How To Survive Buying Abandoned Storage Units In 2020! @Grimes Finds

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[Music] of all America in America based upon family [Music] all right good morning beautiful people we are here at what is this place Vanny storage with my beautiful wife and my grandsons coffee mug Hey look you never wanted a hairy redneck on a coffee cup there it is you should get one actually I think these are like 1499 they're actually really nice they're really cool besides the ugly go on there but look here's the dang dealio we're here at the expensive purse unit will you shut that door yes I only got two hands we're here at the expensive purse unit where we found that jewelry and the purses so hey guys we're gonna go in here dig in I'm hoping we find more great stuff and then stay tuned I'm gonna give you another sneak peek at the other unit that we bought at the end of this video so don't go anywhere you're gonna get a twofer in this video let's go dig in hate our dough how is she on the phone whoa that was a loud hiccup [Music] all right so hey look this is the first time we seen the team in a while I was going around making sure she took not sick util sick don't be lying y'all been going out to radians and all that weird crab solutely what about you - he said no all right so dingdong wanted to I know y'all miss them alright let's do this alright guys so check it out look we are here and it is still the same way the tubs in jewelry in here they're back at my house y'all stay tuned we're gonna do a whole video on that tub of purses and we're gonna keep a running total through the whole video and see if we actually really made our money back in that one tub yeah so so far guys what y'all can do is these two tubs can go this can go and then what we'll do is we'll start putting all the tubs we've already been through on the carts y'all we'll take them out to the truck that way right and then me and Gina or at least me is gonna be unboxing here because I got to know what's in this unit breaking my crap I give you a one-week off without doing anything an easy weekend you just want to show up and start breaking my crap again I hope not right alright guys so check it out look this furniture is really nice you know we actually might it's like and it's like this really thick nice fabric and it looks like there's a sofa a chair ottoman or maybe two so I'm not gonna lie we've needed new furniture and this stuff is pretty nice we like to keep it alright guys so we have got everything out that you have already seen in last night's video so what we're gonna do now is we have all these tubs to go through we have all of these boxes we don't know if there's stuff in the drawers it's probably just furniture but hey we got a lot to go through so we got this cart here so we're just gonna grab boxes and start start embossing oh my sighs Wow don't you think look those are actually nice Nine West and I know Nine West has middle-of-the-road stuff alright so there's those let's see if this is what this is I don't think I can I alright so what we got here is love frames Wow okay somebody told me in the comments a lot of people told us that that was iPhone 6 you hear that that was just a case yeah it's a battery charger so check it out all we got his books journals things like that we'll go through here make sure nothing's like dr. Pym's straight out of context I'm in Compton I mean I know he's not normal yeah that's another charger phone well for what probably six look that's a hundred bucks yeah this uh there's another one in here with the iPhone in it so see what we got in the pink one mr. Maddox it's all about the dramatic okay what is this the core okay there's a lip for okay so it's just clear canisters look one two three really good and that's actually nice wavy glass canister and a candle thing alright guys so here's that box that we saw down in the top of Oh empty oh there's some shoes there's baby shoes babe as kids we don't die we multiply y'all don't even know about that you grew up in Plainview Texas alright check it out and here's some nice let's - look there's wood on the bottom of these those are wood bottoms I mean they gotta be at least 30 $40 shoes what's that say whoa y'all those were 140 bucks we got like boxes of these and the mystery box we have not we have no idea what's in this one is it gonna be shoes oh yeah that says time yeah we just found some of these that what the lady you accused of being a transvestite it happened that's why you should never accuse a lady of being a man until you know for sure and there's only one way to know y'all seen The Crying Game I'm joking don't look that up don't Google that either - I know she's jonesing she'll 119 bucks right here on clearance oh look at that I would rock those I'm joking I would never rob those hey horsey what are these Cory's is there a price oh right let's see how much no no price all right you all know this brand guys not in the chit chat down in the comments below you can do the comments - I mean the chit chat but do the comments that way and go back and look at him those look like there's been quite a bit they probably were be expensive we got some Steve Maddens in here right see if y'all can find a price on those more Steve Maddens those are a really good condition Jessica Simpson we know she is the bubble lady all right you are too young around it look so here's these and then we hunt truth Oh Madonna I knew that this was a book she wrote I think back in the wasn't it back in the 90s and it looked like it had a nude cover and you had to buy it and there was a picture over the front and the plastic her and Dennis Rodman know our ooh fancy whoa what's up Madonna hey let's see if we find a price tag on these okay these were written Nordstrom so you know they weren't like just like totally cheap so check it huh not in the chitchat but down in the comments let me know if you've known Madonna give me a range of what Madonna's shoes sell for these look like they're brand new everything in it okay so let's go for the clear tubs this one honestly from the outside look like decor oh my gosh look at this I'm so pumped about this right okay this is staying in there hey we're keeping this this is going in our house that's cold this is killer yo look it was 20 bucks Hobby Lobby that's still cool y'all y'all know I'm already two years in our house is kind of rustic mixed actually our house looks like somebody threw up because I just like eclectic I like I like what I like and it doesn't have to do all the same stuff all right we got we got a nice clock that's actually really heavy I like that oh it was really only 20 bucks these are really cute people so if you don't stand for something you will fall for anything I totally totally believe that procrastinate later might be a box with money in it oh my gosh so next we have this looks like personal stuff but look at those right there god grant me the serenity to accept the things I like is there any deeper Sam might keep that it looks like maybe somebody got their sold all over what I do too coming to America how do you even know that I'm just saying that you know that handsome in it all right Jay let's take these to the car I I really do I think she had jewelry in here those big boxes of jewelry yeah let's go which is really good do you even know yeah once you got none right there let's look down in here Kelly crouton if you have to cry go outside that's not very sensitive Kelly time look at this got a Nikon camera yeah look color something you wanna see if it comes on hey look I've never had one of these come on does it have that ste card in it y'all want to go home hey check it out we're gonna save this and we're gonna see what's on it all right Oh p90x tell me one that came out there's a key to something that might go to one of the furnitures huh the furnitures that's proper English little babies don't stress baby and we got a bag of rocks all right let's see what kind of movie she like oh oh look at that Hey look every one of these is sealed every one of these clusters here no I'm excited when my voice goes up three octaves I just talked for movies Oh seal everyone oh yeah that's a really good movie it isn't good movie that's a great movie I'm thinking a giveaway so we do giveaways we're just boys a while since we gave it a gun away oh one of my favorites some rundown oh my god I just brought this up last night classic show if y'all have not seen this you got plenty of time watch these see mommy pretty good movies another eight mom okay for supremacy Carlito's Way oh whoa multiple Scarface so hey look people like man's DVDs why are you getting excited Hey look they're good DVDs second new DVDs my auction will probably bring about forty to eighty bucks it just depends so that look and look I only spent a thousand and ten on this be looking out for the video of the purses we're gonna do a running total video on that to see how much of our money miss I think we looked in the top of this 100 more gianni bini 58 bucks all right not not two we bring the card up here boom not bad this is Vincent is that's the same kind seventy two bucks on clearance they were originally 120 safe area neighborhood oh yeah those are so nice okay up next look more Gianni Vinnie's Isola how much more I saw was she took the tango she didn't want people to know I've been looking for some of these I was looking for one to wear look at this 70 bucks originally 110 boom they're in there and they're really nice the tags are still in the bottoms so let's kind of look through here see we got Jessica Simpson pleasure alright Steve man I see two high brand ones where we got Calvin Klein's oh yeah these were 50 bucks originally 135 they're not in here but I have a feeling they might be in here she might have multiple units who knows all right so look many Jessica Simpson's here mystique never heard of these mystique set in x-men these were hunter seventy bucks right oh come in a fancy bag 170 bucks what Angela's made in Indonesia next to North Korea okay Vincent 70 these are good for one hundred two hundred twenty bucks no look those are no no those are nice really nice y'all down here we got more Steve Madden boxes these are actually empty those aren't those are in their security tags and all Jessica Simpson's those are nice this look like the giraffe shoes what episode was that drunk drafts that's like that was a long time that's like episode 20 oh my gosh we're watching watch the old videos of which one did I release the other day first videos when we first did YouTube and man I was I used to tear them you know so I saw the comments oh my gosh oh look she wore size-8 you wanted to say something about her - thank you man - where my wife was calling this this African missionaries a transvestite our Dean I can see you rockin y'all look at these these are nice little airmax excuse the noise these were 110 bucks okay now we're getting into her sports stuff yeah those are nice she kept her receipt for everything hopefully find the receipts for the purses is that'll help us with what authenticity authenticity hey y'all go back like how many videos do we have like 250 you don't realize we like made six videos quit we've been going for about nine and a half months now we've made almost 250 videos that's cray-cray that cray-cray oh I look look down here we got nine he's all the way for the way down I'm excited for those vans okay she spent 70 bucks on these retail was 85 those are actually there's really nice so we'll clean those up come on shoes are but we're gonna keep these because we always get loose Nikes and Nikes always talk better when they're in a box so vans how much for these these came from Nordstrom's got the bottle means you pay too much warmth probably they're a little little dingy those are vinyl though that's not it's like leather I think we can wash those off little bold action Jake would wear it does look I told ya if we weren't recording today he only wears his glitter shoes the day we're not recording don't let him fool you we got in here this looks different hair boutique luxury hair extensions oh yeah y'all know Hospital about weed it's unbelievable dude what if I order glue it yeah you look like joe exotic oh you know you made it whenever you freakin your I had somebody bribed me but hey man you got it with the UH with the Tigers all right how much you spend only y'all haven't watched Joe exotic you got to actually looked it up I wanted to collab with him like 20 years that collabs probably out of the question here got some more boutique step would be this box dude these are in luxury do you understand right now I have a luxury it actually alright so we get some clean nice white ones all right look footlocker I like old footlocker bears all right guys look there's a few more shoes here I'm not gonna take any without Nine West that's empty we got some more of the beat Vianney Jessica Simpson's are in there those are actually pretty nice I might wear this I dare you oh no look some things that men should not do my opinion okay and I ain't putting heels on weave is like as far as I go guys oh oh oh yes gas masks there we go face masks we don't mean whatever mess this smells like a elbow an elbow yeah all right don't know hey check it out we can make we can cut this off I seen this on YouTube actually should make a video so yeah we'll cut this off and then we cut it right here and boom look at that I ain't even gonna get the corona thank you lady all right oh look more desert more perfect there you go you know this freaking robbed out right now he can't say I wanted to boxes with gloves off and I just put some eyes who's ever would you write it look this has got replaceable nevermind I thought you can do replaceable filters oh yeah whoa what's the point of it me I'm just I'm just function function-wise what's the point of the the lace white if you just like I don't get it anyone that's not gonna make a good gas mask what is this gas mask that feels leather I mean it feels real it almost looks like Nine West oh it's crystal was it sure yeah that's a mint in a cologne right I get that I get that you wanna smell good both ways both ways yeah - Gina's candies were fine what are we got tags look more mass I need that for my beard all right so that's it that's all that uh no that's it so this this is nothing really private stuff nice fun he's actually really nice that's nice that's wood so yeah just a bunch of frames so hey you'll probably sell this all July what we're doing guys is we're gonna buy product as we can we're gonna put it back as look people so we're gonna put that stuff back and we're gonna have a massive auction ready for you guys buy the dishes are books I'm gonna say books come in Clank when you put it down it didn't we only film one boxes it did I think when I was bidding on this I said it's probably a studio let's say there wasn't enough dishes like a vase was that uh that target so just RJ he'll look but here's a big ol maybe hopefully that's crystal Oh son came in the mail today [Music] all right now I'm not so sure on what it looks like man it feels good to call y'all names again aha look at that actually I've sold some of these before so look that's solid words so we can actually take a pin to that and that's gonna look nice it's gonna look like it's supposed to be that way but that's a really nice dresser so see if there's a brand in here nope no brand hey but I like that because I don't want these guys tearing it up y'all think y'all time off is taught y'all how not to break and tear myself up yeah all right that's good all right so check it out well I'm not gonna rat these but look nailhead you know this feels so nice like this is really soft and like you can tell this is quality so that is awesome and look we're gonna have a matching sectional so this actually might go to my house if there's no stains or anything on it we actually had lots of kids and two dogs and we need new furniture sometimes and look right now I don't have a lot extra money at all oh here it is look here's the the ottoman oh yeah really nice this is really really really nice all right guys so last look check it out we'll update that later but that looks like it's gonna be a really phenomenal piece and it looks like it's gonna be the matching bed right there and then we've got kind of like ah are you kidding me run run run run run she's gonna fall oh my gosh that looked painful uh-oh did y'all just see how she ran oh my god oh boy that's going on national TV I a girl on there's something else mixed in there I just don't know what it is but I love you right I love I love the way you run but check it out look we have another chair and a small sofa brown we already put them in the truck so those are nice all right guys check it out so stay tuned we are heading over to the next unit and I want to give you a sneak peek up tomorrow night's video so stay tuned rather now over to the second location we got to go [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys so here is your sneak peak of tomorrow night's episode it is the crate or the container I actually kind of big huge cage that we bought so what we're going to do is I'm going to kind of show you a few little things so look we've got a lot of pictures a lot of framed art hoping some of this is my memorabilia but look at this look at these old Choctaw we've got bags we got boxes we got a tub so tons and tons of stuff guys so I'm really really pumped look this is from a moving company obviously right this is a moving company but look we got that dolly cart now we only paid six hundred and seventy bucks guys for all of this this was another reason why I wanted to bid on it cuz this just says vintage right this is old new Merritt who remembers these Hey look free box cutter so look look at all these beautiful boxes guys alright guys just want to say thank you for all the people who have subscribed guys we have gone up almost 10,000 subscribers just this week alone but still guys sixty percent of our beauty come from people not subscribe so what does that tell me it tells me you're watching and you're not subscribing so what are you waiting for hit that subscribe button right now and let's get that down lower but other than that guys we'll see you back here tomorrow night 7 p.m. central for another live premiere so make sure to LIKE subscribe ring that bell select all why cuz we do premieres cuz we love you guys we love hanging out with you and other than that we'll see you [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 46,258
Rating: 4.9435329 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, grimes finds, lunkerstv, googan squad, how to make face mask cloth, Quarantine song
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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