Transforming Sterling Silver Flatware Into 1988 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Figure. (Full-Size) PT 1

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empty mikey empty [Music] [Music] welcome back to our all new special edition of grimes fine this is something that i have been talking about for over six months so we started small and this kind of graduate up to this to this the big ship bank in this video we're going to take sterling silver that we found in an abandoned storage unit and we're going to try to transform it into one of these fabulous ninja turtles more specifically we're gonna go for that little guy right there the one with the blue not the red the original tv series all right guys we are i'm being bad i got my mask on we need two by fours and some kind of wood to make the base out of it and we need latches for the side to line it up i'm gonna look at these basically we need two pieces when we're making the mold the mold the half's too small ah okay see this is what i'm thinking something like this we'll put it on one side of the box and the other and then that way we can latch it because it has to stay lined up whenever we put the two together so i was thinking we need some of these uh to put the the sides of the box together i think i'm gonna get yeah get these those should work so one two three four we need two packs because we got two sides all right there's that screws perfect length okay now we need some kind of latch to put on the side it's thinking something like this but it might be too loose but we could put one of these on one side latch that down and it should keep the box together that's pretty tight all right i'm thinking something like this this is exactly what i was thinking look these that way they latch tight so we'll get one for is there two in here or one looks like two just to be safe i'm gonna go ahead and get two we're gonna put one on each side of the board because this is gonna be permanent guys this is a permanent project because i plan on casting a lot of silver so let's do it right all right guys we are here in this set i want something like this i'm gonna try to find something if i can that's too small all right let's see let's check these out this is actually work huh plastic wood i'm thinking this will work i can yeah we might get this cut this in half we'll go ahead and cut this in half that's just that's really deep i don't have a put a lot of that sand in there because this is for a three-inch action figure that's too big it's too tall we needed about half that thick about half that height oh maybe something like this it needs to be thick yeah this actually might be i think it's about the thickness it's about the height we need like yeah because then we're gonna put two of them it'll be stacked on top so that's about how thick the box will totally be that's perfect without further ado let's go ahead let's get chopping let's get this sucker made if you want to try this at home here's a list of the items that i have to make the mold for the sand have a saw or your wife's bread knife saying is probably not going to survive this video he's going to die i've got these latches and i'm going to put one on each side i like these these are nice and tight i didn't like the first ones that i saw because there was going to be a little bit of wiggle room and in this everything's going to have to be tight y'all keep it tight you may wish to begin with 10 to 12 reps of each of the following exercises although suzanne says she does 50 of this particular exercise every night before she goes to bed [Music] this is a good show this is a clean show up next what we're going to do is we are going to reinforce the corners of our box with these little l brackets so i got two cases of those one for the top one for the bottom gonna need a handy dandy drill here's the wood that i chose i went with it looks like maybe an inch so basically we're going to be stacking these like this imagine how much sand you have to pack down in that son of a gun before it fills up so we want to go a little bit smaller to reduce the cost of this whole project and just in case you're curious here is the uh tetan bond 130. this is the stuff that i use to make the sterling silver 10 ounce mario i actually really like this i've got oh a baby powder so i've got all that stuff but we don't need to worry about this yet because we have nothing to put it in let's build our mold is this really happening i thought this wasn't really happening this is happening this is really happening all right guys so that just wasn't gonna happen so the bread knife still cut bread i think but i went and got a hyper tough 15 inch saw 10 bucks felt like it was worth the invest did i do that much much better all right guys we have all of our wood right here so i kind of made a mock-up right here i like that i really do i like the spacing on this i think i'm gonna go on the outside right here okay go like this okay i really like the way that that fits in there i mean i like the border i think it's really gonna like it's gonna be strong enough is what i'm saying so i've got my other one here to make the second one okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take these little l brackets right here and i'm going to fasten these up hopefully this stuff's gonna stack perfectly like this and then we're going to take our latches and we're going to put them on both sides that way when we pack all of our dirt and stuff it's going to stay like perfectly aligned whenever we like sandwich it sandwich all right guys we have our boxes done i feel pretty good about them uh i mean i didn't use a level i mean i didn't do it all precise like but they line up really good actually uh for eyeballing them so what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna take these and i'm gonna take four of my latches all right guys i'm gonna take these latches i'm gonna apply these to the side that way once we get this we're gonna pack it full we're gonna staple a cardboard right here to give it a floor we're gonna start compacting all of our uh sand into there and then what we're going to want to do is once we get that packed we're going to want to stick that on top but we always want it to align perfectly that's why i got these latches and we're going to take this smack it on each side voila and theory should work some things work out better in my head let me know down in the comments if you can relate with that like sometimes like you got these great ideas and like they just they seem a lot better in your head than they do i'm gonna push this flat i'm gonna go ahead and pre-punch some holes okay all right guys sorry it's a little bit dark lost some light but okay so i finished it up look pretty sturdy for the most part so i got a latch on this side of the latch on this side i feel that once i latch these like it's gonna align right so what i'm gonna do is since i've got two extra latches over there i'm gonna go ahead and put a latch on this side a latch on this side that just way when it buckles down i mean it's just gonna be like completely tight and it's gonna realign exactly the way it did when we split it infants on his apart jesus went to the cross for us jesus subjected himself to them for us so the courage part is truth and we know that christianity is true all right guys so our box is made i feel pretty good about it i feel good about it so i added some cardboard on the bottom just something that um i don't know just a little trick i picked up just over time of doing this and i'm still a novice at it um so i do watch a lot of other youtube channels like big i think it's big stack d i subscribe to his channel he does a lot of pouring so i've learned a lot of stuff over it one of the things that i have learned guys um is that you don't want your your uh your model you don't want your model to to move around you know you want once you're because you're gonna have to take it in and out of the bold several times so what i want to do here is i got some gorilla glue this time the mario didn't move but i figured with moving parts i was like man just i think it'd be good so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna take some super glue and i'm gonna go ahead and put some of this uh gorilla glue it's got a brush uh but i'm gonna go ahead and put this around his joints once i get him down like okay now i know he's standing up because i am gonna make him a base i don't know if i'm gonna do it out of marble uh i don't know maybe something like brick something retro i don't know what i'm gonna do yet i do know that like i feel like i'm the first one to do this so this is pretty freaking awesome so all right so let's take the super glue let's go ahead i feel good with with how he is and i've got his swords okay so i want to make sure i'm still thinking i might let me know down in the comments i'm thinking about taking his swords not his belt okay so his little belt is going to go back on him but i'm thinking about making silver swords what do y'all think i don't know i'm thinking maybe i should make him some silver shanks or maybe i should cut this off i can at least mold the blade and i can drill in there and put some super glue but i don't know or something like that so anyway all right so we've hit leo looks like he is in a position that we want him he can stand up on his own he's pretty level okay when he's silver he's gonna be real heavy all right so i'm gonna go ahead and start just applying it just around his his joints okay just because i really don't i don't want him to move when i take him out it's gonna affect my mold it's gonna affect the quality of it okay so i really want to make sure this i mean i'm not too worried about like this gunking up in the silver like affecting it because i mean it's leaking down pretty good actually so i'm gonna let that set for a second but what i'm saying is if the glue like leaves any bumps or anything y'all seeing how i did mario i'm going to take chisel to this this guy is going to be perfect so i'm going to go ahead and also do his areas right here because i don't want his arms moving from that position okay let that soak down in that bad boy i gotta hurry y'all gina's in here working on the auction and i kicked her out because i said i got filmed hey guys how's my beard look i'm still in my pjs this is the next day all right so what else do we want to glue we definitely don't want his back leg moving for sure okay where's the joint okay so actually i'm gonna leave this alone okay i know his wrist move also i think or do they i don't know this uh actually let's see all right i'm gonna be real careful with him let's check his wrist before i go twisting on any yeah okay so look his hands no oh actually his hands don't move okay so his legs the only joint in his legs is like up in the little almost up in his booboo so we're gonna go ahead and drop some down in his areas in his secret airy turtle areas turtles ain't even got wieners i don't know why he's a good word you're good leo nobody wants to see your man hump all right there you go your turtle hump okay i'm just making sure i smooth this out i really don't want a gunky looking mess but that should leak down in there okay i'm gonna put it right here try to connect the leg to the body we'll go ahead and really get some in there okay okay i don't like how that gunked up so i'm gonna get some cardboard or some wood or something wood actually i don't have no saw dust on there stick to the plastic so i'm just trying to spread this around a little bit i want any gunky areas i mean i can always uh file it down once it's silver okay so i feel pretty good about that i'm gonna go ahead and drop one down in his booty just so we can really make sure i guess i could have just popped the legs off and put the the joints back on real quick and and did that but that's a learning experience i might do that next time because these i know these do pop off so i could have put it all around the ball joints and then throw it back together all right guys so i'm gonna let leo dry real quick uh actually you know what we're gonna do his head does swivel let's go ahead and apply some to the back of the neck that's probably where i'm gonna sign this one after i'm done making this figure i'm definitely going to sign this one gina said that i have to sell this one y'all i looked up ninja turtles all right so check it out y'all do down another thing in the comments y'all help me with the research um i cannot find another full figure like sterling silver ninja turtle uh let me know if you can find one i feel like this is a first for youtube uh not just saying that i really do i feel like it's a first and if so like how amazing is this that we're making full like i guess scale full to the original scale of these action figures we're making sterling silver models like that's amazing yo all right so let's let leo dry next step is we're gonna start filling in this bottom part of the box we're gonna go ahead and fill that in are we focused uh yeah y'all like this double angle y'all got double cameras um so all right what i'm gonna do is i hope i have enough sand i have a little leftover in the house so here's what you can expect now we're gonna start filling this in he's gonna be dry we're gonna set him in there and we're just gonna start packing this dirt in here uh foreign all right guys so i'm packing around the sides i'm gonna leave the the center just a little bit loose i mean i did pack it in there but what i'm gonna do is i just had to order more sand because uh i didn't take into consideration that this was my last mold and that's how much sand it took so i do like this though i'm okay with the box being so big because this feels so stout and i really feel once we get this level off we know that our box connects really well so we're gonna have a solid pour so i really want all that detail in there i don't want any chance of the mold like breaking apart once i pull it in there so i feel like this is the route to go so anyway we'll see all right guys while we're waiting on our sand to get here it won't be here until tomorrow i'm going to go try to see if i can find it locally but until that what we could do is uh all right so i ordered me a new one of these thingamajiggies because the other one was just like burnt out so this is brand spanking new put that bad boy down what we're gonna do is we're gonna go ahead and prepare our silver y'all some of y'all is about to have heart attacks prepare yourselves because look how pretty this stuff is so the deal is is like i figure i did a poll um so what i'm doing is i'm taking these off i am gonna what i'm i'm gonna take these and i'm gonna crimp them and kind of roll them up that way i can fit more in here because i want one pour i mean i cannot not have enough that's gonna run these molds what you don't know about these sand molds they're only good for one time so once i pour it if i run out of silver it's just it's gonna i gotta start all over so anyway so we're gonna start taking our silver dropping it in there this is all 925 sterling i'm going to use this pattern first because i might sell some of it i don't know but we're just going to go ahead and do the old bendaroo look at this that looked neat all right so we're going to drop that in there but oh that's pretty ain't it y'all want to do one of them huh we'll save those save the best for last i like these spoons because they're pretty thin all right dropping that in there what we'll do is we're also going to weigh this silver out i have an idea the mario when i poured it before i shaved them down and made them all pretty was about 10 it was a little over 10 ounces i believe so i think this is going to be between 15 and 20 ounce uh uh sculpture i'm called a sculpture it's no longer an action figure it's a grandstands original sculpture don't forget if you want to hire me you can hire me to make your own sculpture but i don't do nudes y'all that's just weird especially if i know you that'd be just be awkward no nudes all right all right guys let me finish doing this let's get this done i'll fill this bad boy up and then we'll bring the scale up in this joint and we'll weigh it all right y'all so i got the scale scale is here let's plop this bad boy down okay i'm gonna go ahead and let's do one more spoon let's do a nice little serving spoon that's a good shoulder workout getting big legs all right y'all ready all right can y'all see that on this camera units all right so we are on what is this on pounds and ounces all right y'all see how how many we got up in this right now okay so this is only that's 11 ounces so i'm gonna go ahead and pop these on here okay that's 11.4 we've got 11.9 so i want to get this up to actually i'm gonna take that on i don't like how that one is because i might have to curl all these up so they all fit in this this guy right here uh but i think what i want to do is i'm pretty sure i want to at least put 20 ounces in i feel like that's the right number is 20 ounces uh y'all let me know what you think again it's this action figure mario took 10 ounces in himself actually do i still have mario or did i send that to emory too oh you sent that to him okay so yeah so okay so steve emery's got that so all right so now we're officially up to one pound of silver so let's go ahead and pop a couple more of these bad boys on here y'all i'm really gonna have to crunch this down to get it all into here okay so okay so that's 19 ounces let's go with a fork there we go so that's going to put us a little over 20 ounces we got 20 ounces of silver right here let me get this all broke down get it into this bad boy um i hope that all fits in there actually let's see so there's there's the silver hole because y'all know we like box holes we like uh i don't know that's all i think that's all you get all right so remember the bottoms was like 10 ounces this is exactly how i weighed it last time are we focused all right let's get oh man that's a lot i need some more room in there okay so i just don't watch we'll try to put now i'm gonna roll these up y'all i feel like those should be i don't know let's see how many we fit in there oh i'm grabbing from the wrong set oh i don't think we have to break these y'all these are sliding down in there very nicely [Music] okay so look we're almost there that's got to be at least oh that one's kind of curved funky okay and also what i'll do is i mean i'm going to stack this bad boy up and i mean i it can be hanging out a little bit you know what i mean that ain't a rule that you want to use in some other things in life because that gets you put in jail but you can leave a little silver hanging out out your hole when you put it on the stove y'all look at that that is 20 like 20 and a half ounces right there fit all in the crucible hole all right so guys look we got our silver ready silver is ready now we're just waiting on ups
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 4,073
Rating: 4.9161425 out of 5
Keywords: grimes finds, grimes finds auction, Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, grimes finds wife, justin grimes, jeana grimes, storage wars full episode, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, storage wars fights, storage unit auctions, melting silver, silver melting, sand casting, sand casting silver, casting silver play button, casting youtube play button, casting, delft clay casting, how to, silversmithing
Id: 5rhRbQDvmf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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