are you with me today so here it is in the midst of all of this awful suffering that these children are enduring god calls his man the man by the name of jeremiah we all know jeremiah one who was called the weeping prophet jeremiah the one who was given an assignment that he really didn't want jeremiah who could not teach and preach what he wanted to preach but the only sermon that god allowed him to preach was a sermon of judgment and it became it came to the place in the children's life that they got tired of hearing judgment judgment and jeremiah got to the place in his life but he said you know what i'm tired of preaching i'm not going to do this anymore but he found out that his papers his degrees was not on the wall but it was in the walls of his bones and he said it's like fire shut up in my bone ladies and gentlemen we ought to get to the place in our lives that when we look back over our lives we ought to catch on fire and remind ourselves of how we got over all the things that god brought us through when men meant it for our bad when men tried to destroy us when people talked about us put their feet on our head god delivered us from all that was evil and every now and again you ought to remind yourself but how can i know when people have reminded themselves when you remind yourself and look back over your life you ought to get to the place in your life that your soul began to shout and just tell god thank you you ought to get to the place in your life that you just lose your mind in a praise that you begin to give god a crazy praise because all that god has done for me he deserved the best of my praise in the midst of all that the children were going through the pain and the turmoil god has a man who is called the reminder if i might use this but what does he remind them of and this is why i want to get the meat of the text he reminds them of god's faithfulness about two three weeks ago when pastor called and extended this invitation god gave this song into my spirit great is thou faithfulness ladies and gentlemen i began to ponder i began to deal with that for about two weeks just a song within itself and i began to think about great ears thou faithfulness okay i i didn't mess up and i didn't did that wrong in 2019 but in 20 i i did some things but great is his faithfulness i didn't always treat people i wasn't always as straight up with the saints as i should have been but great eels thou faithfuls and i have to ask myself the question why is it that even in the midst of all of my wrongdoing my shortcoming god is still faithful let's look at the text the bible says in verse 22 god is faithful in his grace let me read that for you if i might verse 22 says it is of the lord's mercy that we are not consumed because his compassions fail not i'm gonna read that again it is of the lord's aren't you glad that people's mercy is not like or rather god's mercy is not like people's mercy it is of the lord's mercy that we are not consumed in other words what this writer is saying is i realize that i should have been consumed but because of god's mercy so pastor tell me what is mercy mercy is an expressive word it's a word that conveys love joy grace mercy faithfulness gladness goodness devotion mercy denotes the fact that god is a divine lover of men i'm glad today that god doesn't love my sins but he loves me and i'm glad that every day his mercies are new his grace saves his grace secures but paul says it best when he when god he says lord i've prayed to you thrice to remove this thorn and god says my grace it's sufficient i came to tell you maggie street that god's grace is sufficient it saves and it secures not only that but in verse 23 he says they are new each morning great is thou faithfulness faithfulness god is faithful in his gift what gifts are you talking about franklin it's right there in verse number 22 compassion that's a gift because if you be real with yourself doesn't any of us deserve god's compassion nobody in this world today deserve god's mercy his compassion i'll say it again loud for you montgomery his compassion is a gift and you ought not take god's gift lightly faithfulness gift what are you talking about compassion to be moved it means to be moved in the heart out of love for another how in the world can god love a wretch like me how can god love a person of unclean lips how can god love a sinner a perverse individual how can god loves one who is a hypocrite who's given in to hypocrisy how can god love one that constantly steals from him i don't know why he loves me but i know that he loves me and i'm glad that he loves me and i want to remind you today that god loves you not only that but he begins to go home and say that in spite of what happens he meets us with the gift of his presence provision and his power i want to say that even though we're in the midst of a pandemic we have more now than we've ever had before in our lives there were doors that had never been opened that you and i have watched god open in the midst of all of our adversities ladies and gentlemen i want to say to you that maybe your money is kind of funny but still you have more than you've ever had before you have the presence of god what are you talking about franklin where the presence of god where the spirit of god is there is liberty and that's an opportunity for you to be liberated from whatever it is that has called you to forget where it is that god has reminded or rather had brought you from not only that but i l something i like it it says that his gift or rather his mercies are new each morning the other day that i'm going to go i'm a country boy i went out to the garden and i wanted to pick something for breakfast and i went out there and i found myself a nice cantaloupe the only difference between my kind of low pasta people a pet way rather is that mines was fresh and walmart was not i didn't know where walmart's cantaloupe had come from but i knew where mine had come from i didn't know whether they had planted it in some kind of chemical but i knew mine came from some old dirt i wish i had some help here i didn't know whether or not theirs had been watered with water fresh water from the rain or from the creek but i knew mine had fresh whale water and when i picked it and cut it i knew that on the inside i was going to get i wish i had help here ladies and gentlemen can i say to you today that every morning god brings me something fresh and that's his mercy aren't you so glad that when god gives you his mercy he knows where you have been he knows what you have done every morning god brings a new mercy that he does not bring up to you what it was you did yesterday but rather he brings you something fresh and brand new each morning and today you and i ought to have a brand new joy and say i'm going to remember where it is that god has brought us from notice what he says not only is his gift fresh but watch what he says in the gift is great great is thou faithfulness how do i know that god is faithful the reason i know that god is faithful is because i should have been dead somewhere in a grave somewhere behind bars but god kept me don't tell me god is not faithful and god is just not faithful great is his faithfulness ladies and gentlemen i want to say to you in closing there are many of us who have gotten to the place that we've become disaligned discombobulated we've gotten to the place in our lives that we've stopped living the way god wants us to live we've stopped doing what it is that god called the church to do the standards that the church is to uphold even in a pandemic many of us have relinquished our duties but he said to me to remind them that one of these old days when it comes down to the end of life that they're still going to have to give an account of their stewardship of their time their talent and their tithe he says remind them that i died but i rose and when i rose i rose with all power of heaven and earth in my hand he said remind them that even though they're going through right now even though they feel that they've been displaced and they've been temporarily neglected let them know that i still love them he said remind them that i still have all power of heaven and earth in my hand ladies and gentlemen he wants lastly for me to remind you that he is a very present help in the time of trouble he's a very present help in the time of need great is thou faithfulness god bless you god bless you it's our prayer what a dynamic word from our preacher of the hour i just want to extend this invitation after hearing that dynamic word we have been reminded of the goodness of god of his faithfulness of his mercies and why we are not consumed and we're not consumed because of god's love so if you're debating about your life whether or not you're saved i want to give you this invitation to give your life to christ you simply confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that god has raised jesus from the dead and you can be saved you can just simply say lord i believe that you died for my sins i believe you rose again from the dead come into my heart come into my life sit on the throne of my life i yield unto you if you confess that today you could be saved i want you to think about that and if you're looking at joining a church amen you can call us at 26 334-263-3215 here at magnus street church someone is here on tuesday wednesdays and thursday you can leave your information we will be willing and to give you a call i'm just so excited this brother has preached a dynamic word here today and if we are to remember the things that god has done for us we will start to raise that standard once again and what a word for 122 years just to be reminded of what god has done for us and i'm so excited amen about this young brother and how he has delivered the word of god with much courage and with much authority and amen we're just grateful for that i'm so excited about what god is doing in our church well let me give you a scripture to consider for the rest of the week i want you to read that entire chapter of lamentation three and you can put it all in context of where we uh where he shared the word of god from well with that being said i'm just going to go ahead and close out amen we're so thankful for pastor charles franklin amen all the way from uh safford alabama by way of where he lives he just pastors in yantli so we're grateful to god pastor is there anything else you want to say amen i'm going to go ahead and dismiss i'm just grateful for that word i pray that that word would just keep you on this evening after you're at home you can just marinate in it savior that word that has been preached this brother has given us an awesome word for us to consider uh the goodness of the lord let's pray well father we thank you for jesus we thank you for have dying on the cross for our sin we thank you lord because we know that because of his death we are now able lord god to access the heavenlies and we thank you for that and we won't forget what you have done for us i pray that you will continue to bless maggie street church as we remember 122 years of history and not only that what we will leave for our children after we are gone help us to teach the word of god lying upon line precept upon precept that the mandate of the kingdom will continue to be preached now lord as we get ready to leave this place never from your present we ask that you would travel with us allow your traveling grace to be with us in this hour now may the grace of god the sweet communion of the holy spirit may he rest will and abide with us all hand forth now and forever in jesus name we pray amen we would like to acknowledge those who worked diligently to make our church anniversary successful minister joey and sister brenda welcher our 2020 co-chairs thank you for worshiping with us today we hope that you have enjoyed celebrating our 122nd church anniversary maggie street missionary baptist church where ezekiel pettway senior is the senior pastor maggie street is located at 642 maggie street montgomery alabama 361 we would like to thank all of our patrons who helped to make our 122nd church anniversary a success [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Maggie Street
Views: 862
Rating: 4.8461537 out of 5
Id: _GscvfkTwdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 36sec (4056 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 30 2020
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