$15,000!!! HOLY BATCRAP @LunkersTV! $15,000 Gamble | Will He Lose or Win? Abandoned Storage Unit!

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[Music] welcome to another episode of Grimes finds man we have got a full day ahead of us so what we're gonna do is is I gotta grab Gina and I gotta grab Katie and we gotta have a morning meeting of what's got to get done today and how we're gonna get it done but before we do that I need to give a few special people shout out hey I have to give you shout out to cell phone exchange in Garland Texas because they gifted us this brand new iPhone 10s Mac we were using a 7 what was this KD 7 something 7 plus grab you one compared compared yes so yes they got you jump over this one yeah cuz you can see there has two cameras now rather than than this crappy yeah I mean this one has two cameras but this one has the zoom I don't know how to explain it you can zoom out rabbit rather yes okay so hey thank you cell phone exchange hey all their information is down in the descriptions make sure to go check them out because here's the deal all you storage unit buyers right what do we find a lot of cell phones good ones bad ones put them on a box what you do is you'll contact them go to the website the links down in the descriptions and you can contact them and actually send pictures or you can just ship in a box that what they'll do is they'll assess it and they will send you a fair value of the phones understand that they're using it for most part so sometimes there's huge money in it you don't know so make sure to contact them if you're looking for a way instead of just throwing those old cell phones away not making any money why not bring him pile them up in a flat rate box ship them over to cell phone exchange in Garland Texas and let them give you some money for it so hey thanks Mike and cell phone exchange here in Garland Texas for the upgrade whoo you know the only reason I didn't have one these things are expensive y'all expensive so again thank you for your kindness before we get started for the day we've got a huge with auctions for lockers TV to start going through so me and you guys we're gonna dig through the boxes today and see if we can find that $100,000 comic book but before we do that I was really sad because I went to New York and I called Jeremy over it what the hell go back and forth give him syndrome well what the hell I contact him I was hoping he could come to New York and meet us and he just had prior engagement so hey we love what the hell's sorry brother we couldn't hook up but I'm hearing he might be coming back to Texas Wow yeah so hey if you don't know my buddy Jeremy over at what the Hales make sure to go like and subscribe to all his videos to do is just a great guy hilarious content and he's the real deal he's really getting all this stuff from units you never know what you're gonna find and he makes it very very interesting alright so now we're done with all that silly business what's the game playing ladies Senate auction okay so you two and the three knuckleheads in the backroom you set up the auction right and I'm gonna be doing what comics write so I'm gonna start sorting through all of lunker's TVs comics books that we just went to New York and buy so hey what we need to do need to get this area all cleaned up I need tables lined up all right here so I can put comic books on make sure all the shipping goes out today and make sure you have fun doing it so hey here's the dang deal guys they are gonna be setting up an auction I'm gonna be setting up an auction we got a lot of stuff we got a lot of sales make sure to go down in the descriptions not to chitchat but down over here on the other side the descriptions and the link for the auction is there go pre-register for the comic book auction now and the Grimes finds dollar sale is coming up let's get to work [Music] [Applause] alright guys so we are almost done getting prepped on straight down the second but look this is one of those boards that we found today we're just in the little pop-up five then I'm Bob yeah so what we're gonna do is we're gonna get cigar boxes oh man that's the real Prince he's that he's the only heir now all right I guess because his brother stepped out of the family so look what we do is we'll take these cigar boxes and we're gonna take like maybe look all these coke look at all these cool old coke magnets we have let's see if we can find a date 1980 oh sorry I just had a boiled egg 1986 1995 so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put all these coke magnets in this one box look we've got polar-bear what else you know that thing where do we really beat this on it so look we got some Campbell Soup Cracker Jacks okay what else would go in that kind of category you see anything okay man no maybe like the mustards like cuz these are like name brands so we'll put those in there and then what we'll do is I'm gonna grab another box and we're gonna make another line and we have this one down here that's full of magnets also with this guy's we'll probably put all these tours city ones and another one but that's how we're gonna handle these maxes maxes these magnets to maximize surprises to sell them in little boxes so let's go back to working alright guys so it is lunchtime so check it out our goal before that everybody broke for lunch it is noon around here was to get everything prepped because around the auction house we're trying to always prep our section before we get to work because that makes the flow of the operations go a lot quicker and if you've seen our last videos we are been backed up but we are here and we are whipping this thing into shape so let me flip this around and kind of show you what we've got done for the day before we send these knuckleheads off lunch alright so if you saw in here look this room is now all sweat and pretty we've already contacted the mail lady I asked him to get all the shipping that we actually got the payments for so this will be today's shipment going out today boom boom boom and boom boom boom that's all paid for it's going out this is part of the next Grimes finds a dollar auction that the catalog is up now so make sure that you go check out that link in the descriptions right this very second easier over here finishing lotting up because when the guys get back they're gonna be doing descriptions and pictures of the auction and if you'll remember this whole area had a bunch of junk in it this morning right now look at all these pretty pretty clean empty shelves that we were about to put Lots on to make money see you might remember these these are all of lunker's tvs Nikes that he got in that one unit and one of the other things that I was going to be doing was working on lighting all the comics and so you remember this was all had a bunch of trash in it you saw the guys working on it so what I'm gonna be doing is using all this table space right here for comics that are all hiding right around this corner so what I'm gonna be doing is taking a box here boom and what we're gonna do is we're going to bottom out in two categories like Batman and then we're gonna put them all in numerical order so this whole thing by the time we come back in the video is going to be full of all of lunker's TVs comics and if we find something super expensive we're gonna pop in and show it to you other than let me get back to work cuz I gotta make money and now these knuckleheads are all leaving for lunch where you going what quit where you going what your little stomach all right where are you going where y'all going water water burger yeah water burger what a burger its water burger I call this or were you going I know we're he's the responsible and he brings his lunch he's gonna go eat in the back hey they don't care about this alright guys so we are back everybody's back from lunch they're gonna continue on the auction doing picture descriptions and I'm gonna flip this around and show you what I'm working on oh I am working on lunker's comic auction so what I'm doing here is just trying to get some of the catalog in order so what we're gonna put in here is first issues key issues in this basket will go $0.10 to 15 cent DCs then we're gonna go to 20 cents to 35 cent we're gonna do the same thing for Marvel then what we're gonna do after that is is we're gonna put them all in numerical order by like Superman Batman and then we'll put them in numerical order and then we're gonna run them through a website that we use to check them to see if they're key issues and why they're key issues to make sure that we don't miss out on any big money then after that what I'm going to do is anything that doesn't fit in that category is gonna go on here like I found some silver surfers and those are down there cuz I'm gonna try to keep them in alphabetical order all the way down and then what we'll do is I'm just going to try to separate them first we'll get the catalog done that way we can have the auction up for you guys on Monday okay so we've gotten a lot done give us a real quick spin at the table okay back over here said look this is the ones I said that these are number one issues Nightcrawler number one and we just have a ton of other ones like this is kind of nostalgic this is Thundercats number one that's really nostalgic to me so that's what all these are our first issues and we have like a ton of adventure comics like 12 cents like I mean up to 40 cents but a lot of these are like 12 to 15 to 20 centers and like tons of Detective Comics so what these are are these are ones that I pulled out to say that I knew we had a lot of them and these typically hold the most value and this power right here is the what I call key issues means it's a first appearance someone died in it I found this one right here and the guy had already had this on it said variant cover also rare away if so rare need to have looked at so I'm definitely gonna be checking that one out this is all like 1215 centers of DC right here look at that guys I haven't even gone through probably a quarter not even a quarter of the comics and look at that big stack and anyone who knows comics knows this is the stuff you want the 1210 centers at this whole stack right he or like the giant-sized like DC had a bunch of the hundred paste ones hundred page hundred page ones like Shazam we got the giant-sized Iron Man's we got giant-sized Iron Man Iron Man spider-man's I really like these but this one's in a horrible condition but there's just a ton more look at these these are like just beautiful freakin covers and so what all of these are so far like Batman so like this is all Batman's it doesn't matter what it is twelve centers like to newer what we're gonna do is is we're gonna go through all of these a second time and we're gonna put them all in numeric order and then we're gonna run them through that database again and make sure there's no key issues in there and then we'll take out the keys and then what we're gonna do is is we'll do runs like 20 runs numerically in a row so like this is the Iron Man stack and look at this I mean these are in beautiful shape and these are 35 centers but I've put 12 centers in here so that is a bunch that is awesome and this we have a ton of Star Trek and these are like in phenomenal condition so we're gonna go through these put all these in orders I don't know if we have number one but I know I saw a bunch actually I think I did when we were out at the unit I think I did see Star Trek number one so we'll sell this maybe in one big large lot so this is the spider-man so what I did is like anything 35 cents in older I have them putting in this so I'll have them I've been doing it put in this deck and the newer ones we're gonna put here but this is Peter Parker this is web of Spiderman amazing spider-man all the different ones so we'll go through here and divide them up in series and then go numerically again check them for key issues and then we'll autumn accordingly okay so like I said I didn't even get through a quarter of it so this is all that I have to go through so I'm going to run all of this through the same process get divided up and then we're gonna do pictures and descriptions of the whole comic book so make sure to pre-register right now because it's open for pre-registration you can go there do your thing and then when it opens on Monday night at 8 p.m. Central Time that's gonna send you a reminder so go ahead and set that in right now all right guys I want to give you a tour of the auction that is opening tonight tomorrow tomorrow I want to give you a tour of that real quick but before we do that lets open mail all right this first this package is from George Burke and he sent us a very very nice letter thank you and some song lyrics so let's look and see what he gave us thanks George Oh in the letter he said that he gave me a scarf to keep me warm oh that totally looks like you that is so hurry up thank you again George I really love this oh boy Zenica nice it's a u.s. in no way yeah good thank you Joe open that for me take it out of there that is a nice that is cold check that out George dude you are too kind bro look says USMC right there let's see nah I'll simplify what's that mean what Steph I mean are you kidding me how long y'all are you been married to me always always remember oh my gosh that's not 11 always faithful dorks all right what's next hey what voice was that oh yeah no that was me I just said that I don't know what guys know hey man I like your sweatshirt Thanks hey y'all can purchase one of these okay tell Justin to make a black version because I'm going to lace like I don't have 50 million things the all right show him across they won't see the cross oh yeah what so hey thank you so much George you freaking rock all right what's next all right who's a friend tell us both who they're from so gram in Texas she said do not call her Linda see what she sent us what does okay of the house is the people who frequent it okay warmest thoughts best wishes for a happy holiday happy new year ah what do we say to her wait what okay guys are just wanting to wish the entire Grimes finds group a very Merry Christmas a very safe and blessed Happy New Year wow that's very sweet Linda okay Graham thanks Graham from Texas thanks Graham from Texas Thank You Graham what's next tell us what's next this is from Jason Jason hood Oh Jason Bohn thanks Jason I'm sorry this is so late like these are from December folks that's how backed up we are you like somebody's sent us cookies like a month and a half ago and I'm not gonna lie like I ate the whole bag so whoever that was I forgot Terry Smith Thank You Terry they were great all right let's see what you guys say okay faster faster I'm good okay all right let's see what Jason had to say you are a gift to humanity oh man there's two kinds who's he talking to this you put you read it make sure it says Justin thank you so much for your help the last year and putting me on putting me on and helping me and others build our channels are a great gift to so many I hope 2020 is an amazing year and you surpass all your goals hey brother you are so welcome so check this out that goes into the next thing I wanted to do is I want you to look last week we had a challenge to try to get our friends Crocker's lockers from 600 I think they were like 590 something to a thousand and check it out they've grown like almost double they're like at 970 or so right now go to this channel you [Music] and make sure to subscribe to freaking Crocker's lockers I promise you guys guys promise you guys oh that was almost like my I don't like a mix between my peewee voice and my Yoda voice so rewind check it out but so what were we doing Crocker's rockers yeah make sure to go subscribe to Crocker's lockers guys they're only like twenty eight away from a thousand and any of you youtubers know how hard you work to get to a thousand so let's make their dream come true tonight our back that's where you rob all right hey I'm gonna do a quick walk around the grinder and sell it opens tomorrow at noon is that idea oh not a.m. that's a good surprise 9 a.m. tomorrow but you can pre-register now for this dollars grandson auctions the stuff I'm about to show you and you can pre-register for the lunker's TV comic book auction pre-registration is open now so go to both the links down in the descriptions and make sure to do that that we get a notification when it opens and then all the fantastic options are coming up so anyway check it out if you've seen some of our past videos you saw that in that one locker we found a couple coin collections right I found like three coin collections and probably the last week in separate units no freaking connection so anyway looks over Morgan's right got just beautiful stuff this week we got electronics this Budweiser like bar set it's kind of cool it's a it's a barbecue set that's what I meant barbecue set but check this out guys look if you like vintage freakin Nintendo games you freakin got new in the box the pamphlets are in there and I think on some of these we you got the pamphlets with them so like lot 37 that's gonna be all one line right yeah yeah wow that's a crazy lot that's a time with the money times the money so that means whatever the bid is it'll explain it to you but the ex that's a killer lot up man people are gonna fight over that Jacob literally almost pee his pants up there is we found that in the unit oh that was the unit that I bought after I let Rob have the gun safe unit uh-huh so check it out that bigstar's hockey puck this is a killer freaking lot look at this not 39 y'all if your Gameboy has almost hey where's the other games oh no no these are just Pokemon was full but check this out so lot 39 is only a vintage Gameboy Pokemon set that's freaking rad look at this one this is a what do they call this one color Game Boy Game Boy Color look it comes with all the accessories yeah a magnifier for the screen where's the other games are they in there yeah they go with that line that's gonna come go check it out cuz the pictures are in there but check this out I know this one works so a Game Boy Advance and man it is freaking comes with a case and everything but you got jewelry lots hey these were real popular these were real popular last auction so you guys freaking paid really good money I think you still got a phenomenal deal so hey by popular demand you got huge jewelry lot this one comes with two jewelry boxes yeah so look you got furniture if your local look we got vintage toys we got vintage PC games we got Star Wars what else this is just all the really cool stuff remember this library I found and then I can't run what you know that was in oh that was in the big 10 by 30 I think I didn't watch that video I hate this quilt lady I guess I thought the quilt thing but she had like 30 or 40 quilts when they get the rest of those added look that Tigger that vintage Tigger thing it's still on the back it doesn't have the box but it's brand new we found coins lots - what do they say 197 through 200 so go check that out if you want to see those what coins are in those books go to the auction right now look we got old Spurs those are kind of cool I'm really look I don't we find so much elephant stuff that just don't really care about it anymore but this is idea I know you do freak but this is cool so what do we got over here these are the drums that we bought back from New York but these are not in this so there's that look lots of crystal look more vintage II stuff old photos those are always fun right beautiful look at this guys y'all go check all this stuff out got some decanter action going on I don't Waterford what this is no one that is get out of here it's stamped on the bottom that boys here that's some nastiness yeah hey we're gonna try to put some warm water in this and show you how pretty how do we not clean up Waterford no I go pay y'all y'all don't get mad at me saying being me and go three videos back I saying and see that I had to get him that frickin the little Buddha head look like he was all up in some cocaine because they didn't powdered donuts whatever why did you try to sell this like that I thought okay I'm just kidding hey this needs to be retaken you don't take a freaking $500 decanter and not freaking wash it up for pitch $500 I would figure that they could go for that or more I don't I don't know Waterford decanter huh it's at least a few hundred easy that's great not 9 the chitchat we're chatting out down in the comments below look up this decanter okay - all the crap that's in it okay and let us know what you think this decanter is worth it's got the stopper and all that's hey thank you do me a favor real quick grab that Windex oh it's pretty that upswing in the video with that let's see what it should look like check it out look at this big lot 229 it'll have the piece count in there I think this is the Wedgwood this was 70 70 pieces of Wedgwood y'all and what's it start at a dollar what that's crazy time 70 now I'm just gonna look we got more vintage GI Joes guys hey those these are the ones that I found at the thrift store for like eight between like 89 cents and a dollar 20 and y'all on that freakin one car that one car I spent ten bucks total in it go back to the thrift store chalant not their store chose one of our last thrifting videos for from man Gina and I sold one of the cars that I bought for a you know since 465 freakin dollars so we got ice skates this is a really cool lot look at that all these old buttons there's like oh yeah like bands bands comics Disney Dick Tracy look vintage Harley frickin Davidson freakin handkerchiefs this is pretty cool yo this is a vintage Bose tape deck like almost like a boombox we don't have the cord for it but it is I've been it's battery-operated maybe not that's a lot of power but I always tell you wrong for it looks like a standard cord so we might try to find one but look here's the right here showing the model number boo yo look that up hey not in the chitchat down the comments let me know what you think this thing's worth cuz I have not had a time since I got back from New York I just found out about this but this thing is killer y'all Katie found that just saying everything starts for at $1 this morning inside we're gonna sell this whole board with all of those magnets on it but y'all remember that from one unit we found all the Star Wars books look at this boo-yeah boo-yeah and we tried to divide them up and sets look at all these little glass figures I remember when we found these they're little glass hippo these are really pretty oh the Rhino that's a great lot I'd like just more vintage stuff big jewelry lots they said this is me and about man it ain't long I'm starting to get puffy eyes just in the six months within there YouTube it's like that 15 years later thing but I think that's it guys thank you make sure to ring that Bell select all make sure to go to what the hell's and lockers TV and freakin subscribe other that's see you at the next unit [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 26,359
Rating: 4.9151826 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes
Id: orOL2gevj_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 54sec (1554 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 24 2020
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