Arson Investigation! Targeted By A Criminal Ring? (Not ClickBait) @Googan Squad @LunkersTV

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alright guys welcome to another episode of grime sponge this is the day 3 after we lost never mind I'm telling you guys it feels like a week I guess when you lose your whole livelihood I guess things a little different so it literally feels like a week but they just told me it's been 48 hours actually right now 48 hours ago me and my team and my lovely wife we were literally watching our building being torn apart by heavy equipment so anyway we have turned this into rods fives headquarters so as now it's my house my home not gonna lie I didn't have to drive anymore for work but it was weird waking up the second day knowing that I didn't have a place to go put my time and my energy and my work is one of the things that really has helped me suppress underneath Lourdes up obviously but has helped me suppress my anxiety depression I work it off and so anyway we're here we're coming up with a plan and guess what so many of you saw the day before our place actually burned down we bought a phenomenal unit but things came to a halt and we went picked that unit up Dugan squads lockers TV from guqin squad actually is so kind he's letting through 6,000 square feet till we get back on our feet it's an hour drive but who cares it's brief we're thankful and with some money runs out the bass guys when you're dying to so we are on our way out to lunker's it's gonna take about an hour from Plano especially the traffic raining like a freakin something the rain Zilla and so we're on the way so if you guys have been waiting for that unit the expensive paintings the Ninja Turtles we found we're about to go and box it off stay tuned we'll be there like that so check it out guys we are here at googans going I'm gonna go in and let his staff know that we were here so they don't think that somebody is just jacking around back so anyway let me write inside let the let rob staff know that we're here in the back of we're gonna head around to the warehouses lettuce will show you around and just let you know we're just gonna show you how gracious Rob's Mint is in the space these buttons used to keep money coming in [Music] alright guys so we're gonna go inside googans quadrille is that little wonder he I don't know why the rocky path check the big-boy toys that you've got I don't have hey maybe one day I check it out so look at this beautiful beautiful beautiful country guys it smells good out here I'm actually feeling a little bit more encouraged anyway there's Jake this is the warehouse so what we're gonna do is we are going to start processing the unit look here it is guys here is that fantastic unit that's been sitting for three days because our building burned down and to be honest like I said we needed a day off yesterday guys because we're just all emotionally done I'm still motional done but I gotta keep going I have to keep going but I'll be honest you guys are what's keeping me going Jesus keeps me going first but you guys you guys have been such a blessing so anyway let's go through a unit but we'll start right after I introduce you to my friend I guess not alright guys so here is the game plan after freaking bag of hormones Baxter stops interrupting me right don't lie on it right you own it she's owning it hey that's all hey I don't care how people act as long as they own it check it out a flash right here I don't know if hey did y'all know we have celebrity y'all seen Zootopia flash she's the sloth it taking their mind hey we don't know what it is go look up go look it up anyway so right here guys y'all are gonna bring all the furniture I'll go see if they have a dolly we can use we lost all our dollies we had like 20,000 of them oh he's got one we're gonna line up furniture on this you're gonna sweep this all this area then we're going to do is we're gonna take cabinets in the beds and we're gonna put the bed together we line up the furniture right here nice and neat and then what probably do is just go ahead and stage on top of it right and then I am going to see if lunker's got some tables or something in the googan warehouse that I can steal because we're gonna need them up all right guys so look here is the unit let me just kind of show you around you know we haven't we didn't actually we started filming this but I deleted it because it was the day of the fire technically and I just mentally couldn't do it I'm sorry Tom mentally but each day is getting better so anyway check this out we're about to go through all of this with you lovely people lots of boxes and we think there's expensive stuff so stay tuned alright guys so check it out we've got these tables that we actually grabbed from next door Robson we could actually I call rob was like hey can I he said dude you don't have to ask me do what you need to do use what you need to do take what you need to take and he said I don't have much recession it was that sounded maybe like he's being rude he wasn't he's been actually very nice it's like just you do what you need to do thank you rob so anyway we jacked some tables from next door googans squad is on the other side of this wall how cool is that though temporarily Grimes finds YouTube channel is on the other side of the wall from one of our favorite channels and one of our dear friends so anyway look we've set up these tables we've got boxes boxes boxes I just popped the tape off this one I don't have a knife you know I don't have enough cuz it got burnt got burnt y'all I'm like hey can y'all watch that death oh wait we don't have cleaner hey we need to write out lot stickers oh wait we don't have lot of stickers everything we need to do our job guys is gone Dali's luckily I don't even know where that dolly came from it was on the back of a u-haul awesome oh yes right okay so check this out here's the first box we're gonna this looks like a good box you know what it starts to stay off Rhys there's a hundred dollar bill in here nope so let's look in here right off the cuff I know what this is this is a pipe alder okay this is really cool I just happened to see you know on the pipe oh you totally went off script and just took the camera do what you want I did the Katie show now oh good lord all right hey I'm gonna have a heart attack if things keep going with check it out but you would put your tobacco in here and then the pipes that Katie so desperately wanted to show you is this pretty gun look at that cool is that not awesome that's of course that a pirate actually it looks like I don't know more like a conquistador I don't know so look actually probably go with this book so your pipe could sit right there but that's kind of weird because he's got a really cool beard actually that's the Grimes funds yep all right check it out we got one pipe we're gonna put it in there that way just for now I know it doesn't go that way come on Oh baby angel I'm not really excited about this that's another baby Angel oh that's a cool pin cushion it's really heavy look right here baby yeah yeah look no minds I've never seen a five-point is that not cool let's go that looks like totally mid-century modern was showing what does that say I can't top Stephen green streamlines um I'll have to look that up hey not in the chit chat down in the comments below help me out guys oh look at this like a loose sight these are very I've never seen pipes like this modern 60-ish looking to me so I might be wrong on that but it looks 60s but hey not in the chit chat down in the comments below let me know what you think about these pipes and if you think you can find out what they're worth for us bet so down here we have all these are little porcelain things okay I'm sure you don't want to see them they will be in the last I'll go through and show you a whole after thing but I'm not a lot when I first saw this is like a little pig and it looked rather inappropriate it probably would have been I was gonna try to avoid sounding like one of these people so we won't do that but look Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben so check it out is that really uncle I don't know but it makes sense alright so check it out look this was all wrapped up I went ahead and unwrapped it for you look it's just a lot of knickknacks but they're really actually cool look that's a little salt and pepper it's either salt or pepper and then look he's got little Peter figures you got left in you've got just little cool knickknacks in this box so we'll probably lot all of these together for that because a gold bear heck yeah actually might be it's Hollow that would make sense right there anyways only gold bear like that alright we'll look at that and then look at this old Freddy Krueger I bet you that's an original that's definitely probably an original Nightmare on Elm Street and there was a Stewart's country mall antiques and Grand Prairie alright guys so I already unwrapped all this stuff I'm just gonna cut out all the bull bolonia and show you so look in this one box right here with all these old German Stein's these are really cool look there's no chips no bites on top but anyway I think we're just gonna lot these all by themselves I didn't look these up yet but I mean I got assumed there I mean low in at least you know five ten bucks apiece on high in probably 20 to 35 oh yes look to solid wood hard yak I'm Duncan's buffalo one time she put a buffalo the buffalo she played was a bran jack and it was a plastic buffalo and the how it worked yes these right here are actually really really cool are they fighting chickens the roosters rehearsing so but when I do I usually don't like brass statues because they're just plain but without intricate that is so these are really really really beautiful alright so check these out y'all just found these I thought they were broke look their coins criminal commemorative coins of the 2001 their mark 2001 of the World Trade Center I thought they were broke but these actually the Twin Towers stand up on the coin I'll do that but there's three of them they're in here but hey check it out that was just in a random box alright y'all will remember this we actually went this was the one of the like few boxes we actually looked into I haven't gone through all this to check it remember this is all sterling I remember I did this one when I first bought the unit I went which was the day before I lost my business all I remember going there's a lot of silver in there he's pulling all of this stuff out of this box we're finding a bunch of random stuff like that so what we're doing what we're doing is we're taking only the good solid individual items we're gonna lock them on the furniture and then on top of the table and then if you look down here show him down here she's about to fall on nails she's already a baby again speaking of baby because she's having a baby but look so then we're gonna just do everything else we're gonna do in box Lots so you'll be able to bid on a box I did find this earlier I didn't show you but I really like this cuz it's still got the tag on it it's from my 84 I think probably 84 85 but that's a Cabbage Patch still with the tag on it that is super super cool alright guys so check it out Jacob has redeemed himself for all the dumb crap he's ever done alright he's digging in that box he's going through boxes down there and I hear him go whoo I'm like alright I know what that means check it out y'all he fell in this box okay whoa whoa whoa they look like gold look that's all we show you this what I'm going to do is just show you what we have and I'm gonna go through it pull the best pieces out put it on top that what you don't just to any of the junk but let's see what's in this one ready please don't be empty boxes that's empty that's silver right there I can tell it's over right there alright guys so check it out let me go through this stuff real quick God's not a genie in a lamp alright guys so check it out look so we have these big lots of here see right there 1 2 3 boom you're gonna that's gonna be box lots look there's actually some really expensive like older costume jewelry but just because of where we are mentally and one huge like hey I've seen some of these jewelry Lots on these others live auctions on YouTube going for a lot that's probably the biggest Lots I've seen it probably really good quality but check it out so these are all Lots so we made out of these these are all stamped silver all of this is sterling so that's a really really good little score right there just sterling jewelry cuz we're probably you'll probably average twenty to thirty dollars for each piece here and then we did find this 14 karat gold and diamond ring it was pretty cool this is probably some kind of like J die or that might not be the correct word term but that's really pretty someone go ahead and put that by itself this little charm bracelet was kind of cool yeah it's got chips and coins and stuff like that on it so we'll put that together this is just not broken soon but this old wood box is just beautiful so this should go by itself in a bone I'm gonna do is it's gonna come with silver alright guys so this is really cool to look at this this sans hook it's all school lamp obviously but I do remember this so when we plug this in actually we'll do this at the end because we got to keep going but this is gonna be a hand-painted seam in here but so anyway when you light this up you're gonna be able to see the whole image that's gonna be really cool alright so I had to come out here to the truck because I was getting desta Mize in there anyway I think my in this video here I'm not sure don't leave please don't leave but I'm be honest I was just having a hard time I'm really trying to be strong for my team and for my wife and I was just a little bit of tired so anyway I came out to the truck just to make this clip for you guys to talk to you guys to thank you again for your kindness but I'm just having a hard time right now but I know I need to stay strong for the team and I know I know all this is temporary guys and even by temporary I just mean that like temporary my old life could be like this like one day I'm gonna share my testimony I'm gonna make a testimonial video just to kind of share my entire life but I just feel like my entire life has been trying to do the right thing trying to give the people because that's who I am that's what I'm gonna do and I enjoy that I don't expect anything in return but sometimes it'd be nice you know just to see my dreams come true and I don't think this is the end of it here's the thing my temporary I just mean like my whole life could be like this I don't know but one thing that my faith has given me is like an eternal perspective I think that most people spend their whole life chasing a dream that and they don't see past a social security in like a beach house if that makes that's that's like the end goal was like I'm gonna work all my life I'm gonna get to this point and I know I have so much more than I'm trying to build up a future the Bible says that you know that we build our riches in heaven by the way that we live our lives here and you know my faith is so strong I mean that's the only thing that keeps me going but anyway like I do I have an eternal perspective and oh there's so much more than this but I'm just having a hard time guys I'm gonna I wasn't gonna release tonight but I'm just gonna go ahead release this video I am gonna tell you that I have to go meet with the detective in Fort Worth to try to identify some stuff that was possibly stolen the night that the building caught fire and if that is true then who possibly could have been arson but we had a tip from a subscriber no joke I thought the lady was crazy but anyway the tip ended up to me calling the Fort Worth Fort Worth police actually he wanted to hear the story here's the story so I got a bunch of phone calls I didn't know who it was and so I didn't answer it cuz we've been speaking a lot of calls and I know a lot of purchase people concerned us I appreciate that but I'm just guys my mind is so like just like but so we got so I didn't answer but then I get a text message and the text message says hey I think I know who might have said sure don't go far they just tried to sell me something that I know I think I saw on your video so I wrote I wrote back and I said well hey there's a lot of those types of items it was a singers own the chance that there's a lot of those out there said so that's just the correlation is that sewing machine you saw in my video too that I said that's a stretchy it's just like that but she says no that came by her knee you all I know where they are she does I'm sure that something's up with this and so she sends me the plate number the you know well she doesn't know I'm doing this in the back room but in the background I'm texting my you all rep that plate number he texts me back and sure enough Gus sure enough this u-haul was stolen the night of the fire or the night before of the fire like four miles up the road in Garland this u-haul was stolen and so what I'm saying is is that the lady had legitimacy - right well I'll tell you because I call it then I get this text message in all caps this is called the police now it says call the cops now I mean I'm not gonna say this person's name I'm not gonna do any of that just for safety for that person but so I don't know what to think but in my heart I'm trusting this person and so I call the cops and sure enough a policeman shows up I'm gonna have all I have all the recordings of the dispatch between the fourth dispatch of myself it's low heated it was a little weird he was completely unprofessional I don't know what's going on the law enforcement agencies right now but they've died on roads because cops got afraid to freaking serve because of the unneeded crap they're getting from a lot of people like good cops were getting crap for bad cops actions but anyway so the cop calls me the Fort Worth cop calls me he said I'm sitting here in the parking lot and I see the truck it's the same plate number so this lady gave me a tip that led to a truck that was stolen up the road the night that our frickin building was on fire now look I'm just saying there's legitimacy there everything she said is true up to this point so now the detective and former send me pictures and it does possible look like it could be stuff out of her thing and I am I asked this person I said but why would they burn my place down do they know me and she didn't think they did and but she said well if they thought they got caught on camera because the people they run around with they probably would have set it on fire because they were afraid they would be caught I'm not saying this is the truth I'm not speculating but what I'm telling you is everything this lady has said up to this point is true so tomorrow Saturday we are actually me and the team are driving out there to meet this person because she has a gift for us but she said she had to go get it out of a safety deposit so everybody is actually telling me Justin you can't go this is dangerous could be a setup could be could be I don't know I feel like I've survived so much of my life if my lady takes me out I guess I don't know but the team's going with me but I don't know something in my heart says so anyway so we'll see you back here at 7:00 p.m. Central time tomorrow make sure to LIKE subscribe ring that Bell select all because we do enjoy hanging out with you think some beers you know that you win wine see you [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 96,036
Rating: 4.9614725 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, arson, Lunkerstv, googansquad
Id: IUpzDbm3kNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 10sec (1270 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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